9 what time BA &L=Yl "how many people In this chart, katakasa indicates the 0% 'yomi and hiragana indicates the kun 'yomi... Using the parts below, make up as many kanji as possible.
Trang 11 J -$by@rn';& Mary's Letter
I (capital)
(to meet1
>J4%% ( 9 s 9 3 Y 3 9 1 elementary school
( 9 a 9 3 3 Q d ) elementary school student
4a.R ( k d 9 ? 4 2) office worker
Trang 2$% ( A b & % > i - - ~ & d ~ Z?& ( ~ 9 ~ 3 ) h i g h s ~ h ~ l
%$!?& ( 2 5' 3-3 % $1 high school student
+%E ( # = 9 f l ~ 39) junior hi& school
*El ( ~ 4 2 & ) every day
%g [ T ~ V X J ) every week -@El!! (74 every right
~ * B.*% 4=& =* 9) ~ a ~ a g e i i ]language)
Trang 3A Fill in the blanks with the appropriate kanji
B Which new kanji from this lesson include the katakana below/?
C What's wrong with the kanji below? Rewrite the correct kanji
Trang 5Summarize what Mary wrote about t h e following topics in Japanese
A Write about the following topics
B Write letters to your Japanese friends Describe your town, host family, friends, and so on
Trang 6A
/ -
Trang 7I I (to rest)
#k;i;' (*?Qts) to be absent; to rest
(%'FA> holiday; absence
@El I+z3Y'Y1 holiday
I = ,'sA (&El w&& ' ( t ~ h 9 ) what time
BA (&L=Yl "how many people
(In this chart, katakasa indicates the 0% 'yomi and hiragana indicates the kun 'yomi.)
Trang 8A Using the parts below, make up as many kanji as possible
Trang 9Read the report below and answer the questions
-GI9L\T about; regarding to % 6 ( f: 2 8 t o answer
Trang 10Make a questionnaire and ask several people the questions Then, write a report
based on the result
Trang 12rd (&t>E) between ABB~ ( Z Y Y Y ) humanbeing
3Fa7 ( 4 ~ 9 3 9 A 2 1 one week
Trang 13A Fill in the blanks with the appropriate kanji
Trang 14H Z ( b : - 3 ) diary ~ \ & L \ 5 3 various
?Rq in the morning 8 8 to have a talk
& X b 7 ~ f ' l - host family * L T and
Z"3; % j excellent food
A Put the following pictures in the right order according to Sue's diary
Trang 15B Mark T if the following statements are true Mark F if not true
C X-*/vl&%Y 'J-ShCnfix b 7 7 S ' J - ~ Z ~ M & S ~ Z L ~ ; ~
Trang 16A What did you do yesterday3 Write a journaI
B Write a thank-you letter to someone
Trang 18(In this chart, katakuna indicates the o~'yonai and hiragana indicates the k m ' y m i )
e 6@%3 snow
%% C ~ Y + Y ) new snow
Ofl - , - + i ~ r ; ~ =r ~ 3 + q * +
&9 Ce3) > t o - s t q d
@&AT ( 3 3 '1 Y Y-1' 3 3 national university
$A&&E (9 31 !Y J 9 3 9 ) private high school
Trang 19A Add strokes to the kanji below and turn them into new kanji from this lesson
Example: - - + &
B Write each antonym in kanji
Trang 201 A Answer t h e following questions
2 (Picture 1) 2&t~&c:'3 j h ~ - j - ~ R E Z , % ~ \ H - ~ ~ ,
3 (Pictnre2) La)% EL'$ hZ %if& 4)%+#Q>%Xe (main characters)
L @ U X : i
B Read the Japanese folktale "fPi4G323" on pp 302-3
C Put the following pictures in the right order
> +
Trang 21i26 L ;t;- h L once upon a time
&g mountain road
Trang 22Choose one topic from the list below and write a story about it For example: What
tales about these days?
19 8 (Birthday) 1
f z h , Wi 0-
I &a% (Thanksgiving Day) 1 3 a o m ~ a
Trang 23Looking for Friends
Trang 24(In this chart, kutakana indicates the on'ymi and kiragana indicates the kule'yomi.)
L \ 4 L 1% ~j$j?$h~>s&$~~$ ~ - & 2 Z 25) v&c&&&la~es
a!$- & ? g ? ~ & ~ $ h h ~ ~ d
$ % ( Y d Z Z 5 ) kitchen -f*F%(9=95/~) address
& & " r 9 k & & ) totry hard
%$&Q ( + Y e Y & ) diligent
Trang 25A Combine the parts below to form t h e new kanji from this lesson
B Put one kanji in each box to make compunds
A EBIZEZT < Z*LI, (Answer the following questions.)
Trang 26%& ( 1 % L I$ 9 ) looking for 111 river
outdoor activities near place
2 The person who is a college student (
Trang 29$&3T 6 (b&+g37&) to get up early
?$A ( Y 9 .f 3 '7) early morning
(61 ' r, FI (early)
&&rf$ (+1) Y$&) to stand up
(to get up)
Trang 30&* ( 1/ Y + .IL 5') consecutive holidays
(In this chart, katakana indicates the on'yomi and hdraga~a indicates the k w z ' y m i )
Trang 31A Match the reading, kanji, and translation
Trang 32t t & F H i ; T V y$ rtlga - -il L \
Trang 33the heavens; the sky
the Milky Way
the other side; over there
Trang 34*<l\h 1 ,,, Japanese-English
@+, Numbers fY4'
,sm$w+? Conjugation Chart
?Y7 &5
Trang 356365 over there eL2
to play; to spend time pleasantly
&3LI % L \ hot (objects) g L 5
( a) itS& ?% after (an event) 5Z Lil, R L8- n
bS&P &T lateron el-6
ZlZ X (my) older brother + LT(s)
ZdI urn $2 L1
-dS@ that (over there) 12
PIT-b apartment E L7 ZSLI g ~ \ sweet SL12
$i%03ht;h XQIlIT the Milky Way % L12-TT
35% g + negative not much L 3
6 rain $2 L8
7% 9 3 U.S.A 11, $12
$555 $k$ towash 52L8
dS'3;ht&5 Thank you G G
-LIZ % home; house $ L3
- L \ b -fi 3 bound for $ L10(~)
-f+!J;( Britain e L 1 , e L 2 L\< t o g 0 52L3
L \ < 5 how much GL2
L l L + 6% doctor %LI, 2110
LIGhZ5 (&I &%,% mean-spirited 2 L9
Lib chair 2 L2(s) L\5ht bL\ IK L r busy (people/days) 5 L5 LlTe ,%e to h u m g L 6
L l f i L I b L hurt; painful 52 L12 L\kEh?kb Thank you for the meal (before
eating) 2 G
L\S?lxT -1 January L4-@)
L \ S I; -r$ one o'clock 2 L1, 52 Ll(s)
L\Sl;h'h -4M one hour B L4
Trang 36L13h' 5 El the fifth day of a month % Lqs)
LlgTfl.1 -3 one year old % Ll(s)
L I 3 ZOZb I'll go and come back 2 G 1 3 % %H& round trip 2 Llqs)
L \ T T % T L / + L ~ Pleasegoandcomeback S G &&L\ @ b \ thereare m a n y ?%LIZ
L l ~ t S h r 5? one minute 52 Llts) dj&$L\ k 3 b \ large 52 L5
L \ 3 % always 2 LIZ, S L6-m a-Xb3?)57 Australia SL1, eL1t
L\%3&(&IV) #(9&) youngersister E L I , 8 ' Sk f snack; sweets 52 L11
L l S ~ ( I ~ t l $ l i WWdme (to ourstore) 52L2 S %&#% rich person 2 LIO
L l 9 <?5 A V entrance 3% LtO(sJ 4335 & 3 & togetup g L 3
55 home; house; my place 5% L3
S%ClZ i t; a=S (my) child 5? L7(s)
5%milt.& 9 G 69A husband $2 L7(s)
&ELI slow;Jate 3 LIO
8s < (T C& some&ing) late $ L6, C L4-ID
d 3 e< ?XP _ {_a 2, k be late (for) % L8
&EL\L;(~.- '6%+ii ~t well w n S L I ~
S f awzn tea P L3
87 & & husband $ LT(s) -
Trang 37d3ckZcDZ %9? boy eL11
&&ZII>U'tk % a h man e L 7
&&kt1 the day before yesterday 2 Lqs)
Sk&L the year before last 2 L4(s)
d3ladr3 Zif L\bT Good morning (polite) 2 G
&r3\?5 $RE bath 52 L6
8 8 6 & t 6 ; 2 ~ L ' 1 Good night % G
8k-C & C toswim &L5
h'lfZ5 t&ht;la%) to put on (glasses) S L7
h'a5 to be realized L L12-II
Trang 381hC; 3F kanji; Chinese character 3 L6
ShLlS +E& silver 52 L9(s)
~ ~ v r 5 ee bank & ~ 2
h & 5*6 ER+ b to get nervous % LIZ
SPvd;jz% .&%a sriday S 14, Lqs)
<$JI- ?LEI September S L4(sj
( G :&>d nine o'clock $ Ll(s)
B&jfPL,k &#f textbook 32 L6
3 & 5 EL\ Xi% brothers and sisters g 17
$? & 5&fit&5 R%3P $5 4 to be interested (in)
e L12
- 5 - linenumber %Lll(s)
b8;tah WF last year S L ~ s )
3 6 1 1 (@I 4 % ~ \ disgusted with; to dislike $2 L5
$5 & tO put on (clothes above your waist)
B 6 L1 about (approximate measurement)
if3 +.-9a this morning 52 L8
(3 b3& X L T L eraser W(s)
i3* T i $ to turn off; to erase L6
($3 Z5Tq #ST-$ That would be fine.;
That wouldn't be necessary 16
I j 3 Z h $ 3 B%%T % to get married $$ L7
l f 3 X j U 8 % E Monday f L4, 2 Lqs)
Trang 39IfhtPdZ5 to have a fight; to quarrel 2 L11
IfhS (a) X%, healthy; energetic $2 L5
IfhBfil&X\ Z 9 , d s t s L \ don't look well $2 L12
If'hQ3 %!.I% development % LS(s)
-Z Z language $? 1
-Z j& in time; aft er GLfO
Z 5 Z h *El park $2 L4
Z j < 32% K Z E airmail 52 L5(s)
Z3 Zj &R high school % 1
Z 3 E3el.1 &%& high school student 2 Lf
Z 3 % 3 $ 6 Thank you for the meal (after ea&) 2 G
ZSS this persun (polite) % L11
Zl$h %fiR rice; meal $2 L4
Z131h 553 five minutes %LI(s)
Z&/U&*LI I'm SOITy 2 L4
Z;bL\ I \ frightening Z L5
Zhrkt3 b +FBI this semester $2 L11
Zhr!P-r, + R this month 52 Lqs), % L8
13/Y- I- concert 5$ L9
Z h l/ i$5 +a this week $ Lqs), 16
Z k r e :"& near future $k L9
ZhlZSI3 Good aftmoon 2 G
Zhrlgh +?% tonight % 13
S hl$hl& Good evening 2 G
3 lj E 3 convenience store 2 L7 I> E l - 9 - computer 2 L1, % L2
9-74 2 surfing 32 15
*I,\ it yearsold %Ll, gLI(s)
*% L \ l f 7 S3k Fl the month after next 2 Lqs)
$SL\L @5 .$-&a the week after next $$ L4(s)
* G Ll%l/v i$*B the year after next 5Z Lqs)
)rhr Mr-/Ms 52 Ll
ShSk5 33% overtime work ?& L8-II
&hr*LI Z& three years old 2 Ll(s)
Z h 1; 3 4 three o'clock % Ll(s)
74hG ~ t S # b Zt 5+ thirty minutes % LI(s)
eh&hTd& 8*tT;Pa That's tm bad G L8
$hr13Ghhb &#FAR obstetrician and gynecol-
Trang 40L r & ~ BL ht 9 date/time surnething b ready
32 Ws) be$K 4*Q happy %SLID-11
G I 2 3 departing secmd 52 LlO(s)
Gbf'P J'&# a t s r h i n o l ~ ~ o ~ s t ; ENT .&c-
tw 52 Ll2(s)
EISih fi 3 a n m l f S LIO-n
b&hUd; 5Llh TE E%R Municipal H@Pi'td
$2 L6
La36 9 deadline & Lll(s)
k!b& &I& B to dose (something) P L6 ,
l3PS then ; if thatisthecase, %?I2
Lt Y Lrhr r8& picture; phatograph S2 L4
l/ + & 3 Wt president of a campanu $E L+l
b@jfl'kp -3IBZI for weeks dl10
Eejglib3aj/u +AG- n i n t m r m i n ~ t ~ s SLI~S)
C;@5Za3th +ZS fifteenminutes &lI{s)
l;@j&Eu~3Cu + Z 9 thirteen minutes % U{s)
G I$ j G +B$ ten o'clock $? L1@)
L;@54kS B &t general admission &at 5% LIQS)
l*@3Ch last train B LIOb)
G U ?~al$&hr S sevenken minutes 52 Ll (s)
G @ 3 1E l3 +Z4 t@ve oklock & Llls)
G a5 (C~3\4u- +E* twelve minutes $3 LI(s)
Lkp5&mSh:3?&% six.teen minates SL1Is)
& 1sp @& 5 s *. %lass 52 Ll?
E@<, 3 @mm,S&@d 3L?-II
b@ < - W I .@it@ hmework $$ L5, 8 LIq(s)
b&U@csl 3% operation 52 L12(s) bbbC;b I h husband 5ZL71s)
G@7&LI +% ten years old SLl(s) b95Lh &a comingfrom 2 L 1 1
&8.2$\h S-53 tenminnb S L I ( s )
b&&, ?E% howwife f 1
bF& &3$ hobby %iLI*I-II
t;a BB&.I;.1~6 ,#.R-T 4 to i r r t d ~ ~ e G L ~ I
b&521%3 i E f l New Year% f Lll, S L f 0 - I I
@&5lr?sVh %3?Q iboardingl ticket SLIU@)
b < 5 B ,% black md white & L9@)
t;.S1;5&6 L " % U & K b tostare(nt1 gI-8
- - G h A people %L1 I/kr##uWCv M%S Shinkansen: " B W Train"
Trang 41$ifL1&5?3 &q €I Wednesday $ L4, % L4(s)
6 & to sit down 52 L6
eLl;h\3 ik% Me; living $ L10
lkLllfLl(T;h' SBW+ orthopedic surgeon
% L12(s)
i 2 L l L &%j3 politics B L1, S L12
%!LWS R% grade (on a test, etc.) $2 L12
If0 S 4 F by all means 2 L9
edLI $%&\ narrow; not spacious 2 L12
Wul33 % 1 last month 5% Lqs), % 19
e h r G 3 $k El the other day I L9-II
W u e L l R?k teacher; Professor 52 L1
VArI% + negative 2% not at all % L3
+fih'h and then $2 L5
E L \ U k j ) S +.A& It is okay.: Not to worry.;
EL\33(73) A B ? very fond of; to love 2 L5
ft~3itu 9 'r3 probably; maybe G LIZ
k 4 B D &-4t1 food el5
E f i who 2212
khrZ 9$& word; vocabulary %L9
< strip of fancy paper Ll2-Y
A h l ; A 3 U: %& €3 birthday 52 15
fr'hl$ husband 2 L7(s)
Trang 42%Ll&L'r 4-3 L \ small & L5
3h14l7Llb &@"€ b \ & ta be tired I B-JI
3&'#l+5 &h B to get tired 5z L11
T- P date (romantic, not caIm&u) 2 L3
?-I tape %I2
' T f i x l j - 3 6 to go out 52 L5
Z;tP& *& letter %l4
F B b K V as much as gossible 2 L12
TCS &u mit %LIO(s)
pb&3 prp,babI~; * , &ht? 2112
F7eb t&t &L5 '
5 5 ta~heip 3 L6
F-3, t e d s c$k,LS zld;, & @ b h E , Tiit, S3C.R-T Takecare
TbEY-br video game S L 6
T h 5% the heaveas: the shy % L12- ll
3ak l.1 @ R cold &hing/people) 2 LID ct: F daor SL10-n
'39 fishing S 111-II -L= tagether with (a person1 52 L4
%rma ; $ k t - r ~ totakeba& m12-II -z -B dew t t e ~ ~ ~ ~ r e ) s ~ 1 2
3&T<6 @AT C b tobring(apersM1) S,LB F F door +2 L2(s)
e3PT15' How a h a t .?;How i s ? s L 3
Z36 Thank you %L2
Z3-P 3T haw: by what means S?2 110
&;f3 3- ten 52L9
&$@ 4- a the tenth dm of a a0ntI-i 52 L4@j
&* 3 when - ;atthetimeof S L 4
t6Z3 $* sometimes g L 3
Trang 43kk&3 pork cutlet $ L2
r?Yufd what kind of $2 15
a'd;L\h' ~ 9 % physician L12(s)
&f~ltl EL\ long L7
a< i&{ tocry ELI2-I1
ai;td;&h t B seven minutes $ LI@)
7kILi5\ 4T&* something 5? L8
$K[z% + negative m% not anything 2 17
-I= L3 the seventh day of a month % L4.0
EeLI two years old 52 Ll(s)
E&hrl~% Z Z for two to three days LIZ
Ill, $5 west %L6(s)
I, I C two o'clock Ll(s)
bldhr -%? hha past two $ Ll
Izl;@;p4&2h' ,+WE the twenty-fourth day
[Lkr A [counter far people] % L77
ILh3;h'$5 A % h t & 8 to be popular L9
Trang 44cDa*a &A* drink k L 5
I$I;&!IT &&TC forthefirsttime 2L12
I&L;b!j$LT How do you do? g G
m?343\h 1\52 eight minutes 52 LI(s)
I X(wrong) 52Lll(s)
I&3&kr %"g pronunciation 2 1 1 1 (s)
l$3@ Z-l- I the twentieth day of a month
& L ~ s ) fdg ?ZL\ ei&t years old 2 LI(s)
1$->;52h eight minutes Ll@)
I#& z flower el12
la& & nose 52 L7@)
(a&F %T to speak; to talk L 3
IZhr"3 45% number 52 Li
I2hZIZh !%!ME dinner 2 t3
eag .c.pw~ .S~LS
Li-Jb' b&T b lrll OAi &= x+ :*@ist e Lqs]
O S l r i I f h B13%,2& receipt eL5(s)
ZP ( play (a string instrumat or piano)
5% L9 DE5S %E$$ airplane SL5
Veb13tg A t 2 3 it has beena long time
s L11 E@?t.X: business $2 Ll, % L2
PE9@43 &@I left side 52 L6(s)
83 < !33& to be surprised 3i 110-II ET43 video tape; VCR % L2(s), 52 L3
Dck A person *L4
D t 3 -9 one 5%L9 z).&3&, -T€l first
U&U& Aq people PLl2-n U&!3 -A onepersan e L 7
U.&gP -AT alone &L4
U.875' b*R derrnaklogist 2 L12(s) ZrZ (a) I$% not busy; h have a lot of free time
53 L5
W&.St\h %i% hospital 5% 14-
7J& 3% &3, ; t i l l s sickness eL9, 2112(s)
U&3l;@kL" 4%S% standard Japanese
52 Ll 1 (s)
Z h BE flight S L I O
e23 pink $Ls(s)