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CÁC ĐIỂM QUAN TRỌNG TRONG NGỮ PHÁP TIẾNG ANH (Important Poins of English Grammar) Chương 22: 493 câu hỏi tiêu biểu trong tiếng Anh cấp trung học phổ thông (493 Typical questions in Senior English) 1. I'm feeling rather tired a game of tennis? a. how about play b. what about playing c. why do you play d. how about to play 2. I was born in Chicago a. so did my parents b. so was my parents c. so were my parents d. my parents were, either 3. Young Lee learned some English when she stayed in America, and last year she herself Japanese a. kept on teaching b. went on teaching c. kept on teach d. when on to teach 4. Can you tell me where my uncle is? _ Yes, of course. a. here your uncle comes b. here comes your uncle c. comes your uncle here d. your uncle here comes 5. Hello! Mary. I know you in London a. don't / are b. didn't / are c. don't / were d. didn't / were 6. What their child fond of? a. do b. does c. are d. is 7. Are you ging there with us? _ If Mary wants to go, . a. i also go b. so do i c. so i will d. so will I 8. It's raining outside a. so it is b. so is it c. it is so d. Is it so? 9. Please that you have closed all the windows and turned off the lights before you leave the room. a. make sure b. have a way c. bring out d. hold up 10. As we were asleep, of us heard the sound a. both b. none c. either d. any 11. Instead to the concert, he went to an exhibition. a. to go b. of going c. for going d. of his going 12. It's no use ringing me at the office, because i am a. in holidays b. during holiday c. for a holiday d. on holiday 13. It better than it a. is tasted / is looked b. tastes / looks c. tastes / is looked d. is tasted / looks 14. I looked for sonme bread, but there was left a. no one b. nothing c. none d. any 15. The bread a. is smelt well b. smells good c. is smelt good d. smells well 16. She married young From this sentence we learn that a. she married a young man when she was young b. she was too young to get married c. when she got married she was young d. she married a man when she was young 17. When she entered, she found the room people a. was full with b. was filled of c. was full of d. full of 18. He liked of the two books a. no b. none c. nothing d. neither 19. You can have these magazines I finish reading them a. so that b. because c. unless d. as soon as 20. When do you wish to visit Canada? I am settled, i'll go there a. as b. since c. once d. while 21. Do you usually take a vacation? _ Yes, I like to go away a. one time this year b. once a year c. one time a year d. one time in a year 22. Mother said to me, " Don't tell a lie" = Mother told me a lie a. not to tell b. to not tell c. not tell d. to tell not 23. I said to him, " Please go" = I him to go a. pleased b. said c. ordered d. begged 24. How about going for a swim this Sunday? very much. a. i'll like it b. i'd like c. i'll like to d. i'd like to 25. Would you like to go dancing with us? a. i'd love so b. i will like to c. i would like that d. i'd love to 26. How do you like my new motorcycle? It's very nice, but would you please part it here? a. not b. not to c. to not d. don't 27. What will Jimmy do next Sunday? He plans fishing. a to go b. to go to c. going d. going to 28. Her hair is a. the same colour as her mother b. the same colour as her mother 's c. same colour as her mother d. same colour as her mother's 29. Do you have any difficulty new mathematics? a. to understand b. to be understanding c. and understand d. in understanding 30. Hurry up, there is time left a. only a few b. only a little c. not a little d. only little 31. She told me that she had to do today a. a good many things b. great any things c. a great many things d. many a great things 32. Esther time to think all this over a. asked b. asked about c. asked for d. asked after 33. When will they leave? _ They very soon a. do leave b. are leaving c. have left d. leave 34. The plane is on the point of talking off = the plane a. is about to taking of b. is going to taking of c. is about to take of d. shall take of 35. The man got off the horse, tied it the big tree, and went into the yard a. to b. on c. onto d. with 36. Do you think Sam'll call his old teacher as soon as he in town? a. will be arrived b. is arrived c. arrives d. will arrive 37. My father will be here tomorrow Oh, i thought that he to day a. was coming b. is coming c. will come d. comes 38. If we hurry, we can there in time for the opening speech a. go b. go to c. get d. get to 39. Are you coming to at the station tomorrow morning? a. see us b. sent us c. see us off d. sent us off 40. Well, goodbye, Stack, and best wishes _ a. thank you b. it's very kind of you c. all right d. the same to you 41. They won the battle but the price of many lives a. at b. with c. in d. for 42. It was below freezing point a. all winter long b. all the winter long c. in all winter long d. in all the winter long 43. She hurried when she knew that every body was ready her a. except b. except for c. beside d. besides 44. The weather is good today, the southeast a. except b. except for c. except in d. but 45. does the coat cost? _ Twenty dollar a. what b. how c. what money d. how much money 46. When reaching the stop of the hill, a. the sea came into veiw b. we suddenly caught sight of the sea c. it was the sea that extended below us d. below us extended the sea 47. The old man tried to those to boys who was fighting a, divide b. separate c. stop d. teach 48. He stop short the middle of his speed a. during b. at c. in d. of 49. Let's go and sit under the tree, it's cooler a. in shade b. in the shade c. in a shade d. in the shades 50. He spoke in such a high voice at the farther end of the room a. as to be heard b. to be heard c. as to hear d. to hear 51. He could find to shade to while waiting a. stand b. stand in c. stand under d. stand in it 52. There they got married and their young a. feed b. fed c. raised d. rose 53. Why was the offica meeting called? _ new officers a. select b. selecting c. to select d. for selecting 54. In order to learn to speak English well, a. much practice is needed b. one needs much practice c. much practice is needed by one d. one is needed much practice 55. She works hard catch up with others a. so / as to b. very / as to c. as / as to d. so / to 56. Proper care such things a. should be taken b. should take of c. shuld be taken of d. should be taking 57. Tom kept quiet about accident lose his job a. so not as to b. so as not to c. so as to not d. not so as to 58. The man put on his glasses see better. a. that b. so that to c. in order that d. in order to 59. Cotton is the first made thread and then it was woven cloth a. up of / up of b. into / into c. of / of d. from / from 60. here last night a. something strange was happened b. strange something was happened c. something trange happened d. trange something happened 61. When all the students , the professor began his lecture a. sat b. were seated c. seated d. were sitting 62. He said that his teeth needed a. to be rapaired b. to being repaired c. repaired d. being repaired 63. He was named Robert his father is Mother a. to b. up on c. after d. under 64. We hear it that Prof. Lee has gone to America a. say b. to say c. said d. be said 65. The poor girl is to a rich businessman a. marry with b. be married with c. marry to d. be married to 66. He was thought and didn't hear me call him a. lost after b. losing after c. lost in d. losing in 67. The president to have given the speech on this platform a. said b. says c. is said d. was said 68. We were delighted the news of his success a. at b. of c. to d. about 69. We was caught a shower on your way home a. by b. with c. at d. in 70. He is quite satisfied hia income a. to b. at c. with d. in 71. He was born a nble family a. at b. of c. by d. in 72. She is absorbed the practice of the violin a. at b. with c. by d. in 73. The best use our present machine a. must be made of b. must be made c. must make of d. must make 74. Sometimes the rich are happy, sometimes they are not = The rich are not happy a. often b. always c. sometimes c. seldom 75. I know some of them, but i don't know of them a. each b. both c. none d. all 76. An exhibition of paintings at the museum next week a. are to be held b. is t be held c. are holding d. will hold 77. I'm sorry, sir. Your recorder isn't ready yet. It in the factory a. is being repaired b. is repaired c. has been repaired d. hasn't repaired 78. Don't hurry. We have time a. plenty of b. plenty c. a plenty of d. a plenty 79. In Britain milk to each house in bottles a. is supplied b. supplies c. is supplied with d. supplies with 80. Cows us with milk a. give b. make c. supply d. send 81. Be as kind to her as a. possibly b. possible c. you are d. we are 82. Still don't believe in ghosts I've never seen one a. at first b. at the beginning c. at last d. at least 83. It is necessary for you to brush your teeth every day and no less a. twice at least b. at least twice c. two times at least d. at least to times 84. She broke her arm, but it's wasn't the arm she writes with a. at last b. at least c. at first d. at most 85. When i hurried there, i found the cinema had been crowded with students a. a large number of b. large number c. a large number d. large number of 86. She herself to be good at typewriting a. was proved b. has been proved c. proved d. is being proved 87. You in poor health if you don't go in for sports a. remained b. will remain c. are remained d. will be remained 88. Lincoln as a friend of freedom a. is thought b. is thought of c. thinnks of d. is thinking of 89. People who live along this road receive their mail in these boxe. Why are all of the ? a. green painted mailboxes b. mailboxes green painted c. mailboxes painted green d. painted green mailboxes 90. that they can pass the written exam this time a. that is hoped b. it is hoped c. that hopes d. it hopes 91. people came than i expected a. other b. fewer c. another d. few 92. How sweet the music ! a. sounds to be b. is sounded c. is sounded to be d. sounds 93. I don't believe they can make it paper a. of b. from c. with d. into 94. Let me help you some more meat a. for b. of c. to d. from 95. you like some more bread? _ I'm full, thank you a. do b. will c. are d. would 96. It's said that corn was grown a lot of in Tibet a. in 17th century b. in the 17th century c. in 17 century d. in the 17 century 97. Thank you very much for you have done for my sister a. that b. which c. it d. what 98. Choose you think is good a. which b. that c. whom d. what 99. The good weather me to work in the garden a. insprired b. freed c. spared d. lasted 100. The managers invited the public the opening of the new hotel a. at b. in c. to d. for 101. Is possible to fly to the moon in a spaceship a. now b. man c. it d. that 102. Do you think difficult to answer these questions? a. that b. it c. very d. yourself 103. His Engish has improved a. much b. very c. better d. greatly 104. Margaret will leave for Boston tonight _ I think David will to see her a. enough early arrive b. early enough arrive c. arrive enough early d. arrive early enough 105. Was the class long enough? _ No, enough a. it wasn't much too long b. it wasn't too much long c. it wasn't quite long d. it wasn't too long much 106. to call. a. you are kind enough b. you are so kind c. it's very kind of you d. it's so kind for you 107. A secretary of what is done at a meeting a. keeps record b. keeps the record c. keeps a record d. keep the records 108. She finished early, John's kind help a. thanks b. thank to c. thanks to d. thanks for 109. What would you to eat tonight? a. like b. wish c. want d. hope 110. Are the children ready? _ No, their mother is them ready now a. having b. being c. getting d. doing 111. The letter I had been anxiously waitting for me just now a. arrived b. received c. reeached d. got to 112. You shouldn't eat so much chocolate meals a. except b. unless c. between d. through 113. Mr. Simon is not in. Do you wish to leave any ? a. message b. news c. information d. idea 114. It is impossible to make suh a long journey in such an old car a. rather b. very c. fairly d. quite 115. Blair, born in Kentucky, lived and practised law in Missouri a. was b. he was c. although d. although was 116. The world's tallest man grew to be 8 feet, 11.1 inches tall No other person ever his height a. knew b. reached c. grew d. became 117. In this broadcast we'll study the of music a. sound b. rule c. language d. voice 118. The seed had already taken root. It had begun to a. grow b. root c. grow up d. raise 119. A soldier ran all the from Marathon to Athens a. road b. way c. path d. route 120. It them $200 a year to runn a car a. spends b. costs c takes d. pays 121. Can you carry that heavy box by yourself? a. arrange b. offer c. manage d. prepare 122. She me why she wanted to leave today a. explained b. said c. told d. suggested 123. When my sister phoned me, I could not hear clearly what she was a. speaking b. talking c. saying d. telling 124. Facing danger, he always calm a. seems b. remains c. becomes d. appears 125. The price of food keeps up a. going b. getting c. rising d. setting 126. The secretary said, "You are on the phone, Mr. Smith" a. wanted b. asked c. invited d. requested 127. The train will London at 5:30 a. arrive b. come c. get d. reach 128. I'm sorry, all the coffee a. is being sold b. is sold out c. have been sold out d. was sold out 129. Though he had often made his little sister , today he was made by his little sister a. cry / to cry b. crying / crying c. cry / cry d. to cry / cry 130. At what time shall we ? a. reach b. arrive c. get go d. arrive in 131. Good medecine to the mouth a. tastes bitter b. tastes bitterly c. is tasted bitter d. is tasted bitterly 132. If , we'll go a. necessary b. being necessary c. to be necessary d. it necessary 133. What do you usually do in the afternoon? _ We usually a. have sport b. take sports c. have sports d. have a sport 134. Bus No. 5 runs a. ten minutes once b. every ten minutes c. once ten minutes d. each ten minutes 135. As i became older, I came to like things a. more and more simple b. more sinpler and simpler c. much simpler and simpler d. more and more simpler 136. My parents set out for Europe last week a. on their travel b. on their travels c. in their travel d. in their travels 137. Are you coming on Saturday _ No, a. i'm afraid mot to b. i'm afraid not c. i'm afraid to d. i'm afraid i don't 138. A thief is dangerous to society a. the b. a c. one d. + 139. At that time slaves were of not as human beings, but as animals a. regarded b. sold c. bought d. thought 140. This appears the only way out a. to me as b. me as c. me d. to me 141. Molly is the girl brown hair a. of many b. with many c. of a lot of d. with lots of 142. "Alex has offered to take us in his car and put the bikes on the roof. " What good !" said Tom a. report b. news c. fact d. result 143. She was , for she was wearing such a strange hat a. made fun b. made a fun c. made fun of d. made a fun of 144. Every morning he walks for an hour a. in open air b. inn the open air c. in an open air d. in the air 145. The street was quiet and she found no one to for help a. turn b. go c. turn to d. return to 146. We have covered ten lessons in the grammar book this term a. no longer b. so far c. and so on d. once more 147. I'm thinking I should do next a. of what b. what c. about how d. over how 148. If you take away 3 from 10, 7 a. is left b. is remained c. leaves d. remains 149. "You can try it again" , she said to me not in the least with me a. anger b. angry c. angrily d. with anger 150. Were you successful Mr. Green? a. to see b. in seeing c. of seeing d. at seeing 151. The reason he has been such a success he never gives up a. is because b. is what c. is that d. is 152. The fact he was successful proves his ability a. that b. what c. which d. why 153. He thought the painting was of little , so he let me have it for only ten pounds a. cost b. value c. price d. expenses 154. It me two hours to find your new house a. cost b. took c. spent d. used 155. Shall we walk through the park? _ No, it's too late there a. that we walk b. for us walking c. for us to walk d. so we can't walk 156. To play fair is as important as a. to play well b. play well c. we play well d. playing well 157. It is the greatest happiness on earth a. loving and to be loved b. to love and being loved c. to love and to be loved d. love and be loved 158. It's very foolish so a. for you to say b. of to you say c. with you saying d. in your saying 159. It is necessary the book immediately? a. his returning b. that he returns c. for him to return d. for his returning 160. Did the medicine make you feel better? _ No, , the worse i feel a. when i take more medicine b. the more medicine i take c. talking more medicine d. more medicine 161. the temperature, water turns into steam a. the high / the fast b. higher / faster c. the more higher / the faster c. the higher / the faster 162. is easy to learn English, but is difficult to learn it well a. he / he b. that / this c. it / it d. he / it 163. Languages French, Itatian and Spanish come from Latin a. for example b. because of c. except for d. such as 164. Read such books you can easily understand a. as b. that c. which d. about which 165. Why to him about it? a. not to speak b. not speak c. don't speak d. we do not speak 166. At the next cornerthe bus stopped and three people a. picked out b. picked c. picked up d. got up 167. Here is a piece of advice n how to learn English well _ it, please a. have b. get c. carry d. take 168. I had not practised during these fur months a. write b. to write c. writing d. wrote 169. The picture had on the wall a. better nnot be put up b. not better be put up c. better not to be put up d. not better to be put up 170. I usually go dancing at night _ do that a. you had better not b. you had not better c. you have better not d. you had better not to 171. The war against the Japanese invaders in 1937 a. was broken out b. was broke out c. broke out d. was breaking out 172. The concert on nfor three hours, which was much longer than i had throught it would be a. went b. lasted c. had d. shown 173. How is your new teacher? She is warm-hearted and very nice me a. for b. about c. to d. with [...]...174 Many people Martin Luther King as a hero a thought b learned c elected d considered 175 I am getting back my health and after my illness a stronger b strength c strengthen d strong 176 I'm sorry to say that he spoke his mind to before Harriet a free b freely c freedom d dearly 177 He the best story-teller in the 1980 's a considered as b was considered... spare time d in one's spare time 182 Many people in the town accepted the invitation the opening of the museum a at b in c to d for 183 We always have a wheel in our car a spare b opening c dear d strong 184 He has education that he is still learning how to read and write a such little b so little c such a little d so little an 185 As the conversation went on, i found she was a interesting to . CÁC ĐIỂM QUAN TRỌNG TRONG NGỮ PHÁP TIẾNG ANH (Important Poins of English Grammar) Chương 22: 493 câu hỏi tiêu biểu trong tiếng Anh cấp trung học phổ thông (493. elected d. considered 175. I am getting back my health and after my illness a. stronger b. strength c. strengthen d. strong 176. I'm sorry to say that he spoke his mind to before Harriet a museum a. at b. in c. to d. for 183. We always have a wheel in our car a. spare b. opening c. dear d. strong 184. He has education that he is still learning how to read and write a. such little b. so

Ngày đăng: 24/07/2014, 01:20

