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Bio-MEMS Technologies and Applications - Wang and Soper (Eds) Part 16 pptx

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Pharmaceutical Analysis Using Bio-MEMS 453 TABLE 16.1 (continued) Clinical and Bioanalytical Applications Analyte Significance Device/Technique Notes NO Dilates blood vessels; modulates synaptic signal transmission Cells grown in channels of microfluidic chip with amperometric detection 83 Bovine pulmonary artery endothelial cells stimulated to release NO, detected with C ink electrode coated with nafion to block interfering species. Cell culture, enzyme reactions, and detection by a colorimetric reaction and laser-induced thermal lens microscopy 50 Indirect detection via Griess reagent of NO released from mouse macrophages Cytokine Cellular proteins that regulate immune response Immunoaffinity capture, dye- labeling, electrophoresis, and LIF detection 31 Immobilized antibodies in injection port–captured cytokines in serum and CSF of head-trauma patients Botulinum toxin Bacterial toxin used in biological warfare ELISA, including sample prep of blood, on-chip 47 Filtration, mixing, incubation coupled to microfluidic channels, valves, filters, and enzymatic reaction for colorimetric detection Cortisol Stress hormone Competitive immunoassay, electrophoretic separation of bound and free labeled antigen, and LIF detection on-chip 84 Determination of cortisol in blood serum in clinical range without extraction or other sample prep (separation in less than 30 s) DK532X_book.fm Page 453 Friday, November 10, 2006 3:31 PM © 2007 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 454 Bio-MEMS: Technologies and Applications electrochemical detection. First, the total amount of NO 2 was determined by zone electrophoresis with amperometric detection at a carbon electrode. Second, NO 3 was reduced to NO 2 – on-chip with copper-coated cadmium granules, separated, and detected. The total concentration of NO 3 – was cal- culated by subtracting the first run (NO 2 – ) from the second (NO 2 – + NO 2 – from reduction of NO 3 – ). 49 A different microchip-based bioassay was developed for the detection of nitric oxide release from macrophage cells stimulated by lipopolysaccharide (LPS). 50 A diagram of the microchip is shown in Figure 16.3. Cells were cultured on-chip in a microchamber and incubated at 37°C by a Peltier element-based temperature control device. In order to stimulate NO produc- tion, LPS in medium was introduced through a reservoir upstream from the cells. The NO quickly degraded to generate NO 2 – and NO 3 – . Nitrate reductase was introduced through another reservoir to reduce the nitrate to nitrite. The resulting nitrite (from both NO 2 – and NO 3 – ) was then reacted with sulfanil- amide and N-1-naphthylethylendiamine to form a colored product that was detected using a thermal lens microscope. Another application of microchips to clinical analysis is immunoassays. These are frequently used to detect the presence of certain proteins or anti- bodies in blood or other tissues. Examples of microchip assays of this type include those for simple protein analytes such as bovine serum albumin (BSA) 51,52 or IgG. 51,53,54 Other on-chip assays are more complex. One example is a chip that is designed to aid in the diagnosis of Duchene muscular dystrophy. 55 In this assay, genomic DNA was extracted from whole blood and amplified using an on-chip IR-mediated polymerase chain reaction FIGURE 16.3 Microsyringe pumps, microchip, and temperature control device for bioassay of NO release from macrophages. (From Goto, M. et al., Anal. Chem., 77, 2125, 2005. With permission.) Switching valve Cells Medium LPS in medium Nitrate reductase Sulranilamide N-1-Naphtylethylendiamine TLM detection Waste Te mperature control device 37°C 50°C 20°C DK532X_book.fm Page 454 Friday, November 10, 2006 3:31 PM © 2007 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Pharmaceutical Analysis Using Bio-MEMS 455 (PCR). The resulting DNA related to the disease was detected following electrophoretic separation. Wang et al. have coupled an enzymatic bioassay with an electrophoretic separation on-chip for the measurement of the renal markers creatine, cre- atinine, p-aminohippuric acid, and uric acid. 56 These markers are routinely monitored to assess kidney function. Sample and a mixture of creatinase, creatininase, and sarcosine oxidase were combined and allowed to react. The enzyme reactions produced hydrogen peroxide, which is neutral and can be electrophoretically separated from other anionic analytes of interest, urate, and p-aminohippuric acid. Amperometric detection was used for quantitation. In large clinical labs, most assays take place at a location that is far from the patient. In these cases, the analysis can take a great deal of time and the sample may be mishandled, mislabeled, or lost. Microfluidic devices offer the opportunity for point-of-care analysis, giving both the patient and the doctor instant feedback. These small, fast, and disposable devices offer the potential for quick, less error-prone analyses—at the doctors’ office or at of microchip-based clinical assays. 16.4.2 Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Microchip-based assays have also been developed for therapeutic drug mon- theophylline was developed by Chiem and Harrison. 51,85 Theophylline is an antiasthmatic drug. Physicians can adjust the dosage for maximum efficacy if serum theophylline levels are followed. In this study, the antibody, labeled theophylline, and sample serum were mixed on-chip by electroosmotic pumping. The antibodies were allowed to react with the antigen and then the bound versus free fractions were separated by electrophoresis and detected by fluorescence. Limits of detection for theophylline of 26 mg/L in serum were achieved. Vrouwe et al. 86 created a microchip analysis system for measurement of Li + in whole blood. Li + is normally not present in the body; however, it is used in the treatment of manic-depressive illnesses. The upper therapeutic level of this drug is dangerously close to toxic concentrations; therefore, careful monitoring of blood concentration is important. Vrouwe exploited the fact that in an electric field, Li + ions move more quickly than the much larger blood cells. The sample was injected electrokinetically, and Li + was loaded into the separation channel before the blood cells had a chance to enter the injection T. Glucose was also added to the run buffer to match the osmotic strength of the run buffer to that of blood so that the cells did not lyse and release contents that could interfere with Li + detection. Because sodium concentrations are high and fairly constant in blood, sodium was used as an internal standard. The Li + peak areas were normalized to Na + DK532X_book.fm Page 455 Friday, November 10, 2006 3:31 PM home. Table 16.1 lists a majority of the current research toward development itoring as Table 16.2 shows. An on-chip competitive immunoassay for serum © 2007 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Pharmaceutical Analysis Using Bio-MEMS 457 16.4.3 High-Throughput Screening As mentioned previously, microchips and bio-MEMS are of great value to the pharmaceutical industry for the purpose of high-throughput screening. TABLE 16.2 (continued) Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Analyte Significance Device/Technique Notes Lithium Used as treatment in manic-depressive illness, therapeutic range dangerously close to toxic level Microchip electrophoresis separation of Li+, K+, and Na+ with AC conductivity detection 86 Whole blood mixed with anticoagulant, loaded on-chip, channels coated to resist contamination by proteins, voltage controlled so that sample entered separation channel, yet RBC did not Phenytoin Anticonvulsant Competitive immunoassay of whole blood with fluorescence detection 91 T-sensor allows diffusion of side-by-side streams of antigen and antibody; binding of antigen (small and thus fast) to antibody (larger thus slower) slows their diffusion; diffusion profile changes compared to profile of freely diffusing antigen. Albumin bound to iophenoxate to decrease binding assay interference. General immunoassay microfabrication technique Patterning protein antigens on-chip with surface plasmon resonance, then probed antigens with complement- ary antibodies to visualize patterning 92 Fabrication of chip microarray for immunoassay Theophylline Drug for respiratory diseases On-chip competitive immunoassay, detection down to 1.25 ng/mL, linear in therapeutic range 51,85,93 Reagent and serum samples mixed, reacted, separated, and analyzed all on one chip DK532X_book.fm Page 457 Friday, November 10, 2006 3:31 PM © 2007 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 458 Bio-MEMS: Technologies and Applications Multiple channels and detectors on one chip greatly increase the number of analyses that can be run. To that end, several research groups have developed microchips to investigate high volumes of samples. This enables drug screen- ing of molecular libraries to identify successful drug candidates. 94 Currently, many high-throughput screenings involve microarrays. Numer- ous physiological processes involve protein–carbohydrate interactions, and the ideal microanalysis tool to study these interactions in the high-through- put format is the carbohydrate microarray. 95,96 These chips consist of carbo- hydrates immobilized on glass slides. Detection is external, frequently fluorescence detection. A high-throughput carbohydrate array microchip was developed and used to determine the binding affinities between lectins and carbohydrates. 97 A different carbohydrate microarray was used to screen 85 compounds to find inhibitors of fucosyltransferases. 98 Another form of high-throughput screening, multiplexed enzyme assay, was developed to screen enzymatic activity of MAP, IR, and PKA kinases. 51,99 These assays were especially valuable because they were multiplexed; three FIGURE 16.4 Electropherograms of separations of a mixture of (1) serotonin, (2) propranolol, (3) 3-phenoxy- 1,2-propandiol, and (4) tryptophan using different detection systems. (a) Conventional capillary electrophoresis with UV absorbance detection. (b) Microchip electrophoresis with deep UV fluorescence detection. (c) Commercial microchip electrophoresis system with UV absorbance detection. (From Schulze, P. et al., Anal. Chem., 77, 1325, 2005. With permission.) 2 50 75 1 2 3 4 Absorbance (a) 1 2 3 4 Fluorescence (b) t (S)t (S) 61830 (c) 1 2 3 4 5101520 x (mm) Absorbance DK532X_book.fm Page 458 Friday, November 10, 2006 3:31 PM © 2007 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Pharmaceutical Analysis Using Bio-MEMS 459 enzymes, each from a different kinase family, were assayed simultaneously within each channel. Although sample preparation was conducted off-chip, enzymes and product were separated in a double-T microchip design. Using this device, drugs were screened for activity, cross-reactivity, specificity, and potential side effects. In a separate high-throughput application, a 6-channel microfluidic immunoreactor/immunoassay was developed for the simulta- neous assay of ovalbumin and antiestradiol within 30 to 60 s. 51,100 Another high-throughput immunoassay was used to screen affinity complexes of phenobarbitol antibody and nine barbiturates, including phenobarbitol. Sample loading, washing, and dissociation steps were performed on-chip, and the device was then coupled to ESI-MS for detection. 101 Tabuchi et al. developed an integrated cell-culture chip that incorporated protein separation and detection along with cell culture. Washing, stimula- tion, and lysis could be accomplished on-chip and were coupled to a com- mercial Agilent microelectrophoresis chip. 102 The culture chip contained 48 to 96 wells 5 to 6.5 mm in diameter, with a second layer that contained molded cups that fit into the wells of the first chip. Jurkat cells were cultured in the first row of wells in the strip of cups that fit into those wells. For a medium change, the cups in which the cells were cultured were removed and placed into the next row of wells, which were filled with fresh medium. This process was repeated for each new step, that is, stimulation, lysis, and protein extraction, until finally the cups were placed in wells fitted with the wires for the electrophoretic separation chip. This Agilent chip has 12 chan- nels; in this application, 11 samples from the cells and a protein ladder sample were run and detected by LIF. The cell density remained constant in contrast to conventional cell culture and CE analysis, where cells are consistently lost to dilution, washing, medium change, and pipetting. Ultimately, this device enabled analysis of extracted proteins without sample loss at a rate of 12 samples per minute. DNA sequencing is the most popular application of microchips in the high- cussion of this topic will be left to that chapter. 16.5 Conclusion Although many examples of useful clinical and bioanalytical pharmaceutical applications have been presented in this chapter, most of the bio-MEMS used in these are prototypes. There is still much work to be done to improve the limits of detection, reproducibility, and ruggedness of these devices. In addi- tion, the integration and fabrication of several components onto a single chip has been accomplished by only a few groups thus far. However, the potential utility of these microchip devices for high-throughput and point-of-care analyses makes this research well worth the effort. DK532X_book.fm Page 459 Friday, November 10, 2006 3:31 PM throughput world; however, Chapter 13 addresses DNA directly, and dis- © 2007 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 460 Bio-MEMS: Technologies and Applications References 1. 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Analysis Using Bio-MEMS 457 16. 4.3 High-Throughput Screening As mentioned previously, microchips and bio-MEMS are of great value to the pharmaceutical industry for the purpose of high-throughput. Group, LLC 460 Bio-MEMS: Technologies and Applications References 1. Gawron, A.J., Martin, R.S., and Lunte, S.M., Microchip electrophoretic separa- tion systems for biomedical and pharmaceutical. solid-phase ex- traction for pharmaceutical and biomedical trace-analysis-coupling with HPLC and CE-perspectives, J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal., 34, 717, 2004. 19. Giordano, B. et al., Microchip laser-induced

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