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grubers complete sat guide 2009 phần 5 potx

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scurry run about; to hurry scuttle to sink (a ship); to abandon sear to burn; to scorch sebaceous fatty seclude to keep apart; to isolate secrete to hide or conceal secular worldly; nonreligious sedate quiet; calm; serious sedentary sitting most of the time sediment material that settles on the bottom; residue sedition rebellion sedulous hard-working; industrious; diligent seedy run-down; shabby seethe to boil; to be violently agitated seismic pertaining to earthquakes semblance outward appearance senile pertaining to mental weakness due to old age sensate pertaining to feeling sensual pertaining to enjoyment of food and sex sensuous pertaining to enjoyment of art, music, etc. sententious concise; including proverbs and brief remarks sentient conscious; capable of feeling sentinel a guard sepulcher tomb; burial vault sequel an event or literary work that follows a pre- vious one sequester to separate; to set aside seraphic angelic; pure serendipity a talent for making desirable discover- ies by accident serene calm; peaceful serpentine winding serrated having tooth-like edges servile like a slave servitude slavery; bondage sever to cut in two; to separate shackle to keep prisoner; to restrain sham a pretense shambles a slaughterhouse; great disorder shard a fragment sheepish embarrassed; bashful shibboleth a slogan; a password shiftless lazy; inefficient shoal a shallow place in the water; a reef shortcomings defects; deficiencies shrew a nagging, bad-tempered woman shroud a cloth or sheet in which a corpse is wrapped for burial sibilant hissing sibling a brother or sister simian pertaining to an ape or monkey simile a comparison using like or as simony the sin of buying or selling chur ch benefits simper to smile in a silly way simulacrum an image; a likeness simulate to pretend; to imitate simultaneous occurring at the same time sinecure job with no responsibility sinewy tough; firm; strong singular extraordinary; remarkable; exceptional sinister threatening evil; ominous sinuous curving; winding siren an attractive but dangerous woman skeptic one who doubts skinflint stingy person; miser skittish restless; excitable; nervous skulduggery trickery; deception skulk to sneak around; to lie in hiding slacken become loose; to relax slake to lessen (thirst, desire, anger, etc.) by satis- fying; to quench slander to make a false statement against someone slattern an untidy woman sleazy cheap; flimsy sleek smooth and shiny VOCABULARY BUILDING THAT IS GUARANTEED TO RAISE YOUR SAT SCORE • 407 347-705.qxd:22678_0347-0402.qxd 5/1/08 4:10 PM Page 407 408 • VOCABULARY BUILDING THAT IS GUARANTEED TO RAISE YOUR SAT SCORE slither to slide or glide slothful lazy slough (off ) to discard; to shed slovenly untidy; dirty; careless smirk to smile in an affected or offensive way smite to strike forcefully smolder to burn without flame; to keep feelings concealed smug self-satisfied snare to trap sneer to look at with contempt; to scorn; to deride snicker to laugh in a half-suppressed way snippet a small fragment snivel to whine; to complain sober not drunk; serious sobriquet nickname; assumed name sodden soaked; damp sojourn a brief stay or visit solace comfort solar pertaining to the sun solecism ungrammatical usage; an error or inconsistency solicit to ask; to seek; to try to get an order in business solicitude concern; anxiety soliloquy act of talking to oneself solipsistic pertaining to the theory that only one- self exists or can be proved to exist solitude loneliness solon a wise man solvent (two meanings) having the ability to pay a debt (adjective); a substance that dissolves another (noun) somber dark; gloomy somnambulate walk in one’s sleep somniferous causing sleep somnolent drowsy; sleepy sonorous producing a deep, rich sound sophistry a deceptive, tricky argument sophomoric immature; pretentious soporific causing sleep sordid dirty; filthy sot a drunkard sobriquet nickname; assumed name sovereign a monarch or other supreme ruler spacious roomy; convenient Spartan warlike; brave; disciplined spasm a sudden burst of energy specious not genuine; pleasing to the eye but deceptive specter a ghost; a phantom speculate (two meanings) to meditate; to par tici- pate in a risky business transaction sphinx person who is difficult to understand splenetic bad-tempered; irritable sporadic infrequent; irregular spry full of life; active spume foam spurious deceitful; counterfeit spurn to reject squalid filthy; dirty staccato made up of short, abrupt sounds stagnant not flowing; stale; sluggish staid sedate; settled stalemate a deadlock; a draw stalwart strong; sturdy stamina endurance; resistance to fatigue stance attitude; posture stark complete; harsh; severe static inactive; motionless stationary standing still; not moving statute law; rule steadfast firm in purpose; dependable; constant stench a foul smell stentorian very loud stereotyped not original; commonplace sterling of high quality; excellent 347-705.qxd:22678_0347-0402.qxd 5/1/08 4:10 PM Page 408 stigma mark of disgrace stilted artificially formal stint to be sparing; to conserve stipend salary stipulate to specify; to arrange definitely stoic showing no emotion; indifferent to pleasure or pain stolid impassive; having little emotion strait a position of difficulty; a narrow passage of water stratagem a plan, scheme, or trick strew to spread about; to scatter striated striped; marked with lines stricture negative criticism; a restriction strident harsh sounding; loud and shrill stringent strict; tight strut to walk in a proud manner; to show off stultify make absurd or ridiculous; render worthless stupefy to stun; to amaze stygian dark; gloomy stymie to hinder; to block suave polished; sophisticated sub rosa secretly; confidentially subaqueous underwater subjective not objective; personal subjugate to conquer sublimate to make a person act noble or moral sublime majestic; elevated or lofty in thought subliminal subconscious; unaware submissive yielding; humbly obedient subordinate of lower rank suborn to hire for an unlawful act subsequent following; occurring later subservient submissive; helpful, in an inferior capacity subside to become quiet; to settle down subsidiary auxiliary; supplementary; serving to assist substantiate to prove; to confirm; to support subterfuge trickery; deceit subterranean underground subversive tending to overthrow or undermine succinct concise; brief and to the point succor assistance; help; relief succulent juicy succumb to yield; to give in suffrage the right to vote sullen gloomy; showing irritation sully to soil, stain, or tarnish sultry hot and moist sumptuous luxurious; lavish; extravagant sundry various; assorted superannuated retired because of old age super cilious proud; haughty superficial on the sur face; shallow superfluous excessive; unnecessary supernal heavenly supernumerary extra; more than necessary supersede to take the place of supervene to take place or occur unexpectedly supine lying on the back supplant to replace supple flexible suppliant begging; asking humbly supplicate to pray humbly; to beg surfeit an excessive amount surly rude; bad-tempered surmise to guess surmount to go beyond; to overcome surreptitious acting in a sneaky way surrogate substitute surveillance supervision; close watch sustenance nourishment susurration whispering; murmuring suture to join together, as with stitches VOCABULARY BUILDING THAT IS GUARANTEED TO RAISE YOUR SAT SCORE • 409 347-705.qxd:22678_0347-0402.qxd 5/1/08 4:10 PM Page 409 410 • VOCABULARY BUILDING THAT IS GUARANTEED TO RAISE YOUR SAT SCORE svelte slender; graceful swarthy dark-complexioned swathe to wrap closely or fully sybarite one who is fond of luxuries and pleasure sycophant a flatterer; a parasite sylvan wooded; pertaining to the forest symbiosis mutual dependence between two differ- ent organisms symmetrical balanced; well-proportioned synchronize to happen at the same time synthesis a combination; a fusion synthetic not genuine; artificial TABLEAU–TYRO tableau dramatic scene or picture taboo forbidden; unacceptable tabulation a systematic listing by columns or rows tacit silent; not expressed taciturn speaking very little tactics plan; method; strategy tactile pertaining to sense of touch taint to infect; to harm a person’s reputation talisman a good luck charm tally to count; to make a record of tangent touching tangible real; capable of being touched tantalize to tease or torment tantamount equivalent to tarn a small lake or pool tarnish to soil; to discolor; to stain tarry to linger; to delay taunt to ridicule; to tease taurine like a bull taut tight; tense tawdry cheap; showy; flashy tawny yellowish-brown tedious boring; monotonous teeming overfilled; pouring out temerity reckless boldness; rashness temper (verb) to moderate; to soften or tone down temperate not extreme; moderate temporal pertaining to time temporize to be indecisive; to be evasive; to delay an action tenacious holding on; persistent; stubborn tendentious biased; favoring a cause tenet a doctrine; a belief tensile capable of being stretched; elastic tentative for the time being; experimental tenuous slender; flimsy; without substance tenure the holding or possessing of anything tepid lukewarm terminate to put an end to; to conclude terminus a boundary; a limit terpsichorean pertaining to dancing terrestrial earthly; living on land terse brief; to the point testy irritable thanatology the study of death and dying theocracy government by religious leaders therapeutic pertaining to the treatment and curing of disease thermal pertaining to heat thesaurus a book of synonyms and antonyms; a dictionary thespian an actor thrall a slave thr enody a funeral song throes a violent str uggle; pains (of childbirth); agony (of death) throng a crowd thwart to prevent or hinder 347-705.qxd:22678_0347-0402.qxd 5/1/08 4:10 PM Page 410 timorous fearful; cowardly tinge a faint color; a trace tirade a long angry speech; an outburst of bitter denunciation titanic huge titillate to tickle; to excite agreeably titter to laugh in a self-conscious or nervous way token (two meanings) sign or symbol (noun); slight or unimportant (adjective) tome large, heavy book toothsome tasty topple to overturn; to fall over torpid inactive; sluggish torsion twisting; bending torso the human body excluding the head and limbs tortuous twisting; winding torturous causing extreme pain touchstone standard; a test or criterion for quality toxic poisonous; harmful tractable easy to manage traduce to speak badly of; to slander trait a characteristic; a quality tranquil calm; peaceful transcend to go beyond; to overcome transcendental supernatural; going beyond ordi- nary experience or belief trangression violation of a rule or law transient temporary; passing transitory lasting a short time; brief translucent letting light pass through transmute to change from one form to another; to transform transparent easily seen through; clear transpire to be revealed or become known; to occur trappings articles of dress; equipment trauma a shock; an aftereffect travail very hard work; intense pain travesty an absurd or inadequate imitation treacherous dangerous; deceptive; disloyal treatise a book or writing about some particular subject treble three times as much tremulous trembling; quivering trenchant keen or incisive; vigorous; effective trepidation fear; alarm trespass to invade; to enter wrongfully tribulation trouble tributary a stream flowing into a river tribute a gift; an acknowledgment to show admiration trinity group of three trite wor n out; stale; commonplace trivia matters or things that are ver y unimportant; trivialities truckle (to) to submit; to yield truculent savage; brutal; cruel truism a self-evident, obvious truth truncate to shorten; to cut off truncheon a club tryst a secret meeting tumid swollen; bulging tumult great noise and confusion turbid muddy; unclear turbulence wild disorder; violent motion turgid swollen turmoil confusion turpitude baseness; shameful behavior tussle a struggle; a fight tutelage instruction twain two tycoon a wealthy businessman tyro a beginner VOCABULARY BUILDING THAT IS GUARANTEED TO RAISE YOUR SAT SCORE • 411 347-705.qxd:22678_0347-0402.qxd 5/1/08 4:10 PM Page 411 UBIQUITOUS–UXURIOUS ubiquitous present everywhere ulcerous infected ulterior lying beyond; hidden ultimatum a final demand or proposal umbrage a feeling of resentment unanimity agreement; oneness unassailable unable to be attacked uncanny weird; strange unconscionable unreasonable; excessive uncouth crude; clumsy unctuous oily; excessively polite undue inappropriate; unreasonable undulate to move or sway in wavelike motion unequivocal clear; definite unerring accurate; not going astray or missing the mark unfledged not feathered; immature unilateral one-sided unimpeachable above suspicion; unquestionable uninhibited free; not restricted unique being the only one of its kind unison harmony; agreement universal broad; general; effective everywhere or in all cases unkempt untidy; sloppy unmindful unaware unmitigated absolute; not lessened unobtrusive inconspicuous; not noticeable unruly not manageable; disorderly unsavory unpleasant to taste or smell unscathed unharmed; uninjured unseemly not in good taste untenable unable to be defended or upheld unwieldy hard to manage because of size or weight unwitting unintentional; unaware upbraid to scold; to find fault with uproarious loud; outrageously funny urbane refined; suave; citified urchin a mischievous child ursine like a bear usurp to seize illegally usury excessive amount of money charged as interest utilitarian useful; practical utopian perfect; ideal uxorious overly fond of one’s wife VACILLATE–VULPINE vacillate to sway back and forth; to hesitate in mak- ing a decision vagabond a wanderer vagary an odd notion; an unpredictable action vagrant a homeless person; a wanderer vain conceited; excessively proud about one’s appearance vainglorious boastfully proud valedictory saying farewell valiant courageous; brave valid true; logical; sound validate to approve; to confirm valor courage; bravery vanguard the front part vanity excessive pride; conceit vanquish to defeat vapid uninteresting; tasteless; tedious 412 • VOCABULARY BUILDING THAT IS GUARANTEED TO RAISE YOUR SAT SCORE 347-705.qxd:22678_0347-0402.qxd 5/1/08 4:10 PM Page 412 VOCABULARY BUILDING THAT IS GUARANTEED TO RAISE YOUR SAT SCORE • 413 variegated having different colors; diversified vaunt to brag or boast veer to change direction vegetate lead a dull, inactive life vehement forceful; furious velocity speed venal corrupt; able to be bribed vendetta bitter quarrel or feud veneer an outward show that misrepresents venerable worthy of respect venerate to regard with respect venial excusable; minor venomous poisonous; spiteful; malicious vent to give release to; to be relieved of a feeling venturesome daring; adventurous; risky veracious truthful; honest verbatim word for word verbiage overabundance of words verbose wordy verdant green; flourishing verisimilitude the appearance of truth veritable true; actual; genuine verity truth vernacular native language; informal speech vernal pertaining to spring versatile good at many things; serving many purposes vertex top; highest point vertiginous whirling; dizzy; unstable verve energy; enthusiasm vestige a trace; visible evidence of something that is no longer present veteran an experienced person vex to irritate; to annoy viable capable of living; workable; practicable viaduct a bridge viands various foods vicarious taking the place of another person or thing; substituted viceroy a representative; a deputy appointed by a sovereign to rule a province vicissitudes unpredictable changes; ups and downs victimize to make a victim of; to swindle or cheat victuals food vie to compete vigilant watchful vignette a short literary sketch; a decorative design vilify to speak evil of; to defame vindicate to clear of guilt or blame vindictive spiteful; seeking revenge vintage representative of the best (especially of wines) viper a poisonous snake; a malignant or spiteful person virago a loud, bad-temper ed woman; a shrew virile masculine; manly virtuoso an expert; a skilled person virulent deadly; poisonous; harmful visage the face; appearance visceral pertaining to instinctive rather than intel- lectual motivation viscous sticky vista a distant view vitiate to weaken; to impair vitreous of or like glass vitriolic biting; sharp; bitter vituperate to scold; to criticize vivify to give life to; to enliven vixen female fox; ill-tempered woman vociferous loud; shouting vogue fashion; style volant capable of flying volatile unstable; explosive volition free will voluble talkative; fluent voluminous large; copious voluptuous sensual; shapely 347-705.qxd:22678_0347-0402.qxd 5/1/08 4:10 PM Page 413 414 • VOCABULARY BUILDING THAT IS GUARANTEED TO RAISE YOUR SAT SCORE waif a homeless person waive to give up (a right) wallow to indulge oneself; to roll around in wan pale; weak; tired wane to gradually decrease in size or intensity wangle to manipulate; to obtain by scheming or by underhand methods wanton reckless; immoral warble to sing melodiously warp to bend out of shape; to pervert wary cautious; watchful wastrel a spendthrift; one who wastes waver to sway; to be uncertain wax to grow in size or intensity weighty of utmost importance wend to direct one’s way wheedle to coax or to persuade whet to stimulate; to make sharp whimsical unpredictable; changeable wield to handle (a tool); to exercise control (over others) willful contrary; stubborn wily tricky; sly wince to shrink, as in pain, fear, etc.; to flinch windfall unexpected good fortune winsome pleasing; charming withal in spite of all; nevertheless wizened withered; shriveled woe sorrow; grief wolfish ferocious wont (to) accustomed (adjective) workaday everyday; ordinary wraith a ghost; an apparition wrangle to quarrel wrath anger; rage wrench to twist; to pull wrest to take away by force wroth angry wrought produced or shaped wry produced by distorting the face (a wry grin); ironic (wry humor) xenophobia fear of foreigners or strangers xyloid pertaining to wood yen an intense desire; a longing yoke to join together; to link zany comical; clownishly crazy zeal gr eat enthusiasm zealot a fanatic zenith the highest point zephyr a gentle, mild breeze zest hearty enjoyment voracious extremely hungry; greedy votary loyal follower vouchsafe to grant; to allow or permit vulgar showing poor taste or manners vulnerable defenseless; open to attack vulpine like a fox; clever WAIF–ZEST 347-705.qxd:22678_0347-0402.qxd 5/1/08 4:10 PM Page 414 VOCABULARY BUILDING THAT IS GUARANTEED TO RAISE YOUR SAT SCORE • 415 100 Tests to Strengthen Your Vocabulary This vocabulary section consists of 100 Vocabulary Tests. Each test consists of 10 multiple-choice questions, including SAT-type words. Practically all the words whose meanings you are tested on in these 100 tests are among the 3,400 words in the SAT Word List beginning on page 363. These 100 Vocabulary Tests provide you with an opportunity to make sure that you really know the meanings of the hundreds of words you are being tested on. Several of these words are likely to appear on your actual SAT exam. We suggest that you use the following procedure while you are taking these 100 tests: 1. Take Vocabulary Test 1. 2. Turn to the Answer Keys beginning on page 458. 3. For each word that you got wrong, jot down the word on a “Special List” of your own. 4. Make up a sentence using each word that you got wrong on Vocabulary Test 1. 5. Repeat the above procedure for Vocabulary Tests 2, 3, 4—right on through Vocabulary Test 100. 6. When you have finished taking the 100 Vocabulary Tests, go back to your “Special List.” See whether you really know the meanings of these words by having someone else test you on them. For those words you still have trouble with, look up their meanings in a dictio - nary. Compose three sentences including each of these “troublemakers.” Gentle reminder: Knowing the meanings of many of the words in these 100 tests is likely to raise your score in the Verbal (Critical Reading) sections, Sentence Completions, and Reading Comprehension. Directions for the 100 Vocabulary Tests Each vocabulary question consists of a word in capital letters, followed by five lettered words or phrases. Choose the word or phrase that is most nearly the same in meaning as the word in capital letters. Since some of the questions require you to distinguish fine shades of meaning, consider all choices before deciding which is best. 347-705.qxd:22678_0347-0402.qxd 5/1/08 4:10 PM Page 415 416 • VOCABULARY BUILDING THAT IS GUARANTEED TO RAISE YOUR SAT SCORE Vocabulary Test 1 1. FILCH (A) hide (B) swindle (C) drop (D) steal (E) covet 2. URBANE (A) crowded (B) polished (C) rural (D) friendly (E) prominent 3. DECANT (A) bisect (B) speak wildly (C) bequeath (D) pour off (E) abuse verbally 4. ANTITHESIS (A) contrast (B) conclusion (C) resemblance (D) examination (E) dislike 5. HERETICAL (A) heathenish (B) impractical (C) quaint (D) rash (E) unorthodox 6. COALESCE (A) associate (B) combine (C) contact (D) conspire (E) cover 7. CHARLATAN (A) clown (B) philanthropist (C) jester (D) dressmaker (E) quack 8. GAUCHE (A) clumsy (B) stupid (C) feebleminded (D) impudent (E) foreign 9. REDUNDANT (A) necessary (B) plentiful (C) sufficient (D) diminishing (E) superfluous 10. ATROPHY (A) lose leaves (B) soften (C) waste away (D) grow (E) spread Vocabulary Test 2 1. RESILIENCE (A) submission (B) elasticity (C) vigor (D) determination (E) recovery 2. ANALOGY (A) similarity (B) transposition (C) variety (D) distinction (E) appropriateness 3. FACETIOUS (A) obscene (B) shrewd (C) impolite (D) complimentary (E) witty 4. DIATRIBE (A) debate (B) monologue (C) oration (D) tirade (E) conversation 5. MALEDICTION (A) curse (B) mispronunciation (C) grammatical error (D) tactless remark (E) epitaph 6. AGGREGATE (A) result (B) difference (C) quotient (D) product (E) sum 7. APLOMB (A) caution (B) timidity (C) self-assurance (D) shortsightedness (E) self-restraint 8. THERAPEUTIC (A) curative (B) restful (C) warm (D) stimulating (E) professional 9. TRANSMUTE (A) remove (B) change (C) duplicate (D) carry (E) explain 10. ATTRITION (A) annihilation (B) encirclement (C) counterattack (D) appeasement (E) wearing down Vocabulary Test 3 1. TRUNCATE (A) divide equally (B) end swiftly (C) cut off (D) act cruelly (E) cancel 2. OSCILLATE (A) confuse (B) kiss (C) turn (D) vibrate (E) whirl 3. INOCULATE (A) make harmless (B) infect (C) cure (D) overcome (E) darken 4. PERUSAL (A) approval (B) estimate (C) reading (D) translation (E) computation 347-705.qxd:22678_0347-0402.qxd 5/1/08 4:10 PM Page 416 [...]... Test 15 347-7 05. qxd:22678_0347-0402.qxd 5/ 1/08 4:10 PM Page 422 422 • VOCABULARY BUILDING THAT IS GUARANTEED TO RAISE YOUR SAT SCORE 5 6 7 8 9 10 ASSIDUOUS (A) courteous (B) diligent (C) discouraged (D) frank (E) slow CATACLYSM (A) blunder (B) superstition (C) treachery (D) triumph (E) upheaval AUSPICIOUS (A) condemnatory (B) conspicuous (C) favorable (D) questionable (E) spicy SATIRE (A) conversation... informal vote (E) impressive amount 5 KNOLL (A) elf (B) mound (C) bell (D) development (E) technique 8 COMPLIANT (A) tangled (B) grumbling (C) self-satisfied (D) treacherous (E) submissive 6 IRATE (A) evil (B) wandering (C) repetitious (D) colorful (E) angry 347-7 05. qxd:22678_0347-0402.qxd 5/ 1/08 4:10 PM Page 4 35 VOCABULARY BUILDING THAT IS GUARANTEED TO RAISE YOUR SAT SCORE • 4 35 7 GRIMACE (A) peril (B) subtle... incomplete (C) domestic (D) second-rate (E) fiendish 4 EXONERATE (A) free from blame (B) warn (C) drive out (D) overcharge (E) plead 5 ARBITER (A) friend (B) judge (C) drug (D) tree surgeon (E) truant 6 ENMITY (A) boredom (B) puzzle (C) offensive language (D) ill will (E) entanglement 347-7 05. qxd:22678_0347-0402.qxd 5/ 1/08 4:10 PM Page 430 430 • VOCABULARY BUILDING THAT IS GUARANTEED TO RAISE YOUR SAT. .. healthful (C) similar (D) assorted (E) educational 10 OBSESS (A) fatten (B) beset (C) make dull (D) exaggerate (E) interfere Vocabulary Test 51 347-7 05. qxd:22678_0347-0402.qxd 5/ 1/08 4:10 PM Page 437 VOCABULARY BUILDING THAT IS GUARANTEED TO RAISE YOUR SAT SCORE • 437 5 6 7 8 9 10 CHASTEN (A) punish (B) engrave (C) attract (D) trick (E) laugh at CONDUCIVE (A) pardonable (B) identical (C) incidental (D)... decay (C) ruins (D) landslide (E) hindrance CONSOLIDATE (A) show pity (B) strengthen (C) restrain (D) infect (E) use up Vocabulary Test 56 347-7 05. qxd:22678_0347-0402.qxd 5/ 1/08 4:10 PM Page 439 VOCABULARY BUILDING THAT IS GUARANTEED TO RAISE YOUR SAT SCORE • 439 3 4 5 6 7 DISCONCERT (A) separate (B) cripple (C) lessen (D) upset (E) dismiss RUDIMENTARY (A) discourteous (B) brutal (C) displeasing (D)... simplify (D) smooth (E) make unnecessary 10 RECONDITE (A) brittle (B) concealed (C) explored (D) exposed (E) uninformed Vocabulary Test 20 347-7 05. qxd:22678_0347-0402.qxd 5/ 1/08 4:10 PM Page 424 424 • VOCABULARY BUILDING THAT IS GUARANTEED TO RAISE YOUR SAT SCORE 3 4 5 6 7 SUBLIME (A) below par (B) highly praised (C) extreme (D) noble (E) settled VIXEN (A) fever (B) quarrelsome woman (C) sea bird (D) sedative... EVANESCENT (A) colorful (B) consecrated (C) converted (D) empty (E) vanishing 347-7 05. qxd:22678_0347-0402.qxd 5/ 1/08 4:10 PM Page 4 25 VOCABULARY BUILDING THAT IS GUARANTEED TO RAISE YOUR SAT SCORE • 4 25 7 PARSIMONIOUS (A) cautious (B) ecclesiastical (C) luxurious (D) stingy (E) unique 5 KEN (A) acceptance (B) belief (C) dune (D) knowledge (E) woody glen 8 MACHIAVELLIAN (A) cunning (B) humble (C) kingly (D)... (A) ceremony (B) collapse (C) dance (D) deficit (E) dispute 10 INGENUOUS (A) clever (B) naïve (C) ignorant (D) native (E) unkind 347-7 05. qxd:22678_0347-0402.qxd 5/ 1/08 4:10 PM Page 426 426 • VOCABULARY BUILDING THAT IS GUARANTEED TO RAISE YOUR SAT SCORE Vocabulary Test 25 1 2 3 CUMULATIVE (A) additive (B) clumsy (C) cumbersome (D) incorrect (E) secretive EPIGRAM (A) chemical term (B) exclamation (C) outer... MUNDANE (A) deformed (B) free (C) rough-shelled (D) tearful (E) worldly 4 WRAITH (A) anger (B) apparition (C) figurine (D) mannequin (E) model 347-7 05. qxd:22678_0347-0402.qxd 5/ 1/08 4:10 PM Page 427 VOCABULARY BUILDING THAT IS GUARANTEED TO RAISE YOUR SAT SCORE • 427 5 6 7 8 9 10 PERSPICACITY (A) clearness (B) dullness (C) keenness (D) vastness (E) wideness EXTRANEOUS (A) derived (B) foreign (C) unsuitable... DEMERIT (A) outcome (B) fault (C) prize (D) notice (E) belief 10 347-7 05. qxd:22678_0347-0402.qxd 5/ 1/08 4:10 PM Page 428 428 • VOCABULARY BUILDING THAT IS GUARANTEED TO RAISE YOUR SAT SCORE 9 10 INTREPID (A) exhausted (B) moderate (C) anxious (D) youthful (E) fearless 7 AMOROUS (A) shapeless (B) helpful (C) familiar (D) loving (E) solemn 5 CULMINATION (A) rebellion (B) lighting system (C) climax (D) destruction . GUARANTEED TO RAISE YOUR SAT SCORE • 4 25 347-7 05. qxd:22678_0347-0402.qxd 5/ 1/08 4:10 PM Page 4 25 426 • VOCABULARY BUILDING THAT IS GUARANTEED TO RAISE YOUR SAT SCORE Vocabulary Test 25 1. CUMULATIVE (A). GUARANTEED TO RAISE YOUR SAT SCORE • 421 347-7 05. qxd:22678_0347-0402.qxd 5/ 1/08 4:10 PM Page 421 422 • VOCABULARY BUILDING THAT IS GUARANTEED TO RAISE YOUR SAT SCORE 5. ASSIDUOUS (A) courteous (B). BUILDING THAT IS GUARANTEED TO RAISE YOUR SAT SCORE 347-7 05. qxd:22678_0347-0402.qxd 5/ 1/08 4:10 PM Page 412 VOCABULARY BUILDING THAT IS GUARANTEED TO RAISE YOUR SAT SCORE • 413 variegated having different

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