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UNIT4: SPECIAL EDUCATION I. Vocabulary 1. Disabled (adj) : tàn tật  able (adj) : có thể  enable (v) : làm cho … có khả năng  ability (n) : khả năng 2. Deaf (n) : người điếc  deaf (adj) : bò điếc  deafen (v) : làm điếc  deafening (a) : (âm thanh) chói tai  deafness (n) : bệnh điếc 3. Dumb (adj) : câm  dumbness (n) : bệnh câm 4. Mental (adj) : thuộc về tinh thần 5. Retarded (adj) : chậm phát triển về tinh thần và thể chất.  retard (v) : làm chậm trễ  retardation (n) 6. To prevent…from : ngăn chặn…khỏi.  prevention (n) : sự ngăn ngừa 7. Proper (adj) : đúng đắn, phù hợp 8. Schooling (n) : học vấn, sự giáo dục 9. Oppsition (n) : sự phản đối  oppose (v) 10. Attend (v) : tham dự  attendance (n) : sự tham dự  attendant (n) : người tham dự, người hộ tống 11. Gradually (adv) : dần dần 12. Realise (v) : nhận ra 13. Effort (n) : nỗ lực 14. Consume (v) : tiêu thụ  Consumer (n) : người tiêu dùng  time-consuming (adj) : tốn thời gian 15. Raise (v) : nâng lên, giơ lên 16. Arm (n) : cánh tay 17. Finger (n) : ngón tay 18. Continue (v) : tiếp tục  Continuity (n) : sự tiếp tục  Continuous (adj) 19. Demonstrate (v) : trình bày  demonstration (n)  demonstrative (adj) 20. Add (v) : cộng, thêm vào  addition (n) 21. Subtract (v) : trừ  subtraction (n) : phép trừ 22. to be proud of : tự hào về HANDOUT 1: HANDOUT 2: HANDOUT 3: HANDOUT 4: II. Prepositions: 1. What he said is quite different __________ what he did 2. The flood prevented me ___________ returning home 3. My house is opposite _________ the store 4. He doesn’t have any friends ____________ all 5. Science has opened ________ a new horizon 6. My parents are proud _________ me. TEST I. Pronunciation A. Which of the following words in each group has the main stress on a different syllable from the others? 1. a. condition b. retarded c. education d. immediately 2. a. continued b. gradually c. believe d. subtract B. Which of the following words in each group has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the other? 3. a. instead b. deaf c. leather d. reader 4. a. determination b. mentally c. education d. demon 5. a. guitar b. farmer c. target d. narrow II. Vocabulary and Grammar Choose the word or phrase that best fits the blank, or that best explains the underlined part in each sentence. 6. Most young children often speak with a lisp. a. very quickly b. unclearly and imperfectly c. very slowly d. clearly and well 7. Billy can’t read yet. He seems retarded for a child of ten. a. very clever b. quick and smart c. slower in development d. nasty 8. She taught in a school for the deaf and dump. a. people who are unable to see b. people who are mentally ill c. people who have a bad memory d. people who are unable to hear and speak 9. She watched the ship moving gradually farther away. a. slowly b. hurriedly c. obviously d. continuously 10. His uncle was ___________ in the war; he lost his left arm. a. broken b. disabled c. smashed d. retarded 11. Teaching children who are _________ retarded needs a lot of patience. a. mental b. mentally c. mentality d. mindful 12. She was given an award for her services to ________. a. disabled b. disable c. the disable d. the disabled 13. His roommate usually comes back home very late at night, _________ is very annoying. a. who b. that c. whom d. which 14. _________ eat a lot of ice-cream when you were a child? a. did you used to b. were you used to c. were you using to d. did you use to 15. Brenda told me about her new job, ________ very much. a. she’s enjoying b. she’s enjoying it c. which she’s enjoying d. that she’s enjoying 16. It is normally said that ________ have the future in their hands. a. young b. the young c. a young d. many young 17. I found it difficult at first, but now I _________ working on the computer. a. use to b. used to c. am use to d. am used to III. Choose the item (a, b, c, d) that best completes the unfinished statement about the passage. Louis Braille was born in the nineteenth century. When he was three years old, a tragic accident at his father’s workshop left him blind permanently. As a young boy, Louis was hardworking and intelligent. His teachers suggested that he should be enrolled in the National Institute for Blind Youths. At that time, this was the only school for the blind in France. At the institute, Louis wanted to develop an easier reading system for the blind. His idea of such a system came from Charles Barbier, a French army officer. Barbier had invented a system called “Night Writing”, which was made up of dots and dashes. Soldiers used this system to communicate with one another during the night. Louis adapted this system for his own use. He got rid of the dashed and produced a simpler system based on dots. For example, ‘A’ is represented by a single dot. Many students found this system much easier to use. This came to be known as the ‘Braille’ system. Today millions of blind people are able to read, thanks to the work of a dedicated, young blind man. 18. Louis Braille tried hard to develop ______________. A. a system called ‘Night Writing’ B. a system made up of dots and dashes C. a reading system for French soldiers. D. a reading system base on dots. 19. Louis Braille was blind __________. A. when he was born B. when he was teaching at the institute C. at the age of three D. while he was studying at the institute 20. We can infer from the passage that Louis’s father was _________. A. a teacher B. a worker C. soldier D. a doctor 21. Which of the following is NOT true ? A. Louis Braille attended an institute for the blind. B. Louis became blind after an accident in his father’s workshop. C. Charles Barbier adapted Louis’s system for his own use. D. ‘Night Writing’ was used by French soldiers. 22. The word ‘permanently’ in the first paragraph mostly means __________. A. for a short time B. For ever C. Temporarily D. Instantly Choose the word or phrase that best fits the blank, or that best explains the underlined part in each sentence. 23. It is difficult to treat people with a mental illness. a. very bad b. of the mind c. of the body d. very serious 24. She bought me some pairs of shoes, none of __________ fitted my feet. a. which b. that c. whom d. it 25. “ Do you often play tennis now?” “I ___________, but I don’t any more now.”. a. am used to b. was used to c. used to d. used to be 26. _________ work as hard as you do now? a. Were you used to b. did you use to c. used to you d. did you used to 27. At first it was rather difficult for her, but now she ________ taking care of the baby herself. a. used b. is used to c. used to d. were used to 28. She gave the beggar all the money ________. a. which she had it b. which had it c. she had it d. she had 29. Peter told me his new address, ________ on a piece of paper. a. I wrote down b. I wrote it down c. that I wrote down d. which I wrote down Choose the item (a, b, c, d) that best completes the unfinished statement about the passage. Helen Keller was born in Alabama in 1880. When she was twenty months old, she got an illness. After her illness Helen could not hear or see. She was deaf and blind. Helen was a difficult child. Her parents did not know what to do. Finally, when Helen was seven years old, her parents got her a special teacher. Her name was Miss Anne Sullivan. Miss Sullivan worked with Helen all day. She took Helen’s hand and spelled a word in her hand. Helen soon learned to say what she wanted in this way. In 1900 Helen entered Radcliffe College. Miss Sullivan sat next to Helen in class. She spelled all the words into Helen’s hand. Miss Sullivan also read to Helen all the time. At that time there were only a few books for the blind. These were Braille books. They had a special alphabet made with dots that blind people could read with their fingers. Helen graduated from Radcliffe with honors. Helen wrote books like The Story of My life and Midstream – My later life . She also wrote magazine articles and spoke all over the country. She learned to speak. It was not easy to understand her. Miss Sullivan repeated what Helen said. Helen spoke about the deaf and blind. People everywhere became interested. There was new hope for the deaf and blind. 30. How did Helen learn at Radcliffe College? a. She listened to the lectures and wrote them down. b. Miss Sullivan spelled all the words into her hand. c. She read books and wrote essays by herself. d. Her friends in class helped her understand the lectures. 31. We can infer from the passage that Miss Anne Sullivan was _________. a. a young and beautiful teacher. b. a nice and easy teacher c. an intelligent, impatient teacher d. a helpful and patient teacher 32. Which of the following things had Helen Keller NOT done in her life? a. giving lectures to people throughout the country b. making a film about her own life c. writing magazine articles d. writing two books about her own life 33. It is possible to infer from the passage that Helen was deaf and blind _______. a. but she was an excellent student at the college b. and she found it impossible to understand the lectures c. but she was a nasty and lazy student at the college d. so she only graduated with very humble grades 34. How did Helen Keller speak in public? a. She could make herself understood by everybody b. Miss Sullivan had to repeat what Helen said. c. She used her hands to make everybody understand. d. She wrote her speeches on a board Read the text and circle the letter that best completes each of the sentences which follow: If parents bring up a child with sole aim of turning the child into a genius, they will cause a disaster. This is one of the biggest mistakes which ambitious parents make. Unrealistic parental expectations can cause great damage to children. However, if parents are not too unrealistic about what they expect their children to do, but are ambitious in a sensible way, the child may succeed in doing very well-especially if the parents are very supportive of their child. Do An Duc is very lucky. He is carzy about music, and his parents help him a lot by taking him to concerts and arranging private piano and violin lessons for him. Although Duc’s parents know very little about music, they have tried their best to help their son with his interest. However, they never him enter music competitions if he is unwilling. Duc’s friend, Vu Hoang Duy, however, is not so lucky. Although both his parents are successful musicians, they set too high a standard for Duy. They want their son to be as successful as they are and so they enter him for every piano competition held. They are very unhappy when he does not win. “When I was at your age, I used to win every competition I entered,” Duy’s father tells him. Duy is always afraid that he will disappoint his parents and now he always seems quiet and unhappy. 35. One of the biggest mistakes any parents can make is to _____________________. A. neglect their child’s education B. push the child into trying to achieve too much C. make their child become a musician D. help their child to be a genius through constant support.\ 36. Parent’s ambition for their children is not wrong if _________________________ A. they push the children into achieving a lot B. they understand and help their children in difficult times C. they themselves have been very successful D. they arrange private lessons for their children 37. Do An Duc is fortunate because ___________________________. A. he is very interested in music B. his parents are very famous C. his parents are good at music D. his parents help him in a sensible way 38 Vu Hoang Duy’s parent push their child so much that _______________________. A. he is unhappy because he is afraid he may not be successful B. he has passed a lot of competitions C. he feels he cannot learn anything about music from them D. he has already become a better musician than his father 39. The two examples of Do An Duc and Vu Hoang Duy show that_______________. A. it is important to let children develop in the way they want B. successful parents often have unsuccessful children C. parents who want their child to be a musician should also be good musicians D. the more money spent on a child’s education, the better the child will do. GRAMMAR 1 a.who b.whom c.which d.whose e.where f.when g.that 1. Do you know the girl Tom is talking to? 2. Can you suggest the time it will be convenient for us to meet? 3. Isaac Newton was one of the greatest men ever lived. 4. There are many countries people travel on the left 5. He is the man the police are seeking for 6. The factory John works in is the biggest in the town. 7. All foreigners you met yesterday are fromAmerica. 8. The policeman stopped our car wasn’t friendly. 9. The film is about the man wife lost her memory. 10. He was the last soldier left Viet Nam 1975. 11. A café is a small restaurant people can get a light meal . 12. He finally married the girl he loved 13. There is nobody can help me at the moment. 14. It was the worst film I’ve ever seen it. 15. The place We spent our holidays was really beautiful. 16. The subjects we talk about are interesting 17. I enjoyed meeting the people I talked to at the party. 18. The neighbour window I broke got angry. 19. Did you see the woman husband was taken to hospital? 20. Do you remember the day We first met? 21. Did you remember the year The second world war ended ? 22. Give the book John asked for to him. 23. His illness was caused by undernourishment prevented him from work. 24. How is your son had an operation last night? [...]... 3 times 34 You need to talk to the man you can trust 35 The problems Tom has those problems seem to be too dificult 36 Bob is the kind of person to One can talk about any thing 37 This is the place The accident happened 38 The man I introduced him to you last night may be the next president of the company 39 A cafée is a small restaurant People can get a light meal there 40 I showed... department used 4) Tom was a good employee and worked hard Tom used 5) I bought all my clothes in that store I used 6) This building was occupied by a large insurance firm This building used 7) Gary played the violin Gary used 8) Laura went to the concert every week Laura used 9) She often played with dolls when she was a little girl She used 10) There were... Laura went to the concert every week Laura used 9) She often played with dolls when she was a little girl She used 10) There were some trees in this field 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) There used He never did his work poorly He never used He took a great interest in his piano lessons He used All the meetings were held in the auditorium... used to it He’s used 10) I’m trying to accustom myself to staying up late I’m trying to get 11) Getting up early doesn’t suit me at all I’m not used 12) Running a large house is no problem for my mother as she has done it for some time My mother is used a large house 13) I don’t find it hard to get up early I’m used 14) I hadn’t made a speech before,... longer John used BE / GET USED TO Complete each of the following sentences in such a way that it has the same meaning as the sentence printed before it 1) She doesn’t usually stay up late 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) She’s not used They don’t usually drink beer They aren’t used My brother quickly adapted to his new job at the bank My brother quickly got used When you buy a new car,... used She doesn’t live there any more She used My father doesn’t smoke cigarettes any more My father used 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) She doesn’t take care of her daily housework in 14 hours any more She used My aunt doesn’t do all the washing by hand any longer My aunt used We don’t work there any more We used I don’t play football any more I used . UNIT4 : SPECIAL EDUCATION I. Vocabulary 1. Disabled (adj) : tàn tật  able (adj) : có thể  enable. (v) 10. Attend (v) : tham dự  attendance (n) : sự tham dự  attendant (n) : người tham dự, người hộ tống 11. Gradually (adv) : dần dần 12. Realise (v) : nhận ra 13. Effort (n) : nỗ lực 14. Consume. 3: HANDOUT 4: II. Prepositions: 1. What he said is quite different __________ what he did 2. The flood prevented me ___________ returning home 3. My house is opposite _________ the store 4. He doesn’t

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