List and briefly describe the following basic categories of selection tests,with examples: Tests of cognitive abilities Tests of motor and physical abilities Test of personality and i
Group 4
Group members:
1 Lê Nguyễn Ngọc Minh 215084081 Conclusion, Edit file word,
part 3, part 4.2, part 4.3
tests, Part 3
and physical abilities, editfile ppt
test , Introduce of Amazon,edit file ppt
Trang 2First of all, the team would like to thank the University of Economics and Finance of
Ho Chi Minh City for including the Human Resource Management module in thetraining program, creating opportunities for students to access , learn as well asunderstand the recruitment process
In addition, the team would also like to express their sincerest thanks to the group'sguide in this subject, Lecturer Dang Thanh Thuy Thank you for your enthusiasm anddedication in guiding us throughout the course
Trang 3TOPIC 4
1 Chapter 6 describes the effectiveness of employee testing and selection It
also indicates the importance of this activity in recruitment and selectionprocess Work in groups and then answer the following questions:
2 List and briefly describe the following basic categories of selection tests,
with examples:
Tests of cognitive abilities
Tests of motor and physical abilities
Test of personality and interests
Work sample test
3 Explain the importance to conduct pre-employment background investigation
in selection
4 Choose a company in the field of Technology and fulfil the following
Provide a brief introduction of the company.
Identify some of the established selection techniques that apparently underlie company’s unconventional approach to choose talent.
What specific sections can company identify as being problematical
in its selection process?
Trang 4Introduction 5
Body 6
1 Types of employee tests 6
1.1 Tests Of Cognitive Abilities 7
1.2 Tests of Motor and Physical Abilities 8
1.3 Test Of Personality And Interests 9
1.4 Work Sample Tests: 10
2 The importance to conduct pre-employment background investigation in selection 11
2.1 What is covered in a pre-employment background check? 11
2.2 Identity verification: 11
2.3 Why are pre-employment background checks important? 12
3 An Overview Of Amazon And Information About Talent Sourcing 13
Conclusion: 21
Trang 5For every business, recruitment is a very important process that can greatly affectthe operation and development of that business So what is recruitment?Recruitment is the process of finding, attracting and evaluating human resources,selecting candidates who satisfy the conditions of the enterprise to supplement thenecessary human resources and realize the objectives set by the enterprise.Recruitment is also the process of attracting qualified job seekers from outside thesociety and employees working within the enterprise From there, businesses canevaluate candidates in different aspects, based on the job requirements set out tofind the most suitable candidates
In a recruitment process, the business needs to first Identify recruitment needs andprepare job descriptions Next is screening and finding talented people Finally,interviewing, evaluating and providing jobs
So in the recruitment process, when businesses have had potential candidates for acertain position, what should businesses do to screen them? Who are the mostsuitable candidates for that position? At this point they will need to check and selectemployees And to better understand the examination and selection in therecruitment process of the enterprise, we will go to the next part
Trang 61 Types of employee tests
How Many U.S Companies Use Employment Tests?
41% of employers test job applicants in basic literacy and/or math skills
34% of job applicants tested in 2000 lacked sufficient skills for the positionsthey sought
68% of employers engage in various forms of job skill testing
29% of employers use one or more forms of psychological measurement orassessment
20% of employers use cognitive ability tests (for more information, see thearticle entitled Types of Employment Tests)
8% of employers use interest inventories
Trang 7 14% of employers use some form of managerial assessments (for moreinformation, see the articles entitled Types of Employment Tests and IndividualPsychological Assessment).
13% of employers use personality tests (for more information, see the articleentitled, Types of Employment Tests)
10% of employers use physical simulations of job tasks (for more information,see the article entitled, Types of Employment Tests)
1.1 Tests Of Cognitive Abilities
a What are cognitive ability tests?
Cognitive ability tests are assessments that measure someone’s mental abilities andcognitive functions Employers use these tests to help predict a candidate’s ability tocomplete different job functions and learn new skills
b Cognitive tests include tests of:
General reasoning ability (intelligence)
Intelligence Tests
Intelligence (IQ) tests are tests of general intellectual abilities
They measure not a single trait but rather a range of abilities, includingmemory, vocabulary, verbal fluency, and numerical ability
Fifty questions are available to answer in just 15 minutes Itassesses reaction speed in answering questions onmathematics, reasoning and verbal understanding
Tests of specific mental abilities like memory and inductive reasoning
Specific cognitive abilities (aptitude test)
Tests that measure specific mental abilities, such as inductive and deductivereasoning, verbal comprehension, memory, and numerical ability
Psychologists often call such tests aptitude tests, since they purport to measureaptitude for the job in question
Trang 8Aptitude tests can measure things People encounter a variety of aptitude teststhroughout their personal and professional lives, often starting when they arechildren going to school.
A exam to determine a person's suitability to be a fighter pilot
A test to determine if someone is qualified to function as an air traffic
A test created to determine a person's physical capabilities required for a
specific employment, such a police officer or firefighter
Aptitude Tests in school
Special Aptitude Test
Multiple Aptitude Test
1.2 Tests of Motor and Physical Abilities
1.2.1 What does Physical and motor ability tests mean?
Employee recruitment tests that measure finger dexterity, manual dex-terity, speed ofarm movement, (if hiring pilots) reaction time, etc
The Crawford Small Parts Dexterity Test: the speed and accuracy of simplejudgment as well as the speed of finger, hand, and arm movements
The Stromberg Dexterity Test
The Purdue Peg Board
Trang 9 Tests of physical abilities may also be required:
Static strength (such as lifting weights)
Dynamic strength (pull-ups)
Body coordination (jumping rope)
Requirements must be shown to be job related through a thorough job analysis
May have age based disparate impact against older applicants
1.3 Test Of Personality And Interests
1.3.1 What does personality tests mean?
Personality Tests: A selection procedure measure the personality characteristics
of applicants that are related to future job performance Personality teststypically measure one or more of five personality dimensions: extroversion,emotional stability, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness toexperience
Trang 10Personality tests measure basic aspects of an applicant’s personality, such as in– troversion, stability, and motivation.
1.3.2 Kinds Of Personality Test
Some personality tests are projective The psychologist presents an ambiguousstimulus ( like an inkblot or clouded picture ) and the person reacts The personsup-posedly projects into the ambigous picture his or her attitudes, such asinsecurity Other projective techniques include Make a Picture Story (MAPS)and the Forer Structured Sentence Completion Test
Other personality tests are self-reported: applicants fill them out Thus, availbleonline, the Myers-Briggs test provides a personality type classification usefulfor decisions such as career selection and planning Its DiSC Profile learninginstrument anables the user to gain insight into his or her behavioral style
Personality test results do often correlate with job performance
The responsibility, socialization, and self-control scales of the CaliforniaPsychological Inventory predicted dysfunctional job behaviors among lawenforcement officers Emotional stability, extroversion, and agreeablenesspredicted whether expatriates would leave their overseas assignments early.The HR Practices feature presrents an example
1.4 Work Sample Tests:
Designed to have high content validity through a close relationship with the job.WorkSample tests are based on the premise that the best predictor of future behavior isobserved behavior under similar situations These tests require the examinee toperform tasks that are similar to those that are performed on the job
1.4.1 Advantages
Trang 11 High reliability.
High content validity since work samples are a sample of the actual workperformed on the job
Low adverse impact
Because of their relationship to the job, these tests are typically viewed morefavorable by examinees than aptitude or personality tests
Difficult for applicants to fake job proficiency which helps to increase therelationship between score on the test and performance on the job
Work Sample tests use equipment that is the same or substantially similar to theactual equipment used on the job
1.4.2 Disadvantages
Costly to administer; often can only be administered to one applicant at a time
Although useful for jobs where tasks and duties can be completed in a shortperiod of time, these tests have less ability to predict performance on jobswhere tasks may take days or weeks to complete
Less able to measure aptitudes of an applicant thus restricting the test tomeasuring ability to perform the work sample and not more difficult tasks thatmay be encountered on the job
Ex: Work sample for a cashier may include operating a cash register, and counting money; for a clerical position, work samples would include a typing test, and proofreading.
In developing a work sampling test for maintenance mechanics, experts first listed allpossible job tasks (like “install pulleys and belts” and “install and align a motor”)
Trang 122 The importance to conduct pre-employment background investigation in selection.
2.1 What is covered in a pre-employment background check?
A standard background check uses a person’s name, birthday and social securitynumber to collect a variety of information on them from public and privatedatabases A respected background check provider can access all relevant sourcesand generate an easy-to-understand report on the applicant for the employer toreview In most cases, a pre-employment background check covers the followingareas:
2.2 Identity verification:
Confirm the applicant has provided an accurate name and
social security number and is a U.S citizen or has legal right to work in the country.
Criminal history: Learn if the applicant has been convicted of a crime, is on
probation, has outstanding warrants, or is on a sex offender registry orgovernment watchlist
Employment history: See what companies the applicant was employed with
and for how long so you can verify they provided an accurate work history
Education background: Similar to employment history, verify the accuracy
of the universities and degrees on the candidate’s resume
Government-issued licenses: Confirm the applicant is licensed for the job,
if you’re hiring for a role that requires a government-issued credential (i.e aCPA license, teaching credential or medical license)
Motor vehicle records: Find out if the applicant has been involved in any
accidents or received citations, if you’re hiring for a role that requiresdriving
Credit check: Learn if the applicant is financially responsible This is
especially important if they’ll be managing a budget or will have access tocompany funds
A pre-employment background check ensures the candidate is honest and doesn’thave an unscrupulous past You can expand on a standard report by contacting their
Trang 13previous employers and personal references and possibly reviewing their publicsocial media accounts The more information you gather, the more confident you’ll
be that you’re hiring the right person
2.3 Why are pre-employment background checks important?
A corporation makes a significant investment when they hire a newworker It is hoped that they will remain with the company for avery long period and consistently do excellent work that advancesthe company
Unfortunately, poor hires do occur The ideal situation is that youcorrect yourself right away and the offender leaves before they canactually hurt you The worst-case scenarios are when they performsubparly, undermine worker morale, or cause other significantissues for your business In any case, you'll have to handle achallenging circumstance and put up the effort of rehiring for theposition
You can lower the chances of making a bad hire by conductingbackground checks before you make employment offers tocandidates It will reveal any details the person may have hid orbeen dishonest about during the interview process so yourcompany only invests in honorable people
It’s obviously important to hire upstanding people but why else are pre-employmentbackground checks important? Let’s explore all the advantages that due diligence
on a candidate brings to a hiring company:
Verify the candidate is qualified – Some people unfortunately embellish
their work history or education when job searching You could end up hiringsomeone who is unqualified if you fail to check their background
Perform a character check – Even if someone only slightly exaggerates
their background, it’s a sign of dishonesty Ensure your company only hires
Trang 14high-character people by verifying an applicant’s resume is 100 percentaccurate.
Keep your workplace safe – The importance of protecting your employees,
customers and company as a whole goes without saying Background checkssave you from hiring any dangerous or unsavory individuals
Reduce your company’s liability – Your company can lower insurance costs
and avoid unnecessary lawsuits by only hiring people who clear a employment screening
pre- Avoid bad hires – Hiring the wrong person is costly and frustrating Making
the small effort to conduct a background check before you hire someone willprevent major problems from occurring later
3 An Overview Of Amazon And Information About Talent Sourcing
a) Company Overview
- Company name:, Inc
- July 5, 1994; 28 years ago in Bellevue, Washington, USA
- Headquarters: Seattle, Washington