‘31 Are you tamiar wih any Euopoan 9H Bol BON MB Oe 1 28482 (A), wie SON Miz 22012, (8) Stlolt lifeolol# ĐI
faa) languages? 3) (Yes, | visited Pais ast year
(8)! speak German and allan (©)itsbeauttul this ime of year, (©) aoc onder ove,
amllar ih ~ol 334B{-gosd s), ~E 3 9E 9c AB
Have you ever boon to Franee? ñAd 7] 5 96187 ESET 4 Yes, | visited Paris last year Gals “ROHN -310lđ2OE 8 + 3E ii (G71 OK (A) Ị-LE BOL yest MIE! #4 Zo} 'E Eumpearzl PalgB 930151 2D| #8 11271 J" = ` ea .Q Thé is my favorto season ol 1g6J ! XP 8018 ‘A t's boautful this time of year
‘32 Wnyhaven' you cleared ofthe =f RO svn ms 08? Ba
HH ries es weslace aan ine mat
Gnchowsacreses” s aac snanamn a ec wen SNe agen
(C) | met them over the weekend (C) Lic 88 W 80! th01S
.dear of 2Đ#t,2I#C|: ueptinl AE board NE
— Ni EỀ DĨ A Theyre for he new design
338 Wouldyou 5 sent upto your oom? le yourlogpegolobe—_ E8 VSE 82lvgMMB?
18 (A) Yes, Its quite satisfactory (A) tỊ, HỆ pIEAĐSS
{8) No, Ì don't have a bag (B) Obs, kt 2lM6| Gio
(©) Yee, by next week Oats amie luggage 8 satstactory mete
‘2 Are you enjoying your sandwich? 481 e1@ oe? ‘ete guns gas
34 When witty ina office? move int the now
(A) As soon as the building permit is issued (8) Onthe fiteenth floor (C) The relocation won't be finished this weekend
‘constuction 2 2A as soon as ~8Htok permit 871, eet issue wich ‘eocation O18, HE Q.Where is the corpany maitoom? 2à) x40) of 3557 {A Onthefiteenth for (@) 158012 Ase WAP om BOVIS? (A) 8 8P oi dias (G) 0E old Ho BU BOI,
(2 Were you introduced to your fancoe's parents? #4 ‘uate 89181 ‘A met them over the weokend,
-XEl8 LIEHIS Wodl you le ~78 0|884 Em 3 l8 2E rich FH AHN Xt 7K) #l0| i0 ick Bh @)7F SOIC LOHR 7HBE EO) SION wet SHOE
Lo you need this finished soon? oi 8 849) thờ? AA.Yes, by next woek,
.NA|S4IE §ODÌE FHE 8 SOIC fol 2 9Ị PL '80iXEE SAEln 8fE (A)2{ RAO BS where BioI 2t! 8i20l0L (C)E 0Ï89{ i0| Ai
Hel 801 SI (IE0l-
floor &
(How longer wil we have to pack and unpack? Sak ị “88 Lộ £ 80) 8c 2P AA-The telocaton wont be finished by this weekend
Trang 2Pan2 Test 19 En man (38 Hayethey delvered he new BR computers yer? EE (Yes, he started this morning _ (B)No, the software isn't compatibie
(©) No, they haven't
lolver Mei, Bech compatible 28 7th,
‘Q.Did Jack start his new job? 40} i Ar LA Ye, he started tis morning (C)0k< 0268, na 27 a0 (2) 26% ot (0) eo) wel aI, gaa light switch 8 AP
.Q Wny da you turn the ar conditioner off? st toes Bor? EPE =Í A Bocauso tho windows are open
24 ED OF etal ke?
(A) oie oro Ar,
(8) Ole, 3 AEE80|= #80] 9! i8
A BRED MSL MER CEE have delved O18 B:2 2} Ok 722 71821 BE
ee ea eek ea eRe
(Can | instal this program on your computer? EOI Bene SAMS Woe? ‘A No, the software in compatible,
“0 APH P30 ae BALL RAZR! onthe wal ‘B04 Set (@)71 BOI whore why IC 2 VE lo 291 + 2ISSE 249M0) BI SỊ BA HBO yea SEH (O'S Ø0
© Do you think maih is đfcUt? at] omc aL A Yos, tia 377 Why don'twe talk overthe project while we have lunch? (8)! een ‘the service is 20 tế TT AN Sloe a MEMEO coe TY cH OIE ‘azole [jg] 2 Varin c JU Why dont (©7128: we 72 B2 SIC well 6 82 2 Sa anime Gad = th 520 C7 aaa lot of sense ‘make sense 2 SEt, I2 9C |_- R0 nung, ‘Aust want a sala,
38 When exactly wil the meeting be _#tðl 8I9l2‡ 20 7187
over? {(A) About the new clients, (0) tự 22401 8048, (B) IVS difleultto say (© wei BES {(C) Everyone who is involved (BBE AR OFS, exactly 2@| clent 22 involved 2s del ti:
( What ci you tak about with the boss? Wt 22 0018 d8? ‘A About the new cons
[210 NewTOEIC Pan 2 801 Molt alee
(1c That sounds good, nt oe Why not" 3l0BFElol3iaF2liz #80|CL
(Why dont you eat here? 219 so"? A Because the servic is tere
Sop} BU ARON Het BD Bt oft WAH BEE hein Paisiow tielE(B)2| 2| 57H24 gỉ ‘OIC, (ADE what 3i80L(CJE who SIE04 3189
Trang 3i Ban
39 Whatddhedreeoreayloyou ` äzøaesdgjMMStEĐiWDE [| Sợ, 2bou\he project? tứ
2Emeo \
Bae eer eee {B) The meeting was yesterday eee Pa
(©)No, havent been drectorfor (C)oHL, oUF aI otexl ano, SLA Ole wma Tt Bite
‘encouraging ists, 82IE BORE
(Q When cid you have the meeting? 204 sia OF? © You have been in charge ofthis organization trom the ‘A The meeting was yesterday “sai hayen) you? 2I8Me o] 5348 ol8olo12Z?
.A-Nộ, |haven beon rector or long
40 These documents arent they? ae sensitve, ol MRAZ TUB ROH AOL NI fC dự acre eid
Pee {(B) No, I don’ mind if you do (@) Ol, 7} ate EB BOL hen ee foe we ae mee 28 2h 4 2061 8h 2
(C) Yes, don't leave them lying ce (C) 8 12/8 0H@ tậU‡ s£z| nị
document A, 8H sensitive 88! mind Wes 7X Wolsich
ETI © How oid you know when his plane was landing? 22g ESE] ‘A checked wispy one aemanex| ong aie the information [A No, I dont G.Doyou mind if come, too? Ls 7182 Sm? ming i you do
Trang 4
pan2 PI0E3) 5|) SÌ
“1Í Weis you tke to share cab othe sist GN dol ein aR? station? He
Would youl to? eI BOR SERBON AR
(A) Less than twenty dolars 80L ‘egos
{@) That would bo convenient (Ox Sarason Tat weasta pe 1
(C) Yes, and then take a left rom there ‘sorry, but~, beter not ~ B), 2818421 EAS Up tbyouistrecessan/?) 891 Be LR 71264 7
(0)Ehormetel 8t 54Ep|(C] MES|Ị _=90{ oR OE "` ‘A Yes, and then take aft from there (A)20i2| gioi, (6) 24 telebtee (C) tụ 21213 204 83/©E 7hứg ‘share Ut, 2881 cab A convenient Bete
FE ‘A.Less than twenty doles cere rene tanner ana zon
“112 Didnt you ask for copies ofthe: BB pore mina sie mo ` m"— N6
` (8) No, but! think Me, Fortes presentation tomorrow (Wolk, BEA UDE ME 2 BEM (©) Zin or 8nlBcin.PIE 2g, 5 Sho oujor SuAnp| VANBEIa SEĐIE(B)
oe oa
(C) thought one some of the ideas:
seca nt
EY O Are they going o explain the new rus o 057 280] 92ld{ _Q Did the advertising agency have any good suggestions? Pees) xuzsaagvenaasepp | Along with ask presentation tomorrow {AL thought some ofthe ideas were intresting “8210001 E8 XI #9le?
13 Why did they redo the experiment? same Alba CIA) war? 2 (A) Inthe downtown labs (A) ANd aot fc ene, a
= (8) After reovaluating a (© Because of a computer the fures (©) 40 CARRE (©) BRE 2m eB, FOL ete] OR moka 1 Sa Se Việt phi sbetltsbre ni ee aes hy
error of 01884 un SOPH BER NR 4 UC
redo CAI tk experiment it ab ati! reevaluate BDIEE) figure +31
FEC tense ret nrietane eo venue Nàng | Alter reovaluating the figures eb a ow?
‘Alte downtown la
‘th Who should we ask'o find out about ¿49889242 +9I80K6ISE2 — [W6] p
2 the new schedule? Staring not Mona (8) The receptionist shoula Weer eeu seas (© ees a 7s, Bot + 1 Heel ra 98 2604 ne gone a at smb atin ae
know (Coons 7 i a 262 REBODITG AHH
{©) There won't be that many changes recoptonis 8 tua
BRE 2 testes ston eaten
ESE A staring noxt Monday (© Am | going fo have to start this project again? o| z= ‘A There won’ be that many changes ‘ea Ao
Trang 5ri
15 "Excuse me, butthe aircondiioneris dtrl df6i80|S =aBiolS a ‘broken again (A) Well call someone to look att (1) tna et tao 299828, ©) 28 gol UR CAMS, (6) Because i's been so hot recently (G)2iBti-Pi Ge + si2tl©l (©) Noxt Friday, it we can
fir conditioner DJ recently #201
(© Why do you wear short sleeved shirts to work? Set et sĩ we 448 9U {A Because i's been so hot recent
16 What’ the best way to gol tothe EB traln station from the shopping mall? x? -AaiHot Sxl 7x iat Be WI Fa) (A) Take ataxl, () About fiteen miles (6) tonll 8= (A) SAIg E
(Ổ Tre năưes (©0358
‘shopping mal 81271
SSE How fais to tho aipor? 880 01 ra? ELE] A About toon miles
17 {threw away the cough medicine Eig thathas been opened for more than =! 715A? DRT IR Wohee ENE UTE gì
ti ‘two weeks, didn't !?
(A) Take it to the doctor's surgery (A) ¬ SS) HOR 77}
(B)INo on had treo (©) Yes, that’s right (6)271 (6) 224 30 ai 9 900L
cough medicine 781 surgery (A, RAD
{Q What should | do with tis old prescription? o| S28 tue! omar [A Take itt the doctor's surgery
18 Wino is going to make the house calls tis atemoon? i ©90I với I8 2p (A) think Dr Timmins (0) Sila Ape dees, (8) The phone is right next ot (@) Baie 224 Wot wis OL (C) From midday to seven (©) BOMEl ZA house call (24120 881 next to ~eN midday 2
Egy O How can | call you from the store? 7puot 0/81 AOU tam? A The phono i ight nxt tt
BABE Sug En Sol BME) ole FSH +8801 @ OIRO =2I8 A0l tr giolEolc† ‘AL ol che ot ca ei AOA a '# 202L: 828lE (A)2{ 7BỊ Zf4eBIL (Đị= ‘wry UEOL O) when EON AE SOI {Q When do you want S90 a movie? ex wa 12487
‘A Next Friday, ite can,
Whats the best wayeti= Sloit: 2 48M Bt 3 S0ISB 271 BAIN Ofte (A)? 7E i8) kB) how ar HOU (C)= how angola ork .Q.How long đ you wait? wows 7B? ‘A Thity-fve minutos Gale 280 Vina! 27] BOL SB 2i ER FL ‘Wop Be xO 78H wale aod 711 #8 01834 810l8L0 SIC-(AjE mediinesi docors suger 2018 CAA BER FT LS DL) how maryol 28! BIC Q.Have you had alot of dks? > el a7 ‘Ave only had three
who 9I2B0I2Z Z3E8l AM G|BGk{ AA BL >i B©| 298/4 eto OREN AIO > PRIN Be BON PARRA OE BBS (AE ‘GOK, (By Me! make cat 018810 prone © BB AI7In 2100 (Oe what teal 2H BB)
(© When can | visi you? ea sor4 788 wig? ‘A From midday to seven
Trang 6Pan2 Test 20
19 Have the ofice supplies | ordered Hy atved yet? (A) ead itn a newspaper (6) The postman just brought it (©) They won't be here until Friday
ofce supplies ABE postman 38g
‘Q How dia you know the weather would be good? uP i eta oN HOR? A Ireaditin a newspaper Ul ee Apemol saeio7 (a) Seon 0i (©) #A0I tử 2POle (C) 89tle sbị 8 2018, -Sgm) a
20, May inquire about why you're sam Se Bois Be? i sending that fax?
EE (A)To tall him i'm going fate to bo
() Thankyou, its very kind of
(0) 8 feta 2004 wen, (6) noi, susie, (G) 8E a swum Seaziet at ae, you (©) Just dal the number and ress send, EEG o Canta EESESSD & thank you, t's very kind of you ou cary nar tale APS Hol Sateen! eovste Anim Ofte 2 r1 0l c8 # 389/0) =8IÄ 20JeL têiE (C12080
Did you got today's mai? ow E8 toi? ‘A The postman just brought it
Gig} a
May nqurea 2880" BoM Xơi8721 g8 ‘ula 319 ea Bae 3S ww BL ry le BOE (i Bel BIE,
tow lot a8 cc,
© Can you ol me how to fax this document? | A8 oi ‘SAB HO} sex! 2| 24/087) ‘A Just dal tho number and press send
211 Isnt that Joe's new boss? (A) No, [think can manage it mysel, i AE 291 AI AAP OOH? (A) O14, tM 4 918 2 20 (8) 8:01 SP SIM 2iM9 (@)lts pleasure to make your acquaintance (G)8, ¬ufE 5t ZưI 918 AIEMOL
(©) Yes, she started last wook
‘manage £2, IE} make one's acquaintance Oso} St Q.Do you want my help? Ssl=9/#7
‘A\No, thnk lean manage it mys,
22 whats th rae otiterestonmy e189) opHo| Boi? BB personal loan? EE (A) Inthiny days (©) For smal to medlum retail (4) 20% 2012, (8) B2 S9 A2448 U48 transactions (© tomnees, (©) Ten percent ‘ale 8 interest 021 personal 72 loan cA medium le roi A89, transaction 22
FE EEE 4 tn ity cys © Vere ent your nen tn wo ss?
[214 New TOEC Pant 12 sol Bole Aiea
.48 8 E8I40IP|G|LLIE 3MBEYezp| X1 _YeL8etBdi SOI (C71 2E 58M4)
Q.Hi, my name is Jack 28, 2010, ‘A.1s a pleasure to make your acquaintance
‘iB olnigot S (O71 SHOR: WE 7a 8 72 Be a ced 2 1008 10 nHemIa Bet BOL JE OS BER Be we ft! 80
Trang 7EEE Pes
Who typed up the minutes of the JE IY WI ARIOL SHINE EOI IA? fg]
last case?
8 ‘217188 COTS ARR Ske BAO ot
SỐ (BÌNG homeeldteanohar_ @]ok sids8aMem An Em N ee ae on
(C) I thought you were ® acre
supposed to,
the minutes S118 case A! allogether 25, BHO} supposed to ~EI7It So}
How ong ne project ake complete? aE ZO tale ony alr you have? 0&7 S87 EEN seo: ‘out an hour atop 1 Nl, ther o0 be greherone
24 Would you tke ait to your place? eae: ieee aH aa fs
Sen aca Cunermymypsciese Cae easewr co, AMMEN Elen a Menta 8 ee 85g
(GiEphesE thời g8 5012 TeBĐI 060 490 paos te 3,2 850
Q Doyouwan he sụesir !bonoved mou? x7 ae! Why dont ouhave pany your house? lS FES ocean Amtaietbac sế xa? A Unloruratay, my costo sat
2B Thodrecorlodmethepojeetwas WHM|ADL2ES46248ASB6)3 [yg] 4
ea oe
Boece TH Thy otto S20|3M ideol da aN 21 Ral olen Ji aie 3] Be HN Be EEN neo nae
mistake last time? (6) HA VIBE LIF BIL, mm
(B) The cancellation fee is way (©) No, the projector ieee was broken, (©) 0g, BEM 2180| 3‡@tcl
‘cancel ASIC} clent 2 cisappointod with =a ki cancellation S14 foo WB projector SAP, ENE! broken aN
(© Why dont you just stop the order? 2l 2# 8e 2 0 .DdyOugjveyourptesentalon? øziS0|48 8048? ng ‘A No, the projector was broken ‘A The cancelation fee fs way too much
26 Would you le to got the conference or should | sk someone 712? ‘Hott 7S, ob HB MOC RE [vgJ A ee ee TẾ ete to 90? 1h) Yous bat ook or ice xem Rowe mia Hoh Somat ‘Boh wo} et 78 Ah 8 Soi tí we ae oe Be
ne eos CC, 5 (@)e contol WOR Ae conterercost
{C) Mi goon the way to your (C)14 le 7H son ADL eee n
‘conference #191 confer Stef IRIE} on the way 7 0H
Trang 8t2 Test 20
27 Wivenis yourmeoing withthe head a swans aol emer” gaye
§ colts companys ‘Wee BE WOE $2e sarin MEI et
Làn Hi ec seve ani aome oa
2) Avast Si est 200: eee £0| Bed AV 7Elđ BịchowbnoHl5tIE 8ì (©).0n Wednosy at four (asa aL fk SEBO ADE! eA INIA
2t tỊM (B) ©9008 29 lo BIE .Q.How long wil he be inthe hospital? 2E wot BH} ta? ‘A Almost i010} When did you get a dog? 74m 4 8O1R? sic months ago
‘A For at least two weeks
28 Haver you boon san hat mecelbsere? 2 al ao 0 aha ele wa Venere are
EB Yor, butitwas saw again so good, (©) athe 2 2S ata, Ww am ROA GHWoIe — “Seblecean an 0n uethon Basis Ge 1 0 (P) Thafenelsobad.luodldn — (O-SHECBA2IEAEUD Z PAR Male See op el a et Tnd esst oh :
(©) tyou dont mind, rather go some ober me: aioe Ôn
SI 0.0ic you know ne show's admision ison tn dors? Q, Do you wana see a movi wih me? Ue a 8 ue? Sebo wee we? 1 ityu dont mae rater go some ches te [A That's not so bad | wouldnt mind seeing it
‘29 who wil contol the advertising and 213m 8W a8 ta 9m? fale
Ba Fire ca now "AI BE] +9lx| vboBl 0J88f 8 5c: 0P)
FS ()Youlihave mà to advertise with — (A2881828I401W2DIS TT án (/)E gvwiange-vefaeli St ais masta ele (71 SY BELO (C)E e8 t9 (©) The former marketing (C)đE8E tỉ 82D] i08, cm ni
(€) The publc hao aight to know
publicrlations 8 department Aj former OF right 821
© How can make my product popular? aH of824 92Ị 01 Q Why dd they show that on the news’? 82H RADHA X0 #2 98087 m Á YOU have to adverse with us |A The public has a right to know
30 Imay got an upgrade from economy đi, o buslnee BA) Lhope you know something cias, may I not? + tu? ISON EMOR UFZ Nee aH Oy] 5 (Ô) 20M đi 3 ole w ek 2Ä90l ii 48910 3i 521B eh se A} “3i8§| Aig.f 2ille= g9 3IE31 52D about economics (8) wie 4 obo et 201, -XIjBloE GlB.@Ø46D| | WEIĐ E2| 3 Si (B)I depends plane is on how fullthe —(C) ed AEH BOI, Seis
(€) My grades are not very good this year
economy cass avs] business class MISLIAM economics @tt depend on ~O Set I+ grade 2, St z
(Q.Did you know | am stating a new company? 17} ati: Q, How i school? a gio ‘A My rades are nol very good tis year sua: oft? ÁA hope you know something about economics
Trang 9
‘311 Have you completed what Mr 2h chủ S8larll lời AOL HEE FG] c
‘esisein ast you ro do.nie BÀ huyệt: "#021043 2|BA| | St I2 YexNo gỉ
SS frenner (A) No, | am sure about the way: hele (A) ob«, nLJ3Ị A9201 2l BIS Hải vn 20] nicl ob of aelarioo| “ofan se lola ae a = hea
(©) Exot was hoping you (6) #89, 200] aaU URIS, (0), sain 9 5204 2980| ‘astcin Stole (071 OK (cy es, and subrated my 2
rovised report
complete S88 submit HBAKT revised 4211
BE reese ESET A No, 1am sure about the way tothe managers tore tener ees cner otice
32 How often do have to take the car OK XH XH BMIN Wolo} Bia?
EEB lormáintenanco check-up? Fe Oa The salesperson yard atts car
(8) didnt think there was anything wrong with I (©) Check your owner's manual
‘maintenance #31 checicup 2% ZA) manual 24M i80) ee es se (A) 0| 29 tot (8) ove ojo) gece (0) 355 SH đự2lBueS 24 Men giE187
‘A The salesperson at this car yard
33 Wy do you think John tok such @ BiEnfsriisieibieee = isnext week?
(a) Perhaps about it he wasnt sure
(8) For a week, at least
(6) think it stat on Friday
4 2801 921 8818! 0 (6) sO tr 89L alloast 3045, #1881
ER eee terme ESE A For a week, at east amas
‘34 Bidnt Jane get nominated to stand slo i Rel Ses a?
Ea) forelection?
(A) Yes, It was a bit long (8) No, she is too tired to stand
(C) Yes, but she has other commitments (A)8, sig 80L = aol Be dg 71 PI 82IBIE 3i 4E (A) ste 1 01-9271 BOIRSS 240 (G) 401 8901 tot 2{ 0Ì ()0|LL uti Le ae 24 98 2
{Q Did you hear | applied to the universes? ur 320 at or sib 1 BON? ‘A Excellent, | was hoping you had
how ohne ‘iol AHR BBO ROR A 5 S58 miei Fl Molk= BONG, AEA Zl aT “28 BE 8/EO] 9)A1A18 4{9l6iS= 21115 BES
_3#Ðl(Cj7Lz2| 8 28 22t
.Q.Why điển you get a rtund for i? st 248 #8 Z7 ‘Aide’ tink thore was anyting wrong wit Ít
0l ÊBE do you irks why John tok such along ‘imo el us hat his vacation isnt week i= ® 8`
“8| #8 2IBSl#Bolti wtyiB #2 BUCH t8 Z1 #28 918 tị olfol Hi (AIB 3g
2B BR 4 CL Bl howlongOl (C)E vhơnl 5) ‘et eer
Q When wil the movie sta paying? sane emeHEOR ‘A think it starts on Fray
OIBBOe| AE “BUSI EI gtrominated of Bobet Yous, 18H Now le 71 “8 gol 78 ate Bue aE 2S war ‘ol e-2 Stl (6)
(©) 014, sheet aut ce Bil BOL nominate RAR #8IC stand fr BREE! eleclon 41 conmimment l9, “4,
(© Did you think the movie was boring? a1 IBS?
EEESS a vos, it was abit ong ‘A No, she is 00 ted o stand Q.1s she going to pay basketball wih us? ae Some rb?
Trang 10Pan2Test 20
35, why don’ you join us for a bite to MO} HOF ZH! Bie Fhe CH Bete?
EB eat ahor te meting?
EE (A) Thatwasbelore the head othe PR diviion he became (A) 321-1 BH Hato 5171 oR og (€) Al our employees have to ‘tend the mooting (©) oa 2} ol 2a 88 408 (© Balto 1 seo at
(C) Okay I know an excell restaurant near here
b6 (8 9e) B41 98204 PR #wblcelaona) vision HA attend Bei ETI © Dis he workin the advertising department? = 302004 EGEUU| sạc; ‘A That was before he became the head ofthe PR division
‘36 Did you know the metropolitan EBS government was raising bus and <2 subway fares?
(A) Not again! I hope the service Improves
ARIOLY WAS! XH 2B BEI 2 gun 98107
(4) 0 AUIAL Rison KC (©) UP} 8718 21 4091824 OPH AL (B) Iheard it was going to be about 40 meters high, (©) 788 7g BRIO] SRO} 90L 7a,
(C) The nearest ‘around the corer stop is just
‘elropottan EAI fare 2 Improve "=H Em SEN: ‘A heard it was going to be about 40 meters high xD
‘37 Would you lke me to bring something othe barbeque? qu ebl 9| PH? #2, (A)you wouldn't mind (©) I's rice of you to ask me to {)No,|couldnt make tmyself (A) 8a (C) 3đ (©) Obs, ATH at aint 714 ws sone,
tnừnd 7P, 4C make 8B, 2689-Ăesoeed) Did you bake this cake alone? o| Rola xt 280187 ‘A.No,Icouldnt make it mysel
‘Dont you think we should ieave soon orwe'l miss the first act ofthe Si xin I? “32D| viz usioini ot ate ett
play? (A) his holidays started yesterday (8)! dont ike to play al the time (C) Let's plan to go atter dinner ‘act (2329 9 plan to do ~8PI8 SK†
id Bll go on vacation? we 871 21? 'A.His holidays stared yesterday
(A)39I #7IE 04 APoL (@) Le bởi E6leil t0 (C) M4 S2 2i 22 8p
Hie! 5 769! ZBt9I Why dont yous: B21 2k 2b Aig tint oxic ARIOt SOWIE A ‘2B G2 Ven Wel (C)7} 7 AIAB SOI
2.0 have logo lo the magling? ZEc #e9{ 76) ‘A Allour employees have to attend the meeting
"Iz3l l #g9|2E 2E8 X30 en WED OD] # 2490| iBlel= 20] #@ICDdöoyou 2 BA SLE BE know Fol # UOIC inox] mevopotan govermenti= MGAIN Al NB sĩ
ask Bae ere,
(0 Do you think they are constructing a big building? & 24% CQ Can you stop the car so can goto the washroom? sta DAB PARIS? ‘A The nearest stop is just around the corner
ˆXØ|-~Ä?7SlE Stoke Wd you ke me te: 22 SC ul Biel ROI IRV Si 4 HBO Sele] ie amoACIReTeHe you woukint minds Fels (A)7F IOI
(2 Would you lke to join us? gat ers? ‘A Itsnice of you to ask me to come
2ie SIRI HOM! 3211 E2 tì8xl s21 “SIEEf 8a SIC 0} UA Rol Bt 2 2 ohrin Whe (7) BRO} BAI oI EL 00.40} 2018 848 2 ie MEIOIES BAI, ‘Q Why won" you play basebalih u97 sự 24g 01291 ti se 2p A don't keto lay al the time
Trang 11a 6mm
39 Yournew company's going togve Si WP} Xia Win aie a eal
TỐ, Row, fant? y Youthe same pay as you'e getting 0] #712 fBx| 2 GL? 1 an cee en a (A) Maybe there wil be some FO, (A) oo} 24801 & 218 ĐI ‘22 2 MERE! ert BEIM AE AHL
cover there (©) 41d, & 880L ofgele mm BOR 308.2 SICL (8) Actually, i's a siight (©) wa ut = wa ere
(©) I don't thik | have to pay yet
ay SOI the same (A) as B BM RUE 214) sight SI decrease ZA, sit
FEE 2722229020 eneienrtEA010640e- 0iGA0nvemsi4sfodlAf J0 ga Set Iohea? ‘A don’ think have lo pay yet
‘A Maybe there willbe some over there
40 Whoncan wo emectieclentio #3012252I44140đ089048 [ggjp
TT (A) The quotelsver/atrectve, (B) Me Lee usuall getzback to us quite quickly he ae tiên (@)O1 MEE FO me om (A)2042I4@M0DLEAS 2 Am DIggHB TALIA TT g0 cố Sia A we a du 088 ne Sele me vg 821 3t 0p
(C) That wasn't expected (C) 2! dại xio|tlole RED UC ‘respond Ciiieict, LHBSICt quote Ze attractive arse usually 948:
ESET © Do you think spice is good or the basement tenovatons? oe Mba = He! Seon wet €.Di you thnk e would win the race? =2] 3/700 cú 2B a aeRO
wan? A That wasn’t expected
‘A-The quote is very attractive,
AMO] 100% HF SHE S119] Bola 2ICLT S21 Sr CHRICH 2s Of8t aA rIxI2IEE] ZIHEEA|HIi7IZI Part 1-2 Sto] LSE Ae 7iaeat 2i2o| Sexi EIPPIEH
AHO] SA Be|7} Bes] MSE Se 41 BBS Lal
#7U[Eini Sulẽt nỊ=^| #SnI 3=:2J(45,
OAS SA7| zt,lsllxl= H|ki, p1 Z5 rỊX|= eS
E9|i12> ZILztO| Z7|
- EE SAI t0lEE Part 1 tiê 0iÊ| 31 zêt 8312| EMM MBA SUB QE Fe a
+ B49} Shi Sint ES SS AT cheer +98 WAS We Part 2 PSBet ROE O47 Hr] + 20] MOl= Part 2 SEZ HE Sel
21 14,9008 (fgl+8fifiltmpSCD
Trang 14AL.A 42A 48A 440 45D 46B 47D 48D 48A 50.6
Trang 17rats PES] 343
{Questions 41-43 reer tothe following conversation ‘gol agele cg cao Be HELI, 3 ME [have heard different rumors to the effect that the company is going to — Ƒ 4/494 S34 4)2g9 200 4g, c1
change accounting firms sometime soon That would be a radical VAG HE AEG 84l9la, ¬8d1g Uae change Do you have any idea i i true? ‘br ade, A seb oH 7 Hoke? We don’t know for certain, but it would not surprise me Last month I saw oie seasits Sec HIE ola, ARF 9l some men go into a meeting with our executives, and 1am sure one of ‘sighed Pel IARI Beh SOLAS Ae
them was the hushand of a friend He's a senior executive at Miller & ‘Sane 2130] dol eel of 299] wel ‘Myers Accounting 3i8Bln, +1 #2| vai ojo} 2145| 218 couples, Me Wow Then that’s it Pm sure the rumor’s true But wonder why they'd make a change MeCain & Associates have been th company's ` ggola, -1ÿ24g si ft: 2k8? 34} dx Slo}, Tựg 32148, AOL She A accountants since the day they stated business, oh 494g] sĩ el+als—e|3/) 4l 849] 44 205)089l8 W: Well, do know the Board of Directors was really dìxressedlaet year — 0p d† 9c 4 8 ©|}8Ð4 t9 VỆ] when they learned how high the corporate tax bill was going to be Behe od 24805) 910 SVT A Mayhe McCain just made a serious mistake that cost the company le Asia, ng 40181] 349 4124t
money 438/4 slg) rs
1o the ehectthất đi ~BIE S615, ~ 0 w/ARAmearing hat ox The answer wat No™—or words that ct REY, = BIAE! 9201) radical 82088) A814 fr-reaenng, sweepag: dase extreme, severe) or coain (419eeetacl lo s9) “executive SM
aecountng 871 ocounars SK, SPH BAD Smake a change MOC, SHH FC} omssociate At BOD MAX, BE BAA BR cdistrossed see 0 bi{eupet, vole, concer, wores) “corporate tax eM bill ARIE 4701 3/40 (NE BOIS] HNL OH)
1 wnat are the people discussing? gi rye «OL ARISOLopIsIZ SEE RAE pets ere oro IC ĐT mm seule Bact Samana eas omen
Oy Anew emcee Cee "of, am sư ~ The hats Fm sure the runs 0J0}2(C| eIxtS] 44 CHAP I have heard different Ajai Do you have ary dea Hits no 5 5 ARIS WH eg pln IT OIC
42 wnat doesthe woman say about weir vn we at OONEL ek i: et] ae TU NỀN XU Si 88 E2 sợ in lạm = Tên
wn eee Ae Tnhh Sim LÝ
Oi 220A aa, ARE UR COE le
Sioa Saas ua ape one sere noe ua te
{900 War BAIR Bf BO}HO Eich
43 wy isthe change tkely 4 of wa acre wT? ie
happening? (A) The od company's ils wore (a) 7 ain}o| BALE Ls wi atic unort 942428 acc mot change oer unos sue woe 2a operwot cine
to0 high (E02 8/004 108 KCL Oai 8 Aseookstos E 2IE 8PIĐHOrI MHor&
(@) The old company made a mistake (©) OW} WORE BAOUM SIE ee acoumtnge MIRE PERRAD! 8 7801 (D) + #UE E 88 Ø8 20t, Se ROI OF El OIR= OF OE 9 mơ (©) An executive's husband works (0) The old company is going out for the new company Board of Drectors was realy dressed ~ how high the corporate eCainjustmade tx bil was going tobe, Maybe a serious mistake -O1N 2
of business, SUC Mi 3p] (EM 8DYEANG 8E 71
99 (AjE 3900) 44
Trang 18(Questions 44-46 refer to the following conversation
Hello, Ron, t's Mary at Auto Check I'm calling to let you know that the work on your car willbe finished before noon tomorrow and you 1 pick it up any time after that, I looks like the total bill will be betsveen $150.00 and $170.00, by the way,
M: That's great, Ger if needed But I'm out of town ti have mn eel card humber So jas make upa sip andl sgn ter ‘quoted me $200.00 before stating the job You
W: That's nota problem Any time th could have one of our helpers drop it by your pla only a couple of blocks from you
M: That would be fantastic Why don’ $10.00 to my bill as a tip for him?
norrow so Tean’t pick i up then, 1's convenient is okay Ifyou like I
you do that, and add an extra e, Jesse aciually lives
avo doe IB eNO! BO RBI ORE owas, ats Om M9} Helen |e, AE 242) 4l) d9 318 891 A = olf
3498| 98 2 SICE gel All, BAL MB ste ge Hole) OR woliela,
224 45E28, | 41 HON Mel uate 32 3948 04131918, VỊ N87 gai yale Ou Thự BH 5iasig 47L Usd barat, ie: ao) gt ete aie shoal 7h 1e)4018,
aRhoUch, UAE WHT Om, wee anh AALS Ch BOA GA Bow 7a} 22% 248, 44 Ate GALE ag #84 Wold 304 IES, “eC UR at, OL ote feta? UL AAO EH Hf 09)4| 2914 l9 3 8 ahha, at Si:
by he way 32 382, B4 =quole 2991911, A48 nE2KI, vi9| W8 9!83|c1 “Convenlent EEIĐ cblock 2 Z2IS) A8 fantastic tee!
Why don't you ~8k= 7 OI? tip Abe gray, bonus, ena, lunar seve charge ex Most watershere em more tom gates tan fey do ‘rom esa)
4b Wats the woman's incaling? main purpose (A) To arrange picked up for he car tobe, (@) To tell the man the price for the work (€) To get the man’s credit card umber (©) To tell the man when the work willbe finished 45 who worked on the car? (A) Ahelper, (8) Ron, (C) Gerry (0) Jesse 46 wnat tne maximum tha wil be charged to the man's red card? (A) $150.00 {@)s170.0 (6) $100.0, (0) $200.00 oni} mele Fe Sake FED? (9) #88 S01 Ait 3/97Emenee #80 (8) Ztlol #! 718 8802| 904, (C)vI9| 487I= ew wr) BA (D) 74013 9l 3841 28M 2490 24571 9b ‘vob xm ao 9) Sok A oe (oma oma uniol AB7ICOLY wae AlCl Bee got 7st? (0) 08a) (@ rowel (0) 1803} (©) 20084
‘a anol ale 8 (I9) 2012 LỊ924 BEIE, 2 R218 cao to let you know tat 018.4 0] Of! AH 21 B2iolete= 28 + Bic 4l2| HD t9 3i97ir| g0] ^ o|8o{ 2422| _.¬ Dục ‘cerry quoted me 200.00 before starting te ob yD} 2s A I 2048 HE 2408 | elm ao] ae aL 4 2c, Be Wel Oo EAE Bl Fm Sw A or c "3U Ai 9 ma 2c BS BS BOL LieE 22/88 5tSn| §olo† l 0| 0-70 ‘lel ole BIS ota ki 0l (8808014) HOR towel 471 wauzela exmoce ae # Alc ov tI8o| 1088 cI# EPfØl 160/20] £1(0)200wlE 5w] ÁP wel ammo
00] gieo #EE
Trang 19pan'aTest 1
Questions 47-49 reer tothe following conversation
EE Me Welcome back, Leslie, How was your trip to Rome? Did you get the business done that you wanted to? W: [tas productive I gota lot more work done with than I had hoped to, Definitely worth going there in person for two days our lualian affiliates
rather than just using phones and faxes and e-mails Coming home was horrid, though A nightmare
M: Ohno, let me guess Were you one of those passengers I heard about on the news stranded in Heathrow for over twenty hours when the police spotted a suspicious piece of luggage’?
W: That's it! We spent 1 tedious hours in the transit holding area with nothing to do, A 3-hour stopover tumed a four-day trip into five because of some inconsiderate foo! left a bag unattended
“4780104 490 C tHIDI 201 891L HE: #@, #ei°H 7Ì08, 8n) 4Ð 4187 M8 A1942) eH Aaa? 6 289/9Jgela, 9l2lelđg|3tz#1Isl att hagas! A0 WH OL BE IS Al B28 Ms), BA ¬1812 ol0ftl® se AM lth a) a] 4E 4 #0) of 78174 slat HOS HIE Te ASMALA, 9189] sg,
ti: 9, 2lgl d/) 248, 8241 42L‡r^sD) BS, 3i9J-2419) 3i 2h] E080] I2 BU AG ARE WA Hal sake =1 9288 29181182
OFF: Sto}, elk OF eh 9l ọ] 8i #54 AI 3J7kê 2IAh# Hiốo)8, Aztek 5# 33eD? 78 128 v94 21105) 2lo| 8 e8 S92 tHEOls|g18,
alae BEIT, HELA associ, prtar branch cho auriary ox We have a aul planin a nearby ty hat handles any excess work we cannot do) in person #1 rather than ~‡E BI 53B Cl Chord x, FAIPA chightmare NB cstrand 5715 88L ospot WetIct
suspicious #48, 114218 otedious XH, “eH inconsiderate gi, PANE i Bett Đi1b{=tboughđes, ncang slish, cares, lnsnsave~ considerate, heh
57 How tong was the woman in Rome? oi ie okt oR? (4) 21 hours (A200 (8) 1 day oan (©)2days (Q0 (0) 4 days oun 4B How does the woman describe her orite Anjos AIS ofA SAFO time in Rome? (A) Horrid aescribe E77? 0) #AIEAIB (B) Productive (©) A nightmare (Ð) Tedious 49 why was the woman delayed at of Ob SIE BAU AMSAT? Heathrow?
(A) She forgot her luggage (A Bharsse8 Bet OHA (G) A bag was left abandoned (C) The aitine misplaced her (@)2lạJ 8LDỊ lelophandoncd g5 21881
bags (0) DENCY ue) Be BR HOM
(©) Aight attendant lost a bag, ©) SPO! 7S 9Ioll2l4 12 New TOEIC Pans Wo] Wot Aelee
Definitely worth going there in person for two ays rather than ~ OL Of} nl ZOO ABA! 71 lE 0818 9 IC (A)21AI0E 2I8)XBIA OF BARI Bele Bo} O(M0] OfmER! BE extol EOL twas productive it of21 41 oc et £71 8 ch Gals
Trang 20
Questions 50-52 refer to the folowing conversation 5000452918 CÍG (4l 29 3/891 “ M: Hello, I'm James Shaw I'd like to book the Thalberg Hall for our —— kP 33288, 492 Z3ldtở, chữ st 2 a
‘company's annual dinner on the 23rd of next month We have used it for the past 17 years and itis ideal for our purposes 3 24) ell Gag Stel es afar Aled, = Ate ait 17h >a Se sáp oll at, 8) 84 olga W: T'matfraid that room wil be undergoing redecorating from the 15th OIE #kêĐ|dRi 1 OE 159lv| era) rset
through to the 25th Would an earlier or Inter date suit you"? There are Bol ATU, # of ola xế gang ‘openings on the L4th and again on the 27th 30187082 N95 73t: °l# 7ESHIÓDL MẸ Ob that’s a pity, No, we cannot change the date Do you have other conference halls or ballrooms of comparable size? Big enough for 120 UAE 9, 24 #9], 9Jx 3I8Q+37St8 + F MOUET, MAT HBA chs saison a
people to dine and dance and to hold @ head table and rostrum? #49) Guat? Lav] AH OL AL ® wae guzel eh SEAL HA MORE ea
W: Actually, other than the grand Ballroom, which is too large, all our rooms ae unavailable for that period am very sorry Would you like 0B 2} tÙÈ ÿ as MG Ae BEE Was 371g 88leEb ol8HI ⁄ tieu, tus to check some of the other hotels inthis area? Iam sure our manager —— 3l9†ZLbdtị: 9] 249) #WtB8 ti:
cean find something suitable Selva Aa] aly AGE ES ae
roe Segue
ook oti ideal OF! Cundergo EAI SH WEI Cpity FHIARIE B, Bol UB B= Gssppoiniment shame, mislonune, badluck ex Whata shame tal we
vere eo ge eet forthe play tenon) comparable RA, SE! rostrum IE, XI lator, podum, das, ge, pup)
BO where isthe conversation taking = Ti : «sp OPOIAIR = RE 0lceDE wwe sede ae em civ lp ag a a = ni
(8) Ata gym arene (6) BEML al TBST OPE Denia CAA vical you me ee eee
ID) na rotet ph CIE #WiB 0ELERC3 fSlE 24©8 tojc 0]
t1849lt#80] W8 #191 4 Sich
“E1 Whon doos tne man need the room? tone em a we use oP fe
like t book the Thalberg Hal for our (A) The 17th ea w ma me companys annual er on te Zr ot ext tmonhinDI tụ 20991 SIe| s94 MB 5”
Omer fay ‘aw inn aia 2998 882 oe:
52 What dos ho woman orto do? oi inca eNO e BEI THR) G (A) Fina a similar room inthe 2 So une BE RRC opt em oom oma BRIE Let
hotel (6) 2 988 7tEBilctecbelde
(8) Reschedule the work Es (C) “Igjðuiatble J8 CỊE 2001 ‘ox 9LjcỊE #99 x doles 98 80B bel
(C)Find a suitabie room somewhere else (0) 9464 c8 M8 Ei ec, Oe ae
(0) Give the man a larger toom
Trang 21part3 Test 1
Questions 53-55 refer tothe following conversation,
oe first stati
‘This computer is maddening The programs run realy fast but when T seems to take forever before itis actually ready and I can tse it don’t understand Is that a virus or something?
W: Of course it’s fas It has the latest processor available You aren’t
's nota virus Likely your problem is that there are tov many background programs loading when you start, That slows it down a lot, IM; I'm-not sure T know what you mean by background programs and Toading Iam really a novice | know how to use a word processing
program and do, -mail bụt nothìng else
W: Okay, restart it and I'l have a look I'm no expert, loading The ones that aren’t needed ean just Be d so we'll see what's
eted from the start Lup process It will be fine once we do thai
530004 S502 CỊB tHHOi S41 3/911, tấp 9 4E) B2 l8, 22986 ay ao 2089|), 2Lê 3018 A1491
"12089 2 OLE Ala GUYS AD 2h Welt DEES, ole 94918, 9) woke} Wael aria
G0: tả nựet⁄, of abel 7H alate el al BAER, Ge] Beiel at oleh wfojel iso}, AL EAS] AF E1 ẤÈAIl9 44 835i a saat) UE WE A WOR, TA eR aa elt oviEa, ‘aR Alo] Vip i4 mác giải 9840018, đc TƯ +24GA, Ae de tê HAE #188 e|#U # tia 6l) SoBe as OES, Obr Golm, 2E 4414320 thỤ a, ane Bee fale Polo) SEA oA .®, Gath] BEARS AS HAA Ath aS Mala,
“maddening olxipstis, itil 6H, RILHE{=infating, annoying exasperating, rusvaing) Crun 81% BH SAIC Cnovice FEA Url S28
restart AIRE! loading (BREAD #3), R271 exper #E2) =deleo AI, ^D8icl 53 Whatis the man’s problem?
(A) He does not know how to use e-mail (8) Programs run too slowly on
his computer
(©) His computer takes a tong ‘me to start,
{0) He doosn't know how to start his computer
54 What does the woman say about
the man's computer? (A) Itprobably has a virus {) Its probably too ol (C) thas a fast processor (0) Ithas too many programs
Đỗ what will they do?
(A) Delete some programs (8) Have computer an expert look atthe (C) Get a newer processor (©) Change the startup process
[14 New ToKIc Pans: 801 OIE 2080016
0| i9l Đệ= 93T? (A) ohlgl A848 SE (e) 2| #ÿE0JA BETO] SS DỊ 3/8lon, (©) 0) CHEN All lowe oes Arzol zie (©) |8 0/821 AIeliEn| Ct, "ii ef đi 0| 0BIE SE ớt BoE TT (@ oI Ue 92080] nl8olc (C)#E Xi] 8IE 2m13 1 (0) 9 tịe 58288 iin oe -8E t8 924901) (A) 3% Z#-88 xiếc|, ©) BER ON BRE ER ‘tc (C)At88 2l2| 3E (0) Ai B8 #3, sme, began, ainee neophye—veleran, odhand ex She's jut aneophyta skaler now bat ink she asthe natal ably tobe achmpon) fale
‘aot 2 Ym HB The programs un eal tst ‘but when ft start i It seems to take forever ‘before it i actualy ready and\ can use ROL J 258 A182 O19 ME! Ate} Oe ARI
Bein gain 2 3 aio] am st cin Ho 28 Bue COI fale (Of cours t's fas thas the latest processor vale 4 O| ELE OE NE A131 341 7p dicta SHC 2 #6B| 00.0) 8l “3E QỊP BE RETO! ie} BaTHo! 18 21 ole (D)9|4f22 362 ei
De BER Be Bote eR cas See 5009) ADE =2I4C di 5t G019) Tìno erger, ‘50 well S00 what's loading The ones ‘needed can just be deleted trom tho star-up that aren't ‘process 2121 740] HB7He= ON ne #520 =X] ‘ime gi 24B AIP2PEOU4 ^789 2 SỈ ịm 6l 2A2 vô) i42 AI E418 ti 21 9l 24 ch Op IM Hae AE) Soe ARES
BARI colCt Ne Red nis aE aS -# BI 240D 4D 5i8-189 HMM Anal AE OF
Trang 22
‘56 where isis conversation taking
{58 Wnat does the woman NOT
Questions 56-58 refer tothe following conversation
“There are no breaks in the arm or elbow And no inflammation, but itis ‘obviously quite painful for you You say it started a few weeks ago?”
‘Thats right, Shordly after hour but the next time I played it was even worse That's how it has a tennis game It went away after about an ‘continued: a litle bit worse and lasting alittle bit longer each time 1 play
Ah, we've found the problem Is tennis elbow I'd suggest you do three things See a sports therapist who can massage it Treat it with an ice puck before you sleep Have a tennis coach watch you play and look for flaws in your swing
‘You know, I think you're right This all started after I began hitting my ‘backhand shots differently [tried to do something I read in a magazine to add power to the shot
rt mistake, mpatecton) swing BB MA Ach
cab OfCIA OIE E712 place? (A) A doctor's office, wy SH AfSAI
(8) A tennis cour aqua se
(©) Agymnasium (Giaa'
(0) A hospital operating room Owe sen
57 what does the man say about the xi #ö9l ¿4 Wt3.3/803.9iE717
(A) Ithappened in the middle ofa tennis game (A) ILIA 271 £8 96dcL (8) 9) Ai Be ABE, (B)ILlasts or about an hour (age ae, (C)Itis gotting worse (0) xieaorc, (0) Itis constant Of} EE LABO| OF! XE suggest? (A) The man treat his am withice (A) ol a INE etc packs (8) 88 SA BC
(8) The man have his arm massaged (C) HUA 3x6 2388| (©) 39 Ag wae Base (C) The man consult with a tennis coach
(0) The man change his swing
580004 SBI che cal ii I9 0y 349] SÈ82l9{ 3⁄4) Re ate, ele
ABE tae Galo] Me DRAGS a a crea, ola a ate] Abate 7 Ce 391 sÌ2HI)71 "1g MỊ eh] UATE edt ee 9t 4Ø #t
Si d cl3 2I49)8, -1gl Alee 21459) ola viel U7} BUAK 4 stoic OF of AD, AIS BEM Zola, Ot of, BAG aitola, 121 HA 82218, 4170| 9l Aes “bận, HAI 286 + 3) $2 23 21H 9-1, 3247] 89 ti We OFA, MUA Dob PALO] 2) AG RG AE Me] 2 319: aa, atk Gal wel she alge, oft ae uy wee So yslos 317) lait oh eS 8, Ai đi 9ì | 7Ì8lel 82|eDA 3e 4# Als aio,
break AI 3 Celbow WEA inflammation iế, 5Q= #8, E8EZ nuelog pufioess.eoarganert ex The nen hơn nisfng my ange l so lượe tai cannot get my shoe on) lasting Z9Si= tennis elbow e141 8! Sot Woke AOL BG ctherapist ARAL XIRA AIA,
flaw B, 2, 18
3M ae BEF Ao] ota HOR wor we “9Ml{0I80iX‡E ILA Bel Gok! ED Mtn] OB DEE ORB tL aM w+ SUC vie] ese “9H92 8p
‘Ser aerate 3 S64 6898 8+ 2 9 EsfUi —h ge ot 2710 okt 3 Cevorevre.-alte isaac wone ela 851 5008 9X bt wre £0188 8 8+9
FR fe suggest you do tee things 1A 71x gteimeia ae) wein 202 26) 38 8l 2SIPL 00.7] RIE ME ine A xi8 2I8| 000i ‘2 Aol cbt ots 20L AI )g via9) 9B Bl8l# BIE8f ỊL|^ 5D ^
Xe OF 24 Sk GOK MP UB BE EL “8% tl8612Q(suggest.ofer,ouldyou 'Whydontyou~? B)9{ 2! 3/80] Li2kErl EA ie~?,
Trang 23pata Test 1
‘Questions 59-61 refer tothe following conversation
Wi: Hello, Mrs Grange This is Heather at Just Right Supplies Our records =" ” show that t's been 4 months since your last photocopy toner order and ‘you usually order about once every 40 days We are currently having a
Sale so it would be an opportune time to order
‘wa: Yes, you're right The reason is that we got a new copy machine 2 ‘months ago and it uses a different cartridge, which I don't believe you
W1: Oh, Tam sure we have it We carry virtually all brands and models Perhaps if you could send along your new copier model number, ! can check stock and get back to you with pricing,
‘Wa: Allright, Twill e-mail itto you, but we received a
toner free withthe installation of the copier and we're probably okay for another 2 to 3 months
“500014 STE CHB cat we BERL, OF: Olaf, oA aafela, Ae 212-E i9 2l8cje|Ze| sipl4lA, 2J8| 2)Et# MU
“l4 $9 V4 2-04)A)91 42D) SE HA) se 2E 24 04 ZIlSl8, S08 2141 'l 82): -83)A)71 Fe ai Z1 091418 p2], 9a, elt> #27L SỈ 0314 44D) FUME A ARO) TRS Heh
Obst: o}, IS 2I24 3i8:/Ael8, 2IlE 7189 959) 2sĩữ Sù/9)7E8 21A8 SAPI Slash wea usa Art ang ace Bag ISLEY IIE GUS ea
ther large supply of oF -Fola, lelUe VUEsIrAn, wale As #2) 4830921 the +99) 8 8g 3š Bahl Boh Tou 2 3/04 0l si i88 21
Spples 88, ui8: Sö8, 28871 -oppodune ADDI BE, WE, BOL, AEN- ing, aporonate, ep morale, gh, ely — 9n), hepprune,
olavoase) carry BE, HEC Svinally ANS, 79Xe almost meet net, practi, close to) "get back CA PRC instalation 2
59 Why does Heather call Mrs Grange? 4 efCite Olt —aeteixlo4”a BiH ARE71?
{(A) To place an order for toner (G9 Stim Bella an order Heh (8) To got a machine model ‘umber (@) 2J49I 2 view w71 98h (© sum Bal get (C) To sell some toner (0) To sella photocopie: (0) A718 B21 8
60 wnen did Mrs, Grange last buy OPRIOR OMIA 28f9IX|2) #4 vi 24
toner? (A) 40 days ago 9DI? (409 0i (B) 2 months ago (C)3 monlhs ago ve oases
(0) 4months ago, owes
OMA 249D) 1i HAE 21RD TT A) ieE 2loledi le 8W! tt
84 wy is rs, Grange unt o buy toner now rom Just Fight?
(A) dst Right fight kind does not have the (@ we 48 ol ALD BIC
(8) She has a big supply already (C)5laE zlolEE #8 tlufc (0) clE #hÿeVE| $2 ELIE wet (©) Just Right's price is too high
(©) Sho gets toner ree from ‘another company
[16 NewTOEIC Pat-4 oi Bole wae
‘Mi Be Ss MOL alee ec} ete! 7A EL 7 1 eI 3 8 tigSle 202 0| #L|E Eotlials 21 '9lữ i4 9ICL Gajo (Off 1915 ck Our records chow atts been 4 month since your lst photocopy toner order ¬001 0IxfI9E 4m 528 20) 47 Olt 28 U4 UCL dOMOleH Ante OLS agers shel £14 58 228 46|23 Bee UA Gls
b2 =iafi| 0P 9 E ~ but we received a rather large supply of toner free with the Installation ofthe copler and wo'e probably okay focanother2 103 mone 01M AES SAH 8) ‘Se tì tlel 6t ELI8 99D| H9 i93 2 ‘oil SRE FEU UE LEM 9 > CE AE 2I0|E0 f3 SLI HaCHEN OFFS 714 EE a 9 unig chi to oi 9 2 tien), ‘RSI BONE IE A0471 ti 2‡E 0E
Trang 24‘Questions 62-64 refer tothe following conversation, =—m— SE We Everything onthe menu looks quite deicious, although Ladmit den - 63 9ld2l4# 4942 3748 997010, 42: know what some things actualy se fs there anthing that you'd 2E 48 6i6l etcE, 3/891 A9 0 particularly recommend? 0108) M: I'm told the Chicken Kiev is not up ‘normal standards today but the Rk 92 2)] visti Bae Gok Solna
Prime Rib of Beef and the Veal Marsala are exceptionally good You whe oats} $9HA] a] eke cha ‘might enjoy one of those with a rich chocolate mousse for lessert That tị, si I2 404 283L 22-8 g is certainly our most popular sweet Bee auch, a 7b 7H a7 H89 #4, W: Tesounds appealing, but I'm trying to lose abit of weight Uhink I Jjust have the veal and forego dessert 0m 331483128 8944893143, l8, 1N #©H| TUÌ S0, #6 48
M: Wedo have a delightful, light cake with very few calories, I'msure URE SHES ANGLES, CRA OMe Ae Aol
you'd like it i@d|t, Vi 2 i18,
leic.ous 319iE Cadmit 288i) Cparticularly a6 cprime rb B&k@ ul4 =voal êc|Z| 22| 5excepbonaly %24©:Z appealing o8
tact, neresig, amptng, leasing ~ unapeaing unatactie) forego 32184 SEZ pv up, pass by passup do wibost mss oon or nado pass up chanceto gota the concert ight because wasl LE ORE OI BASCA 7s 28 5286] ALICE)
52 Wnatdoos the woman askthe man ——_ ogieVHeD19908 666m Int] g
too? on “Rÿ|dặnB s14 88 SDIEietrsanyhin
(A) Bring her a menu (Ê) Suggest something good (om 2 sat (E) B0I EE 218 2804 e1 bs ele aral meets Faint ie =s Ábhnnhirienp- (©) Explain some menu tems (O38 oe Bans se sein
(0) Take her order 088 teaLn
83 wnat doos the man NOT recommend? (A) Mousse, wr on we E7 wre ‘2th ck Kay rt op renal sonerds lc ; ‘WR om Ae fe Hon 201 Im
Ova een ‘ey bb the rine Ro Boa arth Va!
se My ‘Marsala are exceptionally good Your yore
(0) Beet oan Tre roi genieeceelbt 9{ 8:27) HAI 4291 8 08T! A81
9in| 85lE 0E #0 cIỊE8 Siê 2851 RAR 3&.9L9 Si but8 7ÍESE tl@t‡ E428 ae!
“SE t1 348 94 ach (ÉÉ, How deesthe mendesofbetho — — QHIENO2EOHĐISABIAĐEOD — (Nỹ]C cake?
= ‘0 Ot cake We do have adept ht
(sweet, Soe cathe 2 2271
{© one ome Sip al tac sabia noma wee Oe
(O)Rich 0) 8e ofr 2840| X1 A9] đế BOIL
Trang 25pana Test 1 {Questions 65-67 refer tothe following conversation can we be of assistance today W le Me Tam terribly sorry, That is completely against company policy Just let
Good afternoon and welcome to Bryson's Build-All lam Dave How 5 Trevalley Lane Yesterday one of your trucks made a delivery on my street After they finished, your workers kept the truck there until late aftemoon, with loud music playing and then left all sorts ‘of garbage behind on the street
ime check our records and see who was scheduled for that delivery 1 assure you they will be dealt with harshly by the boss
W: Idon’t wish to see anyone p
ished or fired 1
n so that you might instruct your drivers to show a litle more mply bring itto your ‘courtesy and common sense in future,
‘be of assistance £891 c} Cdeivery WE Cloud ARZA® sors of ~ BSI Cgarbage MAI Cagainst RUE, Uist =deø RC, CARES
fant ehgelaluiay Metals WE Rel 941 AR gatld, Ae elegy, ova SIS sa?
Gp AI Sebel ete} sels thịt ofa) of BiAal el Shr} 74 A 7l M8 akouie, Wel BEM el I4 Aigo] Ee & ®#-®4)7)7IdAI sat Ainzle 89t $e oletc etek oir Asie ER aisisteia, dạt: 440 312.000, l4 al seb ott th 98l21d, 4} 248738 38⁄4 x7} 3 Mg‡ Shận|gc24 #l9H30dd, HA H288 9200) eta ek 881.119) Ob: Sirk We WAY ARSE eR 249) SBẠÚg, 4c dữ g6] 2918 8714224
2IH820 906B Bo] Ue 24 248 wolES Asal R47 MP
harahy 18H (x severe, sine) unsympaecaly ex Theres apsins ening or inking one subway ave tcl nlrced HB BAH SDE ‘BRS OAK em SHH Wo! Be) AtEIA 2c) cattenon 21 courtesy O19 Of! Seommon sense I
65 whatis the woman there to do?
(A) Arrange for a delivery (8) Complain about alate delivery (©) To arrange for the removal of
some garbage (©) To complain about the company's employees
56 wnat wi the man do fist? (A Fite the driver {(@) Check the company records (© Reschedule the delivery (0) Talk to the driver
87 what does the woman ask the man
too? (A) Educate his employees ‘about proper behavior (8) Bring the matter to the attention of his boss (©) Instruct his boss to fire the men (Đ) Change the company polcy:
[18 New ToEC Pans-4 Bol Hol WERE
ofa 2PM #98 80 ET
(@) we ot hed FBI SEC (o) a7) 44 num mit, (©) SUA S404 hed eH i ti mỊ 8948 91 29017 ) Seng see (@) Shj 2I88 8l (C) #EiIEl 9/88 CHI eC (0) Senor obo icc ofthe XD 59l8 S416" SIET? Sue Seo cel im BRA aH (@) E09 tia AI89D SH 21 (©) 291 Aron 2 Sante otzet am AI (0) sy wie wt D
.Afar thay ished, your workars kept the truck ‘here until Ite afternoon, with loud musi playing end then lt al ers of garbage behind onthe street ol iA} =| 880i đi 0011
"8 Sịn it 248 9004| SBCI2 S61 PIe| Ai so 3/20] (Ji Bi 9
‘ef WIRE CHEAEOUX| Jun et me check our records and see who was scheduled for that oliver 130} 24 SA 71 Amey 7} ot Đg0IEZI aileincie uss ah auch ‘ol 9 AÖÉe A454 2400| rial 22) 0|
‘Rojai #2] Bok
Ion sho seo anyone punished o:tred simply ‘ring it to your attention so that you might Instruct your drivers 0} afi 8h SL a} BUNS BRAVES 978171 Ha BH