The LIGA Process 83 Key advantages of LIGA-made microstructures are the inherent precision and the ability to cover lateral dimensions from submicrometer to millimeter sizes. These features make LIGA microstructures valuable for integrating assembly and packaging features into MEMS devices, and drastically mini- mizing the overall packaging effort, a huge cost factor in MEMS devices. The molding process especially can be flexibly combined, for example with Si-based microelectronics on the batch/wafer level, further improving sys- tem integration and high-yield production and reducing overall device assembly efforts. Research in LIGA is an ongoing, active field and a number of new ideas combined with novel materials prove that LIGA technologies still spark the interest and excitement of the research community. These efforts are often driven by concrete requirements for new MEMS applications from industrial partners. A remaining challenge for LIGA is the lack of standardized processes demanding reevaluation and optimization of process details for nearly every new microstructure. This also slows down the tran- sition into commercial manufacturing. In conclusion, LIGA technology has matured to the point that commercial applications have become possible and are being pursued. Applications including bio-MEMS and microfluidics have moderate structure require- ments but need cost-effective production and dedicated materials to meet market demands. A number of alternative microfabrication technologies, including precision micromachining and micro-EDM are employed for mold insert fabrication, and molding becomes the manufacturing technology of choice for the microparts. A direct-LIGA approach combining x-ray lithog- raphy and electroplating is used for applications for microstructures with extreme precision and very high aspect ratios. Prototype fabrication of these structures can be satisfied but scaling-up production with high yield and high quality remains a challenge for the future. Acknowledgment Thank you to Prof. Wanjun Wang (LSU-ME department) for his support with the electroplating section and editing of the overall text, Proyag Datta (research associate at CAMD) for contributions to the molding chapter, and Jens Hammacher for his assistance in preparing some of the figures. I also appreciate contributions from Professor Kevin Kelly (LSU-ME department and founder, Mezzo International, Inc.) on LIGA applications for the regen- erator and heat exchanger, and Dr. Todd Christenson, HT Micro Analytical, Inc., for commercial examples of LIGA structures in precision engineering and micro-optics. 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Express 12 (2004), 1294–1303. http:// © 2007 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 93 4 Nanoimprinting Technology for Biological Applications Sunggook Park and Helmut Schift CONTENTS 4.1 Introduction 94 4.2 Overview of NIL Technology 95 4.2.1 NIL Process 95 4.2.2 Polymer Flow during NIL 97 4.2.3 Biocompatibility of the Resist 100 4.2.4 Stamps with Nanostructures 101 4.2.5 Antiadhesive Layer Coating 102 4.3 NIL in Biological Applications 103 4.3.1 Nanofluidic Devices 103 4.3.2 Engineering Nanopores 105 4.3.3 Chemical Nanopatterning 107 4.3.4 Protein Nanopatterning 109 4.4 Outlook 111 Acknowledgment 112 References 112 Nanoimprint lithography (NIL) is a low-cost and flexible patterning tech- nique, which is particularly suitable to fabricating components for biological applications. Its unique advantage is that both topological and chemical surface patterns can be generated at the micro- and nanometer scale. This chapter presents an overview of NIL technology with the focus on the com- patibility of materials and processes used for biological applications. Some examples will be given, such as how NIL can be employed to fabricate biodevices used to understand and manipulate biological events. Page 93 Friday, November 10, 2006 3:31 PM © 2007 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC [...]... ultimately a AFM SNOM 5 nm PLL-g-PEG/PEG-biotin PLL-g-PEG Adsorption of alexa -4 8 8streptavidin 0 nm 40 0 nm PLL-g-PEG/PEG-biotin PLL-g-PEG 40 0 nm alexa-4BB-streptavidin FIGURE 4. 10 (a) AFM image for the chemical pattern of PLL-g-PEG/PEG-biotin after backfilling with PLLg-PEG (b) Scanning near-field optical microscope (SNOM) image after adsorption of a fluorescent labeled protein, alexa -4 8 8-streptavidin on the chemical... & Francis Group, LLC Page 1 04 Friday, November 10, 2006 3:31 PM 1 04 Bio-MEMS: Technologies and Applications sensitivity of assays and to enable studies of fluid transport and molecular behavior at extremely small dimensions [4, 5 ,40 ,42 ] For this purpose, NIL is a ready method of defining fluidic channels of the micro- and nanoscales at low cost Apart from the formation of channels, there... 0.0288 sec W = 1 µm W = 100 nm (b) FIGURE 4. 4 (a) The geometry of computation domain, and (b) simulated free surface shapes during the initial state of NIL for different geometries (W = 10 µm, 1 µm, and 100 nm), surface energy, and embossing velocities (Courtesy of J.-H Jeong, J.-H Jeong, Y.-S Choi, Y.-J Shin, J.-J Lee, K.-T Park, E.-S Lee, and S.-R Lee, Fibers and Polymers 3, 3 (2002) 113.) © 2007 by... 35 64 [18] H.-C Scheer and H Schulz, A contribution to the flow behaviour of thin polymer films during hot embossing lithography, Microelectron Eng 56 (2001) 311–332 [19] J.-H Jeong, Y.-S Choi, Y.-J Shin, J.-J Lee, K.-T Park, E.-S Lee, and S.-R Lee, Flow behavior at the embossing stage of nanoimprint lithography, Fibers and Polymers 3, 3 (2002) 113 [20] H.D Rowland and W.P King, Polymer deformation and. .. 4. 10a) In the final step, fluorescence-labeled alexa -4 8 8-conjugated streptavidin was adsorbed onto the biotin functionalized patterned surfaces Scanning near-field optical microscopy (SNOM) was used to image the protein adsorption onto the 100 nm PLL-g-PEG/PEG-biotin stripes Even though the fluorescent-labeled lines appear broader than the actual line width of the PLL-g-PEG/PEG-biotin stripes due to the resolution... cationic poly(L-lysine)-graft-poly(ethylene glycol) (PLL-g-PEG) on transparent negatively charged niobium oxide (Nb2O5)–coated glass slides After achieving chemical contrast of PLL-gPEG/PEG-biotin and Nb2O5, the Nb2O5 areas were rendered nonfouling by spontaneous adsorption of the nonfunctionalized PLL-g-PEG from an aqueous solution to inhibit nonspecific protein adsorption in the background (Figure 4. 10a)... silane – 35 nm 0 nm 0V 100 nm Lift-off HP = 25 nm (a) (b) FIGURE 4. 9 (a) Process schemes of fabricating chemical patterns via NIL and (b) AFM/LFM images for chemically patterned surfaces modified with a mixture of fluorinated mono- and trichlorosilanes © 2007 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Page 110 Friday, November 10, 2006 3:31 PM 110 Bio-MEMS: Technologies and Applications polyelectrolyte... challenge is how to integrate those nanostructures with other components of micro- or even © 2007 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Page 108 Friday, November 10, 2006 3:31 PM 108 Bio-MEMS: Technologies and Applications which has become a major challenge for electronic, optoelectronic, biological, and sensing applications [1 4, 51,52] In general, local modification of surface chemistry requires the... PM 96 Bio-MEMS: Technologies and Applications Stamp Resist coating Resist Substrate Imprinting Demolding RIE etching FIGURE 4. 1 Process scheme of nanoimprint lithography including the window-opening process as the first step to subsequent pattern transfer film for a few minutes Then the resist is hardened before demolding by cooling down below Tg In case of a UV-curable polymer, a low viscous photo-curable... Microeng 14 (20 04) 1625 [21] K Pfeiffer, G Bleidiessel, G Gruetzner, H Schulz, T Hoffmann, H.-C Scheer, C M Sotomayor Torres, and J Ahopelto, Suitability of new polymer materials with adjustable glass temperature for nano-imprinting, Microelectron Eng 46 (1999) 43 1 [22] K Pfeiffer, F Reuther, M Fink, G Gruetzner, P Carlberg, I Maximov, L Montelius, J Seekamp, S Zankovych, C M Sotomayor-Torres, H Schulz, and . Barbucci, and Marcus Textor, Nano Letters 4, 19 (20 04) 1909.) AFM 5 nm 0 nm 40 0 nm 40 0 nm PLL-g-PEG PLL-g-PEG/PEG-biotin SNOM Adsorption of alexa -4 8 8- streptavidin PLL-g-PEG/PEG-biotin alexa-4BB-streptavidin PLL-g-PEG Saile, V., Applications of LIGA technology to precision man- ufacturing of high-aspect-ratio micro-components and -systems: A review, Mi- croelectronics Journal 35 (20 04) , S.131– 143 . [12] Hruby,. Au- For more details visit the CAMD homepage De- © 2007 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 86 Bio-MEMS: Technologies and Applications [ 34] Mohr, J., Ehrfeld, W., and