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REVISION FOR THE EXAM 1. Nguyen Du is considered a famous Vietnamese…………. ( poetry/ poem/ poet/ poetic) 2. Mary……. Write to me last year ( uses to/ used to/ is used to/ was used to) 3. She describes herself ……. A fashion designer ( by/ as/ in/ from) 4. He ……… with his friends in apartment in HCMC since last week ( living/ has lived/lived/live) 5. I wish you …… here tomorrow ( come/ came/ will come/ would come) 6. I …… English here since I graduated from university ( teach/ taught/ have taught/ am teaching) 7. Wearing uniform helps students………… equal in many ways ( fall/ feel/ fell/ felt) 8. ……. I moved house, I haven’t had much contact with those friends. ( although/ since/ because of/ so that ) 9. I didn’t enjoy the party. I …… ( either did/ did neither/ didn’t either/ didn’t neither) 10. At 9 o’clock yesterday morning, we…… for the bus ( are waiting/ waited/ were waiting/ was waiting) 11. You haven’t eaten your pudding… ( have you/ haven’t you/ do you/ don’t you) 12. The story I have just read… Agatha Christie (was written/ was written by? Was written from/ wrote) 13. I didn’t like it in the city at first. But now … here ( I got used to living/ I ‘m used to living/ I used to live/ I used to living) 14. Joan prefers cats……dogs ( from/ over/ than/ to) 15. I haven’t got a ticket. If I … one, I… ( have- will get/ had- can get in/ had- could get in/ have- can get in) 16. I didn’t hear you …… in. You must have been very quiet. ( come/ have come/ came/to come) 17. Colin told me about his new job,… very much ( that he’s enjoying/ which he’s enjoy/ he’s enjoy/ he’s enjoying it) 18. If she… a good knowledge in English, she wouldn’t be offered the job ( hadn’t had/ doesn’t have/ didn’t have/ had) 19. These glasses are very expensive, … please be careful with them ( but/ so/ and/ because) 20. ……of the two boys could answer the question ( none/ all/ neither/ most) 21. This TV programmer attracts many millions of … worldwide ( watchers/ looker/ owners/ viewers) 22. How do you feel if you…. No friends. (will have/ have/ had/ would have) 23. The man… you met at the party was a famous film star. ( who/ whom/ whose/ which) 24. If we…. On wasting water, there will be a shortage of fresh water in few decades. ( go/ get/ depend/turn) 25. I’m not very keen …. The idea of going camping. ( in with/ on/ at) 26. American students have two …. Each day ( twenty minutes break/ twenty minute breaks/ twenty minute break/ twenty minutes breaks) 27. Would you mind if I …. A photo? (take/ took/ am going to take/ would take) 28. The plane arrived at tan Son Nhat…. At 10 p.m (station/ port/ bay/ airport) 29. School is … for all children between the ages of five and sixteen. ( compose/ compromise/ compulsory/ comfort) 30. He was so… by cindy’s singing that he asked her to sing on the radio. (shocked/ impressed/ admiring/ surprised) 31. All students must learn English, but German is …. ( option/ optional/ opportunity/ opposition) 32. What did you do last night? I watched TV, practiced the violin, and …. My homework ( made/ have made/ have done/ did) 33. The … from my family and friends made me very unhappy. ( separate/ separation/ separated/ separately) 34. Don’t forget…. Home as soon as arrive at your destination ( to call/ calling/ having called/ to be called) 35. When I was a child, I used to believe …. Father Christmas. ( at/ on/ by/ in) 36. ……air is one of the many problems we have to solve. ( pollution/ polluted/ polluting/ pollute) 37. He asked …. I had ever been to London ( where/ why/ whether/ when) 38. I congratulate Mai… passing her speaking English contest. ( in/ on/ for/of) 39. Please bring some raincoats… in case. ( already/ recently/ just/for) 40. It snowed in Dalat … the winter …. 1972 (on-in/ in-of/ of-for/for-at) 41. He is the man …. I met yesterday ( whom/ that/ which/ who) 42. My children,… have an opportunity to go to the zoo, always look very excited ( who/ whom/ that/ which) 43. The men and the elephants…… you saw on TV last night are from India. ( that/ which/ who whom) 44. The city… we visited last year was very beautiful. (which/ whom/ where/ that) 45. In Italy in 1981… lifted a baby sleeping in the baby carriage into the air and put it down safely 100 meters away. ( rain/ tornado/ cloud/ volcano) 46. Remember to rurn… the light before going to bed. (of/ on/ off/ up) 47. He can… when the storm will happen. (predictor/ prediction/ predict/ predictive) 48. The river Rubble burst its banks after… rain. (heavy/ small/dangerous/ big) 49. Thuy’s grandmother turned TV…… to see the weather forecast. (of/ on/ down/off) 50. In 1995, a huge earthquake…… the city of Kobe in Japan. (striked/ struck/ stricking/ stricke) 51. Auld Lang Syne…… on New Year’s Eve. ( is singing/ sang/ is sung/ sing) 52. We decided not to go out for meal… we were too tired. ( but/ because/ so and) 53. If you want to save money, you should… the amount of water your family uses. (increase/ reduce/ adapt/ repair) 54. In order to save electricity, an ordinary 100 watt light bulb can be replaced by… ( an energy saving/ bulb/ a 1000 watt light/ an electric bulb/ a lamp) 55. Who is going to…. Your children when you’re at home? (look for/ look at/ look after/ look out) 56. Mary’s eyes are weak, … , she has wear glasses. (but/ however/ and/ therefore) 57. If there is a mechanical problem, we suggest…. The manufacture directly. ( contact/ contacting/ to contact/ be contacting) 58. …… put all the guests on the first floor? (why don’t we/ I suggest/ how about/ let’s) 59. You should have a(n) …… check your motorbike regularly. ( electrician/ carpenter/ mechanic/plumber) 60. She’s very kind. She’s always…… towards her employees. ( distinguished/ proud/ considerate/ happy) 61. Button decided to continue with his studies for another two years. ( get on/ go on/ carry out/ turn off) 62. He has been… as candidate. ( call/ nominated/ remembered/ said) 63. She’s very intelligent, ………she’s quite lazy. ( therefore/ however/ but/ so) 64. A contest … next week ( are held/ will be held/ used to be held/ will hold) 65. … he shouted, he couldn’t make his voice heard. ( although/ but/ so/ however) 66. You should get a plumber…… the pipes in your bathroom. ( check/ checking/ to check/ check) 67. I haven’t got ……. On the holiday at the moment. ( money enough to go/ enough money to go/ money enough for going/ enough money for going) 68. I’d like to see the photo……(took/ you took it/ that you took/ that you took it) 69. Atlanta is the city……. The Olympic Games were held in 1996. (that/ which/ where/ when) 70. Sally has been working here since she… college. ( has left/ leaves/ is leaving/ left) 71. Tornadoes are funnel- shaped storms which pass overland…… a thunderstorm. (below/ under/ above/ over) 72. …… I carry that bag for you? - Oh thanks. (do/ shall/ will/ would) 73. This house needs…… (to repaint/ repainted/ to be repainting/ repainting) 74. We passed shops…….windows were decorated for Christmas. (the/ their/ which/ whose) 75. If I…… my passport, I’ll be in trouble. (lose/ will lose/ lost/ would lose) 76. The report ……. That thousands of people had seen UFOs. (must be/ would be/ might be/ will be) 77. A woman …… that she had seen a flying saucer above her house. (described/ reported/ pointed/ replied) 78. The ……. Of Mount Pinatubo in 1991 was one of the worst natural disasters. ( cyclone/ earthquake/ eruption/ damage) 79. The UFO stayed in the sky for about thirty seconds, and then it went a way.( disappeared/ appeared/ flew/ traveled) 80. The word “typhoon” comes from…… ( Arabic/ Chinese/ Latin/ Patois) 81. Thousands of people took part in…… in celebration of Easter. ( demonstration/ matches/ parades/ crowd) 82. After being… by the aliens, the men were freed. ( looked/ watched/ seen/ examined) 83. You’d better take an umbrella…. It rains. ( just in case/ if/ why/ if only) 84. The neck lace is interesting but not precious. ( invaluable/ very valuable/ worth a lot of money/ 2-3 are correct) 85. The satellite moves around the earth’s … round the sun. ( path/ surface/ orbit/ space) 86. ……. Are funnel- shaped storms. ( thunderstorms/ tropical storms/ typhoons/ tornadoes) 87. Jane… a car. ( suggested that buying/ suggested that I should buy/ suggested me to buy/ suggested to buy) 88. If I were you, I…… that coat. It’s much too expensive. ( won’t buy/ don’t buy/ would buy/ wouldn’t buy) 89. The girl…… is my sister’s friend. ( who won the race/ whom won the race/ won the race/ that the race won) 90. When Jane came to Britain, she had to get used to…… on the left. ( to drive/ driving/ to driving/ drive) 91. You never know what… happen in the future. ( can / must/ might/ should) 92. Everyone’s asleep. We …… make a noise. ( couldn’t/ wouldn’t/ mustn’t/ needn’t) 93. Melanie was looking after a dog… in an accident. ( which leg had been broken/ whose leg had been broken/ its leg had been broken/ that leg had been broken) 94. No one has done any repairs to this house since people built it. In the passive voice this should be: a. This house hasn’t been done any repairs since it was built. b. This house hasn’t been done any repairs since people built it c. This house hasn’t been done any repairs since it was built d. This house hasn’t done repairs since it was built 95. Jane said to me, Have you ever seen a UFO? a. Jane told me if I had ever seen a UFO b. Jane asked me have I ever seen a UFO c. Jane wanted to know whether I have ever seen a UFO d. Jane asked me if I had ever seen a UFO 96. Vietnam is one of the countries of the…… of South East Asian Nations ( Association/ Associational/ Assonance/ assassination) 97. What have you learned since you… here? ( came/ come/ have come) 98. The new country hopes to establish… relations with all its neighbors. ( friend/ friendly/ friendless/ friendship) 99. Third years old Ronnie Segal has loved math…… he was a little boy. ( since/ for/ from/ as) 100. Gold … in California in the nineteen century. ( was discovered/ has been discovered/ were discovered/ discovered) 101. All planes … before departure. ( will checked/ will have checked/ will be checked/ will been checked) 102. I wish the sun …… shining right now. ( is/ are/ were/ would) 103. If the sky is clear, you can see the stars… night. (at/ in /on/ when) 104. In Brittan people send each other cards … Christmas. ( in/ on/ at/ till) 105. I wish it … winter so that I could go skiing. ( were/ are/ is/ be) 106. ……Saturday night I went to bed at 11o’ clock. ( in/ on/ At/ as) 107. Football fans …… around the TV in the corner of the bar. ( gathered/ was gathered/ was gathering/ gathers) 108. If she finishes work early, she…… home. (will go/ would go/ could go/ went) 109. Students who complete training successfully will…. A diploma. (be awarded/ award/ awarded/ awards) 110. If she has too much to do, she must ask someone … her. (to help/ helps/ helping/ help) 111. You’ve never been on Italia, ……? ( have you/ haven’t you/ have never you/ haven’t never you) 112. One of the …. Of the job is the long hours I work. (advantage/ disadvantage/ advantages/ disadvantages) 113. He took the car to his nearest garage…. A mechanic could look at it. ( in order to/ in order for/ so that/ so as to) 114. Let’s ask your teacher…… this problem since we can’t agree on the answer. ( how solve/ solve to how/ how solve to/ how to solve) 115. He was happy… among friends a gain. ( to be/ be/ will be/ would be) 116. She wishes they…. Here next time. (don’t come/ didn’t come/ won’t come/ wouldn’t come) 117. She looks very… today. ( happen/ happily/ happy/ happiness) 118. The speak English quite… ( good/ well/ most/ bad) 119. He used to… full time, but now he is a part time worker. ( worked/ working/ to work/ work) 120. A new air conditioner will be…. This morning. ( install/ installing/ installed/ to install) 121. I ‘d like to like somewhere by Mediterranean… I love the sun. (because of/ however/ moreover/ because) 122. Many reports in newspaper talked about UFOs. ( appear/ appearance/ appearing/ appeared) 123. I lost my pen. I have looked… it for all morning. ( for/ up/ after/ at) 124. She broke the vase because she was…. (careless/ careful/ carelessly/ carefully) 125. The people…. Live next door keep having all night parties. (what/ whom/ who/ whose) 126. He is the… effective activity in the city. ( more/ most/ best/ better) 127. If the weather were fine, we …. Dinner in the garden. ( will have/ have/ would have/ had) 128. He … talking to school by his mother. ( used to/ didn’t used to/ use to/ is used to) 129. The library is open …. September through May. ( from/ to/ in/ at) 130. We went to see many…. Places in Hanoi last summer. (famousness/ famous/ fame/famously) 131. Pompeii was completed … in AD 79 by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius. (destroy/ destroyed/ to destroy/ destroying) . one has done any repairs to this house since people built it. In the passive voice this should be: a. This house hasn’t been done any repairs since it was built. b. This house hasn’t been done. discovered) 101 . All planes … before departure. ( will checked/ will have checked/ will be checked/ will been checked) 102 . I wish the sun …… shining right now. ( is/ are/ were/ would) 103 . If the. night. (at/ in /on/ when) 104 . In Brittan people send each other cards … Christmas. ( in/ on/ at/ till) 105 . I wish it … winter so that I could go skiing. ( were/ are/ is/ be) 106 . ……Saturday night

Ngày đăng: 11/07/2014, 05:00

