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Introduction Teache rs: Oxford Learner's Grammar can be used by teachers working with classes from intermediate to advanced level, including classes preparing for examinations such as t

Trang 3


Grammar Finder

Trang 6


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mllj.(rllucllIy: Ttrvor Dunton and pnn.l Kerr

Trang 7

Sentence and text

P I Words and phrases

I Word classes ; 2 Words belonging 10 more than one word class; 3 Phrases

p 4 The simple sentence

<1 Basic clause structure; 5 More details about clause structure; 6 Giue, send, buy etc

p 9 Sentence types

7 Introduction; 8 The use of statements; 9 Pcrformative ve rb s; 10 Negative st atement s;

11 The imperative; 12 Exclamations

p 18 Questions and answers

13 The use of questions; 1 4 Question forms; 15 Wh-questlOns; 16 More details about question words ; 17 Indirect questions; )8 Negative questions; 19 Answering questio n s;

20 Question tags; 21 Echo questions and echo tags

p 34 Leaving out and replacing words

22 Avoidance of repetition; 23 Replacing and leaving out nouns; 24 LeaVIng our word s

after the auxiliary; 25 Other structures where words a re left out; 26 Leaving out th e

first word; 27 Too, either, so, and neitherl nor; 28 So and not: I think so, I hop e liar , e t c;

29 More patterns with so; 30 Special styles

p 45 Word order and emphasis

31 Introduction; 32 Linking the informatIon in a text ; 33 Linking the s ubject ;

34 Front po s ition; 35 The em pry subject lhere; 36 The empty subject iI;:17 There or u1

38 Emphasis


Verb forms

P 57 Verb tenses

3 9 Introdu c tion, 40 The present simple; 41 Thc present continuous; 42 Present simple

or prescnt co ntinuous? 43 The past simple; 44 The present perfect ; 45 Past S imple or present perfect? 46 Adverbials of time w ith the past simple and present perfect;

47 The pa s t conlinuous; 48 The present perfect continuous; 49 The pa s l perf ec t

SO The past perf ect continuous; 51 Action verbs and s tate verbs; 5 2 O ve rview : th e

main use of the ten ses

P 79 The future

53 Introdu c tion; 54 Will and shall; S5 He g oing co; 56 Present ten se forms for the future ; 57 Will, be going to , or the present continuous? ' 58 Be to, be about to , et c ;

59 The pre se nt tense in a sub· clau se; GO The future continuous: will be domg:

61 The future perfect and flHure perfect co ntinuous; 62 Was going to, would,

was to, etc; 63 Overview : the future

P 9l Re, have and do

64 Auxiliary v erbs and ordinary verbs; 65 The ordinary verb be; GG Have and fJave gOl;

67 The ordinary verb have; 68 The ordinary \'~rb d~; 69 Have a look; make a scart, etc


Trang 8

P 101 Modal ve rbs

70 Inltoduction; 71 Mus t and '/Que to; 72 Have gOl to; 73 Needn' t, don ' t have to, and

mustn 'l, 74 Should, ought to , had beuer, and be supposed to: 75 Can, cou ld, may, and

be al/oU/cd ro; 76 Will, must, and can' t exp r essing certalnry; 77 S h uld expressing

probabilit y; 78 May and might ; 79 Can and could exp ressing p oss ibility; 80 (' an, cou ld , and be able CO ; 81 Would; 82 Would and used to for pa s t habit s; 83 Dare; 84 Modal verb

+ phra se; 85 OvcJ"\'lew, the use of moda l verbs

p 12 I The passive

86 Int roduction; 87 Passive verb forms; flS The use of the passive; 89 The agent in

pa ssive se nrenc es; 90 The pa ss ive wirh get; 91 The passive with give, send, etc;

92 The passive with verbs of reporting; 93 Passive v(~rb + to-infinitive or active parti cip le ; 94 Some patterns with have and gel; 95 The passive to-infinitive an d gerund; 96 Active fo rms with a pas s ive meaning

Infinitive, gerund, and participle

P 134 The infinilive

97 introdu ct ion; 98 Infiniti ve clauses , 99 The ro-infinilive with i , as s ubject, and as complement: 100 The to-infinit ve used as an a verbi al; 101 Verb + to- mfim tive or

v erb + gerund? 102 Verb + to-infinitive o r gerund : more detail s, 103 Verbs taking either

a to-infinitive o r a gerund; 1 04 Verb + to-infinitive / gerund wi th a change JJl meaning ;

1 05 Verb + object + to - infinitive; 106 Adjecti ve + to-infinitive; 107 No un phrase +

to-lllfinitive; 108 Question word + to-infinitive; 109 For and of with a to-infinitive;

11 0 The infinitive without to

P 151 The gerund

111 Int roduction; 112 Gerund d,luses; 113 Some patterns Wi th the gerund;

114 PrepositIOn"" gerund, 115 Verb + preposition + gerund; 116 Adjective +

preposition + gerund; 117 Noun ~ preposition + geru nd; 118 For joining and 10 join;

11 9 To + gerund and the to-infiniti ve; 120 Determiner + gerund

p 161 Participles

121 Introduction; 1 22 Paniciple clau ses 123 Participle + noun ; 1 24 Verb + parti c iple

12 5 Verb + object + participle ; 126 Co njunction + participle; 127 Par ticiple clauses of tim e; 128 Participle clauses of reason; 12 9 Other pa rticiple clause s

The noun phrase

P 171 Nouns

1 30 Introdu ct ion ; 1 1 Th e plural of noun s; 1 32 The pos sess ive form ; 1 33 Possessive form or ofl 1 34 Some o ther uses of the po ssess i ve; 135 Today's weather an hour's journ ey, etc; 136 At Sop hle' s, t o the doctor's, e t c; 1 37 Countable a nd un cou ntable nouns; 138 The of -st ru ct ure ex:pressmg QlI<.lntiry; 1 39 In forma ti on, news, etc;

140 No uns that ca n be either countable or uncountable; 141 Two nouns together ;

142 More detail s ahollt t wo noun s together; 14 3 Phrases after a noun

p 180 Agreement


144 Inlroduction ; 145 Singular and plural subjec t s; 1 46 01le of, (I n mber oJ ellery, etc;

147 Nouns with a plural form ; 148 Pair nouns: 149 Group nouns

Trang 9

P 1 96

P 214

P 220

P 2 35

The articles: a lan and IIIe

1 50 In ltodu(;lIon; 15 1 T h e form of the articles; 1 52 The mai n uses of the article s;

1 53 The a rticles in ge n e r alizatio n s ; 154 T h e a rti cles: so me spec i al uses; 155 Twice a

day by th e lIour, etc, l SG A /all o r one? 1:' 7 Alan, some , nd a nou n on il s own ;

1 58 S ugar o r tile s ugar, 011 or th e all, etc ; 159 A si n gula r n o un on i ts own;

160 A n kles w llh sc1lOol priso , etc, 16 1 A n ic l es in phra ses of t ime ; 162 Names,

1 63 Pl ace names and l he

Po ss e ss i ves a nd demon s trat i ves

164 Possessives; 165 Demonstratives


16fi Lmg e and small 4uantitie s; 1 67 A [or of, mally much , a few , a lillie, and (J bll of

J(j8 W h ole anti part quantities ; 169 All, mOSI, half, nOrle, and w hoLe; 170 Both , eirhpr,

and neither; 1 1 Every and each; 172 Some any and no ; 173 Enough plenty of lOO many! much, another, some more , and offlCr ; 1 74 Quantifiers withouL a noun; Pronouns

175 Personal pronouns; 176 YOII, one, we and th ey referr i ng Lo peoplf' in gener l;

177 Reflexive pronouns, emphatIc pronouns, and each otlu~r 178 Overview: personal pronouns, possessives, and reflexives; 179 One and o es; 180 Everyone s ometh ing etc Adjecti ves adverbs and prepos i i ons

P 249 Adjectives

lBI Introduc on; 182 The posItion of adjectives: 183 Adjectives used in one posinon only; 184 Adjectives after nou s and pronouns; 185 The order of adjective!>

lAG Grudablc and ungradable rldjectives; 187 Amusing and amused interesting and

i ntere s ted; 188 The adjective

p 258 Advel"hials

189 Introduction; 190 The position of adverbials; 191 Order of adverblals In end position; 192 Adverb fonns, 193 Adverbiills of manner; 194 Adverbials of place and time; 195 Adverblals of frequency; 196 Adverbs of degree, 1!J7 More dt'tatls about quite

and ralhe ?,198 Only and even; 199 Viewpoint Cldverbials, 200 Truth adverbials,

201 Comment adverbials; 202 Linking <ldverbials

p 282 Comparison

2 3 The comparison of adjectives; 204 The com para Live and superlmive of adverbs;

205 More , most, less least fewer and fewest; 206 Patterns expressing a comparison,

2 7 Special pauerns with the comparative

p 290 P.-epositions

208 Introduc o ; 209 Prepositions of place; 210 Al , on, and in expressing place:

211 More details about prepositions of place; 212 At , on, and in expressing time

213 For since and ago ; 2 4 More prepositions of time; 215 Prepositio s other meanings; 216 Idiomatic phrases with prepositio s

p 308 Phrnsal verbs and prepositional idioms

217 Verbs with adverbs and preposillo s; 218 The grammar of phrasaJ verbs;

219 Differences between phrasal and prepositional verbs; a20 Phrasal verb meanings

221 Some common adverbs in phrasal verbs: 222 Prepositional verbs; 223 Verh object + preposition; 224 Verb adverb preposition; 225 Adjective + preposition;

226 Noun preposition


Trang 10

Main clauses and sub-clauses

P 322 Senten c s with more than one clause

227 Types of clause; 228 What come s aft e r th e verb ? 229 C lau se co mbinati ons;

230 T h e unreal pre se nt and past; 231 Th e s ub junc ti ve; 232 Ve rbs afte r wi s h and if only

p 33 1 A nd , or, but, s o etc

233 W o rd s meaning 'a nd '; 23 4 Word s meaning ' o r ' ; 235 Words meaning 'bUl ';

236 Words meaning 'so'

p 336 Adverbial clauses

237 In troduction; 238 C lau se s of time ; 239 C lau ses of rea so n ; 2 40 C lau ses of purpose;

241 As and like; 242 ~lOeller whatever, etc and no maile r

p 343 Co nditi onal sentences

243 In trod u c tion ; 244 Type 0 condj(ionals; 245 Type I con ditional s; 246 Type 2

co ndition a l s; 24 7 Type 3 con ditiona1 s; 248 S hould, were, had, and inv ers ion ;

249 More detail s about if 250 Unless, 251 Ot her ways of express ing a co ndition

p 353 Noun clauses

252 Inl rod u c tion; 253 Noun clau se as object ; 254 Noun cla u se as s ubj e ct and as

comp l ement; 255 Noun clause after a preposilion ; 256 N oun clause after an adjec tive

or nOlln; 257 Nomina li zation

266 In troductio n ; 267 T ype s of r elative clause; 268 More d e t a s a bout r elative clauses

w i tho ut c omma s; 269 More detail s about re l ative clau ses with commas; 270 Wllo se;

27 1 R e l a tive adve rb s; 272 T h e relative pronoun what 273 Whoever , whatever , etc;

274 Particip le relative clauses; 275 Infinitiv e rel at i ve clauses

Endings and irregular forms

SpcUing a nd pronunciation of word e ndings

276 The -sl-es ending; 277 The ·e dl - d end ing ; 2 8 Leavi ng out e; 279 The douhlmg o consonants; 280 Co n sonant + y

IrreguJar noun plurals

28 1 In tro du c tion; 282 Vowe l and co n sona nt changes; 283 No un s w hi ch do not change

in the p lur al; 284 Irr e gular plural e nding s

Irr e gular ve rb s

285 I nr r od u clion ; 286 List of irregular ve rb s; 287 Speda J parti c ipl e f o rms

W eak forms and s hort fonns

288 Intr o du ct i o ; 289 WC!aX form s: 290 S h ort f o rm s



The Oxford Learner's Grammar website at www.oup.com/elt1olg contains

information on the following topics:

• Numbers and time • Punctuation • Stress

• Word formation • American English


Trang 11


Teache rs:

Oxford Learner's Grammar can be used by teachers working with classes from

intermediate to advanced level, including classes preparing for examinations such

as the the Cambridge First Certificate or the Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English

• for grammar lesson preparation

- providing reference information on specific grammar topics

- to help you teach specific grammar wpies by using the detailed explanations and associated practice exercises

• for general lesson preparation (e.g alongside a main coursebook with its own grammar syllabus):

- to anticipate grammar questions and problems likely to come up in class;

- to provide extra explanation and practice of a grammar topic covered in the class coursebook;

- to teach extra grammar topics not included in the class coursebook, but which may be part of a national or examination grammar syllabus

• for general reference

- to deal with problems which come lip in class

- to help you answer your own and your students' grammar questions

• for testing of students' existing knowledge and for revision

- The test questions on the Grammar Checker CD-ROM can be used to assess your students' level of grammar and to discover their strengths and


- The Grammar Builder consists of practice exercises only - without accompanying explanation This means you can use it to find out \,vhat your students know (and what they don't know) about a particular topic, as well as for revision


If you are an intermediate or advanced level student, you will find Oxford Learner's Grammar useful to work with on your own in class, or alongside a course b ok, to prepare for examinations such as the the Cambridge First Certificate or the Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English

• for self-study

-you can study the explanations and examples in the Grammar Finder and

then practise using the Grammar Builder exercises and the Grammar Checker interactive CD-ROM

• for class study

-you can look up explanations of grammar topics in the Grammar Finder,

especially when a topic is causing you problems;

- you can use the Grammar Builder for extra practice in class or for homework as directed by your teacher

Trang 12

What is the Oxford Learner's Grammar pack?

Oxford Learn e r' s Grammar is a resource consisting of this Gramma r Find e r

reference book including (he Grammar C h ec k e r CD-ROM, and the G rammar

B uild e r pmctice hook ,

The Grammar Find e r is a reference book containing clear explanat ons and

examples of English grammatical structures Panicular attention is paid to areas likely to calise difficulty, slIch as the gerund and infinitive, conditional sentence patterns, and the difference in use between the present perfect and the past simple

The G rammar Find e r is designed to be as accessible as possible: as well as detailed

explanations, it contains tip boxes which provide the learner with useful hims and guidelines You can use the book to study grammar in detail or to sort out particular difficulties as rhey arise

The G rammar Che c er CD· ROM is inside the hack covcr of this book It has three

features Test Yourself contains 200 test questions which enable you to identify

problems and check progress You can then move LO the Audio feature which lets

you hear and then practise examples which illustrate grammar points where pronunciation plays an important part There is also an interactive index to the

G rammar Find e r: its word search feature gives instant access to a Grammar Hims window which displays answers 10 your questions on grammar

The G rammar Builder contains exercises on the grammar points dealt with in the

main chapters of rhe Grammar Finder There is a wide variety of exercise types, including some which are similar to those used in the Cambridge examinations As well as exercises on individual points, there are contrastive exercises and review

e ercises covering the content of a whole chapter

There is also an Oxford Learner's Grammar Website at www.oup.com/elt/olg

How do I find my way around? Routes in

The first route into Oxfor d Le arn e s G ramma r is through a contents overvicw at thc

beginning o this book A second route is via the index You can access a specific

grammar point by means of the index at the back of this book or via the interac ve index on the Gra mmar C he c e r CD· ROM For example to find an explanation of

the difference between the question words what and w hi ch, you can look up eirner

of these words and find a refere ce LO l6B This means that in part B of section 16

in the G rammar Finder y u will find information on who, what, and w hi c h:

Practice material on a specific section can be found by referring to the section numbers at the h ad of each exercise in the G rammar Build e r for example, if you

have studied 16S in the Gra mm a r Fi n e r and you need related practice material,

you will find the refere ce Finder 16A·C in the Grammar Builder at Exercise 30which practises w h o, what, and whi c h Answers can be chec ed in the key at the

end of the G rammar Bui/ de r Each answer has a refere ce back to a specific part of the G rammar Fi nd er, which you can consult again if problems remain

Trang 13

The Test Yourself feature on the G rammar C h ec k e CD-HOM also has a key which

either confirms that the answer is correct or takes you to a grammar hint which explains briefly why an answer is incorrect' There is also a reference to the relevant section of the Grammar Finder if you would like to study the topic further

What kind of English are we talking about?

Oxford Learner's _ Grammar deals with modern standard British English The examples are mainly neutral in style: not especially formal or informal Usages that are fonna1, informal, literary, or non-standard are marked as such

The website at \vVJw.oup.com /e lt /o lg covers in some detnil the main grammatical differences between British and American English Differences are also mentioned throughout the book

How will I learn to communicate effectively?

Grammar and meaning

Grammar is a vehicle for expressing meaning, so there is lillie point in studying

formal structure for its own sake However, a poor knowledge of grammar can

seriously hinder communicarion As a student, you need to know the difference between if I ha ve time and if/had time and between So I do and So do I Oxford

Learner 's Grammar pays a good deal of attention LO meaning It also covers the use

of grammatical forms in communicative functions, sllch ~s the use of modal verbs

in requests and offers and the function of imperatives and question tags

Grammar and context

Grammar consists of more than isolated sentences There are many aspects of

grammar which cannut be properly explained within the confines of a clause or sentence Text.s and dialogues are used to take account of discourse and the wider context whenever this is relevant How answers relate to questions, how sentences are linked in a text, how emphasis depends on context - these are all examples of grammar going beyond the sentence

Grammar and 'real world' ,English

Grammatical forms and structures underlie actual use of language in real

situations The Grammar Finder t:ontains numerous examples to iIIustrare

grammatical structures and hring them to life Most of the texts and dialogues are

authentic in that they are drawn from genuine conversations or book or newspaper

articles Some of the examples have been taken from or adapted from the British

Nalional Corpus Many of the explanations and the lists of words occurring in particular patterns arc also based on an analysis of the British National Corpus Some examples arc invented, especially where this is the best means of illustrating

a point in the clearest possible way, but aJl the examples arc realistic


Trang 14

Is it necessary to learn rules?

The 'rules' in this book are explanations of how English is used They arc a means

to understanding how English works, not a set of formulas to be learned by heart

Modern descriptions of English are based on what people actually say and write

Language changes air the lime and even grammar rules are subject to gradual

change However, there is a belief among some English speakers that there are

unalterable rules which must always be obeyed This has caused some controversy

among English speakers over a small number of grammar points For example,

\'\'ord and , despite the fact that English speakers frequently do so The Gral11ma~

Finder draws attcmion to these prescriptive 'rules' and gives advice about usage

What are the specia l problems of English grammar?

Unlike words in some other languages, English words do not have lots of different

endings Nouns have - s in the plural but they do not have endings to show if they

are the subject or the object There are a few verb endings such as ·ed for the past

(s tarted) but just one ending for person: -s in the third person singular of the present simple (starts) However, a verb phrase can still have a complicated

structure such as have started, will be see in g, or muSl hav e been wail ing

Word order is very important in English The man bit the dog means somelhing

different from The dog bit th e man The subject-verb word order in a statement is

A problem for Ihe non-nalive-speaker is the use of prepositions, which have many

idiomatlc uses in phrases such as on Friday or al TWO o'clock Both prepositions

radio off There arc many such expressions that need 10 be learned as items of

Goo d luck

Author and publisher hope very much that teachers and students will benefit from

the pack and enjoy working with it


Trang 16


I would like to thank the students and staff of the Oxford Intensive School of English and St Clare's International CoUege, who kindly tried out the CD-ROM

prototype I am indebted 10 Dr Mark Gray and to Terra Brockman who gave

valuable advice on phonology and American English respectively I am also grateful

to those at Oxford University Press who worked on the project, in particular Mila

Rendle for her work on the CD-ROM and Phil Hargraves for the design of the books Special thanks are due to David Baker for his role in conceiving and instigating the whole project and to the editor Glynnis Chanrrell, whose dedication

and enthusiasm have been a great encouragement Finally, as ever, thanks to my

wife Sheila for her unfailing support


Trang 17

() four linking r, pronounced before a vowel but (in standard British English) not

pronounced before a consonant:

four appl es /fo:r 'repl?:1

four bananas fro: a'no:nazl

, = Stress follows, e.g about la'bauI!; a is unstressed and bout is stressed

, = Secondary stress follows

:: Falling intonation follows

, = Rising intonation follows

Other symbols

The symbol I (forward slash) between two words or phrases means that either is

possible The shop may not l might not b e open today means that two sentences are

possible: Tlte s hop may not be open today and The s hop might n ot be open today

We also use slashes around phonetic symbols, e.g t ea I ti :/

Brackets ( ) around a word or phrase in an example mean that it can be left out J' ve

been h ere (for ) l e n minut es means that two sentences are possible: J'v e be e n h e e for

ten minutes and I' ue been here l en minutes

The symbol t means that two things are related Di sc uss dis cussion means thar

there is a relationship between the verb dis cuss and the noun discussion

The symbol means that there is a change of speaker

The symbol > is a reference to another section a nd l or part of a section where

there is more information For example, > 65 means 'sec section 65'; > 225C

means 'see part C of section 225; and > B means 'see part B of this section.'

The symbol Audio is a reference to the audio feature on the Grammar Checker

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Trang 19

Words and phrases

1 Word classes

Here is a piece of writing in English

" The l nternet is, by far, one a/che most amazing tools available to humans since the beginning of time No, this is nol an exaggeration With some

relatively inexpensive equipment (a computer, a modem and a telephone lin e) you c an find information about practically anything at an y lime,

b ec au se th e Internet is fast becoming a r e po si tory of the s um lo cal of human know/edge

No less incredible is the fact that, for people online, the world doesn't have borders You can meet peop l e from the most exotic corners of the e artll , even develop m e aningful relati o nships with p eo ple you'll n ever meet face to fa ce And with s u c h global friendships comes the promise of peace and prosperity But enough a/that pompous stuff Th e truth is, lhe Int e rnet i s where you can find out all the late s t gos si p about Sandra Bullo ck or Kevin Cos mer It' s wher e yo u go shopping fo r hats or book airline flights It's wh e re yo u stay up all nighl c hatting with strangers when you can't fall asleep It's c ool, [un, exciting and , best of ail, it' s affordabl e

( from H ow to Use Microsof t Ill/ernet & , Jlo r e r by Hubert SGISc h wcnn H 1 ~6 Repr i nted by

p rmi SS i on o Pea rson Education I nc Upper Saddle RI ve r NJ )

There are eight word classes in English, sometimes called 'pans of speech'

Here is a list with some examples from [he passage above

becom ing, ca n, comes, develop , find, is, s ta y

co mputer, Int e rn e t, night, people , lime , world amazing, coo l , exot i c, global, inexpensive

Determiner: a, any , some, such, lhe , that

Pronoun: anything, ii , YOll

Conjunction: and, because, blll


Mos t wo rd ( tasses ca n be divided inlO s ub · clas s es For exampl e':

Verb -+ Ordmary verb: find meel

Auxiliary verb : is COli

Adverb -+ Adverb of degree' IJ(!ry r e i aliueiy

Adverb of manner c(lrf ! /ully, fiut

Adverb of frequency : often, /lever


Determm e r -+ Article: tile, a

Qu a n tifie r : some, any

Demonstra tiv e : lhis lhat

Po sse ~si vc: my, YOll r

Trang 20

Words and phrases

I promise I won't forger

With such friendships comes lhe promise of peace


/t's the most amazing tool available to humans

All human knowledge is there

fast Adjective: Snail mail isn't as fast as e-mail

Adverb: The Internet is fast becoming essential

lhat Determiner: Enough of thaI pompous stuff

Pronoun: /t's something that people can afford

Conjunction: It's a facl that the Internet doesn't have borders

In English there are lots of verbs that we can use as noulls

Have a look at ch e Help menu

Can you make a copy of this document?

I'll do a search of the web

There are also nouns that we can use as verbs

Now you hav e to name the jile

Please key in your personal number

Another means of communication is te.xting by mobile phone

3 Phrases

There arc five kinds of phrase

A Verb phrase: i s, can find, is becoming, doesn't have, comes, has been growing

A verb phrase has an ordinary verb There can also be one or more auxiliaries


B e, have and do are both ordinary verbs and auxiliary verbs > 64

Tlte 11ll ernet is amazing (be as an ordinary verb)

The Int e rnet is becoming essential (be as an auxiliary)

Trang 21

3 Phrases

B Noun phrase: the Internet, a computer, information, such global friendships

A noun phrase has a noun There is often a determiner and/or an adjective, (Determiner)


A noun phrase can be replaced by a pronoun

The Internet is amazing -+ /I is amazillg,

C Adjective phrase: cool, most amazing

An adjective phrase has an adjective, sometimes with an adverb of degree in

front of it

(Adverb) Adjective


D Adverb phrase: never, really quickly

An adverb phrase has an adverb, sometimes with an adverb of degree in front

E Prepositional phrase: at any time, of the earth, for hats

A prepositional phrase is a preposition + noun phrase

Trang 22

The simple sentence

4 Basic claus e s t ruc t ure

This chapter is about sentences with just one clause A clause which can sta n d

an object, a complement, or an adverbial Each element plays its pan in rh t e str ucture of a clau se We can put the elements together to form different kine 1 s

of clauses Here are some examples of the diff er ent clause structures

Nothing happened

The company ells mobile phones

The dog has eaten my hom ewo rk

The concert i s tomorrow

I put my <:redit card in my wallet

For more inrormation about th ese clause elements, > GLOSSAI\V

Ngày đăng: 08/08/2014, 10:22

