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Bio-MEMS Technologies and Applications - Wang and Soper (Eds) Part 8 pdf

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DK532X_book.fm Page 211 Tuesday, November 14, 2006 10:41 AM © 2007 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 213 8 Microfabricated Devices for Sample Extraction, Concentrations, and Related Sample Processing Technologies Gang Chen and Yuehe Lin CONTENTS 8.1 Introduction 214 8.2 Sample Extraction and Concentrations 214 8.2.1 Solid-Phase Extraction Techniques on Microchips 215 8.2.2 Field Amplification Stacking Techniques on Microchips 218 8.2.3 Field-Amplified Injection on Microchips 218 8.2.4 Stacking of Neutral Analytes 219 8.2.5 Isotachophoresis for Sample Preconcentration 219 8.3 Derivatization of Samples 220 8.3.1 Labeling and Complexation on Microchips 220 8.3.2 Postcolumn Reactors for Derivatization 221 8.3.3 Precolumn Reactor Derivatization 222 8.3.4 Postcolumn Reactors for Chemiluminescence on Microchips 223 8.3.5 Miniaturized Flow Injection Analysis (µFIA) 224 8.4 Microfabricated Dialysis Devices 224 8.4.1 Microfabricated Single-Stage Microdialysis Device for Fast Desalting of Biological Samples 224 8.4.2 Microfabrcated Dual-Stage Microdialysis Device for Rapid Fractionation and Cleanup of Complex Biological Samples 227 8.4.3 Application to Complex Cellular Samples 230 8.5 Conclusions 232 Acknowledgments 232 References 233 DK532X_book.fm Page 213 Friday, November 10, 2006 3:31 PM © 2007 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC 216 Bio-MEMS: Technologies and Applications solution, the extraction efficiency of immobilized beads was 88-fold higher than that of free beads. The extraction efficiency of the microchip was tested under different conditions and numbers of E. coli cells. This study indicated that DNA could be efficiently extracted, even when the number of bacterial cells was smaller. This microfluidic extraction chip could find potential appli- cations in genomic studies where the samples are limited. Wolfe et al. [12] developed a silica-based, solid-phase extraction system suitable for incorporation into a microchip platform (µ-TAS) that would find utility in a variety of genetic analysis protocols, including DNA sequencing. The extraction procedure used is based on adsorption of the DNA onto bare silica. The procedure involves three steps: (1) DNA adsorption in the pres- ence of a chaotropic salt, (2) removal of contaminants with an alcohol and water solution, and (3) elution of the adsorbed DNA in a small volume of buffer suitable for PCR amplification. Multiple approaches for incorporating this protocol into a microchip were examined with regard to extraction efficiency, reproducibility, stability, and the potential to provide PCR-ampli- fiable DNA. This method allowed nanogram quantities of DNA to be extracted and eluted in less than 25 min, with the DNA obtained in the elution buffer fraction. Evaluation of the eluted DNA indicated that it was of suitable quality to be subsequently amplified by PCR. For DNA purification to be functionally integrated into the microchip for high-throughput DNA analysis, Tian et al. [13] developed a miniaturized purification process that could be easily adapted to the microchip format. In this study, they evaluated the effectiveness of a variety of silica resins for miniaturized DNA purification and gauged the potential usefulness for on- chip solid-phase extraction. A micro-solid-phase extraction device containing only nanograms of silica resin is shown to be effective for adsorbing and desorbing DNA in the program-nanogram mass range. Fluorescence spec- troscopy, as well as capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence detection, were employed to analyze DNA recovered from solid-phase res- ins, whereas the PCR was used to evaluate the amplifiable nature of the eluted DNA. They demonstrated that DNA can be directly recovered from white blood cells with an efficiency of roughly 70%, whereas greater than 80% of the protein was removed with a 500 nl bed volume µ-SPE process, which took less than 10 min. With a capacity in the range of 10 to 30 ng/mg of silica resin, it was shown that the DNA extracted from white blood cells, cultured cancer cells, and even whole blood on the low microliter scale is suitable for direct PCR amplification. The miniaturized format as well as the rapid time frame for DNA extraction is compatible with fast electrophoresis on microfabricated chips. Lander’s group also demonstrated a microchip solid-phase extraction method for purifying DNA from biological samples, such as blood [14]. Silica beads were packed into glass microchips, and the beads were immobilized with sol-gel to provide a stable and reproducible solid phase onto which DNA could be adsorbed. Optimization of the DNA loading conditions established a higher DNA recovery at pH 6.1 than at 7.6. This lower pH also allowed for the flow rate to be increased, resulting in a DK532X_book.fm Page 216 Friday, November 10, 2006 3:31 PM © 2007 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Microfabricated Devices 217 decrease in extraction time from 25 min to less than 15 min. Using this procedure, template genomic DNA from human whole blood was purified on the microchip platform with the only sample preparation being mixing of the blood with a load buffer before loading on the microchip device. Com- parison between the microchip SPE procedure and a commercial microcen- trifuge method showed that comparable amounts of PCR-amplifiable DNA could be isolated from cultures of Salmonella typhimurium. The greatest potential of the microchip SPE device was illustrated by purifying DNA from spores from the vaccine strain of Bacillus anthracis where eventual integration of SPE and PCR and separation on a single microdevice could potentially enable complete detection of the infectious agent in less than 30 min. Maruyama et al. [15] fabricated a three-phase flow, water/n-heptane/ water microchannel on a glass microchip that was used as a liquid membrane to separate metal ions. Surface modification of the microchannel by octade- cylsilane groups induced spontaneous phase separation of the three-phase flow in the microfluidic device, which allows control of interfacial contact time and off-chip analysis using a conventional analytical apparatus. Before selectively transporting a metal ion through the liquid membrane in the microchannel, the forward and backward extraction of yttrium and zinc ions was investigated in a two-phase flow on a microfluidic device using 2- ethylhexyl phosphonic acid mono-2-ethylhexyl ester (commercial name, PC- 88A) as an extractant. The extraction conditions (contact time of the two phases, pH, extractant concentration) in the microfluidic device were exam- ined. These investigations demonstrated that the conventional methodology for solvent extraction of metal ions is applicable to solvent extraction in a microchannel. Finally, the three-phase flow was employed in the microchan- nel as a liquid membrane, and the selective transport of Y ions through the liquid membrane was observed. This was the first time that a targeted metal ion was selectively separated from an aqueous feed solution into a receiving phase within a few seconds by employing a liquid membrane formed in a microfluidic device. Tokeshi et al. [16] reported a newly designed microchannel for solvent extraction fabricated in a quartz glass chip and applied to solvent extraction of a Co-2-nitroso-5-dimethylaminophenol complex. The aqueous solution of the Co complex and toluene were introduced into the microchannel, and the Co complex extracted in toluene was detected by thermal lens microscopy (TLM). The Co complex was quickly extracted into toluene when the flow was stopped. The observed extraction time, about 50 s, was almost equivalent to the value calculated using the diffusion distance and diffusion coefficient. The dependence of the TLM signal on the concentration of the Co complex showed good linearity in the range of 1.10 7 to 1.10 6 M. Kutter et al. [17] created a microfabricated device with C18-coated channels used to demon- strate on-chip solid-phase extraction. Sample solutions containing a neutral dye were enriched and eluted in less than 4 min. Distinct elution peaks with good signal-to-noise ratios were obtained even for highly diluted samples. DK532X_book.fm Page 217 Friday, November 10, 2006 3:31 PM © 2007 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Microfabricated Devices 225 or when very high salt concentrations are present. Direct ESI-MS of biological samples often relies upon centrifugation or offline microdialysis for desalt- ing. Such a batch cleanup process can be time-consuming (taking several hours) and may suffer from adverse effects, such as sample losses during each step due to protein aggregation or precipitation on the filtering media. When only a small amount of sample is available, these effects can become even more pronounced. If noncovalent associations are of interest, slow desalting steps are more likely to result in denaturation or complex dissoci- ation in solution. A microdialysis approach has been used to address complex biological samples [50–52]. This approach employs a small microdialysis tube through which the sample flows in conjunction with a countercurrent flow of a suitable buffer. The dialyzed samples can be directly interfaced with the ESI source at a flow rate of approximately 2 to 5 µL/min. Although the microdi- alysis approach has demonstrated great promise for efficient sample cleanup capability, dialysis fibers less than the 200 µm diameter size used in our earlier work are not yet available, and this factor contributed to the minimum useful flow rates and sample processing times achieved previously. It is clear that miniaturizing the approach will not only further increase its speed, flexibility, and robustness, but also allow the use of lower rates and result in enhanced sensitivity. Recently we reported on a microfabricated microdi- alysis device constructed for this purpose and demonstrated its desalting efficiency for protein samples [53]. sample and buffer channels were machined directly into the polycarbonate chip (30 × 30 × 6 mm) using a laser micromachining system. The sample chan- nel was 160 µm wide, 60 µm deep, and 11 cm long. The buffer channel was 500 µm wide, 250 µm deep, and 12 cm long. A Spectra/Por Biotech 1.1 dialysis membrane with a molecular weight cutoff (MWCO) of 8000 was sandwiched between the chips. Figure 8.1b shows a photograph of the overlapping sample and buffer channels after aligning the microchannel dialysis chips. The microfabricated dialysis device can be used in the online mode for direct ESI-MS analysis and has been evaluated for this purpose using the syringe needle used for buffer delivery and provided electrical contact through the buffer and sample solution. In this arrangement, the ESI emitter was a short piece of silica capillary (4 to 6 cm, 200 µm o.d. × 100 µm i.d.) fixed to the chip through a standard fitting. A 5 µM horse heart myoglobin solution in a complex matrix consisting of 500 mM of NaCl, 100 mM of Tris, and 10 mM of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) was studied as an direct infusion with the microspray ESI source. No protein charge state envelope was evident, and the spectrum was complicated by undesired peaks due to Tris and EDTA (commonly used in protein sample prepara- tion). Online microdialysis was carried out using a dialysis buffer solution containing 10 mM of NH 4 OAc and 1% (v/v) acetic acid at a flow rate of DK532X_book.fm Page 225 Friday, November 10, 2006 3:31 PM Figure 8.1 shows the structure of the single-stage microdialysis device. The arrangement shown in Figure 8.2. High voltage was applied to the metal example. Figure 8.3a shows a mass spectrum obtained for this solution by © 2007 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC Microfabricated Devices 229 saline PBS was used to evaluate the performance of the dual-stage microdi- alysis device. A 50 kDa MWCO membrane and an 8 kDa MWCO membrane were used in the first- and second-stage microdialysis, respectively. The sample was injected at 0.5 µL/min, and the cleanup buffer at 10 µL/min. As useful ESI-MS spectrum. ESI-MS performance is well known to be poor for such solutions, presumably due to the excess BSA and NaCl. After the online dual dialysis in the microfabricated device, the spectrum in Figure 8.5b clearly showed peaks from cytochrome c, ubiquitin, and removal of the unresolved envelope of peaks at higher m/z. The improvement in spectral quality using the dual-stage microdialysis device enabled us to effectively assign peaks and accurately determine molecular weights. For analyzing complex biological samples, initial sample fractionation and cleanup can simplify analytical procedures. Online dual dialysis using the microfabricated device is a fast and efficient means of achieving this. The molecular weight range selected for analysis by dual microdialysis can be controlled by selecting appropriate MWCO membranes at both stages. FIGURE 8.4 (a) Exploded view showing construction of the microfabricated dual-stage microdialysis device. (b) Flow diagram of the device showing sample inlet, buffer inlet, and microelectrospray tip. (Reprinted with permission from Xiang, F. et al., Anal. Chem., 71, 1485, 1999. Copyright 1999 American Chemical Society.) Channel 1 Channel 3 Bottom view Outlet (b) Sample inlet (a) Channel 2 Channel 4 MWCO, 8 k MWCO, 50 k Top view (a) (b) µ-ESI Tip ESI Tip Dialysis buffer Dialysis membrane 2 (MWCO, 2000) Dialysis membrane 1 (MWCO, 50 k) DK532X_book.fm Page 229 Friday, November 10, 2006 3:31 PM shown in Figure 8.5a, direct infusion of the protein mixture produced no © 2007 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC [...]... Devices 100 80 60 40 20 0 985 11 68 1322 1523 180 4 200 400 600 80 0 1000 1200 1400 1600 180 0 2000 m/z Relative abundance (a) 774 663 100 80 60 40 20 0 560 565 570 575 580 12 18 500 600 700 80 0 900 1000 1100 1200 11 18 1120 1122 1124 1126 11 28 1130 1132 1322 14 58 1523 182 4 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 180 0 1900 2000 m/z Relative abundance (b) 9 383 100 80 60 40 20 0 951 969 717 600 650 700 750 80 0 85 0 900 950... stage and a 8- kDa (MWCO) membrane in the second stage, a large improvement in spectral quality was observed (Figure 8. 6b) An approximately 20fold increase of signal-to-noise ratio was obtained The characteristic peaks © 2007 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC DK532X_book.fm Page 234 Friday, November 10, 2006 3:31 PM 234 Bio-MEMS: Technologies and Applications [ 18] Mikkers, F.E.P., Everearts, F.M., and Verheggen,... research and clinical diagnostic applications for the last 40 years [1–4] Two of the key components of a typical cytometer are the hydrodynamic focusing system and the optical detection system The hydrodynamic focusing system uses a high-speed sheath fluid medium to focus particles in a 237 © 2007 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC DK532X_book.fm Page 2 38 Friday, November 10, 2006 3:31 PM 2 38 Bio-MEMS: Technologies. .. 126, 1203–1206 [43] Mangru, S.D and Harrison, D.J., Microchip-based capillary electrophoresis and affinity electrophoresis, Electrophoresis, 19, 2301, 19 98 [44] Verpoorte, E.M.J et al., Silicon-based chemical microsensors and microsystems, Interfacial Des Chem Sensing, 561, 244, 1994 [45] Verpoorte, E.M.J et al., 3-dimensional micro-flow manifolds for miniaturized chemical-analysis systems, J Micromech... the IEEE Solid-State Sensor and Actuator Workshop, Hilton Head Island, SC, IEEE Electron Devices Society, 1994, 21 [35] Fluri, K et al., Integrated capillary electrophoresis devices with an efficient postcolumn reactor in planar quartz and glass chips, Anal Chem., 68, 4 285 , 1996 [36] Seiler, K et al., Electroosmotic pumping and valveless control of fluid flow, Anal Chem., 66, 3 485 , 1994 [37] Wang, J et al.,... abundance (c) 100 80 60 40 20 0 1079 1105 700 750 80 0 85 0 900 1122 10355 9 28 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 m/z (d) FIGURE 8. 6 ESI-MS spectra for an E coli cell lysate (a) Spectrum obtained from the sample directly infused without passing through the dual microdialysis device; (b) spectrum obtained using online dual microdialysis sample processing; two expanded views show detail of peaks at m/z 969 and 1124;... quadrupole—time-of-flight mass spectrometer, Electrophoresis, 21, 1 98, 2000 [25] Herr, A.E et al., Electroosmotic capillary flow with nonuniform zeta potential, Anal Chem., 72, 1053, 2000 [26] Jacobson, S.C and Ramsey, J.M., Microchip electrophoresis with sample stacking, Electrophoresis, 16, 481 , 1995 [27] Kutter, J.P et al., Determination of metal cations in microchip electrophoresis using on-chip complexation and. .. al., Anal Chem., 71, 1 485 , 1999 Copyright 1999 American Chemical Society) of approximately 1 mg/mL was analyzed by ESI-MS before and after the dual dialysis Direct infusion of the crude cell lysate produced the spectrum shown in Figure 8. 6a The spectrum is largely uninterpretable because of the complex components, the high concentration of NaCl, and the consequently low signal-to-noise ratio After passing... 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