Mai Thị Điêp- CQ520772- Business English52B NATIONAL ECONOMICS UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES ENGLISH FOR BUSINESS DEPARTMENT MAI THI DIEP THE STUDY OF HUMAN RESOURCE TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT AT DRILLING MUD JOINT STOCK CORPORATION (DMC) Hanoi, May 2014 Mai Thị Điêp- CQ520772- Business English52B NATIONAL ECONOMICS UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES ENGLISH FOR BUSINESS DEPARTMENT MAI THI DIEP THE STUDY OF HUMAN RESOURCE TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT AT DRILLING MUD JOINT STOCK CORPORATION (DMC) SUPERVISOR: HOANG THI THUY NGOC Hanoi, May 2014 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Mai Thị Điêp- CQ520772- Business English52B Firstly, I am deeply indebted to my supervisor Ms Hoàng Thị Thúy Ngọc- lecturer at Faculty of Business English, National Economic University Her help, stimulating suggestions and encouragement helped me in all the time of research for and writing of this thesis I also want to thank management of Drilling Mud Joint Stock Corporation (DMC) for giving me permission to commence this thesis in the first instance, to the necessary research work and to use departmental data I have furthermore to thank Ms Nguyễn Thị Hà – officer of administrative department as well as all seniors at Drilling Mud Joint Stock Corporation (DMC), who gave and confirmed this permission and encouraged me to go ahead with my report My friends from Business English Faculty also supported me in my intern report I want to thank them for all their help, support, interest and valuable hints Especially, I would like to give my special thanks to my family whose patient love enabled me to complete this work Finally, because of limitation of time and knowledge, mistakes are unavoidable, so I wish to have more opportunities I also wish to receive more contribution and suggestions to make my report better Hanoi, May 15th, 2014 Student’s signature Mai Thị Điệp Mai Thị Điêp- CQ520772- Business English52B TABLE OF CONTENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY INTRODUCTION 1 Rationale of the study Aim of the study Scope of the study .2 Research questions Methods of the study CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION OF DRILLING MUD JOINT STOCK CORPORATION (DMC) 1.1 The foundation and development history .4 1.2 Organizational structure 1.3 Business performance 1.4 The situation of human resource at Drilling Mud Joint Stock Corporation 1.4.1 The number of employees .8 1.4.2 Plan of human resource training and development at DMC CHAPTER 2: GENERAL THEORY OF HUMAN RESOURCE TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT IN THE ENTERPRISES 10 2.1 Definition of human resource 10 2.2 Definition of training and development .11 2.3 The necessity of training and developing the human resources 12 2.4 Process of human resources training and development .13 CHAPTER 3: ANLALYSIS HUMAN RESOURCE TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT AT DRILLING MUD JOINT STOCK CORPORATION (DMC) IN PERIOD OF 2011 – 2013 17 3.1 The training and development scale of the company in few years 17 3.2 Analyzing training and developing needs for the human resources of professionals at Drilling Mud Joint Stock Corporation (DMC) 18 Mai Thị Điêp- CQ520772- Business English52B 3.3 Analyzing the training and development methods at Drilling Mud Joint Stock Corporation (DMC) 20 3.4 Analyzing the implementation practice of training and development program at Drilling Mud Joint Stock Corporation (DMC) .21 3.5 Evaluating the efficiency of training and developing program at Drilling Mud Joint Stock Corporation (DMC) 23 3.6 Evaluating limitations in human resources training and development at Drilling Mud Joint Stock Corporation (DMC) 25 CHAPTER 4: RECOMMENDATIONS TO HUMAN RESOURCE TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT AT DRILLING MUD JOINT STOCK CORPORATION (DMC) 28 4.1 Improving training and development management activities in company 28 4.1.1 Clearly define the training and developing needs 28 4.1.2 Improving the training and development activity design .29 4.1.3 Improving the organization and implementation of training and development 30 4.1.4 Improving the evaluation of the effectiveness of training and developing program 31 4.2 Improving the performance appraisal 32 4.2.1 Management By Objectives 32 4.2.2 Psychological Appraisals 33 4.2.3 Assessment Centers 33 CONCLUSION 34 REFERENCES APPENDIX Mai Thị Điêp- CQ520772- Business English52B LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS HR : Human Resources DMC : Drilling Mud Joint Stock Corporation PVC : Petroleum Vietnam Corporation VND : Vietnam Dong (the Vietnamese Currency) MBO : Management By Objectives Mai Thị Điêp- CQ520772- Business English52B LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1: Organizational structure of Drilling Mud Joint Stock Corporation .5 Figure 1.2: Target of training and development program of Drilling Mud Joint Stock Corporation LIST OF TABLES Table 1.1: The number of employees of Drilling Mud Joint Stock Corporation in the period 2011-2013 Table 3.1: Human resource scale of Drilling Mud Joint Stock Corporation (DMC) in the period 2011 – 2013 17 Table 3.2: Labor structure of Drilling Mud Joint Stock Corporation (DMC) in the period 2011 – 2013 19 Table 3.3: Human resource development scale in the period 2011-2013 .21 Table 3.4: Training results of employees .23 Table 3.5: Career raising training results .24 Mai Thị Điêp- CQ520772- Business English52B EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Human resources play a significant role in operations of an enterprise, Drilling Mud Joint Stock Corporation (DMC) as well However, a number of skilled employees currently not meet the need of the company In addition, the company is also facing with some difficulties in building human development policies Based on primary theories and practical activities during my internship at Drilling Mud Joint Stock Corporation (DMC), I decided to choose the topic “The study of human resource training and development at Drilling Mud Joint Stock Corporation (DMC)” as my internship report The purposes of this research are to study the status of human resource development at the company and then reveal the strengths and limitations of the status of human resource development Finally, this report will give some recommendations to develop human resources at the company Our conclusion that are some recommendations to improve human resource training and development task is based on data supplied by a personal interview with HR manager of company, company’s database, researches written by economists and other data from internet Apart from the introduction and conclusion, the report is divided into four main chapters: Chapter 1: Introduction of Drilling Mud Joint Stock Corporation (DMC) Chapter 2: General theory of human resource training and development in the enterprises Chapter 3: The status of training and human resource development in Drilling Mud Joint Stock Corporation (DMC) Chapter 4: Recommendations to develop human resource at Drilling Mud Joint Stock Corporation (DMC) Mai Thị Điêp- CQ520772- Business English52B INTRODUCTION Rationale of the study Human resource is the leading asset of each company and it is one of the key resources for enterprises to win competitive advantages As the economy grows, the market competition is increasingly fierce; the competitive advantage of the enterprise is increasingly tied to the human factor Human resources in enterprises contribute to increasing the labor productivity It is also the determinants to increase revenue for businesses, and contribute to the growth and sustainable development of the economy of the country (Vivien Martin, 2006) Human resources are a prerequisite for the success or failure of all sectors in general and Oil and gas companies in particular In Oil and gas companies, operations are complex, machinery need to be monitored and managed daily, hourly as well as the technical parameters It can be explained that operations have to be carried out flexibly, timely, while programmable machinery is hard to undertake To reflect the status of training and developing human resource at the company and to make recommendations to contribute to the further improvement of the human resources training and development in DMC, I would like to carry out a research on the ways to develop human resources at Drilling Mud Joint Stock Corporation (DMC) Aim of the study I conveyed this research in order to study about human resource training and development at Drilling Mud Joint Stock Corporation (DMC) during the period of 2011-2013, its strong points and drawbacks During my research process, I have analyzed the collected data to detect the reasons leading to its drawbacks from the aspect of human resource training and development Mai Thị Điêp- CQ520772- Business English52B In parallel with it, I also focused on the effects brought back to at Drilling Mud Joint Stock Corporation (DMC) due to its inappropriate points in its human resource training and development policy in aspects of employees’ motivation From which, I propose some feasible solutions for the company to adjust its human resource training and development policy to increase employees’ training and development as well as revenue in next periods 2014-2016 My report presents the theoretical basis of the human resource training and development, which presents the situation at DMC and a number of measures to improve the training and development of the human resources in this company Scope of the study The study mainly focuses on the practical situation of training and development at DMC from 2010 to 2013 Research questions The research “The study of human resource training and development at Drilling Mud Joint Stock Corporation (DMC)” is implemented to answer these following questions: • Whether the current training and development meets labor requirements of the company in 2013? • What are strengths and limitations of human resource training and development? What are reasons of those limitations? • What should the company to develop professional human resource? Methods of the study This report is implemented by collecting primary and secondary data The primary data is collected through interviewing Mr Phạm Văn Quang- Leader of human resource development department of the company and Ms Nguyễn Thị Hà- officer ... in human resources training and development at Drilling Mud Joint Stock Corporation (DMC) 25 CHAPTER 4: RECOMMENDATIONS TO HUMAN RESOURCE TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT AT DRILLING MUD JOINT STOCK. .. Mud Joint Stock Corporation (DMC), I decided to choose the topic ? ?The study of human resource training and development at Drilling Mud Joint Stock Corporation (DMC)? ?? as my internship report The. .. Introduction of Drilling Mud Joint Stock Corporation (DMC) Chapter 2: General theory of human resource training and development in the enterprises Chapter 3: The status of training and human resource development