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Test on Topics ( From topic 5 – topic 8 ) ppt

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Test on Topics ( From topic 5 – topic 8 ) Exercise 1. Tìm từ kết thúc phù hợp nhất cho những câu dưới đây. 1. We call your parents’s parents g ________ ( male ) and g _________ ( female ). 2. We call your parents’s brothers and sisters u _____ and a _____ and their children c ______. 3. We call the father and mother of the person you marry f ________ and m __________. 4. We call the brother and sister of the person yoy marry b _________ and s __________. 5. We call your brother’s / sister’s children n _________ and n ___________ . 6. If the person one marries dies, he’s a w __________ ( male ) and she’s a w ______ ( female ). 7. If your mother or father remarries, you have a s __________ or s __________. 8. When you’re born, your family gives you a f _______ n ________ e.g, Robert or Susan. 9. Your l ____ n ____ ( or surname ) is the name that everyone in the family shares ,e.g, Smith. 10. Your f _____ n ________ is all the names you have e.g, Susan Jean Smith. 11. The people we work with are c ___________. 12. An o _______ friend is someone you have known for a long time. 13. A c _______ friend is someone you like and trust. 14. Your b ______ friend is someone you feel closest to. 15. My parents don’t have any more children, so I’m an o ________ child. Exercise 2. Nối các tính từ đồng nghĩa ở hai cột nói về tính cách con người. 1. half – witted. a. gregarious 2. Impolite b. curt 3. inward – looking c. down – to – earth 4. quarrelsome d. sly 5. sensible e. stubborn 6. obstinate f. dim 7. brusque g. bright 8. cunning h. introverted 9. smart i. reliable 10. trustworthy j. discourteous 11. sociable k. argumentative Exercise 3. Tìm các danh từ thành lập từ những tính từ cho sẵn. Punctual Optimistic Reliable Lazy Kind Confident Generous Ambitious Stupid Honest Sensitive Strong Flexible Shy Polite Exercise 4. Tìm các tính từ thích hợp miêu tả những người dưới đây. Jealous Optimistic Sincere Eccentric Gifted Relaxed Envious Sensitive Cruel Nosy Easy – going 1. Jill always see the bright side of things. 2. Robert always wants what other people have got. 3. Sandra plays the piano better than anyone else I know. 4. Beth takes everything in her stride and never gets upset. 5. Paul seems to enjoy pulling his cat’s tail. 6. Dan doesn’t mind what we do when we stay at his place. 7. You always know that Clare means what she says. 8. Julie felt terrible when her boyfriend left her for someone else. 9. Becky only ever wears black clothes and black lipstick. 10. Whenever we have visitors, our neighbour Fred is at his window watching who it is. 11. Emma always gets very upset if she feels that she is being criticised or laughed at. Exercise 5. Hoàn thành câu với chữ cái cho sẵn. 1. I’ve got so much work to do that I don’t have much time for r __________. 2. Her hobbies are c ________ stamps and t _________ photographs. 3. In a cinema, it’s cheaper to close to the s _______ , but in a theatre it costs more to sit close to the s __________. 4. We had a drink during the i _______ between the two acts of the play and discussed the p ___ 5. I didn’t like the hero or heroine : I preferred the wick v __________. 6. If you don’t like the program on BBC1 , you can switch to another c _________. Exercise 6. Chọn đáp án thích hợp. We went to see a new produce / production / producing of Romeo and Juliet last week. The sceneries / sights / sests were very atmospheric and realistic and the costumes / suits / dresses were wonderful, with a good persons / list / cast, and the actions / acting / acts was excellent. O’Donnel put / took / gave a marvellous performance / show / play. It did / took / got some brave / rave / crave recences / remarks / reviews in the papers the day after. Exercise 7. Tìm các thể loại nhạc với những chữ cái cho sẵn. EX : p _____ p ( pop ) 1. J ___ ___ z. 6. R ___ ___ k 2. B ___ ___ ___ s. 7. C ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ l 3. F ___ ___ k. 8. O ___ ___ ___ a 4. C ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ y. 9. D ___ ___ ___ o 5. S ___ ___ l 10. H __ ___ ___ y m ___ ___ __ l Exercise 8. Tìm định nghĩa các loại tội phạm. 1. killing someone 6. Offering someone money for illegal service 2. Stealing from a shop 7. Stealing from people’s pockets 3. Selling drugs 8. Taking something illegally into another country. 4. Making fake money 9. Taking illegal control of a plane 5. Taking a child and asking its parents for money. 10. Threatening to reveal secrets. Exercise 9. Điền từ thích hợp vào ô trống. 1. Do yoy think the police should __________ guns ? 2. Do you think the police should be _____ to stop and question people without a special reason? 3. Do you agree with capital __________ for certain crimes, such as murder ? 4. Do you think tougher punishments will help _________ crime ? 5. Last night an armed gang ( robbed / stole ) the post office. They ( robbed / stole ) 2000$. 6. My handbag ( was stolen / was robbed ) at the theatre yesterday. 7. Every year large number of banks ( are robbed / are stolen ) . Exercise 10. Điền các từ đã cho thích hợp vào ô trống. Bandage Black Blisters Bruises Hypochondriac Indigestion Operation Prescribe Rest Round Sore 1. I think, I’m getting flu, I’ve got a dreadful ________ throat. 2. A ball hit hin in the face and gave him a terrible _________ eyes. 3. Doctors ________ medicine to treat their patients. 4. Paul is having an _______ today – they’re taking his wisdom teeth out. 5. The doctor says I’ve just got a bug that’s going __________. 6. We’ll get the nurse to put a ________ on your ankle. 7. The best thing for her would be total bed ____________ for a few days. 8. I’m covered in _________ after playing rugby. 9. My new shoes are too tight – I’ve got _________ on my heal. 10. Don’t eat so fast – you’ll get ____________. 11. He’s always imagining he’s ill – he’s a dreadful _________ Exercise 11. Tìm động từ của những từ dưới đây. Cut : _________ Shot : ______ Shivery : _______ Bandage : ________ Treatment : _______ Dislocated : ______ Blood : ________ Wound : _________ Ache : _________ Bruise : ________ Breathless: _______ Swollen : _______ Injury : ________ Weak : __________ Exercise 12. Nối các vết thương và nguyên nhân gây ra. 1. He burned his finger. A. He feel down and banged his head 2. He twisted his ankle. B. He was shot during a robbery. 3. He cut his foot. C. He touched a hot burner on the stove. 4. He has a bullet wound in his arm. D. He walked barefoot on some glass. 5. He has a concussion. E. He missed a step walking downstairs. . Test on Topics ( From topic 5 – topic 8 ) Exercise 1. Tìm từ kết thúc phù hợp nhất cho những câu dưới đây. 1. We call your parents’s parents g ________ ( male ) and g _________ ( female ). . 6. If the person one marries dies, he’s a w __________ ( male ) and she’s a w ______ ( female ). 7. If your mother or father remarries, you have a s __________ or s __________. 8. When you’re. Exercise 8. Tìm định nghĩa các loại tội phạm. 1. killing someone 6. Offering someone money for illegal service 2. Stealing from a shop 7. Stealing from people’s pockets 3. Selling drugs 8. Taking

Ngày đăng: 22/07/2014, 01:20

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