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1 BÀI TẬP MỆNH ĐỀ QUAN HỆ Sau đây những danh từ thường gặp để em có thể phân biệt được danh từ chỉ vật và danh từ chỉ người, các em nên cố gắng học thuộc để làm bài tập cho tốt hơn The building: tòa nhà the factory: xí nghiệp the church: nhà thờ The children: những đứa trẻ my uncle: chú tôi the hotel: khách sạn The painting: bức tranh the subject: môn the woman: người đàn bà The boy: đứa bé trai the people: những học the caslte: cung điện The place: nơi the house: căn nhà người the day: ngày Bài tập thực hành: Bài tập 1: Điền đại từ, trạng từ quan hệ thích hợp vào chổ trống. 1. The building ___________ was destroyed in the fire has been rebuilt. 2. The man for ___________ I was waiting didn’t turn up 3. We don’t know the factory ___________ Tom works. 4. The church __________ we visited last Sunday was beautiful. 5. The children __________ I’m looking after are terribly spoilt. 6. My uncle, ___________ you met at the meeting last week is very interested in science. 7. The hotel ___________ I stayed for two weeks was really awful. 8. The student __________ parents you talked to is our classmate. 9. The subject about __________ Dr. Gold spoke was interesting. 10. The castle _________we visited last year was in bad condition. Bài tập 2: Chọn từ, cụm từ thích hợp để hoàn thành những câu sau. 1. The place __________ we spent our holiday was really beautiful. A. what B. who C. where D. which 2. The children, __________ parents work late, are taken home by bus. A. that B. whom C. whose D. their 3. He wanted to know the reason __________ I was late. A. as B. for C. because D. why 4. My uncle, __________ you met yesterday, is a lawyer. A. which B. what C. whose D. whom 5. Dien Bien Phu is the place _______ our army won a resounding victory in 1954. A. where B. that C. what D. which 6. The man __________ we met yesterday was the manager of a bicycle factory. A. when B. whose C. who D. which 7. In our school library, there are several large tables _______ we can sit to read books. A. where B. that C. when D. which 8. Yesterday was the day _______ they celebrated their 21 st wedding anniversary. A. when B. then C. what D. which 9. That’s the house __________ he used to stay. A. in which B. of which C. on which D. which 10. This house, __________ he bought in 1990, is being repaired at the moment. A. that B. which C. who D. what 11. The woman ___son is studying at Hanoi University of Technology is a teacher. A. whose B. what C. whom D. which 12. The boy __________ eyes are brown is my friend. A. who B. whom C. which D. whose 13. He never talks about the people __________ he has helped. A. by whom B. whom C. which D. whose 14. This school is only for children __________ first language is not English. A. of whom B. whose C. who is D. who 15. Mrs. John, ________son won the championship last year lives next door to us. A. whose B. what C. which D. who Ghép câu sử dụng đại từ quan hệ, trạng từ quan hệ: Chọn từ, cụm từ thích hợp để hoàn thành những câu sau: 1. He is the person _________ A. from who I bought this old car B. which I bought this old car from C. from that I bought this old car D. from whom I bought this old car 2. An architect is someone ____________. A. that design buildings B. who designs buildings C. whose designs buildings D. which designs buildings 3. The girl ____________ is now in hospital A. whom injured in the accident B. was injured in the accident C. who was injured in the accident D. that she was injured in the accident 4. The man __________ was on holiday. A. I wanted to see B. whom I wanted to see him C. I wanted to see him D. who wanted to see 5. Do you know the girl ______________ GV: Nguyễn Ngọc Minh Lý BÀI TẬP NGỮ PHÁP 2 A. to who Tom is talking B. whom Tom is talking C. Tom is talking D. to whom Tom is talking 6. I haven’t got a passport, ____________. A. that means I can’t leave the country B. it means I can’t leave the country B. which means I can’t leave the country D. who means I can’t leave the country 7. The girl ___________ is Australian. A. is talking to Tom B. talking to Tom C. who talk to Tom D. to talk to Tom 8. None of the people ____________ could come. A. was invited to the party B. were invited to the party C. who invited to the party D. invited to the party 9. An orphan is a child ___________. A. who parents died B. whose parents are dead C. that parents are dead D. his parents are dead 10. The hotel _____________ was very clean. A. we stayed B. which we stayed C. in that we stayed D. where we stayed LIÊN TỪ, GIỚI TỪ, TỪ CHUYỂN TIẾP Hoàn thành câu với“because (of)”;“(al)though/even though /despite/ in spite of” 1. _____________ he worked hard, he didn’t receive any praise. 2. He ate the chocolate cake _____________ he is on diet. 3. _____________ the high prices, my daughters insist on going to the movies every Saturday. 4. _____________ it was cold, I went aout. 5. _____________ John didn’t study hard, he succeeded. 6. We took many picture _____________ the cloudy sky. 7. _____________her poor memory, the old woman told interesting stories to the children. 8. She went home early _____________ she didn’t feel well. 9. I couldn’t get to sleep _____________ the noise. 10. The students arrived late_____________the traffic jam. Phân biệt“so, but” ; “however, therefore” + “so & therefore”: vì thế, vì vậy + “but & however”: nhưng mà, tuy nhiên; “but = yet” Bài tập 1: Hoàn thành những câu sau với “ but, so, therefore, however” 1. They may need a new goalkeeper, _____________ I want to be ready. 2. The new trains have more powerful engines and are _____________ faster. 3. I hadn’t done my homework. _____________, I didn’t understand my lesson. 4. Mary was happy. _____________, Alice was very sad. 5. He is sick. _____________, he can’t come. 6. The professor told me that I was doing well, _______ my final grade was awful. 7. The sky was grey and cloudy. _____________, we went to the beach. 8. She had to help her mother. _____________, she was often late for school. 9. I did my best, _____________ it was not good enough. 10. The flight was delayed, _____________ we had time to have something to eat. Bài tập 2: Hoàn thành những câu sau với “although, therefore, however, but, so, because, despite, because of” và những từ thích hợp khác. 1. It is very hot in the desert. ___________, few trees can grow there. 2. Jame is offered the job, ___________ he is inexperienced. 3. James was not admitted to the university ___________ the age. 4. I tried to persuade her. ___________, I didn’t succeed. 5. The story was very funny, ___________ nobody laughed. 6. The match went ahead ___________ the heavy rain. 7. It was too dark to go on, ___________ we found somewhere to stay. 8. Nam had to stay home to look after his mother because she was sick. MINI – TEST I. Chọn từ / cụm từ thích hợp hoàn thành những câu sau. 1. That’s the woman___________ helped me last week. A. who B. which C. whose D. where 2. The hotel ___________ overlooks the Huong River has just been built. A. who B. which C. where D. whose 3. Any student _________ arrives late will not be allowed to get in the exam room. A. whose B. which C. who D. where 4. I have just read a book ___________ is lying on the table. A. which B. who C. whose D. whom 5. He will ask his mother ___________ she arrives. A. who B. when C. what D. where 6. My friend is a doctor ___________ medical expertise is cancer treatment. A. whose B. who C. whom D. that GV: Nguyễn Ngọc Minh Lý BÀI TẬP NGỮ PHÁP 3 7. One of my friends advised me ___________ to an American dinner without bringing anything as a small gift. A. not go B. not going C. not to go D. not to going 8. It is advisable that we should avoid ___________ leaded petrol to save the environment. A. use B. to use C. using D. be used 9. The movie itself wasn’t very good, ___________ I liked music. A. and B. or C. but D. so 10. The windows are dirty. They need ___________ A. be wash B. being washed C. to wash D. washing 11. His girlfriend,_____hates rock music, refused to go to the rock concert with him. A. that B. whom C. whose D. who 12. Maria’s going to stop ___________, so she may be late. A. eating B. to eat C. for eating D. eat 13. I asked him not to go, ___________ he went anyway. A. but B. so C. although D. because 14. Mike told me ___________ he was going to Spain for ten days. A. when B. how C. where D. that 15. You won’t achieve anything ___________ you take risks. A. if B. when C. that D. unless 16. We came late ___________. A. because of the bad weather B. because the bad weather C. because of the badly weather D. because the badly weather 17. Jack insisted that he didn’t need any help, ___________ I helped him anyway. A. but B. besides C. however D. so 18. I knew they were talking about me_____ they stopped when I entered the room. A. because B. so that C. despite D. therefore 19. I’m learning English ___________ I want to get a better job. A. or B. because C. therefore D. but 20. We didn’t enjoy our holidays ___________ the weather was so awful A. if B. because C. but D. although 21. The flight was cancelled ___________ the bad weather. A. because B. because of C. in spite of D. although 22. Although the sun was shining, ___________ A. it wasn’t very hot B. but it wasn’t very hot C. yet it was very hot D. it was very hot 23. He walked slowly ___________. A. because of his bad leg B. in his bad leg C. so his leg was bad D. so that his leg was bad 24. Although he is intelligent, he doesn’t do well at school A. Despite being intelligent, he doesn’t do well at school B. In spite of intelligent, he doesn’t do well at school C. In spite he is intelligent, he doesn’t do well at school D. Although his intelligence, he doesn’t do well at school 25. It began to rain, ___________ I didn’t open his umbrella. A. so B. but C. if D. although 26. She doesn’t trust him anymore___________ he lied to her. A. because B. in spite of C. although D. because of 27. We couldn’t sleep last night ___________the noise next door. A. although B. since C. because D. because of 28. I did it ___________they asked me to . A. so B. because C. because of D. the reason. 29. Daisy was late ___________her car was broken down. A. because B. because of C. it D. whether. 30. ___________he can’t afford a car , he goes to work by bicycle. A. because B. as C. since D. all are correct. 31. They were sacked ___________their carelessness. A. because B. because of C. despite D. although 32. The boys were punished ___________they went to school late. A. because B. because of C. so D. although 33. ___________my father is old , he still goes jogging. A. although B. since C. despite D. in spite of. 34. ___________the rain , we postpone our picnic. A. because B. because of C. though D. in spite of. 35. ___________it was raining heavily ,we went out without a raincoat. A. in spite B. in spite of C. however D. although Bài tập 2: Chọn từ hay cụm từ có phần gạch dưới bị sai: 36. Because their financial problems, they couldn’t send their children to a better school. A B C D 37. He still went swimming despite of the heavy rain A B C D 38. The friend to who I want to introduce you is away this weekend. A B C D 39. Do you remember the name of the place in that the crime was committed ? A B C D GV: Nguyễn Ngọc Minh Lý BÀI TẬP NGỮ PHÁP 4 40. Despite of bad weather, the pilots decided to look for the lost group of tourists. A B C D 41. Despite they are small, ponies are strong and have great stamina. A B C D 42. People are not allowed to enter the park after midnight because lack of security. A B C D 43. He has made a lot of mistakes in his writing because his carelessness. A B C D 44. Despite of his age, he works very hard. A B C D 45. Mai often arrives at the office at nine o’clock, but because the storm, she was A B C late this morning. D 46.Depite the sun was shining,it wasn’t warm enough for our children to go A B C swimming. D 47. The people who waiting outside are becoming impatient. A B C D 48. The flight was delayed, but we had time to have something to eat. A B C D 49. The students which were late had to wait outside. A B C D 50. The bike he lent you was stolen from a shop where sells fast food. A B C D Dạng 3: Phân biệt “so that / in order that và to / so as to / in order to” Trong dạng này, các em cần phải nắm lại kiến thức về cụm từ và mệnh đề chỉ mục đích. 1. Mệnh đề: so that / in order that + S + will / can / would /could + V : để làm 2. Cụm từ : to / so as to / in order to + V : để mà 1. Hoàn thành những câu sau sử dụng cụm từ hay mệnh đề chỉ mục đích. 1. He climbed the tree _____________ get a better view. 2. You should get up early _____________ you will have time to review your lesson. 3. Some young people like to earn their own living ______ they will be independent of their parents. 4. We should do morning exercises regularly _____________ improve our health. 5. We should take advantage of the scientific achievements of the world _____________ we can develop our national economy. 6. Every people in the world must unite their efforts _____________ maintain and protect peace. 7. She put on warm clothes _____________ she wouldn’t catch cold. 8. He hurried to the station _____________ miss the train. 9. She locked the door _____________ be disturbed. 10. He hurried ___________ he could catch the train. 2. Chọn từ hoặc cụm từ thích hợp để hoàn thành những câu sau. 1. We have to start early ___________ we won’t be late. A. so that B. that C. because D. because of 2. He worked hard ___________ they could pass the final examination. A. since B. because C. in case D. so that 3. He took his seat quietly ___________ A. so as not to disturb their conversation B. so as to disturb their conversation C. in order not disturb their conversation D. in order for him not to disturb their conversation 4. He was looking for an eraser ___________ he could erase a mistake in his composition. A. because B. therefore C. so that D. however 5. We have studied hard _________ we will be well prepared for the examination. A. because B. since C. so that D. in case Exercises on complex sentences I- “enough” and “too” + to V-inf 1- I haven’t got …………………………….money for holiday. 2- He wasn’t early ……………………………to catch the train. 3- She can’t marry him. She isn’t old ……………………………to get married. 4- She can’t marry him. She is …………………young to get married. 5- This coat is not thick ………………………for me to wear in this weather. 6- This chair is ……………………………weak for him to sit on. 7- They haven’t got ……………………….time to visit you. GV: Nguyễn Ngọc Minh Lý BÀI TẬP NGỮ PHÁP 5 8- That chair isn’t strong …………………….for you to stand on. 9- George feels ………………… tired to go to work today. 10- I think this jacket is ……………………big for you to wear. 11- The weather wasn’t nice ……………………………to go camping. 12- The foreigner speaks Vietnamese ………….badly for us you understand. 13- The water is not clean …………………….for us to drink. 14- Jack is ……………… short to reach the top of the shelf. 15- There aren’t not …………………………….seats for everyone. II- “So” or “ such” ? 1- They drank ………………… much water that they couldn’t drive. 2- She met …………a lot of students that she couldn’t remember their names 3- Don’t read ……………a stupid book. It is harmful. 4- They have got …… a lot of money that they don’t know how to spend them. 5- Everything is ……….expensive that we can’t make both ends meet. 6- Their questions were ………stupid that I didn’t know how to answer them. 7- It is ……….a nice day that we want to go out for a walk. 8- It was ……….a boring film that they felt asleep. 9- It is ……………….a nice day. 10- The day is ………………… nice, isn’t it? 11- They have never eaten ………………… bad food. 12- The wind is ……… strong. It is very difficult to walk in ……… strong wind. 13- I was …………….excited about going away that I couldn’t sleep. 14- The water was………… dirty that we decided not to go swimming. 15- He speaks English ……………….well that you would think that he is a native English speaker. III- Even though /Although/ because/ despite/ in spite of/ because of. 1- ………………………….it rained a lot, they went out. 2- …………………………It rained, they stayed at home. 3- ……………………… rain, we couldn’t play football. 4- …………………………….rain, they still played football. 5- ………………….she smoked 40 cigarettes a day, her health was very bad. 6- ……………………… she smoked 40 cigarettes a day, her health was not bad. 7- We lost the match ……………………………….…we played badly. 8- …………………………. having a lot of money, she can’t have what she wants. 9- He studied very well……………………………….his life was very difficult. 10-You can’t eat the soup ………………………………it is very hot. 11- ………………………….they are tired, they work 15 hours a day. 12- …………………………….the crop is bad, the farmers are in debt. 13- He has a good job …………………………….he has a lot of qualifications. 14- ……………………………he is a doctor, he can’t support his family. 15- I went to bed early …………………………… I felt tired. V- Put a suitable questions word or tag questions in the blanks. 1- It is a nice day, …………… ? 2- The boys went on holiday, …………………? 3- She doesn’t like her new skirt, …………………? 4- You have drunk wine, ……………? 5- They will help you, …………………? 6- …………money do you want to borrow? - a lot. 7- ………….have you bought recently? – some new books by American writer. 8- …………….do you do your homework? – three times a week. 9- ……………….cats have they bought? – Some. 10- ………………………….did they lost their jobs?- because they were lazy. 11- ………………………read that book? – Our teacher did. 12- …………………….book did you borrow? – Your brother’s. 13- ……………………….did you buy that house? – Last month. 14- ………………………………your brother study? – In England. 15- …………………………have the girls met each other?- for two hours. 16- ……………………… games can they play? – about ten. 17- ……………………….wine did they drink yesterday?- little. 18- ……………………….…makes you sad today?- My bad result in English. 19- ………………………… have you learnt English in Hanoi?- About six months. 20- ………………………… is he?- he is 1.7 meter. VI- Ving or to Verb ? 1- …………………… Is very good for our health. (swim) 2- My hobby is …………………….chess with my father in the free time.(play) GV: Nguyễn Ngọc Minh Lý BÀI TẬP NGỮ PHÁP 6 3- It is not easy ………………… a language in a short period of time. (master) 4- They think that ……………………… in the rain is very romantic. (walk) 5- They are not strong enough……………………… this bag. (take) 6- It took him six months …………………………… a job here. (find) 7- ………………………… English is not so difficult as you think. (learn) 8- It is very good …………………………. for him in this company. (work) 9- We are too ill ………………………… with you this week. ( travel) 10- I find that it will be early ……………………… at 4 am. ( start) VII- Put “ an/ a/ the/ some/ any/ much / many” in the gap. 1- I have got …… friends but I haven’t got ……… good friends. I have only …………good friend. 2- Do you like ………….coffee with milk? 3- I haven’t got ……… time now. I have to hurry. 4- There are ……….oranges in the fridge. Do you like ……….? 5- They are my friends. You haven’t met ………. Of them before. 6- We didn’t buy …….flowers. I bought …………cakes, instead. 7- This evening I’m going out with …………friends of mine. 8- I didn’t have ……… money, so I had to borrow……… 9- Have you got ……… coffee? 10- I was too tired to finish……….work. 11- Can you give me …….information about ………….places of interest in the town? 12- If there are ……words you don’t understand, use a dictionary. 13- His sons don’t like ……….orange juice. 14- There is ……….sugar and milk so I will makes ………. cakes for you. VIII. a few, a little, few, little 1- There are only ……… people who like boxing in Viet Nam. 2- They need very ……… eggs because they have bought meat. 3- We need ………help to finish this work. 4- They need 300 grams sugar to make cakes but there is very ………. 5- You can meet ………students here to get help. 6- He drank ……… water so he is very thirsty now. IX- T×m tõ cã phÇn g¹ch ch©n cã c¸ch ph¸t ©m kh¸c víi c¸c tõ cßn l¹i. 1. book look floor hook 2. hire find file film 3. hate fat cat bat 4. sun pull fun hunt 5. pardon hard parents park 6 shirt fire first bird 7 think sign ring sing 8. fight high figure bright 9. house hour how horse 10. bob hob lob bomb 11. long song tongue wrong 12. rose cover nose over 13. stage manage village baggage 14. sea sand sun sure 15. supply supermarket support suppose 16. blood mood moon soon 17. good roof foot flood 18 window flow how show 19. find thing nine wine 20. sugar see saint sit 21. man fan fat table 22. home money comb Rome 23. kind sing find blind 24. happy fly sky dry 25. hot got mode shot 26. but cut shut put 27. fat hate bat hat 28. that make take cake 29. set get between met 30. ground should about amount 31. made fate hate hand 32 allow all fall hall 33 few new chew phew IV- Complete the following sentences, using too or enough. 1- It/ be/ cold/ everybody/ go out. 2- The car/ travel/ slowly/ arrive/ the station/ in time. 3- Her English / be/ bad/ pass this exam. 4- GV: Nguyễn Ngọc Minh Lý BÀI TẬP NGỮ PHÁP 7 5- The storm/ be/ heavy/ fishermen/ go/ the sea. 6- His dog/ be/ fierce/ we/ enter / the house. 7- The river/ be not/ clean/ we/ swim in. 8- They/ have not/ knowledge / take this exam. 9- They / not young/ find a job. 10- He/ not get / experience/ join/ interview. 11- They/ be not/ strong/ carry/ backpacks. . 1 BÀI TẬP MỆNH ĐỀ QUAN HỆ Sau đây những danh từ thường gặp để em có thể phân biệt được danh từ chỉ vật và danh từ chỉ người, các em nên cố gắng học thuộc để làm bài tập cho tốt. cung điện The place: nơi the house: căn nhà người the day: ngày Bài tập thực hành: Bài tập 1: Điền đại từ, trạng từ quan hệ thích hợp vào chổ trống. 1. The building ___________ was destroyed. lives next door to us. A. whose B. what C. which D. who Ghép câu sử dụng đại từ quan hệ, trạng từ quan hệ: Chọn từ, cụm từ thích hợp để hoàn thành những câu sau: 1. He is the person _________

Ngày đăng: 06/08/2014, 09:22

