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Hoa Vi hay Huawei có tên đầy đủ là Công ty trách nhiệm hữu hạn Kỹ thuật Hoa Vi là một công ty đa quốc gia về thiết bị mạng và viễn thông, nó có trụ sở chính tại Thâm Quyến, Quảng Đông, Trung Quốc

CAC LENH CO BAN VAN HANH DSLAM HUAWEI 1. Confirm board and check board status MA5600>enable MA5600# config MA5600(config)#display board 0 (Board will be registered as “Auto_find”, after boards confirmed successfully it will show as “Normal”) //confirm boards MA5600(config)#board confirm 0 Then check status all of boards, the status should be normal 2. Set ip cho cong outband ( Meth0 ) : MA5600 (config)# interface Meth0 MA5600 (config)# description Huawei, MA5600, site name MA5600 (config)# ip add //Default IP address (can configure two ip addresses on the Meth0 port for future onsite login and manatenance, all sites use the same two IP address: and 3. Set in-band management The followings take vlan 3999 as management, for each site. //Creat Vlan for management: MA5600 (config)# vlan 3999 standard MA5600 (config)# display vlan all //Add upstream-port to vlan: Note: The port number depend on sub board is O4GS or O2GS, If the sub board is O4GS then port number from 2 to 5, if the sub board is O2GS then port number from 0 to 1. T.o know more detail you can use command: MA5600(config)#display board 0/7 MA5600 (config)# port vlan 3999 0/7 0 MA5600 (config)# display port vlan 0/7/0 // neu giao tiep dien thi 0/7/2 //Create interface vlanif and add ip address MA5600 (config)# interface vlanif 3999 MA5600 (config-if-vlanifx)# ip add 172.20.223.x MA5600 (config)# display ip int br // coi dia chi ip 4. Add NMS MA5600 (config)# snmp-agent community read public MA5600 (config)# snmp-agent community write private MA5600 (config)# snmp-agent sys-info version v1 v2c MA5600 (config)# snmp-agent target-host trap address 172.20.x.x securityname private (172.20.x.x is the ip address of NMS server) MA5600 (config)# snmp-agent trap enable standard MA5600 (config)# snmp-agent trap source vlanif3999 5. Create adsl line-profile MA5600 (config)# adsl line-profile add 2 Do you want to name the profile (y/n) [n]:y Please input profile name: ADSL 3M Please choose default value type 0-adsl 1-adsl2+ (0~1) [0]:1 Will you set basic configuration for modem? (y/n)[n]:y Trellis mode 0-disable 1-enable (0~1) [1]: Downstream channel bit swap 0-disable 1-enable (0~1) [0]:1 Upstream channel bit swap 0-disable 1-enable (0~1) [0]:1 Please select channel mode 0-interleaved 1-fast (0~1) [0]: Will you set interleaved delay? (y/n)[n]:y Maximum downstream interleaved delay(0~255 ms) [6]: Maximum upstream interleaved delay(0~255 ms) [6]: Please select form of transmit rate adaptation in downstream: 0-fixed 1-adaptAtStartup (0~1) [1]: Will you set SNR margin for modem? (y/n)[n]:y Target SNR margin in downstream(0~15 dB) [6]: Minimum SNR margin in downstream (0~6 dB) [0]: Maximum SNR margin in downstream (6~31 dB) [31]: Target SNR margin in upstream (0~15 dB) [6]: Minimum SNR margin in upstream (0~6 dB) [0]: Maximum SNR margin in upstream (6~31 dB) [31]: Will you set parameters for rate? (y/n)[n]:y Minimum transmit rate in downstream (32~8160 Kbps) [32]: Maximum transmit rate in downstream (32~32000 Kbps) [24544]:3072 Minimum transmit rate in upstream (32~896 Kbps) [32]: Maximum transmit rate in upstream (32~896 Kbps) [600]:640 To modify line-profile index using the following command: MA5600(config)#adsl line-profile modify 2 // modify neu can 6. Active adsl user port with the correct line-profile ( RESET PORT ) : MA5600 (config)#interface adsl 0/x // frame/slot MA5600 (config-if-adsl-0/0)#deactivate x hoac all //x_port MA5600 (config-if-adsl-0/0)#activate all profile-index 2 Xem trang thai port : MA5600 (config)#disp board 0/x MA5600 (config-if-adsl-0/0)#disp port state x hoac all //x_port Neu fault thi reset port, fault nhieu port thi reset card : MA5600 (config)#board reset 0/x // x_slot // co the thay doi profile khac neu can ( cap xau thi chon profile toc do hap hon, co the Modify profile …tra thu vien Huawei ngoai desktop nhe ! MA5600 # display traffic 0/x/x // xem luu luong thuc te tren port Modem Failure to Be Activated or Deactivated Frequently Troubleshooting ADSL Services Low Internet Access Rate Case Study 7. XU LY KHI MAT LUONG : - Khi telnet vao tram nao khong duoc thi tram do mat ket noi (quang hoac dien ) - Xem tren so do xem tram bi su co ket noi voi tram nao, logon vao tram do de coi trang thai luong . - Neu la Dslam Siemens thi dung lenh : show port DAKRLAP# show port ====================================================== ========================== S/P TYPE PVID LINK NEGO DUP SPEED FC MEDIUM ROLE ====================================================== ========================== 0/1 Eth 1 Up/Up Auto Full/Full 1000/1000 Dis/Dis Optic Uplk tot 0/2 Eth 1 Up/Up Auto Full/Full 1000/1000 Dis/Dis Optic Uplk tot 0/3 Eth 1 Up/Up Auto Full/Full 1000/1000 Dis/Dis Optic Uplk tot 0/4 Eth 1 Up/Up Auto Full/Full 1000/1000 Dis/Dis Elect Uplk tot 0/5 Trk0 1 Up/Down - -/- -/0 -/- - Uplk 0/6 Trk1 1 Up/Down - -/- -/0 -/- - Uplk 0/7 S01 48 Up/Up Force Full/Full 1000/1000 Ena/Ena - IUIf 0/8 S02 48 Up/Up Force Full/Full 1000/1000 Ena/Ena - IUIf 0/9 S03 48 Up/Up Force Full/Full 1000/1000 Ena/Ena - IUIf 0/10 S04 48 Up/Up Force Full/Full 1000/1000 Ena/Ena - IUIf 0/11 S07 48 Up/Down Force Full/Full 1000/0 Dis/Dis - IUIf 0/12 S08 48 Up/Up Force Full/Full 1000/1000 Ena/Ena - IUIf 0/13 S09 48 Up/Up Force Full/Full 1000/1000 Ena/Ena - IUIf 0/14 S10 48 Up/Up Force Full/Full 1000/1000 Ena/Ena - IUIf - Neu la dslam huawei thi dung lenh :display board 0/7 Giao tiep dien thi port number bat dau la 2 DLK.DLP.H11(config)#display board 0/7 Board Name : H561SCUB Board Status : Active normal Subboard[1]: H561E4GFA Status: Normal Port Port Optic Native MDI Speed Duplex Flow- Active Link Type Status VLAN (Mbps) Ctrl State 2 GE - 1 auto auto_1000 auto_full on active online tot 3 GE - 1 auto auto auto off active offline 4 GE - 1 auto auto auto off active offline 5 GE - 1 auto auto auto off active offline Giao tiep quang thi port number bat dau la 0 DLK.CWY.H11(config)#display board 0/7 Board Name : H561SCUB Board Status : Active normal Subboard[0]: H531O2GS Status: Normal Port Port Optic Native MDI Speed Duplex Flow- Active Link Type Status VLAN (Mbps) Ctrl State 0 GE normal 1 - auto_1000 auto_full on active online tot 1 GE absence 1 - 1000 full off active offline - Neu mat ket noi thi phoi hop kiem tra cap dien, cap quang , modul quang ( cai nay hay hong- neu thay thi phai la modul cung buoc song )hoac por uplink-downlink co the dung pp loop , doi port de kiem tra - Khi co luong, coi traffic tren cong uplink : DLK.DLP.H11(config-if-scu-0/7)#display traffic-suppress all Traffic suppression ID definition: NO. Min bandwidth(kbps) Max bandwidth(kbps) Package number(pps) 1 6 145 12 2 12 291 24 3 24 582 48 4 48 1153 95 5 97 2319 191 6 195 4639 382 7 390 9265 763 8 781 18531 1526 9 1562 37063 3052 10 3125 74126 6104 11 6249 148241 12207 12 12499 296483 24414 8. Create Unicast-Service VLAN ( C -_VLAN ) : (In this project, subcribers are detected by 7 parameters: AccessNode Type Rack.Frame.Slot.Port VPI.VCI, all users use only one VLAN for internet that is VLAN 100 ) //create outer vlan (stacking vlan) MA5600 (config)#vlan 100 smart MA5600 (config)#display vlan all // xem khai bao vlan dung quy hoach chua ? // add the vlan to uplink (uplink only checks the outer vlan) MA5600 (config)#port vlan 100 0/7 0 9. Create traffic table index 7 MA5600 (config)#traffic table index 7 ip car off priority 0 priority-policy pvc-setting (This traffic table index will be used in service-port configuration, and car is required to set as off, note: the priority for internet service is 0) 10. Create virtual channel (service-port): add subcriber MA5600 (config)#multi-service-port vlan 121 port 0/4 0-63 vpi 0 vci 35 rx-cttr 7 tx-cttr 7 (configure service-port for slot1 from port 0 to 31, the vlan is 100, and vpi/vci is 0/35, x is slot number) (Using multi-service-port command can configure virtual channel in batch, one command can create 32 virtual channels for one slot of adsl board. Traffic table use index 7) 11. Configure 7 parameters for identifying subcriber - Change the mode to common: MA5600(config)#raio-mode pitp-pmode user-defined DLK.DMH.H11(config)#raio-format cid atm "anid atm rack/frame/slot/port:vpi.vci" - Display the mode: MA5600(config)# display raio-mode pitp-pmode detail OBJECT: pitp-pmode MODE: user-defined CID: anid atm rack/frame/slot/port:vpi.vci RID:- - Enable PITP: MA5600(config)#pitp enable pmode 12. Save configuration MA5600(config)#save 12. Reboot system MA5600(config)#reboot { Options<E><system,active,standby> }:active Command: reboot active Please check whether data has saved, the unsaved data may lose if reboot active board, are you sure to reboot active board? (y/n)[n]:y Standby board failure or not exist, reboot active will cause system reboot, are you sure to reboot active board? (y/n)[n]:y After the system reboot, we wait for about 5 minutes . CAC LENH CO BAN VAN HANH DSLAM HUAWEI 1. Confirm board and check board status MA5600>enable MA5600# config MA5600(config)#display. Ena/Ena - IUIf 0/14 S10 48 Up/Up Force Full/Full 1000/1000 Ena/Ena - IUIf - Neu la dslam huawei thi dung lenh :display board 0/7 Giao tiep dien thi port number bat dau la 2 DLK.DLP.H11(config)#display. profile khac neu can ( cap xau thi chon profile toc do hap hon, co the Modify profile …tra thu vien Huawei ngoai desktop nhe ! MA5600 # display traffic 0/x/x // xem luu luong thuc te tren port Modem

Ngày đăng: 22/07/2014, 19:08



