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  • Contents

  • Preface

  • Introduction

  • Contributors

  • Part I: Real-Time and Performance Analysis in Heterogeneous Embedded Systems

    • Chapter 1. Performance Prediction of Distributed Platforms

    • Chapter 2. SystemC-Based Performance Analysis of Embedded Systems

    • Chapter 3. Formal Performance Analysis for Real-Time Heterogeneous Embedded Systems

    • Chapter 4. Model-Based Framework for Schedulability Analysis Using UPPAAL 4.1

    • Chapter 5. Modeling and Analysis Framework for Embedded Systems

    • Chapter 6. TrueTime: Simulation Tool for Performance Analysis of Real-Time Embedded Systems

  • Part II: Design Tools and Methodology for Multiprocessor System-on-Chip

    • Chapter 7. MPSoC Platform Mapping Tools for Data-Dominated Applications

    • Chapter 8. Retargetable, Embedded Software Design Methodology for Multiprocessor-Embedded Systems

    • Chapter 9. Programmig Models for MPSoC

    • Chapter 10. Platform-Based Design and Frameworks: Meteropolis and Metro II

    • Chapter 11. Reconfigurable Multicore Architectures for Streaming Applications

    • Chapter 12. FPGA Platforms for Embedded Systems

  • Part III: Design Tools and Methodology for Multidomain Embedded Systems

    • Chapter 13. Modeling, Verification, and Testing Using Timed and Hybrid Automata

    • Chapter 14. Semantics of Domain-Specific Modeling Languages

    • Chapter 15. Multi-Viewpoint State Machines for Rich Component Models

    • Chapter 16. Generic Methodology for the Design of Continuous/Discrete Co-Simulation Tools

    • Chapter 17. Modeling and Simulation of Mixed Continuous and Discrete Systems

    • Chapter 18. Design Refinement of Embedded Mixed-Signal Systems

    • Chapter 19. Platform for Model-Based Design of Integrated Multi-Technology Systems

    • Chapter 20. CAD Tools for Multi-Domain Systems on Chips

    • Chapter 21. Smart Sensors Modeling Using VHDL-AMS for Microinstrument Implementation with a Distributed Architecture

  • Index

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Nicolescu/Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems 67842_C013 Finals Page 426 2009-10-1 426 Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems 0 0.5 x (a) (b) –0.5–1 –1 –0.5 0 0.5 1 y 1.5 2 2.5 3 –1.5 1 1.5 2.52 00.5 x –0.5–1 –1 –0.5 0 0.5 1 y 1.5 2 2.5 3 –1.5 1 1.5 2.52 FIGURE 13.25 Results obtained using gRRT (a) and hRRT (b), with the same number of visited states. Suppose that we have sampled a discrete state q goal = q. Since all the stay- ing sets are boxes, the staying set I q is denoted by the box B and called the bounding box. As mentioned earlier, the coverage estimation is done using a box parti- tion of the state space B, and sampling of a continuous goal state can be done by two steps: first, sample a goal box b goal from the partition, second, “uni- formly” sample a point x goal in b goal . Guiding is thus done in the goal box sampling process by defining, at each iteration of the test generation algo- rithm, a probability distribution over the set of the boxes in the partition. Essentially, we favor the selection of a box if adding a new state in this box allows to improve the coverage of the visited states. This is captured by a potential influence function, which assigns to each elementary box b in the partition a real number that reflects the change in the coverage if a new state is added in b. The current coverage estimation is given in form of a lower and an upper bound. In order to improve the coverage, both the lower and the upper bounds need to be reduced (see more details in [32]). The hRRT algorithm for hybrid automata in which the goal state sampling is done using this coverage-guided method is now called the gRRT algorithm (which means “guided hRRT”). To illustrate the coverage- efficiency of gRRT, Figure 13.25 shows the results obtained by the hRRT and the gRRT on a linear system after 50,000 iterations. We can see that the gRRT algorithm has a better coverage result. Indeed with the “same number of states,” the states visisted by the gRRT are more equi-distributed over the reachable set than those visisted by hRRT. These algorithms were implemented in the prototype tool HTG, which was successfully applied to treat a number of benchmarks in control appli- cations and in analog and mixed-signal circuits [31,79]. Nicolescu/Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems 67842_C013 Finals Page 427 2009-10-1 Modeling, Verification, and Testing Using Timed and Hybrid Automata 427 13.8 Conclusions Embedded systems consist of hardware and software embedded in a phys- ical environment with continuous dynamics. To model such systems, timed and hybrid automata models have been developed and studied extensively in the past two decades. In this chapter we have reviewed the basics of these models and methods of exhaustive or partial verification, as well as testing for these models. We hope that our overview will motivate embed- ded system designers to use these models in their applications, and that they will find them useful. Timed and hybrid automata are still an active field of research, and we refer the readers to the numerous papers published on these topics, in addition to those referenced in our bibliography section. Acknowledgments We would like to thank Eugene Asarin, Olivier Bournez, Saddek Bensalem, Antoine Girard, Moez Krichen, Oded Maler, Tarik Nahhal, Sergio Yovine, and other colleagues for their collaborations and their contributions to the results presented in this chapter. References 1. N. Abed, S. Tripakis, and J M. Vincent. Resource-aware verification using randomized exploration of large state spaces. In SPIN’08,Los Angeles, CA, LNCS, 5156, 2008. 2. K. Altisen and S. Tripakis. Implementation of timed automata: An issue of semantics or modeling? In P. Pettersson and W. 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Olderog (editors), Formal Techniques in Real Time and Fault [...]... simplified design flow for embedded control systems is shown in Figure 14.1 Heterogeneity of the design objectives (e.g., dynamics, safety, and power consumption) and the need for mitigating design complexity dictates that design progresses along abstraction layers, or design platforms” [8] The objective of controller design is the construction and verification of Controller Models that meet performance... model of the software component platform and the execution model of the system platform on the required controller dynamics The last stage of the design flow is implementation platform design, which includes code generation for the software components from controller models, design of the assignment of the software components and their 440 Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems interactions to the... Modeling Languages Plant dynamics models 439 Controller models Controller design Specification implementation interface Software architecture models System-level models System-level design Specification implementation interface Code HW and network configuration Implementation platform design FIGURE 14.1 Simplified design flow for embedded controllers of independent processing nodes In current practice,... [15]) While this approach represented a major step ahead and had opened up the possibility for developing metaprogrammable tool suites for model-based design [15,27], specification of precise semantics both for the metamodeling languages and for the DSMLs has remained an open problem • Specification of semantics for various DSMLs have been most frequently done by means of natural language (possibly interspersed... manipulable As such, formal specifications remove ambiguity and enable automated analysis for many design issues at a cost of higher detail Formal specification of semantics is particularly important in translating models between languages recognized by different tools In the rest of the chapter we will focus on the formal and explicit specification of semantics of DSMLs 14.2.2 Framework for Formal Semantics... is a well-formed model If r is well formed, then r meta maps r to a new domain Note that all other interpretations map models in a domain to models of another domain To make a mapping from models to domain, as r meta does, a domain of domains must be created This is beyond the scope of this chapter See [23] for a more detailed explanation of metamodeling semantics 444 Model-Based Design for Embedded. .. and model transformations For example, we must be able to reason about the effects of model transformations on structural semantics However, model transformations are not constraint systems, but (semi-)operational rewriting procedures Thus, a purely algebraic formalism is not an ideal candidate Additionally, the non-emptiness checking and model finding operations suggest formalisms for which finite... framework Our specification language, called FORMULA (Formal Modeling Using Logic Analysis), provides structuring and composition operators for formalizing and composing structural semantics and model transformations At its core is a wellstudied class of LP called non-recursive and stratified 14.3.2 Formal Foundations Signatures and Terms A function symbol, for example, f (·), is a symbol denoting... implemented embedded controller In addition, the design flow is supported by heterogeneous tools including modeling tools, formal verification tools, simulators, test generators, language design tools, code generators, debuggers, and performance analysis tools that must all cooperate to assist developers and engineers struggling to construct the required systems If the DSMLs are only informally specified... for DSML specification, show examples for the different specification styles, and discuss the key concepts required for the formal specification of DSMLs 14.2.1 DSML Specification: Informal and Formal Current practice of specifying DSMLs covers a wide range of methods from formal to informal Starting with the conceptualization of Harel and Rumpe [19], a DSML specification can be expressed as a 5-tuple . their Nicolescu /Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems 67842_C014 Finals Page 440 2009-10-2 440 Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems interactions to the computation, and communication resources in the form of. See [23] for a more detailed explanation of metamodeling semantics. Nicolescu /Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems 67842_C014 Finals Page 444 2009-10-2 444 Model-Based Design for Embedded. Springer- Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg. Nicolescu /Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems 67842_C013 Finals Page 430 2009-10-1 430 Model-Based Design for Embedded Systems 28. E. Clarke, A. Fehnker,

Ngày đăng: 02/07/2014, 15:20