Hiệu quả của hoạt Động Đào tạo trong việc nâng cao năng lực của nhân viên tại bộ phận sản xuất của công ty samsung display việt nam
According to Evans, Pucica & Barsoux (2002), Companies and Organizations are facing increasingly fierce competition and changing in the global economic, political and technological environment, this has led companies and organizations to have a staff training strategy as one of many methods to prepare for growth and improve employee capacity and performance It is important to acknowledge the general test of knowledge growth in the Business community over the past decade This growth is not only due to technological improvement and the unification of production factors, but also the Enterprise's efforts to promote people Thus, in each organization, it is the responsibility of improving staff capacity and performance by training method is one of the most important steps that Enterprises must take In the age of science and technology, it is important to optimize employees' contribution to the Company's goals as a way to maintain effective operations Therefore, as recommended by Afshan, Sonia, Kamrran & Nasir (2012 p 646), this requires Enterprises to ensure the provision of employees with soft skills, technical skills and professional development skills for specialized departments or management positions In many cases, the question may be related to the importance of human resources Note that human resources are the assets of each Enterprise's intellectual property, human resources have been proven to be a good source of competition (Houger 2006) and training is claimed to be the only way to develop intellectual property rights, intelligence by enhancing the capacity of employees Organizations must have a method for effective using of human resources if they are to be successful Hence, they need to have a method of managing their human resources in a way that is suitable for the form of business of the Enterprise, because this factor will allow every Enterprise to achieve its goals in the future
Samsung Display Vietnam is a company with 100% Korean investment capital in Vietnam Samsung Display Vietnam's orientation is to create people before creating products, so people are put first and are one of the company's five core values From 2014 to 2019, Samsung Display Vietnam Company expanded production from one factory to three factories, equivalent to that the number of employees of the Company also increased from 5,000 to 45,000 people Therefore, employees are diverse in age, regions, education levels
Currently, Samsung Display Vietnam Company is on the way of developing and perfecting technology, machinery and automation equipment So, the requirements for the quality of human resources are increasingly high in terms of specialization and specialized skills Aware of that, the Board of Directors of Samsung Display Vietnam Company has invested in training and developing human resources of Samsung Display Vietnam Company to meet the needs of high-tech production operations Especially the human resources of the production department, the department responsible for managing the output, providing enough products for customers and ensuring product quality Every year, the production department conducts training programs to improve professional skills and in-depth skills to improve staff capacity and performance in response to the technology of new products and the increasing output of customers Therefore, building appropriate training goals is very important to meet the ultimate goal of Samsung Display Vietnam.
Research gap
In the past few years, people have applied high technology, "especially technology 4.0" to fields such as manufacturing, health care, services Therefore, training to improve staff capacity has become a topic of interest to scholars There have been many studies on the influence of training activities on the capacity and work performance of employees in organizations and enterprises For example,
“Impact of Training on Employees Performance” (Evidence from Pharmaceutical Companies in Karachi, Pakistan, 2015); Effects of training and development on employee outcomes and firm innovative performance: Moderating roles of voluntary participation and evaluation (Sun Young Sung & Jin Nam Choi, 2018); Effects of training on employee performance Evidence from Uganda (Aidah Nassazi, 2013); Other authors focus on studying the relationship between training impact of training on employee retention (Ashraf Elsafty & Mahmoud Oraby, 2022) However, no research has mentioned the effect of training activities on improving the capacity of employees in 100% foreign-invested enterprises in developing countries
In Viet Nam from 2019 to now, there have been factories applying Industry 4.0 to the manufacturing and research, but there are also few research issues on training activities to improve staff capacity in the smart factory
Recognizing the importance and impact of the training program on the employee's capacity with smart factory “Apply 4.0 technology in production” , the author has chosen the topic "The effectiveness of training activities in improving employees‟ capacity at Samsung Display Vietnam‟s production department” It is the subject of my master's thesis to shed light on the impact of training programs of Samsung Display Vietnam, and training programs of the production department on the capacity of the company, and staff efficiency of the production department From there, to propose solutions to contributing and improving the efficiency of training activities and improving the capacity of production department‟s employees in Samsung Display Vietnam Company.
Research objectives
Assess the current situation of staff capacity at the production department of Samsung Vietnam Company
Recognizing the impact of training activities on employee‟s capacity at the production department of Samsung Display Vietnam
The reason for choosing the production department for research is the production department is the department that ensures the output provide to customers, so the production department knows very well the unreasonable points that need to be improved by following training method activities In the production department there is a group in charge of training employees to ensure quantity and quality when start producing new models, training for new employees entering the company, general-level training inspection for staff Thus, when choosing the production department, it will assist the author in synthesizing results and evidence quickly and accurately on verifying the effectiveness of training activities for employees and company
In addition, the author also constantly searches and researches training models of other parts in factories, and training models of foreign-invested enterprises in the field of high technology, in order to the research results of this topic accurately reflect the influence of training activities on the employees‟ capacity and enterprise‟s performance
In conclusion, the research objective is employee of production department at Samsung Display Vietnam Company.
Research questions
Based on the actual situation at Samsung Display Vietnam Company, and the training content being implemented In order to the research topic have high accuracy, the author researched and posed 3 research questions as below:
What training course are there for production department‟s employees?
What factors of training activities affect the capacity of employees in the production department?
What is the impact of training activities on Samsung‟s production department‟s performance?
This study applies online question method and interview method to collect data for the research model The sample includes about 650 employees of the production department at Samsung Display Vietnam We choose the production department to study because: The human resources of the production department, the department responsible for managing the output, providing enough products for customers and ensuring product quality Every year, the production department conducts training programs to improve professional skills and in-depth skills to improve staff‟s capacity and performance to response new technology and the increase output for customers Therefore, building appropriate training goals is very important to meet the ultimate goal of Samsung Display Vietnam
The research object of the topic is the overall impact of training activities on the capacity of Production department‟ staffs at Samsung Display Vietnam Company
Space scope: Research was conducted within the production department employees at Samsung Display Vietnam
Time scope: Secondary data of the study were collected in the last 3 years (2019-
Research scope and period
Follow the research of Decenzo & Robbins (2000), training is a type of studying experience which finds quiet long-term improve job performance of a person That means training programs must be developed with the aim of improving skills, professional knowledge, personal thinking and behavior towards society These changes affect employee awareness, communication between employees and management, and employee working methods Thereby improving the work efficiency of employees
Follow opinion of Cascio (1992), training include planned programs with intention of improving skills and abilities of each staff, as well as increasing performance of an enterprise or an organization These improvement of individuals, a team, or department can be recognized by improvement in awareness, knowledge, behavior to society Training mention to teaching and learning activities that support employees of an organization receive knowledge then apply to response requirement of organization These activities with purpose of enhancing and increasing awareness and job skills of employees "Strengthen capacity of employee" to perform specific task (According to Monappa & Saiyadain, 2008) From that, training to strengthen capacity of employee is a lasting-investment- strategy in human resources that interested by leaders of enterprises or organizations Dessler (2008) showed that addition training is a way of providing new or implement skills that employees need in each particular job Dessler said that training is an indispensable strategy highlight of management in the future So, an enterprise that ignore training will lead to their career lack of competition in the future, without training, their staff will not keep up new technology and new skills For this reason, it is necessary to know the training needs of each enterprise to develop suitable training plan Training has a clearly evidence of effect to capacity
Follow the research of Decenzo & Robbins (2000), training is a type of studying experience which finds quiet long-term improve job performance of a person That means training programs must be developed with the aim of improving skills, professional knowledge, personal thinking and behavior towards society These changes affect employee awareness, communication between employees and management, and employee working methods Thereby improving the work efficiency of employees
Follow opinion of Cascio (1992), training include planned programs with intention of improving skills and abilities of each staff, as well as increasing performance of an enterprise or an organization These improvement of individuals, a team, or department can be recognized by improvement in awareness, knowledge, behavior to society Training mention to teaching and learning activities that support employees of an organization receive knowledge then apply to response requirement of organization These activities with purpose of enhancing and increasing awareness and job skills of employees "Strengthen capacity of employee" to perform specific task (According to Monappa & Saiyadain, 2008) From that, training to strengthen capacity of employee is a lasting-investment- strategy in human resources that interested by leaders of enterprises or organizations Dessler (2008) showed that addition training is a way of providing new or implement skills that employees need in each particular job Dessler said that training is an indispensable strategy highlight of management in the future So, an enterprise that ignore training will lead to their career lack of competition in the future, without training, their staff will not keep up new technology and new skills For this reason, it is necessary to know the training needs of each enterprise to develop suitable training plan Training has a clearly evidence of effect to capacity of Cole (2004), because human resources are the most positive and important factors at all, leaders should pay more attention to recognize their full potential To complete this opinion, managers have to solve soft skills problems for leader in company as leadership, communication, team work, system, motivation training and development
Cole (2004) also showed that, Education usually have the meaning of training staff in basic knowledge, with aim of making chance to employees to fully utilized their strengths to bring maximum efficiency to enterprises or organizations Coaching is preparation for a particular job or a specific skill So, Coaching has narrower meaning than training and education The main purpose of Coaching is working orientation Development usually mention to broader understanding of receive knowledge or skill than training, less working orientation It pays more attention to capacity of employees in the future than their existing capacity It considers employees like a resource adapts business in the future Learning refers to steps of acquiring knowledge, skills and values to accommodate with any environment, and it is background of three terms, capacity mainly mention to ability of a person in the way to prove to others that he can complete task or steps, functions that meet existing criteria All of these are from theory to practical
Ivancevich (2010) according to Clifton & Fink (2005) and showed out: training is a list of systematic steps that will change behavior of staffs toward get enterprise‟s goals Training related to current job skills help employees get particular skills and capacity Ivancevich (2010) also said that training is also have result on trying to improve employees‟ current efficiency, it is important for existing employees and new employees too Other definitions used in this research as: human resources provide three types of learning activities to employees in their company are Education, Training, and Development These activities are all have purpose of improve professional skills and soft skills to employees Then contributing to increase capacity of employees, optimizing performance of company and enterprise
There are many different interpretations of the concept of competence, with the author's understanding and within the scope of the thesis, I would like to give an approach to this term as follows:
Competence is the totality of factors, attributes of someone's professional qualifications, knowledge, skills and applying them to solve a certain specific task assigned to achieve optimal efficiency and the least amount of time and material costs
The ability of a person can be due to innate talent (rare cases‚ not many); through the process of training, studying in schools or educational institutions or simply in daily life by having real experiences Competent people, with professional qualifications and skills, with knowledge, will be trusted by people around, respect and create job opportunities as well as have higher salary incentives than others People often refer to "He has the ability to work effectively" to mean the ability to work with higher efficiency than other colleagues It is competence that helps an individual make a difference and attract the attention of a manager or executive This makes it easier for them to get promoted and raise their salary
Competency is related to 3 “right”: Right skill, right position and right job Competencies can be discovered at recruitment or formed during training
Working capacity is understood as a combination of 3 factors: Knowledge, skills and attitude of an employee required, always expressed at a stable level and met the requirements job demand Work capacity also distinguishes the performance of one employee from another
Knowledge is information, working methods, regulations, procedures, working processes, that employees must know and understand in the working process
Skills are working behaviors and operations that are performed smoothly and skillfully on the basis of learned and trained knowledge to complete work
Attitudes are the personal qualities and qualities of an employee that are required to work, either through training or due to "gift"
Working capacity is usually divided into 3 main groups of competencies as follows: Common competencies are core skills that employees must have to meet job requirements and manifest in the working process
Group of professional competence is the knowledge and skills belonging to the professional field, bearing the characteristics of the job position that the employee undertakes
The group of management competencies is the competence related to the management of work and the personnel under them Management capacity is also the skill of self-management of employees so that they can complete the work on time and effectively
"http://eldata11.topica.edu.vn/HocLieu/MAN305/Giao%20trinh/08_MAN305_Bai5 _v2.0014101210.pdf" Then: Training includes activities aimed at improving skills, skills of workers, help workers perform better in real life
"http://eldata11.topica.edu.vn/HocLieu/MAN305/Giao%20trinh/08_MAN305_Bai5 _v2.0014101210.pdf" Then Development includes activities aimed at preparing for workers to adapt and keep up with the structure organization as it changes and evolves
The training function is popularly known as develop human resources, coordinate training activities create and grow within the organization Human resource development Force in a broad sense is the totality of activities Organized learning is conducted in the certain amount of time to make a change in
Professional behavior for employees is carried out by the enterprise
Training and development is the process of trying to provide employees with information, skills, functions and understanding of the organization of work in the organization and its goals
Karma Training and development designed to help and support individuals continue to have positive contributions to the organization
The general purpose of training and developing human resources is to make the most of resources existing human resources and improve organizational effectiveness by helping people employees have a better understanding of the job, profession and function their duties more self-consciously with a better attitude as well as improved ability to their adaptability to future work
Training and development must be conducive to the achievement of business objectives Karma In other words, the goal of training and development is to realize the goal of enterprise Is training and developing human resources a continuous process? stop of business
According to the page https://khoaluantotnghiep.com/"
Education is a way of acquiring human knowledge, habits, customs and skills that have been passed down through generations by means of teaching, research or training
Education can be done by each person and learning can also be guided by others This means that personal experiences with thoughts, actions and feelings will be considered educational
For each person, education will be formed through many different stages: from preschool education, primary education to secondary education and university
According to the page “https://vietnambiz.vn/hoc-hoi-learning-la-gi-su-can- thiet-phai-quan-tam-den-qua-trinh-hoc-hoi-20190923170224312.htm”
Learning is any relatively permanent change in perception and behavior that occurs as a result of experience
Thus, learning is a process of accumulating experience and knowledge Learning must lead to a relatively sustainable change in the individual's perception and behavior
According Kazi Tanvir Mahmud (2019), doi.org/10.1080/23311886.2019.1705627 Current status of new companies operating, employees often have low knowledge and qualifications, and soft skills are not good, so they do not complete the work on time and the quality of work does not meet the requirements of the company According to (Halton et al 2016, Kabir et al 2018) to help improve employee capacity, improve communication and management skills, training plays a very important role According to (Dessler & Varkkey, 2011), training is a field related to the activities of an organization to improve the capacity and work efficiency of employees in that organization According to (Cekada, 2010, Khan & Masrek, 2017), training need assessment identifies training needs and current performance levels of employees and organizations According to (Carlisle et al.,
2011; Cekada, 2010; Khan & Masrek, 2017), training need assessment is a system that allows grouping of training results and provides information that can be used for goals organization, while it also reduces unnecessary spending on inappropriate training programs According to (Carlisle et al., 2011; Cekada, 2010), training commitment can play an important role in strengthening the work of organizations, improving the capacity of employees, and helping organizations accomplish their goals better spend And if the focus is on the training needs, the employee's capacity will increase after the training programs
According to Buckley and Caple (2000) and Goldstein and Ford (2002), when Conducting a training needs survey, there are a number of benefits as follows: One is to design and orient training courses closer to the needs of employees and the organization Second, if there is a training needs assessment step, we can control the volume of training content, some of which are not suitable Third, clarify the training objectives to introduce to the trainers and training subjects so that the trainers will focus on the main goals more, and the training subjects will also focus on research on the main content Fourth, the training content is closer to the actual work, so the training effect will be better Fifth, if there is a step to identify training needs, it will clarify the relationship between training requirements and training reality
We based the research on the basis for making the hypothesis:
H1: Assessment of training needs has positives impact on the capacity of employees of the production department of Samsung Display Vietnam
According to (Saiyadain, 1994), training commitment is the understanding of the training program by the target audience, carried out from the organization to the employee through training policy and employee commitment Commitment to training is also the training responsibility of the company/organization for the task of training employees Training commitment includes training programs built around training objectives and effectiveness, practical training programs that meet content is based on the business needs of the organization, based on the actual situation of the employees, the points that need to be improved to improve the ability to recognize problems in the production process, or in the production process business operations
According to (Hartenian, 2003) to develop human resources one of the most effective methods is training Managers can choose from different training methods Managers build their own training programs Or hire training centers or universities to train their employees Due to high financial costs, or a good amount of time in training, many organizations or managers make the mistake of paying little attention to employee training activities, and making little commitment to training between the organization and the employee If the organization invests time, brainpower, especially finance in training, it will improve the capacity of employees, thereby solving the unreasonable point in production, also resolving disagreements, Set better goals and plans We have researched on the basis to hypothesize:
H2: Commitment to training needs has positives impact on the capacity of employees of the production department of Samsung Display Vietnam
According to Poon and Othman (2000), training content includes software training "Human skills" and specialized knowledge training Human resources skills often go into training such as: Leadership skills, communication skills, decision- making skills And skills in specialized knowledge areas such as mechanics, electricity, financial planning This is an in the key of the research for built in the program to create suitable for each type of business According to research by Menguin (2007) has proven that, if an employee in any kind of business is trained in better knowledge base, then that skill will be the foundation for employee development develop and learn better technical expertise and better planning or accounting In particular, employees work together better, help each other better to complete the work together towards the goals of the organization With superiors, employees will come up with problems and solutions more effectively For new employees, developing training content will help them soften with the culture and technology of the organization, thereby preferring to apply faster and understand their standard work In the manufacturing department at SDV, there is quite a bit of training related to software, expertise, and regulatory compliance How training content affects qualified employees is not researched and conclusive We based the research on the basis for making the hypothesis:
H3: Training content has positives impact on the on the capacity of employees of the production department of Samsung Display Vietnam
In section 2.1.4 method of training (Barbara Ostrowski Martin, 2014) concludes that: Training method is a way to transfer training content to trainees, each method has its own implementation method and advantages and disadvantages that organizations need to consider to choose in accordance with their job requirements, labor characteristics and financial resources Therefore, in order to choose a reasonable teaching method, it is necessary to choose the method according to the following criteria: Learning mode, learning environment, presence of lecturers, proximity, level of interaction, consideration training costs and time needs According to (Barbara Ostrowski Martin, 2014), there are 13 main training methods that have been studied by scholars to apply in different fields for effective training programs, which are study, games-based training, internship, job rotation, job shadowing, lecture, mentoring and apprenticeship, programmed instruction, role-modeling, role play, simulation, stimulus-based training, and team-training
At the production department of Samsung Display is also applying most of the above training methods, but how do the training methods affect the capacity and work efficiency of employees? Positive or negative influence? There is no measurable evidence yet
We based the research on the basis for making the hypothesis:
H4: Training methods has positives impact on the on the capacity of employees of the production department of Samsung Display Vietnam
2.2.5 Behavior of employee after training course
Behavior through action is an act that is recognized through the specific work that a person does According to scientists' research, behavior can be divided into four basic categories: technical behavior, instinctive behavior, intellectual behavior and responsive behavior
How much has the behavior changed after training? his level is the most difficult to measure according to Jim Kirkpatrick, PhD and Wendy Kayser Kirkpatrick, (2009), and perhaps the most important If training participants could not apply what they had learned during training to work, the training program would have failed Therefore, measuring behavior change is important and it is necessary after each training course, not only to see behavior changes, but also to find out why after the training course then students do not have behavior changes or have strong behavior changes
At the manufacturing department of Samsung Display Vietnam, to measure how behavior changes after training courses affect employee capacity? The author, based on Kirkpatrick's research, (2009) for making the hypothesis:
H5: Behavior of Employees after training course has positives impact on the capacity of employees of the production department of Samsung Display Vietnam 2.2.6 Training evaluation
According to Kirkpatrick (1996) defines evaluation as the deterministic outcome of a generator Evaluate the truth training as any attempt to obtain information about the effectiveness of a training program, and to assess the value of training work based on that information
Follow to Acabiz.vn, training is considered a core issue in the business Evaluating the effectiveness of training becomes even more important to avoid wasting time and money for businesses Evaluating training effectiveness is a difficult but necessary activity for enterprises to re-statistical the results that training brings to employees For businesses to consider the ability and application of training knowledge and skills to work effectively The rating levels are as below: Evaluation of training effectiveness is the comparison of training results with the expectations of leaders The difficulty level of training assessment increases when measures of response, learning, behavior, and outcomes are used The value of training increases when it is demonstrated that the impact on assessment is at the behavior and outcome level, versus the response and learning level Training effectiveness can be assessed in four basic ways:
First, assessment based on student feedback: make a survey of students' reactions to the training program Do they like the program, do they feel the program is effective, do they feel the results are worth the time they spend learning
Second, assess students' knowledge: Enterprises can check that students have mastered the principles, skills, and elements that need to be learned, by tests or interviews to test knowledge Third, evaluate the change in skills-competence through the behavior of the trainees: after about 3 months, evaluate the employee's skills to see if there is an improvement Fourthly, evaluating training effectiveness based on changes in trainees' work results: This is the most important issue Do the end results show that the training achieved the goal? Does it reduce the transfer rate? Has the number of customer complaints decreased? … Businesses will evaluate training results based on measuring the impact of training on achieving goals
In the production department of Samsung Display Viet Nam company, with 3 areas of training soft skills, professional knowledge, and compliance with regulations, the post-training effectiveness affects the target results set by the Directors board
Based on the research results, we hypothesize that the 5 components of training positively affect post-training effectiveness.
Based on the theory of the factors of training affecting the capacity of employees The author has built 5 hypotheses as above:
H1: Assessment of training needs has positives impact on the capacity of employees of the production department of Samsung Display Vietnam
H2: Commitment to training needs has positives impact on the capacity of employees of the production department of Samsung Display Vietnam
H3: Training content has positives impact on the on the capacity of employees of the production department of Samsung Display Vietnam
H4: Method of training has positives impact on the capacity of employees of the production department of Samsung Display Vietnam
H5: Training Behavior of employee after training course has positives impact on the capacity of employees of the production department of Samsung Display Vietnam
Manufacturing department employees‟ capacity of SDV Company
Behavi or after training course
Research approach
The author uses quantitative statistical methods to make hypotheses through survey questionnaires Quantitative statistics method is a method of collecting information and data in the form of arithmetic and statistical data to obtain basic and general information about the research object for statistical purposes analysis;
In other words, quantification and data collection Information and data are usually collected through a large-scale questionnaire and are often applied to a large research sample After a systematic and objective data collection process, the data was then analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics software For the purpose of this study, correlation analysis and multivariable linear regression analysis were performed to test the hypotheses formulated in the literature review
Zulkifli et al (2019) states that the quantitative method is well suited for a study that tests a hypothesis between multiple constructs rather than generating an entirely new hypothesis Furthermore, the use of scientific methods to collect and analyze data allows generalized findings to be applied to other populations (Apuke, 2017) Multivariate techniques in quantitative methods can also allow researchers to explore correlations between variables using the measures most appropriate for each context (Queirós et al., 2017).
Sample size
According to Hair et al (1998), to generate reliable and effective factors, the subject-to-variable ratio (STV) should be 5:1 This ratio is also considered by many contemporary scholars to be the rule of thumb (Field, 2005; Hair et al., 2010) In this study, three variables with a total of 20 indicators are presented; therefore, the minimum size suitable for factor analysis should be 20x5 = 100 observations The author intends to survey 650 questionnaires for about 650 employees at Samsung Display Vietnam's production department in May 2022 The form of collecting questionnaire results is in the form of an online survey After 2.5 month of conducting the survey and collecting the survey results The author performs data filtering by removing invalid or incomplete forms or unreliable information The total number of responses collected was 650 However, after the filtering process, the number of reliable and retained responses for analysis was 638, accounting for 98.15% of the total collected samples This result met the set goal and met the 5: 1 standard.
The survey questionnaire of this topic research 5-level Likert design model (1) Strongly Disagree, (2) Disagree, (3) Neutral, (4) Agree, (5) Strongly Agree
The elements in this research model include: Training need assessment, training commitment, training content, training methods, and training evaluation results Based on the actual situation and qualifications of the production department employees The survey questions are suitable for the research object and not complicated
Strengths of the Likert scale
Likert Scales have the advantage that they do not expect a simple yes/no answer from answer, but rather allow for degrees of opinion, and even no opinion at all Hence the data Quantitative results are obtained, which means that the data can be analyzed relatively easily Anonymization is provided on the questionnaires, meaning that the evaluator will not need to enter their name, phone number, etc reduces the pressure when evaluating the questionnaire, and thus can also increase the accuracy of the response results
Weaknesses of the Likert scale
However, like all surveys, the accuracy of the Likert-scale attitude measurement can be affected by the content of the question For example, answer may lie to ask questions into the positive aspect For example, if the Likert scale measures child abuse, fewer people will admit to having experienced child abuse (even though it may actually be)
Table 3.1 Training Needs Assessment, based on Goldstein & Ford, 2002
1 Training courses of Manufacturing department are necessary T1-1
2 Training courses of Manufacturing department meet your training needs
3 You want to join the training courses of Manufacturing department T1-3
4 You want Manufacturing department adds new training courses T1-4
Table 3.2 Training Commitments, based on Hartenian, 2003
1 The facilities of Manufacturing department meet your training requirements
2 Training preparations and support are thoughtful and professional T2-2
3 Training courses organized in time to apply your work T2-3
4 The knowledge provided by the training courses if useful to you T2-4
Table 3.3 Training Contents, based on Poon & Othman, 2000
1 Training contents of manufacturing department are valuable T3-1
2 The contents of training courses of manufacturing department are regularly updated
3 Training duration of manufacturing department is suitable T3-3
4 The training schedule and frequency of training courses is reasonable
Table 3.4 Training Methods, based on Barbara Ostrowski Martin, 2014
1 Training methods are diverse and suitable for trainees T4-1
2 During the training courses, trainers always interact and receive feedback
3 I understand the training content of the department T4-3
4 I need more new training methods to understand the training content better
Table 3.5 Behavior change after training, based on Jim Kirkpatrick, 2009
1 I always 3D5S before beginning and after ending of the training courses
2 I always follow standard operating procedure T5-2
3 I always comply with environmental safety regulations and security regulations
4 I always obey traffic safety regulations T5-4
5 I always remind when colleagues break the rules T5-5
Table 3.6 Evaluate effectiveness after training, based on to Kirkpatrick, 1996
1 The company have improved equipment performance T6-1
2 The company have effectively used human resources T6-2
3 The company have reduced the rate of NG products T6-3
4 The company have reduced waste in the production process T6-4
5 The company effectively use electric and water in the production process
This Research is used to test the trust level of the Cronbach's Alpha scale; this is the tool we need This tool will help check whether the variables of the prefix mother (factor A) are reliable or not, good or not This control, feedbacks how closely correlated variables observations in the same prefix It indicates the variable observation of a prefix, which has contributed to the work of measuring the concept of a prefix and a variable that is not According Hair et al (2014) The Cronbach Alpha result of the good factor allows observing the variables that we listed as very good, showing the special features of the prefix mother, we have a good scale for this prefix mother
The value of alpha ranges from 0 to 1 A reasonable value when the items in a variable all result in the range 0.5-1 If the value of Alpha is from 0.5 to 0.95, the confidence is high, if the value of Alpha is below 0.5 it can be considered as low confidence
Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) is a quantitative analysis method used to reduce a set of many interdependent measurable variables into a smaller set of variables (called factors) so that they are significant but still contains most of the information content of the original set of variables (Hair et al 2009)
The two main goals of an EFA analysis are to determine:
The number of factors influencing a set of measurable variables
The intensity of the relationship between each factor and each measurement variable
EFA is often used in many fields of administration, economics, psychology, sociology, when the conceptual framework has been obtained from previous theories or studies
In economic studies, people often use an index scale that includes many questions (measurement variables) to measure concepts in the conceptual model, and EFA will contribute to shortening a set of many measurable variables into a number of factors
When we have a small number of factors, if we use these factors as independent variables in the multiple regression function, then the model will reduce the possibility of violating multi collinearity
In addition, the factors drawn after performing EFA analysis will be able to be performed in Multivariate Regression Analysis, Logit model, then can continue to perform multivariate analysis confirmatory factor (CFA) to assess the reliability of the model or perform a linear structural model (Structural Equation Modeling, SEM) to test the complex relationship between concepts
In EFA, each measure variable is represented as a computational combination of the prefix basis, and the variability of each measure is explained by a common factor (common coefficient) The general variability of the measure variables is described by a small number of prefix communities with a number of prefix characteristics (unique coefficients) for each variable If the variable measurement system is normalized, then the model factor can be displayed by the method:
Xi = Ai1 * F1 + Ai2 * F2 + Ai3 * F3 + + Aim * Fm + Vi * Ui
Aij: normalized regression multiple of factor j for variable i
Vi: systematic normalization procedure of prefix feature i for variable i
Ui: prefix characteristic of variable i
The prefix features are similar to each other and compatible with the common part of the prefix; that friendly prefixes can also be described as computational combinations of measurement variables, which can be shown through the following
Fi = Wi1 * X1 + Wi2 * X2 + Wi3 * X3 + + Wiki * Xk
Wi: weight or significant factor (weighting factor or coefficient of score) k: variable
The necessary conditions for the resulting table of the rotation matrix to be statistically significant are:
KMO coefficient must be in the range from 0.5 to 1
Barlett's test has sig less than 0.05
Eigenvalue is greater than or equal to 1
Total variance extracted is greater than or equal to 50%
EFA analysis is based on the relationship between measurement variables, so, before deciding to use EFA, we need to consider the relationship between these measurement variables Using the correlation matrix, we can identify the degree of relationship between variables If the correlation coefficients are less than 0.30, then using EFA is not appropriate (Hair et al 2009)
Here are some criteria to evaluate the relationship between variables:
Bartlett test is used to see if the correlation matrix is an identity matrix or not? The unit matrix here is understood as a matrix with the correlation coefficient between the variables equal to 0, and the correlation coefficient with itself equal to 1
If the Bartlett test has p0.5, Sig Bartlett's Test 0.0050%, so the six factors cited were interpreted as 62,490% data variability of 16 observed variables participating in the EFA As a result of the rotation matrix,
"Table 4.20, 21 analytical variables are analyzed into 03 factors, all factors have a factor loading coefficient greater than 0.5 and some variables load on both groups of factors, and the difference between the load factor is greater than 0.2 So these variables are all variables
Table 4.20 Communalities result of EFA of the independent variable
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization a Rotation converged in 6 iterations
4.4.2 Exploratory Factor Analysis of the dependent variable
The results of the analysis of the reliability of the variables in section 4.3 of chapter 4, the total number of variables that the author used in the study is 26 variables, of which 5 are dependent variables belonging to the Training Evaluation EFA analysis results as below:
Table 4.21 KMO and Bartlett's Test of EFA of the dependent variable
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy .816
(Source: Analysis on SPSS 20) The results of EFA analysis coefficient KMO = 0.816>0.5, Sig Bartlett's Test 0.0050%, so the one factor cited was interpreted as 62,180% data variability of 05 observed variables participating in the EFA
As a result, the scale indicates a factor greater than 1 That is, the scale ensures a simple direction in which the observed variables of the dependent variables converge quite well
Table 4.23 Rotation matrix result of EFA of the dependent variable
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis a 1 components extracted
As rotation matrix results, that coefficients greater than 0.5 (satisfying the requirements).
In the research, we often have to test hypotheses about the relationship between two or more variables, including one dependent variable and one or more independent variables, the model is call simple Linear Regression And These are two or more independent variables, these model is call multiple Regression This Research use multiple Regression
The author names the average representation of the composition of the training as follows:
Table 4.24 Name The Medium Representative
No Factor full name Acronym Variables' number
5 Change behavior after training CBH 5 T5
4.5.1 Pearson correlation analysis result of the medium representative
As result of Pearson correlation analysis at the 4.22 table, the conclusion is as follows:
The first, the value of Sig is less than 0.05, so it is eligible for regression analysis The second is, the Pearson correlation coefficient is high “The correlation coefficient between the independent variable and the dependent variable”, and the result is similar in the same direction
The third, the correlation coefficient of dependent variables and the lowest value-neutral variable is 0.484, the largest value is 0.748, and the average correlation combination is quite good This result demonstrates the linear relationship between the dependent variable and the best independent variable
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed)
4.5.2 Linear regression model Analysis results
Table 4.26 Pearson Model Summary Result
Std Error of the Estimate
As result of 4.23 table, then R Square= 0.578, and Adjusters R Square = 0.575, this mean Independent variables included in regression analysis affect 57% of dependent variability Sixty-nine percent were due to out-of-model variables and random error The results on the table also showed that Durbin- Watson values of 1.787 were between 1.5 and 2.5, so the results did not violate the same assumption as the most wick-related (According to Yahua Qiao 2011)
Table 4.27 Appropriateness result of the regression model
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig
Total 140.579 637 a Dependent Variable: T6 b Predictors: (Constant), T5, T3, T1, T2, T4
Looking at the results we see, the Sig value is less than 0.05 so we reject the H0 hypothesis This means that there is a linear relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variable in the research model mo So the rotational conclusion that the Sig F test value is 0.000 so the regression model mo is appropriate
Table 4.28 Coefficient result of regression model analysis
Standardized Coefficients t Sig Collinearity Statistics
B Std Error Beta Tolerance VIF
In view of the results, the VIF value of the independent variables is less than
10 According to Hair (2009) if VIF is greater than 10, there may be multipath attacks that mislead regression estimates
Independent variables with a test sig position value t are all less than 0.05 in accordance with the regression model The Sig value of the T2 independent reading variable is 0.817 greater than 0.05, this variable has not impact on the "T6" dependent variable So this mean T2 has not statistical significance
The Sig value of the T1 independent variable is 0.045 0.05, H2 hypothesis is unacceptable
It means training engagement have no effect on the manufacturing employees' capacity at SDV “This result is similar to study of Hartenian 2003” However, in actual situation of manufacturing department at SDV, Training Engagement has reciprocal effect on other components of training (Training Content, Training Method, Behavior of employees after training)
According the research of Menguin (2007), the content of training is very important factor that greatly effect to abilities and effectiveness of employees Base on the research result, the regression analysis has Beta of 0.108, the statistical significance level is 5% With this result, the hypothesis H3 meet the criteria It is also confirming that training content is the second most influential factor on abilities and efficiency of employees at SDV company
In fact, the training courses of manufacturing department in SDV divided into
3 main groups: soft skills, technician knowledge, regulations compliance The manufacturing department in SDV need to pay more attention to the content of training programs It is necessary to go directly in unreasonable problems on field, and classify employees to design appropriate training content to improve abilities, problem-solving skills, and to cooperate with colleagues to get the job done faster and more accurately
According to Barbara Ostrowski Martin (2014), the factor “training methods” has a positive influence to employee‟s abilities In the research of Barbara Ostrowski Martin, there are 13 useful training methods The results of the regression analysis with 638 survey samples of the production department at SDV Beta are 0.125 with the significance level of 5%, the hypothesis H4 is accepted Research results of the topic are matched with Barbara Ostrowski Martin (2014) In fact, if the company has a good training method and conveys all the training content to employees in a clear, scientific and logical way, the employees will understand the knowledge, thereby improving their abilities and competence to handle problems faster and more accurately Moreover, the natural interaction between trainees and trainers will solve trainee‟s problems better In the production department of SDV company, when developing a training program, the teaching method is focused because without a good method, it will greatly affect the quality of the trainees Therefore, training methods must be suitable for training needs, training objectives, training subjects, training content and training locations
5.1.5 Changing behavior of employee after training program
According to the research, the results of the regression analysis of the factor
“changing behavior of employees after training” of the production department of SDV company with the Beta coefficient of 0.604 at the 5% statistical significance level Hypothesis H5 is accepted The results of the research, similar to Kirkpatrick's research, (2009) This is the factor that has the greatest influence on the abilities of employees of the production department at SDV Company Among the 5 hypotheses in the research model of the topic, behavior change is the end factor of a training program It has the task of re-evaluating the entire training process of a training course in order to improve the abilities and awareness of the trainees In addition, it also evaluates the effectiveness of 4 factors including demand, commitment, content and training methods if they have unreasonable points, thereby improving the training programs of the production department at the SDV company or other businesses and organizations in the future.
Humanity is living and working in the 4.0 technology area And production enterprises are moving toward smart factories Therefore, in order to meet technology needs and increasing the competition on market The organizations and corporations are also pay great attention to human resource development In particular, training is an important side to improve employee‟s abilities, ensure for a high quality workforce for organizations/ enterprises to rise their competitiveness Towards the sustainable development of the business
The research results of the topic prove that training activities have a positive effect on the abilities and work efficiency of employees So organizations / enterprises must develop a training strategy to develop the abilities of employees It is especially important to study the components of training when building a training program It is necessary to identify and assess the training needs of the organization and employees depending on the type of business From there, training content will be developed suitable to the trainees and the trainee‟s career, regularly updating training commitment so that employees clearly define their own training goals, and align with the goals of the organization That will promote motivation in the learning process of employees From there, the abilities of employees will be improved, and work efficiency will be better When implementing training, it is necessary to choose a training method suitable for the training subjects, suitable for the training space, suitable for the duration of the course as well as the time when conducting the training It is necessary to research and apply new training methods, to be able to convey knowledge to students in a simple and effective way For the internal trainers of SDV Company's production department, and the trainers of business organizations, they regularly organize intensive training courses to update new knowledge and technologies in their major from professors or experts From there, the trainers have the skills to interact with trainees, receive natural feedback and solve real-life problems for trainees
Evaluating the effectiveness of training after training is essential, but quite complicated After training the employee's abilities has improved or not, it is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness through the work results, the work goals that the organization has set For example, after training, does the equipment performance at the trainee's work stage change or not? Is the operation time reduced or not? Does the trainee‟s product have a reduced NG rate? From there, the organization will evaluate how the training program needs to be modified and improved to be more effective.
First, the research object of the topic is the production department of SDV company, the scope of the study is also the production department of SDV company Meanwhile, SDV company has 9 departments with about 40000 employees, so it is not possible to represent all the company's employees Therefore, it is recommended that further studies should study the whole company so that the research results are more general and representative
Second, in the research using 650 survey samples, this number is only about 6% of the total workforce Therefore, future studies need to increase the number of survey samples The minimum samples should be 2300 is equivalent to 10% of the total workforce of the organization
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APPENDIX 1 PILOT TEST Part I: Introduction
I am: Pham Ngoc Quyen - I am an apprentice of the graduate class MBA 21 home postgraduate of National University Currently, I am doing research on the master thesis “The effectiveness of training activities in improving employees’ capacity at Samsung Display Vietnam’s production department” Before putting into the main study, I would like to discuss with you about the relationship between aspects of training activities affecting your performance We hope to receive your cooperation through answering the following questions All opinions of you will be kept confidential and used only for research purposes of this topic Thank you!
I am: Pham Ngoc Quyen - I am an apprentice of the graduate class MBA 21 home postgraduate of National University Currently, I am doing research on the master thesis “The effectiveness of training activities in improving employees’ capacity at Samsung Display Vietnam’s production department” I look forward to receiving your cooperation by answering the questions below Data collected from your assessment is for this study only I undertake that the results will be presented in statistical form and will not name any individuals
Please select the rating level you think is most suitable for
Disagree Normal Agree Totally agree
Have you ever participated in training programs at the company?
Survey questions Levels of rating
Training courses of Manufacturing department are necessary
Training courses of Manufacturing department meet your training needs You want to join the training courses of Manufacturing department You want Manufacturing department adds new training courses
The facilities of Manufacturing department meet your training requirements
Training preparations and support are thoughtful and professional
Training courses organized in time to apply your work
The knowledge provided by the training courses if useful to you
Training contents of manufacturing department are valuable
The contents of training courses of manufacturing department are regularly updated
Training duration of manufacturing department is suitable
The training schedule and frequency of training courses is reasonable
Training methods are diverse and suitable for trainees
During the training courses, trainers always interact and receive feedback
I understand the training content of the department
I need more new training methods to understand the training content better
I always 3D5S before beginning and after ending of the training courses
I always follow standard operating procedure
I always comply with environmental safety regulations and security regulations
I always obey traffic safety regulations
I always remind when colleagues break the rules
The company have improved equipment performance The company have effectively used human resources
The company have reduced the rate of
NG products The company have reduced waste in the production process
The company effectively use electric and water in the production process
Table 4.6 The Reliability Statistics of the Training Needs Assessment scale
Table 4.7 The Item-Total statistics of the Training Needs Assessment’s variables
Scale Mean if Item Deleted
Scale Variance if Item Deleted
Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted
Table 4.8 Statistics reliability of the Training commitments- T2 scale
Table 4.9 Item-Total Statistics reliability of the Training commitment’s variables
Scale Mean if Item Deleted
Scale Variance if Item Deleted
Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted
Table 4.10 Training contents – T3 reliability statistics
Table 4.11 Item-Total Statistics reliability of the Training content’s variables
Scale Mean if Item Deleted
Scale Variance if Item Deleted
Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted
Table 4.12 Training methods – T4 reliability statistics
Table 4.13 Item-Total Statistics reliability of the Training method’s variables
Scale Mean if Item Deleted
Scale Variance if Item Deleted
Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted
Table 4.14 Change behavior – T5 reliability statistics
Table 4.15 Item-Total Statistics reliability of the Change behavior’s variables
Scale Mean if Item Deleted
Scale Variance if Item Deleted
Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted
Table 4.16 Statistics reliability of Training Effectiveness – T6 scale
Table 4.17 Item-Total Statistics reliability of the Training effectiveness’s variables
Scale Mean if Item Deleted
Scale Variance if Item Deleted
Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted
Table 4.18 KMO and Bartlett's of EFA of the independent variable
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy .903
Table 4.19 The total variance explained result of EFA of the independent variable
Table 4.20 Communalities result of EFA of the independent variable
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization a Rotation converged in 6 iterations
Table 4.21 KMO and Bartlett's Test of EFA of the dependent variable
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy .816
Table 4.22 The total variance explained result of EFA of the dependent variable
Component Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings
Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative %
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis
Table 4.23 Rotation matrix result of EFA of the dependent variable
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis a 1 components extracted
Table 4.24 Name The Medium Representative
No Factor full name Acronym Variables' number
5 Change behavior after training CBH 5 T5
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed)
Table 4.26 Pearson Model Summary Result
Std Error of the Estimate
Table 4.27 Appropriateness result of the regression model
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig
Total 140.579 637 a Dependent Variable: T6 b Predictors: (Constant), T5, T3, T1, T2, T4
Table 4.28 Coefficient result of regression model analysis
Standardized Coefficients t Sig Collinearity Statistics
B Std Error Beta Tolerance VIF