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TOEFL iBT Speaking Independent Topic List (Qu. 1) pot

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TOEFL iBT Speaking Independent Topic List (Qu. 1) =============================================================== 1. Who would you like to go on a trip abroad with? Describe this person and say why he/she would be a good travel companion for you. I think the person I'd most like to travel overseas with would have to be my wife. (Uh) my wife and I have been married for about 6 years, and we have (uh) a family, with two young children. And (uh) the main - probably the first main reason I would choose her is, I think she'd really appreciate the chance to travel overseas; (uh) she's had limited travel experience, (uh) for example, she's only been really to Australia and Thailand, outside her home country of Korea - so, I think she'd really appreciate the wider experience. (Um) and the second reason is I think it'd be great for our relationship. (Um) we've been so weighed down with so many responsibilities, and (uh) I think it'd be a chance to get some great new memories and experiences together. 2. What is your favorite place to visit on weekends? Describe it and explain why it is your favorite place to go. (Uh) a place I really like to visit on weekends is the local English language book shop. (Uh) It's only about 5 minutes walk from where I live, (uh) and it's a huge shop with a - a very impressive selection of English language books. (Um) The main reason I like going there, actually, is (uh) I like to take my son there and buy him new books. For example, even just last weekend I was there and I bought him some new children's books - picture books - (uh) which he really loves to read and we really love to read together. And the second reason is, (um) I'm a very avid reader myself, and there's a (uh) good selection of books for adults there; and (um) I like to pick up new novels every couple of weeks, and - and read them, and that's very important to me, as - as a hobby and a passion. 3. What is your happiest childhood memory? Describe it and give reasons to explain why it is your happiest memory. My happiest childhood memory is absolutely the time when I got my first bicycle. (Uh) I was five years old at the time, and (uh) I got this as a present from Santa Claus at Christmas. 1 (Uh) the main reason I recall this as being such a happy experience was the fantastic anticipation on Christmas Eve, wondering if I was going to get a (uh) bicycle, and (um) I really remember that feeling of (uh) - not being able to go to sleep, wondering if it was going to be there the next morning. And, the second reason is I recall this wonderful feeling of (um) independence and freedom; once I had my bicycle I could ride it down to the local park, I could ride it out on the street, and I felt really free. 4. What is your most important possession? Describe it and say why it is so important. My most important possession without a doubt is my (uh) laptop computer. (Uh) I have a very small, (uh) very light, compact laptop computer, and I've had it for three or four years now, and it's really indispensable to me. (Uh) one of the main reasons is that (uh) I use it so much for my work. (Uh) for example, I do a lot of work using the Internet, and I also do a lot of writing. And (um) both of these things you know are (uh) really facilitated through my computer. And, the second main reason is (um) I'm often on the move: I move around to different places. For example, I work at a university that is a bit distant, and I also attend many conferences. So I need a portable, lightweight computer like this one. =============================================================== 5. Talk about a person who has inspired you. Describe the person and explain why you found him/her inspirational. A person who has really inspired me is J. K. Rowling. She's the author of the internationally acclaimed and very successful Harry Potter series. (Uh) one of the main reasons I'm (uh) very inspired by her is (uh) I'm a budding writer myself I'm very interested in fantasy fiction and, you know, she's shown that it is possible to be successful as a writer in this genre, even in an age where children are increasingly infatuated with things like video games and digital products. And the second reason is that (um), as I understand it, she wrote the series under co-, you know, with considerable hardships. (Uh) she was a single mother, she didn't have a lot of income, and she still forged ahead and (uh) achieved her dream - and that really inspires me. 6. Where do you most like to go to eat out? Describe this place and say why you like it most. 2 When it comes to eating out, a restaurant I really like to go to is called the "Outback Steakhouse." [Uh] It's a [uh] theme-based restaurant, with [uh] Australian-style cuisine. And [uh] the main reason I really like to go there is [uh] of course the food! [Uh] I really love steak, and I really love the [uh] Australian beer. I am Australian, so I really miss those foods. I live abroad, and it's a chance for me to [um] you know experience the sort of food I used to eat when I was living back home. And the other reason is [uh] it's a great place for families. [Uh] my wife and my son really enjoy going there as well; [uh] it has a good atmosphere for families; [uh] there's plenty of room; and [uh] we really enjoy the experience of being there as a family. 7. Talk about an important national holiday in your home country. Describe it and explain why it is important. An important national holiday in my country is Boxing Day. This is a public holiday that immediately follows Christmas Day, [uh] and occurs on December 26 - every year. [Uh] It's an important holiday [um] because it's very much for families [um] it's one of the you know rare times during the year that families can get together and really enjoy each other's company. [Um] I also think it's an important holiday because [um] it's probably the one day over the Christmas period that [um] the whole family gets to relax. [Um] You know, people have been very busy on Christmas Day, cooking and doing many things, but on Boxing Day, everybody gets to relax, and that's why it is such an important holiday. 8. What is your favorite book or movie? Describe it and say why it is your favorite. My favorite book is a fantasy novel called "The Hobbit." It was written by a man named J. R. Tolkien, and it's basically a fantasy adventure story that takes place [eh] in a fantasy land with lots of magical creatures. [Uh] The main reason I really like this book [um] is that, as a child, it really awoke my imagination. [Uh] For example, there's lots of magical creatures like dwarves and elves and dragons in the book and that was [uh] really fascinating to me as a child, and really [uh] awoke my passion for reading. 3 [Uh] And the second main reason is that you know I still enjoy reading the book now. [Um] The characterization is really entertaining; [uh] the narrative style is very warm, and very approachable; and you know I still enjoy reading it as an adult. =============================================================== 9. Who do you feel close to in your family (or extended family)? Describe this person and say why you feel close to him/her. T - father R1 - friends/casual R2 - advice 10. Where is a good place to have fun in your city or town? Describe this place and explain why it is fun. T - Eastern Beach R1 - lawn / games R2 - restaurants 11. Talk about an experience in your life that made you feel embarrassed. Describe it and say why it was embarrassing. T - pub. sp. comp R1 - different / lonely R2 - silly 12. What was your favorite subject at school? Describe it and explain why this subject was your favorite one. T - English R1 - reading R2 - good at it / lazy =============================================================== 4 13. Who is an important person in your country? Describe this person and explain why he/she is important. 14. Talk about an interesting tourist attraction you have been to. Describe it and say why it was interesting. 15. Talk about a time when you experienced success. Describe the experience and say why it was a success for you. 16. What is your favorite style of clothing? Describe it and explain why it is your favorite. =============================================================== 17. Name a person whom you truly admire. Describe the person and say why you admire him/her. 18. Think of a place that makes you feel relaxed and peaceful. Describe it and explain why it is relaxing and peaceful for you. 19. Talk about a difficulty you have overcome in your life. Describe the experience and say why it was difficult to overcome. 20. What is your most useful study aid? Describe it and explain why it is useful in helping you to study. =============================================================== 21. Talk about a teacher who had a positive influence on you. Describe this person and explain why he/she was so influential to you. 22. Where is your favorite place to study? Describe this place and say why it is a good place for you to study. 23. Talk about a positive experience with learning or using English. Describe the experience and say why it was a positive one. 24. What is your favorite kind of food? Describe it and explain why it is your favorite. =============================================================== 25. Name a famous or influential figure who has inspired you. Describe this person and say why he/she has been inspirational to you. 26. Which place has fond memories for you? Describe this place and explain why it is memorable to you. 27. When have you been happily surprised by something? Describe the experience and say why the surprise was a happy one for you. 28. Describe a resource that helped you to do something better than before. Describe it and explain why it was helpful to you. =============================================================== 29. Describe a person from your country’s history. Why do you think this person was important? 30. Where would you like to go to spend a vacation? Describe this place and say why you 5 would like to holiday there. 31. Talk about something you and your family enjoy doing together. Describe it and explain why you all enjoy it. 32. What is your favorite recreational activity? Describe it and say why you enjoy doing it. =============================================================== 33. Who is the most intelligent person you know? Describe the person and say why you think he/she is intelligent. 34. Where would you most like to live? Describe this place and explain why you would like to live there. 35. What is your favorite season of the year? Describe the season and explain why you like it so much. 36. What custom from your home country are you most fond of? Describe the custom and explain why you are fond of it. =============================================================== 37. Which person are you most likely to go to with a personal problem? Describe this person and say why you would go to him/her in particular. 38. Name a place in your country you would recommend others to visit. Describe this place and explain why you would recommend it. 39. Talk about an event from the past that you would like to relive. Describe the original event and say why you would like to relive it. 40. What is your favorite way of getting around? Describe it and explain why it is your favorite means of transportation. http://global-english.lefora.com/2008/08/29/toefl-ibt-speaking-independent-topic-list- open-cho/page1/ TOEFL iBT Speaking Independent Topic List (Qu. 2) =============================================================== 1. Some people prefer to live in a small town. Others prefer to live in a big city. Which place would you prefer to live in? ======================================================= SAMPLE ANSWER 1a - Preference A (small town) Preparation notes: P = A 6 R1 - social R2 - environment ======================================================= SAMPLE ANSWER 1B - Preference B (big city) Preparation notes: P = B R1 - facilities R2 - jobs ======================================================= 2. Would you prefer to do an important college assignment as part of a team with other students, or individually on your own? SAMPLE ANSWER 2A - Preference A (team) Preparation notes: P = A R1 - share/learn R2 - future work ======================================================= SAMPLE ANSWER 2B - Preference B (individually) Preparation notes: P = B R1 - independent R2 - A-> X (problems) 3. Some students get their best study done at night. Others prefer to study during the day. Which time do you prefer for getting study done? 4. Would you prefer to run your own private business or work for a large company with 7 many employees? =============================================================== 5. Some people prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants. Other people prefer to prepare and eat food at home. Which do you prefer? 6. Would you prefer to go on a trip overseas to a new country with a companion you know, or just by yourself? 7. Some students go directly to the teacher with questions about their course work. Others prefer to ask their classmates first. Which do you prefer? 8. During your spare time, would you prefer to watch a movie or read a book? =============================================================== 9. Some students try to combine part-time work and study, while others prefer to study only and work later once their courses are finished. Which do you prefer? 10. Would you prefer to go on a long trip by car or by train? 11. Some people like to stick to tasks they know they can do well. Others like to try new things and take risks. Which do you prefer? 12. Which kind of job would you prefer: a job that is uninteresting but has a high salary, or a job you really enjoy with a moderate salary? =============================================================== 13. Some people like to hurry and get things done as quickly as possible. Others prefer to take their time and get things done at a slower pace. Which do you prefer? 14. Do you prefer friends who are intelligent, or friends who are reliable? 15. Some students try to do moderate amounts of homework on a daily basis. Others prefer to get their homework done in one go over 1-2 days. Which do you prefer? 16. If you went to study in a different country with a different culture, would you prefer to adapt yourself to the new culture, or concentrate more on maintaining your own culture? =============================================================== 17. Some people like to keep up with current news by reading newspapers. Others prefer to read about the news online. Which do you prefer? 8 18. Would you prefer to do a course that involves lectures and tutorials onsite, or a course that is conducted online via distance learning? 19. When shopping, some people use brand names to help them decide what to buy. Other people go only by price. Which do you prefer? 20. Many universities offer intensive courses during the summer and winter periods. Would you prefer to take an intensive course durung the summer or the winter vacation period? =============================================================== 21. Some people like living in the center of cities close to downtown areas. Others prefer to live further out in the suburbs. Which do you prefer? 22. Some people give money as gifts to friends. Others try to give a specific kind of present. Which kind of gift do you prefer giving to a friend? 23. To find out about a course subject, would you prefer to go and ask a teacher about it, or talk to a student who has already taken the subject? 24. Some students like to use the library to do most of their research. Others prefer to do most of their research using the Internet. Which do you prefer? =============================================================== 25. Some people like to spend their leisure time outdoors, while others prefer to spend it indoors. Which do you prefer? 26. Would you prefer to spend your vacation period at home with family, or go on a trip somewhere with close friends? 27. Some students prefer lectures where the teacher does all of the talking. Other students prefer classes where students are more interactive and contribute to the lesson. Which do you prefer? 28. Some students like to buy all their own books and keep them after their courses are finished. Others prefer to borrow course books and return them once the course is finished. Which do you prefer? =============================================================== 29. Some people like to get married and start a family while they are still young (under 30 years of age). Others prefer to wait until they are older to start their own family. Which do/would you prefer? 9 30. Some students like to listen to music while they are studying. Others prefer a very quiet atmosphere for their study. Which do you prefer? 31. Would you like to spend most of your life living and working only in your own country, or would you prefer to spend some time living and working in a new country? 32. Some people enjoy hobbies or sports that are personal and individual. Others like hobbies or sports that involve groups of people. Which do you prefer? =============================================================== 33. Some people want to have specific instructions or directions when they try something new. Other people like to experiment and work things out for themselves. Which do you prefer? 34. Would you prefer to live in an apartment building, or a private house? 35. Some students like to make a specific study schedule for themselves, while others prefer to do their study only when they feel like doing it. Which do you prefer? 36. During discussions, some people like to lead the conversation and do a lot of the talking. Other people prefer to listen more and talk only when they have to. Which do you prefer? =============================================================== 37. For a group assignment, would you prefer to work with a new group of people whom you don't know all that well, or work with your close friends? 38. Some people like to keep a private diary which they don't show to other people. Other people like to start things like online blogs, where other people can read the posts and make comments about them. Which would you prefer to start - a private diary or an online blog? 39. Some students choose courses in order to get good jobs in the future. Other students choose courses that are very interesting to them, even if they don't always lead to good jobs. Which do you prefer? 40. Some universities are small and have only a couple of thousand students on campus. Other universities are very large and have many thousands of students enrolled. Which kind of university do you prefer? http://global-english.lefora.com/2008/12/20/toefl-ibt-speaking-independent-topic-list- paired-c/page1/ 10 [...]... 11 If you could change one thing in your country what would you change? 12 Person you would like to visit for 1 hour 13 Idea of perfect job http://global-english.lefora.com/2008/08/29 /toefl- ibt- speaking- independent- topic- listopen-cho/page2/#post1993020 11 . http://global-english.lefora.com/2008/08/29 /toefl- ibt- speaking- independent- topic- list- open-cho/page1/ TOEFL iBT Speaking Independent Topic List (Qu. 2) =============================================================== 1 TOEFL iBT Speaking Independent Topic List (Qu. 1) =============================================================== 1. Who. kind of university do you prefer? http://global-english.lefora.com/2008/12/20 /toefl- ibt- speaking- independent- topic- list- paired-c/page1/ 10 1. Best sport/music/book type/Fruit/TV serial/color 2.

Ngày đăng: 06/07/2014, 23:20



