Nicolescu/Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems 67842_C004 Finals Page 116 2009-9-30 116 Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems 4.6 Conclusion We have provided a framework that allows the modeling and analysis of a variety of schedulability scenarios. In particular, our framework supports multi-processor systems, rich task-models with timing uncertainties in arrival and execution times, possible dependencies, a range of scheduling policies, and possible preemption of resources. The support of an approxi- mate analysis of stopwatch automata in U PPAAL 4.1 is key to the successful schedulability analysis. Furthermore, the uncertainty on the periods used in our framework could be generalized to more general task-arrivals where a separate process deter- mines the arrival of tasks. Such situations can be modeled using the struc- ture of our framework by letting the starting of periods be dictated through channel synchronization with the model controlling arrival times. Even with such liberty, the overapproximation is still finite and the termination is guar- anteed. The scheduling framework provided in this chapter is structured such that an adaptation can be made to accommodate other scheduling polices and inter-task constraints. The former can be achieved by adding another policy model similarly to the three built-in policies, FIFO, the FPS, and the EDF. The latter is achieved through the use of the function calls, new_period, dependencies_met,andcompleted. Acknowledgment The authors would like to thank Marius Miku ˇ cionis for providing the format for listing U PPAAL code. References 1. R. Alur, C. Courcoubetis, and D. Dill. Model-checking for real-time sys- tems. In Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS’90), pp. 414–425, Philadelphia, PA, 1990. IEEE Computer Society Press, 1990. 2. R. Alur and D. Dill. Automata for modeling real-time systems. 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Nicolescu/Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems 67842_C004 Finals Page 120 2009-9-30 Nicolescu/Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems 67842_C005 Finals Page 121 2009-10-13 5 Modeling and Analysis Framework for Embedded Systems Jan Madsen, Michael R. Hansen, and Aske W. Brekling CONTENTS 5.1 Introduction 121 5.2 Motivation 124 5.3 EmbeddedSystemsModel 125 5.3.1 Application Model 127 5.3.2 Execution Platform Model 127 Processing-Element Model 127 Network Model 128 5.3.3 Task Mapping 129 5.3.4 Memory and Power Model 129 5.4 Model of Computation 130 5.5 MoVESAnalysisFramework 134 5.6 UsingtheMoVESAnalysisFramework 136 5.6.1 Simple MultiCore Embedded System 136 5.6.2 Smart Phone, Handling Large Models 137 5.6.3 Handling Nondeterministic Execution Times 140 5.6.4 Stopwatch Model 140 5.7 Summary 141 Acknowledgments 141 References 142 5.1 Introduction Modern hardware systems are moving toward execution platforms made up of multiple programmable and dedicated processing elements implemented on a single chip, known as a multiprocessor system-on-chip (MPSoC). The different parts of an embedded application are executing on these process- ing elements, but the activities of mapping the parts of an embedded pro- gram onto the platform elements are nontrivial. First of all, there may be various and often conflicting resource constraints. The real-time constraint, for example, should be met together with constraints on the uses of mem- ory and energy. There also are huge varieties in the freedom of choices in 121 Nicolescu/Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems 67842_C005 Finals Page 122 2009-10-13 122 Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems the mapping of an application to a platform because there are many ways to partition an embedded program into parts, there are many ways these parts can be assigned to processing elements, and there are many ways each pro- cessing element can be set up. As embedded systems become more complex, the interaction between the application and the execution platform becomes more incomprehensi- ble, and problems such as memory overflow, data loss, and missed dead- lines become more likely. In the development phase, it is not enough to simply look at the different layers of the system independently, as a minor change at one layer can greatly influence the functionality of other layers. The system-level verification of schedulability, upper limits for memory usage, and power consumption, taking all layers into account, have therefore become central fields of study in the design of embedded systems. As many important design decisions are made early in the design phase, it is imperative to support the system designer at this level. This chapter presents an abstract embedded system model that is able to capture a set of applications executing on a multicore execution platform. The model of computation for such systems is formalized in [BHM08], which also con- tains a more refined formalization using timed automata. This refinement into timed automata, which is implemented using U PPAAL [BDL04], gives the ability to model check properties of timing, memory usage, and power consumption. In order to support designers of industrial applications, the timed- automata model is hidden for the user, allowing the designer to work directly with the abstract system-level model of embedded systems. As outlined in Figure 5.1, the designer provides an application consisting of a set of task graphs, an execution platform consisting of processing elements intercon- nected by a network, and a mapping of tasks to processing elements. The system model is then translated into a timed-automata model that enables schedulability analysis as well as being able to verify that memory usage and power consumption are within certain limits. In the case where a sys- tem is not schedulable, the tool provides useful information about what caused the missed deadline. We do not propose any particular methodology for design space exploration, but provide an analysis framework, M OVES , where embedded systems can be modeled and verified in the early stages of the design process. Thus, the M OVES analysis framework provides tool support for system designers to explore alternatives in an easy and efficient manner. An important aspect in the design of M OVES is to provide an experimen- tal framework, supporting easy adaptability of the “core model" to capture energy and memory considerations for example, or to experiment with, say, new principles for task scheduling and allocation. Furthermore, the M OVES analysis framework is equipped with different underlying U PPAAL models, Nicolescu/Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems 67842_C005 Finals Page 123 2009-10-13 Modeling and Analysis Framework for Embedded Systems 123 Application model Platform model Mapping Queries Schedule Trace converter Diagnostic trace U PPAAL model Model generation Deter- ministic ARTS MoVES U PPAAL Core model FIGURE 5.1 Overview of the M OVES analysis framework. aiming at an efficient verification in various situations. For the moment, we are operating with the following underlying models for • Schedulablity analysis in connection with worst-case execution times only. • Schedulablity analysis for the full core model (including best- and worst-case execution times). • Schedulability analysis addressing memory and energy issues as well. • Schedulability analysis for the full core model on the basis of stopwatch automata. This analysis approach is based on overapproximations, but it has provided exact results in the experiments carried out so far and it appears to be the most efficient U PPAAL implementation. The chapter is organized as follows. First, we motivate the modeling and analysis of multi-core embedded systems. We then present an embedded system model that consists of an application model, an execution platform model, and a system model, which is a particular mapping of the appli- cation onto the execution platform. For an embedded system, we give an informal presentation of the model of computation. We then outline how the model has been captured using timed automata. Finally, we present how the M OVES analysis framework can be used to verify properties of an embedded system through a number of examples, including a smart phone example, showing the ability to handle systems of realistic sizes. Nicolescu/Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems 67842_C005 Finals Page 124 2009-10-13 124 Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems 5.2 Motivation In this work, we aim at models and tools for analysis of properties that must be considered when an application is mapped to an execution platform. Such models are called system models [PHL + 01] as they comprise a model for the application executing on the platform, and the analysis of such systems is called “cross-layer analysis” as it deals with problems where decisions con- cerning one layer of abstraction (for instance, concerning the scheduling principle used in a processing element) has an influence on the properties at another level of abstraction (for instance, a task is missing a deadline). One particular challenge of multi-core systems is that of “multiprocessing timing anomaly” [Gra69], where the system is exhibiting a counterintuitive timing behavior. Example 5.1 To illustrate this challenge, consider the simple example in Figure 5.2, where the application is specified by five cyclic tasks, τ 1 , , τ 5 , that are mapped onto three processing elements, pe 1 , pe 2 , and pe 3 . The best- and worst-case execution times for each task (bcet and wcet, respectively) are shown in Table 5.1. There are causal dependencies between tasks. For example, τ 1 must finish before τ 2 can start. We want to find the shortest period where all tasks meet their deadlines and analyze two different runs corresponding to two possible execution times for τ 1 in Figures 5.3 and 5.4, one where the “best-case execution time”, bcet = 2, is chosen for τ 1 and another where the “worst-case execution time”, wcet = 4, is chosen. In both runs, τ 1 and τ 3 are executing on pe 1 and pe 3 , respectively, in the first time step, where no task is executing on pe 2 because of the causal dependencies. The later time steps have similar explanations. Observe that the shortest possible period is π = 8, corresponding to the case where the best-case execution time, bcet τ 1 = 2,is chosen for τ 1 . Thus, an analysis based on the worst-case execution time, wcet τ 1 = 4, would, in this case, not lead to the worst-case scenario. This is an example of a System model τ 1 os 1 pe 1 os 2 pe 2 os 3 pe 3 τ 2 τ 4 τ 5 τ 3 FIGURE 5.2 System model of a simple multicore system. Nicolescu/Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems 67842_C005 Finals Page 125 2009-10-13 Modeling and Analysis Framework for Embedded Systems 125 TABLE 5.1 Characterization of Tasks, for Example, in Figure 5.2 Execution Time Task (bcet, wcet) Processor τ 1 (2,4) pe 1 τ 2 (2,2) pe 2 τ 3 (2,2) pe 3 τ 4 (2,2) pe 2 τ 5 (2,2) pe 3 pe 1 τ 1 pe 2 τ 2 τ 3 τ 4 τ 5 pe 3 FIGURE 5.3 Execution time for τ 1 is 2. pe 1 τ 1 pe 2 τ 2 τ 3 τ 4 τ 5 pe 3 FIGURE 5.4 Execution time for τ 1 is 4. “multiprocessing timing anomaly” [Gra69] exhibiting a counterintuitive timing behavior. A locally faster execution, either by making the processor faster or by mak- ing the algorithm more efficient, may lead to an increase in the execution time of the whole system. The presence of such behavior makes multiprocessor timing analysis particularly difficult [RWT + 06]. It is easy to check that a period π = 6 can be achieved for this application, simply by changing the priorities so that τ 4 gets a higher priority than τ 2 . But the problems cannot get much larger than the one in Figure 5.2 before the consequences of design decisions cannot be comprehended, and it is necessary to have tool support for the “design space exploration” [HFK + 07,PEP06]. 5.3 Embedded Systems Model In this section, we present a system-level model of an embedded system inspired by ARTS [MVG04,MVM07]. Such a model can be described as a layered structure consisting of three different parts. Figure 5.5 illustrates . in 121 Nicolescu /Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems 67842_C005 Finals Page 122 2009-10-13 122 Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems the mapping of an application to a platform because there. Grenoble, France, Springer-Verlag, 2002. Nicolescu /Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems 67842_C004 Finals Page 118 2009-9-30 118 Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems 15. UPPAAL Scheduling Framework,. Rox, R. Henia, R. Racu, A. Hamann, and R. Ernst. Formal performance analysis for real-time heterogeneous embedded systems. In Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems, G. Nicolescu and P.J. Moster- man