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Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 11: UNIT 7: WORLD POPULATION-SPEAKING pptx

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Period:40 I. Objectives: By the end the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Talk about the causes of overpopulation in our country and in the world. - The problem which the overpopulation countries have and offer some solutions. II. Teaching aids:Textbook, handouts III. Anticipated problems: - Ss may not have enough vocalabulary to talk about the topic. IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities A. Warm - up (6ms) Picture description - T shows sts the following picture and Ss work in pairs to discuss the right asks them two questions. + What can you see in the picture? + What does the picture tell you? - T elicits the answers from sts and gives comments. - T introduces the topic of the speaking lesson: overpopulation T. gives handout: Ss read carefully the following statements and decide if they are True or False. Suggested answer: 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T answers. A man is carring many children by motorbike The picture tells us about overpopulation Ss read carefully the following statements and decide if they are True or False. 1.The population of our country has remained unchanged during the last ten years? 2.Our country is 14 th among the B)Check up : 1.What do you think about the world population ? (decrease or increase) T. introduces the new lesson: Today we’ll talk about the overpopulation, the problem of overpopulation countries and work out some solutions to these problems. Task 1.(10ms) Instruction: Below are some of the causes of populatance explosion. You must put them in order of importance and explain why. T gets Ss to work in pairs to order the causes and reminds them to explain their order. T calls on some pairs to present their order and asks other pairs if they agree or disagree with their friends. T should bear in mind that the answers overpopulated countries in the world. 3. Overpopulation is not a problem in our modern time. 4. We must limit the population growth because our resoueces are limited. Ss work in pairs to order the causes and reminds them to explain their order. Suggested answers (Ss can give different answers) 1- People are not properly educated. 2- People are not a ware of population explosion. 3- Many people believe that having a are open. There is no right or wrong answer, provided that Ss can explain their answers. Task 2. (7ms) Instruction: You are going to work in pairs to list the problems facing poor and overpopulated countries T asks Ss to read the useful language on page 83. T reminds Ss that they should match the words/ phrases on the left with the words/ phrases on the right T may asks Ss to think of other problems not mentioned in the book T calls some Ss to report their answers and asks other Ss to feedback. T comments and gives corrective feedback large family is a form of insurance. 4- People believe that having many children means happiness 5- Fewer children die at birth. 6- Religion doesn’t permit peope to have fewer children. Pair work Suggested answers: - poor living condition - low living standard - not enough/expensive food - lack/shortage of schools/hospitals/teachers/doctors and nurses - unemployment - social evils - illiteracy group work Task 3. (10ms) T. asks Ss to discuss some solutions to the problem of overpopulation - T. introduces some expressions to help Ss to make a report. Should be aware of To carry out/ to implement/ to use T. asks some Ss to report their results to the class. T. corrects if necessary. Task 4: Instruction: Now you are going to work in groups to talk about the problems of overpopulation and offer solutions, using the results of Task 2 and Task 3 -Asks Ss to give a short presentation on the problems of population explosion and the solutions to them Suggested answers: - raise an awareness of the problems of overpopulation - raise the the people’s living standard - exercise/implement reward and punishment policy - carry out population education program/family planning program - use birth control methods Ss talk about the problem of overpopulation and offer solutions + first/firstly, second, next + also, besides, moreover, in addition, furthermore + the first problems is that……/ the next solution is that…. + on the one hand, on the other hand, however, but……… - Encourages Ss to use transition signals to make their presentation. T can elicit the list of signals from Ss Consolidation and homework(2m) T summarises the main points T asks Ss to do exercises in workbook ( Ss can prepare at home, if there isn’t enough time) Homework: - Think of the best we should have to limit the overpopulation. - do exercises in workbook . lesson, Ss will be able to: - Talk about the causes of overpopulation in our country and in the world. - The problem which the overpopulation countries have and offer some solutions. II. Teaching. last ten years? 2.Our country is 14 th among the B)Check up : 1.What do you think about the world population ? (decrease or increase) T. introduces the new lesson: Today we’ll talk about. disagree with their friends. T should bear in mind that the answers overpopulated countries in the world. 3. Overpopulation is not a problem in our modern time. 4. We must limit the population

Ngày đăng: 07/08/2014, 23:20

