Index I-9 L Ladder diagram, 26-14f Ladder logic diagrams (LLD), 26-13, 26-14–15, 26-14f Lagrange-d’Alembert principle, 5-13 Lagrange-Euler (L-E) method, 4-2 Lagrange multipliers, 5-12, 7-19 Lagrange’s equations of motion of the first kind, 6-4 Lagrange’s formalism advantages, 5-11 Lagrange’sformofd’Alembert’s principle, 6-4 Lagrangian dynamics, 5-1–14 Lagrangian function, 5-6 Language selection, 26-16 Laplace-transformed impedance and admittance functions for mechanical events, 19-6t Laser interferometers, 13-18 Law of motion, 6-2 LCS, 10-7 Leader-follower type control algorithm, 20-11–12 Lead screw drive lead errors associated with, 10-7f Lego MINDSTORMS robotic toys, 1-11 L-E method, 4-2 Levi-Civita connection, 5-10 Levinson, David, 6-27 Lie algebra, 5-2, 5-4 Life safety systems, 26-18f Light curtains, 12-12 Limit switches and sensors, 12-12 Linear and rotary bearings, 13-14 Linear axes errors for, 10-6t Linear encoders, 13-17–18 Linear error motions, 10-6t Linear feedback motion control, 15-1–22 with nonlinear model-based dynamic compensators, 15-5–10 Linear incremental encoders, 12-1 Linearization Kane’s method, 6-19 Linearized equations Kane’s method, 6-13–14 Linear motions jaws, 11-9–10, 11-9f Linear reconstruction algorithm coplanar, 22-13 Linear solenoid concept, 12-13f Linear variable differential transformer (LVDT), 12-4–5, 12-4f Link parameters, 3-4 Load capacity, 20-2f Load cells, 12-9 Load induced deformation, 10-6t Load sharing problem, 20-7 Local coordinate systems (LCS), 10-7 Logic-based switching control, 17-20 Long reach manipulator RALE, 9-2f Loop feedforward control command filtering, 24-32–35 learning control, 24-36 trajectory design inverse dynamics, 24-36–39, 24-38f trajectory specifications, 24-32, 24-33f Loop-shaping, 15-8 Low cost robot simulation packages, 21-8–9 Low-impedance performance improving, 19-18–19 Low pass filtering, 24-33 LuGre model, 14-7 Lumped inertia, 24-12 Lumped masses dynamics of, 24-13–15 Lumped models, 24-11–13 Lumped springs, 24-12 LVDT, 12-4–5, 12-4f Lyapunov’s second method, 17-14–15 M Machine accuracy, 10-1 Machine components imperfections, 10-1 Magellan, 1-9 Magnetically Attached General Purpose Inspection Engine (MAGPIE), 1-6 Magnetostrictive materials, 11-9 MAGPIE, 1-6 Manipulators background, 17-2–6 inertia matrix, 5-7 Jacobian, 17-4 kinetic energy, 17-5 potential energy, 17-5 robust and adaptive motion control of, 17-1–21 tasks, 20-2f Manufacturing automation, 26-1–18 control elements, 26-6–8 controllers, 26-4–6 hierarchy of control, 26-2–4, 26-3f history, 26-2–4 industrial case study, 26-17–18 networking and interfacing, 26-9–13 process questions for control, 26-1–2 programming, 26-13–16 terminology, 26-2 Manufacturing management information flow, 26-3f Maple, 21-15 Mariner 2, 1-8 Mariner 10, 1-9 Mars, 1-9 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 1-5 Mass distribution properties of link, 4-8 Massless elastic links dynamics of, 24-13–15 Master manipulator, 23-1 Master-slave type of control algorithms, 20-5–6, 20-5f Material properties, 24-3–4 Mates, 21-10 Mathematica, 21-15 Matlab I-10 Robotics and Automation Handbook code 3-DOF system full sea state, 21-24–27 single DOF example, 21-23–24 cost, 21-11 Matrix exponential, 2-4 Matrixinverse.c, 3-18, 3-26–28 Matrixproduct.c, 3-18, 3-28–29 McCarthy, John, 1-6 Mechanical Hand-1 (MH-1), 1-5 Mechanical impedance and admittance, 19-6–7 Mechatronic systems, 13-8–21 definition of, 13-8–9 Mercury, 1-9 Metrology loops, 13-5–6 MH-1, 1-5 Microbot Alpha II, 11-4 Milenkovic, Veljko, 1-7 MIL-STD 2000A, 10-4 Minimally invasive surgical (MIS) procedures, 1-10 robotic, 25-9–10 Minimum distance tracking algorithms, 23-19 Minsky, Marvin, 1-6 MIS procedures, 1-10 MIT, 1-5 MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 1-6 Mitiguy, Paul, 6-28 Mitsubishi PA-10 robot arm, 8-15–18 D-H parameters, 8-15t schematic, 8-16f Mobile manipulators use, 20-11 MODBUS, 26-11 Model(s) establishing correctness of, 14-17–19 parameters estimation, 14-6–10 validations, 14-11 Modeling, 24-2–27 errors mass response with, 9-23f and slower trajectory, 9-23f material removal processes, 10-15–19 Modified light duty utility arm (MLDUA), 21-3 Moment of inertia, 4-8 Morison, Robert S., 1-6 Motion controller, 26-5 Motion control system environmental considerations, 13-8 serviceability and maintenance, 13-8 Motion equation object supported by multiple manipulators, 20-3 Motion estimation algorithms comparison, 22-19f Motion of object and control of internal force moment, 20-5–7 Motion planning, 17-7 Motion reference tracking accuracy, 15-1 Motivation based on higher performance, 24-1 Motor sizing simplified plant model for, 13-20f Moving-bridge coordinate measuring machine, 9-3f MSC Software’s Adams, 21-10 Multibody dynamic packages, 21-10–11 Multi-bus system architecture, 26-9f Multi-component end effectors, 11-11 Multi-Input Multi-Output, 9-14 Multi-jaw chuck axes, 11-11f Multi-jaw gripper design, 11-15f Multi-mode input shaping, 9-11 Multiple-body epipolar constraint, 22-8 Multiple-body motion, 22-8 Multiple images 3-D point X in m camera frames, 22-9f Multiple jaw/chuck style, 11-10–11 Multiple manipulators coordinated motion control, 20-1–12 mobile, 20-10–11 coordination, 20-11f decentralized motion control, 20-10–12 Multiple-model-based hybrid control architecture, 17-20f Multiple-model control, 17-20 Multiple-view geometry, 22-8–13 Multiple-view matrix point features, 22-9 rank condition, 22-9–10 theorem, 22-10 Multiple-view rank condition comparison, 22-19f Multiple-view reconstruction factorization algorithm, 22-11–13 Multi-tool endeffector, 11-17f Mu-synthesis feedback control design, 15-16–19 Mythical creatures motion picture influence, 1-2 N Narrow phase, 23-19 National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 1-6 National Science Foundation (NSF), 1-6 Natural admittance control, 19-19–20 Natural pairing, 5-4 Nature of impacted systems, 24-1–2 N-E equations, 4-2–3 N-E method, 4-2 Networks selection of, 26-13 Neural-network friction model, 14-6 Newton-Euler (N-E) equations, 4-2–3 Newton-Euler (N-E) method, 4-2 Newtonium, 21-8 Newton’s equation of motion, 4-3f Newton’slaw,7-2–5 in constrained space, 7-5–8 covariant derivative, 7-3–5, 7-4f Newton’s method, 3-14 Ccode implementation, 3-18–30 six degree of freedom manipulator, 3-18–30 convergence, 3-17 theorems relating to, 3-17–18 Index I-11 Newton’ssecondlaw,4-2, 4-3f Nodic impedance, 19-14–15, 19-15f Nominal complementary sensitivity functions magnitude plots of, 15-19f Nominal data bode plots, 15-13f Nominal plant model, 15-12–13 Noncontact digital sensors, 12-10–11 Nonholonomic constraints, 5-11 forces, 7-18–19 Noninvasive robotic surgery, 25-6–9 Nonlinear friction feedforward control of, 9-19–22 Normal force control component, 16-7–8 Norway, 1-7 NSF, 1-6 Nuclear waste remediation simulation, 21-3 Numerical problems and optimization, 22-8 Numerical simulation, 21-13–21 Nyquist plane, 19-12f Nyquist Sampling Theorem, 13-9 O Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), 21-3 OAT filter, 24-35 vs. joint PID and repetitive learning, 24-38f Object coordinate system, 20-3f dynamics-based control algorithms, 20-6–7, 20-6f manipulation, 20-2–5, 20-3f ODVA, 26-12 Odyssey IIB submersible robot, 1-11 Online gradient estimator of BPS, 14-8 Open and loop feedforward control command filtering, 24-32–35 learning control, 24-36 trajectory design inverse dynamics, 24-36–39, 24-38f trajectory specifications, 24-32, 24-33f Open DeviceNet Vendor Association (ODVA), 26-12 OpenGL interface, 21-12 Open loop and feedforward control, 24-31–39 Open-loop gains for first joint, 15-16f Operational space control, 17-10 Optical sensors, 12-6–7 dielectric variation in, 12-6f Optical time-of-flight, 12-7 Optical triangulation, 12-6–7 displacement sensor, 12-7f Oriented bounding boxes, 23-18 Orlandea, Nick, 6-27 ORNL, 21-3 Orthogonal matrices, 2-2 Orthographic projection, 22-4, 22-13 Orthonormal coordinate frames assigning to pair of adjacent links, 8-1 schematic, 8-2 Our Angry Earth, 1-3 Outer loop, 17-8 architecture, 17-8f control, 17-8 Overhead bridge crane, 9-5f Ozone depletion, 1-3 P Painting robot, 9-14f Paracelsus, 1-2 Parallel axis/linear motions jaws, 11-9–10, 11-9f Parallelism, 10-6t Partial velocities, 6-4 Part orienting gripper design, 11-16f Passive, 17-6 Passive damping, 24-39, 24-40f sectioned constraining layer, 24-39f Passive touch, 23x11 Passivity, 19-10–13 Passivity applied to haptic interface, 23-15–17 Passivity-based adaptive control, 17-19 Passivity-based approach, 17-18 Passivity-based robust control, 17-18–19 Passivity property, 5-8, 17-6 Patient safety CyberKnife stereotactic radiosurgery system, 25-9 Paul, Howard, 1-10 Payload, 11-5–6 Payload capacity endeffector, 11-3–7 Payload force analysis, 11-6–7, 11-7f Payload response moving through obstacle field, 9-5f PC-based open controller, 26-6 PD. See Proportional and derivative (PD) pdf, 10-2, 10-3, 10-3f Penalty contact model, 23-19–20 Penalty method, 23-19–20 Performance index, 10-4, 10-5 Performance weightings magnitude plots for, 15-17f Persistency of excitation, 17-18 Persistent disturbances, 17-11 Personal computer (PC) open controller, 26-6 Perturbed complementary sensitivity functions magnitude plots of, 15-19f Physical environment, 23-1 PID control, 26-3 Pieper’s method, 3-13 Pieper’s solution, 3-7–11 Piezoelectric, 11-9 and strain gage accelerometer designs, 12-9f Piezoelectric actuation for damping arm degrees of freedom augmentation, 24-41 Piezoresistor force sensors, 11-18 Pinhole imaging model, 22-2f Piper’s solution, 3-4 Pipettes, 11-16 Pitch, 5-3 Pivoting/rotary action jaws, 11-10 Planar symmetry, 22-16 Planar two-link robot, 4-5 I-12 Robotics and Automation Handbook Planets explored, 1-9 PLC, 26-3, 26-4–5, 26-4f Pneumatic actuators, 12-17–18 Pneumatic valve connections safety, 11-8f Pointer returnstomatrixc C-code, 3-28–29 Port behavior and transfer functions, 19-7–8 Position control block diagram, 16-11f Position/orientation errors, 20-11 Position-synchronized output (PSO), 13-11 Post-World War II technology, 1-5 Potentiometers, 12-4 Power amplifiers, 13-16–17 Precision definitions of, 13-2–3 machine, 13-14–16 design fundamentals, 13-2–8 structure, 13-15 vibration isolation, 13-15–16 positioning of rotary and linear systems, 13-1–22 Predator UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle), 1-10 Pressure sense, 23-11 Primera Sedan car, 21-2 Prismatic joints, 17-3 Probability density function (pdf), 10-2, 10-3, 10-3f Procedicus MIST, 21-4, 21-4f Process capability index, 10-4 Process flow chart, 11-2f Processing steps interactions, 10-14 Product of Exponentials Formula, 5-5 Pro/ENGINEER simulation Kane’s method, 6-26 Profibus DP, 26-10 Profibus-FMS, 26-11, 26-12 Profibus-PA, 26-11 ProgramCC cost, 21-11 Programmable logic controllers (PLC), 26-3, 26-4–5, 26-4f Programmable Universal Machine for Assembly (PUMA), 1-8 Pro/MECHANICA Kane’s method, 6-26 Proportional and derivative (PD) controller, 9-1 position errors, 15-20, 15-20f Proportional integral and derivative (PID) control, 26-3 Prosthetics, 1-11 Proximity sensors, 11-17, 12-11–12 Pseudo-velocities, 5-12 PSO, 13-11 Psychophysics, 23-11 Pull-back, 5-9 Pull type solenoids, 12-13 Pulse-width-modulation (PWM), 13-16–17 PUMA, 1-8 PUMA 560 iterative evolution, 3-16 manipulator, 3-11–13 PUMA 600 robot arm, 8-18–21 D-H parameters, 8-18t schematic, 8-19f PWM, 13-16–17 Pygmalion, 1-1 Q Quadrature encoders, 12-2–3 clockwise motion, 12-2f counterclockwise motion, 12-2f Quantization, 13-11–12 Quaternions, 17-4 R Radiosurgery, 25-6 Radiotherapy, 25-6 RALF, 24x32f Random variable, 10-2 Rank condition multiple-view matrix, 22-8 RANSAC type of algorithms, 22-3 RCC, 11-5, 11-6f, 20x9f RCC dynamics impedance design, 20-9–10 Readability, 3-18 Real time implementation, 4-8, 9-12–13 Real time input shaping, 9-13f Reconstructed friction torques, 14-21f Reconstructed structure two views, 22-12f Reconstruction building, 22-21f from multiple images, 22-3 using multiple-view geometry, 22-3 Reconstruction pipeline three-D, 22-3 Recursive formulation, 4-2 Recursive IK solutions vs. closed-form solutions, 14-18f Reduced order controller design, 16-15–16 Reduced order model, 16-15 Reduced order position/force control, 16-14–17, 16-16f along slanted surface, 16-16–17 Reference configuration, 5-5 Reference motion task, 15-19f Reference trajectory in task space, 14-11f Reflective symmetry transformation, 22-14f Regressor, 17-6 Regulating dynamic behavior, 19-5–13 Remote compliance centers (RCC), 11-5, 11-6f, 20-9f Remote controlled vehicle invention, 1-2 Repeatability, 13-3f definition of, 13-2–3 Residual payload motion, 9-4 Resistance temperature transducers (RTD), 26-8 Index I-13 Resolution, 13-3 definition of, 13-2–3 Resolved acceleration control, 17-10 Resolvers, 12-5 Revolute joints, 17-3 Riemannian connection, 7-3 Riemannian manifold, 7-4 Riemannian metrics, 5-14, 7-6 Riemannian structure, 7-2 Rigid body dynamics modeling, 14-4–5, 14-12–14, 14-22–23 torques differences, 14-19f inertial properties, 5-6–7 kinematics, 2-1–12 motion velocity, 5-3–4 Rigidity, 20-2f Rigid linkages Euler-language equations, 5-7–8 Rigid-link rigid-joint robot interacting with constrain surface, 18-3f Rigid motions, 17-3 Rigid robot dynamics properties, 17-5–6 ROBODOC Surgical Assistant, 25-11, 25-11f Robot arm end, 11-5f army dynamics governing equations, 4-2 assemblingelectronicpackageontoprintedwiring board, 10-13f attachment and payload capacity endeffector, 11-3–7 control problem block diagram of, 17-7f defined, 1-1 design packages, 21-5–6 dynamic analysis, 4-1–9 dynamic model experimental validation of, 14-12f dynamic simulation, 21-9–10 first use of word, 1-3 kinematics, 4-1 motion animation, 21-7–9 motion control modeling, 14-3–6 and identification, 14-1–24 Newton-Euler dynamics, 4-1–9 simulation, 21-1–27 high end packages, 21-7–8 options, 21-5–11 SolidWorks model, 21-11f theoretical foundations, 4-2–8 Robo-therapy, 1-11 Robotic(s), 1-2 applications and frontiers, 1-11–12 example applications, 21-2–4 first use of word, 1-3–4 history, 1-1–12 in industry, 1-7–8 inventions leading to, 1-2 medical applications, 1-10–11, 25-1–25 advantages of, 25-1–2 design issues, 25-2–3 hazard analysis, 25-4–5 research and development process, 25-3, 25-4f upcoming products, 25-12 military and law enforcement applications, 1-9–10 mythology influence, 1-1–2 in research laboratories, 1-5–7 space exploration, 1-8–9 Robotic Arm Large and Flexible (RALF), 24-32f Robotic arm manipulator with five joints, 8-8 Robotic catheter system, 25-12 Robotic hair transplant system, 25-12f Robotic limbs, 1-11 Robotic manipulator force/impedance control, 16-1–18 sliding mode control, 18-1–8 Robotic manipulator motion control by continuous sliding mode laws, 18-6–8 problem sliding mode formulation, 18-6–7 sliding mode manifolds, 18-7t Robotic simulation types of software packages, 21-5 Robotic toys, 1-11 RoboWorks, 21-8 Robust feedback linearization, 17-11–16 Robustness, 15-2 to modeling errors, 9-10 Robust ZVD shaper, 9-10, 9-10f Rochester, Nat, 1-6 Rodrigues’ formula, 5-3 Rolled throughput yield, 10-5 Root lock for three proportional gains, 24-28f Rosen, Charles, 1-5 Rosenthal, Dan, 6-26 Rotary axes errors for, 10-6t Rotary bearings, 13-14 Rotary encoders, 12-1, 13-17 Rotary solenoids, 12-13 Rotating axes/pivoting jaws, 11-10f Rotating axes pneumatic gripper, 11-10f Rotational component, 5-6 Rotational dynamics, 7-8–11 Rotation matrix, 8-3 submatrix independent elements, 3-14 Rotations rules for composing, 2-3 in three dimensions, 2-1–4 Routine maintenance, 10-1 RRR robot, 14-15f, 15-11f DH parameters of, 14-14f direct-drive manipulator case study, 15-10–21 PD control of, 15-15f rigid-body dynamic model, 14-16 RTD, 26-8 Russian Mir space station, 1-9 I-14 Robotics and Automation Handbook S SAIL, 1-6 Sampled and held force vs. displacement curve for virtual wall, 23-14f SCADA, 26-6 SCARA. See Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm (SCARA) Schaechter, David, 6-27 Scheinman, Victor, 1-6, 1-8, 8-13 Schilling Titan II ORNL’s RoboWorks model, 21-9f Screw, 5-3 magnitude of, 5-3 Screw axis, 2-6 Screw machine invention, 1-2 Screw motions, 2-6 SD/FAST Kane’s method, 6-26 Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm (SCARA), 1-8, 8-11–12 D-H parameters for, 8-11f error motions, 10-11t kinematic modeling, 10-10, 10-10f schematic, 8-11f Semiautomatic building mapping and reconstruction, 22-21–22 Semiconductor manufacturing, 11-3 Semiglobal, 17-11 Sensing modalities, 22-1 Sensitive directions, 10-13 Sensor-level input/output protocol, 26-9–10 Sensors and actuators, 12-1–18 Sequential flow chart (SFC), 26-16, 26-17f Serial linkages kinematics, 5-4–5 Serial link manipulator, 17-3f Serial manipulator with n joints, 14-3f Series dynamics, 19-20–21 Servo controlled joints dynamics of, 24-13–15 Servo control system for joint i, 15-7f Servo design using µ-synthesis, 15-9f 7-joint robot manipulator, 8-15–18 SFC, 26-16, 26-17f SGI, 21-12 Shafts, 24-5–6 distributed elements, 24-15 Shaky the Robot, 1-5 Shannon, Claude E., 1-6 Shaped square trajectory response to, 9-15f Shape memory alloys, 11-9 Shaping filter, 24-34 Shear modulus, 24-3–4 Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, 1-2 Sherman, Michael, 6-26 Silicon Graphics, Inc. (SGI), 21-12 Silma, 21-7 Simbionix LapMentor software, 21-4 Simbionix virtual patient, 21-5f Similarity, 22-3 SimMechanics, 21-10 cost, 21-11 Simple impedance control, 19-15–17 Simple kinematic pairs, 24-10 Simulated mechanical contact, 23-1 Simulated workcell, 21-7f Simulation block diagram, 21-14f Simulation capabilities build your own, 21-11–21 Simulation forms of equation, 24-25–26 Simulation packages robot high end, 21-7–8 Simulink, 21-10, 21-13 cost, 21-11 Sine error, 13-5f Single-axis tuning simplified plant model for, 13-20f Single DOF example Matlab code, 21-23–24 Single jaw gripper design, 11-14f Single pole double throw switch (SPDT), 12-10, 12-10f Single-resonance model, 19-21f, 19-22f equivalent physical system for, 19-19f Single structural resonance model, 19-4f 6-axis robot manipulator with five revolute joints, 8-13 Six by six Jacobian, 3-14, 3-23–24 Six degree of freedom manipulator, 3-8, 3-13–16 Sixdegreeoffreedomsystem,3-14 Skew-symmetric matrix, 5-6–7 Slanted surface hybrid impedance control along, 16-13–14 hybrid position/force control, 16-8–9 manipulator moving along, 16-4f task-space formulation for, 16-3–4 Slave manipulator, 23-2 Sliding modes, 17-15–16 controller design, 18-7–8 formulation of robot manipulator, 18-2–4 Sliding surface, 17-15–16, 17-17f Small baseline motion and continuous motion, 22-8 Small Gain Theorem, 17-11 Small motions, 2-8, 2-11 Smooth function tracking with feedforward compensation, 9-18f without feedforward compensation, 9-17f Sojourner Truth, 1-9 Solenoids, 12-12–13 Solid state output, 12-11 SolidWorks, 21-10 cost, 21-10 robot model, 21-11f Sony, 1-11 Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS), 1-9 Spatial distribution of errors, 10-14–15 Spatial dynamics, 4-8–9 Spatial information, 23-11 Index I-15 Spatial velocity, 5-3–4 SPDT, 12-10, 12-10f Special Euclidean group, 17-3 Special purpose end effectors/complementary tools, 11-16 Spectrum analysis technique, 14-13 Speeds online reconstruction of, 14-9–10 Spencer, Christopher Miner, 1-2 Sphere ANSI definition of circularity, 10-4f Spherical wrist center, 3-9–10 height, 3-10 Spring-and-mass environment stable and unstable parameter values for, 19-21f Spring-mass response shaped step commands, 9-12f Squareness, 10-6t SRI International, 1-5 SSRMS, 1-9 Stability, 15-2 endeffector, 11-11–13 Stable factorizations, 17-11 Standard deviation, 10-3 Stanford arm, 1-6, 8-13–15, 8-13f D-H parameters, 8-14t Stanford Artificial Intelligence Lab (SAIL), 1-6 Stanford cart, 1-6 Stanford manipulator link frame attachments, 3-7f variation, 3-7f Stanford Research Institute, 1-5 Statics, 24-2–9 Stepper motors, 12-13–15 Stereotactic radiosurgery system, 25-6–9 Stiffness control, 16-5–6 Stiffness of series of links, 24-12–13 Straightness, 10-6t Strain gauge sensor, 12-8 applied to structure, 12-9f Strains sensors, 12-8–9 Strength, 24-4 Stress vs. strain, 24-2–3 Structural compliance, 10-1 Structured text, 26-15 example, 26-15f Supervisory control, 17-20 Supervisory control and data acquisition system (SCADA), 26-6 Surface grinder local coordinate systems, 10-7f Surgical simulation, 21-3–4 Sweden, 1-8 Swept envelope, 10-15 Switches as digital sensors, 12-10 Switzerland, 1-8 Symbolic packages, 21-15 Symmetric multiple-view matrix, 22-15 Symmetric multiple-view rank condition, 22-14–15, 22-15 Symmetry, 22-13–17 reconstruction from, 22-15 statistical context, 22-16 surfaces and curves, 22-16 and vision, 22-16 Symmetry-based algorithm building reconstructed, 22-22f Symmetry-based reconstruction for rectangular object, 22-16 Symmetry cells detected and extracted, 22-20f feature extraction, 22-18 feature matching, 22-20f matching, 22-20f reconstruction, 22-20f SystemBuild, 21-10, 21-13 System characteristic behavior, 24-26–27 System modeling, 13-19–20 System with time delay feedforward compensation, 9-16–18, 9-16f T Tachometers, 12-1 Tactile feedback/force sensing, 11-18, 23-3 Tactile force control, 11-18–19 Taliban forces, 1-10 Tangential position control component, 16-7 Tangent map, 5-9 Task space, 17-3 inverse dynamics, 17-9–10 model and environmental forces, 16-3 Taylor series expansion, 2-4, 2-11 Telerobot, 23-2 Tentacle Arm, 1-7 Tesla, Nikola, 1-2 Thermal deformation, 10-6t Thermally induced deflections, 10-1 Thermal management, 13-7 Theta.dat, 3-18, 3-30 Third joint flexible dynamics, 15-12f Three axis arm as micromanipulator for inertial damping, 24-41f Three-dimensional sensitivity curve, 9-11f 3-DOF system full sea state Matlab code, 21-24–27 3-D reconstruction pipeline, 22-3 Three Laws of Robotics, 1-4 Three-phase DC brushless motor, 12-16f Three term OAT command shaping filter, 24-34f Tiger Electronics, 1-11 Time delay filtering, 24-34, 24-35, 24-35f Time-delay system without feedforward compensation step response of, 9-16f Time-domain technique, 14-13 Tip force without compensation, 21-20f Titan 3 servo-hydraulic manipulator, 12-18f Tolerances defined, 10-4 of form, 10-4 I-16 Robotics and Automation Handbook of size and location, 10-4 on surface finish, 10-4 Tomorrow Tool, 1-8 Tool related errors, 10-6t Torques and forces between interacting bodies, 7-15–16 Torsion, 24-5–6 Torsional buckling, 24-9 Trajectory generation, 17-7 Trajectory planning for flexible robots, 9-3 Trajectory tracking, 17-7 Trallfa Nils Underhaug, 1-7 Trallfa robot, 1-7 Transfer matrix representation, 24-16, 24-18 Transformation matrix, 24-9–10 Transition Research Corporation, 1-10 Translating link released from supports, 6-17f Translational component, 5-6 Translational displacement, 4-9 Transmission transfer function block diagram of, 19-8f Tupilaq, 1-1–2 Turret lathe invention, 1-2 Twist coordinates, 5-2 Twists, 5-2 Two DOF planar robot grasping object, 6-15f Two DOF planar robot with one revolute joint and one prismatic joint, 6-8–13, 6-9f acceleration, 6-11 equations of motion, 6-13 generalized active forces, 6-13 generalized coordinates and speeds, 6-9–10 generalized inertia forces, 6-12 linearized partial velocities, 6-20t partial velocities, 6-11 preliminaries, 6-9 velocities, 6-10 Two DOF planar robot with two revolute joints, 6-4–8 equations of motion, 6-7 generalized active forces, 6-7–8 generalized coordinates and speeds, 6-6 generalized inertia forces, 6-7 partial velocities, 6-6–7 preliminaries, 6-5–6 velocities, 6-6 Two inverse kinematic solutions, 3-2f Two link manipulator, 3-2f Two-link robot with two revolute joints, 4-5f Two-link robot example, 4-4–7 Two-mode shaper forming through convolution, 9-12f Two-part phase stepper motor power sequence, 12-14f Two-view geometry, 22-4–8 U Ultrasonic sensors, 12-8 Uncalibrated camera, 22-8 Uncertain double integrator system, 17-11f Unconstrained system Kane’s method, 6-16 Ungrounded, 23-3 Unified dynamic approach, 4-2 Unimate, 1-5 Unimation, 1-4 Unimation, Inc., 1-5 Universal automation, 1-4 Universal multiple-view matrix rank conditions, 22-13 Unmanned aerial vehicle, 1-10 automatic landing, 22-17 Unrestrained motions, 6-21 Unshaped square trajectory response to, 9-14f V Vacuum, 11-8 Vacuum pickups, 11-16 Variability, 10-1 Vehicle and arm OpenSim simulation, 21-13f Velocity, 4-9 and forces, 5-3–4 kinematics, 17-4 step-input, 16-10–11 Venera 13, 1-8 Venus, 1-8 Vibration reduction extension beyond, 9-14–15 Vicarm, 1-8 Vicarm, Inc., 1-8 Viking 1, 1-9 Viking 2, 1-9 Virtual coupler, 23-7, 23-8 Virtual damper, 23-14 Virtual environments, 23-9, 23-17–20 and haptic interface, 23-1–21 characterizing human user, 23-5 Virtual fixtures, 23-3 Virtual trajectory, 19-14–15, 19-15f Virtual wall, 23-14f, 23-15 Vision, 12-12, 22-1 Voyager missions, 1-9 W Water clock invention, 1-2 Weak perspective projection, 22-4 Weaver, Warren, 1-6 We be r’slaw,23-10 Weighting function magnitude plots for, 15-17f Whirlwind, 1-5 Whittaker, William “Red,” 1-7 Index I-17 Working Model Kane’s method, 6-28–29 World frame, 17-3 World War II, 1-4 Wrench, 5-4 Wrist compliance, 11-5 Writing task, 15-21f X X tip direction, 21-21f Y Yamanashi University, 1-8 Young’s modulus, 24-2 Y tip direction, 21-21f Z Zero-order-hold reconstruction filter magnitude and phase of, 13-13f stairstep version signal, 13-14f Zero phase error tracking control (ZPETC), 9-22–23, 13-21 as command generator, 9-24 Zeroth Law, 1-4 Zero-vibration impulse sequences generating zero-vibration commands, 9-9 Zero-vibration shaper, 9-10 ZEUS Robotic Surgical System, 1-11 Ziegler-Nichols PID tuning, 11-18 ZPETC, 9-22–23, 13-21 as command generator, 9-24 Z tip direction, 21-22f ZVD shaper, 9-10, 9-10f . cells detected and extracted, 2 2 -2 0f feature extraction, 2 2-1 8 feature matching, 2 2 -2 0f matching, 2 2 -2 0f reconstruction, 2 2 -2 0f SystemBuild, 2 1-1 0, 2 1-1 3 System characteristic behavior, 2 4 -2 6 27 System. state, 2 1 -2 4 27 single DOF example, 2 1 -2 3 24 cost, 2 1-1 1 Matrix exponential, 2- 4 Matrixinverse.c, 3-1 8, 3 -2 6 28 Matrixproduct.c, 3-1 8, 3 -2 8 29 McCarthy, John, 1-6 Mechanical Hand-1 (MH-1), 1-5 Mechanical. control, 2 0-1 0– 12 Multiple-model-based hybrid control architecture, 1 7 -2 0f Multiple-model control, 1 7 -2 0 Multiple-view geometry, 2 2-8 –13 Multiple-view matrix point features, 2 2-9 rank condition, 2 2-9 10 theorem,