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1 ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC KHỐI D NĂM 2011 MÔN: ANH VĂN ĐỀ SỐ 5 Make the correct choice : 1.Where’s Harry ? I think he’s gone ______ bed. a.in b.to c.on d.at 2.She was a university professor ______ the age of 26. a.with b.at c.in d.by 3. I’ll meet you ______ ten minutes. a.for b.about c.with d.in 4. Jack was late because he wasn’t aware ______ the time. a.of b.about c.with d.at 5.Please turn down the radio ______ get to sleep. a.so to b.so that I can c.that I can d.so that I could 6.He took off his shoes ______ make any noise. a.so that b.to c.so as to d.in order not to 7.I sent my son to the U.S.A ______ study electronics there. a.so that I could b.in order to c.so that he could d.so as not to 8.Mr Fox is saving money ______ buying a helicopter. a.so that b.in the hope of c.he hopes d.with the hope of 9.She will make rapid progress ______ she studies hard. a.unless b.if c.so that d.although 10.While ______dinner, she heard the phone ring. a.cooked b.was cooking c.she cooking d.cooking 11.He is ______ in listening to music at night. a.fond b.interested c.excited d.tired 12. ______ by my younger sister, the essays are always interesting. a.Written b.Writing c.To write d.To be written 13.We had already finished our homework ______ we came to class. a.after b.so that c.since d.before 14.Young pupils usually enjoy ______ picture books. a.to read b.read c.reading d.being read 15.When I first ______ him, he was working in a restaurant. a.meet b.meeting c.met d.was meeting 16.It ______ for two days now. There will be a flood soon. a.is raining b.has been raining c.rains d.will be raining 17.If I had realized that the traffic lights were red, I ______. a.stopped b.had stopped c.would stop d.would have stopped 18.Everyone ______ in class by the time you came . a.has been b.had been c.was d.would have been 19.The man about ______ we are talking is a famous writer. a.whom b.who c.that d.him 2 20.The trees from ______ we picked these fruits are in this garden. a.them b.those c.that d.which 21.The city in ______ we were born is very small. a.where b.it c.which d.that 22.They got ______ with the long meeting. a.tired b.interested c.fond d.bored 23. It was such ______ news that she decided to have a celebration. a.wonderful b.a wonderful c.wonderfully d.the wonderful 24. We had no _______ of going for a walk with them. a.decision b.tension c.tendency d.intention 25.He _______ a lot;but now he doesn’t anymore. a.used to smoking b.used to smoke c.was used to smoke d.was used for smoking 26. I can’t cook _______ my mother does. a.as good as b.as well as c.as better as d.very well as 27. Unless it stops _______,we won’t go out. a.raining b.to rain c.and rains d.rained 28. Unless someone _______ a key,we can’t get into the house. a.have b.had c.has d.having 29. Because of _______, she didn’t make any mistakes in her answers. a.carefully b.carelessly c.being careful d.being careless 30. She said that she _______ her holiday in Italy the following year. a.spent b.had spent c.has spent d.would spend 31. She didn’t buy it _______ the price was too high. a.because b.so that c.in spite of d.although 32. The question was _______ difficult that we couldn’t answer it. a.very b.too c.extremely d.so 33. _______ you don’t hurry, you’ll be late. a.If b.Unless c.After d.Before 34.Jane is a _______ cook than Mary. a.good b.well c.better d.best 35.I tried ______ the bus, but I missed it. a.catching b.to catch c.to catching d.catch 36.She told ______ afraid. a.us that she was b.that she was c.us being d.for being 37. “Did you enjoy the play?” – “Yes, but I don’t think the actors performed as well as they ______.” a.do b.have done c.did d.had 38. “The temperature has really risen today.” –“Yes, it is ______ that I can’t work.” a.too hot b.very hot c.so hot d.extremely hot 39. -“How long have you been married?” 3 -“We ______ married for twenty years on our next wedding anniversary.” a.will have been b.have been c.had been d.will be 40. It’s over a year ______ I visited the dentist. a.since b.when c.however d.until 41.I told them about it, but ______ listened. a.somebody b.anybody c.nobody d.nothing 42.Hugh Rolan is a wealthy businessman. a.rich b.famous c.healthy d.poor 43.He told me not to worry and came home at once. a.soon b.immediately c.at noon d.sharply 44.On holiday I ______ always on the beach when the weather is fine. a.lie b.was c.sunbathe d.am 45.My parents got up very early this morning ______ pack the car for our journey. a.so that b.in case c.in order to d.and 46.After going for a long walk this morning, everyone ______ very angry at lunch time. a.had b.was c.made d.were 47.The supervisor was asked ______ with his employees. a.met b.meet c.to meet d.meeting 48.By the time I ______ to bed tonight, I will have finished my work for the day. a.go b.will go c.went d.had gone 49.Too much exercise can be harmful, but walking is good ______ you. a.with b.at c.to d.for 50.His first novel was much more exciting ______ any he has written since. a.to b.as c.than d.so 51/ I must thank the people _______ I got a present a. from whom b. from that c. from who d. who 52/ The people _______ house we visited were nice. a. who b. whom c. whose d. that 53/ The town _______ I grew up is small. a. in which b. where c. in where d. a&b are correct 54/ Yesterday I ran across an old friend _______ I hadn’t seen for years. a. with whom b. whom c. for whom d. to whom 55/ 1960 is the year _______ the revolution took place. a. when b. on which c. in that d. where Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning 1. She has studied French for five years. a. She began to study French five years ago. b. She began to study French was five years ago. c. She began studied French five years ago. d. She began to study French in five years ago. 4 2. He collects old coins. He likes it. a. He is fond of liking old coins. b. He is fond of he collects old coins. c. He is fond of collecting old coins. d. He is like fond of collecting old coins. 3. She said, “ Have you got a new car, Jack ?” a. She asked Jack that he had got a new car. b. She asked Jack if she had got a new car. c. She asked Jack if he has got a new car. d. She asked if he had got a new car. 4. He said to her, “ Give my regards to your parents.” a. He told her to give her regards to his parents. b. He told her to give my regards to her parents. c. He told her to give his regards to her parents. d. He told her to give his regards to your parents. 5. “Don’t talk to that man”, she said. a. She told me don’t to talk to that man. b. She told me not to talk to that man. c. She told not to talk to that man. d. She said me not to talk to that man. 6. Jane didn’t go to your party because you didn’t invite her. a. If you hadn’t invited Jane, she wouldn’t have gone to your party. b. If you hadn’t invited Jane, she would have gone to your party. c. If you had invited Jane, she wouldn’t have gone to your party. d. If you had invited Jane, she would have gone to your party. 7. They haven’t finished their homework yet. a. Their homework haven’t been finished yet. b. Their homework hasn’t to be finished yet. c. Their homework hasn’t been finished yet. d. Their homework hasn’t finished yet. 8. Jim was absent because he was ill. a. Because of his being illness, Jim was absent. b. Because of his ill, Jim was absent. c. Because of being his illness, Jim was absent. d. Because of his illness, Jim was absent. . 1 ĐỀ THI THỬ ĐẠI HỌC KHỐI D NĂM 2011 MÔN: ANH VĂN ĐỀ SỐ 5 Make the correct choice : 1.Where’s Harry ? I think he’s gone ______ bed. a.in b.to c.on d. at 2.She was a university. meeting. a.tired b.interested c.fond d. bored 23. It was such ______ news that she decided to have a celebration. a.wonderful b.a wonderful c.wonderfully d. the wonderful 24. We had no _______. walk with them. a.decision b.tension c.tendency d. intention 25. He _______ a lot;but now he doesn’t anymore. a.used to smoking b.used to smoke c.was used to smoke d. was used for smoking 26.

Ngày đăng: 26/07/2014, 14:21



