The Pathway School system is also applying a quantitative method in assessing employee performance, thereby seeing how effective it is.. Advantages and disadvantages of quantitative perf
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Course: K25
HCMC, December 2022
Trang 2Acknowledgments The first words allow our group to send our most sincere thanks to the lecturer - Ms Giang Thi Hoang Anh She was the one who taught and imparted useful knowledge and lessons to the group Thanks to her valuable experience and expertise, it has helped the whole class as well as our group have more knowledge and understanding about performance management In addition, thanks to her help and enthusiastic guidance, our group completed the research paper completely and successfully Besides that, success, it is impossible not
to mention the enthusiastic support from Pathway School that helped our group complete the research paper Our group is very grateful for everyone's companionship and support, and everyone has given their valuable time to support us in the best way Our group is very appreciative and would like to express their sincere thanks to Pathway School And lastly, we also want to thank our group for helping, building, and making every effort to deliver a meaningful and complete research paper
Trang 3Abstract
In today's life, businesses want to survive and grow stronger and stronger, every business needs to have a performance management system most effectively The content of this research paper and the theories used are related to the performance management of enterprises in the Vietnamese market - Pathway School, especially in the post-Covid-19 context What has been researched reports in the past shown and what is missing, this report will show those things and will provide a more specific analysis Through this study, it has been shown that enterprises are currently using quantitative methods to manage performance and provide analytical arguments in practice, and also show that enterprises have apps It also shows The method
of applying theory together with practice, and using the secondary data method provides clear knowledge and insight into the quantitative method of the business The results obtained after reading this study, the reader will have a clear overview and overview of the method in question, which is the quantitative method, and also the new things that this study brings again Enterprises have applied the above method to operate in their businesses, an effective performance management system also makes an important contribution to building and helping businesses grow strongly and sustainably
Keywords: Pathway School, performance management, quantitative methods, post-Covid-19 pandemic
Trang 41.1.1 The concept of quantitative performance evaluation method 2 1.1.2 Steps to implement quanfitative performance evaluafion method 2 1.1.3, Advantages and disadvantages of quantitative performance evaluation
1.2.1 Application of a quantitative model to assess the level of work motivation for ERICSSON Co., LTD employees in Vietnam 3 1.2.2 Students assess teaching efficiency: a survey quantitative from a foreign
1.3.1 A quantitative model for performance measurement system (QMPMS.) 5
3.1 Consider using performance management software 15
(Source: (ScienceDirect, n.d.)) re 5
Trang 5Figure 1.3: Diagram Value-Add Student Growth Measure (Source: (Ed-Fi Tech Does, W.0.)) A 6
List of Tables
Table 1.1: Advantages and disadvantages of quantitative
performance evaluation method (Source: (Ai Nhi, 2021;
Trang 6importance of applying the performance management system in practice is a great contribution to determining employee performance more easily This research paper wants to discuss this issue because it
is close to reality, can be applied in practice, and imparts necessary knowledge The Pathway School system is also applying a quantitative method in assessing employee performance, thereby seeing how effective it is
This research paper is writing about a business in the Vietnam market - Pathway School Pathway School is a school system for the young generation with the desire to bring the best, happiness, and incubated knowledge to help students confidently step forward and grow up laterffPathway School, 2014) The context that is focused on is the situation after the Covid-19 epidemic It can be said that the Covid-19 epidemic has caused many changes And therefore, this study will also clarify the situation after the Covid-19 situation has passed, what will happen to businesses The research also uses the secondary data method to contribute to the authenticity of the research paper Specific examples, previous study papers, and references are all included and exploited most effectively
The research is divided into 3 chapters First, chapter 1 will introduce theories and concepts about what quantitative methods are and how
to implement them In addition, there are more models of the method, and previous studies have studied and yielded results In the next section, chapter 2 will delve into the analysis of how this business has applied quantitative methods in assessing employee performance, what results have been obtained and how it has been achieved as the original goal proposed or not Finally, chapter 3 with recommendations
to improve the problems faced by businesses in performance evaluation This research paper plays an important role when it shows the problems that businesses are facing and from there also makes recommendations to help businesses develop further in the future
employee performance because the evaluation criteria have been
listed in detail right from the start ffFASTDO, 2022)
Figure 1.1: Quantitative performance evaluation
Source: (FASTDO, 2022)
Trang 81.1.2 Steps to implement quantitative performance evaluation method
The quantitative performance evaluation method has 3 basic steps: Step 1: It is necessary to identify the main requirements that the job needs Managers need to build a measurement scale evaluation criteria that must be clear, specific, and not confusing to employees ffThao, B.T, 2021)
Step 2: Build a corresponding rating scale for each criterion according
to the levels of excellent, good, average, weak, and poor From the outset, it is necessary to clearly specify the levels of employee evaluation so that in the process of evaluating employees there are no questions For example, the customer service staff who are rated at the "excellent" are the ones who always receive positive
feedback, by
customers As for the state aff, onratt the "good" is the employee who
level and thanks from customers, and necomplyompl
does not have complaints from customers but also does not receive any positive feedback from customers ffThao, B.T, 2021)
Step 3: Evaluate each sub-criteria and then sum up the scores of all sub-criteria to get the overall employee evaluation score The final receive result will be a specific number that helps the manager to easily classify the level of work completed as well as know the performance of employees fff hao, B.T, 2021)
1.1.3 Advantages and disadvantages of quantitative performance evaluation method
«Helps create equality and|»The © criteria selected _ for fairness in evaluating employees | evaluation sometimes do not because employees in the same|include other factors that position will be evaluated by the
same criteria and have the same
measurement scale From there,
also have a
businesses — will
standard work achievements Therefore, sometimes employees employees achieve on the job
receive evaluations that are not
achievements they try to achieve
Trang 9employees is easy to understand
and can be easily used thanks to
a clear rating scale for the criteria
from the outset.ffAi Nhi, 2021;
of employees ffAi Nhi, 2021;, 2022)
*Quantitative performance appraisals method are also time-
2021;, 2022)
Table 1.1 Advantages and disadvantages of quantitative
performance evaluation method
Source: (Ai Nhi, 2021;, 2022)
1.2 Previous Studies
1.2.1 Application of a quantitative model to assess the level of work motivation for ERICSSON Co., LTD employees in Vietnam Research conducted by Master "Truong Minh Duc" in 2011 In this study, the author has studied the criteria and factors that help motivate and motivate employees to maximize their working ability at the Ericsson company The evaluation criteria for helping motivate and motivate employees are listed as what employees do, and what can motivate them to be enthusiastic at work so that the author realizes how to help improve high performance for employees of Ericsson company The study uses secondary data, the author explores based
on Ericsson's employee surveys what makes employees more motivated to work, in the survey also clearly lists criteria to motivate employees of the company Research to understand more about the level of motivation of the company, from which the author will also suggest ways to increase performance and increase work motivation for the company's employees This method helps readers have the clearest, most specific, and most ccaccurateiew of employee
Trang 10performance in Ericsson company because the criteria for evaluating motivational factors for employees have beenestablishededhed listed the details right from the start Today, the effective use of labor is very important, so companies need to have criteria and ways to evaluate and motivate employees to maximize their working ability.ffTS Truong
by the Foreign Language Center will set criteria to evaluate the teaching performance of teachers and have students make an assessment based on what the students feel as well as through the contact acquire knowledge in the learning process How to evaluate the work performance of a teacher, only the student is the best judge because the student is the person who directly learns and is in direct contact with the teacher's teaching style After all, students have finished evaluating the teacher's work performance, the Foreign Language Center will base one result obtained to evaluate the teacher's work performance as "excellent, good, average, weak, and poor” Since then, the Foreign Language Center as well as the lecturers will try to find ways to improve working efficiency The study method uses secondary data The study is based on information from the Language Center's quantitative survey of teaching performance Research helps the Center for Foreign Languages as well as teachers to review their work performance and find ways to overcome if the teaching effectiveness is not high The results show that evaluating teaching performance by the quantitative method is extremely good, really necessary, and brings many benefits to the Foreign Language Center The study is concluded with several suggestions so that the
Trang 11activity "Students assess teaching efficiency" of the Foreign Language Center will be more successful and more effective in the future ffChau
Identification of factor affecting performance
and their relationship
Tools; Cognitive maps
Tools; Analytic hierarchy process system (QMPMS)
Figure 1.2 A quantitative model for performance measurement system (QMPMS)
Source: (ScienceDirect, n.d.)
Trang 121.3.2 Rubric-based Evaluation model
The diagram illustrates how a quantitative measure is mapped into the data model.ffEd-Fi Tech Docs, n.d.)
| grade level growth)
Evaluation Rating Level Rating Level
Figure 1.3 Diagram Value-Add Student Growth Measure
Source: (Ed-Fi Tech Docs, n.d.)
vy i lmprovement Does Not Necesary Meet $tandard
2.1 Overview
The Lien Minh Bach Khoa Joint Stock Company, led by the CEO combination of Mr Tran Viet Quan and Ms Nguyen Doan Kim Son, manages Tue Duc School System, also known as Pathway School In addition to cultivating profound knowledge, the Tue Duc school system was founded in 2014 and is a pioneer in the development of a Happy School, where students may also develop their personalities and practice capabilities As a school, the fusion of Western SCIENCE and Eastern CULTURE completely infiltrated every lesson, field trip, meal, and activity in life, using the concept of the 03 roots of Ethics - Intelligence - Energetic The Tue Duc School System currently operates 20 schools in Ho Chi Minh City with the same aspiration, welcomes associates with good expertise who are committed to assisting the development of Personality & Skills for children and at the same time passionate about working in a dynamic, professional, and modern environment Teachers will be helped to use the most up- to-date teaching techniques, learn how to advance their professional credentials, grow personally, and have a defined path
2.1.1 Mission
Where every lesson is an hour of play, and every situation is a lesson
In that place, students are trained to become warriors, awaken their hidden talents, cultivate deep understanding, and be nurtured with a solid personality to prepare for life Where every teacher has an exemplary lifestyle, and every student comes to class to love, not to
be pampered, to breathe personality through each class, and not to
be crammed with knowledge Every skill may be learned in a world where everyone is an example, where people are encouraged to be inspired rather than instructed Philosophy of education: Ethics, intelligence, and willpower are like a live tree stump; when they are
Trang 14maintained, they will develop and produce sweet trees for life
2.1.2 Vision
Transforming into Vietnam's happiest, leading, and most innovative educational system, where the next generation learns lifelong skills and develops civic engagement and a feeling of responsibility It is a place where every instructor intentionally forges himself before forging others, showing up to class full of life and committed to the development of the next generations
2.2 Analysis
The Pathway School System is currently using a quantitative rating scale model and using it to determine the rating for all staff from the office, operations, and teaching divisions And doing this assessment also aims to provide the employee and the organization with a way to review aspects of the job Evaluate the work results, working methods, qualities, and performance skills of staff at Pathway School Thereby, it also mentions other issues such as_ attitudes, knowledge, competencies, and personal behaviors of employees in the process of performing work ffteamwork skills, emotional intelligence, etc.) Furthermore, through this assessment, Pathway School can also plan for those employees who need further training and development Therefore, evaluation has a very important role for managers Evaluation helps managers have an overview and broader view of employees, helps to improve the relationship between the organization and employees as well as the employment situation in Pathway School The performance evaluation system at Pathway School:
| Choose evaluation method |
| Make assessment |
Set the objective of the evaluation
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Implement shared performance management with support for previously outlined business strategies At the same time, in that strategy, there will be several job evaluation goals outlined at Pathway School:
e Administrative objectives: With this goal, the results of the employee's performance evaluation are used to make personnel decisions related to individuals such as_ salary’ increase, promotion, dismissal, etc., or provide training and development opportunities For administrative purposes, vertical and horizontal managers at Pathway School must use an effective rating system that achieves a rating that distinguishes employees
e Developmental objectives: In this case, performance ratings are used to provide feedback to employees about their performance This counterinformation is intended to reinforce the desired work behaviors of employees, and guide and encourage the improvement of attitudes and work styles In order to serve development goals, Pathway School has implemented an assessment system for individuals by providing information related to different levels of competence And today "people are the assets of the business", so the development purpose is increasingly important
¢ Operational objectives: To classify efficiency used to control the quality of the workforce in general and to evaluate the effectiveness of human resource management activities in particular, such as employee selection, training, and development , pay according to efficiency
The assessment cycle at Pathway School is also relatively common and is used by quite a few other companies The staff evaluation cycle
is to be done every 6 months Thereby, the evaluation results will also Support managers to make decisions about employee bonuses or salary increases And when it comes to the audit, the vertical managers will notify their employees through an internal
Trang 16communication channel to make sure no one will miss the evaluation Choose evaluation method
The manager will base the results of the subject's work performance
on acceptance and completion of the assigned work Then, based on the monitoring and monitoring of the subject's work process month by month, including monitoring of labor discipline, and enthusiastic attitude at work, to make their judgments and evaluations
At present, Pathway School uses quantitative methods mainly to assess the performance level of employees The following scale can
be followed that the organization is applying to review and evaluate all employees:
Table 2.1 Completion rating
Source: Pathway School
Self Vertical Horizontal
No Standards -assessment manager manager
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| | challenges Piette Tt tt | tt
Self- Vertical Horizontal
No Standards assessment manager manager
Self- Vertical Horizontal
No Standards assessment manager manager
Table 2.2 Performance evaluation sheet at Pathway School
Source: Pathway School
Then, the horizontal and vertical managers will Summarize the score in each column for the employee and proceed to rank the employee according to the following rating scale:
Trang 18Table 2.3 Total rating points
Source: Pathway School
e Regarding the evaluation criteria:
The evaluation board has built up key standards, reflecting the quality
of the employee's work performance Standards such as working attitude, capabilities, and performance are all decisive factors for employees’ work results Evaluation of these criteria is partly possible
to fully evaluate the employee's job performance The standards given
in the competency framework and the performance framework have been quantified to facilitate assessment A standard that is clearly divided into quantifiable levels is always much easier to evaluate than
a qualitative standard, it also provides more objective, accurate, and consistent evaluation results However, in the work attitude assessment framework, there are still several criteria such as maintaining relationships with managers, maintaining relationships with colleagues, and dealing with difficulties and challenges that are quite general and difficult to assess clearly and specifically And It will
be subject to the subjective opinion of the reviewer, such evaluation results may be inaccurate or unfair
e About the scale:
The level of the scale and the number of points in each evaluation framework is uniform, without prioritizing the importance of any one criterion Each criterion is evaluated with the lowest score of 1 point to the highest score of 5 points for self-assessed individuals and management levels