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A Survey of Geometric Vision 22 -13 Coplanar Features The treatment for coplanar point features is similar to the general case. Assume the equation of the plane in the first camera frame is [π T 1 , π 2 ]X =0 with π 1 ∈R 3 and π 2 ∈R. By simply appending the 1 ×2block [π T 1 x 1 , π 2 ]totheendofM in Equation (22.12), the rank condition in Theorem 22.1 still holds. Since π 1 = N is the unit normal vector of the plane and π 2 =d is the distance from the first camera center to the plane, the rank condition implies d(  x i R i x 1 ) − (N T x 1 )(  x i T i ) =0, which is obviously equivalent to the homography between the ith and the first views (see Equation (22.8)). As for reconstruction, we can use the four-point algorithm to initialize the estimation of the homography and then perform a similar iteration scheme to obtain motion and structure. The algorithm can be found in [36, 51]. 22.3.3 Further Readings Multilinear Constraints and Factorization Algorithm There are two other approaches dealing with multiple-view reconstruction. The first approach is to use the so-called multilinear constraints on multiple images of a 3-D point or line. For small number of views, these constraints can be described in terms of tensorial notations [23, 52, 53]. For example, the constraints for m = 3 can be described using trifocal tensors. For large number of views (m ≥ 5), the tensor is difficult to describe. The reconstruction is then to calculate the trifocal tensors first and factorize the tensors for camera motions [2]. An apparent disadvantage is that it is hard to choose the right “three-view sets” and also difficult to combine the results. Another approach is to apply some factorization scheme to iteratively estimate the structure and motion [23, 40, 57], which is in the same spirit as Algorithm 22.2. Universal Multiple-View Matrix and Rank Conditions The reconstruction algorithm in this section was only for point features. Algorithms have also been designed for lines features [35, 56]. In fact the multiple-view rank condition approach can be extended to all different types of features such as line, plane, mixed line, point and even curves. This leads to a set of rank conditions on a universal multiple-view matrix. For details please refer to [38, 40]. Dynamical Scenes The constraint we developed in this section is for static scene. If the scene is dynamic, i.e., there are moving objects in the scene, a similar type of rank condition can be obtained. This rank condition is obtained by incorporating the dynamics of the objects in 3-D space into their own descriptions and lifting the 3-D moving points into a higher dimensional space in which they are static. For details please refer to [27, 40]. Orthographic Projection Finally, note that the linear algorithm and the rank condition are for the perspective projection model. If the scene is far from the camera, then the image can be modeled using orthographic projection, and the Tomasi-Kanade factorization method can be applied [59]. Similar factorization algorithm for other types of projections and dynamics have also been developed [8, 21, 48, 49]. 22.4 Utilizing Prior Knowledge of the Scene Symmetry In this section we study how to incorporate scene knowledge into the reconstruction process. In our daily life, especially in a man-made environment, there exist all types of “regularity.” For objects, regular shapes such as rectangle, square, diamond, and circle always attract our attention. For spatial relationship between objects, orthoganality, parallelism, and similarity are the conspicuous ones. Interestingly, all the above regularities can be described using the notion of symmetry. For instance, a rectangular window has one rotational symmetry and two reflective symmetry; the same windows on the same wall have translational symmetry; the corner of a cube displays rotational symmetry. Copyright © 2005 by CRC Press LLC 22 -14 Robotics and Automation Handbook 22.4.1 Symmetric Multiple-View Rank Condition There are many studies using instances of symmetry in the scene for reconstruction purposes [1, 3, 6, 19, 25, 28, 70, 73, 74]. Recently, a set of algorithms using symmetry for reconstruction from a single image has been developed [25]. The main idea is to use the so-called equivalent images encoded in a single image of a symmetric object. Figure 22.7 illustrates this notion for the case of a reflective symmetry. We attach an object coordinate frame to the symmetric object and set it as the reference frame. 3-D points X and X  are related by some symmetric transformation g (in the object frame) with g (X) = X  . If the image is obtained from viewpoint O, then the image of X  can be interpreted as the image of X viewed from the virtual viewpoint O  that is the correspondence of O under the same symmetry transformation g . The image of X  is called an equivalent image of X viewed from O  . Therefore, given a single image of a symmetric object, we have multiple equivalent images of this object. The number of all equivalent images is the number of all symmetry of the object. Inmodern mathematics, symmetry of an objectarecharacterizedbya symmetry groupwith each element in the group representing a transformation under which the object is invariant [25, 68]. For example, a rectangle possesses two reflective symmetry and one rotational symmetry. We can use the group theoretic notation to define a 3-D symmetric object as in [25]. Definition 22.1 Let S be a set of 3-D points. It is called a symmetricstructure if there exists a non-trivial subgroup G of the Euclidean group E (3) acting on S such that for any g ∈G, g defines an isomorphism from S to itself. G is called the symmetry group of S. N X O O ′ g g 0 g 0 g ¢ = g 0 gg 0 –1 X ′ FIGURE 22.7 X and X  are corresponding points under reflective symmetry transformation g (expressed in the object frame) such that X  =g(X). N is the normal vector of the mirror plane. The motion between the camera frame and the object frame is g 0 . Hence, the image of X  in real camera can be considered as the image of X viewed by a virtual camera with pose g 0 g with respect to the object frame or g 0 gg −1 0 with respect to the real camera frame. Copyright © 2005 by CRC Press LLC A Survey of Geometric Vision 22 -15 Under this definition, the possible symmetry on a 3-D object are reflective symmetry, translational symmetry, rotational symmetry, and any combination of them. For any point p ∈S on the object, its symmetric correspondence for g ∈G is g (p)∈S. The images of p and g (p) are denoted as x and g (x). Let the symmetry transformation in the object frame be g = [R, T] ∈G (R ∈ O(3) and T ∈R 3 ). As illustrated in Figure 22.7, if the transformation from the object (reference) frame to the real camera frame is g 0 =[R 0 , T 0 ], the transformation from the reference frame to the virtual camera frame is g 0 g. Furthermore, the transformation from the real camera frame to the virtual camera frame is g  = g 0 gg −1 0 = [R  , T  ] =  R 0 RR T 0 ,  I − R 0 RR T 0  T 0 + R 0 T  (22.19) For the symmetric object S, assume its symmetry group G has m elements g i =[R i , T i ], i =1, 2, , m. Thenthetransformationbetweenthe ithvirtualcamera andtherealcameraisg  i =[R  i , T  i ](i =1,2, , m) as can be calculated from Equation (22.19). Given any point X ∈S with image x and its equivalent images g i (x)’s, we can define the symmetric multiple-view matrix M(x i ) =         g 1 (x)R  1 x  g 1 (x)T  1  g 2 (x)R  2 x  g 2 (x)T  2 . . . . . .  g m (x)R  m x  g m (x)T  m        (22.20) According to Theorem 22.1, it satisfies the symmetric multiple-view rank condition: rank(M(x)) ≤ 1 (22.21) 22.4.2 Reconstruction from Symmetry Using the symmetric multiple-view rank condition and a set of n symmetric correspondences (points), we can solve for g  i =[R  i , T  i ] and thestructure of thepoints in S in the objectframe using analgorithm similar to Algorithm 22.2. However, a further step is still necessary to recover g 0 =[R 0 , T 0 ] for the camera pose with respect to the object frame. This can be done by solving the following Lyapunov type of equations: g  i g 0 − g 0 g i = 0, or R  i R 0 − R 0 R = 0 and T 0 = (I − R  ) † (T  − R 0 T) (22.22) Since g  i and g i are known, g 0 can be solved. The detailed treatment can be found in [25, 40]. As can be seen in the example at the end of this section, symmetry-based reconstruction is very accurate and requires a minimum amount of data. A major reason is that the baseline between the real camera and the virtual one is often large due to the symmetry transformation. Therefore, degenerate cases will occur if the camera center is invariant under the symmetry transformation. For example, if the camera lies on the mirror plane for a reflective symmetry, the structure can only be recovered up to some ambiguities [25]. The reconstruction for some special cases can be simplified without explicitly using the symmetric multiple-view rank condition (e.g., see [3]). For the reflective symmetry, the structure with respect to the camera frame can be calculated using only two pairs of symmetric points. Assume the image of two pairs of reflective points are x, x  and y, y  . Then the image line connecting x and x  is obtained by l x ∼  xx  . Similarly, l y connecting y and y  satisfies l y ∼  yy  . It can be shown that the unit normal vector N (see Figure 22.7) of the reflection plane satisfies  l T x l T y  N = 0 (22.23) from which N can be solved. Assume the depth of x and x  are λ and λ  , then they can be calculated using Copyright © 2005 by CRC Press LLC 22 -16 Robotics and Automation Handbook the following relationship   Nx −  Nx  N T x N T x   λ λ   =  0 2d  (22.24) where d is the distance from the camera center to the reflection plane. Planar Symmetry Planar symmetric objectsare widely present in man-made environment. Regular shapes such as square and rectangle are often good landmarks for mapping and recognition tasks. For a planar symmetric object, its symmetry forms a subgroup G of E (22.2) instead of E (22.3). Let g ∈ E (2) be one symmetry of a planar symmetric object. Recall that there exists a homography H 0 between the object frame and camera frame. Also between the original image and the equivalent image generated by g, there exists another homography H. It can be shown that H = H 0 gH −1 0 . Therefore all the homographies generated from the equivalent images form a homography group H 0 GH −1 0 ,whichisconjugatetoG [3]. This fact can be used in testing if an image is the image of an object with desired symmetry. Given the image, by calculating the homographies from all equivalent images based on the hypothesis, we can check the group relationship of the homography group and decide if the desired symmetry exists [3]. In case the object is a rectangle, the calculation can be further simplified using the notion of vanishing point as illustrated in the following example. Example 22.3 (Symmetry-based reconstruction for a rectangular object.) For a rectangle in 3-D space, the two pairs of parallel edges generate two vanishing points v 1 and v 2 in the image. As a 3-D vector, v i (i =1,2) can also be interpreted as the vector from the camera center to the vanishing point and hence must be parallel to the pair of parallel edges. Therefore, we must have v 1 ⊥ v 2 . So by checking the angle between the two vanishing points, we can decide if a region can be the image of a rectangle. Figure 22.8 demonstrates the reconstruction based on the assumption of a rectangle. The two sides of the cube are two rectangles (in fact squares). The angles between the vanishing points are 89.1 ◦ and 92.5 ◦ , respectively. The reconstruction is performed using only one image and six points. The angle between the two planes is 89.2 ◦ . 22.4.3 Further Readings Symmetry and Vision Symmetryis a strong visioncue in human vision perception and has been extensively discussedin psychol- ogy and cognition research [43, 45, 47]. It has been noticed that symmetry is useful for face recognition [61, 62, 63]. Symmetry in Statistical Context Besides geometric symmetry that has beendiscussed in thissection, symmetry in the senseof statistics have also been studied and utilized. Actually, the computational advantages of symmetry were first explored in the statistical context, such as the study of isotropic texture [17, 42, 69]. It was the work of [14, 15, 42] that provided a wide range of efficient algorithms for recovering the orientation of a textured plane based on the assumption of isotropy or weak isotropy. Symmetry of Surfaces and Curves While we only utilized symmetric points in this chapter, the symmetry of surfaces has also been exploited. References [55, 72] used the surface symmetry for human face reconstruction. References [19, 25] studied reconstruction of symmetric curves. Copyright © 2005 by CRC Press LLC 22 -18 Robotics and Automation Handbook FIGURE 22.9 Top: A picture of the UAV in landing process. Bottom left: An image of the landing pad viewed from an on-board camera. Bottom right: Extracted corner features from the image of the landing pad. (Photo courtesy of O. Shankeria.) to the results obtained from differential GPS and INS sensors (Figure 22.10, bottom). The overall error for this algorithm is less than 5 cm in distance and 4 ◦ for rotation [51]. 22.5.2 Automatic Symmetry Cell Detection, Matching and Reconstruction In Section 22.4, we discussed symmetry-based reconstruction techniques from a single image. Here we present a comprehensive example that performs symmetry-based reconstruction from multiple views [3, 28]. In this example, the image primitives are no longer point or line. Instead we use the symmetry cells as features. The example includes three steps. Feature Extraction By symmetry cell we mean a region in the image that is an image of a desired symmetric object in 3-D. In this example, the symmetric object we choose is rectangle. So the symmetry cells are images of rectangles. Detecting symmetry cells (rectangles) includes two steps. First, we perform color-based segmentation on the image.Then, for allthe detected four-sidedregions, we test if its two vanishingpoints are perpendicular to each other and decide if it can be an image of a rectangle in 3-D space. Figure 22.11 demonstrates this for the picture of an indoor scene. In this picture, after color segmentation, all four-sided regions with reasonablesizesaredetectedandmarkedwithdarkenedboundaries.Theneachfour-sidedpolygonis passed through the vanishingpoint test. For those polygonspassing the test, we denote them as symmetry cells and recover the object frames with the symmetry-based algorithm. Each individual symmetry cell is recovered Copyright © 2005 by CRC Press LLC A Survey of Geometric Vision 22 -21 FIGURE 22.13 Camera poses and cell structure recovered. From left to right: top, side, and frontal views of the cells and camera poses. between the second and third images. For applications such as robotic mapping, the symmetric cells can serve as “landmarks.” The pose and motion of the robot can be easily derived using a similar scheme. 22.5.3 Semiautomatic Building Mapping and Reconstruction If a large number of similar objects is present, it is usually hard for the detection and matching scheme in the above example to work properly. For instance, for the symmetry of window complexes on the side of a building shown in Figure 22.14, many ambiguous matches may occur. In such cases, we need to take manual intervention to obtain a realistic 3-D reconstruction (e.g., see [28]). The techniques discussed so far, however, help to minimize the amount of manual intervention. For images in Figure 22.14, the user only needs to point out cells and provide the cell correspondence information. The system will then automatically generate a consistent set of camera poses from the matched cells, as displayed in Figure 22.15 FIGURE 22.14 Five images used for reconstruction of a building. For the first four image, we mark a few cells manually. The last image is only used for extracting roof information. Copyright © 2005 by CRC Press LLC A Survey of Geometric Vision 22 -23 [4] Canny, J.F., A computational approach to edge detection, IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. & Machine Intelligence, 8(6):679–698, 1986. [5] Caprile, B. and Torre, V., Using vanishing points for camera calibration, Int. J. Computer Vision, 4(2):127–140, 1990. [6] Carlsson, S., Symmetry in perspective, in Proc. Eur. Conf. Computer Vision, pp. 249–263, 1998. 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Copyright © 2005 by CRC Press LLC 23 Haptic Interface to Virtual Environments R. Brent Gillespie University of Michigan 23.1 Introduction Related Technologies • Some Classifications • Applications 23.2 An Overview: System Performance Metrics and Specifications Characterizing the Human User • Specification and Design of the Haptic Interface • Design of the Virtual Environment 23.3 Human Haptics Some Observations • Some History in Haptics • Anticipatory Control 23.4 Haptic Interface Compensation Based on System Models • Passivity Applied to Haptic Interface 23.5 Virtual Environment Collision Detector • Interaction Calculator • Forward Dynamics Solver 23.6 Concluding Remarks 23.1 Introduction Ahapticinterfaceisamotorizedandinstrumenteddevicethatallowsahumanusertotouchandmanipulate objects within a virtual environment. As shown in Figure 23.1, the haptic interface intervenes between the user and virtual environment, making a mechanical contact with the user and an electrical connection with the virtual environment. At the mechanical contact, force and motion are either measured by sensors or driven by motors. At the electrical connection, signals are transmitted that represent the force and motion occurring at a simulated mechanical contact with a virtual object. A controller within the haptic interface processes the various signals and attempts to ensure that the force and motion signals describing the mechanical contact track or in some sense follow the force and motion signals at the simulated contact. The motors on the haptic interface device provide the authority by which the controller ensures tracking. A well-designed haptic device and controller will cause the behaviors at the mechanical and simulated contacts to be “close” to one another. In so doing it will extend the mechanical sensing and manipulation capabilities of a human user into the virtual environment. 23.1.1 Related Technologies Naturally, the field of haptic interface owes much to the significantly older field of telerobotics. A telerobot intervenes between a human user and a remote physical environment rather than between a user and a computationally mediated virtual environment. In addition to a master manipulator (to which the haptic Copyright © 2005 by CRC Press LLC [...]... system whose function depends on active participation by the perceiver For example, the visual system includes not only the eyes and visual cortex but also the active Copyright © 20 05 by CRC Press LLC 2 3-1 4 Robotics and Automation Handbook Fe Fe = kxe S/H{Fe (n) = kxe (n )} xmax xe FIGURE 23 .6 The sampled and held force vs displacement curve for a virtual wall during compression of the virtual spring is... user and Copyright © 20 05 by CRC Press LLC 2 3-8 Robotics and Automation Handbook objects such as A and B in the virtual environment Proxy P might take on the shape of the fingertip or a tool in the user’s grasp The virtual coupler is depicted as a spring and damper in parallel, which is a model of its most common computational implementation, though generalizations to 3D involve additional linear and. .. produces the following spring law: F e (n) = k(1.5x(n) − 0.5x(n − 1)) Copyright © 20 05 by CRC Press LLC (23 .5) 2 3-1 6 Robotics and Automation Handbook input/output description is necessary A full state-space model is not needed Rather, system components can be handled as members of classes with certain properties, and results are significantly more modular in nature Note that passivity is a property of.. .2 3 -6 Robotics and Automation Handbook interaction force F h and velocity v h and interface/virtual-environment interaction force F e and velocity v e Note that in the network diagram, a sign convention is specified for each variable that is not explicitly available in... continuous, physical world, and the virtual coupler and virtual environment, that live in the discrete, computed world, are a sampling operator T and zero-order hold The virtual coupler is shown as a two-port that operates on velocities v m and v e to produce the motor command force F m and force F e imposed on the virtual environment Forces F m and F e are usually equal and opposite Finally, Fh User... forces Virtual Environment ve motion FIGURE 23 .5 Block diagram of haptic rendering Copyright © 20 05 by CRC Press LLC Haptic Interface to Virtual Environments 2 3-1 1 Weber recognized the role of intentional movement in the perception of hardness and distance between objects In 1 925 David Katz published his influential book Der Aufbau der Tastwelt (The World of Touch) [ 26 ] He was interested in bringing the sense... the virtual coupler is two-fold First, it links a forward-dynamics model of the virtual environment with a haptic interface designed for impedance-display Motion (displacement and velocity) of the virtual coupler determines, through the applicable spring and damper constants, the forces and moments to be applied to the forward dynamics model and the equal and opposite forces and moments to be displayed... force-displacement integral The average ˆ of xe (n) and a value xe (n + 1) predicted a full sample ahead may be used as a half-sample prediction of xe , yielding the algorithm F e (n) = k ˆ (xe (n) + xe (n + 1)) 2 (23 .2) ˙ ˆ ˆ ˙ If the velocity xe is available, the prediction xe (n + 1) may be obtained using xe (n + 1) ≈ xe (n) + xe (n)T , which yields the algorithm F e (n) = kxe (n) + kT ˙ xe (n) 2 (23 .3)... admittance-display cases, see [ 12 14] Another note can be made with reference to Figure 23 .4: rigid bodies in the virtual environment, including P , have both configuration and shape — they interact with one another according to their dynamic and geometric models Configuration (including orientation and position) is indicated in Figure 23 .4 using reference frames (three mutually orthogonal unit vectors) and. .. used to account for a deficiency of passivity in the virtual environment (due to half-sample delay in the zero-order-hold) Note the term KT /2 which appeared above in Equation (23 .3) as the damping coefficient of a virtual damper that, when added to the spring law, compensated for the effects of the Copyright © 20 05 by CRC Press LLC . calculated using Copyright © 20 05 by CRC Press LLC 22 -1 6 Robotics and Automation Handbook the following relationship   Nx −  Nx  N T x N T x   λ λ   =  0 2d  (22 .24 ) where d is the distance. haptic Copyright © 20 05 by CRC Press LLC 23 -6 Robotics and Automation Handbook interaction force F h and velocity v h and interface/virtual-environment interaction force F e and velocity v e Denmark, Vol. 2, pp. 20 1 21 6, 20 02. [28 ] Huang, K., Yang, A.Y., Hong, W., and Ma, Y., Large-baseline matching and reconstruction using symmetry cells, in Proc. of IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation,

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