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HSG LOP 8 (THANH SON) nghelathay1982

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UBND HUyÖn Thanh S¬n Phßng Gi¸o dôc- §µo t¹o §Ò thi chän häc sinh giái M«n TiÕng Anh líp 8 (Thêi gian lµm bµi 120 phót kh«ng kÓ thêi gian giao ®Ò) §Ò thi cã 04 trang I- Odd one out: 1. A. knife B. cooker C. kitchen D. socket 2. A. armchair B. chore C. match D. chemist 3. A. dream B. deaf C. speak D. please 4. A. bamboo B. wood C. cooking D. foot 5. A. yelled B. urged C. fetched D. seemed 6. A. guest B. goat C. gate D. giant 7. A. hardly B. partner C. wharf D. carve 8. A. mixed B. relieved C. washed D. typed 9. A. garage B. garbage C. orphanage D. message 10. A. habit B. exhibition C. behave D. harvest II. Choose a word in each line that has different stress pattern: 1. A. in clude B. deposit C. departure D. memory 2. A. underline B. behavior C. equipment D. position 3. A. orphanage B. demonstrate C. religious D. separate 4. A. heritage B. competition C. decompose D. application 5. A. festival B. volunteer C. sociable D. magically III- Choose the best answer to complete each sentence: 1. The teacher said that the Earth around the Sun.……………… A. goes B. is going C. was going D. has gone 2. There any electricity in our village ten years ago.………… A. isn’t B. weren’t C. wasn’t D. hasn’t been 3. We’ve lived in the new neighborhood last month. A. on B. in C. for D. since 4. Many people believe that jobs are plentiful in the city. A. well – pay B. well – paying C. good- pay D. good - paying 5. I used to my summer holiday in my native village. A. spend B. spending C. spent D. being spent 6. The Y & Y all members to participate in a recycling program. A. encouraged B. suggested C. made D. provided 7. Which sentence has the same meaning as the root one? “The last time I met him was when he moved to London”. A. I didn’t meet him when he moved to London. B. I haven’t met him since he moved to London. C. He last met me when I moved to London. D. He hasn’t moved to London since I last met him. 8. These beautiful pictures from recycled paper. A. make B. makes C. is made D. are made 9. Compost is a wonderful natural It helps plants grow. A. sandal B. glassware C. metal D. fertilizer 10. The representatives from “Friends of the Earth” show us how to the environment. A. prevent B. protect C. reduce D. refill 11. Do you know the boy to Mrs Nga? A. is talking B. talked C. talking D. he talks 12. Would you mind the door for me? A. closing B. close C. to close D. to closing 1 13. Was Ha Long Bay by UNESCO as a World Heritage site in 1995? A. recognize B. recognized C. introduce D. introduced 14. This time last year my brother is London. A. studied B. will study C. was studying D. has studied 15. Would you like to stay with us while you in town? A. have seen B. will be C. were D. are 16. Vietnam is a country. A. rubber – exporting B. rubber – exported C. exporting D. exported - rubber 17. I asked him if far from his house to the cinema. A. it is B. it was C. is it D. was it 18. Which sentence has the same meaning as the root one? “He said that he had to leave then”. A. “I had to leave then,” he said. B. “I must leave now,” he said. C. “He had to leave now,” he said. D. “He has to leave then,” he said. 19. Are you free to for dinner this evening? A. come over B. go over C. come across D. go across 20. Noi Bai airport is A. about 40 – minutes drive from Hanoi. B. about 40 – minute drive from Hanoi. C. at 40 – minutes drive from Hanoi. D. at 40 – minute drive from Hanoi. IV. Correct mistakes: 1. Look! I can see dark clouds to appear in the horizon. → A B C D 2. Would you mind if I take a photo of you and your family?→ A B C D 3. Do you mind if I spent the whole afternoon going out with my friends? → A B C D 4. It’s greatly to be with you on such a lovely vacation. → A B C D 5. I was watching TV then the telephone rang and somebody knocked on the door. → A B C D 6. That’s very kind of you to offer accommodation but we are coming in a tour and our accommodation is A B C included in the ticket price. → D 7. Can you tell me what you have done at 8 o’lock yesterday evening? → A B C D 8. I am interesting in the rice – cooking contest you organized yesterday. → A B C D 9. Some oranges and pomegranates have been buyed and put on the table. → A B C D 10. I don’t know where buy some groceries for the dinner tonight? → A B C D VI Supply the corect form of the words in the brackets: 1. What is the correct (pronouce) of this word?…………………… 2. We’ve decided to interview the best six (apply) for the job.………… 3. Our main (produce) to export are rice, coffee and rubber.…………… 4. These shoes are smart, but they are (comfort) .…………………… 2 5. There are more and more people concerning about (environment) pollution.…… … 6. This knife is (use) It can’t cut anything.……… 7. Television is one of the most important (invent) of the 20………… th century. 8. The wood pulp is cleaned and (chemist) whitened.…………… 9. There are many cultural (differ) .between his country and mine.……………… 10. After taking an aspirin, her headache (appear) …………… VI. Rewrite these sentences: 1. Walking in the rain gives my brother pleasure. → My brother enjoys 2. She last ate this kind of food in January. → She hasn’t 3. “Do you know the name of the person who first climbed Mount Everest”? He said. → He asked me 4. France presented the Statue of Liberty to the United States in 1876. → The Statue 5. Have you ever played a computer game before? → Is this 6. “Send me a postcard when you arrive in Paris!”, I said to Lan. → I told Lan 7. Mai keeps forgetting his homework. → Mai is 8. I would like you to help me to put the chairs away. → Do you mind ? 9. The water was so cold that the children could not swim in it. → The water was not 10. Viet nam is a country which exports coffee. → Viet Nam is a VII. Read the passage then choose the word which best fits each gap of the passage. Last winter, I decided to (1) a trip to a small village in the mountains for a holiday. My……………… trip started well enough, but it soon turned into a nightmare. I got completely lost and my car (2) out……… of petrol in the middle of nowhere. So I decided to take a (3) by continuing on foot across the……… mountains, but I fell and (4) my leg.……… I waved at some people on the road (5) , but they didn’t take any (6) and then it started……… ……… snowing. I protected myself from the cold by making a (7) from branches. I lit a fire and waited for……… someone to (8) me. Luckily, some hunters saw the smoke (9) raised the alarm. An hour later,………… …… a (10) landed nearby and I was taken to hospital.……… 1. A. hold B. make C. create D. get 2. A. ran B. went C. flew D. poured 3. A. aisle B. passage C. shortcut D. pavement 4. A. burned B. damaged C. harmed D. hurt 5. A. below B. under C. beneath D. over 6. A. note B. notice C. interest D. attention 7. A. but B. cave C. cottage D. shelter 8. A. guard B. protect C. rescue D. survive 9. A. and B. but C. despite D. even 10. A. bus B. lorry C. helicopter D. ambulance 3 VIII. Supply the correct form of the verbs in the brackets: 1. When I first met her she (study) to paint → 2. Which hotel you (stay) in when you lost your passport? → 3. A: You (see) the Titanic yet? → B: Yes, I (see) it in 1999. → 4. Please go on (write), I don’t mind (wait). → 5. Most of the Earth’s surface (cover) by water. → 6. Since the 1980s more and more paper (recycle). → 7. Nowadays, many historical places (destroy) seriously. → 8. It (get) hotter and hotter in June. → IX- Read the following passage and choose the item (a, b, c, or d) that best answers each of the questions about it. I live in Cairo, which is the capital of Egypt. There are more than ten million people here. A lot of them have come from the countryside because there are more jobs here. I live in an apartment near the city center. It is a busy, exciting place. It has cinemas and shops, but unfortunately there is a lot of traffic, too. Many tourists come from all over the world to see the Pyramids, which are near the city. I like Cairo because it is big and exciting. I have a lot of friends and it is easy to meet new people. I am glad that I live here, but my mother doesn't like it. She used to live in the countryside, and she would like to go back one day. 1. Cairo A. is a village B. is the capital of Egypt C. has more than ten million people D. b & c are correct 2. Why do people go to Cairo? A. Because there are more jobs in Cairo than in the countryside. B. Because they want to see the Pyramids. C. Because there is a lot of traffic in Cairo. D. a & b are correct. 3. We can replace the word ‘tourists’ in line 4 with the word______. A. ‘newcomers’ B. ‘visitors’ C. ‘guests D. ‘friends’ 4. The author likes Cairo because_________. A. it is big. B. it is exciting. C. he thinks it is easy to meet new people there. D. all are correct. 5. Which of the following is not true? A. The author has a lot of friends. B. The author likes to meet new people. C. The author lives in a villa. D. The author's mother doesn't like to live there. The end 4 hớng dẫn chấm đề thi chọn hsg môn tiếng anh 8 Năm học 2009 - 2010 I. 2 điểm (0,2đ/ 1 câu đúng) Câu 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Đáp án A D B A C D C B A B II. 1 điểm (0,2đ/ 1 câu đúng) Câu 1 2 3 4 5 Đáp án D A C A B III. 4 điểm (0,2đ/ 1 đúng) Câu 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Đáp án A C D B A A B D D B Câu 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Đáp án C A B C D A B B A B IV. 2 điểm (0,2đ/ 1 câu đúng) Câu Đáp án Câu Đáp án 1 C appearing 6 C on a tour 2 B took 7 C were doing 3 A spend 8 A interested 4 B great 9 B bought 5 B when 10 B where to buy V. 2 điểm (0,2đ/ 1 động từ đúng) 1. was studying 2. were staying 3. Have seen; saw 4. writing, waiting 5. is covered 6. has been recycled 7. are being destroyed 8. is getting VI. 2 điểm (0,2đ/ 1 từ đúng) 1 pronunciation 4 uncomfortable 7 inventions 10 disappeared 2 applicants 5 environmental 8 chemically 3 products 6 useless 9 differences VII. 4 điểm (0,4đ/ 1 câu đúng) 1. My brother enjoys walking in the rain. 2. She hasnt eaten this kind of food since January. 3. He asked me if I knew the name of the person who had first climbed Mount Everest. 4. The Statue of Liberty was presented to the United States by France in 1876. 5. Is this the first time you have ever played a computer games? 6. I told Lan to send me a postcard when she arrived in Paris. 7. Mai is always forgetting his homework. 8. Do you mind helping me to put the chairs away? 9. The water was not warm / hot enough for the children to swim (in). 10. Viet Nam is a coffee exporting country. VIII. 2 điểm (0,2đ/ 1 câu đúng) Câu 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Đáp án B A C D A B D C A C IX. 1điểm (0,2đ/ 1 câu đúng) 1. D 2. D 3. B 4. D 5. C Toàn bài 100 điểm quy về thang điểm 10 ( Có thể mở thêm đáp án nếu đúng) 5 . to live there. The end 4 hớng dẫn chấm đề thi chọn hsg môn tiếng anh 8 Năm học 2009 - 2010 I. 2 điểm (0,2đ/ 1 câu đúng) Câu 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Đáp án A D B A C D C B A B II. 1 điểm (0,2đ/. Earth’s surface (cover) by water. → 6. Since the 1 980 s more and more paper (recycle). → 7. Nowadays, many historical places (destroy) seriously. → 8. It (get) hotter and hotter in June. → IX- Read. included in the ticket price. → D 7. Can you tell me what you have done at 8 o’lock yesterday evening? → A B C D 8. I am interesting in the rice – cooking contest you organized yesterday. →

Ngày đăng: 07/07/2014, 07:00

