summarize the main idea of the reading and of the lecture The transition words in contrast let the reader know that these ideas are in opposition to each other
Task: Summarize points and explain how they oppose each other Contrast words: in contrast Revision Checklist CONTENT Thesis Statement | Topics thac support the thesis Main ideas Supporting details FLUENCY AND COHESION Transition words (Grammar and Spelling Sentence variety
The supporting topics are the main idea of the reading and the main idea of the lecture They are presented in the thesis statement The model essay summarizes the main points of the reading and of the lecture and explains how the author's ideas contrast with the speaker's ideas
Main idea of the reading and lecture
Reading Advances in technology do not always lead to increased productivity Lecture Investmentin technology is paid back in increased productivity Revision Checklist CONTENT Thesis Statement “Topics that support the thesis W | Main ideas Supporting details FLUENCY AND COHESION ‘Transition words Grammar and Spelling Sentence variety
Trang 2Writing Skills Integrated Task 91
[Advances in technology do not always lead to increased “Technology means workers stay at their prodiacsiviry desks all day This cannes discomfire Investment in technology is ald bock in increased and e-mail Photocopy machines make woek
productviy face and more convenient eee “Thesis Statement “Topics chat support the thesis Main ideas FLUENCY AND COHESION ‘Transition-words Grammar and Spelling Sentence variety
‘The paragraphs in the model essay have topic sentences and supporting details In the body of the response, the topic sentences of the paragraphs match the topics introduced in the first paragraph
2: Main idea
«because of technology, workers often stay at their desks all day, but this does not lead to increased productivity
Supporting details
— This is very uncomfortable and actually lowers productivity — Workers need to take breaks more often and go out for lunch — They also should have meetings in person instead of using e-mail
— Inaddition, companies can buy special equipment that is more comfortable to use Paragraph 3: Main idea
« «technology increases productivity Supporting details
— Photocopy machines, for example, can copy, collate, and staple much faster than a person
Trang 3Fluency and Cohesion Revision Checklist CONTENT Thesis Statement “Topics that support the thesis Main ideas Su| ‘ing details Grammar and Spelling Sentence variety
“Transition words show how the ideas fit together The model essay includes appro-
priate transition words
ako ‘Adds information
In addition ‘Adds information
for example Clarifies a point
Alo ‘Adds information Revision Checklist CONTENT Thesis Statement Topics thar support the thesis Main ideas FLUENCY AND COHESION | ñ V | Grammar and Spelling Sentence vatiery
Trang 4Writing Skills Integrated Task 93 CONTENT ‘Thesis Statement “Topics that support the thesis Main ideas ‘Transition words Grammar and eer
‘The model essay uses a variety of sentence structures Ít can cause back, neck, and eye pain
In addition, companies can buy special equipment that is more comfortable to use ‘When people communicate by e-mail, they do not have to go to so many meetings They can spend more time working
‘Compound sentence Clearly, technology solves some problems, but it causes others,
Trang 5
Model Task 2 Summarize the main points of the reading pastage, and explain how they are supported by the information presented in the lecture writes on topic
The author explains how pets improve both emotional health and physical health Pets are good companions for lonely people They also give their owners things to do, like hobbies or club activities In addi- reading senmary | tion, pets are a comfort to anxious or worried people Pets are good for physical health, as well They help people with high blood pressure and heart problems They help people stay physically active They give people a chance to play: Finally, pet therapy is used with elderly people ‘The speaker supports pet therapy He describes a study where pets had a positive effect on the health of heart patients Half the patients had a dog to rake care of The other half only got traditional treat- lectre summary | ment Afcer six months, the patients with pets had lower blood pres- sure, and they had lost more weight than the other patients They fele happier, too These are all things that can affect heart disease This is a case that shows how pet therapy works to improve physical health (based on Reading 6, page 55 and Lecture 6, page 57) Content Reacts Cock Topics that support the thesis Main ideas Supporting details FLUENCY AND COHESION “Transition words Grammar and Spelling Sentence variety
‘The model essay has a thesis statement that shows understanding of the task The task asks the writer to summarize points and explain how one supports the other, that is, to compare them The first sentence is the thesis statement It summarizes both the main idea of the reading and of the lecture The transition word and lets the reader know that these ideas are similar to each other
Trang 6Writing Skills integrated Task 95 Revision Checklist Thesis Statement “W | opis thar support dhe thas Main ideas Supporting details FLUENCY AND COHESION ‘Transition words Grammar and Spelling Sentence variety
‘The supporting topics are the main idea of the reading and the main idea of the lecture They are presented in the thesis statement The model essay summarizes the main points of the reading and of the lecture and explains how the author’ ideas are supported by the speaker's ideas
‘Main idea of the reading and lecture
Reading _Animal-assisted therapy is used to improve emotional and physical health
Lecture A study showed positive effects of pet ownership on health Revision Checklist CONTENT Thesis Statement Topics that support the thesis 7 | Main ideas Supporting details FLUENCY AND COHESION “Transition words Grammar and Spelling Sentence variety
Trang 7
|Animal-asisted therapy is Pets provide
used to improve emotional | companionship,
and physical health || comfort, hobbies,
physical activity
|A study showed positive '| Heart patients with
effects of pet ownership pets improved their
on health health more than heart
patients without pets ‘Thesis Statement “Topics that support the thesis Main ideas FLUENCY AND COHESION ‘Transition words Grammar and Spelling Sentence variety
‘The paragraphs in the model essay have topic sentences and supporting details In the body of the response, the topic sentences of the paragraphs match the topics introduced in the first paragraph
Paragraph 2: Main idea
«+» pets improve both emotional health and physical health Supporting details
— Pets are good companions for lonely people
— They also give their owners things to do, like hobbies or club activities Pets are also a comfort to anxious or worried people
— They help people with high blood pressure and heart problems — They help people stay physically active
— They give people a chance to play
Trang 8Writing Skills Integrated Task 97
Paragraph 3: Main idea
«study where pets had a positive effect on the health of heart patients Supporting details
— Half the patients had a dog to take care of, The other half only got traditional treatment
— After six months, the patients with pets had lower blood pressure = They had also lost more weight than the other patients
= They felt happier, too
~ These are all things that can affect heart disease
Fluency and Cohesion CONTENT ‘Thesis Statement “Topics that support the thesis Main ideas Supporting details
Transition words show how the ideas fit together The model essay includes appro-
priate transition words
In addition ‘Adds information
as well ‘Adds information
Finally Concludes
to ‘Adds information
Trang 9Revision Checklist CONTENT Thesis Statement “Topics that support the thesis Main ideas ing deval Transition words Saas Sentence variety
‘There are no grammar or 5 pelling errors in the model essay Revision Checklist CONTENT Thesis Statement Topics that support the thesis Main ideas Supporting details | | FLUENCY AND COHESION ‘Transition words Grammar and Spelling _Senten ty
‘The model essay uses a variety of sentence structures Simple sentence Pets are good companions for lonely people “Adjective clause
He describes a study where pets had a positive effect on the health of heart patients,
‘Compound sentence After six months, the patients with pets had lower blood pres- sure, and they had loạt more weight than the other patients
Noun clause
This is a case that shows how pet therapy works to improve
Trang 10Writing Skills Integrated Task 99
Model Task 3
Summarize the main points in the reading passage and explain how the information presented in the lecture adds to them
“The author warns that ocean pollution isa Serious problem: In the
same way, the speaker explains how plastic garbage threatens sea | write on tpic animals,
The author explains that different things cause ocean pollution
Oil from factories and cities enters the ocean through rivers and
drains Similarly, fertilizers wash into the ocean, and they cause large
growths of algae Toxic chemicals continue to pollute the ocean, as
well There are laws against dumping these chemicals, but the chem- | reading semmary
icals still leak into the ocean Animals eat them, and when we eat
seafood, we eat these chemicals, too There is also a lot of garbage in
the ocean Plastic is the worst kind because it does not break down
quickly Animals think it is food They eat it and choke on it
‘While the author gives an overview of ocean pollution, the
speaker specifically describes the problem of plastic garbage People
produce billions of pounds of plastic a year, and a lot of this ends up
in the ocean The water and wind break large pieces of plastic into
smaller pieces Then animals try to eat these pieces An animal may | /etwre summary choke on plastic It may starve because it does not feel hungry after
eating plastic Animals are often caught in floating plastic They are also strangled by it There are many types of pollution in the ocean
Plastic garbage is one of the worst examples
(based on Reading 7, page 58, and Lecture 7, page 60) Content Revision Checklist CONTENT VY | Thesis Statement “Topics that support the thesis Main ideas Supporting details FLUENCY AND COHESION ‘Transition words Grammar and Spelling Sentence variety
Trang 11main idea of the reading and of the lecture The transition words Jn the same way let the reader know that these ideas are similar to each other
Task: Summarize points and explain how one adds to the other Compare words: Jn the same way Revision Checklist ‘Thesis Statement “Topics that support the thesis | Main ideas Supporting details FLUENCY AND COHESION ‘Transition words Grammar and Spelling Sentence variety
‘The supporting topics are the main idea of the reading and the main idea of the lecture They are presented in the thesis statement The model essay summarizes the main points of the reading and of the lecture and explains how the author's ideas are supported by the speaker's ideas
Main idea of the reading and lecture
Reading Ocean pollution is a serious problem Lecture Plastic garbage threatens sea animals Revision Checklist INTENT (oer trent ‘Thesis Statement Topics that support the thesis W | Main ideas Supporting details FLUENCY AND COHESION ‘Transition words Grammar and Spelling Sentence variety
Trang 12Writing Skills Integrated Task 101 Ocean pollution is a serious Oil, fertilizers, toxic
problem chemicals, and garbage
pollute the ocean, Plastic garbage threatens Paragraph 3 Plastic does not break
sea animals down Animals eat it
and get strangled on it ` CONTENT Thesis Statement Topics that support the thesis ‘Main ideas VW | Supporting details FLUENCY AND COHESION “Transition words (Grammar and Spelling Sentence variety
‘The paragraphs in the model essay have topic sentences and supporting details In the body of the response, the topic sentences of the paragraphs match the topics introduced in the first paragraph
Paragraph 2: Main idea
« «- different things cause ocean pollution Supporting details
= Oil from factories and cities enters the ocean through rivers and drains Fertiliz- ers also wash into the ocean and cause large growths of algae Toxic chemicals
continue to pollute the ocean
~ There is also a lot of garbage in the ocean Paragraph 3: Main idea
+» the problem of plastic garbage Supporting details
— People produce billions of pounds of plastic a year, and a lot of this ends up in the ocean
— Then animals try to eat these pieces An animal may choke on plastic — Iemay starve because it does not feel hungry after eating plastic ~ Animals are often caught in floating plastic
Trang 13Fluency and Cohesion Revision Checklist CONTENT Thesis Statement ‘Topics that support the thesis Main ideas Supporting details ‘Transition words Grammar and Spelling Sentence variety
“Transition words show how the ideas fit together The model essay includes appro- priate transition words Thesis Statement Topics that support the thesis Main ideas Supporting details ‘Transition words W | Grammar and Spelling | Sentence variety
Trang 14Writing Skills Integrated Task 103 Revision Checklist CONTENT Thesis Statement “Topics that support the thesis ‘Main ideas Supporting details | FLUENCY AND COHESION | ‘Transition words Grammar and Spelling ——
The model essay uses a variety of sentence structures
‘Compound sentence
the ocean, and they cause large growths of algae
Trang 15Model Task 4
Summarize the main points of the reading pascage and explain how the points made in the lecture cast doubt on them
The author explains that color has hologi ical effects In con-
writes on topic
The author describes
chological effects of color Ancient people used color for healing, and modern designers use color to create mood Designers might use yellow to create a positive mood in an office Likewise, they might use neutral colors to create a clean, clear, and focused mood in health care centers Restaurants often use orange and red to stim- ulate the appetite Some scientists say that blue lowers the heart rate and blood pressure Red, on the other hand, raises blood pressure Other scientists do not believe that color affects mood They say the effect is temporary and also that it is different in every culture
The speaker describes a study that showed no relationship between color and appetite A fast-food restaurant chain had orange walls in half its restaurants and beige walls in the rest of its restau- rants It recorded all the food ordered for two years There was no lecture ummary | difference between the restaurants with orange walls and the restau- rants with beige walls People ordered the same food in both types of places In other words, according to the company president, there is no effect of color on appetite He said that the study proved it In this case, at least, there was no psychological effect of color reading summary