Benefits of applying Lean Six Sigma in the process of improving burger production Reduce lazy fee : Feces type clearly Clearly : Lean Six Sigma helps body determined and type cancel the
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Ho Chi Minh City, December 15 , 2023
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1 Definition of Lean Six Sigma
2 Benefits of applying Lean Six Sigma in the process of improving burger
2.1 Reduce waste:
2.2 Increase quality:
2.3 Increase productivity:
2.4 Increased flexibility and responsiveness:
2.5 Elevate High customer satisfaction:
2.6 Increase cost efficiency:
2.7 Increase employee understanding and engagement:
3 Current status, problems and performance of the current burger making process
3.1, Current status of the process _
1 Define
2 Measure
2.1 Measuring indicators in the process (in seconds)
2.2 Sopagetti
2.3 Swim lane
2.4, Value stream map
3 Analysis
4 Improve
4.1 Identify and implement solutions
4.2 Test solutions
4 3 Apply successful solutions
5 ntrol
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Tigure l Curremt diaeram oƒ Burger making at Mcdondll àằ cành nhe 10 Figure 2 SIPOC diagram of making burgers at Mcdonald’s Hoang Dieu ccc 17 Figure 3 Measurement indicators 1 PVOCESS SH TH HH HH HH khay 17 Figure 4 Trantransportation and spaghetti diagram Oƒ DFOC€SS .ằà.Ặ SA Hs Hee 20 Figure 5 Swim pÌane đÌagrQIH Oƒ DFOC€§§ ST HH HH HH HH HH HH HH tu 21 Figure 6 Value stream map (VSM) diagram of burger production PYrOCeSS vices ieee 22 Figure 7 Diagram of factors affeCting PYOCESS ST SH SH HH HH TH TH KH, 23
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INTRODUCE Definition of Lean Six Sigma
Lean is one direction France cabbage up regulation submit Okay history use to bow grant product Products and pandemic service Good more , fast than and with costs short more ( Womack , 1996)
Six Sigma one direction France cabbage up regulation submit based above evil Whether Okay history use to obtain Okay conclude fruit regulation submit fine
determined and Have can attend guess reduction minimal the variable change and
defective defective belong to regulation submit ( Snee , 1999) Lean Six Sigma is one direction France cabbage up terrible joint aim dark Multi chemistry price treat belong to neck winter equal way cabbage good matter quantity , speed degree , thing comedy heart belong to guest row and cost : it _ obtain Okay thing This through fit best the labour tool and original occlusion from
both Lean and Six Sigma
Benefits of applying Lean Six Sigma in the process of improving burger production
Reduce lazy fee : Feces type clearly Clearly : Lean Six Sigma helps body determined and type cancel the step Are not need set in regulation submit product output , decrease lazy fee and increase signal fruit
Dark pros chemistry original object Material : Dark pros chemistry history use original object material , decrease the seventh exit and costs _ about original
object Whether Are not need set
Increase matter quantity : Check control matter Quantity : Pressure use the direction France check control
matter quantity like Statistical Process Control (SPC) to brave tell that each product Products even replied response pepper standard matter quantity
Reduce wrong number and error : Lean Six Sigma helps reduce minimal wrong
leftover and error in regulation submit product output , increase reliability belong to product Products
Increase power Capacity : Dark pros chemistry regulation Process : Type cancel the active dynamic Are not
need set and dark pros chemistry regulation submit product export to increase power capacity
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Reduce time time wait wait : Decrease time time wait wait between the step product export , help increase strong signal capacity full bridge
Increase the sacred active and replied response :
Manage _ Attend Smart Storage : Lean Six Sigma helps management physical
information to _ brave tell that the product Products Okay product export based above soft bridge real international
Increase speed degree replace change : Reduce time time need set to real
presently the replace change in regulation submit product export, lift High possible power replied response with town school
Elevate High the comedy heart belong to guest row :
Matter quantity copper even : The copper even in matter quantity product
Products help only maintain and elevate High hey credit love brand Reduce time time deliver row: Process _ Okay dark pros chemistry help reduce
time time product export, from there reduce time time deliver row and increase the
comedy heart belong to guest row
Increase understand Cost results : _
Cut the cost product output : Type cancel lazy fee and dark pros chemistry
regulation submit help Cut the cost product export Increase signal fruit tuberculosis dynamic : Increase power capacity tuberculosis
dynamic through dark _ pros chemistry regulation submit and dig create core
pellet Increase the understand know and greed family belong to core pills :
sigma training :; Increase strong the understand know and carefully power belong
to core pellets in job pressure use the direction Lean Six Sigma method
Join _ group cabbage up : Create thing to sue give core pellets greed family enter
too submit cabbage up contact continue , increase commitment _ and create dynamic force do job
Trang 63 Current status, problems and performance of the current burger making
3.1 Current status of the process
Figure 1 Current burger making diagram at Mcdonald's Currently , Mcdonald's burger making process follows the steps that the company has outlined, specifically as follows:
Starts execution when order appears on KVS(kitchen video system)
Input: Order quantity data from customers
Output: Number of orders that need to be made
Choose cake according to order request Input: Types of burgers to make (what type of burger, what type of bun, how much )
Output: selected cake ready to bake
Grilled meats appear to KVS Input: Select the type of meat to grill (4:1 meat, 10:1 meat, pork sausage ), how
much meat to grill
Output: Grilled meat is transferred directly to the UHC cabinet to be kept hot and
made into Burgers
Grill burgers Input: put the type of cake to be baked into the oven The toaster only bakes 2 cakes at a time, and the cake steamer also steams a maximum of 2 cakes at a time Output: Number of baked semi-finished products (number of baked cakes will be transferred to get Burger wrapping paper)
Choose sauce + ingredients
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Input: After being placed on Burger wrappers, semi-finished buns will be topped with sauce (ketchup, mustard, Mcchicken sauce, Bigmac sauce, Tatar sauce ) and added ingredients (finely chopped salad), large onions, small onions, tomatoes, pickles, cheese )
Output: Number of completed buns transferred to the burger wrapping stage
Burger Package Input: The cake is filled with all kinds of sauces and ingredients and wrapped in a roll, depending on the size of the cake, wrap it appropriately, making the cake look good
Output: The cake is wrapped and pushed to EXPO to complete
Burger completed Input: The completed product 1s pushed to EXPO After receiving the order from K VS, Mcdonald's kitchen departments will directly make burgers through the parallel tasks of choosing buns according to demand,
grilling meats, cooking chicken products, and then selecting them Once the bun is
ready, it's time to bake or steam the bun, then continue with the task of choosing burger wrappers and choosing the right sauces or ingredients to add to the burger (for cooking chicken products and grilling meat) are also pre-made and moved to
this step to help make the cake faster and more effective After completing the
above steps, the cake will be wrapped After that, the product 1s completed and pushed out for delivery for customers) (Figure 1)
Current process productivity and efficiency issues Problem
Currently, the number of customers has increased dramatically and the demand for beef burgers has increased The current process is difficult to satisfy customers as
It is now because customers have to wait for a long time Therefore, there needs to
be a new process to improve as well as increase the baking capacity of restaurant staff in the most optimal way
Efficiency Because the old process did not meet the needs of the number of orders, the efficiency of making beef burgers was still not high (specifically, 1 hour at Mcdonald Hoang Dieu made about 60 burgers), not serving customers well with the criteria that the store and company have set
Currently, Mcdonald Hoang Dieu store is going through a crisis due to the number
of beef burger orders increasing very high, with level High best To be about more than 120 cakes per hour on weekends and Normal days fluctuate around 100 cakes
an hour , and the current process can only make about 60 cakes an hour In addition, there are complicated steps that lead to the number of orders not being able to be made in time and sometimes even having to be processed Refusing customers causes a lot of loss for the restaurant Item pepper Okay deliver give attend project , is to increase burger production capacity to ensure quality and Increase the number of burgers by about 100% (ie about 120 burgers an hour
compared to the current 60 burgers)
SIPOC diagram
Supplier Input Process Output Customer
KVS according to FIFO
2 Choose cakes as required along
Grill burgers
Medoanld Hoang Dieu's warehouse department
Choose sauce and ingredients
6 Burger pack
Finished product
Figure 2 SIPOC diagram of making burgers at Mcdonald's Hoang Dieu Looking at the SIPOC diagram, we can see that the process of the diagram is the
most burdensome of the process And here, the main focus is on improving the
burger making process And one special thing when looking at this SIPOC diagram, we can see that CTQ (Critical to Quality) 1s job bake Here job baking just Okay two dark cake — Multi each time grilled due to regulations submit Love
but the machine still does not maximize its ability to use the burger grill) and
currently the baking time 1s 22 seconds (Appendix table 1) That's why, when increase number amount of cake grill from 2 to 4 , meaning now about 60 cakes are baked within | hour At this time, it will increase to about 120 seconds to bake
for 1 hour, the capacity will reach about 100% and adjust the number of seconds
of the grill from 22 seconds as currently to 17 seconds (because in the company's procedure and Mcdonald Hoang Dieu's store, the time baking is 17-22 seconds)
Trang 9From there lift High elevate force make cake of the location _ best To be
2 Measure
2.1 Measurement indicators in the process (in seconds)
Choose sauce and Burger Buger ingredient backnge completed
3 3 1
Figure 3 Measurement indicators in the process For this process, we took measurements at 3 standing positions in the kitchen: Inninitor, Asemmilar and Grill, respectively, each position will be in charge of one
to four stages As follows:
for the Innitor position Inninitor is in charge of two stages of this process: choose burger requested and grill burgers
The choose burger requested process: looking at picture 3, we can clearly see that
the time to choose a burger only takes about 1-3 seconds Thus, we can clearly see the fluctuations in orders from customers
Trang 10The requested burger step: this is one of the most important steps, It ensures
quality baking, and for this grilling machine, its time does not fluctuate at 22 seconds But it 1s one of the things that need to be mmproved to save time and reduce waste
In general, it can be seen that at this Inninitor position, the average time for the
entire position is about 25 seconds in total And choosing cakes on demand is
quite fast and can be accelerated while the grill and steamer are already at a fixed speed of 22 seconds, so the machine needs to be improved
or Assemilar position
The Assemilar position is considered one of the two most important positions in
this process along with the Inninitor position, so this position is in charge of all four stages: choose wrapping, paper, choose sauce and ingredients, burger backage, and burger completed
Choose wrapping paper step: according to picture 3, we can easily see, this step 1s
done in just a few seconds, about 2-3 seconds Shows to be quite consistent in
making your burger stand in this position for about 30 times in a row
Choose sauce and ingredients step: this is the step of adding sauces and
ingredients to the burger to help it complete, so this step needs to be careful and meticulous Clearly we can see that the daily process only fluctuates around 2-5 seconds The difference is not too much and can be adjusted, helping the cake to
be transferred to wrapping faster and more efficiently
Burger backage stage: if the stage of choosing sauce and adding ingredients
requires care and precision so that the ingredients do not fall out, then this stage of wrapping the burger is equally meticulous, if not In a meticulous and professional way, this step will take a lot of time, but when looking at the measurement index
in Figure 3, it can be easily seen that the burger wrapping time only fluctuates around 2-3 hours, giving see the professionalism and skill of the baker, ensuring the completion of the product on time
Burger completed: this is the final step to push the burger out and serve customers
In picture 3, 1t can be seen that the burger is completed and pushed out very quickly in only about 1-2 seconds, showing the accuracy of product release time to serve customers in the best possible way
In short, this Assemmilar position does not take too much time, on average it only takes about 10 seconds for this position, but it is an important step that determines
whether the cake is fast or slow, and whether it meets the customer's requirements
or not Besides, this position also needs to be observant and observant to always have prepared products without wasting time and increasing waste
For Grill location