MODEL TEST 7 JtJSTENING SECTION 471 lOEn. · ~ ~ -;;-, r;;,?, ~ -" \ 2 , "'- _ ~ ~ " -'-~ , I MODEL TEST 7/US TEN ING SECT ION 4It PART II LlstefI/If 4 "$tad.1s fHJ Col ,IS" WEH '5::;®CVc:D 18 . What are the students discussing? CD The T.A. in their class <D The woman 's presentation CD PowerPoint handouts (]I) The woman's class 19. Whlctl st rategy does the woman use for her presentation? CD Read the information on the handouts (I) Ask voluntee rs to participate CD Show visuals to explain the points a> Respond to questions from the group 20 . Why did the woman make ovemead copies of the slides? CD She was very nervous about going first. <D She was alrald that the computer program woukl f ail. <D She took the man 's advice about mak ing them. CD) She wanted to show them to the man. ~ I h a r MODEL TE ST 711 t STENING SECTION 483 24. What was surprising about Thrasher's s tudy? <I> The si ze of the study, wh ich in cluded 1300 gangs <D The excellent summary by the student who located the research CO The changes that were reported in the history of gangs <I> The fact that gang activity has been preva!entfor so lOng 25. Accordi ng to the study by Moore, what causes gang activity? (!) Cliques that form In high school <D NOnTIalfeelings of insecurity in teens CO Abusive fam i ly members In the home CU> Loyalty to fam i ly ~ready in the gang 26. Why does the professor say this: () (!) To show that she does not agree with the response CD To encourage the student to give an example CO To Indicate that she does not understand CU> To pra i se the student for his answer 27 . What is the ro le of wo men in gang s? (!) They are tull members of the gangs. CD They are protected by the gangs. CO They are a support system for the gangs. a:. They have linle contact with gangs. 28 . In the discus si on, the students identify aspectS of gang activity. Indicate whether each of the follOwing Is one of the aspects. Click in the correct box for each phrase. y" No A A replacement for high school cliques B A gro up soc ialized on the streets C A peer group that Is 14-20 years old D Young people who have dropped out of school E A group that make s careful plans JPyngh cd ma r I 484 MORE MODEL TeSTS TOfFl u ong r-;;., (-;;:" ( ;;-'\ ,r.;,-) ~ ~/' ~/' :! ~.". TO~Fl.·IJ.~ ~j CD 0~ (::fj ~~ " co 486 MORE MOOE l T ESTS 32 . What does the saying low man on the totem pole mean? CD A very good rep resentative member of the group CD A person wOO beg i ns to tell an important st ory CD A person who has t he least status among the members CD A member of the community who is not accep t ed 33 . Why do the master carvers work on the bottom ligur es? cD Master carvers are usualty t oo old to work at the top 01 the pole . CD The figures near the bottom are more visible to the public. c:c The lotem pole is 100 large for Jus t one carver to complete. <n> T he last carvi ng is an honor reserved for the masters. 34 . What does t he professor mean when he says this: (') CD He is Indicating tha t the information to follow is very reliable. CD He is showing t he class that he knows a great deal about t he Information. c:c He is signaling that the st udents should learn this info rm ation . CD) He is in forming the students that t here may be mo re in formation. PART III LlstMII", 7 ul'rtJfrIss«'J OffICI" tO~FI. ·WIefW>Q (~ (: ;;-~ ,-;;:'" /-;;;-, ~ ! - -' ~ -) -_ _~ ;- 00"" MODEL TEST 11t.ISTEN(NG SECTION 487 35 . Why does th e man go to see h is profeSSOf1 <J) He is worried about the professor's class. CD He wants to bring up the g rad e In her c la ss. <D He would like some advice about h is classes. CD He needs to get the woman's signa t ure. 36. Why does th e man say th is: n <J) He is apolOgi z ing for the problem. CD He Is asking the woman to explai n. <D He is th inking of what to say next. CD He is correcting the professor politely. 37 . What Is the man 's problem? <J) He Is taking too many classes this semester. CD He is fa lling one of his requ i red courses. <D He h as a problem with his acade mic advisor. (]) He took classes with heavy re ading assignme nt s. 38 . What does th e profassor suggest? <D Reg is tration lor a cour se In how to r ead l as ter CD Extm help sessions to bring up the grade in her cla ss <D Immediate withdrawal fr om one of the courses CD Intensive study until the end 01 the semester 39. Whol enn wo i nf or abo ut tho situation? <J) The student will probably talk w ith h is advisor belore reg is tration next term . CD The pr ofessor believes thaI the student will probably not take her advice. <D The date lor changing the student's schedule has probably passed already. (]) The professor is probably th e student's academic program advisor. )pynghl mater I 4&8 MORE MooEL TESTS Llst~nfng B " Psychofogy C, " 40 . What is the lecture ma inly about? a> Neurotransmlners <J) Seasonal affective dlSOfder <0 Genelfc research CD The Nalional lnstitute 0/ Menial Health 41 . What are neurolransmitlers? a> Chemical imbalances <D Chemicals in the brain <0 Images of the brain CD Genetic triggers 42 . What happens when there is a reduction of tight during the winter months? <D A decrease in melatonin may cause a chemical imbalance. <D The pineal gland begins functioning to compensate. <0 The re ti na 0/ the eye opens to receive more light. CD The menial processes In the bra in are slower. 43 . 'Why does the professor think that the acronym SAO . is unsui\able? a> She did not participate in creating the acronym. <D It does nOI reflect \he seriousness 01 the problem. <0 Some 01 her patients ob ject to the acronym. CD The acronym Is not an abbreviation lor the words. h Jma I