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Toefl ibt internet based test 2006 - 2007 part 81 doc

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138 ANSWERS AND AUDIO SCRIPTS FOR ACTlVInES. aulZZEs . AND MODEL TESTS [Preparation lime : 15 sec:onctS) Narrator 2: Please begin speaking aller the beep . [Recording time: 45 seconds] , "16" SnAKIIII Qws,. 2 " t:uMAn" Narrator 2: Number 2. listen lor a question that asks your opinion about a familiar topic. Aller you hear the question, you have 15 seconds 10 prepare and 45 seconds to record your answer. Narrator 1: Some people enjoy living in a location lhat has a warm etimate all year. Other people H ke to l ive In a place where the seasons change. Which type of dimate do you prefer and why? Use spedlic reasons and examples to support your opIfllon. Narrator 2: Please prepare your answer after the beep • [Preparation time: 15 seconds] Narrator 2: Plea&e begin speaking aller the beep . "'p IAaoordlng time: 45 secoroos] Boep .'ClArB Sf'fM. Qua"" 3 "IrI1MIuwAL RIIIII CussEs " Narrator 2: Number 3. Read a short passage and liSten to a talk on the same topic. Then ~sten for a question about them. Aftef you hear the question. you have 30 seconds 10 prepare and 60 seconds to record your answer. Narrator 1: A new po licy for withdrawal from classes at the university has been established. Read the policy In the college catalogue printed on page 310. You have 45 seconds to complete it. Pleese begin reading now . [Reading time: 45 seconds) Narrator 1: Now listen 10 the students discuss the policy with each other. Woman: Man: The differeoce In this policy lrom the old policy Is . . . now you only have three reasons to request a fun refund after the first week . . . illness. death In the fam ily. or military service . Right. but thai ebout covers it. don' you think? )pynghted maken 11 EXPlANATORY OR EXAMPLE ANSWERS AND AUDIO SCRIPTS FOR MODE L TESTS/MOOEL TEST 3 m Woman: Man: Woman : Man , Woman : Not really. 'n the old policy, you could drop out to help your family. Look, let's say that your mother's siclt She's not dying but she needs care. Then what? II you drop out to help her, you Just lose your tuillon. 011, I see. So you think thai there should be more flexibility. Yeah . I th i nk fNety case shoold be decided on ils own merits. This policy Is too too Too narrow? Too rigid. I think at least some students will have other good reasons to withdraw and they'l just have to take a partial reimbursement because they won' be able 10 document their eligibility. I'd like to see a procedure, you knoW, a way to petition lOt eligibility I'd like 10 see that added to the policy. Narrator t : The sludant expresses her opinion 01 the policy lor re imbursement. Report her opinion and explain the reasons that she gives tor havlna that opinion. Narrator 2: Please prepare your answer after the beep . p JPreparal10n lime: 30 secondsJ Narrator 2: Please begin speaking after the beep . , (Recording time: 60 seconds) , IinRllATBI""" Qws, 4 " 1MJADs " Narrator 2: Number 4. Read a short passage and liSten to part ol a lecture on the aame topic. Then b- ten lor a question about them. After you hear the question, you have 30 seconds to prepare and 60 sec- onds to record your answer. Narrator 1: Now read the paS$8Qe Ilboul BiiIIaI.1l; printed on page 31 1. You have 45 sec;:ood:;; tt.I com- plete it. Please begin reading now . (Readi ng lime: 45 seconds) Narrator 1: Now listen to part of a lecture In a music appreciation class. The pro lessor Is talking about the ballad of "Barbera Allen," Pr ofessor: There are counUess versions 01 the ballad 01 "Barbara Allen: and although It probably originated In the British Isles, versions are Iound not only In the British coIooles but also in many other countries. Includ- ing Italy and several countries In Scandanavia. In lact, there are almost 1 00 versions In the United States alone. But, uh, the version that I'm going to play for you today Is the lraditiooal Chikl Ballad num- ber 84 from !he reference English and ScoItish Popular Ballads . In It. the narrative tells the story of Bar- bata Allen and the young man who lell In love with her. Afte r Barbara Allen rejects him, he dies 01 unrequltoo love. And the day 8ftM h is tuneral, Barbara Allen dies 01 regret. They are buried beside each EXPlANATORYOA EXAMPLE ANSWERS AN D AUOIO SCflI PTS FOR MOOEl TE STSIMOOEL TEST 3 64 1 Narrat or 2: Please prepare your answer atter the beep . - [Prep.aralion ti me : 20 seconds) Narrator 2: Please begin speaking alter the beep . - (R8COfd i rog time : 60 seconds ) - IIillUrlD ~ Quf" 6 " lA:1I4"''' Narralor 2: Number 6. Listen to part 01 a I$Cl1Jre . Then listen lor a question about it. Alter you hear the Question , you have 20 seconds to prepare and 60 seconds to recotd your answer. Narrator 1: Now listeo to part 01 a lecture In a general science ctass. The professor is discussing the way that ultrasound woOls. Professor: Okay , let's talk abouI how ultrasound worIts, and how it's used In med iCal diagnosis. To make a long story short, ultrasound Is very similar to the 9Or'IIlr devices we discussed last weell Remember the sys- tern that emits ultrasonic pulses and liste ns lor rellected pulses from objeds In the ocean? Well, ultra- sound is really just another type of sonar . The sound waves used In the ultrasound Bfe created by a crystal that moves rapidly back and forth, creating a sound , but you can' hea r it because the frequency Is so high . The doctor places the device, the transmiltllf thai sends out the sound waves . . . the doctor puts that on the sur1aoo of the skin so the sound waves are transmitted Inside the body. And when this hlgh-Ir eqoency sound Is directed to a particular area, then the tissue and organs r elied the sound. The paltems of sound that are rellected are processed by a computer, and an I mage appea1$ on the screen. And that tells the docto r whether there is something unusual the!'e or not. This is v8fY Important in the diagnosis 01 cancer . 10 know whether a tumor is present • and also as e noninvasive way to rnc:ri- tor the growth 01 a letus during pregnancy . Narrator 1: Using the main points and examples lTom the lecture, descibe the kind 01 information that ultrasound can provide. and then explain the way that uttrasound Is used In medical diagnosis. Narrator 2: Please prepare your answer alter the beep . - (Prepar!ltion lime: 20 seconds) Narrator 2: Please begin speaking alter the beep . - (Recording time: 60 seconds) - r.; r'9h!~ 644 ANSWERS AND AUDIO SCRIPTS FOR ACTIVITIES, QUIZZES, AND MOOEL TESTS ChKklJsl3 0/ The talk summarizes the sltuation and opiniOn . 0/ The point o! view or position is clear. 0/ The talk is direct and we ll-organlzed. 0/ The sentences are logically connected. 0/ Details and examples support the opinion. 0/ The speaker expresses complete- thoughts. 0/ The meaning Is easy to oomprehend. 0/ A wide range of vocabulary Is used. 0/ Errors in grammar are minor. 0/ The lalk Is within a range 01 125-150 woros. ExAwu AI:ntu RlllIIm&IA". SnAu5 Qws, 4 "SWAIlS" A baUad Is, and I am quoting here, ~ a poem thatleUs a story and Is sung to music.' Characteristic 01 mos t ballads Is tha rhyming 01 the second and fourth lioos. And usually ballads are pari of an oral lr adl· lierl, which, uh , it maarls thai over the years, lhe song Is revised as Ws passed down from one musician to another. Some popular bal lads have been writlen down and uh , a68igned a assigned a number in a reference book by ••. Ch ild . Now , "Barbara Allen" Is classJrIed as a ballad because it tells a SIOIy aboullovers who were no l united In life but are joined symbolicaDy In death by the rose and thelhom on the ir graves. The second and lourth lines 01 the song rhyme, and many 'IiIfSions 01 It are lound around the world. One vel"$ion is listed in the Ch i ld reference as number 84. So you see, " Barbara Allen" is not only a ballad. Irs a very popular one . ClHtckl1st4 0/ The talk relates an example to a concepl . 0/ Inaccuracies in the con tent a ra minor. 0/ The talk is direct and well-organized. 0/ The sentences are logically conneded. 0/ Details and examples support the opinion. 0/ The speaker expresses complete thoughts. 0/ The meaning Is easy to comprehend. 0/ A wide range 01 vocabulary Is used. 0/ The speaker paraphrases in hlsnler own WOfds . 0/ The speaker cred~s the lecturer wHh wording. 0/ Errors In grammar are minor. 0/ The talk Is within a range 01 1 25-150 words. EXAMI'U AI:ntu RIll "".,1f. ~ Ova, 5 "T. Ass rr" The woman·s problem is that she doesn' understand the assignment in her history class. She knoWs that she·s supposed to write a paper. bu t she i sn' aure what the professor wants her to do. Um . he r friend suggests that she esk about the requ irements l or the paper In her class next week, but she's c0n- cerned thaI the pro lessor will be o Hended because he's already eKplalned it once . His other recommen· dation Is to make an appointmenl to talk about the topic lor her paper because, du ri ng the consultation, she could ask questions. I think the- woman should make an appolnlmenl lo see the professor In h is oHlce as soon as possible so she'll have fTlOfe ~me to work on the paper alter she understands the assignment belter. I also th i nk it'd be besl to be direct about asking hoW to complete the requirement because most professors are willing to help students who show an Interest In the class. )pynghlOO mater I EXPl.ANATORY OR EXAMPLE ANSWERS ANO AUOIO SCRIPTS FOR MOOEL TESTSIMOOEL TEST 3 &45 ~ The talk summarizes the problem and r8COlM'lendations. ~ The speaker's point 01 view or position Is dear. ~ The talk Is direct and weII-organized. t;' The sentences ate logically connected. ~ Oetais and examples support the opinion. ~ The speaker expresses oompIete thoughts. ~ The meaning is easy to comprehend. tI A wide range Of vocabulary is used . ~ Errors in grammar are minor. tI The talk Is wittWl a range 01 125 150 WOfds . fxA u bn&r". AlmllAm Sn.4mI Quo, 6 l.t7Je Ultrasound Is like sonar because it sends out ultrasonic. un, ultrasonic pulses, and then it picks up the rellections 01 the pulses. In !he case of ultrasound, a c:rystaI creates sound waves al such a high fre- quency thaI you can'!: hear them, but when the device thai transmits the waves Is placed on some part 01 your body , it sends the waves ~ to the pari that's being tested. ancIlt1e organs refleclthe sound waves. So thai informs the doctor if you have anything ospidnoJS thete. Um. ultrasound Is very usehll In locating cancer and other growths, but it's also used in prenatal care to eKamine the baby in the months before it·!> born •• ln fact. it's laJrty stanGard 10 produce mages 01 babies to check their patterns 01 growth, using utlrasoond. So uItJasound Is very usehll for medical diagnosis because it can provide accurate In formation without surgery or surgical procedures . Cltet:ltlJst 6 tI The talk summarizes e shor1lect\Jre. t;' Inaccuracies in the content ate minor. t/ The talk 15 direc:l and well-organized. t/ The senlanoas are logically connected. t/ Details and examples support the opinion. t/ The speaker expresses compIelelhoughts. t/ The meaning Is easy to comprehend. t/ A wide range of IIOCaOO Jary Is used. t/ The speaker paraphrases in hiSIher own words. tI The speaker cradits the lecturer with wording . t/ E fTOrS In grammar ate minor. t/ The talk Is within a range of 125 1 SO wotds. 1IItl1,. Sydney Opera House ee.a;be • Danish architect-Jorn Utzon • PIon SaJlpiure-salllng ship Curved root "yr.; righted aler 648 ANSweRS AND AUDIO SCRIPTS FOfl ACTIVITIES. QUIZZES. AND MODEL TESTS "-' ' I disagree that the college yean are the best time In a person's life. Admittedly. co llege often corr&- sponcIs with a time when people are young. healthy. and physicaIy strong. and those a!tribu1es are highly regarded in Western culWres; however. the college years must also be viewed es a period 01 high stress and a certain uncomfortable depeodence . Stress converges on college sludents Irom many directions. First, there is the pressure to choose a majOr field 01 study and. ultimately, to select a career. choices that will affect the rest oIthair lives. These choices often coincide with another life choice-the selection 01 a marriage partner. In combination. the stress associated with such important decisions can be very high. Second , there is the dally stress from competition in the classroom. eKacetbated by staying up too late studying lor tests. preparing papers. and reading asSignments. It Is well documented that college students tend to gain weight and suffer lrom many stress·related Illnesses. In addition to the stresslul environment. most college students are not financlal1y independent Many rely on their lam ~ les 104' funding. a circumstance thaI Is often uncomlortable for young edults. Asking 104' money usually requires an elqllanation 01 why it Is needed. In other words. financial dependence lor col· lege results In dependence In olher areas olil le at 8 time when young people are beginning to think for themselves and are old enough to be Independent. BesIdes the embarrassment involved In negotiating 104' necessities. there is often a strict budget. For some students. thera is also a debt to repay. As a college student myself. I view this time 01 life as an opportunity to prepare lor the next. and more impo r1 ant. stage oI li le . when I am independent and productive. I am eager to begin working and earning my own way. I look lorward to the years after college with the hope that the besl ls yet to be. Clutckllst for , __ ' ' ttl The essay answers the toplc question. ttl The point 01 view Of positioo is clear. ttl The essay is direct and well-organized. '" The sentences are logically connected. '" Details and eKampies support Ih& maln Idea. '" The writer eKpresses complete Ihooghls. '" The meaning Is easy to compI'ehend. '" A wide range 01 vocabulary is used . ttl Variou s types 01 sentences are Induded . ttl errors In grammar and idioms are minor. ttl The essay is within a range of 300-350 words . lpynght maklr I EXPLANATOflY OR EXAMPlE ANSWERS AND AUDIO SCRIPTS FOR t.IDOEL TESTSIMOOEL TEST 4 6411 MODEL nsr 4: PROGRESS TEST >- Read i ng 1. B "Each class is defined by characteristics such as Income, occupational prestige, and educa· tional attainment. The different groops are arrayed along a continuum with those {groups] with the most money, education, and prestige at the top." The pronoun "those" does not refar 10 choices A, C, Of D. 2. A In this passage, vel)' /arpedescribes "enormoos."" a very small proportion of people" con· trasts with very large control. " . vast amoonts of wealth" also provides context. 3. A Althoogh it is not generally accepted paraphrases "Despite soci al myths 10 lhe contrary." . .• your family provides Ih8 b6st prediction of your tuttlre waaIth paraphfases " •. . the best predic· tor of Mure wealth is Ihe fam ily In to which you 8(e born." 4. B The author uses the example of the Forbes 400 to support the statement that most wealthy people Inherit their money. " most inherited significant assets." 5. B "The upper middle class tend 10 be well educated professionals or buSiness executives." Choioe A Is not correct because the lower class Is composed of the displaced and poor. Choice C Is not correct because the term nouveau rlche relers to the upper class that has recently acquired money. Choice 0 is not correct because the upper class Is typically a group that has Inh erited wealth. 6. A In this passage, mostly is a synonym for "primarily." ConleKt comes from the root prime. which means "ilrst." 7. B In this passage, modem is a synonym for "contemporary." Context comes from the relerence to "Recently" In the previous sentence. 8. B " . an open.class system leads many 10 think that the majority have a middle-class I~estyle because .•. people tend not to w an t to recognize class distinctions in the United States." Choice A is not correct because they vary widely in lilestyle and in resources. Choice C Is not correct because, aHhoogh Ihe status may be uncle8(, people do not have a problem defining themselves as middle class. Choice 0 Is not COrrect because "norm" refefS to averege. not noonal. 9. B "People In this class have little formal education and are ollen unemployed or working in mini· mum·wage jobs." Choice A 15 not correct because 40 percent of the poor work. Choice C Is nol COffect because service workers and manual taborers are par1 01 the lower middle class. Choice 0 Is not correct because the underclass 1hat does notlty to lind employment Is a spe- cial segment 01 the poor. not all poor people. 10. C "The underdass includes those who have been lell behind by contemporary economic devef oprneots .•• the underclass may become dependent 0fI public assistance or illegal activities." ChoiceS A and 0 may be true, but they 8(e not mentioned in the passage. Choice B is not cor· rect because the illegal activities cause the increase in crime. not the oppoSite . 1 t . 0 Choices A. B. and C are mentioned for the first time In paragraph 1. sentence 1. 12. A Generalization and example Is a transitional device that connects !he inser1 sentence with the following sentence. "The worklng poor constitute a large portion of those who arG poor'" pro- vides a genetal statement which Is followed by an example, "Forty percent of the poor work." Choices B. C, and 0 are not correct because they are not examples 01 the generalization. 13 . C, E, B summarize the passage. Choice A Is a minor point that supports the major point in Choice C. Choice D Is a minor point thaI supportS the major point In Choice E. Choice F Is true, but H Is not developed as a major point. JPyngh cd ma r I . range of 30 0-3 50 words . lpynght maklr I EXPLANATOflY OR EXAMPlE ANSWERS AND AUDIO SCRIPTS FOR t.IDOEL TESTSIMOOEL TEST 4 6411 MODEL nsr 4: PROGRESS TEST > ;- Read i ng. Danish architect-Jorn Utzon • PIon SaJlpiure-salllng ship Curved root "yr.; righted aler 648 ANSweRS AND AUDIO SCRIPTS FOfl ACTIVITIES. QUIZZES. AND MODEL TESTS " ;-& apos; '. your answer alter the beep . - (Prepar!ltion lime: 20 seconds) Narrator 2: Please begin speaking alter the beep . - (Recording time: 60 seconds) - r.; r'9h!~ 644 ANSWERS

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