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UNIT 1 HOME LIFE Teaching date:……………. Period 2 Reading(1) I. Objectives: • By the end of the lesson, the Ss are able to know the conflicts between parents and children in domestic chores.  Scanning for information to answer questions  Matching words and their meanings II. Teaching method: communicative approach /reading /speaking /writing II. Teaching aids: textbooks, pictures, handouts, reference books, cassette . IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities and content Students’ activities I.Warm - up (5’) -Stick the picture about some different household chores in the textbook on the Bb and topic of the lesson then ask them to guess how the picture about - Ask Ss : Where are they doing these things ? ( Expected : at home ) -Lead into the new lesson Today we will practice reading a text about the household chores II. Before you read (20’) 1.Brainstorming (task a –page14 ) -Ask Ss to give answers to these questions: 1. What are the people in the picture doing? 2. What is the general word for the things the people do in the pictures? 3. Who often does housework in your family? 4. Do your parents ask you to help with the housework? 2. Free choice (task b –page14 ) -Ask Ss to read the sentences and check the household chores which are part of their daily routine -Call on Ss to give answer -Give feedback and comments Look at the picture -Work in pairs (ask /answer ) -Answer the questions Expected : 1. A .ironing clothes C. watering plants B. mopping the floor D. air–drying the laundry 2. housework 3. answers vary 4. Of course . I should help with the housework such as clean the rooms , cleaning up the toilet , wash the dishes after meal…. Expected : 1.Making your bed  2.Washing dishes  3.Putting dirty clothes in the laundry 4.Cleaning rooms  5Watering flowers and plants  6.Buying food for the family  7.Collecting and disposing of garbage 8.Folding laundry Giáo viên: Nguyễn Thị Như Ý- Trường THPT Đào Duy Từ 1 3. Teaching vocabulary: Teach these words through elicitation or explanation -conflict / 'kɔnflikt / (n) =serious disagreement : mâu thuẩn conflict / kən'flikt / ( v) with sth -glare / gleə / (n) =angry or fierce look: cúi nhìn giận dữ -battle / 'bætl / (v) = struggle -dismay / dis'meid / (adj) = shocked: mất tinh thần -disgust / dis'gʌ st / (v) : làm chán ghét -bewildered /bi'wildəd /(a) =confused/ puzzled làm bối rối -nag / næg / (v) = scold càu nhàu -divvy up / 'divi / (v) = share sth out : chia, sẽ phần -pigsty / 'pigstai / (n) : chuồng heo -devastating / 'devəsteitiη/(a) = very destructive: tai hại III. While you read (35’) -Guide Ss to look the pictures in the text and give some questions relating with the pictures - Call a student to guess the contest of the text Activity 1 : Question and answer ( Task a –page 16 ) Ask Ss to scan for information to find the answer to the questions - Call on some pairs to ask and answer in front of class - Give feedback -Suggested answers 1.What problem do parents usually have with the children over household chores ? 2.What did Virginia complain about her daughter over domestic chores ? 3.What did Sampson Lee Blair’s research find out about the contribution of American children to their family ? Suggested answers 1.Chilren aren’t interested in household chores such as cleaning their room, clearing the table after meals, or hanging up wet towels. Moreover, some of them are often irritated when they are reminded of their mess or responsibilities 2.She complained that she used to do twice as much domestic chores as her daughter did. 3.His research found that most American children ages 6 to 18contribute 12 percent of all household labor at some level Activity 2 : Matching (Task b –page 16) Ask Ss to scan the words in column A and B to find the Listen guess the meaning and take notes Read the text silently and do the tasks that follow: Close the textbook Rub out and remember Repeat after the teacher Individual and choral Come to the board and write English words again Copy down - Work individual - Check -Compare with the partner - Answer - Look and guess A : The dismayed face of a woman B : the rash bedroom C: the disgusted face of a girl -Work individual (scan the text) -Work in pairs -Discuss the answers with apartner -Practice speaking (ask /answer) In front of class Giáo viên: Nguyễn Thị Như Ý- Trường THPT Đào Duy Từ 2 meaning -Ask Ss to match each item in column A with its corresponding meaning in column B A B 1. conflict 2.glare 3.dismayed 4.bewilder 5.nag 6.divvy up a. divide b. puzzuled c. quarrel d.upset e.stare angrily f.annoy someone by constant scolding - Suggested answer 1 – c 2 – e 3 – d 4 – b 5 – f 6 – a Activity 3 : True -False statement ( handout) -Give handout and ask Ss to read the text and statements and say if the are true of false -Call on Ss to read statements and give answers. - Elicit explanations for their choice. -Invite class opinions and give feedback IV. After you read ( 20’) Discuss (task c – page 16) -Ask Ss to prepare with their partners a two minute oral presentation of what problem they often have with their parents over household chores -The hint : -I live in a family of …….mom,dad……and myself. -Mom/Dad is the most influence person in my family. She /He assigns us to do routine chores in the house. -My duty is ….; in addition, I’m responsible for…. -However, I’m often … - That makes my mom /dad irritated and she is always nagging me into doing my responsibility…. -Call on Ss in pairs to report the opinions of their pairs to the rest of class. -Invite the class to argue and give comments -Give feedback and comments V.Homework (10’ ) -Tell Ss to learn new words and prepare “ Listening ” -Do exercise below : Circle the word whose underline part is pronounced differently from that of the other three. 1 . a. chore b. character c.choice d.chin 2. b.crop b. common c. household d.bodily -Circle the word whose stress pattern id different from that of the other three 1. a.daughter b.conflict c. teenage d. concern 2. a.according b. bewilder c.interesting d. associate -Work individual - Scan the words in column A and B - Match each item in column A with its corresponding meaning in column B -Compare answers with a partner -Display in front of class -Work with a partner -Compare answers -Give opinions in front of class - Work in pairs - Discuss and share ideas -Report the opinions of their pairs in front of class Giáo viên: Nguyễn Thị Như Ý- Trường THPT Đào Duy Từ 3 Week: - Period: - Planning date: / / - Teaching date: / / Unit 1 Theme : YOU AND ME Listening (45’) I. Objectives: • By the end of the lesson , the Ss are able to know the contribution of children to the domestic chores in their family.  Listening for specific information related to domestic chores in summer  Ordering ideas II. Teaching method: communicative approach / listening /speaking II. Teaching aids: textbooks, pictures, CD and CD–player IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities and content Students’ activities I.Warm - up (5’) -Give the question: 1.Are you interested in doing the household chores ? 2.What do you do to help your parents with domestic chores ? ( Expected : 1. Yes, we are 2. We water the plants, sweep the house……) Lead into the lesson : Today we will practice listening about summer domestic chores for kids -Write on the board : Unit 1 Home life - Listening II. Pre- listening (10’) 1.Matching pictures with descriptions - Listen and discus -Answer Giáo viên: Nguyễn Thị Như Ý- Trường THPT Đào Duy Từ 4 -Show the purpose of listening : comprehension , order ideas of the mother who talks about suggestions of summer domestic chores for kids -Tell Ss to match each picture with the corresponding description - Call on Ss to give answers. -Check answers with the whole class Key : 1 .D cleaning 2 A walking toddler 3.C vacuuming 4 .B feeding 2. Teaching vocabulary -Elicit meanings of these words through explanation or mining . vacuum/ 'vỉkjuəm /(v) clean sth with a vacuum cleaner : hút bụi . spray/ sprei / (v) = send out in tiny drops : phun ,xòt . sweep /swi:p / (v) = remove dust with a broom(cây chổi) quét . mop / mɔp / (v) = clean with a mop : lau chùi .wipe / waip / (v) = clean sth by rubbing its III. While- listening (18’) Listening and ordering ( task b - 17 ) –Tell Ss they are going to listen to a woman’s suggestion of domestic chores for kids Ask Ss to put ideas in order as they listen to the recording. -Play the tape CD twice and have Ss do the task -Call on Ss to read the phrase in order and check with clsass -Play the CD again and let Ss check the answers. IV. Post listening ( 10’) Speaking Guide Ss to prepare a list of domestic chores they can help their family with ( use the material in task a and b . If there are the new chores , ask teacher to help ) - Tell Ss to talk about what domestic chores they often do what they enjoy doing and what they hate doing . - Call two Ss to perform in front of class V. Homework (2’) - Work in pairs - Discuss – Match - Compare answers Close the textbook Rub out and remember Repeat after the teacher Individual and choral Come to the board and write English words again Copy down - Work individual -Listen and understand information -Number the ideas in order of speaker -Compare answers - Two Ss to write the answer on the blackboard -Others give the comment - Write the ordinal number in the box - Work in groups - Perform in groups of four to give their own ideas over household chores - Perform their own ideas in front of class Giáo viên: Nguyễn Thị Như Ý- Trường THPT Đào Duy Từ 5 -Learn the words about the domestic chores - Prepare the “Speaking ” Unit 1 Theme : YOU AND ME Speaking (45’) I. Objectives: • By the end of the lesson , the Ss are able to express the apologizing and regrets - Speaking short dialogues for one of situations II. Teaching method: communicative approach /speaking /listening II. Teaching aids: textbooks, poster IV. Procedures: Giáo viên: Nguyễn Thị Như Ý- Trường THPT Đào Duy Từ 6 Teacher’s activities and content Students’ activities I.Warm - up (5’) Game : Running Dictation - Stick 6 phrases on the wall around the class room -Ask Ss to work in four or five groups -Tell the groups to choose a representative to run around to read the phrases and then dictate them to their groups. The other students in the groups listen and write the phrases on a piece of paper. -Tell Ss they have only 4 minutes to do it. -The group with more correct phrases will win the game. -Check Ss ‘ understanding of instructions and let them start the game - Collect the groups’ piece of paper , read the phrases and check with Ss - Declare the winner -Ask Ss : When do you use these expressions ? ( Expected : To express apologizing and regrets ) Lead into the new lesson : - Today we will practice apologizing and expressing regrets -Write on the board : Unit 1 : Speaking Apologizing and Expressing Regrets II. Pre- speaking (10’) 1.Matching complaints with apologies ( task a –page 18) -Use poster to set the scene -Ask Ss to read the complaints ( 1- 6) and match each complaint with the corresponding apology and regret - Call the volunteers to give the answer on the board - Ask Ss to give the remark - Conduct the feedback Key : 1.e 2.f 3.b 4.a 5.d 6.c - Ask Ss to practice speaking in the roles of mom and - Listen to Teacher ‘s instruction -Work in groups of four - Start the game - Work individual ( match) -Compare answer with a partner - Practice speaking ( ask – answer ) Giáo viên: Nguyễn Thị Như Ý- Trường THPT Đào Duy Từ It’s six thirty. Clean that pigsty of a room. Right now ! I’m so sorry, Mom. I got very difficult homework and I forgot about the time. Mom Daughter 7 daughter - Call on some pairs to ask / answer in front of class 2. Eliciting and introducing useful language -Elicit useful expressions by asking Ss what they would say to apologize and express regrets. - Hang the poster with Useful Expressions III. While- speaking (18’) Activities 1. Dialogues from situations (task b –page19) -Tell Ss to read three situations , choose one and then make a short dialogue for it . - Go around to help Ss who have difficulty in speaking. -Call on some pairs to act out their dialogues. -Invite class opinions and give feedback. Suggested speaking 1. You forgot to water the pot plants. Your mom is getting upset with you now. Mom: Mai, why didn’t you water the pot plants ? Have you see their leaves dropping for lack of water ? Mai :Oh, I’m really sorry, Mom. I’m so tired of my exercises that I forgot to water them. I’ll do it right now 2.You forgot to clear the table after dinner . Your mom is complaining about that. Mom : Mai, You let me remind you of clearing the table after dinner . Why aren’t you doing your duty ? Mai : Sorry about that, Mom . Could you help me with it today ? I’m afraid of being late for the concert this evening. 3.A neighbour is visiting your house . You have spilled a cup of tea on a lap when serving her. Mai : I hope you ‘ll forgive my carelessness, Mrs Hoa. - Master Apologizing and Expressing Regrets - Choose one / two of three situations in task b - Work in pairs - Practice with a partner - Perform their dialogues in front of class Giáo viên: Nguyễn Thị Như Ý- Trường THPT Đào Duy Từ -Pardon me, please, for…. - I hope you’ll forgive my …. - Pleace accept my apologies for…. - I apologize for … -Excuse me for… -I’m sorry .I didn’t mean to… - I’m very /really/awfully sorry… - Sorry about…. - Oh ! Sorry ! - Sorry about that. 8 Let me get a towel to dry your dress . Mrs Hoa : That’s OK. But be careful next time. Mai : Sorry about that. IV. Post - speaking ( 10’) Open practice -Ask Ss to tell their partners about a situation in which they had to apologize to one of their parents over domestic chores. -Encourage Ss to give comments and share ideas on their friends ’s experience. - Call two or three Ss to report about their experience in front of class. - Give comments and feedback V. Homework (2’) -Tell Ss to review the expressions of apologizing and regrets - Prepare the “Writing ” - Work in groups - Your talk can begin with… “ Last week, I had to make an apology to my mom because …” Week: - Period: - Planning date: / / - Teaching date: / / Unit 1 Theme : YOU AND ME Writing (90’) I. Objectives: • By the end of the lesson , the Ss are able to write about home rules. Writing a list of family rules / writing aletter to tell your home rules to a friend II. Teaching method: communicative approach / writing / speaking /reading II. Teaching aids: textbooks, poster IV. Procedures: Teacher’s activities and content Students’ activities I.Warm – up ( 5’) Game : Arrange words in sentence Aim : to create learning atmosphere and lead into the lesson -Ask Ss to close the textbook - Hang the poster and ask to arrange the words in a sentence - Close the textbook - Work in groups / Look the poster / Guess the answer - The volunteer to read the sentence - Other writes the sentence on the board Giáo viên: Nguyễn Thị Như Ý- Trường THPT Đào Duy Từ 9 own home of have every its set rules should family - Call the volunteer to read the sentence / other writes the sentence on the board - Give feedback The correct sentence : Every home should have its own set of family rules . -Lead into the new lesson : Today we will practice writing about family rules. -Write on the board : Unit 2 : Writing about family rules. II.Pre –writing (20’) 1. Brainstorming - Elicit Ss to discuss the question : What are family rules ? -Note down Ss ideas -Invite class opinion and comments -Give feedback and comments 2. Completing the text ( Task a / Page19 -20 ) -Tell Ss to read the text and fill in each blank with a suitable word in the box -Call two Ss to give the answer on the board - Correct if necessary Suggested answer : 1. family rules 2.tapped 3. behave 4.truth 5.respect 6. arguing 3. Guessing the meaning of words from the context 1. Make sth easy 2. Make sth become clear or easier to understand 3. crying / shouting loudly and sharply 4. Regard ; politeness and considerable 5. make /show an image of… 6. explain sth clearly , carefully (Expected answer : 1. Simplify (v) làm cho đơn giản 2.Clarify (v) làm cho trong sạch 3.Yell ( v) chửi mắng 4.Respect 5.Represent 6.Make someone’s point more than once : giài thích cặn kẻ 4.Guideline of the writing -Open the textbook - Work in groups of four - Perform their own opinion in front of class - Work individual - Compare answer with the partner - Go over the answer with the class - Work in pair - Give answer Rub out and remember Repeat after the teacher Individual and choral Come to the board and write English words again Copy down Giáo viên: Nguyễn Thị Như Ý- Trường THPT Đào Duy Từ 10 [...]... viên: Nguyễn Thị Như Ý- Trường THPT Đào Duy Từ Students’ Activities -Work in groups -Write on the board 12 This is the list of words and phrases used : 1.keeping 6 chores 2.coming 7 … is the best 3.economics 8.guest 4.warming 9.work 5.make your self at 10 hold -The group with the more points wins the game - Correction -Expected answer * home coming , home economics , make yourself at home , home is the... -Hang the drawing -Tell Ss to look at the drawing / try to guess the word /phrase implied in each drawing - Keep a running totalof points for each group on the board -The group with more points wins the game -Declare the winner Suggested answer homesick –homework - household -homecoming- house guest -Check to see if Ss know the meanings of these words - Lead in the new lesson : -When do we use “ home... Correction -Expected answer * home coming , home economics , make yourself at home , home is the best , homework * housekeeping ,housewarming, house chores, guesthouse , housework , household Activity 2 : Gap filling ( page 20) -Ask Ss to read the words in the box -Check with Ss the meanings of these words and phrases -Ask Ss to complete each of the sentences with the correct form of a phrase in the box... whether ) I went there by bus Activity 1 : Report the interview ( task a / page 21-22 ) -Ask Ss to read the interview with Mrs Greenand then report what the interviewer asked Mrs Green and the answers she gave in the interview - Move around to help Ss who have difficulty in practice - Call on Ss to write their answers on the board and check with the whole class - Conduct feedback III Homework (5’) Do task . to do it. -The group with more correct phrases will win the game. -Check Ss ‘ understanding of instructions and let them start the game - Collect the groups’ piece of paper , read the phrases. groups -Write on the board Giáo viên: Nguyễn Thị Như Ý- Trường THPT Đào Duy Từ 12 -The group with the more points wins the game - Correction -Expected answer * home coming , home economics , make. remember Repeat after the teacher Individual and choral Come to the board and write English words again Copy down - Work individual - Check -Compare with the partner - Answer - Look and guess A

Ngày đăng: 11/07/2014, 03:00

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