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Anh 9 - Unit 7 ( Tiết 45 + 46) - KXH

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Kiều Xuân Hoạ - Tiếng Anh 9 Trờng THCS Cần Kiệm Monday, Febuary 1 st , 2010 Unit 7: Saving energy Period 45: Read I. Preparation: A. Aims: Reading a text about saving energy for details. B. Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to get general idea for the reading through choosing the best summary and answering questions and know how to save energy . C.Language content: * Vocabulary: consumer label efficient ultimately bulb scheme category innovation D. Teaching aids: Textbook, chalk, E.Ways of working: T- whole class, pair work, group work, individual work F. Anticipated problem: Answer wrong some ideas in answering question. II. Procedure: Stage Teacher's activities Student's activities Warm up ( 5 minutes) * Brainstorming: - Ask Ss to think of benefits of using solar energy. - Get Ss to go to the board and write down their ideas. cheap and clean does not cause pollution T - whole class - can be stored for a number of days . - can be received by the solar panels installed on the roof of a house . - can be used on cloudy days . - help save money as well as natural resources. Pre - reading (12 minutes) I. Pre - teach vocabulary: - consumer (n): ngời tiêu dùng ( a person who buys goods that he will use himself) - bulb (n): bóng đèn tròn (realia) - label (n): nhãn (v): dán nhãn (realia) - scheme (n): kế hoạch ( synonym: a plan) - efficient (adj): hiệu quả, có năng suất cao ( translation) - category (n): loại, hạng ( translation) - ultimately (adv): cuối cùng, xét về lâu dài (synonym: fianlly) - innovation (n): sự đổi mới, sáng chế mới (translation) - conserve (v): bảo tồn, giữ gìn ( trans) * Checking vocabulary: what and where. II.Pre - question: - Give Ss two questions and ask them to discuss with their partners to predict the answers. 1. Do people in Western countries think electricity, gas and water are luxury ? 2. Do they want to save electricity ? What do they do to spend less on lighting ? T - whole class Listen and guess the words from T's eliciting Repeat in chorus individually Copy them T - whole class Pair work While - reading I. Reading and checking prediction: - Have Ss read the text on page 60 - 61 to check their prediction. Individual work 1. No, they don't. They think electricity, gas, water are not Benefits of using solar energy KiÒu Xu©n Ho¹ - TiÕng Anh 9  Trêng THCS CÇn KiÖm (16 minutes) II. Reading for main ideas: - Have Ss read the text again and do exercise 5a. Ss have to work in pairs to choose the best summary of the passage. III. Comprehension questions: - Have Ss work in pairs to find out the answers of these questions. - Give feedback. - Call on some Ss to answer the questions. luxuries but necessities. 2. Yes, they do. They use energy saving bulbs and there is a labeling scheme helping them use household appliances efficently. Pairwork sentence 3 pair work write down 1. They are interested in products that will not only work effectively but also save money . 2. To spend less on lighting we replace an ordinary 100 watt light bulbs by using saving bulbs . 3. She will pay US $ 2 4. The purpose of the labeling scheme is to tell the consumer how energy efficient each model is, compared with other appliances in the same category . Post - reading (10minutes ) * Discussion - Have Ss work in group of 4 Ss to find out the answers . 1. What should we save energy ? 2. What should we do to save money and natural resources ? - Call on the representative from each group to present in front of class . - Give feedback : Group work 1 . Because we want to save money and natural resources. 2. - Use solar energy instead of coal , gas and oil . - Use energy – saving house hold appliances like bulbs , refrigerators , stoves , cookers . - Reduce the amount of water and electricity we use . - Turn off the faucets , the TV or radio when we do not use them . Homework (2minutes) - Learn by heart new words. - Do exercise 3, 6( Page 48 - 51 ) - Prepare: Unit 7: Write. Write down Adjustment:……………………………… ………………………………………. ……………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… Wednesday, Febuary 3rd, 2010 Unit 7: Saving energy Perio d 46: Wri te I. Preparation: A. Aims: Writing a speech about saving energy. B. Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write short , simple speech with clear organization and present it in front of the whole class . C.Language content: D. Teaching aids: Textbook, chalk, E.Ways of working: T- whole class, pair work, group work, individual work KiÒu Xu©n Ho¹ - TiÕng Anh 9  Trêng THCS CÇn KiÖm F. Anticipated problem: write wrong some words in writing about speech . II. Procedure: Stage Teacher's activities Student's activities Warm up ( 5 minutes) - Introduce some MC: Ta Bich Loan, long Vu, Tuan Tu, - Ask questions: + “How can we do to become a good MC?” T - whole class - Discuss & answer: + “Speak fluently and clearly” Presentatio n (10 minutes) - Introduce the topic of the writing and some definitions of speech . 1. Definition of a speech : It is the act of delivering a formal spoken communication to an audience . A speech usually had three parts : Introduction , Body and conclusion - Ask Ss some questions about the functions of each part. a. a-What do you do in the Introduction of a speech ? b. What do you do in the body of a speech ? c. What do you do in the conclusion of a speech ? - Call on some Ss to answer the questions . - Give feedback 2.Matching - Have Ss match each part of a speech in column A to a suitable function in column B. Listen and copy Listen and answer the questions. Pair work 1 + B 2 + C 3 + A While - writing (18 minutes) I. Ordering: - Have Ss put the sections in 6b on page 62 in the correct order to form a speech. - Call on some Ss to read aloud the speech. - Help Ss to present the speech before class naturally. II. Writing speeches - Exhibition: - Divide the class into 3 groups. - Ask each group to a speech about one of these topics. Individual work 3, 2, 1 group work Group work Good morning ladies and gentlemen . I am a conservationist and today I am going to tell you how to reduce the amount of garbage . You know , nowadays , every household produces a lot of garbage . This not only pollutes the environment but effects people , health as well . So it is necessary for you to reduce the amount of garbage you produce . You can reduce this amount by : - Collecting plastic bags , empty cans and bottles then send them to factories for recycling . - Using cloth bags instead of plastic bags . - Not keep solid waste with food KiÒu Xu©n Ho¹ - TiÕng Anh 9  Trêng THCS CÇn KiÖm waste . - Using food waste to feed pigs , chickens and other animals . If you follow these simple rules , not only will reduce the amount of garbage you produce but your life will be safer Post - writing (10minutes) * Correction: - Have a volunteer from each group present his/her group's speech before class. - Correct their mistakes. - Give feedback. T - who class Homework (2minutes) - Do exercise 7( page 51 ) - Prepare: Review Unit 6 + 7 to prepare test 3. Write down Adjustment:……………………………… ………………………………………. ……………………………………… …………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… . resources. Pre - reading (1 2 minutes) I. Pre - teach vocabulary: - consumer (n): ngời tiêu dùng ( a person who buys goods that he will use himself) - bulb (n): bóng đèn tròn (realia) - label (n): nhãn (v):. (v): dán nhãn (realia) - scheme (n): kế hoạch ( synonym: a plan) - efficient (adj): hiệu quả, có năng suất cao ( translation) - category (n): loại, hạng ( translation) - ultimately (adv): cuối. lâu dài (synonym: fianlly) - innovation (n): sự đổi mới, sáng chế mới (translation) - conserve (v): bảo tồn, giữ gìn ( trans) * Checking vocabulary: what and where. II.Pre - question: - Give

Ngày đăng: 12/07/2014, 23:00

Xem thêm: Anh 9 - Unit 7 ( Tiết 45 + 46) - KXH

