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Đề luyện thi tốt nghiệp Môn: Anh Văn Năm 2011- Đề 21 doc

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Đề luyện thi tốt nghiệp Môn: Anh Văn Năm 2011- Đề 21 1. a major role in future planetary exploration. (A) Robots will surely play (B) Robots, which will surely play (C) Because robots will surely be playing (D) Surely robots, which will be playing 2. Unlike the owl, bats cannot see very well, but they do have (A) It hears very well (B) very good to hear (C) hearing very well (D) very good hearing 3. Comparatively few cities in the United States have competing newspapers today, a major change from 1900 more than two newspapers. (A) because then most large cities having (B) when did most large cities have (C) then most large cities that had (D) when most large cities had 4. Witch hazel extract, distilled from the bark and twigs of the witch hazel shrub, has been utilized in medicine. (A) is (B) when to be (C) which is (D) has been 5. touching in O. Hery's stories is the gallantry with which ordinary people struggle to maintain their dignity (A) Most is (B) It mostly is (C) Is it most (D) What is most 6. The face of the Moon is changed by collisions with meteoroids, new craters to appear. (A) cause (B) causing (C) caused (D) have cause 7. Social scientists believe that from sounds such as grunts and barks made by early ancestors of human beings. (A) the very slow development of language (B) language developed very slowly (C) language, which was very slow to develop (D) language, very slowly developing 8. substances include various forms of silica, pumice, and emery. (A) Natural abrasives occur (B) Abrasion occurs in natural (C) Naturally occurring abrasive (D) A natural occurrence of abrasion 9. in the upper part of their long, thin legs allow deer to run swiftly and jump far. (A) Muscles are powerful (B) There are powerful muscles (C) The powerful muscles that (D) Powerful muscles 10. Geophysicists have collaborated with archaeologists and anthropologists to study the magnetic properties of pottery and fireplaces at sites by early humans. (A) occupied (B) occupying (C) which occupy (D) were occupied 11. technically proficient; it also explores psychological questions. (A) Not only is Barbara Astman's artwork (B) Not only Barbara Astman's artwork (C) Barbara Astman's artwork, which is not only (D) Barbara Astman's artwork not only 12. Although Canada's Parliament can neither administer or enforce laws initiate policy, it does have the power to make laws and vote the allocation of funds. (A) not (B) nor (C) and (D) either 13. Willa Cather considered her novel of life in nineteenth-century Nebraska, My Antonia, (A) was her best work (B) her best work (C) her best work it was (D) being her best work 14. First designated in 1970, Earth Day has become an annual international event concerns about environmental issues such as pollution. (A) dedicated to raising (B) dedicated raising (C) dedicates to raise (D) that dedicates to raising 15. In 1992 Albert Gore, Jr., the son of a former United States senator, became Vice President of the United States. (A) who was the forty-fifth (B) and the forty-fifth (C) the forty-fifth (D) he was the forty-fifth 16. Although Christopher Columbus failed in his original goal, the discoveries he did make were as important than the route to Asia he expected to find. 17. Martha Graham, a leading figure in modern dance, made she debut in 1920 with the Denishawn School. 18. In the United States, the federal government is responsible to regulating the working conditions in factories. 19. Jupiter is a gaseous planet with an atmosphere composed most of hydrogen and helium. 20.Throughout the career, Georigia O'Keeffe paid meticulous attention to her craft; her brushes were always clean, her colors fresh and brightness. 21. Hydrogen, the nine most abundant element in the Earth's crust, is an odorless colorless, and tasteless gas. 22. Salamanders are frequently to be find in moist, wooded areas. 23. Steam engines have been replaced in most cases by more economical and efficiency devices, such us the electric motor. 24. Traditionally, the Fourth of July is celebrated in the Unites States with political speeches, picnics, and most important of all, a displayed of fireworks at night. 25. The styles of used in cartoon animation range from relatively realistic representations of everyday life to the most romantic and impossible fantasy. 26. Ordinary beaver dams vary in length from a few feet to a hundred feet or more than important book on architecture. 27. In the United States, presidential elections are held once every four year. 28. Except of the freehand toe. the feet of the gull are fully webbed. 29. Teaching machines are devices that can store instructionally information, present displays, receive responses from a learner, and act on those responses. 30. Charlotte Perkins Gilman is known primarily as an author of short stories, but she also wrote an influential book argued for equal economic opportunities for women. 31. In some areas of the United States, unfavorable climate or soil make farming an impossible task. 32. Naturalists have identified at least four hundred of species of mammals and six hundred types of birds in the states of California. 33. Instead of tooth, the blue whale has a row of bony plates in its mouth that functions as a food-collecting device. 34. Murres are black-and-white diving birds that mate every five or six years and lay only a single egg at time. 35. A bar code consists a pattern of lines and bars that a computer can translate into information. 36. Hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly to backwards. 37. Fluorine, a greenish-yellow gas that is slightly heavy than air, is poisonous and corrosive and has a penetrating and disagreeable odor. 38. The Everglades, a large swamp area, is an unique wilderness extending over much of southern Florida. 39. Each year millions of tons of fertile topsoil that could produce good crops washed away by rains. 40. Since the 1950's, folk music has had a significant influence on many popular vocal and instrumental music. Key: ADDCD BBCDA ABBAC CBBCD ABDDA DDAAC BBADA DBBDD . Đề luyện thi tốt nghiệp Môn: Anh Văn Năm 2011- Đề 21 1. a major role in future planetary exploration. (A) Robots will. Naturally occurring abrasive (D) A natural occurrence of abrasion 9. in the upper part of their long, thin legs allow deer to run swiftly and jump far. (A) Muscles are powerful (B) There are powerful. meticulous attention to her craft; her brushes were always clean, her colors fresh and brightness. 21. Hydrogen, the nine most abundant element in the Earth's crust, is an odorless colorless,

Ngày đăng: 23/07/2014, 06:20