DE THI HSG LOP 10(2007) Thai Nguyen

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DE THI HSG LOP 10(2007) Thai Nguyen

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DE THI HOC SINH GIOI LOP 10 Mon Tieng Anh ( Năm học:2007-2008) Name: Class: I. Circle the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. 1. a. choice b. chance c. chapter d. character 2. a. passion b. graduation c. human d. humanitation 3. a. diploma b. sorrow c. enclose d. opposition 4. a. muddy b. flooded c. funeral d. butterfly 5. a. biscuits b. magazines c. newspapers d. vegetables 6. a. about b. compose c. romantic d. photography 7. a. brother b. breathing c. either d. death 8. a. closed b. missed c. liked d. watched 9. a. creature b. feather c. reason d. heat 10.a. virus b. vivid c. village d. vigour II. Give the correct form of the verbs in bracket. By the end of last year he ( four Shakespear plays and by next year he ( two more. I (13. not see) him since last Monday, but I believe he (13. write) an essay on Hamlet at present. He (15. play) the part now if he (16. not offend) the producer at the last rehearsal. I wonder why I always (17. have) trouble with the carburetor whenever I (18. decide) to go home by car. I ( very hard lately. 11 12 13. 14 15 16 17 18 19 III. Circle the correct answer. I am going to a wedding Saturday. My great friend, Lan, and her fiance(chong chua cuoi), Hung, are (21) married. They have known each other (22) five years, but they have only been going out together a short time. I must say, we were all rather (23) when they announced that they were engaged. The wedding will be in the hotel near Lan's house and (24) there will be a party both in the hotel and their home. There will be almost a hundred(25) at the party. Besides, both (26) families, all Lan's friends from college will be at the wedding and Lan and Hung have also(27) a lot of people from the office where they both(28) . The party should be great fun. There will be lots of food and drink. There is also going to a band. We all expect that it will go on (29) late in the evening. 20. a. fast b. next c. at d. from 21. a. becoming b. having c. going d. getting 22. a. after b. until c. for d. before 23. a. please b. surprised c. friendly d. interesting 24. a. afterwards b. yet c. however d. because 25. a. visitors b. guests c. members d. crowds 26. a. couple b. their c. her d. his 27. a. called b. discussed c. met d. invited 28. a. worked b. employ c. leave d. manage 29. a. during b. after c. until d. while IV. For questions 30-44. Read the text below and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some have a word which should not be there. If a line is correct, put a tick on the dotted line. If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word on the dotted line. There two examples at the beginning. 0. " When a man is tired of London, he is tired of the life" 00. From my own experience, this saying of the 18th 30. century writer, Dr Johnson, is definitely right: London 31. has a lot to offer. When I was first arrived in London 32. for to study English, I thought that I would spend most 33. of my spare time in studying. But very soon I was going 34. out on every evening, either to the theatre or jazz 35. Clubs (because that London has many famous clubs). 36. My weekends were also full: I would go to sports 37. events, to exhibitions, or just wander around. I used to 38. joke that I was renting a room that I wasn't spending 39. any time in it! Luckily, I also realised that I was not 40. studying enough and started staying at home more, and 41. studying much more harder, I learnt that you should 42. never feel that you must to do every thing that is 43. available. Still, I am sure that if you ever visit in 44. London, you will agree with what Dr Johnson had said V. Fill in each numbered blank ONE suitable word. We were sorry to hear about the accident. Anyway, you musn't feel too anxious(45) work. A lot of people are away on holiday this month, so there is not as much business(46) usual. When you are feeling a little better we'd like to come and see you; we'll bring you some of your favourite chocolate. Now for office news. Have you heard that boss is(47) married next month. She tried to keep it quiet but one of the secretaries heard her (48) about wedding an angements over the phone. So now, of course, everyone knows!We are collecting money to (49) her a present. It is really difficult to know what to get her as she has most things. Someone has suggested theatre or concert tickets, (50) is a good idea. We can find out from her personal assistant(51) her plans are and when she has a free evening. The only problem is that although we know what she likes, we don't know whether her future husband shares her tastes. All being well, we'll see you some time next week. Until then we all send our good wishes and hope you(52) quickly. VI. Give the correct form of the words in brackets. Healthy eating In the past, any mother would be (0).proud. if her children were round PRIDE and slightly far. Those days are gone, (53) have now reached RESEARCH the (54) that too much fat and sugar in children's diets's are a CONCLUDE major factors in the (55) of heart diseases and DEVELOP other(56) when they are older. ILL However, (57) children need to eat a wide range of foods, and their GROW General health could be (58) by cutting out particular ones. DANGER Psychologists say that the (59) is not to change eating habits too SOLVE Fast, but to do it (60) , so that children don't lose muscle in addition CARE to fat. Parents should present food a little (61) , spread butter thinly DIFFER and avoid putting sugar on the table. Children should also be (62) to COURAGE take part in sports: this way they will be using the calories that they have eaten. VII. Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting. 63. You pay about $50 per person and can having dinner and breakfast there. a b c d 64. Sharks differ other fish in that their skeletons(khung xuong) are made of cartilage a b c instead of bone. d 65. When two products are basically the same as, advertising can influence the public's choice. a b c d 66. It was disappointing that almost the guests left very early. a b c d 67. The loss of forest is destroying the earth's plant and animal variety. a b c d 68. Conservation is the protect and wise management of the invironment. a b c d 69. It rained yesterday after it has been dry for months. a b c d 70. Some teachers like to gives his students a lot of homework and others don't. a b c d 71. Most of the children in this special class came from large and poor families, which a b c prevent them from having properly schooling. D VIII. Read the following in passage, then circle the correct answer. Today I'd like to begin a discussion on the problem of the heating up of the earth. First we'll touch on the relationship between fluorocarbons and the ozone layer. You probably remember that the ozone layer is the protective shield around the earth. It is important to all life, because it filters out harmful ultraviolet light from the sun. Ozone itself, a form of oxygen, is regularly made by the action of the sun in the upper atmosphere. It is also regularly destroyed by natural chemical processes. The problem now is that too much of the ozone layer is being destroyed. Scientists suspect that certain chemicals, such as fluorcarbons, are contributing to the depletion of the ozone layer. And how do we use fluorocarbons? The most common uses are in spray cans and cooling systems. The chemical pollution from these fluorocarbons can account for some of the ozone loses that have been reported. There are, however, new studies linking the sun itself to the depletion of the ozone layer. We'll go into that new study more next time. 72. Who is the most likely speaker? a. a doctor b. a mechanic c. a professor d. a chemist 73.74. What is the speaker's main topic? a. ultraviolet light(tia cuc tim) b. the use of spray cans c. protecting the earth d. destroying chemicals 75.76. What is the most important purpose of the ozone layer? a. providing fluorocarbons b. shielding the sun c. protecting the earth d. destoying chemicals 77.78. What is the ozone layer made of? a. fluorocarbons b. oxygen c. shields d. ultraviolet light 79.80. What will the speaker probably discuss next? a. how to make air conditioners with fluorocarbons b. harmful effects of ultraviolet light c. the make up of the ozone layer d. the sun as a cause of ozone layer depletion . DE THI HOC SINH GIOI LOP 10 Mon Tieng Anh ( Năm học:2007-2008) Name: Class: I. Circle the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from. CONCLUDE major factors in the (55) of heart diseases and DEVELOP other(56) when they are older. ILL However, (57) children need to eat a wide range of foods, and their GROW General health could. (16. not offend) the producer at the last rehearsal. I wonder why I always (17. have) trouble with the carburetor whenever I (18. decide) to go home by car. I ( very hard lately. 11 12

Ngày đăng: 03/07/2014, 07:00