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Đề cương K8 very hot

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Đề cương ôn thi HKII I. Choose the best option to complete each sentence. 1 . I’m having problems………. my computer. A. in B. with C. to D. at 2. You should cool the burn …………… A. immediate B. immediated C. immediating D. immediately 3. The boy was…… by a dog. A. bit B. bite C. bitten D. bited 4.Many people are skeptical ………… the use of computers. A. with B. in C. about D. at 5. Would you mind …… for a few minutes ? A. waiting B. wait C. to wait D. waited 6. Do you mind if I …… here? A. sit B. sat C. sitting D. to sit 7.Have you ever been to Phong Nha ………… in Viet Nam ? A. place B. Cave C. Reef D.Bay 8.Have you finished your homework…………., Ba ? A. just B. everC. yet D. already 9.Mom ,I………already…… Uncle Tan . A. have/ phoned B. have / phone C. will / phone D. has/ phoned 10.He has worked with the computer …… early morning. A. from B. since C. for D.untill 11. ……… you like a cup of tea, please?- Yes , please. A. Do B. Could C.Would D. Can 12 . Angkor Wat should really…………….as a wonder . A. know B. known C. be know D. be known 13 He asked me………… I liked coffee or not. A. whether B. which C. where D. what 14. I am … that you want to know more about recycling. A. please B. pleased C. to please D. pleasing 15.All the information found in a library is now……in a computer . A. kept B. put C. stored D. laid 16.The Pyramid is the………wonder you can still see today. A. last B. early C. soon D. only 17. Mount Rushmore can be …… from more than 100 kms away. A. to see B. see C. saw D. seen 18.The Hanging Gardens of Babylon is one of the …… of the world. A. wonders B. buildings C. walls D. parks 19. She asked me …………I liked coffee or not . A. weather B. whether C. if D. B&C are correct 20. Have you finished your homework…………., Ba ? A. just B. everC. yet D. already 21. Do you mind if I……………a photo ? A. take B. to take C. taking D. takes 22. Would you mind if I …………… you some questions ? A. asks B. asked C. asking D. to ask 23. Da lat is ………… as the city of Eternal spring . A. known B. know C. knowing D. knew 24.There are many magnificent caves in ………………. A. Nha Trang B. Sapa C. Da lat D. Ha long bay 25. As she home, it started to rain heavily. A. is leaving B. left C. was leaving D. leaves 26. Would you waiting a moment?- I'm sorry I can't. A. please B. like C. mind D. love 27. Do you mind if I here ? - Please do A. sat B. sit C. will sit D. sitting 28.Robinson is fond crowded places. A. in B. of C. on D.about 29. Do you often send to your friends ? A.greeting-Christmas B.greetings – Christmas C.Christmas-greeting D.Christmas-greetings 30." Kiều" story, which by Nguyen Du, was very interesting. A. was made B. made C. was written D. wrote 31 The first prize…… to the Mekong Team just after the final match yesterday. A. is awarded B. was awarded C. awards D. awarded 32. There were other wonders which the ancient Greeks knew…….about. A. anything B. nothing C. something D. someone 33 Angkor Wat was originally built for…………. A. Hindus B.Buddhists C. Kings D. Queens 33.Oh, yes .I haven’t connected it ………………. A. properly B. suitably C. usefully D. helpfully 34 The printer is still…………… guarantee so the company will replace it. A. at B. in C. under D. on 35.Let’s……… the company to tell them about the problem . A. phone to B. phone C. to phone D. phoning to 36.What was wrong with your computer ? ’’__ It………… A. didn’t work B. doesn’t work C. hasn’t work D. won’t work 37 You can read this instruction how to repair it in the…………. A. manual B. booklet C. leaflet D.porter 38.You can see ……………….in Nha Trang . A. giant Buddha B. waterfalls C. jungles D. caves 39.Our house in 1998 is still very beautiful now. A. build B. building C. builds D. built 40.My father is forgetting things on the bus. A. always B. usually C. often D. sometimes II. Read the passage below carefully and then answer the questions (Hãy đọc kĩ bài đọc sau, rồi trả lời câu hỏi): LITERATURE Before French colonial rule, literature in Vietnam was divided into two styles: a classical style based on the Chinese model and a vernacular one based on local themes and genres. Classical literature was written in literary Chineseand took the form of poetry, history, and essays. Vernacular literature was written in chu nơm and took the form of poety or verse novels. French colonial rule significantly influenced Vietnamese literature. Drama, poety, and novels began to be written in quoc ngu and imitated Western models. This trend continued in the South after the country was divided in 1954. In the North, a new form of literature, called socialist realsm, developed … QUESTIONS 1. How many styles of literature were there before French colonial rule? 2. What were they? 3. Which form did classical literature take ? 4. What about vernacular literature? 5. What was Vietnamese literature significantly influenced by ? 6. What began to be written in quoc ngu? 7. When did this trend continue in the South? 8. What developed in the North? THE GRAND CANYON The Grand Canyon, created by the Colorado River over a period of 6 million years, is 446 km long, ranges in width from 6 to 29 km and attains a depth of more than 1.6 km. During prehistory, the area was inhabited by Native Americans who built settlements within the canyon and its many caves. QUESTIONS 1.How long ago was the canyon created? 2. How long is the canyon? 3. Was the area inhabited by Native Americans ? 4. Who built settlements within the canyon ? MOUNT RUSHMORE NATIONAL MEMORIAL Mount Rushmore National Memorial, located 23 miles southwest of Rapid City. The mountain itself was originally named after Charles E. Rushmore, a New York lawyer investigating mining claims in the Black Hills in 1885. Gutzon Borglum chose this mountain due to its height (5700' above sea level), the soft grainy consistency of the granite, and the fact that it catches the sun for the greatest part of the day. The presidents were selected on the basis of what each symbolized. George Washington represents the struggle for independence, Thomas Jefferson the idea of government by the people. Abraham Lincoln for his ideas on equality and the permanent union of the states, and Theodore Roosevelt for the 20th century role of the United States in world affairs. The carving of Mt. Rushmore actually began on August 10, 1927, and spanned a length of 14 years. Only about six and a half years were spent actually carving the mountain, with the rest of the time being spent on weather delays and Borglum's greatest enemy - the lack of funding. The total cost of the project was $900,000. QUESTIONS 1. Where is Mount Rushmore National Memorial located? 2.Why was the mountain originally named? 3. When was the mountain named? 4. What does George Washington represent for ? 5. How about Thomas Jefferson ? 6.What does Abraham Lincoln represent for ? 7.How about Theodore Roosevelt ? 8. When did the carving of Mt. Rushmore actually begin ? 9. What was the total cost of the project ? III. Write these sentences in another way, beginning in the way shown (Hãy viết lại những câu sau, sử dụng cách đã cho sẵn): 1. They didn’t give me the money. I 2. The man told Mrs Thu : “ I can fix the faucets ” The man said he ………………………………. 3. The dog bit the boy . The boy was …………………………… 4. Nobody told us that Jack was ill. We weren’t 5. How much will they pay you? How much will you ? 6. I think they should have offered Minh the job. I think Minh 7. Has anybody shown you what to do? Have you ? 8. Who wrote this book? Who was ? 9. Have you finished your work yet? Has your ? 10. What is Hanh going to do? What is ? 11. “ Do you know Phong Nha Cave?” He asked me whether I ……………………………. 12. They asked her some difficult questions at the interview. She 13. Brown’s colleagues gave him a present when he retired. Brown 14. The man is Mr Quang . He is walking upstairs. The man walking …………………………………… IV.Change the following sentences into indirect form (Hãy đổi những câu sau sang hình thức gián tiếp): 1. Miss Hoa said, ‘Where are you going on your vacation this summer, Khoa?’ 2. ‘Have you finished repairing your car?’ he said. 3. ‘ Why has Mike been looking so sad lately?’ she said. 4. ‘Was anyone hurt in the accident yesterday morning ?’ I said to my friend. 5. The boy said, ‘When will the show begin, Miss Hoa?’ 6. The girls said, ‘Must we be here at five or can we come a little later?’ 7. ‘ Do you know that man’s name,Lan?’ Linh said. 8. ‘How often do you go to the cinema ?’ Minh said to Giao. 9. ‘Did they buil the villa two years ago?’ the boy said to his aunt. 10. ‘Which coat is yours, Nhung?’ the host said. V. Change these sentences into indirect speech (H ãy đổi những câu sau sang lời nói tường thuật): 1. The teacher said, “Come into my office, please.” 2. The speaker said to the audience, “Don’t make so much noise.” 3. Mrs. Pike said, “Pleased come to our party to night, Ben.” 4. “Don’t call me again at this late hour!” Mike said to Anna. 5. “Hurry up if you want to go to the opera with us,” Mother said. 6. The drive said, “Don’t get off the coach whil it’s moving.” 7. “Show me what you have in your hand,” she told the boy. 8. “Stay where you are and don’t touch anything!” ordered the policeman. 9. “Do what you’re told or you’ll get into trouble,” the manager warned the girl. 10. Susan said, “Read my exercise, Micheal, and tell me if it is orrect.” VI. Make a new sentences from the question in brackets (Hãy viết thành một câu mới từ câu hỏi trong ngoặc): 1. (Where has Hanh gone?) Do you know ? 2. (Where is the church?) Could you tell me ? 3. (What’s the time?) I wonder 4. (What does this word mean?) I want to know 5. (What tiem did Nam and Loan leave?) Do you know ? 6. (Is Linda going out tonight?) I don’t know 7. (Where does Mr. Cao live?) Have you any idea ? 8. (Where did we park the car?) We can’t remember 9. (Is there a post office near here?) Can you tell me ? 10. (What do you want?) Can you tell me . Đề cương ôn thi HKII I. Choose the best option to complete each sentence. 1 . I’m having problems……… finished your homework…………., Ba ? A. just B. everC. yet D. already 21. Do you mind if I……………a photo ? A. take B. to take C. taking D. takes 22. Would you mind if I …………… you some questions ? A C.Christmas-greeting D.Christmas-greetings 30." Kiều" story, which by Nguyen Du, was very interesting. A. was made B. made C. was written D. wrote 31 The first prize…… to the Mekong

Ngày đăng: 06/07/2014, 00:01
