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Lesson 2 Create New Stroke Styles INDESIGN 11-13 Create a new striped stroke style 1. Click New in the Stroke Styles dialog box. 2. Type Custom Stripe Style in the Name text box, click the Type list arrow, then click Stripe. 3. Select the value in the Width text box, type 50, then press [Tab]. As shown in Figure 23, the top stripe dou- bles in width and remains selected, as noted by the highlighted triangles. 4. Drag the triangle at the 50% mark up until the value in the Width text box reads 35%. 5. Click anywhere in the white space between the two stripes to add a third stripe. 6. Select the contents of the Start text box, type 50, then press [Tab]. 7. Type 10 in the Width text box, then press [Tab]. Your dialog box should resemble Figure 24. 8. Click OK, then note that the new stroke style has been added to the Styles list. You created a new striped stroke style using the New Stroke Style dialog box. FIGURE 23 Defining the width of the top stripe FIGURE 24 Defining the location and width of the new stripe Your preview weight may differ Drag triangle to modify width value New values for new stripe INDESIGN 11-14 Exploring Advanced Techniques Create a new dotted stroke style 1. Click New in the Stroke Styles dialog box. 2. Type Custom Dot Style in the Name text box, click the Type list arrow, then click Dotted. 3. In the Pattern Length text box, type 1, press [Tab] then note the change to the preview. The default dotted stroke is a pattern of dots that are evenly spaced, regardless of the pat- tern length. 4. Click anywhere in the white space (beneath the ruler) to add another dot to the pattern. 5. Type .25" in the Center text box, press [Tab]. Your dialog box should resemble Figure 25. TIP The preview window at the bottom of the dialog box is useful when you are designing a stroke style. Feel free to increase the Preview Weight value. The greater the value, the bigger the preview. 6. Click anywhere in the white space to add another dot. 7. Noting the change to the preview, drag the triangle above the new dot until the value in the Center text box reads .5. Your dialog box should resemble Figure 26. 8. Click OK, then note that the new stroke style has been added to the list. You created a new dotted stroke style using the New Stroke Style dialog box. FIGURE 25 Positioning a new dot at the .25 mark FIGURE 26 Positioning a new dot at the .5 mark Drag triangle to modify center location Click to add new dot Lesson 2 Create New Stroke Styles INDESIGN 11-15 Apply stroke styles 1. Click OK in the Stroke Styles dialog box. 2. Click the Selection Tool if necessary, then click the top line on the page. 3. Click the Type list arrow in the Stroke palette, then click Custom Dash Style. 4. Click the second line, then apply the Custom Stripe Style. 5. Click the third line, then apply the Custom Dot Style. 6. Select all three lines on the page, then change the weight in the Stroke palette to 12 pts. 7. Deselect all, select the second line on the page, click the Gap Color list arrow in the Stroke palette, then click Gold if necessary. 8. Deselect, then compare your page to Figure 27. 9. Save your work, then close Custom Strokes. You applied three different stroke styles to three lines. You also applied a color to the gaps in the striped stroke style. FIGURE 27 Viewing three lines with stroke styles applied Creating interactive PDFs with multimedia With InDesign CS2, Adobe has redefined the concept of page layout to include multi- media. Create a layout for a traditional printed piece, then add multimedia features to it and export the document to PDF, where those features come to life in a companion interactive PDF document. You can include dynamic features such as hyperlinks, bookmarks, and even movies, sounds, and links to streaming video on the Internet! Hyperlinks that you create in InDesign allow you to jump from one location to another in an exported PDF. Bookmarks in InDesign, when exported to PDF, appear in Adobe Acrobat’s Bookmarks tab, for easy navigation in the PDF file. You learned about Hyperlinks in Chapter 6. To insert a bookmark, highlight a word or phrase, then click the New icon in the Bookmark palette. To add a movie or sound file, use the File/Place command. The placed object becomes a link to the multimedia file. You can add QuickTime, AVI, MPEG, and SWF movies, as well as WAV, AIR, and AU sound files. To link to a streaming media file on a Web site, create a rectangle, select it, then click Object on the menu bar, click Interactive, then click Movie Options. Click Specify a URL, type the destination, then click OK. You will learn to export a PDF document in chapter 12. When including multimedia in your file, be sure to select Interactive Elements in the Export Adobe PDF dialog box. LESSON 3 What You’ll Do INDESIGN 11-16 Exploring Advanced Techniques CREATE MIXED Understanding the Need for Mixed Inks Four color printing is expensive. Among other considerations, you must pay for four inks, and you must also pay for four inking stations on the press. Many design- ers opt to cut costs by working with two inks—usually process black ink and one spot ink. It is important to remember that working with two inks does not mean that the doc- ument has only two colors. Just as with four color printing, you can print percent- ages of each of the two inks to create an array of different tints. InDesign uses the term mixed ink to refer to swatches that are created by mixing a spot ink with a process ink or, occasionally, another spot ink. Mixed ink swatches must include at least one spot ink. Creating a Mixed Ink Swatch You create a mixed ink swatch by clicking the New Mixed Ink Swatch command on the Swatches palette menu. At least one spot ink must be present in the Swatches palette for this command to be available on the Swatches palette menu. You define a mixed ink swatch in the New Mixed Ink Swatch dialog box, shown in Figure 28. In this dialog box, you name the mixed ink swatch and specify which inks will be included. You also specify the percentages of each ink for the swatch. Once created, the mixed ink swatch is available in the Swatches palette. Mixed ink swatches are identified by the mixed ink icon, shown in Figure 29. Creating a Mixed Ink Group When you are creating a two color job— usually with a process black ink and one spot ink—you will want to work with many different ink combinations of the two colors to create a variety of tints in the document. In other words, you will want to have many mixed ink swatches available to you. In this lesson, you will create mixed ink swatches and mixed ink groups. ▼ INK SWATCHES Lesson 3 Create Mixed Ink Swatches INDESIGN 11-17 Rather than having to generate multiple mixed ink swatches one at a time, InDesign offers the option to create a mixed ink group. A mixed ink group is simply a group of many mixed ink swatches that are generated simultaneously. You create a mixed ink group by clicking the New Mixed Ink Group command on the Swatches palette menu. This command opens the New Mixed Ink Group dialog box. To understand how the New Mixed Ink Group dialog box works, refer to Figure 30. In this figure, a mixed ink group is being generated by mixing Process Black with PANTONE Green C. The icons to the left of each ink indicate that these are the inks that will be used in the group. The Initial setting specifies the mixture of the first swatch of the group. The Repeat setting specifies how many more tints of each will be mixed, and the Increment set- ting specifies how much the percentage of the ink will be increased with each subse- quent mixture. So, in the example shown in the figure, the first swatch will be 10% Process Black mixed with 15% PANTONE Green C. There will be five black percentages (the initial 10% Black plus the four more entered in the Repeat text box). Each of the five tints of black will increase by 10%, based on the value entered in the Increment text box. Thus, the first swatch will be 10% Black, the second 20%, the third 30%, the fourth 40%, and the fifth 50%. The first PANTONE Green C swatch will be 15% and will increase by 20% in each of the subsequent four tints. Thus, the second use of PANTONE Green C will be at 35%, the third at 55%, the fourth at 75%, and the fifth at 95%. Remember, all five percentages of Process Black must mix with all five percentages of PANTONE Green. This means that a total of 25 swatches must be generated, which is noted in the dialog box. FIGURE 28 New Mixed Ink Swatch dialog box FIGURE 29 Mixed ink swatch FIGURE 30 New Mixed Ink Group dialog box Specifies inks to be used Mixed ink icon Specifies inks to be used Number of swatches to be generated INDESIGN 11-18 Exploring Advanced Techniques Working with Mixed Ink Groups Once generated, the swatches that com- pose the mixed ink group appear in the Swatches palette. If you position the pointer over a swatch, a tooltip appears showing you the ink percentages of the swatch, as shown in Figure 31. However, you might find it easier to identify swatches by renaming them with their ink percentages. To do so, double-click a swatch to open the Swatch Options dialog box, shown in Figure 32. This dialog box identifies the percentages of inks used in the swatch. You can use this information to rename the swatch in the Swatch Name text box. This name will then be used in the Swatches palette as the name of the swatch. Editing Mixed Ink Groups When a mixed ink group is generated, a parent swatch is generated and appears in the Swatches palette, as shown in Figure 33. The parent swatch has the name you entered when creating the mixed ink group. FIGURE 31 Identifying the percentages in a mixed ink swatch FIGURE 32 Renaming a mixed ink swatch Tooltip identifying ink percentages New name describes ink percentages Lesson 3 Create Mixed Ink Swatches INDESIGN 11-19 FIGURE 33 Parent swatch FIGURE 34 Mixed Ink Group Options dialog box It often happens that, midway through a project, a designer or a client decides to use a different spot color than the one he or she began the project with. If you’ve already generated a mixed ink group and applied various tints to objects in the lay- out, generating a new mixed ink group with the new spot color and reapplying the tints to the layout would be very time con- suming. Instead, you can simply edit the parent swatch. Double-click the parent swatch to open the Mixed Ink Group Options dialog box, shown in Figure 34. This dialog box allows you to load a different spot color (or process color) for the mixed ink group. When you click OK, all of the swatches that make up the mixed ink group will be updated with tints of the new color. The names of the swatches in the group will also be updated. New spot ink to be used Parent swatch INDESIGN 11-20 Exploring Advanced Techniques Create a mixed ink swatch 1. Open ID 11-4.indd, then save it as Mixed Inks. Note that the Swatches palette contains only one process ink—Black—and one spot ink—PANTONE Rubine Red C. 2. Click the Swatches palette list arrow, then click New Mixed Ink Swatch. 3. Type 25-50 in the Name text box. 4. Click the empty gray squares beside Process Black and beside PANTONE Rubine Red C so that your dialog box resembles Figure 35. 5. Drag the Process Black slider to 25%, then drag the PANTONE Rubine Red C slider to 50%. 6. Click OK. 7. Position the pointer over the new swatch in the Swatches palette, so that the tooltip appears detailing the mixture of the two inks, as shown in Figure 36. You created a mixed ink swatch that is 25% Process Black and 50% PANTONE Rubine Red C. FIGURE 35 Specifying inks to be used in a mixed ink swatch FIGURE 36 Viewing the mixed ink swatch in the Swatches palette Specifies inks to be used Tooltip identifying ink percentages Lesson 3 Create Mixed Ink Swatches INDESIGN 11-21 Create a mixed ink group 1. Click the Swatches palette list arrow, then click New Mixed Ink Group. 2. Type K & Rubine Red in the Name text box. 3. Click the empty gray square beside Process Black, press [Tab], type 10 in the Initial text box, then press [Tab] again. 4. Type 4 in the Repeat text box, press [Tab], then type 10 in the Increment text box. 5. Click the empty gray square beside PANTONE Rubine Red C, press [Tab], type 20 in the Initial text box, then press [Tab] again. 6. Type 4 in the Repeat text box, press [Tab], type 20 in the Increment text box, then press [Tab] again. Your dialog box should resemble Figure 37. Note that below the table is a note stating that 25 swatches will be generated. 7. Click Preview Swatches, then scroll to see the 25 swatches generated. 8. Click OK. 9. In the Swatches palette, position the pointer over a swatch until a tooltip appears detail- ing the mixture of the two inks. TIP Swatch 1 will be composed of the val- ues you typed in the Initial text box for each ink, as shown in Figure 38. You created a mixed ink group based on one process ink and one PANTONE ink. FIGURE 37 New Mixed Ink Group dialog box FIGURE 38 Identifying the percentages of Swatch 1 Initial percentages entered in dialog box Number of swatches to be generated INDESIGN 11-22 Exploring Advanced Techniques Edit a mixed ink group 1. Click the Swatches palette list arrow, then click New Color Swatch. 2. Click the Color Type list arrow, click Spot, click the Color Mode list arrow, then click PANTONE solid coated. 3. In the list of PANTONE swatches, click PANTONE Yellow C, then click OK. PANTONE Yellow C is added to the Swatches palette. 4. Note the parent swatch of the K & Rubine Red mixed ink group, shown in Figure 39. (continued) FIGURE 39 Parent swatch of the K & Rubine Red mixed ink group Parent swatch [...]... These are called “nested” tables In InDesign, nested styles are paragraph styles that contain two or more character styles In other words, two or more character styles are “nested” within the paragraph style In Figure 41, each paragraph contains elements that were formatted with character styles The numbers were formatted with the Red Number character style, and the INDESIGN 11-24 blue names were formatted... mixtures of Process Black and PANTONE Yellow C 8 Save your work, then close Mixed Inks You modified all of the swatches of a mixed ink group with a different PANTONE ink Lesson 3 Create Mixed Ink Swatches INDESIGN 11-23 L E S S O N 4 WORK WITH STYLES NESTED ▼ What You’ll Do In this lesson, you will use nested styles to format a block of text Understanding Nested Styles The term nested styles is based on... character styles Red Number character style Artist Name character style FIGURE 42 Paragraph Style Options dialog box Nested Styles section Drop Caps and Nested Styles section Lesson 4 Work with Nested Styles INDESIGN 11-25 Using the End Nested Style Here Command Clearly, implementing nested styles requires a bit of forethought when formatting paragraphs You must have characters that you can use to identify... choosing End Nested Style Character in the Nested Styles section of the Paragraph Style Options dialog box, as shown in Figure 43 FIGURE 43 Formatting a nested style using the End Nested Style Here insertion INDESIGN 11-26 Exploring Advanced Techniques FIGURE 44 Viewing two character styles applied to text Apply character styles using the Character Styles palette 1 Open ID 11-5.indd, then save it as Nested... systems TrueType and Type 1 fonts offer great quality and are easy to use; however, they are not cross-platform compatible For example, a Macintosh TrueType font is different from a Windows TrueType font Adobe and Microsoft created OpenType fonts as the solution to font sharing OpenType fonts use a single font file for Macintosh and Windows computers This eliminates font substitution and text reflow problems... Click File on the menu bar, click Revert, then click Yes (Win) or Revert (Mac) in the dialog box that follows You used the Character Styles palette for applying character styles to text in a document INDESIGN 11-27 . 27 Viewing three lines with stroke styles applied Creating interactive PDFs with multimedia With InDesign CS2, Adobe has redefined the concept of page layout to include multi- media. Create a layout for. Internet! Hyperlinks that you create in InDesign allow you to jump from one location to another in an exported PDF. Bookmarks in InDesign, when exported to PDF, appear in Adobe Acrobat’s Bookmarks tab,. multimedia in your file, be sure to select Interactive Elements in the Export Adobe PDF dialog box. LESSON 3 What You’ll Do INDESIGN 11-16 Exploring Advanced Techniques CREATE MIXED Understanding

Ngày đăng: 03/07/2014, 11:20



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