Ngân hàng câu hỏi ôn thi Tự Luận đại học môn Quản Trị Chất Lượng Toàn Diện - TQM bằng tiếng Anh (part 1/7)
Trang 1TQM (1/7) Question 1: Explain why the measurement of capability is extremely important? Analyze two different aspects that are related to each other in terms of quality?
- The measurement of capability is critical if the quality chains are to be formed within and without an organization
- Each person in the organization must also realize that the suppliers' needs and expectations must be respected if the requirements are to be fully satisfied
- There are 2 distinct but interrelated aspects of quality, design and conformance to design:
o Quality of design is a measure of how well the product or achieve the agreed requirements
o Quality of conformance to design is the extent to which the achieve the design
Question 2: Explain the importance of quality in all function?
- For an organization to be truly effective, each component of it must work properly together
- Each enables all the people, with different abilities and priorities, to communicate readily with one another, in pursuit of a common goal
- All member of an organization need to work together on organiztion - wide quality improverment The co-operation of everyone at every interface is necessary to achieve improverment in performance, which can only happen if the top management is really committed
Question 3: What is TQM? Why does culture play an important role in quality management?
- TQM is a comprehensive, organization-wide effort to improve the quality of products and services, applicable to all organizations
- It was recognized that culture played an enormous role in whether organizations were successful or not with their TQM approaches Good communications, were seen to be vital to
Trang 2success but the most important off all was commitment, not only from the senior managerment but from everyone in the organization, particularly those operating directly at the customer interface
Question 4: State reasons why quality is a top priority for most organizations?
Competition: today's market demands high quality products at low cost Having a “high quality” reputation is not enough! Internal costs of maintain the reputation should be less
- Changing customer: the new customer is not only commanding priority based on volume but
is more demading about the “quality system”
- Changing product mix: the shift from low volume, high price to high volume, low price have
resulted in a need to re duce the internal cost of poor quality
- Product complexity: as systems have become more complex the reliability requiements for
suppliers of components have become more stringent
- Higher levels of customer satisfaction: higher customer expectations are getting spawned by
increasing compentition
Question 5: What is customer requirements? What is quality, quality of design?
- The requirements may include availability, reliability, maintainability and cost effectiveness, among many other features
- Quality starts with understanding customer needs and ends when those needs are satisfied.
- Quality of design is a measure of how well the product or designed to achieve the agreed
Question 6: List and explain the important aspects of reputation?
For any organization, there ara several aspect of reputation which are important:
- It is built upon the competitive elements of being On-Quality; On-Time; On-cost
Trang 3- Once an organization acquire a poor reputation for product or service quality or reliability, it takes a very long time to change it
- Reputations, good or bad, can quickly become national reputations
- The management of the competitive weapons, such as quality, can be learned like any other skill and used to turn round a poor reputation
Question 7: The impact of TQM on an organization?
The impact of TQM on an organization is first to ensure that the management adopts a strategic overview of quality
Improved Quality by focus on continuous improvement leads to higher quality products and services
Meeting or exceeding customer expectations enhances loyalty and retention
Reduced waste and errors lower operational costs
Employee Engagement, involvement in decision-making boosts morale and productivity
Operational Efficiency, streamlined processes increase speed and reliability
Competitive Advantage, better quality and service help gain market edge
Risk Reduction, proactive problem-solving prevents major issues
Stronger Reputation with consistent quality improves brand image
Question 8: What are the requirement for managers to effectively lead an organization?
The five requirements for effective leadership are the flowing:
- Developing and publishing beliefs and purpose – a vision
- Develop clear and effective satrategies
- Indentify the critical success factors and critical processes
- Review the managerment structure
Trang 4- Empowerment - encouraging effective employee participation.
Question 9: Lean thinking is a transformational framework that aims to provide a new way
of thinking about how to organize human activities to bring more benefits to society and value to individual while elminating waste?
Why lean thinking can bring more benefits to society?
When applying lean thinking, businesses will operate more efficiently, saving time and materials The first thing is to benefit the business, benefit the employees When the business grows and the income of each employee also increases, it will naturally benefit society because
it will pay income tax and pay corporate tax Any business that applies lean thinking will help the society develop
Explain the part about eliminating waste in lean thinking?
To implement lean thinking, the elements will be mentioned, first review the definition and things about waste in lean thinking
The purpose of lean thinking is to eliminate process costs such as materials, time, and effort and eliminate waste to reduce costs and make work more productive of people becomes more effective