c¬ cÊu h·m b¸nh xe c¬ cÊu h·m b¸nh xe Non-Servo Variations of Variations of nonnon Servo Servo V ariations of non V ariations of non ServoServo N on-Servo On Front Wheel Drive (FWD)On Front Wheel Drive (FWD) On Front Wheel Drive (FWD) On Front Wheel Drive (FWD) vehicles it is necessary to have vehicles it is necessary to have ii ff tiff ti bk thbk th an an ii ne ff ec ti vene ff ec ti ve b ra k e on th e rear b ra k e on th e rear of the car.of the car. S S ervo Servo Action Wants to Wants to follow the follow the drumdrum Servo Action The rear shoe The rear shoe does does mostmost of of the workthe work Wedging actionWedging action It is ver y im p ortant that yp the Primary shoe is always facing toward the ftfth f ron t o f th e car The Secondary shoes The Secondary shoes always face toward the always face toward the rear of the car . c¬ cÊu h·m b¸nh xe c¬ cÊu h·m b¸nh xe Non-Servo Variations of Variations of nonnon Servo Servo V ariations of non V ariations