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ĐỀ LUYỆN THI VÀ ĐÁP ÁN - TIẾNG ANH ( Số 32 ) Câu1 : Ngữ âm (10ps) a. Phân loại cách đọc từ (5ps) 1. A. boat B. road C. broad D. coat 2. A. warm B. wash C.wall D. walk 3. A. honest B. history C. hour D honour 4. A. bread B. great C. break D. steak 5. A. look B. book C. good D. soon b. Phân loại trọng âm (5ps) 1. A. popular B. motion C. result D. picture 2. A. contribution B. entertainment C. individual D. collaboration collaboration [kə,lổbə'rei∫n] danh từ - sự cộng tác ; ex:to work in collaboration with others - cộng tác với những người khác 3. A. theatre B. important C. significant D. awareness awareness [ə'weə] tính từ có kiến thức hoặc nhận thức về ai/cái ǵ to be aware of the risk/danger/threat có ư thức về mối nguy cơ/nguy hiểm/đe doạ are you aware of the time? anh có biết là mấy giờ rồi hay không? it happened without my being aware of it chuyện xảy ra mà tôi không hề biết I'm well aware that very few jobs are available tôi biết rơ là rất ít chỗ làm c ̣ n trống she became aware that something was burning cô ta nhận ra được là có cái ǵ đang cháy I don't think you're aware (of) how much this means to me tôi chắc anh không biết điều này có ư nghĩa lớn lao thế nào đối với tôi thạo tin, quan tâm đến các sự kiện đang xảy ra she's always a politically aware person cô ta xưa nay vôn là một người mẫn cảm về chính trị significant [sig'nifikənt] tính từ - có ư nghĩa; đầy ư nghĩa their change of plan is strange but I don't think it's significant việc họ thay đổi kế hoạch thật lạ lùng nhưng tôi không cho rằng điều đó có ư nghĩa a significant remark/look/smile một nhận xét/ánh mắt/nụ cười đầy ư nghĩa quan trọng, đáng kể a significant rise in profits sự gia tăng lợi nhuận đáng kể 4. A. purpose B. event C. fashion D. standard 5. A. circumstance B. education C. documentary D. imitation imitation [,imi'tei∫n] danh từ - sự noi gương ,sự bắt chước; vật bắt chước, vật mô phỏng, vật phỏng mẫu (âm nhạc) sự phỏng mẫu ( định ngữ) giả ; ex. imitation leather- da giả Câu 2 : Ngữ pháp (15ps) 1. - Who is your good friends ? - John and Peter are my good friends 2. British people are drinking more and more wine , apparently. 3. I hope Sarah will be here soon . I am depending on her . 4. Please be quiet ! You are continually interrupting . 5. Hey , you ! What do you think you are doing ? 6. Could you come here please ? I want to talk to you now . 7. Jean, I’m so glad you’ve got here at last . I have been expecting you all day. 8. - Who are you ? - What do you mean ? I live here . 9. He wanted a story to be told (by that student) 10. When we have finished building the house , we will plan the garden . 11.I hear that you have been promoted . Congratulations! 12. Next weak I’m going to have the pro-singer sing some interesting songs which I like best . 13. Why don’t we emigrate? If we lived in Australia, at least the weather would be better. - emigrate ['emigreit] nụ ̣ i động từ - di cư (thông tục) đổi chỗ ở ngoại động từ - đưa (ai) di cư 14. I’m afraid that Smith is a hardened criminal . If we don’t punish him this time , he will only commit more crimes. hardened ['hɑ:dn] ngoại động từ làm cho cứng, làm cho rắn (kỹ thuật) tôi (thép ) (nghĩa bóng) làm chai điếng, làm cứng rắn, làm trở thành nhẫn tâm to harden someone's heart làm cho ḷng ai chai điếng đi làm cho dày dạn nội động từ cứng lại, rắn lại(nghĩa bóng) chai điếng đi, cứng rắn lại, trở thành nhẫn tâm (trái tim ) dày dạn đi 15. Thank to Dr Johns , I’m still alive ! If it hadn’t been for her , I would be dead for certain! Question III:. Word formation a. The housing Shortage in London and other great cities is one of the most pressing problems of modern times . (short) Shortage ['∫ɔ:tidʒ] (n) - sự thiếu; số lượng thiếu Ex : food shortages - sự thiếu lương thực a shortage of rice - sự thiếu gạo housing ['hauziỗ] (N) - nơi ăn chốn ở (nói chung) Ex : the housing problem - vấn đề nhà ở pressing ['presiỗ] (a) - thúc bách, cấp bách, cấp thiết, gấp; Ex ;pressing need - điều cần gấp nài nỉ, nài ép a pressing invitation - lời mời nài nỉ b. The number of homeless people increases daily ( home ) homeless ['houmlis] tính từ - không cửa không nhà, vô gia cư c. However , as yet there seems no satisfactory solution (solve) thành ngữ yet as yet - cho đến nay, cho đến bây giờ ; Ex : an as yet unpublished document - một tài liệu cho đến nay chưa được công bố d. The lack of accommodation for rents which the ordinary person can afford is disgrace to the nation (accommodate) - afford [ə'fɔ:d] ngoại động từ có thể, có đủ sức, có đủ khả năng, có đủ điều kiện (để làm ǵ) - disgrace [dis'greis] (n) - t ́ nh trạng bị ghét bỏ, t ́ nh trạng không được sủng ái, t ́ nh trạng thất sủng to fall into disgrace; to be in disgrace - không được sủng ái t ́ nh trạng giáng chức, t ́ nh trạng giáng chức; t ́ nh trạng bị thất thế sự ô nhục, sự nhục nhă, sự hổ thẹn; điều ô nhục, điều nhục nhă, điều hổ thẹn to bring disgrace on one's family - làm hổ thẹn cho gia đ ́ nh, làm nhục cho gia đ ́ nh to be a disgrace to one's family - là một điều hổ thẹn cho gia đ ́ nh, là một điều nhục nhă cho gia đ ́ nh ngoại động từ ghét bỏ, ruồng bỏ, không sủng ái giáng chức, cách chức làm ô nhục, làm nhục nhă, làm hổ thẹn e. The erection of vast office blocks in our cities occupies valuable space that could used for homes . (erect) erect [i'rekt] ngoại động từ - dựng nên, xây dựng ( (nghĩa đen) & (nghĩa bóng)) erection (n) [i'rek∫n] - sự đứng thẳng; sự dựng đứng - sự dựng lên, sự xây dựng; công tŕnh xây dựng ( (nghĩa đen) & (nghĩa bóng)) - vast [vɑ:st](a) - rộng lớn, mênh mông, bao la (về diện tích, cỡ, số lượng, mức độ), vô bờ - occupy ['ɒkjʊpai] (V) chiếm đóng, chiếm lĩnh, chiếm cứ the army occupied the enemy's capital - quân đội chiếm lĩnh thủ đô của địch the terrorists have occupied the Embassy - bọn khủng bố đă chiếm giữ toà đại sứ the striking office workers have occupied the whole building nhân viên văn pḥng băi công đă chiếm giữ toàn bộ toà nhà giữ (một địa vị chính thức) to occupy an important position in the government giữ một địa vị quan trọng trong chính phủ chiếm, choán f. Such blocks are frequently left unoccupied and , the prices go up , They increase in valua (occupy) g. The misery of those who have no where to live is ignored (miserable) h. This is because to convert such buildings into flats for lower-paid workers would be unprofitable for the property owners (profit) - unprofitable [ʌn'prɔfitəbl] (a) - không đáng khai thác (mỏ) không có lợi, không có ích; không thuận lợi không sinh lăi, không mang lợi, không có lời - convert [kən'və:t] (danh từ) - người cải đạo, người thay đổi tín ngưỡng ; người thay đổi chính kiến ngoại động từ làm đổi tôn giáo, làm đổi đảng phái ; Ex - to convert someone to Christianity - làm cho ai (đổi (tôn giáo)) theo đạo Cơ đốc đổi, biến đổi - to convert iron into steel - biến sắt ra thép i. The only answer is for local people to form housing associations to help themselves (associate) j. The problem, however, still remains of where they can find land suitable for development urban areas (suit) Câu 4 : Câu lựa chọn( liên từ , mạo từ , đại từ , giới từ ) (15ps) 1. After the water workers went on strike there was a of water . A. drain B. shortage C. loss D. decrease decrease ['di:kri:s] danh từ sự giảm đi, sự giảm sút the decrease in population sự giảm số dân- a decrease of income sự giảm thu nhập to be on the decrease đang trên đà giảm sút động từ - giảm bớt, làm suy giảm 2. it was raining heavily , he went out without a rain coat. A. In spite B. In spite of C. However D. Although 3. As far as I’m it is quite all right for you to leave early . A. concerned B. regarded C. consulted D. bothered 4. I expect it will rain again when we are on holiday this year , but at least we are properly prepared it this time . A. about B. at C with D. for 5. If only he told us the truth in the first place , things wouldn’t have gone so wrong . A. had B. has C. would have D. should have 6. I know him by but I have no idea what his name is . A. sight B. myself C. heart D. chance 7. No child the age of sixteen will be admitted to this film . A. before B. except C. lacking D. below 8. Mr Smith was in a road accident . A. wronged B. wounded C. injured D. damaged 9. I’m not sure , but I know he has decided to accept the new job in London . A. according B. on the whole C. as far as D. as long as 10. You go to the dentist’s before your toothache gets worse . A. ought to B. ought C. rather D. better 11. of all of us who are here tonight . I would like to thank Mr. John for his talk . A. On behalf B. On account C. In person D. In stead 12. The brothers are so alike I can’t one from the other . A. say B. notice C. mark D. tell 13. The police have asked that who saw the accident should get in touch with them. A. somebody B. someone C. one D. anyone 14. you do better work than this , you won’t pass the exam . A. although B. if C. unless D. when 15. He has just taken an examination chemistry . A. on B. about C. for D. in Câu 5 : Đọc hiểu (20ps) a. Điền vào chổ trống đoạn văn (15ps) “It’s funny really I don’t feel old , but it isn’t easy to start looking for a (1) job at my age . I have had so many refusals . Now I am frightened (2) of applying for a job . All the interviewer are twenty (3) years younger than me . You see , I’m interested (4) in learning a new skill , but nobody wants to train me . I can see their point of view . I will (5) have to retire in ten years . It’s just well , I’m tired of sitting around the house . I’ve (6) worked hard for nearly forty years and now I’m terrified of having nothing to (7) do when I’m still with Lancastrian Textiles I was bored (8) with doing the same thing day (9) after day , but now I’d really enjoy doing a (10) job again any job really . It’s not money I got good redundancy (11) pay , and (12) the house is paid (13) for and I’ve (14) given up smoking no , it’s not just (15) money I just need to feel well , useful that’s all” b. Chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất (5ps) Let children learn to judge their own work . A child learning to talk does not learn by being corrected all the time : If corrected too much , he will stop talking . He notices a thousand times a day the difference between the language he uses and the language those around him use . Bit by bit , he makes the necessary changes to make his language like other people’s . In the same way , children learning to do all the other things they learn to do without being taught - to walk, run, climb, whistle, ride a bicycle -compare their own performances with those of more skilled people , and slowly make the needed changes . But in school we never give a child a chance to find out his mistakes for himself , let alone correct them . We do it all for him . We act as if we thought that he would never notice a mistake unless it was pointed out to him , or correct it unless he was made to . Soon he becomes dependent on the teacher . Let him do it himself . Let him work out , with the help of other children if he wants it , what this word says , what the answer is to that problem ,whether this is a good way of saying or doing this or not . If it is a matter or right answer , as it may be in mathematics or science , give him the answer book . Let him correct his own papers . Why should our teachers waste time on such routine work? Our job should be to help the child when he tells us that he can’t find the way to get the right answer . Let’s end all this nonsense of grades , exams, marks. Let us throw them all out , and let the children learn what all educated persons must some days learn , how to measure their own understanding , how to know what they know or do not know . Let them get on with this job in the way that seems most sensible to them, with our help as school teachers if they ask for it . The idea that there is a body of knowledge to be learnt at school and used for the rest of one’s life is nonsense in a world as complicated as rapidly changing as ours .Anxious parents and teachers say , ‘but suppose they fail to learn something essential , they will go out into the world and learn it . 1. What does the author think is the best way for children to learn things ? A. by copying what other people do B. by making mistakes and having them corrected C. by listening to explanations from skilled people D. by asking a great many questions 2. What does the author think teachers do which they should not do ? A. They give children correct answers. B. They point out children’s mistakes to them . C. They allow children to mark their own work . D. They encourage children to copy from one another . 3. The passage suggests that learning to speak and learning to ride a bicycle are A. not really important skills . B. more important than other skills. C. basically different from learning adult skills. D. basically the same as learning other skills . 4. Exams, grades and marks should be abolished because children’s progress should only be estimated by. A. educated persons . B. the children themselves. C. teachers D. parents . 5. The author fears that children will grow up into adults who are A. too independent of others B. too critical of themselves . C. unable to think for themselves D. unable to use basic skills . Câu 6 : Viết (15ps) a. Tìm và chữa lỗi sai trong câu (5ps) 1. The men told the children didn’t play too loudly . not to play 2. My little brother is much better in physics than I am. at 3. He has studied in the library for eight o’clock. Since 4. Who makes the housework when you are both at work ? does 5. This is the most interesting story I have never read . ever b. Viết lại câu bằng những từ gợi ý sao cho nghĩa của chúng không thay đổi (10ps) 1. ‘Can I borrow your typewriter , Peter ?’ asked Janet . Janet asked if she could borrow Peter’s typewriter 2. She started working as a secretary five years ago . She has worked as a secretary for five years . been working as a / since (year) been a secretary 3.She knows a lot more about it than I do . I don’t know as/so much about it as she does . 4. My French friend finds driving on the left difficult . My French friend isn’t used to driving on the left accustomed 5. We didn’t go on holiday because we didn’t have enough money . If we had had enough money we would/could have gone on holiday. 6. The children couldn’t go camping because weather was very bad . The weather was too bad for the children to go camping . 7. What a pity you failed your driving test ! I wish you had passed your driving test. you had managed to pass you had succeeded in passing you hadn’t failed 8. I’m always nervous when I travel by air . Travelling by air always makes me nervous. 9. ‘Why don’t you put your luggage under the seat ?’ he asked . He suggested (that) I/she (should) put my/her luggage under the seat 10. Although she had a good salary she was unhappy in his job . In spite of her good salary , she was unhappy in her job her earning good salary having getting her fact that she earned a good salary Question 7 : Use these words and phrases to make complete sentences. The sentences are all part of a letter . Make changes and add any necessary words as in the example . Example : After / Jim / write / letter / Mary / post. After Jim had written the letter , Mary posted it . Dear uncle Charlie , 1. I/write/thank/for/cheque/you/send/me/my birthday. I’m writing to thank you for the cheque you sent me for my birthday. 2. I/decide/save/money/because/want/buy/motorbike. I have decided to save the money because I want to buy a motorbike . 3. Although I/not old/yet/have/licence/I/be able/take/test/year’s time . Although I am not old enough yet to have a licence I will be able to take a test in a year' time . 4.Be/difficult/live/here/country/without/kind/transport/because/be so few/buses. It is difficult living here in the country without any kind of transport, because there are so few buses . 5. So/I/look forward/day/when/not have/rely/friends/lifts. So I’m looking forward to the day when I don’t have to rely on friends for lifts. I hope to see you at Christmas when I go to London Câu 8 (giới từ 10ps) 1. This machine is out order . of 2. The pupils in Vietnam will be keen learning English on 3. She has good knowledge history . of 4. All of us have to contribute the building of our country. to 5. Are you the phone ? on 6. She is shy . She has difficulty talking to people she doesn’t know well . in 7. He is dishonest thus nobody relies him. on 8. George’s salary is very low . It isn’t enough to live on 9. He lost control of the car and crashed a wall into 10. The students never complain their English teacher . to . ĐỀ LUYỆN THI VÀ ĐÁP ÁN - TIẾNG ANH ( Số 32 ) Câu1 : Ngữ âm (1 0ps) a. Phân loại cách đọc từ (5 ps) 1. A. boat B. road C. broad D. coat 2. A. warm. (short) Shortage ['∫ɔ:tidʒ] (n) - sự thi u; số lượng thi u Ex : food shortages - sự thi u lương thực a shortage of rice - sự thi u gạo housing ['hauziỗ] (N) - nơi ăn chốn ở (nói. công tŕnh xây dựng ( (nghĩa đen) & (nghĩa bóng )) - vast [vɑ:st](a) - rộng lớn, mênh mông, bao la (về diện tích, cỡ, số lượng, mức đ ), vô bờ - occupy ['ɒkjʊpai] (V) chiếm đóng, chiếm

Ngày đăng: 25/07/2014, 12:21

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