Characters of circuits depend on outside circuit structure, not the opamp itself Gain AV: very high, ideally ∞ Zin: very large, ideally ∞ Zout: very small, ideally 0 Current e
Trang 2Symbol
Trang 3Example
Trang 4 Characters of circuits depend on outside circuit structure, not the opamp itself
Gain AV: very high, ideally ∞
Zin: very large, ideally ∞
Zout: very small, ideally 0
Current entering the amp at either terminal: extremely small, ideally 0
Voltage out (when voltages into each other are equal): small, ideally 0
Bandwidth: broad, ideally infinite
Trang 5 Input: 2 inputs (positive and negative)
source apply between 2 inputs
Output: 1 or 2 outputs, typically 1 output
Mode gain:
Differential-mode gain Adm - large
about 103-105
Trang 6 Input impedance: large
Output impedance: small
Input: symmetric
Trang 8 Addition and subtraction circuits
Integration and differential circuits
Multi-stages circuit
Trang 9 Advance applications
Current-controlled voltage source
Voltage-controlled current source
Trang 10Non-inverting fixed-gain amplifier
Trang 11Non-inverting fixed-gain amplifier
A = 1+Rf/R1=101Vo=101Vi
Trang 12Inverting fixed-gain amplifier
Trang 13Voltage addition
Vo = -V1Rf/R1-V2Rf/R2 –V3Rf/R3
If V1=V2=V3 then:
A= -Rf/R1-Rf/R2 –Rf/R3
Trang 14Voltage subtraction
Vout1 = -Rf/R1V1
Vout = -Rf/R2V2 - Rf/R2Vout1 = -Rf/R2V2 + Rf/R2V1
= -Rf/R2(V1 – V2)
Trang 15Voltage subtraction with 1 amp
Trang 16Uni-gain (buffer) amplifier
Provide required input and output resistant stage
Provide multiple identical output signals
Trang 17Voltage-controlled voltage source
Trang 18Voltage-controlled current source
Trang 19Current-controlled voltage source
Trang 20Current-controlled current source
Trang 21Integration circuit
Trang 22Differential circuit
Vo=-RC dVi/dt
Trang 23 Low pass filter
High pass filter
Band pass filter
Trang 241 st order low pass filter
Cutoff frequency: fOH=1/(2πR1C1)
Voltage gain below cutoff freq: Av=1+Rf/RG
Trang 252 nd order low pass filter
Cutoff frequency: fOH=1/(2πR1C1)
Voltage gain below cutoff freq: Av=1+Rf/RG
Trang 261 st and 2 nd order high pass filter
Cutoff frequency: fOL=1/(2πR1C1)
Voltage gain above cutoff freq: Av=1+Rf/RG
Trang 27Band pass filter
Trang 28Multi-stages gain
A = A1*A2*A3
Trang 29741 application-Light activated alerter
Trang 3012V battery monitor
Trang 31 Chapter 14: 1, 4, 9, 10, 12, 15, 17, 18
Chapter 15: 1, 6, 8, 11, 14, 16, 17
Trang 32OpAmp 741
Maximum ratings
Inside structure
Trang 33Maximum ratings
Trang 34OpAmp 741 inside structure
Trang 35Q12
R10 40k
R8 100
Cc 30p
R3 50k
R7 27k
R1 1k
Vin-R4 5k Q11
Trang 36Biasing Current Sources
Generates reference bias current through R5
The opAmp reference current is:
For VCC=VEE=15V and
VBE11=VBE12=0.7V, we have IREF=0.73mA
Q9 Q12
R4 5k Q11
Trang 37R3
50 k
R2 1k Q2
Trang 39Input Stage:
DC Analysis -2
From symmetry we see that
IC1=IC2=I, and if the npn β is large, then IE3=IE4=I
Analysis continues:
Trang 40Input Stage:
DC Analysis -3
Analysis of the active load:
Trang 41Second (Intermediate) Stage
Transistor Q16 acts as an emitter-follower giving this stage a high input resistance
Capacitor Cc provides frequency
compensation using the Miller compensation technique
Trang 43Output Stage
Provides the opAmp with a low output resistance
Class AB output stage provides
fairly high current load capabilities without hindering power dissipation in the IC
R7 27k
R6 27k
Q20 R10
40 k
Trang 44Output Stage:
DC Analysis
Q13a delivers a current of 0.25IREF, so we can say: IC23=IE23=0.25IREF=180µA
Assuming VBE18 = 0.6V, then IR10=15µA, IE18=180-15=165µA and IC18=IE18=165µA
Trang 45Short Circuit Protection
These transistors are normally off
They only conduct in the event that a large current is drawn from the output terminal (i.e a short circuit)
R11 50k Q24