An Annotated Lesson Plan - Home Assignment (70%)
Select one text from a coursebook (attached to the end of the lesson plan) and prepare a detailedplan for a 45-minute lesson that you will teach, with annotations that make explicit all aspects ofthe lesson: what you will do, how you will do it and why you will do it that way as in the guideprovided below This must be an original lesson (done by you yourself rather than copied fromother sources!) in the format suggested below:
Title of the lesson
II The lesson that is going to be taught
2.1 Name, aim of lesson, lesson contribution to the aims of the course
2.2 Correlation with other lessons (What was covered in previous lessons? What will be
covered in future lessons?)
2.3 Focus of this lesson: Text/discourse types, Language functions, Grammatical structures,
Vocabulary/spelling/pronunciation, Study skills, Subject matter /cultural understandings
2.4 Teaching methods employed in the lesson
2.5 Resources/Material: List resources and attach copies of handouts and worksheets
2.6 Assessment methods: How will you assess student learning?
III ProcedureTimingTeacher
Student activityGrouping
(Individual, Pair,Small group,
Full group)
(for eachstage/activity)
Anticipated difficulties
(Linguistic, contextual, behavioural, etc.)
Trang 2Criteria for annotated lesson plan
- Lesson plan is based on the text selected- Lesson plan is original (i.e not taken from a textbook or internet)- All the sections (I,II,III) are clearly stated and are appropriate to the theme of the lesson andthe class
- Comprehensibility in language use - Overall organization, structure, and presentation
Note: The assignment is to be written in groups of not more than 5 members.Deadline for the test and assignment: …20 September 2023….
The End