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TEST 2 I.Tìm một từ có phần gạch chân có cách phát âm khác với các từ còn lại: 1. A.prescription B.preliminary C. presumption D. preparation 2. A. brother B.hood C.stood D. tool 3. A.give B.five C. hive D.dive 4. A.course B.scout C.bound D.ground 5. A.contest B.correct C.official D.college II. Tìm từ có dấu trọng âm chính rơi vào âm tiết có vị trí khác với các từ còn lại: 6. A. education B.nationality C. literature D.opportunity 7. A.africa B.nonsmoker C.sensible D.logical 8. A. alone B.decree C. earflap D.forbid 9. A. together B.exchange C.information D.descriptive 10. A. certain B.nation C.property D.possession III.Chọn các phương án A, B, C hoặc D để hoàn thành các câu sau 11. “No, just…………………………. I’ll be back here in a month or two.” “Are you moving to Baltimore for good?” A.for the time now B.for the time being C.for the time them D.for the time currently 12. The goods were displayed so well that she couldn’t_______the temptation to buy. A. pull B.deny C.miss D.resist 13. The meeting will be_____to discuss the matter further. A.run B.had C.held D.occurred 14. Which of the following shapes has three sides? A. triangle B.circle C.square D.rectangle 15. English is spoken in many countries all_____the world. A. in B.over C.at D.from 16. Be quiet ! It's rude to_____people when they are speaking. A. invade B.interfere C.gratify D.interrupt 17. Isaac Newton was the_____of the G ravity. A. finder B.founder C.seeker D.searcher 18. He's so rude to his parents and he always _____it. A.gets away with B.gets away C.gets along D.gets on with 19. I really cannot accept your_____demands A.easy B.usual C.hard D.unreasonable 20. English is understood more _____ than any other languages. A.largely B. highly C.widely D.quickly 21. My mother seldom_____of Peter as her adoptive son, she loves him as much as me. A.though B.tthinks C.has thought D.was thought 22. That problem is not easy enough for her_____. A.solved B.solving C.to solve D.solves 23. On_____ in London I found another explanation in a guidebook. A.arriving B. arrive C.arrives D.arrived 24. That old man tried to stop_____becuse of his bad cough. A.smoke B.smokes C.smoked D.smoking 25. _______and women in four continents have English as their first language, and millions in every part of the world use it as their second or foreign language. A. Millions of men B.Millions of man C.Million of men D.Million of man 26. I got so worried that I nearly __________ at all, but my mother made me. A.don’t go along B.didn’t go along C.not go along D.will not go along 27. Teachers may be_____large classes and may not know how to get the best results from small classes. A.used to teaching B.used to teach C.using to teach D. used teaching 28. I hurried_____I would not be late. A.in order to B.so that C.if D. provided 29. Please tell me_____ you look so sad. A.why the reason B.the reason why C.that the reason D.the reason that 30. Helen asked me_____the film called "Star Wars". A.have I seen B.have you seen C.if I had seen D. if had I seen IV.Xác định một lỗi sai trong 04 phương án được gạch chân sau: 31. New York is home to(A) some of the most famous artistic(B) and theater(C) productions in the world(D). 32. John had made(A) several spellingmistake(B) in his assignment so(C) he did not(D) get good marks. 33. Even children who are supposed (A) keen on a particular occupation (B) often know little (C) about it, and take no steps to find out(D). 34. He has been hoped(A) for a raise for the last(B) four months, but his boss is reluctant to give(C) him one(D). 35. It was after shortly(A) microscopes were introduced(B) at the beginning(C) of the seventeenth century that microorganisms were actually(D) sighted. V. Chọn một phương án đúng nhất để hoàn thành các câu sau: 36. We are going to the mountains. - Can _____? A.I come as well B. also I come C.I too come D.I as well come 37. They had seen the man in a parking lot. In the passive voice, this sound read: A.The man was seen in a parking lot. B.The man has been seen in a parking lot. C.The man were seen in a parking lot. D.The man had been seen in a parking lot. 38. We’ll be late _____we hurry. A.if B. unless C.because D.despite 39. "She did not help me even though I was really in need." Means_____. A.She asked me for help even though I was really in need. B.She showed me a help even though I was really in need. C.She didn't give me any help even though I was really in need D.She had me help even though I was really in need. 40. I did my homework_____. A.with hurry B.in a hurry C.in hurry D.hurryingly VI. Chọn phương án đúng nhất để hoàn thành các chỗ trống trong các bài viết sau: Tarzan had taken scarce a dozen steps toward the jungle when a great form rose up before him from the shadows of a low bush. At (41)___ he thought it was one of his own people but in another instant he realized that it was a huge gorilla. So close was he that there was no chance for flight and little Tarzan knew that he must stand and fight for his life; for these great beasts were the deadly (42)___ of his tribe, and neither one nor the other ever asked or gave quarter. Had Tarzan been a full-grown bull ape of the species of his tribe he would have been more than a match for the gorilla, but being only a little English boy, though enormously muscular for such, he stood no chance against his cruel antagonist. In his veins, though, flowed the (43)___ of the best of a race of mighty fighters, and back of this was the training of his short lifetime among the fierce brutes of the jungle. He knew no fear, as we know it; his little heart beat the faster but from the excitement and exhilaration of adventure. Had the opportunity presented itself he would have escaped, but solely (44)___ his judgment told him he was no match for the great thing which confronted him. And since reason showed him that successful flight was (45)___, he met the gorilla squarely and bravely without a tremor of a single muscle, or any sign of panic. 41. A. first B.last C. least D.most 42. A. people B.animals C.friends D.enemies 43. A.water B.blood C.fame D.anger 44. A. because B.that C. no D. win 45. A.easy B.dangerous C.impossible D. expected VII.Đọc đoạn văn sau đó chọn phương án đúng nhất để trả lời các câu hỏi sau: In 1807 Noah Webster began his greatest work, An American Dictionary of the English Language. In preparing the manuscript, he devoted ten years to the study of English and its relationship to other languages, and seven more years to the writing itself. Published in two volumes in 1828, An American Dictionary of the English Language has become the recognized authority for usage in the United States. Webster’s purpose in writing it was to demonstrate that the American language was developing distinct meanings, pronunciations, and spellings from those of British English. He is responsible for advancing simplified spelling forms: develop instead of the British form develop ; theater and centre instead of theatre and centre; color and honor instead of colour and honour. 46. When did Webster start his work on the American dictionary? A.1807 B.1814 C.1817 D.1828 47. When was An American Dictionary of the English Language published? A.1807 B.1814 C.1817 D.1828 48. Webster prepared the manuscript of the dictionary for _____. A.10 years B.7 years C.17 years D.28 years 49. Webster wrote the dictionary because _____. A.British English was too difficult B. he wanted to make the American language different from British English C.he wanted to demonstrate the American language D. he was responsible for advancing simplified spelling forms 50. According to the passage, which one of the following spelling would Webster have approved in his dictionaries? A.develop B. theatre C.color D.honour ……………… THE END………………. . TEST 2 I.Tìm một từ có phần gạch chân có cách phát âm khác với các từ còn lại: 1. A.prescription B.preliminary C. presumption. B.scout C.bound D.ground 5. A.contest B.correct C.official D.college II. Tìm từ có dấu trọng âm chính rơi vào âm tiết có vị trí khác với các từ còn lại: 6. A. education B.nationality C. literature. D.quickly 21. My mother seldom_____of Peter as her adoptive son, she loves him as much as me. A.though B.tthinks C.has thought D.was thought 22. That problem is not easy enough for her_____. A.solved B.solving

Ngày đăng: 05/07/2014, 05:00


