Lesson 3: Going to the PharmacyPharmacy is a place, and it's a place you go when you need to get medication or medicine.. - A prescription drug is another way to say a medication, it's a
Trang 1Trường Đại học Thành Đông
Bài tập Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành
Họ và tên:
Ngày tháng năm sinh:
Nội dung:
1 Daily conversation at hospital and pharmacy
2 An organ inside the body
3 Lecture: Going to the Pharmacy
4 Pathology: presentation on a disease
5 Vietnamese Traditional Medicine: A herb that makes medicine
Trang 2Lesson 2: An orgen inside the body.
Today we will learn about a part inside the human body Human may look different but inside the share identical component part
So, my homework I about the liver
The liver lies on the right side of the abdominal cavity beneath the diaphragm It’s main function is to process the contents of the blood to ensure composition remains the same This process involves breaking down fats, producing urea, filtering harmful substance and maintaining a proper level of glucose in the blood Normally you can’t feel the liver, because it’s protected by the rib cage The liver has two large sections, called the right and left lobes
Trang 3Liver and The Rib cage! The weight of the liver is from 1.4 – 1.8 kg for men and 1.2 – 1.4 kg for women, if the extra mass in the liver is 800 – 900 ml, the liver will weigh on average 2.3 – 2.4 kg Liver size 25 – 28 cm long, 16 – 20 cm wide in front,
6 – 8 cm high The liver is shaped like half a watermelon, cut diagonally
Trang 4Some liver disease: Hepatitis, Liver failure, Cirrhosis and Steatosis…
Liver Failure
Trang 5Steatosis
My introduction to liver is over here
Thank you for watching!
Trang 6Lesson 3: Going to the Pharmacy
Pharmacy is a place, and it's a place you go when you need to get medication or medicine Another word for pharmacy is drugstore, you can say either pharmacy or drugstore
- Pronounce: Pharmacy is “farm-a-see"
- Why do you go to the pharmacy?
+ You go to the pharmacy after you see the doctor and you go there to get your medication
+ You go there to get your medication, medicine or drugs
-These are all words for the same thing
In English, "drugs", there are two meanings: “illegal and legal”
-For example illegal: heroin or cocaine, these are illegal drugs
If you go to the pharmacy, you cannot get illegal drugs Calling it a drugstore, but they do not sell those kinds of drugs
-So the kind of drugs do they sell?
+ prescription drugs
+over-the-counter drugs
- A prescription drug is another way to say a medication, it's a medication that your doctor is saying you should take So, to get a prescription, you need to go see a doctor and the doctor gives you a note telling you what medication to take This is these prescription drugs! You can find prescription drugs at any drugstore or pharmacy
- Over the counter drugs are different than prescription drugs Prescription drugs, you need a doctor to say, "Take this" But over the counter drugs, you do not need a prescription They are medication or medicine that anyone can buy
+ For example, if you have a headache, you can buy Panadol, and that is an over the counter drug, you do not need a prescription
Trang 7What people might you see at a pharmacy? First of all, you might see a pharmacist A pharmacist is a person who works at the pharmacy, they are an expert in medication, they have taken a lot of education to become a pharmacist, usually the people working in the back of the pharmacy Also you might also see a clerk or a pharmacy assistant, these people help the pharmacist They're not the pharmacist, but they can help the pharmacist, and they are the ones you usually talk to first (often not true in Vietnam)!
So, when you go to the pharmacy, you will often bring your prescription and give it
to the clerk or the pharmacy assistant and the pharmacist with put your medication into a bottle and prepare it for you
Some other words we need to know for when we go to the pharmacy.
- You're at the pharmacy or drugstore, and you have your prescription, you've seen the doctor and there's medicine you need
what do you do?
+ first step is usually, at a pharmacy, you might see two signs:
-You might see the sign that says "Drop off" and you might see a sign that says "Pick up"
-If you go to where it says "Drop off", that is where you go first and that is where you hand your prescription from the doctor to the pharmacy assistant the pharmacist, or the clerk
- Next, you give them your prescription and then usually, you have to wait while the pharmacist prepares your prescription Once the prescription is ready, you go the next step, which is the "Pick up", go to the sign that says "Pick up", and this is where they give you your medicine
Go to drop off Wait Go to pick up
Words we often use when we talk about medication.
- "Generic" and "Brand"
- Usually, you might have the same medication and in one case, there's a brand name It's a famous name that makes that medication and brand names are usually very popular and they spend a lot of money on advertising, so their medicine costs a lot more money
Trang 8There's a cheaper brand that they call the generic, it doesn't have a name, or the name is not well known Same medicine, but it just doesn't have all the advertising We call that the generic
Some things you might do while you're at the pharmacy.
- "I'd like to get my prescription filled."
- "Can I speak to a pharmacist, please?"
- "What are the side effects?"
At the pick up part of the counter This is where you pay, and you often get asked
certain questions You might be asked about your insurance, they might ask you, " Do
you have coverage?" And if you have insurance, then you can say, "Yes, I have coverage" and you give them your insurance information But if you don't have
coverage, what you can say is, "I will pay out of pocket".
- So they will also tell you how to take your medication, we're talking about how much medication to take and how often, what we're talking about is dosage
+ "What is the dosage?"
- The pharmacist might tell you, you might have to take a pill, a tablet, a pill and
a tablet mean the same thing and tablets, they're synonyms, they mean the same thing
+ Something like, "You need to take two tablets or two pills", so this answers,
"How much?""at bedtime for two weeks." "For two weeks" is "How often? This is an example of what they might say for your dosage
You might also have to take medication in a fluid or liquid form, it might not be a pill, they might tell you, you need to take a liquid dose A dose = amount For this, you might see words like, "tsp", which means "teaspoon", which is a measuring amount, or you might see - there are different ways to measure (tablespoon or just a couple of drops.), you can always ask the pharmacist
So the last thing I wanted to talk about is how pharmacists might give you directions
on how to take your medication This is really important to listen to, they will often give you directions and sometimes, these directions are also written on the label of the medicine
- Examples of directions that you might see:
Trang 9+ "Do not exceed" Do not exceed five pills, do not exceed ten tablets in a day (don't take more than (number) pills in a day) If you take more than this, you might have very bad side effects
+ "Empty stomach" For some medications, they work better if you do not eat before or when taking them Sometimes, pharmacists might tell you the opposite When you take this medication, make sure you eat
“Take this with food”, “Do not take this medication with milk”,
+ You might also be told, "This medication needs to stay cold", keep it in the refrigerator
So, pay attention to what the pharmacist tells you and when you're learning another language, there can be a lot of information coming at you, especially when you're at the pharmacy Sometimes they talk a little fast there's a lot of different instructions, it's very important if you don't understand something, ask, "Can you repeat that?”,
“Sorry, I didn't quite catch that."”
Then repeat what the pharmacist said and they check for you! To confirm what you hear with the pharmacist just to make sure you understand everything correctly
Thank you for watching!
Trang 10Lesson 1: Daily conversation at hospital and pharmacy
N it’s Nam (pharmacist) & M it’s Minh (patient)
Nam: Hi how can i help you?
Minh: Good afternoon i have this prescription!
N:Can you prepare this prescription, please!
M: Here is my prescription When will it be ready?
N: All right one moment please!
M: Can i wait here?
N: f course you can wait.O
M: What time does the pharmacy close?
N: It closes at 8 pm
M: Which pharmacy is on duty this evening?
N: Yellow pharmacy in the city center
M: Is the pharmacy far fromhere?
N: A little bit far about five kilometers
M: Do you have a first aid kit?
N: Yes there is! 350.000 dong
M: Here you are!
M: C n i get this medicine without a prescription?a
N: I can't give it to you without a prescription, it is illegal by law to give this medicine without a prescription
M: Is my prescription ready?
N:Yeah here it is, you're all set!
Trang 11M: How much do i have to pay?
N: Okay that will be 380.000 dong!
M: Here is the money
M: How should i use this medicine, shall i take this medicine four times a day ! N: No you will take this medicine twice a day
M: Okay! How long do i need to take them for one week for this one? N: It's important that you finish all the package! Here is your receipt M: Thank you for your help, have a good day!
N: Thanks have a good day!
Trang 12Thank you for watching!
Lesson 4: Pathology: presentation on a disease
The Black Death (also known as the Pestilence, the Great Mortality or the Plague) was a bubonic plague pandemic occurring in Afro-Eurasia from 1346 to 1353 It is the most fatal pandemic recorded in human history, causing the death of 75–200 million people in Eurasia and North Africa, peaking in Europe from 1347 to 1351 Bubonic plague is caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis spread by fleas, but it can also take a secondary form where it is spread person-to-person contact via aerosols causing septicaemic or pneumonic plagues
The Black Death was the second great natural disaster to strike Europe during the Late Middle Ages (the first one being the Great Famine of 1315–1317) and is estimated to have killed 30 percent to 60 percent of the European population.The plague might have reduced the world population, 475 million to 350–375 million in the 14th century There were further outbreaks throughout the Late Middle Ages and, with other contributing factors (the Crisis of the Late Middle Ages), the European
Trang 13population did not regain its level in 1300 until 1500 Outbreaks of the plague recurred around the world until the early 19th century
Infection model, black rat → rat flea → human, which was developed to explain the spread of plague in India,
Symptoms and signs:
- Lymph node (most common)
- Pneumonic plague (primary or secondary)
- Bacteremia
- Pestis minor
Diagnose: “Staining, culture and serology”
- Streptomycin or gentamicin
- In addition, doxycycline, ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, or chloramphenicol
Trang 14Rats, which are believed by many to start the pandemic
Some knowledge about this pandemic:
The rate of mortality from the Black Death varied from place to place: whereas some districts, such as the duchy of Milan, Flanders, and Béarn, seem to have escaped relatively lightly, others, such as Tuscany, Aragon, Catalonia, and Languedoc, were very hard-hit Towns, where the danger of contagion was greater, were more affected than the countryside, and within the towns the monastic communities provided the highest incidence of victims Even the great and powerful, who were more capable of flight, were struck down: among royalty, Eleanor, queen of Peter IV of Aragon, and King Alfonso XI of Castile succumbed, and Joan, daughter of the English king Edward III, died at Bordeaux on the way to her wedding with Alfonso's son Canterbury lost two successive archbishops, John de Stratford and Thomas
Bradwardine; Petrarch lost not only Laura, who inspired so many of his poems, but also his patron, Giovanni Cardinal Colonna The papal court at Avignon was reduced
by one-fourth Whole communities and families were sometimes annihilated
Trang 15How to fix the situation at that time:
The most popular theory of how the plague ended is through the implementation of quarantines The uninfected would typically remain in their homes and only leave when
it was necessary, while those who could afford to do so would leave the more densely populated areas and live in greater isolation (Currently being applied to covid)
There are still cases of bubonic plague today but there are no outbreaks as much as before
Thank you for watching!
Trang 16Lesson 5: Vietnamese Traditional Medicine: A herb that makes
Ca gai leo (scientific name: Solanum procumbens), also known as ca gai day, ca vanh, ca quynh, ca lu, ca bo, ca Hải Nam Solanaceae family This species is distributed from the northern provinces to Hue in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, China (Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan) This species is considered the best male medicinal plant for liver detoxification today
Ca gai leo is a small climbing plant, with a stem of 60-100 cm long or higher, with many branches Species with many spines, spreading branches Leaves are ovate or oblong, ax-shaped or slightly rounded at the base Flowering April-September, fruiting September-December The fruit is a glossy, red, spherical berry 7–9 mm in diameter Seeds are pale yellow, disc-shaped, about 3 x 2 mm in size This species has a slightly bitter taste, warm nature
Trang 17Roots contain starch and many other chemicals such as alkaloids, glycoalkaloids have the ability to protect liver cells very well, inhibit and make hepatitis virus negative, prevent liver cirrhosis, used to treat liver related diseases In the topic
"Research on medicinal products from prickly pear as an anti-inflammatory and inhibiting the development of cirrhosis" by Dr Nguyen Thi Minh Khai has shown anti-hepatitis effects, preventing the development of cirrhosis and liver cirrhosis Antioxidants of the whole extract form and the main active form Glycoalcaloid in an experimental organism model The drug is applied to a group of volunteer patients, has no side effects, is approved by the scientific panel for clinical trials
People usually dig up the roots, wash, thinly slice and dry them to make medicine The roots are used as medicine for rheumatism, toothache, bleeding gums, and drunkenness People who are drunk take the roots of the plant and climb close to their teeth or nibble on the roots to avoid getting drunk In addition, about 16 - 20g of prickly pear root is also used to drink decoction to treat gonorrhea