Trang 1
Trang 2Abstract
In recent years, with the development of social media, many industries have benefited,
particularly the music industry Artists now have the opportunity to build their personal
brand through social media platforms easily This research aims to explain how social media influences personal branding through the case of HIEUTHUHAI and the connection between communication strategies and personal branding This study is Primary Research, using Quantitative Research Methods A Google Form survey will
be used to gather opinions from survey participants on the research topic The purpose
of the survey is to collect data based on the social media usage habits of the respondents,
to assess the impact of social media on personal branding This research aims to explain the effects of social media on personal branding, focusing on the subject of
Trang 31.6 Conceptual Framework/Paradigm - cm re 10 1.7 Scope And Delimitation Ố 11
=›:.' 11 1.9 OrganiZafÏOn HH TH HH Tho Họ HH kế 11
2.1 Overview about Social Media and Personal Branding: 13 2.1.1 Overview about Social Media . - - che nành Hết 13 The definition of Social Media - che 13 History development of social medlia - . - chi 13 Types of social medla - HH TH nh nhe 14 2.1.2 Overview about Personal Branding - cnssesieerrsrree 15 The definition of Personal Branding - -‹ - si rreexxee 15 The factor that affect personal branding .- -cxcxesseeerrres 15 History development of personal branding -c-sxe+sxs 16 Distinguish Personal brand and Brand - -snsssesikreeexxee 17
Trang 42.2 The influence of Social Media on Personal Branding -. 18 2.2.1 The impact of social media on personal branding . ‹ - 18 2.2.2 social media strategies on personal branding -‹ -ccsxessxeree 19 2.3 Overview about Social Media on Personal Branding of HIEUTHUHAI 21
2.3.2 The development of HIEUTHUHAI - c2 nsesirrsrsrrrree 22 2.4 The strategy personal branding of HIEUTHUHAI -s- 24 2.5 Evaluate the effectiveness of communication strategies - 27 0n c9 ò0 nh ố 28
Trang 5CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study
"In this era, users are utilizing online social media to create, modify, share, and discuss content" (Kietzmann, Hermkens, McCarthy, & Silvestre, 2011) Social media has become an important part of everyone's life.“Technological development has meant that an increasing number of potential recipients, for messages designed to create a
brand image, are made up of Intemet users.” (Mateusz Grzesiak, 2018 ) Social media's
growth in the last decade has benefited personal branding, particularly in the artistic industry According to a study,"Due to the increasing use of social media, various industries and celebrities have shifted their focus towards integrating their social media platforms to lead the new generation, drive gaming traffic and fans, and turn it into value" (DeMers, 2013) “An analysis of 18th century auction records revealed that artists have always been branded, as the prices for their artworks were determined by
their reputation and status in society” (Preece and Kerrigan, 2015) As a result, artists
promote their personal brands by utilizing the growth of social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and, more recently, TikTok From there, they have an impact on the community and the general public In summary, a good image-building
strategy has transformed a celebrity or artist into a personal brand, transforming them
into successful people who are well-known to the general public
In Hollywood, there are many personal phenomenon cases on social media sites such as Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga, Katty Perry, Selena Gomez (Elite, 2013) By just using social media to gain their popularity and this directly contributed towards the corporate SMS, Social SMS and Political SMS (Jon Caramanica (2013)), Selena Gomez, the Disney princess, and Justin Bieber, known as the Prince of Pop, are just two
of the well-known Hollywood celebrities who have developed their personal brands on YouTube, a social me This social media sitepopular at the time In order to market their personal photos, they have made YouTube their main social networking site In addition
to their YouTube promotion, they use various image promotion techniques on
Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter These celebrities have an impact on the public by
cultivating their online personas on social media Celebrities with millions of followers
Trang 6on their social media platforms had the tremendous influence towards the mass (Bartholomew, 2012- Mitchell K Bartholomew, Sarah J Schoppe-Sullivan, Michael
Glassman, Claire M Kamp Dush & Jason M Sullivan (2012)) "The public always
follows their idols and views them as ideal role models to emulate." Media or followers always keep track of celebrity posting, sharing their posting on their social media
accounts and even making it into news (Chosun Ilbo (2013)) This is because celebrities
are being referred as a group of people who are in the limelight and attention of public
via mass media (Marshall, 1997 - P David Marshall (1997))
K-POP is a South Korean music industry that is popular in the Asian music
market YouTube is the first social media channel used to promote the South Korean music market Artists use official music videos and live performance videos to market their music, pictures, and performing styles BTS and BLACKPINK, among others, use YouTube and its features to help their music industry achieve definite success They have expanded the reach of K-POP music internationally and increased its global recognition Along with YouTube as the primary promotional medium, the K-POP industry has developed a number of social media channels, including VLIVE and WEVERSE programs, that help fans and artists communicate South Korea has effectively leveraged the benefits of the technological age, particularly social media, to enhance and advance its public image
Social media platforms have helped many well-known artists in the domestic art scene, such as BigDaddy and Tran Thanh, to establish their reputations, especially HIEUTHUHAI This study will elucidate the elements that contribute to HIEUTHUHAI's influence in the process of developing his personal brand through social media platforms, with a particular emphasis on the years 2022-2024 In addition,
it will clarify how HIEUTHUHAI's personal branding and social media relate to each other between 2022 and 2024
1.2 Significance of doing research
The most important level in the development of a brand on the Internet is the ability to form a community around it, regardless of whether it is the brand of an organization, a product or a personal brand Social media will play a key role in this Thanks to the strong development has helped many professions and individuals become
Trang 7widely recognized A study has shown that “The exposure and reputation are the major incentives for contributors The most powerful and well-versed individuals on these social media platforms are celebrities” (Erik & Davidson, 2009 - Davidson, Christina (2009) One person who has a certain impact on young people is HIEUTHUHAI This study is crucial to understanding the elements that have influenced HIEUTHUHAI's process of personal branding In addition to explaining the factors that affect personal branding, this study explain how social media and HIEUTHUHAI's branding relate to one another between 2022 and 2024 From then, we can learn from this study and then develop our personal brand
1.3 Research Questions
The research question is “What factors of social media that affect
HIEUTHUHAI’s personal branding from 2022 to 2024” and “ The relationship between
Social media Strategies and Personal Branding of HIEUTHUHAI from 2022-2024” These research question will explain the influence of social media on personal branding and the relationship between social media strategies and personal branding
1.4 Objective
This research is performed with following objectives:
Answering the primary question “What factors of social media that affect
HIEUTHUHAI’s personal branding from 2022 to 2024”
Explaining the relationship between social media strategies and person branding 1.5 Theoretical Framework
1.5.1 The Marketing Mastery Pyramid
BUILDING Brand Design
Trang 8Phase one is about developing a solid platform on which you can build your brand and market your business It requires defining, articulating, and declaring your brand and then translating that into places ( online and offline) where people can effectively engage with your business
e First, clearly articulate your brand and messages
e Next, create a modern and marketing-oriented, up-to-date websites
e Finally,create brand consistency on social media
Phase two: Brand and Buzz Building - Brand Expansion And Acceleration
With your platform solidly in place, you’re ready to take on some serious buzz building
There are hundreds of significant tactics you can use to build brand and buzz
e Publishing/ content marketing
Phase three: Thought/Industry Leadership - Brand Authority
You have carefully articulated your brand, built a stellar website, and created a ton of buzz Your brand is steadily gaining ground, and the time has come to break out and
become the “it” girl, guy, or company in your field In other words, you are ready to
make the leap into thought leadership (for individuals) or industry leadership ( for companies) Either way, making that leap generally requires the following
e Adding something new
e Being a trusted source of information
e Consistently generating high - quality content
1.5.2 Online World
Trang 9
Figure 1 Online World
This advancement of technologies will lead us to two worlds, that is virtual (online) and
physical world ( operational) In many ways, individuals' virtual identities on their social media platforms will supersede as the trails individuals leave will remain
engraved online in perpetuity Meaning, what one posts or shares online shapes one’s
virtual identities In the future, social media will bé divided into four major scopes; they are Political, Social, Corporate and Personal
1.5.3 The Be, Do, Have Diagram
Contribution Service Results Character Process Outcomes
Qualities Offerings Impact
Trang 10The most powerful part of our brand is the “being” part, yet ironically, that’s the
aspect we spend the least time articulating What we are contributing with what we offer (do) and the result we produce (have) are important - but the biggest difference
we make is with what we bring to the party by what we are (being)
For this reason it’s important that the layers of your core Anchor Statement include all
three levels of brand definition: what you do, the results you have your clients produce, and the way you are being that makes the difference
Bene Platform Development
Socia Media me Doing —
Branding —— Brand and Buzz Building
Having Thought/Industry/Leadership
To develop personal brand through social media need these following factors
e Being: Who are they? They have to define their unique style through their story They have to understand their weakness and strengh They have to know clearly about themselves To let the public know who they are, first they have to answer
the question “Who are they ?”
e Doing: After determining your style and understanding who you are Next is developing your personal branding through some activities
Platform development: Building the platform of personal brand by Online and Offline We need to establish the brand and messaging properly before launching any marketing initiatives Next, set up a personal profile on social media Lastly, make sure your brand is consistent on all social media platforms
Trang 11Brand and buzz building: "We'll start by creating a strong brand foundation before
creating efficient social media strategies Before organizing the execution of these
strategies, we must carefully evaluate the budget and implementation capabilities of the social media tools chosen in order to guarantee the effectiveness of the strategies
Thought/ Industry/ Leadership: we are currently experiencing a strong brand development phase following the establishment of a strong foundation and the
implementation of particular social media strategies For every brand, this is a breakthrough phase We must first assess the present state of brand development before selecting the best techniques to guarantee that this phase proceeds as intended
e Having: the process of personal branding is success
1.7 Scope And Delimitation
This research focus on explaining factors of social media that affect on personal branding cua HIEUTHUHAI and the relationship between social media strategies and personal branding
HIEUTHUHAI's personal branding process using social media platforms from 2022 to
2024 is the main subject of this study, which also explains his social media strategies 1.9 Organization
This research is about the influence of social media on personal branding of
HIEUTHUHAI from 2022 to 2024 include 3 chapters
© Introduce about the topic and the research method
o Answering the primary question, explaining the topic
e Chapter 3: Methodology
© The method that we used in the process of the research
Chapter 1 gives a summary of the ideas and knowledge surrounding the research issue, particularly the impact of social media on HIEUTHUHAI's personal branding process between 2022 and 2024, as well as the importance of this study The reader will be better able to understand the research issue as a result
2.1 Overview about Social Media and Personal Branding:
2.1.1 Overview about Social Media The definition of Social Media
“Social Media is a sum of online communication channels based on content-
sharing for a specific community, interaction, dialogue and collaboration Examples of today's top social media platforms are: Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google +, Tumblr, Instagram.” (eBizMBA Rank, 2016) “Through social media, actually any person who has Internet access can disseminate his thoughts or ideas, materials, pictures or videos to millions of people online who have the possibility
to interact with him and to opine on his posts The main purpose of interacting on social media is creating new personal or business relations The users turn from consumers
into creators of content in a context in which knowledge is being democratized”(Bădău,
2011) Social Media is a key aspect of the art organization outreach platforms “With the increase in the volume of content and the number of channels through which it's posted, there's a better understanding of the role that social media can play in helping various organizations accomplishing their goals without going through a "middle
person"” (Poonam Arora, Carolyn E Predmore (2013))
Therefore, Social media is the collection of social media based on sharing the content with the community Through media platforms like Youtube, Facebook, Instagram or Tiktok, anyone can easily share their perspective, ideas and their thoughts
by image, content or video with millions of people Additionally, according to the research that “Social media can be used to increase one's social capital” (Ellision,
Steinfield & Lampe, 2007; Fieseler & Fleck 2013; Gehl, 2011; Hearn, 2008; Khedher,
2014 & 2015) History development of social media
“Social media platforms, which have risen due to the growth of the internet, first
began to appear around 2004-2005” “At origins, social media was an online tool for
Trang 14people to interact with friends and later it has been adopted by businesses that realized this could be a new communication method which could lead to reaching out to
customers.”(Historycooperative,n.d.) Nowadays, social media is gradually becoming
more popular “Social media has transformed the world in many ways, changing the
way we communicate, the frequency we communicate and even the time of communication It has taken the world by storm and the world today is so much different from the world a decade ago Social media is a breakthrough for the traditional marketing platform due to its viral growth and technology advancement The power of technology breaks down traditional obstacles to human interaction and this enhance the
growth of a new wave of human creativity” (Ferguson, R & Clough, G (2010))
In summary, social media has developed and grown since 2004 - 2005 Social media is one type of online social network that helps people to easily interact with each other, Especially, social media is researched and used in business and daily life Therefore, “Social media not only serves as a platform for self-promotion but also
facilitates community building, where individuals can connect with like-minded
professionals, enhancing their personal branding efforts.” Types of social media
According to the research Engagement with Social Media and Social Media Advertising: The Differentiating Role of Platform Type have shown that Social media that include 4 types of social media
- Relationship represents social media platforms that are profile based and consist
mostly of customized messages; this category includes platforms such as Facebook and LinkedIn
- Self-media platforms are also profile based but offer people the chance to
manage their own social media communication channels A typical example is
- Creative outlet platforms are content based and allow users to share their interests and creativity, for example, You-Tube and Instagram
- Finally, collaboration platforms are also content based but allow people to ask
questions, get advice, or find the most interesting news and content of the day
Trang 152.1.2 Overview about Personal Branding The definition of Personal Branding
According to (Gulati, 2009) said that “The rise of the internet has taken personal
branding to a new level of importance.” The growth of the virtual world has built the
need of maintaining online identities because this online identity has the power to affect the real world (2) The definition of Personal Branding is no longer new “Personal
branding is constructing a personal brand through conscious image management The most important determinant of personal branding is image personalization, which stipulates that the brand is the given person—‘“me” becomes the brand itself The strength of a personal brand is built on the credibility of a real person and trust in them
An important characteristic of personal branding is also self-presentation (the content
of the message is the person created for the brand, their strengths, interests, goals, passions, aspirations and so on) and the resulting narrative character of the message (storytelling is an inseparable part of personal branding—in building our own brand,
we tell about ourselves)” Besides, to clarify for definition of personal branding,
according to the research shown that “The human brand has previously referred to“any
well-known persona who is the subject of marketing communications effort”
(Thomson, 2006, p 104); however, Close et al (2011) embrace a more inclusive
definition as a personal that is well-known or emerging As a point of differentiation, “ the human brand is sometimes used to refer to traditional celebrities (such as famous
athletes or musicians), whereas personal brand may be used to describe those who are more micro-celebrities (Khamis et al., 2017; Senft, 2008, 2013) or those more amateur
on social media ”
Therefore, Personal branding means the way we market our image through the online platforms to the public And, personal branding is actually we build a brand intentionally, tell the stories, the characteristics and make ourselves become a brand The factor that affect personal branding
Personal branding is the development process and market of the brand to the
public Personal branding is “An indtvidual's personal brand is a reflection of his or her
Trang 16skills, abilities and lifestyle ” (Gehl, 2011; Hearn, 2008; Peters, 1997) The factors effect
on personal branding includes:
building a personal brand ” (Brooks & Anumudu, 2015; Gehl, 2011; Morgan, 2011;
Poeppelman & Blacksmith, 2014) Then, they use their strengths and their weaknesses
to build their unique story, this is Self - presentation According to the research “ Self - presentation is the mechanism that allows an individual to convey information to the
world to influence perception ” (Chen, 2013; Goffman, 1959; Khedher, 2015; Schau &
Gilly, 2003) Self-promotion means each individual uses their strategies to market their skills, knowledges they have Research shown that “Over time, self-promotion has
become a normalized phenomenon in people’s lives.” (Van Dijck, 2013) History development of personal branding
Personal branding seems like it exists with the convenience of the internet
However, the definition of personal branding has been founded for centuries, it has from
the time that society didn’t have the benefit of the internet
Around 1290 BCE, Personal branding has an early origin, and was first established in ancient Egypt Pharaoh carved his stories into the stone Nowadays, people see this as a symbol of Personal Brand The concept of brand comes from Old
Trang 17Norse, in which brandr meant “sword, fire, to burn.” This term was used to describe the
practice of marking products by burning the name or symbol of the producer into them
(Ritson, 2006) The oldest brand that still exists today has its origins in the Vedic period (ca 1100-500 BCE)
There is a lot of information supposed the definition of Personal Brand was mentioned by Tom Peter in 1997 in the article “ The Brand Called You’ This article is
about how to present yourself However, the definition was introduced in “Think and
Grow Rich” by Napoleon, released in 1937 In this book wrote “It should be encouraging to know that practically all the great fortunes began in the form of
compensation for personal services, or from the sale of Ideas.” Therefore, Personal
Branding is actually mentioned before, but Personal Branding is known when Tom Peter Highlighted in the article “The Brand Called You” Then this was further
developed in the book Positioning: The battle for your mind by Al Ries and Jack Trout
in 1980 Nevertheless, Personal Branding is basically known when we were born, and
was named by our parents At this time, the Brand was established According to Jim Joseph (2013) argues that “personal brand begins at birth, when the parents offer a name
to their child, unconscious creating a new brand, and from that day, the person keeps it.” Distinguish Personal brand and Brand
Based on above theories, Personal branding means that the brand of an individual, personal brand Personal Brand will show the characteristics, strengths, weakness through the stories to the public This is one of the markets, instead of marketing the production of the brand, we decided to market ourselves, market “ME”,
make “ME” become a brand through story
Similar to the definition of Personal Brand, Brand also is the term of market production of the brand Use their own story to market their brand and enhance their
reputation And “The American Marketing Association (AMA) defines a brand as a
"name, term, sign, symbol or design, or a combination of intended to identify the goods and services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of the
Trang 18sellers
and the social strategies, which bring the value to the public
(2015, p.1).Both Personal Brand and Brand need to have an impressive story
Personal Brand primarily focus on the value of an individual can bring to the
public But, Brand is a group of people to form a group The value of the brand that they bring to the public will enhance their reputation Especially, enhancing their sales Personal brand and brand have a connection Brands bring the values to the
public through a lot of platforms They use influencers to market their production
(Soo Wincci, 2015) “ Companies or firms often study celebrities who gain phenomenon
success on their social media platforms in order to improve their performance in the virtual world Celebrities had nurtured their phenomenon social media platforms into a business platforms by strategies” For example, The luxury brand, CHANEL They use the impact and fame of JENNIE OF BLACKPINK to increase their sales When an individual builds their personal brand will bring them a lot of change to provide useful value to the public
2.2 The influence of Social Media on Personal Branding
2.2.1 The impact of social media on personal branding
According to the research, “Social media is a breakthrough for the traditional
marketing platform due to its viral growth and technology advancement.” (Ferguson,
R & Clough, G (2010) With the development of social media, it brings lot of benefits
to the public, especially in the field of arts Social media is the primary key that helps
to connect the artist with their fans Then, enhancing the public reaction, their brand
awareness, their public affection This opinion was founded in the research “ Social
media is a key aspect of the art organisation outreach platforms With the increase in the volume of content and the number of channels through which it's posted, there's a better understanding of the role that social media can play in helping various organisations accomplishing their goals without going through a "middle person"
(Poonam Arora, Carolyn E Predmore (2013))
Trang 19Malaysian Celebrities On Facebook by Soo Wincci, Wardah mohamad analyzed the
strategy of Korean industry “The South Korean music industry is comparative small,
songs are released onto national television and simultaneously uploaded onto YouTube
to reach out to distribute and export all their music and celebrities via social media platform (Youtube) The strategy developed from Political SMS -> Social SMS -> Corporate SMS -> Personal SMS All these strategies were united in one social media platforms, which is Youtube to create the Whole K-POP Globalization Social Media
“Facebook not only caters for personal usage on normal Facebook account, but also one
can open up a facebook fan page to brand themselves or their products” (Newman,
2009) Also, it has its own markup language, which called the Facebook Markup Language (FBML), which allows users to customize the look and feel of one's Facebook Fan page, FB provides statistics and insights of the activities on their facebook fan page
to provide more indication to users in building their brands and also a nice method to manage and organize photos or other applications tools on Facebook All these social media platforms increase one's sphere of influence, and help to define and describe a person or a brand With the Facebook platform, the users could easily create an account full of personal information and their image to connect with the public Some influencers have the starting point with that platform For example, with Hot Boys and Hot Girls, they will use social accounts to upload their images, their stories to attract the public Nowadays, the Facebook platform has been updated with new features, which is the thing the public needs For example, they love to watch short clips or review films or news The users will spend their whole time just watching reels on Facebook Besides, Facebook has a livestream feature The feature is used by almost all social media platforms However, Livestream is no longer used by the users
This is a similar platform like Facebook This platform is used to market the brand alongside the Facebook platform This platform is equipped with the Livestream, reels, chat group features Instagram is used for communicating with the public by the influencers The reason for using this app is because of the cute filter when livestream
Trang 20Additionally, this is used to create a chat group by the influencers to communicate with their fans All local and global artists create chat groups to share information, story with their fans to build a good relationship and attract the public by being friendly
This platform is loved by all of the public recently because of its ease and quickness The public just needs to spend a minute to know what happens in the world In the beginning, this platform was used for entertainment But, gradually the public realized the business potential on the platform A lot of users create an account to earn money from Tiktok Thanks to this development both the public and the artists are to benefit
They don’t need to put in too much effort to market their brand, their story They are
simply create an account on this platform, they will easily attract the public when they have enough followers, and they have their music production They just have to upload their music on this platform, make a trend with their music The public will know the
artists through this trend This creates a diverse image of the artists, making the public
impressed by the trends like Dance Challenge, Duet, Creative new lyrics based on the
original music of the artists,etc Tiktok is one of the potential platforms for personal
2.3 Overview about Social Media on Personal Branding of HIEUTHUHAI
2.3.1 Overview of HIEUTHUHAI
Tran Minh Hieu was born in 1999, studied at UEH University His stage name
is HHIEUTHUHAI He explained the reason why he has this stage name Back in the day when he was at school, in his class there were 2 people named Hieu One is good at studying, but another is not good at studying Therefore, he decided to pick HIEUTHUHAI to be his stage name with the objective to prove to the people His stage
name HIEUTHUHAI has been with him through all of his journey He is a rapper, with
some hit song like “Cua”, “Bat nhạc lên” Then, he decided to participate in King of Rap He was impressed by his attractive appearance and his unique style of performance He was impressed specially by his youthful music vibe, a good fit at all
of GENZ He participated in a high - watched show in 2020 but HIEUTHUHAI still
Trang 21has not been outstanding Compared to the others, HIEUTHUHAI is not particularly outstanding
Until 2022, HIEUTHUHAI released a MV “Vé Tinh” This MV has achieved
remarkable success Gradually, the songs of HIEUTHUHAI have become more popular
in social media from Facebook, Instagram to Tiktok This has accelerated the development of HIEUTHUHAI Then, he decided to join an artist management company From there he has own strategy to develop HIEUTHUHAI is considered to
be more famous after joining the reality show “2 ngay 1 dém” Through this reality
show, the public sees another aspect of HIEUTHUHAI The public will see his characteristics clearly He impressed the public because of his good behavior, Obedience, and wholehearted participation This is the perfect foundation on the process
of personal branding of HHIEUTHUHAI HIEUTHUHAI’s characteristics begin with the most simple thing that attracts the public After joining this reality show, HIEUTHUHAI realized the potential opportunities for developing his Personal Branding Therefore, he decided to participate in a lot of shows Recently he has joined
in to the show named “Anh Trai Vuot Ngan Chéng Gai’ This shows the viewer the
image of HIEUTHUHAI with his ability and skill, especially leadership skills
The process of HIEUTHUHAI’s Personal Branding from 2022 to 2024 has gone
through stage building and development Using the factors of social media and social
media strategy is the key aspect that decides the success of HIEUTHUHAI’s Personal
2.3.2 The development of HIEUTHUHAI
In 2022, HIEUTHUHAI released two MV is Dynamic Duo and Vé Tinh He uses
the social media platform as a first step in developing Personal Branding He uses the Youtube platform to market his music Two MVs are all reached in the millions of viewers after a short time Thanks to two MVs, HIEUTHUHAI has become more
famous For example, the music industry KPOP “The South Korean music industry is comparative small, songs are released onto national television and simultaneously uploaded onto YouTube to reach out to distribute and export all their music and
celebrities via social media platform (Youtube) This strategy is the foundation that