Listen and repeat - look at the book and read : ai, all,, br… -T asks Students toreview some structuresand grammar.. - Read and match - Listen and read - Make the words with “cl”s
Trang 1Date up teaching: Fri 08/01/2010
– period 2 Unit: 5 Revision A
Presentation a Listen and repeat - look at the book and
read : ai, all,, br…
-T asks Students toreview some structuresand grammar Thenguides Students topractice
Students practice
b listen and read.
T shows the meaning
of the new words and the sentences.
Reading and asks Ss read again.
- listen and readagain
… … …
- read and match
- read and completethe sentences
- Read again
3 Practice - Look at the picture call
the name of the things
in the picture
- Practice in group or individual
4.Homework Ask Students to learn
the lesson by heart
Students do all exercises
in the exercises in book
Trang 2I Aims:
By the end of the lesson Student’s be able to read and knowsome vocabulary
II Know ledges:
1 Vocabulary: Chips, Chocolate, chicken, Cherry,
2 Structure:
I like………
How about you?
Do you like chocolate? Yes, I do/ No, I do not
3 Skill:
a Main: Speaking; Reading.
b Sub : Writing; Listening.
III Teaching –Aids: books, puppets, CD player.
IV Steps of teaching:
Trang 3T guides Students practice.
Students practice in groups then change the roles
P1: Chips P2: ChocolateP3: Chicken
I like chocolate How about you? PB: I likechocolate
PB: Do you likechocolate?
PC: Yes, I do
… … …
- Practice
3 Open your
book - Read and match- Listen and read
- make the words with the :
Trang 4T: Do you likechocolate?
- I like candy
- I like apples
Nguyễn Thị Dung School Year 2009-2010
Trang 5- let’s play ; complete the crossword puzzle.
- Sing the song: I like chocolate and then practice
Students practice in groups then change the roles
Step away lines
- I like bread
… … …
4 Extension Students sing the song
Students practice in pairs,groups
5.Homework Ask Students to learn the
Trang 6I Aims :
By the end of the lesson Students’ll be able to known some
words and some model sentences
II Knowledges:
a Vocabulary: Climb,clean, water,wind, boy, girl,
b Structure: What are you doing? I am (cleaning
the floor)
Main : Speaking; Reading.
Sub : Writing; Listening.
III Teacing – Aids : books, puppets, CD player, cassettes.
IV Steps of teaching :
- T explain to using andmeaning for Ss understand
+T: What is he doing ? Students: He is climb thestairs
T: What’s she doing Students: She is cleaningthe room
T climb: Leo trèo
I am Winding the clook
Nguyễn Thị Dung School Year 2009-2010
Trang 7- Students read in chorus
b Practice.
T guides Students topractice
Students practice in pairs
Students practice in groups
- Read and match
- Listen and read
- Make the words with “cl”sound
k Ask Students to learn thelesson by heart
Students do all exercises inthe book again
Trang 8Week : 20
Date up teaching :
Fri: 29/01/2010
Grade : 2B, 2A Period: 02
Unit : 7 (cont)
I Teacing – Aids : books, puppets, CD player, Pictures.
II Steps of teaching:
Presenttation a Present the vocab.T reviews the vocab by
using the tape
Students listen to the tapeand repeat
b Ask and answer.
T explains the structureagain
T guides Students topractice
Students practice in pairs
… … …T: Is this a ruler?
Students: No,It isn’t.T: Is that a book?
Students: Yes,It is
S1: What are you doing?
S2: I am winding the clock
S3: What is your
Nguyễn Thị Dung School Year 2009-2010
Trang 9S4:My mother is cleaning the door S5: What is your sisterdoing?
S6:My sister is climbing the stairs
3 Open yr
book + T open the book andintroduces
+ Students open their book+ practice
+ Let’s play
-Complete the sentences
- complete the crossword
- Read and match
lesson by heart
Students do all exercises inthe book
Trang 10I Aims:
By the end of the lesson Students’ll be able to pronounce dr
and known some words
Main : Speaking; Reading.
Sub : Writing; Listening.
III Teacing – Aids :
Books, Puppets, CD Player, Cassettes Pictures
IV Steps of teaching :
Presenttation a Present the new words
T reviews the words in unit
7 and ask Ss read in chorus
Repeat again and read
in chorus
Nguyễn Thị Dung School Year 2009-2010
Trang 11T show the picture with adress and asks Ss
Students practice in groups
S2: I have a ball
- She has a new dress
- He has a new ball
S1 I have a new dressS2: She has a dressS3: She has a new dress
S2: I have a new dogS1 He has a dogGr2
3 Open your
book + T open the book andintroduces - Read and match
Look at the book andmatch
- Listen and read:
Trang 12T read and Ss repeat
Ss read in chorus andindividual
- Make the words withthe “dr” sound
4 Extension
Students practice in pairs,groups
S1: I have a catS2: she has
5.Homework Ask Students to learn the
lesson by heart
Nguyễn Thị Dung School Year 2009-2010
Trang 13Week : 21
Date up teaching:
Fri: 05/02/2010- 2B, 2A
Grade : 2B, 2A- lesson 2
Unit : 8 (cont) PRACTICE
S1 I have a new dressS2: She has a dressS3: She has a new dress
S2: I have a new catS1 He has a cat
- look at the picture and complete
- look at the book and talk
- Complete the words and match them
Trang 14- Make raindrop people
4 Extension Walk and talk
Students practice in pairs,groups
S1 I am watering the flowers
S2: she is waterring the flowers
S3 I have a new book S4 he has a new book
5.Homework Ask Students to learn the
lesson by heart
Nguyễn Thị Dung School Year 2009-2010
Trang 15I Aims:
By the end of the lesson Students’ll be able to pronouncecorrectly the vowel ea: /e / In the sound –read – clean, -please-teacher Develop their speaking
They will love English and very exciting in learning
II Knowledges:
a Vocabulary: teacher, read, please, bee, clean
b Structure: read to me, please.
Main : Speaking; Reading.
Sub : Writing; Listening.
III Teaching – Aids :
cardboard, books, stero, cassette
IV. Steps of teaching:
… … …
Presenttation Introduce new words: Use pictures to introduce
and suggest theirmeanings, studentsmemorize new knowledgesand practise in groups
Introduce new structure: Tshow the new stru andexplain
Teacher, please, read, clean
Clean my teeth
Read to me, please
3 Open your a listen and repeat T reads
Trang 16b read and match
c listen and read
d Make the words with the
ea sound
Ss: listen and read again
Ss: read and match
T reads and explainSs: listen and read
4 Extension Walk and talk
Students practice in pairs,groups
Sts perform their speaking
in each sentences5.Homework Ask Students to learn the
Trang 17Week : 22
Date up Teaching: Fri
I Goals and Objectives:
By the end of the lesson Students will be able to practice allknowledge of unit 9 And they have a good opportunity todevelop their listening speaking skill
II Knowledge:
a Vocabulary: all knowledge.
b Structures: all knowledge.
Main : listening, speaking
Sub : Writing; Reading
III Teaching – aids: books, cassettes, CD player.
IV Steps of teaching:
1 Warm up
1 Complete thesentences
Students practice
2 Let’s talk Students practice in groups
3 Let’s play:
- Complete the words and match
them with the picture
- sing the song: we clean
1 My teacherreads to me
2 I clean myteeth
… …
T read Unit 9,please
S1: read to me,please
Read a book,please
Ss; look at the
Trang 18our teeth
T show themeaning of thesong and readand then asks Ssread again
T sing the songfirst and then Ssrepeat again
Sing the song inchorus, in groupand individual
3 Extension T guides Students to play
a game “ guessinggame”
T what is shedoing?
S1: she is jogging
T what is hedoing?
S2: he is jumping
4.Homework Ask Students to learn the
lesson by heart
Students do all exercises
in the exercise book
Nguyễn Thị Dung School Year 2009-2010
Trang 19- we have to clean our teeth before sleeping
- We have to wash uor feet before sleeping
d Skill:
Main : Speaking; Reading.
Sub : Writing; Listening.
III Teaching – aids: picture, CD player, cassettes, book.
IV Steps of teaching:
Presentation a Present the new words.
T uses picture to give theexample Then guidesStudents to pronuonce
Ss Listen andread
T feet – Wash myfeet
Ss: listen and readSs: read again.T:
Trang 20to ues have to for Ss understand and give ex:
We have to washour feet beforesleeping
3 Open your
book a listen and repeatb read and match
c Listen and read
d make the words with the
ee sound
4 Extension
Students practice We have to …….
… … …5.Homework Ask Students to learn the
Trang 21Date up Teaching: Fri 26/02/2010-
2B,2A :13,14/ 11/ 2008 Unit : 10 (cont) Lesson: 2
I Aims:
By the end of the lesson Students will be able to practicewith the words and the structure of unit 10
II Knowledge:
a Vocabulary: clean, wash
b Structure: Clean your teeth, please
Wash your feet, please
c Skill:
Main : Speaking; Reading.
Sub : Writing; Listening.
III Teaching – aids: CD player, cassettes Picture.
IV Steps of teaching:
Presentation a introduce the comment sentences
Clean your teeth, please
Wash your feet, please
T: readSs: listen and readagain
Trang 22song and read and thenasks ss read again.
T sing the song
Ss sing again
4 Extension Back-to-back activity
Students practice in pairs
Sit down,please.Clean your teeth,please
Trang 23Sub : Writing; Listening.
VII.Teaching – aids: picture, CD player, cassettes, book.
VIII Steps of teaching:
Presentation a Present the new words.
Review all new words
Students practice
b Present the structure:
have to, like
T show and explain way
to ues have to, like again
Cllimb, clean,clockDrip.drop,dressSs: listen and read
Ss: read again.T:
We have to cleanour teeth beforesleeping
We have to washour feet beforesleeping
I like fist … … … …
Trang 25a Vocabulary: flower, flag,fly, bird(s)
b Structure: I can see a………
c Skill:
Main : Speaking; Reading.
Sub : Writing; Listening.
VII.Teaching – aids: CD player, cassettes Picture.
VIII Steps of teaching:
Presentation a introduce the new words
flower, flag, fly
T: asks ss look atthe picture andguess
T: flower, flag, fly Ss: listen and readagain
3 Open your
book a read and match
b Listen and tead
c lmake the words with the
“fl” sound
Ss look at thebook and match
T read
Ss listen and teadagain
Ss look at thebook and fill “fl”
Trang 264 Extension Back-to-back activity.
Students practice in pairs
Sit down,please.Clean your teeth,please
Date up Teaching: Fri 12/03
/2010-2B,2A :13,14/ 11/ 2008 Unit : 11 fl Lesson: 1
IX Aims:
By the end of the lesson Students will be able to practicewith the words and the structure of unit 11
X Knowledge:
a Vocabulary: flower, flag,fly
b Structure: I can see a………
c Skill:
Main : Speaking; Reading.
Sub : Writing; Listening.
XI Teaching – aids: CD player, cassettes Picture.
XII Steps of teaching:
Presentation a introduce the sentences
I can see a………
T present the sentence,
T: I can see a flagSs: I can see aflag
T I can see a
Nguyễn Thị Dung School Year 2009-2010
Trang 27Ss: I can see aflower
- complete the words
- sing the song: One littleBird
T show tne meaning of thesong and guide Ss sing thesong
S3 I can see a flag
Sing the song
4 Extension Back-to-back activity
Students practice in pairs
I can see a……
5.Homework Ask Students to learn the
lesson by heart
Trang 28XIII Aims:
By the end of the lesson Students will be able to pronouncesome words and structure
XIV Knowledge:
a Vocabulary: grass, grapes, grow, fast
b Structure: What colour do you like?
I like ………
c Skill:
Main : Speaking; Reading.
Sub : Writing; Listening.
XV.Teaching – aids: CD player, cassettes Picture.
XVI Steps of teaching:
1 Warm up
T asks Students to practice
in pairs Gr1: we have toclean the board.
Gr2: we have toclean our teeth
Presentation a introduce the new words T: asks ss look atthe picture and
Nguyễn Thị Dung School Year 2009-2010
Trang 29T: grass, grapes,grow
Ss: listen and readagain
3 Open your
book a listen and repeat
b Read and match
c Listen and read
d make the words with the
“gr” sound
4 Extension Back-to-back activity
Students practice in pairs
Date up Teaching: Fri 19/03
/2010-2B,2A :13,14/ 11/ 2008 Unit : 12 Gr Lesson: 1
XVII Aims:
By the end of the lesson Students will be able to practicewith the words and the structure of unit 12
a Vocabulary: grass, grapes, grow, fast
b Structure: What colour do you like?
Trang 30I like ………
c Skill:
Main : Speaking; Reading.
Sub : Writing; Listening.
XIX Teaching – aids: CD player, cassettes Picture.
T asks Students to practice
in pairs I can see a flag………
Presentation a introduce the sentences
What colour: dùng để hỏimàu sắc
What colour do you like?
I like ( green, red, black,yellow, white, brown,purple, pink, blue)
Bạn thích màu gì?
Tôi thích màu………
T read
What colour doyou like?
- complete the words
- sing the song: Ten greenBottles
T show tne meaning of thesong and guide Ss sing thesong
Ss look at the
S1 What color doyou like?
S2 I like blueS3: What color doyou like?
S4: I like white
Sing the song
Nguyễn Thị Dung School Year 2009-2010
Trang 314 Extension Back-to-back activity.
Students practice in pairs …………
5.Homework Ask Students to learn the
By the end of the lesson Students will be able to pronouncesome words and structure
Trang 32a Vocabulary: Swing, sing, ring
b Structure: What are you doing?
They are singing/ swinging/ ringing
c Skill:
Main : Speaking; Reading.
Sub : Writing; Listening.
Teaching – aids: CD player, cassettes Picture.
T asks Students to practice
in pairs S1:What colourdo you like?
S2: I like red
Presentation a introduce the new words
Swing, sing, ring
T: asks ss look atthe picture andguess
T: swing, sing ,ring
Ss: listen and readagain
3 Open your
book a listen and repeat
b Read and match
c Listen and read
d make the words with the
“ng” sound
4 Extension Back-to-back activity
Students practice in pairs
Sing- singingSwing- swinging Ring - ringing
Nguyễn Thị Dung School Year 2009-2010
Trang 335.Homework Ask Students to learn the
Date up Teaching: Fri 26/03
/2010-2B,2A :13,14/ 11/ 2008 Unit : 13 ng Lesson: 2
By the end of the lesson Students will be able to practicewith the words and the structure of unit 13
a Vocabulary: grass, grapes, grow, fast
b Structure: What are they doing?
They are singing/ swinging/ ringing
c Skill:
Main : Speaking; Reading.
Sub : Writing; Listening.
Teaching – aids: CD player, cassettes Picture.
Presentation a introduce the sentencesWhat are they doing?
mẫu câu diễn tả hành
động đang xảy ra( thì
T readWhat are theydoing?
They are singing