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luyện kỹ năng đọc tiếng anh insights and ideas nxb trẻ 2005 patricia ackert 266 trang

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Tiêu đề Luyện Kỹ Năng Đọc Tiếng Anh
Tác giả Patricia Ackert, Anne L. Nebel
Trường học The University of Illinois, Chicago
Chuyên ngành English as a Foreign Language
Thể loại Textbook
Năm xuất bản 2005
Thành phố Unknown
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Số trang 265
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  • Working with VocQbulory (11)
    • A. Focus on the Reading Choọse tìie best word or phxase for each sentence. If you need help, look at (11)
      • 2. At fast-food restaurants, th e__________________ is very fast (11)
      • 3. After people_________________ ứieữ food, they wait just a few minutes for it (11)
      • 5. Fast-foođ restaurants are now serving salads and other_________________ (11)
      • 7. Hamburgers, hot dogs, and oứier kinds of fast food are_______________ (11)
      • 8. For many people, low prices are more important ứian ủie (11)
    • B. Fociis on New Contexts Here is more practice with ứie new words from the reading. Choose the best (12)
      • 2. English is an intemational language. You can fỉnd people who speak English__________________ the world (12)
      • 6. Many peopỉe around ứie world play soccer. It is a very________________ (12)
      • 7. Btìng a lot of warm cloửies.__________________, ứie winters are very cold in this part of the counữy (12)
      • 8. More than o n e______________ people live in China (12)
  • UnderstQndỉng the Reading (13)
    • 1. What is a popular food in the United States? (13)
    • 2. After ứiey orđer at a fast-foođ restaurant, how long do people wait foir theừ food? (13)
    • 3. Where do people eat fast food? (13)
    • 4. What kinds of foođ đo fast-food restaurants serve? (13)
    • 5. What are three reasons why fast*food restaurants are popular? (13)
    • 6. In general, is fast food good for you? (13)
    • 7. Why are fast-food restaurants now serving salads and other health} fo)ods? (13)
    • 8. Are there fast-food restaurants in counừies around the world? (13)
    • B. Details Circle ứie letter of the best answer (13)
      • 1. People eat hamburgers in fast-food restaurants (14)
      • 2. Fast-food restaurants are very popular (14)
      • 3. Some people eat fast food in parks (14)
      • 4. Too much fat and salt is pot good for people (14)
    • A. Compound Words In English it is common to put a verb and another word togeứier to make one (14)
      • 3. When a plane ỉs ready, it takes ọfFinto tìie air (15)
      • 3. Let‘s save tìie__________________ for lunch tomoưow! (15)
      • 4. Miho is having a __________________ on Priday night. she is going to get some takeout and rent a movie (15)
    • B. Prepositions The preposition to shows movement. The preposition at shows location (15)
  • Duilding V Duilding V ocobulary Skiils (65)
  • expressed through a system of characters and niles for combining those chaiacters, In spoken languages, meaning is expresseđ (77)
  • Word order is more important in English than it is in some oứier (77)
  • Chinese and in many languages spoken in West Africa (77)
  • There are several major language íamilies in the world. The (77)
  • language ỉaiiiilies (77)
  • easily—and sometimes other languages as well. Adults oíten must 40 work harder at learning a second language (77)
    • A, Focus on the Reading Choose the best word for each sentence (78)
      • 1. Humans use language to theừ ideas and íeelings (78)
      • 2. In written languages, meaning is expresseđ ủirough a system of ______________ and rules for_______________those characters (78)
      • 3. In spoken languages, meaning is expressed ứirough a ______________ of sounds and rules for combining those (78)
      • 4. Word 5. People (78)
  • is important iĩi English (78)
  • new words for their language and 6. In sign languages, (78)
  • words from other languages (78)
  • do the work of the sound systems of spoken languages (78)
    • 7. There are several language íamilies in ứie world (78)
    • 9. The Afro-Asiatic language íamily____________ (78)
  • and Amharic (78)
    • 10. Anierican Indian languages have many______________ among ứiem (78)
    • 11. They have been______________ into more than 50 language íamilies (78)
    • B. Focus on New Contexts Choose the best word for each sentence (79)
      • 1. John wants to go to graduate school in ứie United States. This is the (79)
      • 3. Martha brought a cake to class today. We_________________ it intO' 12 pieces so every student coulđ have some (79)
      • 4. When you write a composition about your native country, please _______________ informatìon about tìie education system and yoiur (79)
      • 6. The words in a dictionary are in alphabetical_________________ (79)
      • 7. Another student in this school has the same last name as I do, but we are (79)
      • 9. The vacuum cleaner was______________ by Ives w, McGaffey in 1S6 (79)
      • 10. Dolphins use whistles and clicks to________________ with each Dthier (79)
    • A. Comprehension Questions Answer ứie questions about the reading (79)
      • 2. How many languages are spoken in the world? (79)
      • 3. What kind of rules do all languages have? (80)
      • 4. How is meaning expresseđ in written languages? in spoken languages? in sign languages? (80)
      • 5. What is very ùnportant in English? (80)
      • 6. How do languages change? (80)
      • 7. What are some language íamilies? (80)
      • 8. Which ỉanguage íamily is English in? (80)
      • 9. Which family is your native language in? (80)
      • 10. How do people learn language? (80)
    • B. Dotails Circle the letter of ứie best answeL (80)
      • 2. AU languages have (80)
  • d. rules for dividing languages into íamilies (80)
    • 3. Word order is very important in (80)
  • c. Main Idea (81)
    • 1. A language is a system of sounds, gestures, or characters (81)
    • 2. Many deaf people use sign languages (81)
    • 3. AU languages have rules for íorming words and for ordering thosỉe (81)
    • 4. There are several major language íamilies in the world (81)
    • 5. The English word t o m a t o was borrowed from NahuatL __ 6. There are about 150 American Indian languages spoken today (81)
    • 7. Languages are always changing, but they change sIowly (81)
    • A. Word Forms: Past Partíciples as Adjectives The past participle form of a verb can be used as an adjective. The past (82)
    • invent 2. invent 2. Many children use______________________spelling when ứiey (82)
    • speak 4. speak 4. Latin and ancient Greek are no longer_______________ (83)
    • break 5.1 break 5.1 cannot finish my composition on language tonỉght because my (83)
  • Computer is______________ (83)
    • B. Prepositions (83)
  • The preposition by can mean “as a result of.” For example (83)
  • You can learn a seconđ language by stuđying, (You can learn a second (83)
  • The preposition by can also be used to tell how someửiing is done (83)
  • It takes twenty minutes to go to my house by car (83)
  • preposition hy. Study these examples (83)
  • NOT I NOT I go to school by foot (83)
    • 1. My teacher usually comes to school Ịuỷ bus, but today he came (84)
  • his wife’s car (84)
    • 2. The next test in this class will be____ October 6th (84)
    • 3. w% learn our own languages____ listening and copying (84)
    • 4. VV^ord order is very important___ English (84)
    • 5. ctiinese is part_____the Sino-Tibetan íaiĩiily of languages (84)
    • 6. Y cdu can learn many things____ watching eđucational television programs, (84)
    • 7. ĩ usually go to work_____my bicycle, but today it’s raining so rll go (84)
    • 8. D (0 you know the student who is standing_____ the window? (84)
    • 9. Tlhere are several major language íamilies_______ the world (84)
    • 10. O ne___my best ửiends is going back to her native counữy_____ (84)
  • Friday. ru really miss her (84)
    • A. Vo-cabulary Review (84)
    • B. Context Clues Choose tìie answer ứiat is closest in meaning to each word in bold prir.t. lưse (85)
      • 1. Many govemments provide health insurance to everỷone. In other coinlừies, people must pay for theừ ovm insurance (85)
      • 2. Which of these Ễigures is đie largest: 5,10, or 15? (85)
      • 3. Life in Canada and the United States is similar. The societies are nct v^ery (85)
  • different (85)
    • 4. Divorce is very common in North America today. A high percentageoí (85)
  • marriages end in divorce (85)
    • 5. A car almost hit me when I was riding my bicycle to school this momimg (85)
    • 7. Social scientísts say that the population of Mexico City will increasefrcom (85)
  • 20 million to 31 million by the year 2000 (85)
  • Many of ứiese cities will be in the Third World. The Third VVorỉd is an expression useđ to describe cities and counữies that are not (87)
  • Some of tìie largest citíes in the world today have many problems, even if ứiey are modern. As tìie populatìon in these modern (87)
  • cities—and the areas around them—increases, living conditions (87)
  • Some social scientỉsts say that tìiis is a naturaljro\^i_There 25 was a similar population growứi in citíes as indusữies developed (87)
  • Today some of these diseases are ĩiot common or can be prevented, (87)
  • 30 Even in poor cities, health services are better and people live ỉonger (87)
  • In the 19th century, Europeans could leave their counừies to livp in new colonies in Africa or Asia. They coulđ move to new couníries (87)
  • Third World cities are already overcrowded, but people continue to move to these cities to look for work. City workers often eam two (87)
  • Expected Growth of 10 Cities i í V ^ 1991 r~ (88)
  • stianghaỉ Jstianghaỉ ế _ (88)
  • Cairo (88)
  • Rio de Ịaneiro . _ New York (88)
  • Calcutta ^ - ^ Seoul ‘V (88)
  • Mexico City ^ ’ Ị"_ (88)
  • Ibkyo/Yokohama (88)
  • Nuiĩiber of Cilies with Populations over 5 Million (88)
  • Percentage of VVorid Population Living in Cities vvith More Than (88)
    • A. Focus on the Reading Choose the best word for each sentence (89)
      • 2. The worlđ’s popuỉation is increasing_________________. By the year (89)
  • ứie greatest growth will be in the cities of the (89)
    • 3. The population_________________seem unbelievable. By the year (89)
  • 2000 ứiere will be almost 300 cities with over one million people each (89)
    • 4. Some social scientists say that this growth is natural. There was a ______________ popuỉation growth in Eufopean cities in the 19th (89)
    • 6. Today some of these diseases are not______________ or they can be_______________ (89)
    • 7. Third World cities are already______________ , but people contimie (89)
    • 8. Many governments do not have enough money to_______________ (89)
    • 9. As cities grow larger, ứie problems_______________ (90)
    • 10. Some______________ scientists believe that ứie probleiĩis are not hopeless, (90)
    • B. Focu,s on New Contexts (90)
  • Choo.se the best word for each sentence (90)
    • 2. Some íamous country music singers earn millions of dollars every year. A (90)
    • 3. ĩf you want to go to college in ứie United States, you must save your money to pay for it yourselí. The govemment does not______________ (90)
  • a college education for everyone (90)
  • thoir home (90)
    • 5. There is an_______________in the number of students at my school this year. This year the classes are very big because we have so many new (90)
    • 6. Eating the right íoods, exercising, and getting a lot of sleep can help people _______________sícknesses (90)
    • A. Coinprehension Questions (91)
  • Answer the questions about the reading (91)
    • 1. VVhere will the greatest population growứi be? (91)
  • the growth of Third World cities today? (91)
    • 4. vvhy do people continue to move to cities? (91)
    • 5. What do some people want the government to provide? (91)
    • B. Details Use ứie reading, the tables, and the graph to answer ứie questions (91)
      • 1. About how many people wiU live in Mexico City in the year 2001? (91)
      • 2. How many cities had populations of more than five million in 1^50^? (91)
      • 3. How many cities will have a population of more than five millio .1 im the year 2000? (91)
      • 4. What percentage of the world’s population will live in cities with pcpuilations of more than one million in the year 2015? (91)
      • 5. How many cities will have a population of more than 20 million in the year 2000? (91)
      • 6. what will the population of the world be in 2030? (91)
      • 7. what was ửie population of Cairo in 1991? (91)
  • c. Main Idea Check (V) the three main ideas of the reading (91)
    • 1. Third VVorld cities are grovving very fast (91)
    • 2. There will be 45 cities with a population of over iRve millỉoỉ im the year 2000 (91)
    • 3. City grovvth in the 20th cenlury is different ửom city growửini the 19th century (91)
    • 4. Population growth causes problems in Third World cities (91)
    • 5. People in European cities in ứie 19tli century could move tcco)lonies (91)
    • A. W(ird Forms: Gerunds (92)
  • Look at the examples (92)
  • vvatcli ski (92)
  • movo (92)
  • play listen (92)
    • 1. Every winter my Ễriends and I go to the mountains. We love to go (93)
    • 2. Joseph improved his English by_____________ movies and (93)
  • to the radio (93)
    • B. Word Forms: Noun Enđings In units 1 through 8 you studieđ many common noun enđings. Look at the (93)
  • There are several maịor ỏ ịm ớiũ A d le Ậ between life in the Uớiitôd States and in Canada (93)
    • 2. Lots of people went to the movie theater last night. There was a big (93)
    • 3. Keiko had no mistakes on her test yesterday. The teacher wrote (93)
    • 4. If you take a loan from the bank to buy a car, you must make a (93)
    • 5. Tennis shoes and oủier sports_______________are usually very (94)
    • 7. David is very good at speaking and reading English. His major ______________ is writing, so he practices all the time (94)
    • 8. I WHS so happy when I received a letter from my best frieiid at home. It is such a______________ to get mail when you are fax away from íamily (94)
    • A. Vocabulary Review Choose the best vvord or phrase to complete each sentence (94)
  • each otlier produce separateíưmy (94)
    • 1. In ứie United States, people do not have to go iato ứie (94)
    • 2. Animals can communicate, but they do not talk to _____________ (94)
  • with words. They make sounds and movements only (94)
    • 3. Lots of the world’s oil comes from the Middle East, but Venezuela and ửie United States also _________ oiL (94)
    • 4. PleavSe ______________ these names in alphabetical order (94)
      • 5.1 alvvays thought Marco was from Spain because he speaks Spanish. I didn*t _______________he was from Colombia until he told us about his (94)
  • country in class (94)
    • 6. There is a dial in the reỉrigerator ủiat _ __ the temperiture (95)
  • You can tum it to make the temperature colder Oi* warmer (95)
    • 7. Pleaso be careíul when you_______________these photographs. I (95)
    • B. Context Clues (95)
  • Choose the ansvver that is closest in meaning to each word ín bold print. ưse (95)
    • 1. The location of ứie Sears Tower, one of ứie tallest buildings in the wQĩìà, is (95)
  • Chicago (95)
    • 2. Maria doesn’t like horror movies. She was so frightened by ủie raovie we (95)
  • saw on TV that she couldn’t sleep all night (95)
    • 3. Parmers grow many kinds of crops on ủieir íarms, such as corn, rice, and (95)
  • grow crops that need a lot of water, but there is only a little lainialL in that part of the counữy. The level of tíie water table undergro)und (97)
  • Parming jRrst began in the Tigris-Euphrates Valley, but todéy tthe (97)
  • sheep, and cattle eat every plant they can And until there is totlhing left at all (97)
  • of peừoleum on sandy areas and plants trees. The oil keeps tie water and small trees in the lanđ, and men on motorcycles kfôp the (97)
    • A. F()CUS on the Reađing Choo.se the best word or phrase for each sentence (98)
      • 2. Thí 3 size and_________________of die world's deserts are always changing (98)
      • 5. The_________________of the water table undergrounđ is decreasing every year in ứie southwestern United States (98)
      • 6. In dry areas, people plant_______________on land that is poor and (98)
      • 7. Aniraals such as goats,_________________, and_________________ (98)
      • 8. People must use fìrewoođ, raise animals, and grow crops (98)
  • live (98)
    • 9. Alịịeria plantedữees to stop the desert sand, Otìier coimtries build long _______________to bring water to desert areas (98)
    • 10. Some counừies are trying to prevent the growth of deserts, _________________land ủiat will probably become desert in the íuture (99)
    • B. Focus on New Contexts Choose the best word or phrase for each sentence (99)
      • 1. Cowboys work with_________________in the western United States (99)
      • 2. The_________________of ứffe “Grand Ole Opry” is Nashville, Tennessee (99)
      • 3. If you need to put a new button on your clothes, you must have a (99)
      • 4. You must study and practice as much as possible_________________ (99)
      • 5. The Panama______________ goes from the Atlantic Ocean to thie (99)
      • 6. Bananas and coffee beans are two important_________________that Ễarmers grow in South America (99)
      • 7. Today young people usually choose the person they want to marry (99)
    • A. Comprehension Questions (100)
      • 1. What is a desert? Describe it (100)
      • 2. What makes the size and location of deserts change? (100)
      • 3. What happened in Australia to make the size of the desert increase? (100)
      • 4. Why is the ỉevel of the water table underground decreasing in the (100)
  • southwestern United States? (100)
    • 5. H()W do íarming and animals make deserts grow? (100)
    • 7. Describe some of the things that countries are đoing to stop deserts from (100)
  • grovving (100)
    • B. Dotails (100)
  • enough iníormation in the reading to answer true or íalse (100)
    • 1. In general, desert plants have large, beautiíul flowers (100)
    • 2. Space seems to have no limit in the desert (100)
    • 3. Most people in developing counữies cook on wood fires (100)
    • 4. Elephants help make deserts (100)
  • just a little water because the climate is dry (100)
    • 6. Algeria is planting a wall of ừees to keep ứie cattle away from (100)
  • the đesert (100)
  • 7, Some countries are building canals to bring water to the deserts, (100)
    • 8. The size of deserts has changed greatly in ứie past 100 yeais, but it did noí change beíore that (100)
    • 10. The size of the worỉđ’s deserts will probably increase beíore (100)
  • people stop the growth (100)
  • Here is an example (102)
  • Add thfJ suSìx -less to each word. Then choose the best word for each sentence (102)
  • help _______________ íhought _______________ (102)
    • 1. Babios cannot take care of themselves. Someone must help them because ttey are k e lp ie A Ặ _____ (102)
    • 3. You must take your time and be careíui when you write. If you try to (102)
    • 4. Mìchael was sick last night so he could not sleep. Today in class he was (102)
  • mistake (102)
  • verbs and nouiis. Noưce how the nouns are related to ứie verbs (102)
  • í prẹvent " /pxevehtioọ.'/ r' (102)
    • 2. The________________ of the world is increasing every year. In the year 2000 there will be at least 6.2 billion people on the eaiữi (103)
    • 3. When people in North America_________________ ứiemselves to you for the first tíme, they usually say, “Nice to meet you” and shake your hand (103)
    • 4. Some scientists think that drinking green tea is good for your health, In fact, some people think it helps_________________ diseases (103)
    • 5. The island of Puerto Rico_________________ a lot of sugarcane. The sugar that comes from it is solđ all over the world (103)
    • 6. After World War II, Germany was divided into two separate counừies (103)
    • 7. Many centiưies ago, people left theừ counứies to search for new landsi (103)
    • 8. If you have a question when you are in the library, go to the (103)
    • 1. A ( w S ^ is a piece of )eweừy that you wear aroimd your neck (103)
    • 2. The Ỉndo-European language family includes Chinese and German (104)
    • 3. chrisứnas, Thai-^*.gỉving, and Halloween are ứiree crops in ứie United States (104)
    • 6. If you limit the pie in half, there will be two big pieces (104)
    • 7. Does yoiư govemment mix free health care for everyone? (104)
    • B. Coỉitext Clues Tell the meaning of each word m bold print. Use context clues (104)
      • 1. Mođem technology has changed medicine. Doctors now use computers and large machines to help people feel better (104)
      • 5. You can usually cure a colđ by drinldng lots of orange juice and getting lots of sleep. If you do that, you should feel better (104)
  • improve medicine and our system of health care (106)
  • The history of medicine begins about 10,000 years ago. Scientists havfí f(jund evidence that prehístoric people experimented with (106)
  • Hippocrates realized that people became sick for natural reasons, (106)
  • Renaissance, Leonardo da Vinci made drawings of the huraan body, (106)
  • 25 iĩicluding all the muscles> These drawings helped doctors greatly (106)
  • ưnderstanđing how the huỉĩian body works helped doctors learn how to treat sicknesses and help people feel better. Modem medicine (106)
  • In the last century manv very important discoveries were made (106)
  • use acupuncture, a very old method of ừeating sickness and pain (107)
  • Acupuncture uses needies to help the human body fight pain and disease (107)
  • Some people believe that nature has all of the ciưes for human problems (107)
  • Others believe that technology is more helpíuL Together, tradition and technology help people everywhere li ve better and healthier lives (107)
  • antibioUc (107)
  • discoveries evidence (107)
  • natuial (107)
  • plagues prehistoric (107)
  • 1, As early as 8000 people began to___ (107)
    • 2. Today we ha ve ứie newest____________ (107)
  • yet we continue to look for ways to improve medicine and our system of health care (107)
    • 3. Scientists have found______________ that prehistoric people experimented wiứi surgery lo help sick people (107)
    • 4. Around 2500 B,c., the Egyptians began to______________ (107)
  • people became sick for______________ reasons, not because ứie (107)
    • 6. During the Middle Ages, ứeatoent______________ were still very simple, Sometimes dọctors used leaches to remove “bad blood” frơm (107)
    • 8. Doctors could not________________ these diseases, and millions of people died (108)
    • 9. In tỉie last century, many important meciicine (108)
    • 10. The English scientist Sir Alexander Plemming discovered penicillin, ửie Rrst________________ , in 1928 (108)
    • 11. Antibiotics are drugs that________________ diseases in the body (108)
    • 12. Doctors in China have used acupuncture for thousands of years, and some still use ỉt tođay, It is very________________ (108)
    • B. Focus on New Contexts Choose the best worđ for each sentence (108)
      • 1. Scieiitists are looking for a for cancer. If tìiey find One, they can end this teưible disease íorever (108)
      • 5. Computer______________ changes alì the time. Last year I bought (109)
        • 8.1 read in tíie newspaper that the police found some______ ______ (109)
  • at the bank that was robbed last week. The robber dropped his wallet! (109)
  • Now the police know his naiĩie and ađđress (109)
  • Answer the questíons about the reading (109)
    • 1. What did tibie Egyptians believe about sickness? (109)
    • 2. Who was the first real doctor? Where and when did he ỉive? (109)
    • 3. When did medical schools and hospitals open in Europe? (109)
    • 4. What are plagues? (109)
    • 5. Who drew pictures of the human body, including muscles? (109)
    • 6. What happened in 1895? (109)
    • 7. What are antibiotics? (109)
    • 8. What is acupimcture? (109)
    • B, Detaiỉs Circle the letter of tlie best answer (109)
      • 3. Hippocrates realized that a. tlie gods made people sick (110)
      • 4. During the Middle Ages, one-quarter of the population of Europe (110)
      • 5. In 1895, a Gerraan doctor named Roentgen (110)
      • 2. Prehistoric people experimented with surgery (110)
      • 3. Many important medical discoveries were made in the last century (110)
      • 4. Acupuncture is a ừaditional way to ữeat sick people (110)
      • 5. Technology and ừadition are boứi important parts of medicine and (110)
  • cookeđ _______________ (111)
    • 1. There are too many people on ứie island of Java in Indonesia. Java .s (111)
    • 2. We were driving in the mountains on a very hot day, and our car (111)
    • 3. Toshi left the rice in tìie rice cooker too long. Now the rice is (111)
    • B. Irregular Verbs Study the irregulai verbs in this list. Then choose ứie correct verb form to (112)
      • 3. Yesterday was a beautiiPul day! The sky was blue and the sun _________________brightly (112)
      • 5. John had điĩiner at a Japanese restaurant with his class. They ate sushi (112)
  • and_______________tea (112)
    • 6. In the fall, the w m d ______________ all the leaves off the ừees (112)
    • A. Vocabulary Review Circle one word on each line that does not belong with the oủiers (113)
    • B. Context Clues Choose the answer that is closest in meaning to each word or phrase mbo)ld (113)
      • 3. When scieatists develop a new kind of medicine, they test it in maiỴ experiments to see if it is safe for humans (113)
    • A. Focus on the Reading Choo.se the best word or phrase for each sentence (116)
  • we:st coast of Mexico, (116)
    • 2. Th<8 hard fruit of the jojoba plant_________________oil that can be (116)
    • 3. Thô8 oil is already being used in shampoo and______________ (116)
    • 4. For centuries Indians in Arizona have_________________the jojoba fruit. They use the oil t o ________________ biưns, to make their hair (116)
  • shine, and to make a drink similar to coffee (116)
    • 5. Now scientists have planted________________ crops. They say that (116)
  • Incỉians and other people can earn money from jojoba tarming (116)
  • Deisert, it can be planted in most dry areas of the world (116)
    • 8. Pettroleum comes from plants that died millions of years ago, Woulđ it be poissible to take o il_________________from living plants and use it (116)
  • inốstead of peừoleum? (116)
    • 9. Several counừies have experimental euphorbia íarras, and scientists are (116)
    • B. Focus on New Contexts Choose ứie best word or phrase for each sentence (117)
      • 2. Always tum off the lights when you leave a room so you don’t wastt (117)
      • 4. Some womeii wear on theừ lips to make ứiemlo(ok red. Other women don’t like to wear makeup (117)
      • 5. Sandra has a good job. She works in the library and makes 10 dollan (117)
      • 8. Desert countTÌes aie with several ways to stop heì (117)
    • A. Comprehension Questíons Answer the questions about the reading (118)
      • 2. In what conditions can the jojoba plant grow? (118)
      • 3. The population of the world is growing very fast. what effect will this have on the suppỉy of peừoleum? (118)
      • 4. Where does the euphorbia plant grow wild? (118)
      • 5. HC)W is the euphorbia plant similar to ứie jojoba plant? (118)
      • 6. How could euphorbia plaiits help the developing world? (118)
      • 7. H()W could euphorbia plants help stop ứie growth of đeserts? (118)
    • B. Details Circle the letter of ửie best answer (118)
      • 3. Jojoba oil comes from (118)
      • 6. which sentence is probably not true? (119)
      • 3. Boứi the jojoba and euphorbia plants can grow in a desert climate, (119)
      • 4. There are experimental euphorbia íarms in several countries (119)
    • A. Suíĩìxes Sometimes we can ađd the suffix -ly to an adịective to make an adverb, Aiu (119)
      • 2. Alvvays read the directỉons________________ beíore you take a test so yoii don’t make any careless mistakes (120)
      • 3. Loiid talking is not allowed in ủie library. You must work______________ (120)
      • 4. Jưlia________________ knocked her glass off the table, and it broke (120)
    • B. Word Forms: Other Words with -ly The meanings of a few common words with the suffix -ly are diííerent from (120)
      • 2. Nick_________________enịoyed the jazz music íestival at schoollasst week. It was exceỉlent, and Nỉck loves jazz (121)
      • 3. The train will arrive________________ Please wait in tìie waitiig sarea (121)
      • 5. Country music i s _________________to be popular for a long ưmt Itt will probably still be popular iĩi 20 years (121)
      • 6. Euphorbia is not a _________________known plant. People in moit places have never heard of it (121)
      • 7. Deserts are growing all over the world. This is because of humans and their animaỉs, (121)
    • A. Vocabulary Review Matcb the words in coluĩim A with ửieir meanings in column B (122)
      • 1. instead of a. not simple (122)
    • B. Context Clues Choose the answer that is closest in meaning to each word or phrase in bold (122)
      • 1. VVhat is the solution to ửús maứi problem: 12 + 45 - 36? (122)
      • 2. Did you solve the problem in the first question? (122)
      • 3. Grass is not suitable food for humans. However, it is suitable for animals (122)
      • 4. Jojoba grows in a dry climate. Nevertheless, it must have some water (122)
  • 1 Unỉtio (123)
  • NEW RUNTS (123)
  • in China and Japan. Oứier beans eaten widely in Latin America have about the same amount of protein as meat (124)
  • The potato, an important food in Europe and Nortìb America, will not grow in a hot climate, But the cocoyam, similar to the (124)
  • Sci(mtists are grovving crops of buffalo gourds in Mexico and Lebanon. The seeds of these plants are up to 35 percent protein (124)
  • Recently, a new kind of teọsinte plant was discovered in the (124)
  • a relative of corn, but it can grow in a wetter climate than corn (124)
  • Even more important, teosinte plants can produce crops every year (124)
  • They do not have to be replanted from seeds as corn does (124)
  • and it is often difficult to change to a different kind of food (124)
  • the poanut (124)
    • A. Focus on the Reading Choose ứie best word for each sentence (125)
      • 1. How can we ______________ ứxe problem of producing more :bod? (125)
      • 2. This problem seems to have no_________________ (125)
      • 4. Today over one-half of all human food energy and_______________ _ comes from________________ , wheat, and _ (125)
      • 7. Other_________________eaten widely in Latin America have about the same amoimt of protein as meat (125)
      • 8. People in parts of Papua-New Guinea and Southeast Asia eat _________________ beans. They are over 30 percent protein (125)
      • 9. The cocoyam is eaten in Latin America and West Africa. It can grov in a hot climate, and it does not matter________________ the climats Ì6 (125)
      • 10. Scientists are growing crops o f_________________gourds in Mecico and Lebanon. The sèeds are up to 35 percent protein (125)
      • 12. George VVashington Carver developed many ways to use the ________________ , which is as rich in protein as meat (126)
      • 1. Jeíins and a T-shừt are not clothes for dinner at an expensive restaurant. You should wear something nice (126)
      • 2. Nadia worked for three hours trying t o ____________ : ahomework problem for her engineering class, It was very difficult (126)
      • 4. People must stop the growứi of deserts around the world. One _________________ to this problem is to plant ừees to stop the sand (126)
      • 7. Bread is usually made from_________ (126)
      • 8. Pe,ople like to eat popped________________ when they go to a movie (126)
    • A. Comprehension Questions Answer ứie questions about ứie reading (127)
      • 1. How manỵ kinds of plants are there in the world? (127)
      • 2. How many of tìiese plants are suitable for hnmans to eat? (127)
      • 3. what serious problem can happen in a developing counữy that depeads on only One or two crops? (127)
      • 4. Which plant is richer in protein, rice or beans? (127)
      • 5. Which new plants can grow in the desert? (127)
      • 6. How could growing teosinte plants save money for íaxmers? (127)
      • 7. Do people start eating different foods easily? (127)
      • 8. Vegetarians have diữerent reasons for not eating meat. How đo theíe people get their protein? (127)
    • B. Details Write T if the sentence is ừue and F if it is false (127)
      • 1. As cities grdw, people use ỉand tìiat was once íarmland (127)
      • 2. Humaiis use most of the plants tìiat are suitable for food (127)
      • 3. Soybeans have more protein ửian wheat (127)
      • 4. The marama bean is as rich in protein as the soybean (127)
      • 5. The Kalahari Desert is in the Miđdle East (127)
      • 6. The potato will probably become a common food in Indonesia (127)
      • 7. Corn has to be replanted every year (127)
      • 8. Poreign students oíten don’t like the food in the counừy wlere (127)
    • D. Maìn ỉdea Check (V) tìie two main ideas of the reading (128)
      • 1. People eat 80,000 kinds of plants (128)
      • 2. New plants can provide food energy and protein (128)
      • 3. It is difficult for people to start eating diữerent foođs, but it is possible (128)
      • 5. People all over ửxe world leamed to enjoy eating peanuts (128)
      • 1. Millions (ịị people are building houses____ (129)
      • 4. It is common •____ developmg coimtries___ (129)
      • 5. Soybeans are an important foođ_____China and Japan (129)
      • 6. People__ parts Southeast Asia eat vvinged beans (129)
    • A. Vocabiilary Review Match tìie words in column A wiứi theứ meanings in column B (129)
    • B. Cointext Clues Choose the answer that is closest in meaning to each worđ in bold. Use (130)
      • 1. People should say please and thankyou and always speak politely to each oứiier, (130)
  • Pl^ssure in theừ jobs or at schooL People feel pressure when tìiey have a (130)
    • 4. Wbiat movie do you want to see tonight? Alex suggẹsted_the cowboy movie that he saw last night. He said that it was very good and that we would (130)
    • 5. Dỉd you know that there is an organization for foreign students at this schiool? They have meetings every week to talk about their classes, and (130)
  • peoplỉì who used violence or suggested that other people use violence. More than one million peopie a)l over the world axe (132)
  • In tlìe main Amnesty International office in London, people gather iníormation about prisoners in over 100 countries, They (132)
  • Each groưp receives inỉormation about two prisoners from coiinừies with different political systems. The members start writing letters (132)
  • A govíỉrnment that holđs prisoners receives hundreds of letters (132)
  • These rej) 0 rts are printed m newspapers. Sometimes ứxe organization (132)
  • Amnesty International. Thousands of others have received better (132)
  • Why do people take ứ ie time to write letters to help sừangers? (132)
  • Members of Amnesty International know that their letters can be suncí"ssfu) Thev know this is a way to take direct action to (132)
    • A. Focus on the Reading Choose the best worđ for each sentence (133)
      • 2. It helps people who are put in prison only because of their race, ửeir (133)
      • 3. They are not people who used_________________ or _________________that other people use it (133)
      • 4. The members write letters. Each letter asks very_________________ (133)
      • 5. Amnesty International vvTÌtes_________________that are printei in newspapers (133)
      • 6. Sometimes the organization sends a íamous lawyer to attend a (133)
      • 7. The_________________never stops. _________________ , thoisajads of prisoners have been ửeed because of the work of Amnesty Intemaioiaal (133)
      • 8. Hundred of prisoners have received better food, visits frorn theừ íanilìies, or_________________care (133)
    • B. Focus on New Contexts Choo.se ỉ he best word for each sentence (134)
      • 2. VVhen people are accused of a crime in the United States, they have a ______________ in a courtroom with a judge and a lawyer (134)
      • 3. It is not_________________to chew gum when you are speaking to someone (134)
      • 4. Doctors, nurses, and hospitals proviđe_________________care for people (134)
      • 5. Putting small________________ on someone’s birthday cake is an (134)
  • Ameiican custom. Each canđle represents 0Ĩ13 year (134)
    • 7. When we asked our teacher where we should go this weekend, she (134)
    • 8. All the_______________of Anna’s ĩamily to a university: ỉiĩSt (134)
    • 10. People from different religions have different________________ and oftem follow different rules of living (134)
    • A. Comprehensỉon Questions Answer ứie questions about ửie reading (135)
      • 1. To whom do the members of Amnesty International write letters? (135)
      • 2. What kind of prisoners do they write letters about? (135)
      • 3. Did these prisoners use violence? (135)
      • 4. Where is the main Amnesty International offĩce? (135)
      • 5. What other things does Amnesty International do? (135)
      • 6. How has the work of Amnesty International helped prisoners so fa'? (135)
      • 8. What prize did Amnesty Intematìoĩial receive? (135)
      • 2. Amnesty International helps people a. who are in prison for their belieís or race (135)
      • 3. Each member writes a. hundreds of letters per monứi (135)
      • 6. which of ứiese sentences is probably not ừue? (136)
  • đ. A president of a country likes getting letters from all over ứie worỉđ (136)
    • 1. helps prisoners who use violence (136)
    • 2. helps people wlio are m priscn because of thcừ beliefs, rcligion, or racc, (136)
    • 3. writes letters and reports and sends lawyers to help prisoners (136)
    • 4. writes letters to kings (136)
    • 5. has helped thousands of prisoners, (136)
    • 6. uses a candle as a sign of light and hope (136)
  • Have you ever written a letter because you wanted to change something? (136)
  • Word Study (137)
  • Choose ứie best word to complete each sentence. Use a word from line 1 in sentence 1, and so on (137)
    • 1. Scienlists have planted jojoba and euphorbia crops on e z p e ^ ù m m í ( d (137)
  • farms in several counừies, (137)
    • 2. The ancient Egyptians used plants as_______________ medicine to tieat (137)
  • diseases (137)
    • 3. Many common diseases of the 19th century are____________ (137)
    • 4. There are many wild plants in the woods, but not all of them are _________ for humans to eat (137)
      • 5.1 doa’t___________ your story about nieeting people from Mars (138)
    • 6. The first experiment with the new crop đid not_____________ . The plants đied, and the scientists had to begin again (138)
    • 7. Some people think that television is too_____________ . There are too many programs tìiat show people ữghting and killing each other (138)
    • 8. It can be very cold in parts of the United States điưing the winter, but it is almost never cold in Ausừalia. The_____________ in weather is (138)
    • 9. Helen goes to church every day and oíten reads ủie Bible. She is very (138)
    • 10. The jojoba is a very_______________ plant It can be used to sooứie (138)
  • burns, to make haừ shiny, and to make a drink similar to coữee (138)
    • B. Word Fornis: Adjectìves (138)
  • Change the words in bold print to hyphenated adjectives and rewrite ứie (138)
    • 1. A Qight from Los Angeles to London is ten hours (138)
    • 2. High school students in Caliíomia have a summer vacatìon for three months (138)
    • 3. It is a long drive from Toronto to Winnipeg. It takes four days (138)
    • 4. It is a short ưip from New York to Boston. It is only 200 kỉlometers (138)
    • A. Vocabulary Review Match the words in column A with their opposites in column B (139)
      • 1. similar a. solution (139)
      • 7. likely g, get worse (139)
      • 9. incomplete i. different (139)
    • B. Context Clues Choose the answer ứiat is closest in meaning to each word or phiase in bold (139)
      • 1. Parmers can grow more crops per hectare by using modern íarming methods. They use better seeds now and điữerent ways to make the (139)
  • Pre-reoding (141)
    • A. Focus on the Reading Choose the best word or phrase for each sentence (143)
      • 2. Europeans saw the endless supply of_________________ứiey could use and sell. They killed the animals and cut the forests (143)
      • 3. They used íarming________________ that allowed the vvind and rain to take away the rich (143)
      • 5. This handíul of people________________ ứieir govemments to start national park systems (143)
      • 6. The parks would________________ places of great beauty, of scientiíic interest, or with unusual plants and anừnals (143)
      • 7. The two governments vvould take care of them and keep them ________________ íorever (143)
      • 8. Yellowstone National Park is an area with geysers, hot springs, ________________ , and lakes (143)
      • 9. Banff, in Alberta, protects________________ lakes, mountains, and íorests (143)
      • 10. Later parks included not only natural beauty but also the (143)
      • 11. Most of the population of Canada has always lived along the souứiem _________________, and ứie rest of the country was mostly empty and (144)
    • B. F o c u í 5 on New Contexts Choo.se the best worđ or phrase for each sentence (144)
      • 1. Jojc)ba plants and buíĩalo gourds will grow in deserts and other areas with poor_________________ (144)
      • 2. Tho Soviet Union was once a ________________ counừy. Now it is diviđed intọ many smaller couĩiữies (144)
      • 3. Niagara Falls is a famous______________ on the border between Canada and ứie United States (144)
      • 4. When you cross the_______ of a country, you usually have to show your passport (144)
      • 5. Houses in North America are inade of different Some are made of wood, and some are made of brick or stone (144)
      • 6. Toiưists can see the________________ of ancient Greek and Roman cities around the Mediterranean (144)
      • 8. Carol________________ her parents that she was old enough to ừavel (144)
      • 9. People in dèsert areas need to ___________ themselves from the sun (145)
      • 10. The mountains and lakes of Swit 2 erland are beautiíul. It is a country with____________ scenery (145)
    • A. Comprehensỉon Questíons Answer the questions about the reading (145)
      • 1. How did the Europeans desừoy the íorests and íarailand in North America? (145)
      • 2. Why did some people want to start national park systems? (145)
      • 3. Name five kinds of places that national parks protect (145)
      • 4. What was the Rrst national park in the United States? in Canada? (145)
      • 5. What services and programs đo national parks offer? (145)
      • 6. There has been a large iĩicrease in visitors to national parks during the last 20 years, w ỉat problems does this cause? (145)
      • 7. What do naturalists talk about in national park programs? (145)
    • B. Details Circle the letter of the best answer (145)
      • 3. A handíul of people wanted national parks to protect (145)
  • c. Main Idea (146)
    • 4. Some of the huge ređwood ữees in Caliíornia are ưnder the _________________of tìie National Park Service. The Service keeps the (147)
    • 5. VVorkers can become very từed of the_________________ noise ÌQ a factory (148)
    • 6. Mo.st counữies have a __________________ museum that explains ứie history of the counừy in pictures, films, and art (148)
    • 9. Many counừies are trying t o ________________ the problem of the growlh of tìie deserts (148)
    • 10. The United Nations is an internatíonal_________________ (148)
    • A. Vocabulary Review Choose the best word or phrase for each sentence (148)
      • 1. If you_________________ all the rice for dinner tonight, ril buy some more at the market in the morning (148)
      • 4. My class is taking a ừip tìiis Saturđay, but we can't decide ________________ we should go to the zoo or tìie Science museum (148)
      • 5. George bought an inexpensive used car._________________, it needs many repairs/ He will have to spend a lot of money to fix it (149)
      • 6. There was an_________________in com production last year. Pưmers grew more corn last year ứian two years ago (149)
      • 7. When you complete tìie beginning English class, you can continue to tìie next_________________ , which is intermediate English (149)
    • B. Context Clues Choose the answer that is closest in meaning to each word in bold priat. Use (149)
      • 2. You can buy towels, dishes, and other household goods m a departĩieĩnt store (149)
      • 4. The lady in the bookstore asked us what kind of payment we wanttd tto make for oiư books—cash, check, or charge? (149)
  • MONEY (150)
    • bags 0 bags 0 f sílver and gold everywhere. The new bank notes were much easier to use (152)
      • A. Fo(cus on the Reading (152)
  • Choose the best word for each sentence (152)
    • 1. Eve>ry coantry has its own type of money, or__ (152)
    • 2. Beítore ứie creation of money, people used to_ (152)
  • somelhing ihey had for somelhing ihêy needed (152)
    • 5. Peopỉe could ừade gold for almost any oứier item because most peiople knew ứiat it was__________________ and that ứiey could easily trade it (153)
    • 6. Aíter some time, certain________________ became tìie _________________goods of exchange, and everỵone began to ừade (153)
    • 2. Suzie bought a necklace in China made of beautiíul green jade (153)
    • 3. You can fiiid canned soup in the grocery síore. It is in the section with oửier canned________________ such as vegetables and tomatơ (153)
    • 4. Maria has a watch that her grandmother gave her, It is gold and has many diaiĩionđs on it, I ứiink it is very_________________ (154)
    • 6. If you buy a house, its_________________usually increases over tiưie, After about 10 years, you can sell the house for more money than (154)
    • 7. José is very interested in international_________________. He studies about ửie import and export of goods betvveen countries (154)
    • 8. When you ừavel to other counừies, you will usually find many banks and hotels that will exchange foreign_________________for you (154)
    • A. Comprehension Questions Answer the questions about ứie reading (154)
      • 1. What is currency? (154)
      • 2. How did people buy and sell things beíore there was money? (154)
      • 3. VVhat is bartering? (154)
      • 4. What two kinds of money are produced? (154)
      • 5. Who was Marco Polo? (154)
      • 6. Why did banks in Europe begin to print notes? (154)
      • 7. Is money always the same shape and size? (154)
    • B. Details VVrite T if ữie sentence is true and F if it is íalse (154)
      • 1. Buying and selling are new ways of doing business (154)
      • 2. Some items, such as golđ, were easier to trade than others (154)
      • 3. Many people in developing counừies still use the barter system (154)
      • 5. People useđ to use small tools to barter for goods (155)
      • 7. Banks in Europe began to priĩit notes because they used up all the silver and gold (155)
  • c. Main Idea (155)
    • 1. Developing countries still use the barter system today (155)
    • 2. Bartering is a system of exchange that people useđ beíore ứiey (155)
    • 4. Money comes in many different shapes and sizes (155)
    • 1. a bottle of soda 2. a movie at a ủieater (155)
    • 4. a new car 5. a one-bedroom apartment (155)
    • 1. Spain and Portugal started many new cities in the New World, especially south of Mexico. These two countries c ỡ Ẩ m lỹ e ầ ______ niost of (156)
    • 3. Viclor is studying engineering ạt the university. After two years of general studies, he wants to ________________ in bỉomedical engineering (156)
    • 5. Every fall I take my car to the auto mechanic, He changes the oil and adds some chemicals to help it run well during ứie winter. He ứiinks all people (157)
    • 6. Developing coimữies want to ______________ (157)
    • A. Vocabulary Review Choose the best word for each sentence (157)
      • 1. The________________ for ửie man who might be a spy begins tom 5 m*ow (157)
      • 3. Being a police officer in a big City is a difficult job because there is S) much_________________and crime. The police must be very cartíull (157)
    • of 50 dollars! (157)
      • 6. The name of the student who wins the prize will be in the newspaper (158)
      • 7. When you go to a museum, you should not any of the píeces you see. Some of them are very old and might break if you (158)
      • B. Cotktext clues Choose 'iỉìe answer that is cỉosest in meaning to each word in bold (158)
        • 4. Joan is going to have a party tonight, so she has to_pregạrẹJor it this aíternoon, She has to clean her apartment, go to ứie superaiarket, and (158)
  • Pre-reading (159)
  • 45 anoứier reason why there are fewer penguins (161)
    • A. Focus on the Reađing Choose tìie best word for each sentence (161)
      • 1. Pieces of ice—^icebergs—break off and float on ửie ocean (161)
      • 3. The icy cold water of the Antarctic Ocean contains______ (161)
      • 5. Scientists are learaing that ứie winter sea ice is very important to ứie (161)
      • 6. In 1993, about 500,000 meừic tons of krill were caught and (161)
      • 7. Krill is a ________________ part of the Antarctic chain of life (162)
      • 8. People are very________________ because diíĩerent countxies are working together peacejFully in Antarctica (162)
    • B. Focus on New Contexts Choose tbe best word for each sentence (162)
      • 3. Hiroko has to give a report about national p^ks. She is going to _________________ her report tonight at home (162)
      • 4. In July there are thousands o f________________ in the North Aứantic Ocean. They break off the ice in Greenland and float souứi (162)
      • 6. Teachers________________ beginning English students to talk even ựiough they might make mistakes. Teachers want students to ừyằ and they (162)
      • 7. Some necklaces are ma de of beads. Others are______________ made (162)
      • 8. How can huge trees grovv ửom such________________ seeds? ỈV s difficuỉt to understand (162)
    • A. Comprehension Quesỉions Answer the questions about the reading (163)
      • 1. what does Antarctica look like? (163)
      • 2. Why is ứie Antarctic Ocean so productive in summer? (163)
      • 3. How is krill important to the chain of life? (163)
      • 4. What is ozone? (163)
      • 5. What is one result of less sea ice? (163)
      • 6. What might happen if fishing companies kill too many krill? (163)
    • B, Detaỉls Write T if the sentence is ừue and F if it is false (163)
      • 1. Most of Antarctica is covered with ice (163)
      • 2. This aiea is entírely liíeless because it is so cold (163)
      • 5. Krill is rich in protein (163)
      • 1. Antarctica and the Antarctic Ocean are very cold, but plants and (163)
      • 2. Antaictica contains 85 percent of all the fresh water on earth (163)
      • 3. National parks belong to all the people in a country (163)
      • 4. Scientists bom many counừies are working togeứier peaceíully in (163)
    • A. Suffixes Ađịectives that end wiứi the suffix -ive mean “able to do something.” (164)
      • 3. The storms were very________________ . The winds knocked over trees and damaged houses (164)
      • 4. Writers and artísts are very_________________people. They need 0 (165)
      • 3. encoiưáge encourảgement encouraging (165)
      • 5. imagine ùnagination (un)imaginatíve/(un)iinaginẳble 6. produce producưproduction (un)productíve (165)
      • 8. đepend (in)depeiidence (in)depenđenư(uĩi)depeDdable (165)
      • 1. A big holiday đinner requừes special p^iepứãám We clem the house and spend hours and hours in the kitchen preparing everyứihg we (165)
      • 2. Gold is more_________________ứian silver. It is always more expensive (165)
      • 3. George succeeded at the university because his parents gave him somuch ________________ Every day they told him to keep working harc. They (165)
      • 4. Yesterday aíternooĩi it raineđ, and at night the temperature dropped below zero. In the moming tìie sữeets were covered witìi (166)
      • 5. What do you tìiink life will be like in 200 years? Use your (166)
      • 6. Isìpan has greaứy increased its________________ of cars. More cars (166)
  • are made in Japan now ứian ever beíore (166)
    • 8. Dỉavid is very________________ . If he says he wilỉ do someứiing, you aliways know he will đo it (166)
    • 10. P'eoọle in Quebec speak Prench because Quebec was once a Prench (166)
    • A. Voicabulary Review Cừclíe oae word on each line that does not belong with the oửiers (166)
    • B. Context Clues Choose the ansvver that is closest in meaning to each word or phrase in bold (167)
      • 2. z is the final letter in the alphabet (167)
      • 3. Some plants are poisonous. If you eat them, you could die (167)
      • 5. When you cry, tears come out of your eyes (167)
  • Mary kno\vs it is nol her fauU Ihat the couple didĩ\’t buy Ihe house, (168)
  • Pauỉ’s íather has just had a heart attack and died. Paul starts crying and tells his mother he wiỉl come as soon as possible (169)
  • annoimce that she has won first prize, Andrea starts to cry (169)
  • People cry for many reasons. They cry when they feel very bad (169)
  • They cry when sometìủng temble happens, like a death in the íamily (169)
  • People also cry when they feel very good. They cry when they have been very worried about something but find out that ever 3 rthing (169)
  • about wiiming that she hardly knew that she was crying (169)
  • Chemists have been studying why people cry. They say ứie body (169)
  • dừt in it. But when people cry because of their íeelings, these tears (169)
  • chemicals produced by sữong íeelings (169)
  • In the United States men have heart disease more often than (169)
  • are related to tìie pressures of living and working in a modem society (169)
  • Perhaps men suữer more from these điseases because they do not cry enough. And it is possible tìiat as more and more women work (169)
    • 2. Carol is angry and speaks____________________________ to Mary (170)
    • 3. Mary knows it is not her__________________ that the couple didn’t buy the house, but Carol will not ỉisten to her (170)
    • 4. Mary_________________ into tears, 5. When the judges_________________that Andrea has won first prize in (170)
    • 6. People cry when they feel very bad. They cry when something (170)
    • 7. They cry in________________ when a close friend becomes seriously iU (170)
    • 8. Mary was_______________and very angry with herselí because she (170)
    • 9. When people cry because of ứieir íeelings, tìiese tears have ________________ chemicals in them (170)
    • 10. Perhaps men_______________more from heart disease because they do not cry enough (170)
    • B, Focus on New Contexts Choose the best word for each sentence (171)
      • 1. War brings and destmction to the countries that aie Sghting (171)
      • 2. Paolo and Maria are the two Bnalists in the writing_________________ (171)
      • 4. Oiư reading teacher_________________ tođay tl^at we will have a teíSt on Monday. Everybody is going to study this vveekend (171)
      • 6. In a courtroom, the_________________ sits behind a big đesk at tae front of the room (171)
      • 7. Many people_________________from a disease called insomnia (171)
      • 8. Something that is polite in one counừy may seem_______________ (171)
      • 9. It’s m y________________ ứiat ứie dinner biưned. I was talking ca tthe phone and íorgot that the food was cooking (171)
      • 10. Chemists are people who work wiứi____________ (171)
    • A. Comprehension Questions Answer the questions about the reađing (172)
      • 1. why did Mary cry? (172)
      • 2. Why diđ Paul cry? (172)
      • 3. why diđ Anđrea cry? (172)
      • 4. Why do people cry in general? (172)
      • 5. How are people changing theừ ideas about crying? (172)
      • 6. What do chemists say about tears? (172)
      • 7. What do doctors say about heart disease in modern society? (172)
      • 8. As đeveloping counừies modemize, what wilỉ probably happen to ứie amount of heart disease? Why? (172)
    • B. Delails Circle the letter of the best answer (172)
      • 1. Mary cried in her boss’s office because she felt (172)
      • 2. Paul cried because of his (172)
      • 3. Andrea cried because she was so (172)
      • 5. Heart disease is related to (172)
      • 1. Mary felt ashamed and angry with herselí when she cried in hei (173)
      • 2. People cry when they feel very bad and when they feel very good (173)
      • 3. ơieinists say that the body produces two diữerent kinds of tear5 (173)
      • 4. Perhaps men siiữer from more diseases because they do not cry eiX)ugh- ___ 5. Peopỉe usually cry when something wonderful happens (173)
  • X!^ord Síudy (173)
    • A. Prepositíons Complete the paragraphs with tìie coưect prepositìons (173)
    • B, Irnỉgular Verbs Study the irregular verbs in this list. Then choose the correct verb fonn to (174)
      • 1. Ali Uả/ his passport vesterday. Now he must go to embassy and apply for a new one (174)
      • 2. Has the bell yet? I didn’t hear it (174)
      • 3. Brazil_________________ soccer’s World Cup in 1994 (174)
      • 4. My sister and I never________________ with each other. We are good ửiends (174)
    • A. Context Clues Choose tíie answer that is closest in meaning to each word in bold print. Use (174)
      • 2. Michael is attempting to ỉearn how to play the piano. He practices every day for two hours and has a lesson once a week (175)
      • 3. Pierre íaìled the test even though it was easy. Obviouslỵ, he đid nct study (175)
  • at all (175)
    • 4. In 1776, tlúrteen Britísh coloĩiies United to form the United States of /m(8rica (175)
    • 5. The main purpose of this exercise is to help you improve your abiity' to guess new words from the context clues in a sentence, (175)
    • B. Vocabulary Review Match the words in column A wiứi their meanings in column (175)
      • 1. printed a. ừade (175)
      • 2. border b. vvritten in a newspaper or book (175)
  • re-reoding (176)
    • 2. All members promise to solve intematíonal problems in a peaceíul way (177)
    • 3. No member will use force against anoứier meraber (177)
    • 4. All members wíll help the UN in its actions, 20 5. The UN will not try to solve problems wiứiin countries except to (177)
  • One y ear was the International Year of ứie Child (178)
  • this. Tit is ửie only organization ứiat unites the world in tìhe search for peace, (178)
    • A, Focus on the Reading Choo&e the best word for each sentence (178)
      • 1. The United Nations has four main goals and_________________ (178)
      • 2. Eachỉ counừy in ứie UN has signed an agreement tìiat says no member will use________________ Ị^against anoứier member (178)
      • 3. The agreement also says ứiat the UN will not try to solve problems vvitìiin coumừies except t o ________________intemational peace (178)
  • in itís goals. There ha ve been several wars since 1945 (178)
    • 5. The 'United Natíons also holds large intemational coníerences, where people meett to discuss important world issues. One conference was about the (178)
    • 6. It is very difficult to persuade nations to live together in peace (178)
    • 7. It is the only organization that_________________the world in the (178)
  • searcch for peace (178)
    • 1. Governments make laws, but ứie police_________________laws. Ihey make suie that people follow the laws (179)
    • 2. Canals have one main_________________: people build them to aỉ]ow ships to ừaveỉ easily from one ocean to another (179)
    • 3. Canada and tìbie________________ States aie both in North America (179)
    • 4. Antarctica is almost completeỉy covered with ice._________________, it is a very cold place without a lot of plants, (179)
    • 1. What aie the four maiĩi goals and purposes of the United Nations? (179)
    • 2. What five things do United Nations members agree to? (179)
    • 3. How has the UN been successíul? (179)
    • 4. How has the UN been unsuccessíul? (179)
    • 5. What kind of work đoes the United Nations family of organizations do? (179)
    • B. Detaỉls Write T if the sentence is ữue and F if it is false, Write NI if ứiere is not (180)
      • 1. The United Nations was organized in Caliíornia, in 1945 (180)
      • 2. The United Nations works for intemational peace (180)
      • 3. Kuwait is a member of the United Nations (180)
      • 4. A small counữy is equal to a large counừy in the UN (180)
      • 5. The United Nations has brought total peace to the world (180)
      • 6. The United Nations helped Algeria become independent (180)
      • 7. UNICEP is an organization ứiat helps save wildlife (180)
      • 8. The UN usually ưies to solve problems wiứiin counữies (180)
      • 1. The United Nations was organized in San Prancisco by fifty-one (180)
      • 2. UNICEP is tìie United Nations organization for children, and tìie (180)
      • 3. The United Nations works for world peace and human rights (180)
      • 4. The United Natìons helps developing counữies and holds iĩitematíonal (180)
    • A. Suffixes (181)
      • 1. People who play sports should folỉow the niles of the game and be íàemdly (181)
      • 4. Marie and Anne became friends when ứiey were in school together. Niow (181)
  • ứiey are both grandmothers, and they are sUll ửiends. Theừ (181)
    • 5. What is ứie________________ between goats and deserts? How co (181)
  • goats cause deserts to become larger? (181)
    • 1. Some soil is very poor and is not good for growing crops. Parmers need to (182)
    • 3. David really_________________his ưip to Yellowstone National Park last summer. He said he had a wonderful time (182)
    • 4. The Smiths ửiink their house is too small for their íamily. They want to (182)
  • Building VocobulQiy Skills (182)
    • A. Vocabulary Review Match each word or phrase in coluiĩui A wiứi its opposite in column B (182)
      • 1. final a. happiness (183)
    • B. Context Clues Choose the answer ứiat is closest in meaning to each word or phrase ir bold (183)
  • When Europeans started Corning to North America, the Indians (185)
  • Maple syrup is served mostly on pancakes (185)
    • 1. For centuries, people have used sugar and_________________as sweeteaers (186)
    • 2. The Iniians learned to make a sweetener frQm the_________________ (186)
    • 4. The Iniians hung a ________________ on each spout. The sap ran slowlvthrough the spout and into the pail (186)
    • 5. As eaci small pail filled, the Indians_________________the sap into larger pails (186)
    • 6. Then tiey________________ the sap over a fiie for a long time. It becaiBỉ ứiicker and ứiicker, svveeter and sweeter (186)
    • 7. The sa^ is a s________________ as water, so it takes from 30 to 50 liters oísap omake one liter of maple ________________ (186)
    • 8. Maplesyrup was important in ________________ Iintil sugar became cheapoc. Then people started using sugar as a _________________ (186)
    • 9. Most Ịeople who gather sap today use the modem Wảy, Plastic ________________ go directly from each ửee to large storage (186)
    • 1. John’s new apartment builđing is very nice. It has a washer and dryer iĩi (187)
  • the basement and also a______________ room. He can keep his bicycle (187)
    • 2. Miguel loves to eat ice cream. His íavorite is vanilla with lots of chocơlate (187)
    • 3. Sophie mađe Chinese tea for everyone and_________________it in to tiny cups (187)
    • 4. A huge_________________carries peừoỉeum across Alaska. ĩt is calleđ the Aỉaskan pipeline (187)
    • 5. A cai has a gas_________________to hold the gas it needs to run (187)
    • 7. Water_________________at 100 degrees Celsius or 212 degrees Pahrenheit (187)
    • 8. Some people don’t want to eat sugar. There are several different kinds of artificial_________________they can buy instead to make their foo(d (187)
    • A. Comprehension Questions Answer the questions about the reading (187)
      • 1. What are two common Iiatural sweeteners? (187)
      • 2. Whi\t (ỉoes a maple tree look like? (188)
      • 3. What kind of weather is necessary to make mapỉe syrup? (188)
      • 4. Whut is the ữaditional method of making maple syrup? (188)
      • 5. Why was maple syrup iiĩiportant in commerce in ứie 18th and 19th cenluries? (188)
      • 6. Wh.it is the modern way to make maple syrup? (188)
      • 7. How i.s maple syrup used today? (188)
    • B, Details Write T if the sentence is ữue and F if it is false. Write NI if there is not (188)
  • enough iníormation in ứie reading to answer true or false (188)
    • 1. The Indians used honey as a sweetener (188)
    • 2. The sugar maple ừee grows only in eastern Canada and the (188)
  • northeastern United States, (188)
    • 3. Hot weather makes ủie sap start to run in maple ừees (188)
    • 4. The sap becomes thinner as it boils (188)
    • 5. Germans were the first Europeans to make maple synip (188)
    • 6. People who make maple syrup commercially have modernized the (188)
    • 7. Maple syrup is only one of many unusual crops in North America (188)
  • c. Main Iđea (188)
    • 1. Indians đeveỉoped a method for making maple synip (188)
    • 2. People use sugar as a svveetener (188)
    • 3. Maple syrup was important in commerce in the 18th and 19ứi centuries (188)
    • A. SuỄGxes Many nouns in English end with the suffìx -age (189)
      • 4. How much_________________đo you need to send a letter to Saudi Arabia? You can finđ out at the post office (190)
      • 6. Our apartment building has a _________________room. It is a pỉace to put things that people do not use very often (190)
      • 2. Some counừy musicians are excellent_________________ . They can sing and play the guitar at the same time (190)
      • 3. Pablo Picasso was a íamous . You can see his art in museums all over the worlđ (190)
      • 5. Sezgi has studied piano all of her life. She is going to be a íamous (190)
      • 6. If you go to a national park, you can sometimes hear a (191)
      • 2. Karen was very_________________when she broke a glass in the restaurant last night. It made a loud noise, and everyone turned and (191)
      • 4. The child cried so hard that_________________were running down her face, (191)
      • 5. The story we read for homevvork was very difficult. I read it two times, but (191)
      • 7. Tomas knocked over his cup of coffee. The coffee quickly (191)
    • B. Context Clues Choose the answer that is closest iĩi meaning to each word in bold priĩit. Use (192)
      • 1. There is some iníormation about Puerto Rico in your reading book. If you need ađditional iníormation to help you WTÌte yoiư report, you can go to (192)
      • 2. Carl wants to work for a large national company ứiat sells farm equipment (192)
      • 4. Please put đie dishes in ứie cupboard in the kitchen. Then close the cupboard doors (192)
      • 5. Canada is usually cold in the winter, but during tìie suminer montìis ứie vveather is pleasant> It is oỉlen sunny, and lầe temperature is warm to hot, (192)
        • 10.00. A store usually has a comíortabỉe temperatuie in ứxe sunưner and winter, and it plays soft music. It is a pleasant pỉace for people (194)
    • A, Focus on the Reading Choose ứie best word for each sentence (195)
      • 1. Beíore you go to ứie supennarket, do you look in your reửigerator and kitchen_________________and make a list of ửie things you need? (195)
      • 2. Even if you do these things, the marketíng specialists at the supermarket make some of your buying_________________for you (195)
      • 3. Specialists ỉn ________________ have studied how to make people buy more food (195)
      • 4. The simple food thđ everyone must buy, like bread, milk, (195)
      • 6. A store usually has a comíortable____________________ in suinmer and vvinter, and it plays soft music (195)
      • 8. Stores put light green paper around_________________and put apples in red_________________bags, (195)
  • Undersíanding the Reoding (196)
  • Writing (197)
  • Duỉỉding VocQbulory Skỉỉls (199)

Nội dung

The text inừoduces approxi- mately 1,000 taiget vocabulaxy items—in boứi the readings and ín ứie word study activities—and guides students in using context clues to discover meaning.. Fo

Working with VocQbulory

Focus on the Reading Choọse tìie best word or phxase for each sentence If you need help, look at

1, Many people like hamburgers In the United States, hamburgers are a very m ỷi 4 ẦaA _

2 At fast-food restaurants, th e is very fast.

3 After people _ ứieữ food, they wait just a few minutes for it.

4, Hamburgers are not the only kind of food that fast-food restaurants

5 Fast-foođ restaurants are now serving salads and other _ foods.

6 , french fries, tacos, and other kinds of fast food have a lot of fat and salt People today know that fatty and salty food is not good for ửiem.

7 Hamburgers, hot dogs, and oứier kinds of fast food are _

They do not cost a lot of money.

8 For many people, low prices are more important ứian ủie of the food.

9 If you eat at a company*s restaurant in the north of the City or in ứie sơuth of the City, the food will be the same In fact, if you eat it in Chicago ơr ỉn Los Angeles, ứie food w ill be the same.

10 Fast"food restaurants are popular because the Service is fast and the food is not expensive You can And these inexpensive restaurants in counừies ứie world.

Fociis on New Contexts Here is more practice with ứie new words from the reading Choose the best

1 1 like the color blue best, What is your ịa o m iũ color?

2 English is an intemational language You can fỉnd people who speak English the world.

3 Marita’s new coat is very warm She can wear it in ứie rain and snow, too.

It vvas expensive, but its is very good.

4 This is 0\ư íavorite store The workers are very ửiendly, and die _is fast.

5 Jorge takes a long walk every moraing He eats a lot of fruits and vegetables, and he sleeps eight hours a night He has a very lifestyle!

6 Many peopỉe around ứie world play soccer It is a very sport

7 Btìng a lot of warm cloửies. , ứie winters are very cold in this part of the counữy.

8 More than o n e people live in China.

UnderstQndỉng the Reading

Details Circle ứie letter of the best answer

Beíore you begin, look at item 5 It has an asterisk (*) in front of it 7he3 asterisk tells you tìiat you cannot find the exact answer in the reading To m ‘Swer the question, you have to use iníormation froĩĩi the article and iníormcticpn you already know You can fìnd items like these throughout this book,

1 In the United States, hamburgers are a a healthy food @ a very popular food. b a íavorite restaiưant d an impossible food.

2 In a fast-foođ restaurant, people a always stand up to eat c carry their food themselves. b get their food from a waiter d always eat quickly.

3 Fast food is a expensive c impossible. b unpopuỉar d, inexpensive.

4 In general, fast food has too much a saỉt and pepper c, fat and eggs. b salt and fat d lĩiilk and coffee.

5, There are many reasons why fast-food restaurants are inexpensive One reason is that a the food is easy to cook c, each restaurant serves only one thing. b the menu changes every week d people cook theừ food ủiemselves. c Main Iđea

Check (V) the main idea of the reading This is the most important idea of ứie reading,

_ 1 People eat hamburgers in fast-food restaurants.

_ 2 Fast-food restaurants are very popular.

_ 3 Some people eat fast food in parks.

_ 4 Too much fat and salt is pot good for people.

_ 5 The food in fast-food restaurants is inexpensive, and the Service is fast

Make a list of healthy foods.

Shíire your list with yoiư classmates Do you think any of the items would be popular at fast-food restaurants? Tell why or why not.

Compound Words In English it is common to put a verb and another word togeứier to make one

Here Ì3 an example: takẹ put ftwo-word verb) You can take out food from a fast-food restaurant and eat it at home. takegut (noun) My íavorite kind of takeout is Chinese, to take oiit ta ke o u t (n)

:mang đi :thức ăn m ang đi ô ^Unirl FQsrFood

Practice with compound words Fừst, read these sentences. ỉ, ư there is any food Ieft over after đinner, save it for tomorrow.

2, Tariq and Jun oĩten get together on weekends to talk and listen to music.

3 When a plane ỉs ready, it takes ọfFinto tìie air.

Now choose the correct compound worđ to complete each sentence. ỉeítovers takeoff takeout get-togetíier

1, After ÌaấeớU we serve food and drinks to the people on the plane.

2 1 don’t want to cook Let’s get some _ dinner tonight.

3 Let‘s save tìie for lunch tomoưow!

4 Miho is having a on Priday night she is going to get some takeout and rent a movie.

Prepositions The preposition to shows movement The preposition at shows location

Steían goes to class every moming.

Neelam walkeđ to a fast-food restauiant.

Maria usuaỉly has dinner at home.

Don’t be late The movie begins at eight o’clock.

Complete each sentence with to or at.

I get up in the moming (1) cd six o’clock and eat breakíast I always eat breakfast (2) _ home (3] seven o’clock, I leave my apartment and leíí over còn thửa lai to take oỉf cât cánh, CỚI ra ^quân ao) ÍO get together hop iai, tụ tâp go (4) _ the Rym There’s a nice swinưning pool (5) _ this gym I swim for one hour, tìien I get reađy to go (6) _ school I have two classes in the moming My first class is (7) _ten ĩm always himgry after my classes, so I have lunch (8 ) _ the cafeteria I usually eat someứiing healthy, like a salad Then I go (9) the library to study In the evenings, I sonietimes meet my friends (10) an inexpensive restaurant for dinner c Prẹfixes The prefixes un-, im-, in-, dis-, and non- can be added to the beginning of some words These preSxes mean “not.”

Look at ủiis example: un- + heaỉthy = imhealthy Smoking is not good for you It’s imhealthy.

Here Qie other words with tìiese negative preSxes un- unimportant, unpopular im- impossibỉe in- incomplete, inexpensive dis- điscontinue non- noníat

Cừclo tìie letter of ứie best word to complete each sentence*

1 A person who is unfriendly is probably , too

@ unpopular b unusual 2 The Service at this restaurant is very sỉow It’s to have a quick liinch here! a impossible b important 3 The airline will Service to ứiat city It is not a popular place to go. a (liscontínue b disagree

Unir 1 Fosr Food 9 gym (n) • thể dục, phỏng táp thể dục preíix (n) • tiền tố caỉeteria (n) quán ăn tư pnuc vụ

4 , _ yogurt is better for you than ice cream. a Nonstop b Nonfat 5 Jaime’s homevvork is _because he felt sick last night. a, inexpensive b incomplete

D Word Forms: Nouns In English, every sentence must have a subject and a verb The subject of à sentence is usually a noun or a pronoun.

Some nouns and verbs have the same form We can add a special ending, or suffix, to other verbs to make ĩioun íoriĩis.

Here are some examples: iO Umrl FQsrFood

Verb Noun Verb Noun Verb Noun order ỏrder govern ' Kovemment ' drive ' :driver drink drink agree agreemeìit own 0WtLer ' cost cost run runner f work : workor

Complete the sentences wiứi verbs and nouns from the chart (If you need to, make ủie nouns plural Also, lĩiake siire ủiat each verb agrees wiứi its subject.Ị

1 Susan is the íastest _• She can /U4M. the race in less than ủưee minutes.

2 The bus will not _an unsaíe bus.

3 1 think the tw Q companies will _to work together.

They will boứi sign th e 4 —Did Saul a salad and some tea?

—Yes Now he’s waiting for h is 5 Joseph bought a lot of food a n d for the get-together.

He hopes that everyone will eat and a lot. yogurt (n) da ua, sữa chua to govern- cầm quyền, cai tri suffix (n) : hậu to

7 —My aunt is the on Main Sữeet

—Does she hard, most of the at fast-foođ restaiưants do not make a lot of money

_ of that popular take-out restauxant the restaurant on Green Street, too?

Contg ^ Clues You can often understand the meaning of a new word from other words in the sentence or from nearby sentences The oửier words that help you under- stand new words are called context cỉues.

For example, in paragraph 6 on page 3, you can fìnd the meaning of ứie word healthỵ What does healthy mean? What is an example pf a healthy food?

PracUce using context clues Telỉ the meaning of each word in bold (dark) print These words are from imit 2 (Do not use your dictíonary.)

1 Many stores and oỄBces are in ứie center of the City, called downtown

2 Around downtown there are residential areas witii houses and apartments, 3 Some shopping centers have supermarkets that sell food.

4 A large shopping center, or mall, has about 50 to 100 stores.

5 Our City has two department stores that seỉl eveTyứiing you can imagine— cỉothes, toys, cameras, and sports equipment. níext (n) e ín) Idential (adj)

' V ă n cảnh, ngữ cảnh đầu mối, manh mối :(thuôc) khu dân cư to irnagine eqưlpment (n)

:tưởng tượng :trang thiết bi

1 VVhere do you go sh o pp in g ? 2 Have vou ever been to a s h o p p i n g m al l ? If so, vvhat d i d vou clo there?

3 Are there s h o p p i n g malls in yoiir native country?

Since 1945 there has been an i m p or ta n t cha n g e in cities in tho U n i t ed States a nd C an a d a— the grovvth of s h o p p i n g centers, or s h o p p i n g malls.

Before VVorld VVar II (1939-1945) cities h a d d e p a r t m e n t stores, mall (n) c h a n g e (n) khu p h ố s ự t h a y đổi to c h a n g e t h a y đ ổi l am thay cỉối other S ĩ u a l l e r stores, and offỉces These were in the center of the city, called downtown Around downtown there were resìdential areas vvith houses and apartments

Aíter VVorld War II, as cities grew larger and larger, it became more and more difficult to drive downtown to go shopping Store

0 owne^ deciđed they could do more business if they left đowntown and moved closer to the new residential areas As a result, todaỵ we íiiỉid many shopping centers on the main sữeets of residential areas, Downtowĩi in most cities is not as important for shopping as it wa8 beíore 1945.

5 A large shopping center, or mall, usually has about 50 to 100 stores of all kinds and a large parking lot for cars It is near a resiđontial aiea, not downtown, and parking in die parking lot is free Most malls have two or more department stores that sell everything you can imagine—clothes, toys, cameras, and sports

0 equipment These department stores also sell furniture dishes, toweỉs and other things for the home,

Soine shopping centers have supermarkets that sell food Some have drugstores that sell medicine and hundreds of other tíiings.

The other stores in a shopping center usually each sell only One

•5 kind of Lhing— books, shoes, music cassettes and CDs, computers, or almost anything else you can imagine A shopping center often has Several fast-food restaurants and larger restaurants that serve snackg lunch, and dinner.

In North America, there are several very large shopping malls

10 The West Edmoníon Mali in Canada has 600 stores, 110 places to eat, and 19 movie theaters! In the United States, the Mali of America has 400 stores, 40 restaurants, and 14 movie theaters.

Then? are also many exciting things to do at these two malls For exaiĩìple, people can play miniature golf, ride a roller coaster, listen Ỉ5 to music, get a haircut, or even stay overnight in a hotel.

Muny of the stores in shopping malls belong to large companies

These companies have stores in cities all over North America

People can shop in the same stores in Toronto or Monừeal, in Boston or Chicago, in Dallas or in Denver vner (n) chủ người sở hữu roller coaster (n) :đường sắt có ngoặt gấp rniture (n) • đồ gỗ, đồ đac (trong nhà) snack (n) : bữa ãn nhẹ iniature (n) vât thu nhỏ bức tiểu họa

Choose ứie best word or phrase for each sentence If you need help, look at ứie reading agam (Use each word or phrase only once.)

1, Beíore 1945, cities had (ỉeỷoàÙHml stores and other smaller stores downtown

2 Around downtown there w ere areas, where people lived in houses and apartments,

3 Today you can find shopping centers on many of t h e sứeets of residenưal areas

4, A laige shopping center, o r , has many different kinds of stores and restaurants

5 Shopping centers usually have a for people to piưk theữ cars while they shop

6, Department stores sell many things for the home, such as _and _

7, Some shopping malls also have a that sells foođ.

8 The other stores in a mall sell one kiiid of thing You can usually buy anytìiing you can _at one of these stores.

Here is more practice with the new words from the reading Choose the best word or phrase for each sentence, (ưse each word or phrase only once.)

Unir 2 Shopping /Aoỉỉs 15 axeas equipment mall > supermarket đepartment imagine parkinglot towèỉs díshes main residential toys Ệ i

1 1 níìed to buy some food Is there a di^íỷe^mci/iÀel tìiis neighborhood?

2 After the dinner party, Sarah and I washed all the plates and glasses,

Thore were a lot of dirty 3 Thiĩre is a very large _at our school because so many students and teachers drive cars every day.

4 Christine works at a store tìiat sells TVs, VCRs, video cameras, and otíier elecữonic _.

5 Roberto wants to study business at an American imiversity That is the reason he is studying English now.

6 Mrs Diaz always gives to her children for theừ bừthdays They have so many things to play with!

7 Jolanta likes tìbie places in this City ứiat are very busy and noisy I prefer thcỉ parks and cữior quist _,

8 Mara is such a good cook! She can make Chinese food, Mexican food,

Prtmch food, and any otìier kiiid of food you can _.

A Comprehension Questions Answer ứie questions about the reading If you need to, look at the article again.

1 VVhat has changed in North American cities since World War II?

2 VVhy did store owners mo ve their stores to shopping centers?

3 VVhere do we find shopping centers today?

4 VVhere can people park at a shopping center?

5 What kinds of stores can you find in a shopping mall?

6 What do departiiient stores sell?

8 What đo the other stores in malls sell?

9 Can people eat in a mall?

10 What other things can people do in a shopping mall?

B Details Write T if the sentence is ừue and F if the sentence is íalse.

_ 2 Before VVorld War II, there were shopping centers downtown.

_ 3, It is always easy to drive in big cities.

_ 4 Some malls have movie theaters and other types of entertainment.

_ 5 Many of the stores in shopping malls belong to large companies.

_ 6 People like shoppiĩig centers because ứiey can buy everyứiing thoy need in One place, and parking is free.

_ 7 A shopping maỉl is a good place to buy birthday presents for íamily members and frienđs.

_ 8 It is diffỉcult for a person to start a small business in a shopping lĩiall.

Check (V) the two main ideas of the reading Remember, these are the most important ideas of the reađing.

_ 1 Shopping centers are on main streets in residential areas

_ 2 Shoppiĩig centers are an important change in cities.

_ 3 Shopping centers have dmgstores that sell međicine.

_ 4 Shopping centers have large parking lots.

_ 5 Shopping centers have many kinds of stores and restaurants. Ơn/r2 Shopọing M q I ỉs i 7 v/riting

Writ() the names of five differení kinds of stores thai you can find in a malỉ

Theiì make a list of three things you can buy in each store When you finish, com])are your lists with other students Can you add anything to your lists?

A Suíĩlxes Soiĩie nouns ứiat end in -th or -ght axe related to similar words that are not nouíis, Read the following pairs of sentences and see how ửie words m bold prinl are related,

2 The sừeet is five kilometers long.

The ỉength is five kilometers.

3 The sữeet is fỉfteen meters vvide.

Its width is fifteen meters.

4 The lake is thừty meters deep.

Its depth is thirty meters.

She has a lot of strength.

6 How high is that building?

Her weight is 130 pounds. l õ Um 7 ^ 0 fỌỊngh^íís

Now choose ứie best word for each sentence (ưse each word only once.]

1 The flag is Qying high above the groimd The ỉm ạld of tthat

Aagpole is about 20 meters, 2 T he _of ửie Golden Gate Bridge in San Prancisco ús about 1,400 meters It is a very long bridge.

3 what is th e of the Paciíĩc Ocean at its deepest poiint?

4 People who build houses must be very sừong They must have great _in their arms.

5 Plants need a lot of water to grow Without it, th eừ _ is slow, 6 What is th e _of your garage? Is it wide enough to park two cars inside?

7 David is very thin now He weighs only 150 pounds He lost a lot of

B Prepositions Use the preposition on

• to tell ửie location of something that is touching something else

• to talk about ứie radio and TV

There is a clock on tìie waD in the classroom.

The book is on the desk.

Margot always goes to the library on Mondays.

The class party is on April 16.

I listened to tìhe news on the radio this moming.

There is a good movie on television tonight.

• to tell that something is inside something else

• to show a ceitain tíme period (such as times of day, monứis, years, or seasons)

• to toll when something will happen

My koys are in my pocket.

I like to study in the moming.

We have a vacation in December.

Migưol likes to go swừĩiming in the summer.

Al(ỉo will be here in one hour.

Now complete each sentence with in, on, at, or to,

1 Eỉiglish classes will begin m Monday, 2 Ronee vvàll return to her country May.

3 1 saw a program about new shopping centers _television yesterday.

4 Ahmed is goỉng _the mall this afternoon.

5 Shopping centers are usually _ residential areas.

6 There are many kinds of stores shopping malls.

7 We will have R tftst in class _two weeks.

8 Let’s go _a fast-food restaiưant for lunch.

9 The dishes are _ứie table, and the cloửies are _ the closet

10 Shopping malls are usually open _ Sundays

11 n i meet you _the library _ noon.

12 Three aew stores opened _September 1.

Context Clues You can often undersíand ứie meaning of a new word from other vvords in the íìentonce or from nearby sentences The other words ứiat help you imderstand new words are called contexỉ cluts.

Practice using context clues Choose the answer that is closest in mea.ning to each word in bold print These words are from unit 3, (Do not use your dictionary.)

1 Caxs and other machines are made in many large, industrial cities in

North Aĩĩierica a small and quiet c close to a mountain ® having many íactories and businesses d residential

2 The west coast of the United States is a beautiíul area with miles of s^andy beaches. a a place where an ocean and land meet c a downtown area b a place with mountains and valleys d a main sừeet

3 Every four years the American people vote for a new president Thene are manỵ candidates, but each voter must choose only one. a talk to c buy b choose or select d, imagine

4 Sciéntists are íinding ĩĩiany speciaỉ plants in the rain íorests that can be used as medicine to íight điseases such as cancer. a sicknesses c plants in the rain íorest b beaches d drugstores

5 Stella doesn’t like ứie dimate in Chicago She says that it is too ccld and there is too much snow in the winter. a lake c buildings b people đ weather

6 The State of Hawaii has many islands wiứi beautiíul mountains and beaiches.

It is a populai place for tourists to visit. a pieces of lanđ with water all arounđ them c warm places b areas of water with land all around them d cold places

7 1 always feel happy when the sim is bright, and I am often sad when it’s cold and rainy The weather really ínQuences my íeelings. a does not change c makes changes in b brightens d darkens iíìd u sííia l (adj) (thuô c) công nghiệp clim ate (n) thòi tiế kvhí hâu vaiỉey (n) thung iũng to in íỉuence ảnh huómg tác đc

2 0 Uniĩ2 Shopping M ồ I ỉs haiĩi Ị COMlNiCAN ÍXtPtjailC i /VVAl CA

1 \V|-ial do you kno\v about Puerto Rico?

3 VVhat can you giiess about Piierto Rico from th e pictures? rcMTíacn

Puerto Rico is an island sou thea st of F!orida a n d n o r th of Ventíziielcì, hetvveen the Atlantic Ocean a n d the CaribỈ30an Soa ỉt is not í;ir ÍTom Haiti and the D o m in ic an Republic P uer to Rico has manv beaiitiíul beaches that ^ r e t c h for milos along the coast It also has Inou ntains an d valleys vvith good land for íarming r h e cliinate in Puerlo Rico is usually verv vvarm It is oftei\_humid_cluring the siiminer m ont hs Many p eo ple choos e Puorto Rico as a vacation spot becaiise of its lovely vveather, beautiful coasts, a n d interesting hist()rv a nd culture. i s la nd (fì) cỉảo í o stretí.h trải dài, lan ra d uồ i ra h u m i d (adj) c ul t u re (n)

Duilding V ocobulary Skiils

A Vocabulary Review Match the words in column A with dieir meanings in colunm B.

1 essential a, full of beauty, lovely 2 produces b makes better

5 separate e about people 6 greatly f, how đeep sometliing is 7 beautiful g not togetíier

B Context Clues Choose the answer that is closest in meaning to each word in boỉd print ưse coĩitext clues.

1 If yoii neeđ a new notebook, go there That store sells school and office supjlỉes. a tJiings for museums c traditíonaỉ items b toys d things that are usual or aecessary 2 Mary took her gold necklace from her jewelry box and put it around her neck, It looked beautiíul with her new blue dress. a cì kind of watch to wear Oĩi the arm b .someứimg mađe of gold to wear on the ears c í\ kind of jewelry to wear aroimd the neck d a piece of ivory

3 Maria wasn’t in school today because she didn’t feel well I hope she doesn’t have anything serious, like the flu. a tĩssential c interesting b urdinary d important and not funny 4 1 Iiave been lor a speciaỉ book for inonứis I have looked in eve^ry bookstore and library in town Pinally I íounđ it. a reađing c shopping b looking everywhere d, improving 5 The United States has many holidays that we don’t have in my coimữy, like Thanksgiving and Independence Day. a cseasons of the yeax c specìal days of the year b, spocial places to go d new and interesting stores ippiy (n) su cung c ấ p , h an g cung c ấ p n e c k ia c e (n) 'd â y c h u y ề n ỈTÌOUS (adỊ) nghiẽrn trọng, n g h iêm túc to search tìm k iếm , ỉục loi


1 Have vou ever visited Havvaii?

3 vvhat do vou t h in k of w h e n vou t h in k about a vacation in H a w a i ?

Out in the Paciíic Ocean, 3700 kilometers from Los Angeles, are th^ i sla n ds of Hawaii, the 50th S ta te of the United States This gr ou p o ’ eight m a i n islands has a lan d area of onlv 16,700 ^LiaLe k il o m e t e n s tr etc hed over 2500 kilometers of ocean Havvaii b ec am e a S t a t e in 1959 a n d is sm aller t h a n 46 of the othe r states.

T h e first Havvaiians arrivẹd ừ o m other Paciíic islancls s o m e t i m e a r o u n d 100 A.D The ir society d ev el o p ed for centiiries vvithout visitors from Europe, Asia, or Africa T h e n all this changed In 1778, C ap ta in Ịames Cook, the great English exp^li^^, visited Havvaii He put the isl an ds on his maps of the Paciíic S h ip s searchng^ for w h a l e s began s to p p i n g there for supplies.

In 1820, a small gro up of p eo pl e ÍTom the eastern United States square (n) ỈO arrive hinh vuong qua ng t ruong J ê n tơi exr icrer iH) oqiioi Kíian'!; 3 M:a ĩnari'

15 caine to teach the Havvaiian people about Christianity T he y started farms to grovv sugar and, later, pi neapples Soon there vvere not e no ugh peop le to do all th e íarmvvork, so the farm o w n e r s brought in Asiaiis—Chin es e starting in 1852, Ịapanese in 1868, a n d Pilipinos in 1906 Koreans, Portuguese, and Puerto Ricans also came The peop le in each group w o r k ed hard, saved their money, an d built homos Some of th em got better jobs or started their o w n small busiiiesses More people ca m e from the U.S m a i n l a n d a n d from othei Paciíic islands Havvaii bec am e an island w it h tra ditions from seveial countries.

Toílav about 1.1 million people live in Havvaii, bu t onlv 10,000 are native Havvaiians People from the various n at ion al grou ps have married each other, so toda y the groups are partly mixed For exanipl( 3 , a ch il d might have a Chin es e- Haw aii an m o t h e r a nd a Portiiguese-Pilipino father.

Hawaii has so me special traditions Havvaiians are verv íriendlv an d iihvays we lc o m e visitors The y give visitors le is A le i is a long necklace m ad e from beau ti íu l fresh ílovvers Í T o m the Havvaiian islands Men vvear bright Aovvered shirts, and vvomen often wear long Ílovvíìreíỉ dresses People celebrate traditional Chinese, Ịapanese, and Pilipiní) holidays as vvell as the holidays from the United States

Havvaii is kno\vn as the Aloha State Á loha m ea ns bot h “h e l l o ” and

Havvaiians earn most of their m o n e y from tourists vvho come from Ịnpan and the m a i n l a n d Unit ed States So m a n v p eo pl e live in Hav^/aii novv that there are residential areas w h e r e there use d to be larms Soine of the big sugar a n d p in e a p p l e c o m p a n i e s have mov ed lo tiie p h i l i pp i n es , vvhere they do not have to pay vvorkers as m u c h monoy Tlie íamilies of the first pe opl e vvho came ừ o m the U.S maiiilaud ovvn most of the important hanks and companies Manv Ịapaiiese are also bu ying or starting bus inesses in Havvaii.

Somotimes \vhen people from m anv different countries, races, and traditions live together there aie some problems But in Havvaii, there are verv few serious problems In general, tho p e o p l e of Hawaii have leariied to live together on those beautiful islands in peace.

Chnstiatiity ( n ) lei ín) đao Thi ên Chúa vòng hoa luơi quàng quanh cổ (nguời dân đảo Havvaii hay đeo) Ó2 Unir 7 HowQfi, ỉslondSrore

A Focus on the Reađing Choose the best word for each sentence.

Christianity earn explorer holiđays mainland mixed necklace ocean pineapples races searcling serious traditions

1 Out in the PaciSc 3700 kilometers from Los Angeles, are the islands of Hawaii, the 50th State of the United Sta es.

2 In 1778, Captain James Cook, the great English _ visited Hawaii.

3 Captain Cook put Hawaii on his maps of the Paciíỉc- Ships for whales began stopping there for supplies 4 In 1820, a small group of people from the eastem United States caiie to teach the Hawaiian people about 5 These people starteđ farms in Hawaii to grow sugar and _ _ 6 People from the various groups have married each other, so today tie groups are partly _ 7 A lei is a long_made from beautiíul fresh ílovers.

Hawaiian people give these to visitors.

8 In Hawaii, people celebrate traditional Chinese, Japanese, Fiỉipino,ànd American

9 Hawaiians most of their money from tourists 10 Sometimes when people from different counữies, _ and ừaditìons li ve together, there are problems.

11 Hawaii has very few problems In general, the pople of Hawaii haveJeamed to live togeứier on those beautìíul islands in Ịeace.

B Focus on New Contexts Choose the best word for each sentence.

Umr 7 H qv / qìí , ỊsỊondSỉore 63 christianity explorer holiday island mix necklace ocean race search serious sừetch

1 To make chocolate milk, you must _togetìier milk and chocolate syrup in a glass.

2 Soiĩie people work all the time, never laugh, and never enjoy themselves.

These people are very 3 New Year’s Day is a in the United States There are many parties, and most people do not have to go to work that day.

4 In 1849 many people went to Caìifornia to _for gold.

They looked everyvvhere for it because they wanted to be rich.

5 The Atlantic is betvveen the United States and Europe.

6 Islaiĩi, ]udaisĩĩi, and are three important worlđ religions

7 My moíher loves silver jewelry Last year my sister and I gave her a beautiíul for her birthday.

A Comprehension Questions Answer the questions about ủie readìng.

2 VVhere did the fừst Hawaiians come from?

3 Why did ships begin stopping in Hawaii?

4 Why did the first people ửoĩii the U.S mainland come to Hawaii?

5 Why do Hawaiians celebrate many ừaditional holidays?

6 what are some of Hawaii’s special ưaditions?

7 How do Hawaiians eam niost of theừ money?

8 Why did some big sugar and pineapple companies move to the Philippines?

9 Who owns most of ứie big companies in Hawaii?

10 Are there serious problems among ửie different groups of people in Hawaii?

B Details Cữcle the ỉetter of ứie best answer.

1 Hawaii has a land area o f square kilometers. a 3700 c 16,700 b 2500 d 1820

* 2 Whalmg ships learaed about Hawaii from _ a, Christians c, Japanese visitors b Captain Cook’s maps d Christopher Columbus

* 3 _ came from other islands to live in Hawaii. a, Portuguese and Koreans c Chinese and Kilipinos b Japanese and Pilipinos d Pilipinos and Koreans 4 Today the various national groups are _ a partly mixed c completely separated b completely mixed d living in diữerent societies

* 5 Which sentence is probably not ừue? a Tourists spend a lot of money in Hawadi. b You can heax country music on the radio in Hawaii. c Hawaii has a warm climate. d The people in Hawaii are all Chrisưans.

64 U nir7 H qwqịì , IslondSrQĩe c Main Idea Check (V) tìie main idea of ứie reading.

_ 1 Havvaii sữetches over 2500 kilometers of ocean.

_ 2 Hawaii is the 50th State of the United States.

_ 3, Captain Cook was a famous explorer who visited Hawaii.

_ 4 Hawaii is a society of diữerent ừaditions and people who live together in peace.

_ 5 The first Ịapanese came to Havvaii in 1868.

This time line shows the dates of several important eveats in the history of Hawaii Look at the reading again to fìnd the event that happened each year

Then write the event next to ứie date

6 6 Unir7 Howoii, ỉs lQ n d 5 rc

A, Irregular Verbs Some verbs in English have inegular past forms Here are some examp.es:

Choose the coưect verb form to complete each sentence Use a verb fron liine 1 for sentence 1, and so on.

1 In 1959 Hawaii 2 Have you ever a S ta te

3 Last week Maria _ all week.

4 Sometimes I a car at 5:00 at night in a busy cty ? _ a bad cold She didn’t go to scioíol to myself as I walk hoiĩie.

5 1 didn’t know what lo order at ửie restaurant Pinally I spaghetti and a salad, 6 Yesterday we had a vocabulary test in cỉass I didn’t study for it, so I đdni’t know what many of the words 7 1 was running in the snow when I _and dropped alH of my books.

B Word Forms: Nouns In English, a preposition is usually followeđ by a noun Look at the examples:

My cat drank a bowl of milk.

Yesterday Tashi got a letter from Japan.

I Síìe my friends every day at school.

JuUa vvalked to the park after class.

When we add a suffix to some verbs, we can make nouns Sometimes a verb and a noun have the same form Look at these examples:

Ji^ ture -e r S am e fo rm

Verb Noun Verb Noun Verb Noun mix mixture explore explorer change change sign signature dxy dryer work work íurnish íurniture wash washer stait start

Practice using nouns and prepositions Complete each sentence with ứie ncnn form of ứie \vord in bold Circỉe ừie prepcsitioRs that you kno\v. explore 1 Ịames Cook is tìie name @ an _ change 2 The teacher explaineđ the reason for tìie

_in the class schedule. mix 3 To make lemonade, mix lemon juice and water Then add sugar to th e _, sign 4 There ìs a place for your _at the bottom of the application Please sign it start 5 The students fiĩiished ủieir homework ìn ứie caíeteria only five minutes beíore th e _ of class wash, dry 6 In a half hour, would you please take ứie clothes out of the

and put ủiem in tìie ?

6Ô Unir 7 H q w q ii , Islond Srore íìimish 7 What kind of do you have in your apartment? work 8 What kind of _ did you do in your naitive country?

A, Vocabulary Review Match the words in column A with ứieừ meanings in column B.

1 million a regular 2 imagine b quỉet 3 ordinarv c 1,000,000 4 silence d change 5 handle e ứiink of 6 human beings f hold in the hands 7 rearrange g people

B, Context Clues Tell ửie meaning of each word in bold print Use context clues, 1 Divide this apple pie into four equal parts, so all four of us can haví a- big piece.

2 Humans use language to communicate ửieử ideas and íeelings.

3 The two major languages in South America are Spanish and Portugieíse

There are also many Indian languages.

4 This class included students from Ịapan, Libya, and BraziL 5 Deaf people often communicate gestures instead of spoken words 7heĩứ languages aie called sign languages.

6 People sometimes ỉnvent words for their languages They think of mw/ words to express new ideas.

1 vvhat languages do you speak?

2 In vvhat waỵs is your native language different ừom English?

3 What languages (if any) are similar to vour native language?

4 Hovv m any languages do you think there are in the vvorld?

A laiiguage is a svstem of sounds, gestures, or characters Iised by hunians to co mm un ic a te their ideas and feelings There are about 4.000 spoken languages in the vvorld Some are spoken bv millions of people Other langiiages have only a few speakers.

All languages have riiles for forming vvords and for ordering those words in meaningful senteiìces In vvritten languages, meaning is Ó9

expressed through a system of characters and niles for combining those chaiacters, In spoken languages, meaning is expresseđ

10 Many deaf people use sign languages, in which gestures do the work of the sound system of spoken languages.

Word order is more important in English than it is in some oứier

ỉanguages, such as Russian The sound system is very important in

Chinese and in many languages spoken in West Africa

15 Languages are always changing, but they change very slowly.

People invent new words for theừ language, borrow worđs from other languages, and change the meanings of words as needed For example, the English word bỵte was invented by Computer specialists in 1959 The English word tomato was boưowed from Nahuatl, an

20 American Indian language spoken in Mexico The English word meat once referred to food in general

There are several major language íamilies in the world The

languages in each íamily are related, and scientists think they came from the same parent íamily, Language íamilies come in đifferent 25 sizes The Ausữonesian íamily contains at least 500 languages, including Pilipino, Malay, and Maori The Basque language, spoken in northern Spain, is the only member of its language íamily

The Indo-European language íamily contains 55 languages, including English German, Spanish, Russian, and Hindi are also 30 Indo-European languages

Anoứier language íamily is Sino-Tibetan, which includes Chinese, Burmese, and Tibetan The AfrO'Asiatic íamily includes Arabic, Hebrew, and Amhaiic There are about 150 American Indian languages spoken today These languages have many 35 đifferences among them and have been divided into more than 50

language ỉaiiiilies

People leain languages by listening, copying what they hear, and using the language Most children learn their fỉrst languages

easily—and sometimes other languages as well Adults oíten must 40 work harder at learning a second language

Focus on the Reading Choose the best word for each sentence

borrow deaf incluđes order characters differences invent related combining divided major soTinds communicate gestures meaning system

1 Humans use language to theừ ideas and íeelings

2 In written languages, meaning is expresseđ ủirough a system of and rules for _those characters

3 In spoken languages, meaning is expressed ứirough a of sounds and rules for combining those

do the work of the sound systems of spoken languages

There are several language íamilies in ứie world

Axabic, Hebrew, 8 The languages in each íamily are _

and Amharic

They have been into more than 50 language íamilies

Focus on New Contexts Choose the best word for each sentence

borrow deaf invented order combine divided major related communicate include meaning system

1 John wants to go to graduate school in ứie United States This is the reason he is studying English, 2 Schooỉs in tlie United States are not tìie same as they are in otỉier counừìes.

Each counừy has its own educatìon _.

3 Martha brought a cake to class today We _ it intO' 12 pieces so every student coulđ have some.

4 When you write a composition about your native country, please _ informatìon about tìie education system and yoiur government, 5 If you đon’t know the _ of a word, look it up iiì y(Our dictionary.

6 The words in a dictionary are in alphabetical _.

7 Another student in this school has the same last name as I do, but we are not _ We do not come from the same íamily.

8 1 can't fỉnd my pen May I _ yours?

9 The vacuum cleaner was by Ives w, McGaffey in 1S69

10 Dolphins use whistles and clicks to with each Dthier.

Comprehension Questions Answer ứie questions about the reading

2 How many languages are spoken in the world?

3 What kind of rules do all languages have?

4 How is meaning expresseđ in written languages? in spoken languages? in sign languages?

5 What is very ùnportant in English?

7 What are some language íamilies?

8 Which ỉanguage íamily is English in?

* 9 Which family is your native language in?

10 How do people learn language?

Dotails Circle the letter of ứie best answeL

1 There are about 4,000 spoken languages a in the Indo-European language íainily c in North America. b, in the Ausữonesian language íamily d in the world.

2 AU languages have a a system of gestures. b a system of written charact^rs c rules for íorming words and ordering words in sentences.

d rules for dividing languages into íamilies

Word order is very important in

a English c Russian. b Chinese d many West Aửican languages ị The sound system is very important iu a Eiiglish, c Chinese. b Russian d sign language.

5 Scientists say there aie several a small language families c diữerent groups of English b animal languages đ major language íamilies

6 American Indian languages are not all in the same language íamily because a there are about 150 of them c some of ủiem have only a few speaicers b no one has studied them d ửiere are many differences among tlhem, 7 A language changes when people a invent new words c change ứie meanings of W(0rds b borrovv words from other languages d a, b, and c are correct

8 The Austronesian language íamilỵ contains a 55 languages c at least 500 languages b Chinese, Biưmese, and Tibetan d Arabic, Hebrew, and Anứiíaric.

c Main Idea

AU languages have rules for íorming words and for ordering thosỉe

Languages are always changing, but they change sIowly

Use ứie iníormation from the reading to complete the language íamily (haưt

VVrite each language under the correct íamily name.

AlVo-Asiatic Ausỉronesian Indo-European Sino-Iĩbetan v/ord Study

Word Forms: Past Partíciples as Adjectives The past participle form of a verb can be used as an adjective The past

Reguỉar verb: walk walked walked - iTTQgular vsrbs: know knew knov.Ti write wrote written speak spoke spoken break broke broken

Complete each sentence wiứi the correct past participle In these sentences, the past participle forms are used as adjectives. write 1 Many languages are mÀtìm _ languages Other languages are only spoken People do not write them.

invent 2 Many children use spelling when ứiey

begin to write They spell words the way ứiey sound. know 3 English is a well- language Millions of people in the world speak, read, and WTÌte English.

speak 4 Latin and ancient Greek are no longer _

languages People only read and write them.

Computer is

You can learn a seconđ language by stuđying, (You can learn a second

language as a result of studying.)

Remember that a preposition is usually followed by a noun We can also use a genmd after a preposition, A gerund is a noun made from a verb + -Ííig In the example above, studying is a gerund It is also a noun.

The preposition by can also be used to tell how someửiing is done

I go to school by bus (How do you go to school? I take the bus.)

They went to Canada by plane.

Carla likes to travel by train.

It takes twenty minutes to go to my house by car

We usually use by wiứi only one word, such as “by plane.” If there are several other words, do not use by Some expressions of travel do not use ứie

preposition hy Study these examples

George rides to school on his bicycle.

I met my best ừiend on the bus to the museum.

My brother likes to drive in his new car.

Note: People usuallỵ don't say ''bỵỷoot ” We say 'Va/ic" instead For example:

I walk to school every day.

NOT I go to school by foot

his wife’s car

ĩ usually go to work _my bicycle, but today it’s raining so rll go

Friday ru really miss her

Vo-cabulary Review

Match fìach word in column A with the word in column B ứiat has tìie o p p o s i t e meaning

Context Clues Choose tìie answer ứiat is closest in meaning to each word in bold prir.t lưse

1 Many govemments provide health insurance to everỷone In other coinlừies, people must pay for theừ ovm insurance a give c teach b sell d buy

2 Which of these Ễigures is đie largest: 5,10, or 15? a answers c numbers b letters d ages

3 Life in Canada and the United States is similar The societies are nct v^ery


marriages end in divorce

A car almost hit me when I was riding my bicycle to school this momimg

I prevented an accident by turning quickly on the sidewalk.

a mađe something happen c was careful b stopped someứiing from happening d rođe away

6 John ừied to get on tìie bus, but it was aừeady overcrowded He couđ mot find a place to stand because it was so full of people He had to wait br the next bus to come a not having enough people c ằaving few people b, riding the wrong bus d having too many people

20 million to 31 million by the year 2000

a change c liĩĩiit b get larger đ include

1 Do you live in a city? If so, is it big or small?

9 VVỊ^nt Hí) '^0 ’’ t ^ i ^ k v^rịlì Ị^n i n fVi0 ^^ 0 '^]' ^ 0 ^ 0 ^

3 VVhat cloes the phrase “Third VVorld” mean?

The year 2000 mar_ks the beginning of a now centiiry and a new milleiiniuni For many years, social scientists have been guessing what lif(ĩ vvill be like in the 21st centiiry One of the most important chaiiỊ^ns vvill be in the vvorlds populatioii The total number of people in th(' v\’ 0 rl(l has been increasing rạpidly for maiiy years Th em vvill be niore than 6.2 billion people on earth by the year 2000 and about 10 billion hv the year 2030 Unfortiinatelv, the greatest population growth \vill be in the cities of the poorest nations.

Th(ì popiilation íigures seem unbelicvable By the vear 2000, o p u i a t i o n (n^

10 there will be almost 300 cities with over one million people each, and 45 citíes in ứie world witìi populations of more than five millioB.

Many of ứiese cities will be in the Third World The Third VVorỉd is an expression useđ to describe cities and counữies that are not

15 technology As the population increases in ửiese areas, problems aỉso increase, and the living conditìons become very bad.

cities—and the areas around them—increases, living conditions

20 ứxere also become worse By ứie year 2000 there could be 22 cities wiứi populations over 20 million For example, Mexico City could have as many as 28 million people and the Tokyo/Yokohama area, 30 million.

Some social scientỉsts say that tìiis is a naturaljro\^i_There 25 was a similar population growứi in citíes as indusữies developed

in Europe during the 19th century People moved to cities to get jobs However, that growứi was much slower Healtìi conditions in Europe were very bad, and people died of many kinds of disease.

In the 19th century, Europeans could leave their counừies to livp in new colonies in Africa or Asia They coulđ move to new couníries

35 resuỉt, many people who want a change move to larger cities in theừ native countries And peopỉe who do mo ve to new coimứies usually move to big City areas This is not such a big problem in modem counừies because money and technology are available to make new living spaces and to keep ứie quality of life at a good 40 level In Third VVorld cities, population growứi is more complicated.

Third World cities are already overcrowded, but people continue to move to these cities to look for work City workers often eam two

6 0 UnirQ Ories in ĩh e 2 1 s rC e n n jĩy

Un lĩ Ọ Ciries in ĩhe ?.hĩ Cenrury ô i monev to provide electricitv, vvater, schools, health services, and housing.

Some social scientists believe that the problems are not hopeless People move to cities because they want to change and improve their lives W hen they con find jobs, they vvork hard These hardworking people can help build a better societv for the whole countrv.

stianghaỉ Jstianghaỉ ế _


Mexico City ^ ’ Ị"_


Percentage of VVorid Population Living in Cities vvith More Than

Focus on the Reading Choose the best word for each sentence

colonies íigures overcrowded similar common health prevented social conditíons increase provide unfortunatel\ diseases millennium rapidly 1 The year 2000 marks tíie beginning of a new century and a new

2 The worlđ’s popuỉation is increasing _ By the year

2000 there will be more ứian 6.2 billion people on the earth.

ứie greatest growth will be in the cities of the

2000 ứiere will be almost 300 cities with over one million people each

Some social scientists say that this growth is natural There was a popuỉation growth in Eufopean cities in the 19th

5 conditions were very bad, and people died of many kinds of disease.

Third World cities are already , but people contimie

to move to these cities to look for work,

Many governments do not have enough money to _

elecừicity, water, schools, health services, and housing.

Choo.se the best word for each sentence

Some íamous country music singers earn millions of dollars every year A

a college education for everyone

4 , many children grow up with only one parent in

thoir home

Eating the right íoods, exercising, and getting a lot of sleep can help people _sícknesses

7 Heart _is often caused by smoking If you smoke, you should quit!

8 The work in the íactory were bad There were no windows, it was dirty, and the equipment was very olđ

Answer the questions about the reading

VVhere will the greatest population growứi be?

2 When was there a similar population growứi in the cities of Europe ? 3 Why was the growth of European cities in the 19th century differen.t from

the growth of Third World cities today?

What do some people want the government to provide?

6 why do some social scientists believe that the problems are not hopeless?

Details Use ứie reading, the tables, and the graph to answer ứie questions

1 About how many people wiU live in Mexico City in the year 2001?

2 How many cities had populations of more than five million in 1^50^?

3 How many cities will have a population of more than five millio 1 im the year 2000?

4 What percentage of the world’s population will live in cities with pcpuilations of more than one million in the year 2015?

5 How many cities will have a population of more than 20 million in the year 2000?

6 what will the population of the world be in 2030?

7 what was ửie population of Cairo in 1991?

8 4 UnirỌ ũnes in rh e 2 1 srC e n ru r/

c Main Idea Check (V) the three main ideas of the reading

There will be 45 cities with a population of over iRve millỉoỉ im the year 2000

4 What percentage of the world’s population will live in cities with pcpuilations of more than one million in the year 2015?

5 How many cities will have a population of more than 20 million in the year 2000?

6 what will the population of the world be in 2030?

7 what was ửie population of Cairo in 1991?

8 4 UnirỌ ũnes in rh e 2 1 srC e n ru r/ c Main Idea Check (V) the three main ideas of the reading

1 Third VVorld cities are grovving very fast

2 There will be 45 cities with a population of over iRve millỉoỉ im the year 2000.

People in European cities in ứie 19tli century could move tcco)lonies

Unir 9 Cities in rhe 21 S ĩ Cenrur/ Ô5

What do you think life will be like in the 21st century? What things will be diffenmt from today? Here are six topics VVrite a sentence or two about each one Describe how each one will be different in the next century Share your ideas with your classmates

1 schools 3 language 5 money 2 íashion 4 travel 6 íamilies

W(ird Forms: Gerunds

A gerund is a verb + -ing It is used as a noun A gerund can be the subject or the direct object of a sentence It can aỉso come after some prepositions.

Look at the examples

Teaching is an interesting job

Toinás IS very good at playing the piano

2 W h e n Q one-sỵllũble word ends with one voweI a n d one consoiìQnt, doubìe t h e c o n s o n a n t b e ỷ o r e ơ d d i n g -ing

Cbange these words tồ gerunds Then choose the besl word ỈOĨ each sentence

Remoĩĩiber to follow ứie spelling rules.

vvatcli ski


play listen

Every winter my Ễriends and I go to the mountains We love to go

iỉù m a _ ! It’s so much fun.

to the radio

Word Forms: Noun Enđings In units 1 through 8 you studieđ many common noun enđings Look at the

Choose tìie correct word form to complete each sentence Some nouns may need to be made plural Use a worđ from ỉine 1 in sentence 1, and so on,

There are several maịor ỏ ịm ớiũ A d le Ậ between life in the Uớiitôd States and in Canada

Lots of people went to the movie theater last night There was a big

waiting outside to buy tickets,

Keiko had no mistakes on her test yesterday The teacher wrote

“ _!” on the top of her test Keiko was very happy.

If you take a loan from the bank to buy a car, you must make a

every month until you pay all the money bacic

Unir Ọ Ciĩies in rhe 21 Sĩ Cenrur/ Ô 7

Tennis shoes and oủier sports _are usually very

6 It’s hard to understand the of video games Many peoplo play ứiem, but I don’t like them.

I WHS so happy when I received a letter from my best frieiid at home It is such a to get mail when you are fax away from íamily

Vocabulary Review Choose the best vvord or phrase to complete each sentence

each otlier produce separateíưmy

In ứie United States, people do not have to go iato ứie

when ứiey are 18 years oid In many other countries, military Service is not ci choice.

with words They make sounds and movements only

PleavSe these names in alphabetical order

5.1 alvvays thought Marco was from Spain because he speaks Spanish I didn*t _he was from Colombia until he told us about his

country in class

You can tum it to make the temperature colder Oi* warmer

Pleaso be careíul when you _these photographs I

don’t v/ant to have Sngerprints on them.

8 Even 100 years, a new century begins Every 1,000 years, a new begins.

Choose the ansvver that is closest in meaning to each word ín bold print ưse


saw on TV that she couldn’t sleep all night

Parmers grow many kinds of crops on ủieir íarms, such as corn, rice, and

wheat They can sell their crops or use them for food and oứier thingíỉ. a plants that grow in the desert c plants that a íarmer grows b plants that produce medicine d, plants that produce cotton and oil

4 Mrs Robbihs will be our teacher today instead of Mr Morris, Mr Morris is sick today and cannot come to class a with c m front of b, besides d in the place of lo c a t i o n (n) VI trí, s ụ đinh VI c r o p (n) m u a m a n g , vụ m u a í n g h t e n e d (ađj) s o h ả i i n s t e a d oí t h a y VI

1 Have vou ever seen a desert?

2 VVhat do you knovv about deserts?

4, VVIiat kinds o f ^ l a n i s and an im als live in a (iesert?

A (lesert is a hot, (Iry, sandv place A desert is also a beautiful land of sỉhmce and space The sun shines, the wind blovvs, and time and spaco soeni eiulless Nothing is soft The sarid and rocks are hard, and many of the plants, such as the cactụs^ have hard needles insteud of leaves.

The size and location of the vvorlds deserts are always changing

Over millions of years, as climates change and niountains rise, nevv (Iry and vvet areas develop But vvithin the last 100 years, deserts have been grovving at a frightening speed This is partlv because of c l e s e ỉ t (n) ;síì í ĩ i a c p l n n t ( n ) : c â y c ỏ t h u c v ậ t s i l e n c e ( n ) s u y é n l ă n g c a c t u s ( n ) x u o n g r ó n g

10 naturaỉ changes, but the greatest đesert makers are humans

In the 19th century some people living in English colonies ìn

Australia got rabbits from England Today there are millions of raibbits in Ausừalia, and ứiey eat every plant ứiey can find, The great diesert that covers the center of Australia is growing

15 The land in the southwestem United States is rich Large ỈằĩTXis

Parming jRrst began in the Tigris-Euphrates Valley, but todéy tthe

20 land there is a desert In dry areas, people plant crops on land tlhat is poor and đry When there aie one or two very dry years, tha plants die, and ứie land becomes desert Animals such as ^Qctg,

sheep, and cattle eat every plant they can And until there is totlhing left at all

25 In deveỉoping countries, 90 percent of the people use W00(ỉ ỉm cooìdng and heating They cut đown ữees for fìrewood But teeỉs are important They cool the land under tíiem and keep the sun cff smaller plants When leaves fall froĩĩi a tree, they make ủiề laid richer When ứie ữees are gone, the smaller plants die, and tteree is

30 nothing but sanđ Yet people must use firewood raise animab, íand grow crops in order to live,

Humans can make deserts, but humans can also prevent thĩir grovvtìi Algeria planted a green wall of trees across the edge cf tlhe Sahara to stop ứ?.e desert sand from spreadmg Mauritania pkntted a

35 sim ilar wall around Nouakchott, the Capital, ừan puts a thin ccveiring

of peừoleum on sandy areas and plants trees The oil keeps tie water and small trees in the lanđ, and men on motorcycles kfôp the

F()CUS on the Reađing Choo.se the best word or phrase for each sentence

canals frighteĩiing level rabbits. cattle ^ inorderto ' location • ■' • ^ “ sheep ' ’ • ’ crops insteađ of needles : yet ,'

1 Noihing is soft in the desert Many of the plants, such as ứie cactus, have haxd needles _leaves.

2 Thí 3 size and _of die world's deserts are always changing.

3 Within the last 100 years, deserts have been growing at a _speed This is partly because of natural changes, but the greatest desert makers are humans.

4 Soine people in Ausừalia got _from England Today thert? aie millioiis of them in Ausíralia, and they eat evGry plant they can find.

5 The _of the water table undergrounđ is decreasing every year in ứie southwestern United States.

6 In dry areas, people plant _on land that is poor and dxy When there are one or two dry years, the plants die, and the land becomes desert.

7 Aniraals such as goats, _, and _ eat eveiy plant tìiey can fỉnd until there is noứiing left at all.

8 People must use fìrewoođ, raise animals, and grow crops


Alịịeria plantedữees to stop the desert sand, Otìier coimtries build long _to bring water to desert areas

Some counừies are trying to prevent the growth of deserts, _land ủiat will probably become desert in the íuture

Focus on New Contexts Choose the best word or phrase for each sentence

canal crops instead of needle cattỉe goats level speed climate in order to location yet

1 Cowboys work with _in the western United States.

2 The _of ứffe “Grand Ole Opry” is Nashville, Tennessee.

3 If you need to put a new button on your clothes, you must have a

_and some tìưead to sew with.

4 You must study and practice as much as possible _ leam a new language,

5 The Panama goes from the Atlantic Ocean to thie

Facific Ocean Many ships ữavel through it each day.

6 Bananas and coffee beans are two important _that Ễarmers grow in South America.

7 Today young people usually choose the person they want to marry

their parents aưanging the marriage for them, 8 Life is diSicult in Thừd World cities, people conitinue to move to them in order to look for work and a better life.

Comprehension Questions

Answer the questions about the reading

1 What is a desert? Describe it

2 What makes the size and location of deserts change?

3 What happened in Australia to make the size of the desert increase?

4 Why is the ỉevel of the water table underground decreasing in the

southwestern United States?

H()W do íarming and animals make deserts grow?

6 why do deserts grow when people cut down ừees?



Write T if the sentence is true and F if it is false VVrite NI if ứiere is not

enough iníormation in the reading to answer true or íalse

Elephants help make deserts

_ 5 Parmers in the Southwestern United States grow crops that need

just a little water because the climate is dry

7, Some countries are building canals to bring water to the deserts,

The size of deserts has changed greatly in ứie past 100 yeais, but it did noí change beíore that

_Ausữalia was once an English colony.

people stop the growth

9 4 Unir 10 Deserĩs c, Main Idea Below are ứie two main ideas of the reading Choose the supporting đetails that relate to each main idea and write ứiem under the correct main idea.

(Use your own paper.) Use onỉỵ six of the supporting details in the list Three of ứiem do not belong in either column.

1 Humans make deserts 2 Humans can síop the growth of deserts.

Supportìng Details a Algeria is planting a green waỉl to stop the Sahara, b A desert is a beautiíul land of silence and space, c English people brought rabbits to Ausừalia. d People cut down ừees for firewood. e Some countries are building canals to bring water to desert areas ỉ, Many desert plants have needles. g Goats, sheep, and cattle eat every plant they can find. h ừan puts peữoleum on sanđy areas and plants ừees ỉ Desert sand and rocks are hard.

What kinds of plants or crops grow in your native counừy? What kinđ of GỈimate do they grow iĩi? What do people use them for? Make a chart, then sha^e your iníormation with other students (Use your own paper.) Here are the three heads that you can use in your chart:

Plant or Crop Growing Clim ate Products or Foods

The suffix -less means “without” or “not having something.” ưniĩ 10 Deserrs 9 5

Here is an example

The ĩiumber of English words to leam is endless (“without end”)

Add thfJ suSìx -less to each word Then choose the best word for each sentence

care coAeleM - change hope _ vvorth

help _ íhought _

Babios cannot take care of themselves Someone must help them because ttey are k e lp ie A Ặ _

2 Stephan found an old coiĩi He thought it was gold, but it wasn’t In fact, it had no value It was

You must take your time and be careíui when you write If you try to

hiưry, you will m ake _mistakes.

Mìchael was sick last night so he could not sleep Today in class he was

very tired after such a _night

5 Híílen saiđ something that hiưt my íeelings I know she didnì want to hun my íeeỉings Sỉie jusi wasn’t thinking She made a


B Word Porms: NounsSome common noun endings are -sion, -tion, -ationằ and -t Look at this list of

í prẹvent " /pxevehtioọ.'/ r'

After World War II, Germany was divided into two separate counừies

However, this _did not last In 1990 tìie twoGermanies United as one coimtry again.

Many centiưies ago, people left theừ counứies to search for new landsi

The of the new worlđ brought people from many counữies together in North America.

If you have a question when you are in the library, go to the

desk and ask one of the librarians for help.

A Vocabulary Revỉew One word in each sentence is incorrect, Find the word and cừcle it Abov^e ỉt, write a word that makes the sentence coưect. m d d c m

A ( w S ^ is a piece of )eweừy that you wear aroimd your neck

chrisứnas, Thai-^*.gỉving, and Halloween are ứiree crops in ứie United States

4 To make lemonade you must separate water, lemon juice, and sugar in a glass,5 David is very caxeless about his classes He studies every Iiight for six hours!

Coỉitext Clues Tell the meaning of each word m bold print Use context clues

1 Mođem technology has changed medicine Doctors now use computers and large machines to help people feel better.

2, Scientists have made many important discoveries m ứie past century.

They have found new medicines in the rain íorests and learned new ways to control some diseases.

3 1 preíer to eat only natural foods like ửuits and vegetables I don’t like to eat fast food or food with artificial ũavors and colors.

4 There is evidence that dinosaurs used to li ve on the earth Scientists have íound big bones and íossils This evidence helps tÌLem understand what happened millions of years ago.

5 You can usually cure a colđ by drinldng lots of orange juice and getting lots of sleep If you do that, you should feel better.

6 When I stuđied English in my native country, we never used to speak in class We only ừanslated sentences in our book At tìiis school we leam by reading, writing, and speaking I like this method better I am learning a loì here. t e m o n a d e (n) n ư ó c c h a n h d i n o s a u r (n) -k h ủ n g long d í s c o v e r y (n) s u k h á m p h á to c u r e ;đ iề u tn, c h ữ a trị' ^ v i d e n c e (n) b ằ n g c h ứ n g , c h ứ n g c ứ m e t h o d (n) ph ư ơn g p h á p ỳ?-

1 VVhat (ỉo vou do when vou are sick?

Do vou visit a doctor? Do you take medicine?

2 Are there any traditional medicines in ỵoiir native country? vvhat do lascrs, leaches, tree bark, and old bread have in cominon?

'rh'jy are all things that people uso to make medicine or to lielp sick people feel hetter Throughout history people have searched for wavs to live hcalthier and better lives As early as 8000 B.C., people 5 began to oxperiment vvith methods of helping sick people Today vve have the nevvest technology, yet we continuo to look for wavs to l e a c h ( n ) t r e e b a r k ( n )

The history of medicine begins about 10,000 years ago Scientists havfí f(jund evidence that prehístoric people experimented with

10 surgerv in order to help sick people feel better Around 2500 B.c,, the Egyptians began to treat diseases They used plants as medi- cine They believed that people became sick because the gods were angiy with them In ancient Greece in 410 B c , a man named

Hippocrates realized that people became sick for natural reasons,

15 not because the gođs were angry Many people think of Hippocrates as tlie first real doctor in history

During the Middle Ages (400-1500 A.D.], a few medical schools and hospitals opened in Euxope Treatment methods were still very simple Sometimes doctors used leaches to remove “bađ blood”

20 from people Doctors did not understand the human body very well

Maiiy very dangerous diseases, called plagues, spread through Europe at ứiat time Doctors could not cure these diseases, and one- quarter of the population of Europe died Later, duiing the

In the last century manv very important discoveries were made

30 in medicine These discoverỉes have saved the lives of millions of people around ùie world For example, in 1895 a German doctor named Roentgen developed ửie X-ray machine The English scientist Sir Alexander Pleiĩuning discovered penicillin, the first antĩbiotic, in 1928 Antibiotics are drugs that fight diseases in the body

35 plemming discovered penicillin grovving in mold on an old piece of bread! Other great improvements have been made in ứie technology of medicine Today doctors can save people’s lives by giving them a new heart or a new kidney Hospitals have large computers and machines that help sick people live better lives

40 Medicine today is very modern, but it is also very ừaditional in sonie parts of the world, In China and other Asian counữies, doctors irehistoric (adj) (thuộc) tién s ử antibiOtic (n) : thuốc k hán g sinh ilague (n) : b ệ n h dịch s u rg e r y (n) : giải p hẫu học sư phẫu thuật lUSCle (n) cở b ắ p

Unir 11 Medtane, to m Leoches ro Losers 9 9

100 Unir 11 A\edicine, írom Leoches ro Losers

Acupuncture uses needies to help the human body fight pain and disease

Doctors have used this method for thousands of years, and some still use it 45 today It is very successíuL These doctors also use natural plants as medicine,

Others believe that technology is more helpíuL Together, tradition and technology help people everywhere li ve better and healthier lives

A Focus on the Reading Choose the best word for each sentence.


discoveries evidence

1, As early as 8000 people began to _

Today we ha ve ứie newest

surgery technology ừeat treataent with

yet we continue to look for ways to improve medicine and our system of health care

Scientists have found that prehistoric people experimented wiứi surgery lo help sick people

metìbiođs natuial plagues prehistoric spread successíul

1, As early as 8000 people began to _ methods of helping sick people feel better,

2 Today we ha ve ứie newest surgery technology ừeat treataent with

, yet we continue to look for ways to improve medicine and our system of health care

3 Scientists have found that prehistoric people experimented wiứi surgery lo help sick people.

Around 2500 B,c., the Egyptians began to

diseases They used plants as medicine, 5 In ancient Greece in 410 B.C., a man named Hippocrates realized that

people became sick for reasons, not because ứie

During the Middle Ages, ứeatoent were still very simple, Sometimes dọctors used leaches to remove “bad blood” frơm

Umr 11 Medìcine, from Leoches ĨO Loseís 101

, spread 7 Many very dangerous diseases called ứirough Europe at that time.

In tỉie last century, many important meciicine

Focus on New Contexts Choose the best worđ for each sentence

angry cure discovery evidence fight method nature spread successíul surgery technology treatment

1 Scieiitists are looking for a for cancer If tìiey find One, they can end this teưible disease íorever.

2 Last month my ửiends and I íound a great little restaurant not far from school It was a wonderful for us Now we go there almost every week.

3 Monica’s íather is in the hospital He had _to &x his bad back Next week he can come home.

4 Carl’s sister worked very hard, saved her money, and started her own business She is very now.

102 Unư 11 Mediane, from Leoches ro Losers

5 Computer changes alì the time Last year I bought a new Computer, and this yeax there is a much better One available

6 In order to learn new words, I write ứiem in my notebook and practice using tìiem in conversation What do you use?

7 David likes to live in big cities He likes the tall builđings and all the people Anna ỉikes to live in the countiy she loves birds and trees and everything in

8.1 read in tíie newspaper that the police found some

Now the police know his naiĩie and ađđress

Answer the questíons about the reading

Detaiỉs Circle the letter of tlie best answer

1 Around 2500 B.C., ứie Egyptians began a to make dxawings of the human body. b to discover new diseases. c to stuđy history . d to ữeat diseases wiứi medicine from plants

Unir 11 Medicine, from Leoches ro Lasers 1 0 3

2 The Egyptians believed that people became sick because a they ate plants c the gods were angry wiứi them. b they were angry with each other d of natural reasons.

3 Hippocrates realized that a tlie gods made people sick. b people became sick for natiưal reasons. c medicine comes from plants. d he was the first real doctor.

4 During the Middle Ages, one-quarter of the population of Europe a died in wars c moved to America. b, died from plagues d used ỉeaches.

5 In 1895, a Gerraan doctor named Roentgen a invented the X-ray machine c started acupimcture. b discovered penicillin d used antibiotics. c Main Idea Check (V) ứie three main ideas of the reading.

_ 1 People have always searched for ways to improve life

_ 2 Prehistoric people experimented with surgery.

_ 3 Many important medical discoveries were made in the last century.

_ 4 Acupuncture is a ừaditional way to ữeat sick people.

_ 5 Technology and ừadition are boứi important parts of medicine and health care today.

Many people know traditional remedies for pains and common sicknesses A remedy is an easy way to cưre sometìiing For example, if you have a cold, you can drink hot water with lemon.

Think of some traditionaỉ remedies that you know and write them on a separate sheeí of paper Then share your remedies with your classniates.

1 0 4 Unir 11 Mediane, írom Leoches ro ÌQsers

A PreHxes The prefix over- means “too,” “too much,” or “too many.”

Third World cities are already overcrowded (too crowđed)

Add the prefix over- to each word Then choose the best word for each sentience. eat ( m /ie ú i populated _ weight _ h e a t e d _ slept _

cookeđ _

There are too many people on ứie island of Java in Indonesia Java s

We were driving in the mountains on a very hot day, and our car

_ We had to stop and let it cool down.

Toshi left the rice in tìie rice cooker too long Now the rice is

4 Martin has a class at 8:00 in the mornỉng He usually wakes up at 7:0(1) to get ready Today he was late for class because he didn’t wake up umtil

5 If y o u _every day, you will soon be

_ Eating too much can make you fat, and it's lott good for your health ^

Umr 11 Mediane, from Leoches ro Losers 1 0 5

Irregular Verbs Study the irregulai verbs in this list Then choose ứie correct verb form to

7 rise rose risen birthday is January 31,1966, When were you 2 Last summer my friends and I went to ứie beach and in the lake almost every day.

3 Yesterday was a beautiiPul day! The sky was blue and the sun _brightly.

4 Hcive you ever a story in English? olga wrote one la.st year in writing class It was a very funny story.

5 John had điĩiner at a Japanese restaurant with his class They ate sushi

and _tea

In the fall, the w m d all the leaves off the ừees

They covered the grounđ with ửieir beautiíul colors.

1 1 love to wake up early in ứie morning and watch ứie sun _ over ứie City It’s a very pretty sight.

Vocabulary Review Circle one word on each line that does not belong with the oủiers

1 rabbits, goats,(íeache^cattle 2 supermarket, restaiưant, department store, bookstore 3 century, millenmum, year, coast

4 difficult, uncomplicated, simple, easy 5 ocean, river, canal, island

6 disease, cure, sickness, plague7 regular, usual, ordinary, similar

Context Clues Choose the answer that is closest in meaning to each word or phrase mbo)ld

1 Ms Davis planted some bushes in her yard They will grow to be abDutt one lĩieter high, a tall ừees c grass b Iow plants d small flowers 2 In the fall, íarmers gather apples froin theừ apple trees. a buy c pick b plant d eat

3 When scieatists develop a new kind of medicine, they test it in maiỴ experiments to see if it is safe for humans. a experiences c tests to find out what will happen b medicines d discoveries

4 There is not any milk foì our coffee I used up all the milk this morning when I made a cake. a íorgot to buy ' c put in the coffee b used all of d used for a short time

1 0 6 Uniĩ 11 M edidne, from Leoches ĨQ Losers bush (n) :buỉ c ả y to u s e up s ử i u r n g h ê í to gather :thu h oạ ch , tụ tặp

2 VVhat do people use Petroleum for?

3 Do you knovv vvhere Petroleum comes from?

4 Do you know about any plants that make oil?

5 VVhat do people make from plants in your native counừy?

Jojoha is a very special kind of plant (Jojoba is a Spa ni sh word that is pr onp un ced ho-HO-bah.) It is a bush that grows about a meter high It grovvs mainly in the desert areas of Southern Caliíornia,

Southern Arizona, and on the west coast of Mexico The hard fruit

5 of the jojoba plant contains oil that can be used for many things.

This oil is used in shampoo and lipstick Recently, it is being used more and more as an indusưial oil, too.

For centuries Indians in Arizona have gaủiered the jojoba fruit.

They use the oil to SQothe burns, to make tíieir hair shine, and to

10 make a drink similar to coffee Now scienUsts have planted experi- mental crops They want to test different ways that jojoba oil could be used Scientists say that Indians and oứier people can earn money ửom jojoba íarming.

Although the jojoba grows naturally only in ứie Arizona‘Sonora

15 Desert, it can be planted in most dry areas of the world It needs very little water and can grow on poor land Jojoba farms not only produce oil but also help stop the growứi of deserts.

Peừoleuin is essential to the modern world It is burned for energy in cars, homes, and íactories But the world supplies are being used

20 up very fast Peừoleiun comes from plants that died millions of years ago Would it be possible to take oil directly from living plants and use it instead of peừoleum? Scientists have had success with the jojoba pldiit Now scientists think this process may be pos- sible wiứi a plant called euphorbía (Euphorbia is pronounced you- 25 FOR'bee-uh.)

Euphorbia grows wild in many areas of the vvorld Like jojoba, it can grow on poor land with only a little water, Several counữies have experimentaỉ euphorbia farms, and scientists are develaplng plants from seeds gatìiered in different places They think ứiat 30 when the plants axe improved enough, they will be able to produce

65 barrels of oil per hectare (10,000 square meters) per year.

If ứie experiments are successùil, euphorbia farms could provide about 10 percent of the peừoleum needs in the United States Even more important, developing counừies could grow euphorbia on 35 land ủiat is too poor for anyứiing else Then they would not have to buy expensive paừoleum for their energy needs. shampoo (n) dầu gội đầu euphobia (n) môt loại cày ỏ Hy Lap lipstick (n) :son môi s e e d (n) :hat, hạt giông, mầm rnống to soothe , vuốt ve, xoa dịu, làm đỡ

Focus on the Reading Choo.se the best word or phrase for each sentence

although directly hectare seeds barrels energy lipstick soothe bush experimental per used up cọntạỊns gathered

1 Thỉ8 jojoba plant is a tìiat grows about one meter high It grows only in Southern Caliíornia, Southern Arizona, and on the

we:st coast of Mexico,

Th<8 hard fruit of the jojoba plant _oil that can be

shine, and to make a drink similar to coffee

Incỉians and other people can earn money from jojoba tarming

6 jojoba grows naturally only in the Arizona-Sonora

Deisert, it can be planted in most dry areas of the world

inốstead of peừoleum?

Several counừies have experimental euphorbia íarras, and scientists are

barrel (.n) :thùng (dầu) to co ntain chứa đung , bao gồ m i 10 Unư 12 011 ừom RỊonrs developing plants ửom gatheređ in dijBFerent places.

10, They thmk the plants wiìl be able to produce 65 of oil per _{10,000 square meters) per year.

Focus on New Contexts Choose ứie best word or phrase for each sentence

experimenting hectare ỉipstick per seeds used up

1 If you want to grow flowers, you must first buy aind plant them in ứie grounđ Aíter several weeks, you will have flowerí.

2 Always tum off the lights when you leave a room so you don’t wastt

3 I should study tonight, rm going to the movies w/ith my friends ril study in ứie moming instead.

4 Some womeii wear on theừ lips to make ứiemlo(ok red Other women don’t like to wear makeup.

5 Sandra has a good job She works in the library and makes 10 dollan hour.

6 This is my last sheet of paper Fve all the paper im my notebook for this class Tomorrow ril buy a new notebook.

7 If you want to see the movie that starts at 7:00, you should go _to tìie theater wlien class ends If you go home&ĩtst, you will be late for the movie.

8 Desert countTÌes aie with several ways to stop heì growtìi of deserts We hope they will be successíul.

Comprehension Questíons Answer the questions about the reading

1 ‘Where does the jojoba plant grow naíurally?

* 2 In what conditions can the jojoba plant grow?

* 3 The population of the world is growing very fast what effect will this have on the suppỉy of peừoleum?

4 Where does the euphorbia plant grow wild?

5 HC)W is the euphorbia plant similar to ứie jojoba plant?

6 How could euphorbia plaiits help the developing world?

* 7 H()W could euphorbia plants help stop ứie growth of đeserts?

Details Circle the letter of ửie best answer

1 The jojoba a grows natoally in many counừies c grows naturally in wet areas b is a tall plant d is a low plant

2 The Arizona-Sonora Desert covers a all of Caliíornia c parts of two countries. b parts of three states d many coimừies.

3 Jojoba oil comes from a the leaves c the seeds* b the roots d thê fruit.

4 The jojoba plant can grow a only ỉn Arizona, Caliíomia, and Mexico. b on poor, đry land, c near water d only on experimental farms.

112 Umr 12 O il írom Plonrs c deserts wiih plants. d seeds for farms.

5 Petroleum supplies a energy for homes, cars, and factories. b oil needed for plants to grow,

* 6 which sentence is probably not true? a Scientists in diữerent countries work together to Bnd new uses for plants. b In 10 yeaxs the United States will use plants to provide all its energy needs, c Someday scientists will find new uses for many different plants. d The development of new uses for plants has good eữects. cô Main Idea Check (V) the two main ideas of tíie reading.

_ 1 Scientists are experimenting with oil-producing plants, _ 2 Jojoba can only grow in the đesert

_ 3 Boứi the jojoba and euphorbia plants can grow in a desert climate, where most crops cannot grow.

_ 4 There are experimental euphorbia íarms in several countries.

Do you know any special uses for plants? Write a few sentences about eacỉi plant Then tell your cỉassmates about them.

Suíĩìxes Sometimes we can ađd the suffix -ly to an adịective to make an adverb, Aiu

Here is an example: slow + -ly = slowIy ,Please speak slowly so I can understand.

Add the suffix -ly to each adjective, Then choose ửie best adverb for each sentence. accidontal a a U ẩ m tcilL ỷ inexpensive careful silent thouglitless similcir

1 Brian _ told his friend that he didn’t like the color of her new car Then he was sorry for what he said He didn’t think aboưt it before he said it.

2 Alvvays read the directỉons beíore you take a test so yoii don’t make any careless mistakes.

3 Loiid talking is not allowed in ủie library You must work so other people can study, too.

4 Jưlia knocked her glass off the table, and it broke.

She did not mean to do it.

5 If you cook your meals at home and don’t go out too often, you can live

You don’t have to spend too rauch money.

Word Forms: Other Words with -ly The meanings of a few common words with the suffix -ly are diííerent from

likely = probably The sky is full of gray clouds It is likely to rain soon. greatly = very much Pamily life has changed greatly in the last two centuries. largely = mostlyShopping centers have developed largely because of ữaffic problems in cities.

1 1 4 Unir 12 O il íỉv m Pbnrs lately = recently I haven’t seen Maria lately, have you? The last time I saw her was motthíS ago. hardlỵ = not much, only a little, almost none There are so many caís in Bangkok tìiat ứiere is hardly any space to perk.

(Note: Hơrdỉy is a negữtive word Don ĩ use no or not with it) widely = in many places, over a large area English is widely used as a second language Italian is not. shorỉỉy = in a short time, very soon ỉ will íỉnish my homework shortly Then I will play teimis with you. nearly = almost Today is November 20 It is nearly winter.

Now choose the best -ly word from tíie above list to compỉete each senenice.

1 We are Hea/iliỷ finished with unit 12 We have only tvo more exercises to do,

2 Nick _enịoyed the jazz music íestival at schoollasst week It was exceỉlent, and Nỉck loves jazz.

3 The train will arrive Please wait in tìie waitiig sarea.

It wiỉl only be a few minutes.

4 Jeff ever eats in fast-food restaurants because ìe iis a vegetarian He usuaỉly cooks for himseỉí at home,

5 Country music i s _to be popular for a long ưmt Itt will probably still be popular iĩi 20 years.

6 Euphorbia is not a _known plant People in moit places have never heard of it.

7 Deserts are growing all over the world This is because of humans and their animaỉs,

8 1 used to go to movies a lot, but I haven^t been to One

Vocabulary Review Matcb the words in coluĩim A with ửieir meanings in column B

6 improve f not very diữerent 7 complicated g necessary

Context Clues Choose the answer that is closest in meaning to each word or phrase in bold

1 VVhat is the solution to ửús maứi problem: 12 + 45 - 36? a experiment c problem b question d answer

2 Did you solve the problem in the first question? a ask a question of c, find the answer to b experiĩĩieiit wiứi d locate

3 Grass is not suitable food for humans However, it is suitable for animals. ÍI, something to grow c inexpensive b good or right d easy

4 Jojoba grows in a dry climate Nevertheless, it must have some water. a instead c essential b however d likely

1 Unỉtio


1 Many people in the vvorld are vẹgetarians vvhat does that mean?

2 vvhat are some ordinary foocỉs in voiir countrv?

3 D(J yoii like to trv new íoocỉs?

As the vvorlds popưlation increases, coimtries must prodiice moro foo(l However, deserts are grovving, and millions of people are building houses on land that used to be farms Ho\v can vve soỊvo a problem that seems to have no soliition?

5 One vvay is to start eating (lifferent plants There are more than 350 uoo kinds oí'plants in tho world o r these, a^:)proximatelv_

8(),Ũ0() are suitable for hum ans to eat But today over one-ha!f of iill hiiinan food onergv and protein comes frnm ịiist three kinds of plan ts :£ ọj n, \vheaj, and rice In fact, it is c o m m o n in cleveloping

10 coiintries for people to depend on onlv one or two plants íor their food A disease or bad vveather can dẹstroy these crops, a n d the people have nothing to eat. vegel ar ian (n) to solve approxiíiìately (aclv) ingười ăn chay corn (n)

:khoảng chừng, xáp xỉ to der^troy

:ngò (bàp) rigũ coc 'lua fiV; tieu cli3t, pt'!a ỉìủy

All people, and especially children, need protein to grow and to stay healthy Many kinds of food contain protein, but some foods are better sourc^ of protein than others For example, corn, wheat, and rice are only from 8 to 14 percent protein Meat and fish are from 20 to 30 percent protein Soybeans are almost 40 percent pro- tein, They are a very good source of protein and an important food

in China and Japan Oứier beans eaten widely in Latin America have about the same amount of protein as meat

However, there are other plants that are rich in protein People in parts of Papua-New Guinea and in Southeast Asia eat winged beans They are over 30 percent protein The marama bean, as rich in protein as the soybean, grows wild in the Kalahari Desert in southorn Africa.

Sci(mtists are grovving crops of buffalo gourds in Mexico and Lebanon The seeds of these plants are up to 35 percent protein

The plant grovvs wild in the Arizona-Sonora Desert and can grow ỉn other dry areas.

Recently, a new kind of teọsinte plant was discovered in the

mountains of Mexico (Teosinte is pronounced tay-oh-SIN-tay.) It is

They do not have to be replanted from seeds as corn does

i^Jevertheless, there may be a problem with “new’' plants Will people eat new foods? Food is a very important part of our lives,

and it is often difficult to change to a different kind of food

Hovvever, scientists are hopeíul In the 1920s, George Washington

Carver started experimenting with the geạnut, which is as rich in protein as meat He deveỉoped many ways to use the peanut as foođ, and today it is eaten all over ứie world Perhaps in a few years tho teosinte and the marama bean will be as widely used as

the poanut

Focus on the Reading Choose ứie best word for each sentence

àmount' • depend {^\Ị)eans^ _ neverứieless ẳỉÃv: buffalo ^ peanut ị;ịặ^cìcm'^'^v' ' "protein ; rice solution solve soybeans suitable wheat wheth5ĩ winged

1 How can we ứxe problem of producing more :bod?

2 This problem seems to have no _.

3 There are 350,000 kinds of plants in the world Of ứiese, approximttely 80,000 are food for humans to eat.

4 Today over one-half of all human food energy and _ _ comes from , wheat, and _ 5 Com,

, and rice are only from 8 to 14 percent p:otein.

are almost 40 percent protein, They are an important food in China and Japan.

7 Other _eaten widely in Latin America have about the same amoimt of protein as meat.

8 People in parts of Papua-New Guinea and Southeast Asia eat _ beans They are over 30 percent protein.

9 The cocoyam is eaten in Latin America and West Africa It can grov in a hot climate, and it does not matter the climats Ì6 wet or dry.

10 Scientists are growing crops o f _gourds in Mecico and Lebanon The sèeds are up to 35 percent protein.

11 _there may be a problem wiứi new plants, W11 people eat diữerent íoods? butíalo (n) :con trâu to de p e n d :tùy thuộc, phụ thuộc n e v e rt h e le s s (adv) :tuy nhiên solution (n) suitable (adj) x á c h giải q iy ế í , giải phí 'thich hợp

12 George VVashington Carver developed many ways to use the , which is as rich in protein as meat.

B Focus on New Contexts Choose the best word for each sentence.

1 Jeíins and a T-shừt are not clothes for dinner at an expensive restaurant You should wear something nice.

2 Nadia worked for three hours trying t o : ahomework problem for her engineering class, It was very difficult.

3 is essential for goođ health It is íound in meat, fish, beans, milk, seeds, and other foods.

4 People must stop the growứi of deserts around the world One _ to this problem is to plant ừees to stop the sand.

5 Many reH- blackbirds eat the seeds in oiư backyard, These bữds are well known for ứieir colorủil wings.

6, Humans eat many kinds o f seeds of plants, and ứiey supply protein.

7 Bread is usually made from _ and rice, These are the

J which grows on íarms throughout the mídwestem and cenữal United States.

8 Pe,ople like to eat popped when they go to a movie.

9 is a very important food in Asia, Africa, and Latin America Almost every meal includes ứiis food.

1 0 butter is popular witìi children in the UnitedStates It is used in sandwiches.

Comprehension Questions Answer ứie questions about ứie reading

1 How manỵ kinds of plants are there in the world?

2 How many of tìiese plants are suitable for hnmans to eat?

3 what serious problem can happen in a developing counữy that depeads on only One or two crops?

*4 Which plant is richer in protein, rice or beans?

5 Which new plants can grow in the desert?

*6 How could growing teosinte plants save money for íaxmers?

7 Do people start eating different foods easily?

*8 Vegetarians have diữerent reasons for not eating meat How đo theíe people get their protein?

Details Write T if the sentence is ừue and F if it is false

* _ 1 As cities grdw, people use ỉand tìiat was once íarmland.

2 Humaiis use most of the plants tìiat are suitable for food.

3 Soybeans have more protein ửian wheat.

4 The marama bean is as rich in protein as the soybean.

5 The Kalahari Desert is in the Miđdle East.

* 6 The potato will probably become a common food in Indonesia.

7 Corn has to be replanted every year.

* 8 Poreign students oíten don’t like the food in the counừy wlere they study. c More DetailsUse the information in the reading to complete ứie chart Put the nam?s of điese foods in the correct columns: buỷỷaỉo gourd, cocoyam, com, fish, narQỉĩìữ bean, meaU peanưt, potato, ríce, soybean, teosinte, wheat, winged bem

Protein in FoodUnder 20 Percent 20-30 Percent 30-40 Percent No Iníomiation

Maìn ỉdea Check (V) tìie two main ideas of the reading

_ 1 People eat 80,000 kinds of plants.

_ 2 New plants can provide food energy and protein.

_ 3 It is difficult for people to start eating diữerent foođs, but it is possible.

_ 4, Soybeans are rich in proteiĩi.

_ 5 People all over ửxe world leamed to enjoy eating peanuts.

What íoods did you eat yesterday? Write your menu for the day Tell what you ate for breakíast, lunch, and dinner Then compare menus with another student.

Prepositíoiỉs: Review ưse youx knowledge of prepositions to complete the sentences.

1 Millions (ịị people are building houses íarms.

2 There are more than 350,000 kinds _pỉants 3 _ these, approximately 80,000 are suitable_

4 It is common • developmg coimtries _ land that used to be the world. humans to eat. people to depend only one or two plants _their food.

5 Soybeans are an important foođ _China and Japan.

6 People parts Southeast Asia eat vvinged beans.

Vocabiilary Review Match tìie words in column A wiứi theứ meanings in column B

Cointext Clues Choose the answer that is closest in meaning to each worđ in bold Use

1 People should say please and thankyou and always speak politely to each oứiier, a &oftly c quickly b nicely d slovvly

2 Martin Lutíier King, Jr., was a íamous man in American history He didn’t beheve in violence He didn’t thừik people should fight or hurt other people. a Sỉeparating people c helping someone b being kind to someone d, Sghting or hurting someone

3 Sorĩietimes people feel stress in their lives, usually when they have a lot of

Pl^ssure in theừ jobs or at schooL People feel pressure when tìiey have a

Wbiat movie do you want to see tonight? Alex suggẹsted_the cowboy movie that he saw last night He said that it was very good and that we would

a recommended c didn’t like b tried đ soỉved

Dỉd you know that there is an organization for foreign students at this schiool? They have meetings every week to talk about their classes, and

a t-est c location b restaurant d group politelỵ (adv) một c á c h lịch sự to s u g g e s t : để nghi violencỄ3 (n) : b ạ o lực, s ư dữ dòí organization (n) : tổ chức p r e s s u r e (n) : s ức ép, á p lưc, á p suấ t

1 Have vou ever helpoíl sonieone you did not know? If so hủvv?

3 What do peoplc in this organization do?

Right novv, somevvherc in tho world, someone is vvTÌting a l(3tler

The letter is_addreíssf^ to a president or king, a generaK or the hoad of the police in anothcr country The letter is about someoiie thtĩ uTÌlcr eloes uol even kiio\v The UTÌlcr is an orclinary pcrsoii \vho has never met a king or a general.

The writer is a member of Amn esty International This organiza- tion was started in 1961 to help people vvho are put in prison orily because of their race , their religion, or their helleís Thov are nol to address general (n) race (n) gửi đến, xưng hô religion (n) : tòn giáo, tin ngưỡng tướng, cái c hung belieí (n) ; mềm tin chủn g tộc loài, cuòc đua A m n e s t y International : Tổ chức An xá Q u ố c Té

A govíỉrnment that holđs prisoners receives hundreds of letters

Each letter asks very politely that the prisoners be freed The goveriiment knows that the prisoners are not íorgotten The world Ịcares ỉiboụt them

Amne.sty International works in oửier ways, too It helps the íamilios of prisoners It vvTites reports 011 governments and prisons.

These rej) 0 rts are printed m newspapers Sometimes ứxe organization

sends a íamous lawyer to attend a triạỊ or to talk with important peoplo in the government The pressiưe never stops So far, more than 40 thousand prisoners have been freed because of ứie work of

Amnesty International Thousands of others have received better

food, visits from their íamilies, or medical caip.

Members of Amnesty International know that their letters can be suncí"ssfu) Thev know this is a way to take direct action to

Focus on the Reading Choose the best worđ for each sentence

belieís candle medical members organization politely pressiưe prize received religion

^ỌcesiíuL sugges^ed ữial violene l T h e called Amnesty Intematíonal was started ÌẰ 1961.

2 It helps people who are put in prison only because of their race, ửeir

3 They are not people who used _ or _that other people use it.

4 The members write letters Each letter asks very _ ứiat^e prisoners be freeđ.

5 Amnesty International vvTÌtes _that are printei in newspapers.

6 Sometimes the organization sends a íamous lawyer to attend a or talk with important people in the goveninent.

7 The _never stops _ , thoisajads of prisoners have been ửeed because of the work of Amnesty Intemaioiaal.

8 Hundred of prisoners have received better food, visits frorn theừ íanilìies, or _care.

9 Why do people take the time to write letters to help sừangers? Menbers of Amnesty Intematìonal know ứiat tìieir letters can b e , 10 In 1977, Amnesty International received the Nobel Peace

_, one of the most important international prizỉs that a person or organization can wiii. prlze (n) giải thưởng report (n) : bản báo cáo, tường thuật s o ỉar su ccessíul (ađj) cho (ến bâ y gio

Focus on New Contexts Choo.se ỉ he best word for each sentence

b(ỉliefs medical polite suggested candles members pressure ừial gíỉneral organization printed violence

1 Last year, the students in my class WTOte articỉes for the school newspaper when they were and we reađ them, we were very prouđ of ourselves They were very iĩiteresting!

2 VVhen people are accused of a crime in the United States, they have a in a courtroom with a judge and a lawyer.

3 It is not _to chew gum when you are speaking to someone.

4 Doctors, nurses, and hospitals proviđe _care for people.

5 Putting small on someone’s birthday cake is an

Ameiican custom Each canđle represents 0Ĩ13 year

When we asked our teacher where we should go this weekend, she

several interesting places, such as the art museum.

All the _of Anna’s ĩamily to a university: ỉiĩSt

her parents, then her brother, and now Anna.

9 In my City, there’s not much People never fight or hurt each other, and no One ever kills anyone,

People from different religions have different and oftem follow different rules of living

Comprehensỉon Questions Answer ứie questions about ửie reading

1 To whom do the members of Amnesty International write letters?

2 What kind of prisoners do they write letters about?

3 Did these prisoners use violence?

4 Where is the main Amnesty International offĩce?

5 What other things does Amnesty International do?

6 How has the work of Amnesty International helped prisoners so fa'?

7 Why do people take tibe time to write ỉetters to help strangers?

8 What prize did Amnesty Intematìoĩial receive?

Cừcle the letter of the best answer.

1 Amnesty International letters are written by a kings and generals c, important people in the governneint b ordinary people d, lawyers and police.

2 Amnesty International helps people a who are in prison for their belieís or race. b who used violence against the govemment. c who đon’t have íamilies đ in 40 countries.

3 Each member writes a hundreds of letters per monứi. b reports printed in newspapers. c letters to members of the govemment. d to famous lawyers.

4, Members get their iníonnaưon about prisoners from a, íamous lawyers c presiđents and generals. b the office in Lonđon d prisoners.

5, Amnesty International won the Nobel Prize for a history c peace. b physics, d newspaper reports,

* 6 which of ứiese sentences is probably not ừue? a Amnesty International members write letters to all kinds of govemments. b Amnesty International is organÌ 2 ed very well. c Anyone can probably become a member of Amnesty Intematìonal.

đ A president of a country likes getting letters from all over ứie worỉđ

uses a candle as a sign of light and hope

Have you ever written a letter because you wanted to change something?

Write a short letter to the dừector of yoiir school about something that you want to change It can be a serious letter or a funny letter When you Bnish, share your letter with anotibier student.

Word Study

A, Word Forms: Adịectives Some common adjective endings are -al, -able, -ful, -less, -t, and -ous Look at the words in the list below Notice the endings on ứie adjectives See how the adịectives are related to the other words

Choose ứie best word to complete each sentence Use a word from line 1 in sentence 1, and so on

farms in several counừies,


Many common diseases of the 19th century are

People no longer get sick from these diseases.

There are many wild plants in the woods, but not all of them are _ for humans to eat

5.1 doa’t _ your story about nieeting people from Mars

burns, to make haừ shiny, and to make a drink similar to coữee

Word Fornis: Adjectìves

Adjectives have only one form The}t?can never be pluraL Look at these examples:

Wo have a two-week vacation from school in March.

It is a four-hour flight from Chicago to Los Angeles,

Change the words in bold print to hyphenated adjectives and rewrite ứie

A Qight from Los Angeles to London is ten hours

u u a Ìm -lư u iA Ỉ^ À a k t J lo Ậ /Ịm e Ỉ M h Ẩ ìm ầ x m

It is a short ưip from New York to Boston It is only 200 kỉlometers

Vocabulary Review Match the words in column A with their opposites in column B

3 prevent c unusual 4 problem đ not probable 5 improve e finished

Context Clues Choose the answer ứiat is closest in meaning to each word or phiase in bold

1 Parmers can grow more crops per hectare by using modern íarming methods They use better seeds now and điữerent ways to make the land rich They do most of the farmwork with machines. a machines to help with íaiming b seeds c animals d ways of doing something

2 If you want to have a garden, first choose a place wiứi good topsoil Then plant some seeds and water tìiem In a few days you will see small plants growing. a land or dừt c water and sun b seeds or plants d peừoleum 3 In the winter, you need to wear warm clotìies, a hat, and gloves to prot yourself from the cold. a provide c help b be safe from d receive 4 Even ứiough I had a big dinner two hours ago, I stiỉl feel a little himgry, ĩ think ru have some coffee and cake. a nevertheless c altíiough b however d and

5 Russia is a huge coxmtry It is the biggest country in Europe or Asia, a in the north c very large b, new d having a large population

U m 14 Am nesiy ỊnrernononQÍ 1 3 3 i"wf S - ’ \uíf" r yi-


Focus on the Reading Choose the best word or phrase for each sentence

border magniữcent persuaded topsoil X even ứiough materials protect waterfails , ỉorever ‘methods remains wildlife huge natural scenery worry

Canada and the United States are countries that sừetch from the Atlantic Ocean to ứie Paciíic Ocean.

2 Europeans saw the endless supply of _ứiey could use and sell They killed the animals and cut the forests.

3 They used íarming that allowed the vvind and rain to take away the rich in 4 A few people ừaveled and saw the magnificent the West—the sn0W‘C0vered mountains, clear lakes, and huge ừees.

5 This handíul of people ứieir govemments to start national park systems.

6 The parks would places of great beauty, of scientiíic interest, or with unusual plants and anừnals.

7 The two governments vvould take care of them and keep them íorever.

8 Yellowstone National Park is an area with geysers, hot springs, , and lakes.

9 Banff, in Alberta, protects lakes, mountains, and íorests.

10 Later parks included not only natural beauty but also the of Indian societies.

11 Most of the population of Canada has always lived along the souứiem _, and ứie rest of the country was mostly empty and

12 the North did not develop as fast as the South,niore and more people realized it was important to save the large populations of _beíore it was too late.

F o c u í 5 on New Contexts Choo.se the best worđ or phrase for each sentence

;vbordeiịị^^:ị:^^instead \ even tỉiough ‘ magniỂcent persuaded protect remaiiis

1 Jojc)ba plants and buíĩalo gourds will grow in deserts and other areas with poor _.

2 Tho Soviet Union was once a counừy Now it is diviđed intọ many smaller couĩiữies.

3 Niagara Falls is a famous on the border between Canada and ứie United States.

4 When you cross the _ of a country, you usually have to show your passport.

5 Houses in North America are inade of different Some are made of wood, and some are made of brick or stone.

6 Toiưists can see the of ancient Greek and Roman cities around the Mediterranean.

7 Almost all fast-foữd restaurants cook hambiưgers in the saiĩie way They , uso the same : they fry them.

8 Carol her parents that she was old enough to ừavel

13Ô Unir 15 NononQl Porks to Chicago alone They alỉowed her to go.

9 People in dèsert areas need to _ themselves from the sun.

They must cover their skin so ứie sun đoes not burn them.

10 The mountains and lakes of Swit 2 erland are beautiíul It is a country with scenery.

Comprehensỉon Questíons Answer the questions about the reading

1 How did the Europeans desừoy the íorests and íarailand in North America?

2 Why did some people want to start national park systems?

3 Name five kinds of places that national parks protect.

4 What was the Rrst national park in the United States? in Canada?

5 What services and programs đo national parks offer?

* 6 There has been a large iĩicrease in visitors to national parks during the last 20 years, w ỉat problems does this cause?

* 7 What do naturalists talk about in national park programs?

Details Circle the letter of the best answer

1 For centuries North American Indians a lived near the Canadian border c lived in national parks. b, lived close to nature d, visited national parks.

2 Europeans ứiought the supply of materìals in North America was a used up c endless. b overcrowded d dangerous.

3 A handíul of people wanted national parks to protect a íarmlands c museums. b places of great beauty d rich topsoil.

4 Lator ])arks protected areas a important in h u m a n history c destroved bv poor farming methods. b near the border d with geysers an d hot springs.

* 5 VVhich sentence is probably not true? a Maiiv countries of the vvorld have national parks. b Thore are no wild places left in North America for new national parks. c You can learn a lot at a national park.

(ỉ Tho national park svstem in the United States had its lOOth birthday in 1972.

c Main Idea

Some of the huge ređwood ữees in Caliíornia are ưnder the _of tìie National Park Service The Service keeps the

VVorkers can become very từed of the _ noise ÌQ a factory

Mo.st counữies have a museum that explains ứie history of the counừy in pictures, films, and art

7 People of all ages like to go to national parks A visit to a national park is _for th.e whoỉe family,

8 1 would like to make a for your ữip Take a ừain ridơ across Canada I did it last year The scenery is beautiíul.

The United Nations is an internatíonal _

Vocabulary Review Choose the best word or phrase for each sentence

bushes frightening unfortunately wheat cunclitions increase use up whemer figures level waterfall

1 If you _ all the rice for dinner tonight, ril buy some more at the market in the morning.

2 Central Park in New York City is a very pretty place There are miles of trees, and ỉlowers There are also little lakes It is a very nice place to relax in a busy City.

3 _ is an important crop It is useđ to make many kinds of bread, cereal, and noodles.

4 My class is taking a ừip tìiis Saturđay, but we can't decide we should go to the zoo or tìie Science museum.

5 George bought an inexpensive used car. _, it needs many repairs/ He will have to spend a lot of money to fix it.

6 There was an _in com production last year Pưmers grew more corn last year ứian two years ago.

7 When you complete tìie beginning English class, you can continue to tìie next _ , which is intermediate English.

Context Clues Choose the answer that is closest in meaning to each word in bold priat Use

1 1 have a small collection of foreign currency Every time I travel, I íav *■ i ; ĩii— Ị £


bags 0 f sílver and gold everywhere The new bank notes were much easier to use

Today money looks diữerent in every country Some countries, such ac Italy and Prance, have many different sizes of coins and paper bills In some cases, the bill is larger when its value is greater The bills in these counừies are printed in many colors, There are pink, blue, and green bills

In Oither coimtries, like the United States, all of ứie bills aie the same size and shape, They are also all ứie same color—green People know the value of a bill Ibecause of ủie numbers printed on it Also, a diữerent U.S president's face is; printed on each type of bill For example, the American one-dollar biU has a picture of George Washmgton, the íirst American president, on the front

The fi ve-dollar bill has a picture of Abraham Lincoln on ỉt The coins in Ameriìcan currency are of different sizes and colors, Usually they are rounđ, but there are a few less common coins that are not really rounđ Many of ứie coins in the United States are silver-colored, except the penny, or one-cent coin, 'which is made of copper so its color is different

A Fo(cus on the Reading

Choose the best word for each sentence

somelhing ihey had for somelhing ihêy needed

Aíter some time, certain became tìie _goods of exchange, and everỵone began to ừade

with the same items, 7 Coins are usuaỉly round pieces of metal They usually have numbers on ứiem so people know their 8 Paper money was first used in China, aroimd 600 A.D In ửie 1200s, Marco

Polo, the íamous Itaỉian explorer, noticed this _of payment when he visited ứie East.

9 Today money is đifferent in every country Some countries, such as Italy and Prance, have many different sizes of coins and paper

B Focus on New Contexts Choose the best word for each sentence. barter currency shapes unit beads exchange size valuable bills goods ừade value

1 1 bought a sweater at the department store last week, but I ứiink it’s toơ big ril go back there ứus vveekend to it for a smaller

Suzie bought a necklace in China made of beautiíul green jade

In china, people say jade brings good luck.

You can fiiid canned soup in the grocery síore It is in the section with oửier canned such as vegetables and tomatơ

Maria has a watch that her grandmother gave her, It is gold and has many diaiĩionđs on it, I ứiink it is very _

5 Hats come in many different _ There are round hats,square hats, and even hats that are shaped like triangles.

When you ừavel to other counừies, you will usually find many banks and hotels that will exchange foreign _for you

Comprehension Questions Answer the questions about ứie reading

2 How did people buy and sell things beíore there was money?

4 What two kinds of money are produced?

6 Why did banks in Europe begin to print notes?

7 Is money always the same shape and size?

Details VVrite T if ữie sentence is true and F if it is íalse

_1 Buying and selling are new ways of doing business.

_2 Some items, such as golđ, were easier to trade than others.

_3 Many people in developing counừies still use the barter system today.

4 Coins were first made in Italy and Prance in 1100 B.c.

5 People useđ to use small tools to barter for goods.

6 The Clỉinese began to use paper money arounđ 600 A.D,

7 Banks in Europe began to priĩit notes because they used up all the silver and gold.

c Main Idea

Bartering is a system of exchange that people useđ beíore ứiey

had raoney, _ 3 Standard goods of trade became money.

Money comes in many different shapes and sizes

What kinds of coins and bills does your native country’s cuE?ency have? VVhat do they look like? Make a chart, Then estimate how much each item in the list would cost in your native country, in your currency Add a few itexns to ửie list and compare your answers with other students.

a new car 5 a one-bedroom apartment

SuíHxes You can change some words into verbs by adding the suffix -ize The suffix 'ize means “to make into (something)” or “to cause to be (someửiing).”

Radio helped to popularize country music. popular + -ize = to make something (counữy music) popular

When Q word ends in y, drop the y beỷore adding -ize.

Add tlie suffix -ize to each word Then choose the best word for each sen- tence Be sure to use ủie coưect tense. inernory memyUỹe special 1 _ winter _ modern _ colon indusừial

Spain and Portugal started many new cities in the New World, especially south of Mexico These two countries c ỡ Ẩ m lỹ e ầ niost of

2 The Greens bought a beautiíul old house in the countxy They _ _ ứie kitchen by adding a dishwasher, a microwave, and a new refrigerator The rest of the house is not modem It has simple íurriiture and old wood ỉloors, but it's very nice.

Viclor is studying engineering ạt the university After two years of general studies, he wants to in bỉomedical engineering

4 Sometimes there are no mles for irregular verbs in English If you want to r&q:iember them, you have to _ them and use them often.

Developing coimữies want to

1 5 0 Unir lố Money as fast as possbl^.

They want to change from a society of farm workers to a society of modem íactory workers Having a sứong indusừy will help these C 0 \mữiesgií 0 w,

Vocabulary Review Choose the best word for each sentence

border candle handle lawyer printed prize scenery soil ừial valualle violerce vvhetbr

1 The for ửie man who might be a spy begins tom 5 m*ow

Lots of people are going to the coiưthouse to watch.

2 Sophia will start law school in ứie United States next year After thr>e years she will be a _ Then she wants to work fcr ai big, international company.

3 Being a police officer in a big City is a difficult job because there is S) much _and crime The police must be very cartíull and very brave.

4 Hawaii is an island covered wiửi mountains, beaches, beautiíul ưeeu aiiid flowers Tourists love to go there because of ứie beautiHd _ _5 The student who writes the best composition will receive a


6 The name of the student who wins the prize will be in the newspaper.

7 When you go to a museum, you should not any of the píeces you see Some of them are very old and might break if you touch them.

B Cotktext clues Choose 'iỉìe answer that is cỉosest in meaning to each word in bold print Use context clues.

1 ỉỉ you throw a heavy rock in the water, it will go down to the bottom If you throw in a light piece of wood, it will float on ứie suríace of ứie water. a fly c riđe on the top of the water b get wet đ go to the bottom of the water 2 The colđ Peru Current moves north from Antarctíca along the west coast of Souứi America This cold, moving vvater changes ứie climate in Chile and Peru, a a large ship c, language b recently d a river in the ocean 3 My homework is entireiy Snished I did all of it. a partly c mostly b soon d compỉetely

4 Joan is going to have a party tonight, so she has to_pregạrẹJor it this aíternoon, She has to clean her apartment, go to ứie superaiarket, and cook some food. a cook c get ready b play music d buy items 5 John was tìny when he was bom He weighed only two kilos. a very small c huge b very large đ ứiiii

Uniĩ 16 Money 151 to tíoat bỏng bênh, nổi entirely ^ađv) hoân toàn currenĩ (n) dòng (nước, điện) 10 prepare •chuẩn bỊ sửa soạn


1 What is the climate like in^Ị^ntạrctịca?

2 What kinds of animals live there?

3 Sometimes scientists go to Antarctica VVhv do you think thev go ứiere? vvhat do they studv?

Antarctica is cold Only a fevv black rocks and green plants in iceless valleys add some color to the endless vvhite cover of ice.

The ice in Antarctica vvas formed_at least 20,000 vears ago and is thousaiids of meters deep ỉt contains 85 percent of all the fresh vvater on earth At the edges, pioces of ice—^Ịcehergs—break off and float on the ocean currents to vvarmer climates An iceberg can cover four square kilometers In winter storms, vvinds blow up to 400 kilometers per hour This land of ỊỊnimagịnabỊẹ cold must be enlirelv liíeless.

But evon in this impossible climate there is life The icy cold vvater oí the Antarctic Ocean contains tiny plants For two months every siimmer they receive sunlight almost 24 hours a dav At this tinie th(ỉ Antarctic is the most productive ocean in the world These tiny j)lants provide food for millions of krill^ a sea animal that is less than eight centimeters long The krill provide food for seabirds, fish, seals, vvhales, and penguins.

Siiice 1958 scientists ừ om many countries have been vvorking togetlier in this huge “laboratorv.” Antarctica is the first part of the vvorld usecl entirely for peaceíul purposes Todav, Antarctica has more than 30 research stations, including those of Argentina, Austialia, Chile, Germany, Great Britain, Italv, Ịapan, New Zealand, Russia, and the United States.

Scientists knovv that this huge, icy area is verv important to the vvorld s climate, and they are trying to learn vvhy Much of their reseaj'ch focuses on ozone, a form of oxvgen The ozone laver protects living thirigs from the dangerous ravs of the sun In the mid-1980s, scientists discovered that the ozone layer above Antarctica was very thin They call this the “ozone hole.”

Scientists have also discovered that since 1970 the temperature of the air and the water in Antarctica has been slowlv rising.

VVarnier temperatures result in less sea ice during the vvinter montíis Scientists think that some kinds of penguins are becoming fewer in number: these Antarctic creatures d o n ’t have enough ice to survive Scientists are learning that the vvinter sea ice is very importaiit to the chain of life.

Krill is a key part of the Antarctic chain ()f life Other animals depeiid on it for foo(l In fact, h u m an s are now eating krill too.

Thestì tinv animals contain protein, which all h u m a n s need Krill íishing has become big business in Antarctica In 1993, aboiit 500,000 metric tons of krill were caiight and propcưed for commercial use Sciontlsts estimate that this number is only about 1 percent of tho kiill population But thev 'don’t know vet hovv m u ch krill can be saíelv caiight for hum ans vvithout breaking the food chaiiì For examplo, since penguins eat krill, lovver numbers of krill might be

Unir 17 Anrorơico 15 3 ny tad) ) rili ( n ) e n y u i n ( n ) nhỏ XIU l o a i t ò m s ò n h ỏ

45 anoứier reason why there are fewer penguins

Focus on the Reađing Choose tìie best word for each sentence

i chain ^-ểncouraged ' ^ ' prepared l : commCTCial entiielỵ ; ^ - 'Ị M I ^ ciưrents internatĩonaIize penguins

1 Pieces of ice—^icebergs—break off and float on ửie ocean to warmer climates.

2, This land of unimaginable cold must be

, an aniimal Siưely noứiing could live here wiứi this ice and wind.

3 The icy cold water of the Antarctic Ocean contains plants, 4 These plants provide food for millions of that is less ứian eight centimeters long.

5 Scientists are learaing that ứie winter sea ice is very important to ứie of life.

6 In 1993, about 500,000 meừic tons of krill were caught and for commercial use. researcher (n) nha nghiên cứu to encourage khuyên khích đông vién, ủng hò to intefnationalize quỉốc tê h O c

7 Krill is a part of the Antarctic chain of life.

8 People are very because diíĩerent countxies are working together peacejFully in Antarctica.

Focus on New Contexts Choose tbe best word for each sentence

1 Many years ago, houses were made of natural materials like wood and stone No plastic or oứier artiScial materials were used, 2 Some birds can swim as well as fly They land on the water and

3 Hiroko has to give a report about national p^ks She is going to _ her report tonight at home.

4 In July there are thousands o f in the North Aứantic Ocean They break off the ice in Greenland and float souứi.

5 _ have wings but ứiey cannot fly They look as if they wero dressed in tuxedos with white shirts and black ịackets!

6 Teachers beginning English students to talk even ựiough they might make mistakes Teachers want students to ừyằ and they help students as much as possible.

7 Some necklaces are ma de of beads Others are made of silver or gold.

8 How can huge trees grovv ửom such seeds? ỈV s difficuỉt to understand.

Comprehension Quesỉions Answer the questions about the reading

1 what does Antarctica look like?

2 Why is ứie Antarctic Ocean so productive in summer?

3 How is krill important to the chain of life?

5 What is one result of less sea ice?

6 What might happen if fishing companies kill too many krill?

Detaỉls Write T if the sentence is ừue and F if it is false

_1 Most of Antarctica is covered with ice.

_2 This aiea is entírely liíeless because it is so cold.

_3, Aĩitarctica contains 85 percent of all the salt water in the world.

_4, The Antarctic Ocean is most productive in July and August.

_5 Krill is rich in protein. c Main Idea

Check the three main ideas of the reading.

_ 1 Antarctica and the Antarctic Ocean are very cold, but plants and animals live there.

_ 2 Antaictica contains 85 percent of all the fresh water on earth.

_ 3 National parks belong to all the people in a country.

_ 4 Scientists bom many counừies are working togeứier peaceíully in

Antaxctica, _ 5 Research in Antarctica is very important to understanding life everywhere on eaxth.

Sometimes the chain of life is called the food chain Draw a food chain, Write the names of some animals and plants you know Remember to include yoiưselí! Then explain yoiư food chain to a partner.

Suffixes Ađịectives that end wiứi the suffix -ive mean “able to do something.”

David is very persuasive He can persuade people to đo almost an)rứiing,

Look at the list of adjectíves with the suffix -ive Notice how tìiey are related to other words, Then choose the best adjective for each sentencs.

(un]prodiictivc (un)imaginative (in)active

Other Forms product (noun) imagine (verb) act(verb) destruction (noun) protect (verb) in the International Student 1 Ahmed is very ý

Organization He goes to meetings every week and helps ứie new members get to know each other.

2 Desert soil i s _without water Even desert plants need water VVithout it, the soil becomes dry and cannot produce healứiy plants.

3 The storms were very The winds knocked over trees and damaged houses.

4 Writers and artísts are very _people They need 0 have wild imaginatíons to create stories and paintings.

5 Ms Miller is very _of her chilđren She womesthat sometìiiĩig bađ will happen to one of them, so she ừies to protect ữien and keep them safe.

B Word Forms Look at tìie words in tíie list Notíce how they are related to each other 7hen choose the best word for each sentence Use a word from line 1 in secterce 1, and so on.

5 imagine ùnagination (un)imaginatíve/(un)iinaginẳble 6 produce producưproduction (un)productíve

8 đepend (in)depeiidence (in)depenđenư(uĩi)depeDdable

1 A big holiday đinner requừes special p^iepứãám We clem the house and spend hours and hours in the kitchen preparing everyứihg we need It is a lot of work and a lot of fim.

2 Gold is more _ứian silver It is always more expensive.

3 George succeeded at the university because his parents gave him somuch Every day they told him to keep working harc They told him ứiey were prouđ of him They knew he could do it, and hedid.

4 Yesterday aíternooĩi it raineđ, and at night the temperature dropped below zero In the moming tìie sữeets were covered witìi

5 What do you tìiink life will be like in 200 years? Use your and describe what you ứiink.

6 Isìpan has greaứy increased its of cars More cars

are made in Japan now ứian ever beíore

Dỉavid is very If he says he wilỉ do someứiing, you aliways know he will đo it

9 Pỉlirs used in die cỉassroom are nsually They provide imíonnatìon we can leam Films at movie theaters are usually for enjoyment omlv

P'eoọle in Quebec speak Prench because Quebec was once a Prench

Voicabulary Review Cừclíe oae word on each line that does not belong with the oửiers

1 wiĩnd rain, whether, storms 2 law\r, íTÌal, lawyer, engineer 3 ciurreacy, goods, coins, bills 4 diwoice, separate, remarry, provide 5 valluí, ừade, exchange, barter 6 caiĩia!, river, cattle, ocean

7 vÌQ)leace, íỉghting, solution, war8 ricie, :oni, beans, wheat

Context Clues Choose the ansvver that is closest in meaning to each word or phrase in bold

1 Bill was sitting in his room doing his homevvork Suddenlyằ the wind blew the door shut, and a picture fell off the wall and broke When his moửier came into ứie room, Bill explained, “It*s not my fauỉt The wind made the door close and ứie picture fell/* a, I did it c It đidn’t happen because of me. b, It’s not my pictiưe d The wind was blovving.

2 z is the final letter in the alphabet. a, least important c fìrst b most important d last

3 Some plants are poisonous If you eat them, you could die a rich in protein c full of energy b full of something that can kill d beautiíul 4 People feel great soưow when a íamily niember dies. a damage c energy b sadness d smoothness

5 When you cry, tears come out of your eyes. a dust c pieces of dừt b, eyelashes d đrops of water íault (n) alphabet (n) poisonous (adj)

:lỗi sai lầm :bảng chữ cái

2 Is crying good for you?

3 Do ynu think that people shoiild try not to cry? Why or wh y not?

Mary sells houses for a large companv A couple has agreed to buv a house for 5350,000 Thev are going to come into the office this aíternoon to sign the final papers Then Mary’s boss, Carol, calls her into her office The couple changed their m ỉ n d s They a r e n ’t going to b\iy the house The boss is very angry and speaks rudely to Mary.

Mary kno\vs it is nol her fauU Ihat the couple didĩ\’t buy Ihe house,

but Carol will not listen to her Mary also knows she will lose a lot of lĩionev, and she was planning to buy a new car She l ^ s t s intp tears.

Paul is sitting in the backvard vvith his wife and children They havtĩ just finished dinn er and are having a pleasant evening talking.

The phone rings It is Paul's mother calỉing from another City.

Pauỉ’s íather has just had a heart attack and died Paul starts crying and tells his mother he wiỉl come as soon as possible

Andrea is a high school student She is in a Science competition 15 with students from other schooỉs thxoughout the country Andrea has worked very hard on her Science proiect When the judges

They cry when sometìủng temble happens, like a death in the íamily

20 They cry in sorrow when a close friend becomes seriously ill They cry when they feel very sad or very angry They cry when they feel helpless to do an 3 rtìiing about a problem.

People also cry when they feel very good They cry when they have been very worried about something but find out that ever 3 rthing

25 is all right They cry when something wonderful happens.

How do people feel about crying? Mary was embairassed and very angry wiứi herselỉ because she cried in her boss’s office Paul felt a little better after he let out his íeelings Andrea was so excited?

about wiiming that she hardly knew that she was crying

30 People used to think that only women and children cried Men were supposed to be sữong But things are changing Men are begiiming to realize that it’s all right to show their íeelings Now scientists are begimiing to think ứiat crying is a good iđea.

Chemists have been studying why people cry They say ứie body

35 produces two kinds of tears One kind cleans out tìie eye if it gets

dừt in it But when people cry because of their íeelings, these tears

have poisonous chemicals in them The body is getting rid of

In the United States men have heart disease more often than

40 women do Doctors say ửiat heart disease and some oứier diseases

Perhaps men suữer more from these điseases because they do not cry enough And it is possible tìiat as more and more women work

Mary _ into tears, 5 When the judges _that Andrea has won first prize in

the Science competitìon, she begins to cry.

People cry when they feel very bad They cry when something

happens, like a death in the íamily.

Mary was _and very angry with herselí because she

cried in her boss's office.

Perhaps men _more from heart disease because they do not cry enough

:chỊU đưng, bi terrible (adj) :kinh khủng, khủng khiêp

Focus on New Contexts Choose the best word for each sentence

announced chemicals fault sorrow backyard compeưtìon judge suffer boss couple rude terrible burst embarrasseđ

1 War brings and destmction to the countries that aie Sghting.

2 Paolo and Maria are the two Bnalists in the writing _

One of them will win fìrst prize.

3 Lanry was very _ when he couldn’t remember his teacher’s name on the ứiừd day of class His face turned red.

4 Oiư reading teacher _ tođay tl^at we will have a teíSt on Monday Everybody is going to study this vveekend.

5 Isabelỉe really likes her new job She said her _is very nice, and she likes the other workers, too.

6 In a courtroom, the _ sits behind a big đesk at tae front of the room.

7 Many people _from a disease called insomnia.

People with insomnia have a lot of ừouble sleeping at night.

8 Something that is polite in one counừy may seem _ in anoứier Cultures can ha ve very diíĩerent social rules.

9 It’s m y ứiat ứie dinner biưned I was talking ca tthe phone and íorgot that the food was cooking.

10 Chemists are people who work wiứi schools, and indusứies. in hospilalsì,

Comprehension Questions Answer the questions about the reađing

4 Why do people cry in general?

5 How are people changing theừ ideas about crying?

6 What do chemists say about tears?

7 What do doctors say about heart disease in modern society?

8 As đeveloping counừies modemize, what wilỉ probably happen to ứie amount of heart disease? Why?

Delails Circle the letter of the best answer

1 Mary cried in her boss’s office because she felt a excited c happy. b helpless d better.

2 Paul cried because of his a rudeness c soưow. b embarrassment d, fright.

3 Andrea cried because she was so a happy c helpless. b angry đ soưowfuL

4 Men are beginning to realize tìiat it is all right to a have heart attacks c sell houses. b, feel better d show theừ íeelings.

5 Heart disease is related to a íeeling very good c the pressures of a modem society b, being a Bnalist d poisonous chemicals.

1ÓÓ Unir 18 Cr/ỉng c Main Idea Check (V) the thíee main ideas of the reading.

_ 1 Mary felt ashamed and angry with herselí when she cried in hei boss’s oíBce.

_ 2 People cry when they feel very bad and when they feel very good.

_ 3 ơieinists say that the body produces two diữerent kinds of tear5.

_ 4 Perhaps men siiữer from more diseases because they do not cry eiX)ugh- _ 5 Peopỉe usually cry when something wonderful happens.

Give examples of situations in whicìi people might cry Write three examples for each emotion—sadness, happiness, embarrassment, and anger.

X!^ord Síudy

Prepositíons Complete the paragraphs with tìie coưect prepositìons

People cry (1) ịở^ many reasons Sometimes they cry when they have been very worried (2) _ something but fỉnd out that everyứiing is all right They cry when someứiing teưible happens, like a death (3) the íamily They cry (4) _ soưow when a close friend becomes seriously ilL They also cry when ửiey know they cannot đo anything (5) _a problem and ủiey feel helpless.

Chemists say the body produces two kinds (6) _tears One kind cỉeans (7) the eye if it gets dứt (8) it But when people cry theử íeelings, these teais have poisonous cheinicals

(10) _them The body is getting rid (11)

Irnỉgular Verbs Study the irregular verbs in this list Then choose the correct verb fonn to

1 Ali Uả/ his passport vesterday Now he must go to embassy and apply for a new one.

2 Has the bell yet? I didn’t hear it.

3 Brazil _ soccer’s World Cup in 1994.

4 My sister and I never with each other We are good ửiends.

5 Carmen was so upset after the test that she mto tears, 6 Let’s take a blanket wiứi us on ửie picnic this Saturday We can

it on ứie ground so we don’t get our clothes dirty.

Context Clues Choose tíie answer that is closest in meaning to each word in bold print Use

1 Helen sold David a car They signed ứie papers, but David never paid Helen any money Now they are Sghting over the ownership of the car. a the State of owning something c the State of selling someứiing b the State of signing something d ứie State of buying someửiing

2 Michael is attempting to ỉearn how to play the piano He practices every day for two hours and has a lesson once a week. a ừying c forgetting b attacking d judging

3 Pierre íaìled the test even though it was easy Obviouslỵ, he đid nct study

at all

In 1776, tlúrteen Britísh coloĩiies United to form the United States of /m(8rica

a counừy c repaiređ b separated d joined together

The main purpose of this exercise is to help you improve your abiity' to guess new words from the context clues in a sentence,

Vocabulary Review Match the words in column A wiứi their meanings in column

_ 2 border b vvritten in a newspaper or book

_ 3 íorever c wild animals and plants _ 4 so far d, the division betvveen two counừies _ 5 wildlife e until now

_ 6 religion f ride on the water _ 7, sheep g an animal that produces wool _ 8 íloat h a system of belieís about God.

_ 9 barter i, always _ 10 soưow j great sadness i 6 ô Unư 18 Crying m m im ỉim


All members wíll help the UN in its actions, 20 5 The UN will not try to solve problems wiứiin countries except to

eníorce intemational peace, Obviously, the United Natìons has not been completely successùil in its goals There have been several wars since 1945 However, tíie organization has helped bring peace to some countries that were at 25 war It has helped people who left theừ counữies because of wars.

It has helped bring independence to colonies.

The main United Nations organization is in New York City, but the UN has a “family'* of otìier related organizations all over the world These organizations ừy to provide a better life for everyone, One example is UNĨCEF, an organization that provides food, međical care, and many other services to poor children wherever they live

Another example is the World Health Organization, which develops medical programs all over the world.

There are thousands of UN vvrorkers in developing countries They work as planners to increase production in farming and indusừy.

They provide medical services, improve education prograins, and spread scientific iníormation They develop programs ứiat provide jobs and better living conditions, They help countries conữol theừ population growth.

The United Nations also holds large intematíonal coníerences, where people meet to discuss important world issues One coníerence was about the uses and ownership of oceans Another was about ▲ women There are also ừúernational Years ĩn these special years, people work together to improve situations and solve problems. goa! (n) mục tiêu, mục đích íorce (n) :vũ ỉuc, s ú c rĩìcnhi a g r e e m e n t (n) 'thỏa thuận, đổng ý in d e p e n d e n ce (n) :bộc lập i 7 0 Unir 1Q The Unired Norions

One y ear was the International Year of ứie Child

For centuries counữies ha ve íought each other, and powerful couDtries have taken control of weaker ones It is very diffỉcult to persuade nations to live together in peace Nevertheless, tìie United Nations is attemptiDg to do

this Tit is ửie only organization ứiat unites the world in tìhe search for peace,

Focus on the Reading Choo&e the best word for each sentence

1 The United Nations has four main goals and _.

2 Eachỉ counừy in ứie UN has signed an agreement tìiat says no member will use Ị^against anoứier member.

3 The agreement also says ứiat the UN will not try to solve problems vvitìiin coumừies except t o intemational peace.

4 , the United Nations has not been completely successíul

in itís goals There ha ve been several wars since 1945

It is very difficult to persuade nations to live together in peace

Nevíertìieless, the United Nations is _to do this.

searcch for peace

Antarctica is almost completeỉy covered with ice. _, it is a very cold place without a lot of plants,

5 Never try to a key to tum in a lock because you may break the key You must ữy to turn it gently If it doesn’t work^ it niay be ửie wrong key!

6 Peter _ to fix his 0WĨ1 Computer, but he was not succeổsful

He had to take it to a repair shop.

UndersíQnding the ReQding Ả Comprehension QuestionsAnswer the questions about the reading.

What kind of work đoes the United Nations family of organizations do?

* 6 why are there wars even though ứie UN members agree not to fight?

* 7, What do you think people talked about at the conference about oceans?

Detaỉls Write T if the sentence is ữue and F if it is false, Write NI if ứiere is not

_1 The United Nations was organized in Caliíornia, in 1945.

2 The United Nations works for intemational peace.

_ 3 Kuwait is a member of the United Nations.

_ 4 A small counữy is equal to a large counừy in the UN.

_ 5 The United Nations has brought total peace to the world

_ 6 The United Nations helped Algeria become independent

_ 7 UNICEP is an organization ứiat helps save wildlife.

8 The UN usually ưies to solve problems wiứiin counữies. c Main Idea

Check (V) the two maiĩi ideas of the reading.

_ 1 The United Nations was organized in San Prancisco by fifty-one counữies.

_ 2 UNICEP is tìie United Nations organization for children, and tìie

World Health Organization does medical work.

_ 3 The United Nations works for world peace and human rights.

_ 4 The United Natìons helps developing counữies and holds iĩitematíonal coníerences.

Do you have anỵ ideas about hovỉ people in the world could Uve togeứiet more peaceíully? Write about your ideas TYy to think about ways ứiat orgaiiizations like the UN can help to bring better lives to people When you finish writing, discuss your ỉdeas wiứi your classmates.


Many nouns end in -ship The suffix -ship means '*the condition of’ or“tlbe art of.”

One United Natìons coníerence was about the uses and ownership of )cỡans

Alex and I have hađ a wonderful ửiendship for many years.

Add the suffix -ship to each word Then choose ứie best worđ for eachỉen- tence Make ứie word plural if necessaiy. member friend _ hard _ relatíon _ sportsman _

1 People who play sports should folỉow the niles of the game and be íàemdly to the other team This is good ■

2 Life was very diổicult for the first explorers of Antarctica The weatierr was terribly cold, tìiey didii’t always have enough to eat, and some ứiein died These early explorers suffeređ many 3 The _of the Interaatíonal Student Organization increases every semester This semester there are 105 members—ứia^s 20 more members than beíore

4 Marie and Anne became friends when ứiey were in school together Niow

ứiey are both grandmothers, and they are sUll ửiends Theừ

goats cause deserts to become larger?

Some soil is very poor and is not good for growing crops Parmers need to

mMck _the soil in order for plants to grow, 2 United Nations organizations people in developing counưies to improve theừ education programs and industry.

The Smiths ửiink their house is too small for their íamily They want to

it by adding two more beđrooms, 5 Krill is important to the chain of life in the Antarctic Ocean If humans catch too much krill, it might t ìie lives of penguiĩis and other animals that need krill for food,

Building VocobulQiy Skills

Vocabulary Review Match each word or phrase in coluiĩui A wiứi its opposite in column B

3, sorrow c tiny 4 terrible d smile 5 all over e polite

Context Clues Choose the answer ứiat is closest in meaning to each word or phrase ir bold

1, Oiư house has a storage room next to ứie garage It is full of many things—old clothes and toys, exừa dishes, paừit, and tools we use to r^paủx the house. a a place to buy things c a place to keep things we do not oft3n use b a living room d a place to sleep

2, Here is an easy way to cook an egg Put ứie egg in a pan with water Puit the pan on ứie stove and boil the egg for three minutes. a cook in oil c cook slowly b bake d, cook in water at 100 degrees Celsiu;

3, It is so hot today! What is the temperature? It’s 38” Celsius!

How hot (or cold] is it? c How fast is it? b What time is it? d How high is it?

4, Nick accidentally spilled some coffee when he poured it in hỉs cup Tthe coffee was very hot He’s lucky he did not bum himselí. a moved liquid from one Container to another c cooked b brought two ữiings together d produced

1 Do you like svveet food? If so, what kinds?

2 Besides sugar, vvhat are some natural sweeteners?

3 Have yi)u ever tasted mạple svrụ^? If so, did you like it?

Most p(30ple like sweet food, an d for centuries thev have used h o n nỵ and sugar as svveeteners The Inclìans ìn eastern Caiiada and the oastern United States learned to make another sweetener from the sạp, or svveet water, of the maple tree.

There are several kinds of maple trees, but the sugar maple grows n ì a [ ) l o s y r u p ( n i n u ớ c n g ọ t l á y tủ c a y thicM h o n e y ( n ) rnãt s a o (n^ : n h ư a c â y only in the nortíieastern United States and in eastern Canada.

There is even a maple leaf on the Canadian flag The maple is a large ư e e that grovvs up to 30 meters high In the a u tu m n the leaves turn red and orange before they fall from ữie ừees Because of their

^0 bright colors, maple trees are especially beautiíul in the fall months.

In late Pebruary or early March, after several sunny days and cold, dry nights, the sap starts running through the trees The

Indians made a small hole in each tree, put a spout in each hole, and hung a pail on each spout The sap ran slovvly through the spout and into the pail As each small pail filled, the Indians p o u r e d the sap into larger pails and then boiled it over a fire for a long time As the sap boiled, it became thicker and thicker, sweeter an d svveeter, until it was a thick svrup The sap is as thin as vvater, so it takes from 30 to 50 liters of sap to make one liter of thick

When Europeans started Corning to North America, the Indians

taught ứiem how to make maple syrup In the 18th and 19th centuries, maple syrup was an important food crop It was important in co mm er c e u ntil sugar became cheaper Then people started using 25 sugar as a svveetener.

For 300 vears people used the traditional method of making maple syrup Today, some people continue to make it ứie old way, but most people who gather sap as a commercial crop use a modern system Plastic pipẹs go directly from each tree to large storage t a n k s More pipes take the sap to a large sugarhouse, vvhere it is boiled.

Maple syrup is served mostly on pancakes

The Iniians learned to make a sweetener frQm the _

or svveat water, of ứie ữee, 3 The Indians made a small hole in each ữee and put a in each hole.

Most Ịeople who gather sap today use the modem Wảy, Plastic go directly from each ửee to large storage

B Focus on New Contexts Choose the best word for each sentence. boils pail spout syrup honey pipe storage tank maple poured sweeteners ứiick

the basement and also a room He can keep his bicycle

Miguel loves to eat ice cream His íavorite is vanilla with lots of chocơlate

A cai has a gas _to hold the gas it needs to run

6 _ is a natural sweetener thai is used to make ĩĩiany desserts, especially in the Middỉe East.

Some people don’t want to eat sugar There are several different kinds of artificial _they can buy instead to make their foo(d

Comprehension Questions Answer the questions about the reading

1 What are two common Iiatural sweeteners?

2 Whi\t (ỉoes a maple tree look like?

3 What kind of weather is necessary to make mapỉe syrup?

4 Whut is the ữaditional method of making maple syrup?

5 Why was maple syrup iiĩiportant in commerce in ứie 18th and 19th cenluries?

6 Wh.it is the modern way to make maple syrup?

7 How i.s maple syrup used today?

enough iníormation in ứie reading to answer true or false

northeastern United States,

People who make maple syrup commercially have modernized the

c Main Iđea

Maple syrup was important in commerce in the 18th and 19ứi centuries

4, Today mapỉe syrup is mađe by both the ừaditional and modem methods, _ 5 There are several kinds of maple trees

Maple syrup is used to make many desserts that peopỉe love What isyour íavorite dessert? Write about it Tell what it is made from, what it loois like, how it tastes, and when and how you eat it When you Anish vvriting, explain your ỉavorite dessert to another student.

SuỄGxes Many nouns in English end with the suffìx -age

A passage connects those two builđings In winter people can walk through the hall from one buildíng to the other without going outsiie.

Ađd ửie suíGx -age to each word Then choose the best noun for each Sỉĩitience.

1.ỉỊa word ends in y, change they to i beỷore adding -age

2, Ịfa word ends in e, drop the e beỷore ữdding -age. maưy short store mcmiaạe out post pack

1 Louis bought presents to send to his parents He packed them careùllly in a box Then he took the _ ỷaokaúe to the post office an{ mailed it.

2 Because of very bad weather, most of the Brazilian coffee crop diecNow the supermarkets in the United States are short of coffee The^ dlo not have enough coífee to sell because of this Ưn/r20 MopỉeSỵrup 1Ô3

3 Alice and Paul got married 20 years ago They are still very happy togeứier today They have a great _.

4 How much _đo you need to send a letter to Saudi Arabia? You can finđ out at the post office.

5 The ekiCtricity went out ỉast night during the storm No one could tum on the lights The power lasted for three hours.

6 Our apartment building has a _room It is a pỉace to put things that people do not use very often.

B Suữixes Many nouns in English end in -ist The suffix -ist means “a person who does something.”

A chemist is a person who works in chemistry.

Complete each sentence with a noun ứiat ends in the suffix -ist The words in bold print are reáated to the nouns you should use Make the nouns pliưal if necessary (When you are finished, check your spelling wiứi this list: final- ists, guitarists, artist, zoologist, pianist, natưralist, scientist.)

1 Tvvro teams are playing in the fỉnal games for the World Cup, One of these two ịMioUáÌi _ will win the competítion That team will be the best soccer team in the world.

2 Some counừy musicians are excellent _ They can sing and play the guitar at the same time.

3 Pablo Picasso was a íamous You can see his art in museums all over the worlđ.

4 Carol is interested in animals She studies zoology at ứie universitỵ She wants to become a _.

5 Sezgi has studied piano all of her life She is going to be a íamous one day.

6 If you go to a national park, you can sometimes hear a talk about the natural beauty that you see.

7 Albert Einstein was a íamous _ He made a lot d important discoveries in Science.

A Vocabulary Review Choose the best word for each sentence. attempt entirely preparing tears embarrassed fault spread value

1 It’s m y _that Mary didn’t come to Uie party I forgot to call her last night and invite her, rm very sorry,

2 Karen was very _when she broke a glass in the restaurant last night It made a loud noise, and everyone turned and looked aí her Her face tiưned bright red.

3 Mrs Hill is _a wonderful diniier for our class She is making turkey, potatoes, and apple pie!

4 The child cried so hard that _were running down her face,

5 The story we read for homevvork was very difficult I read it two times, but

6 The cake Simon made for his friend’s bừthday was đelicious He said it was his íirst at cooking He’s going to be a great cook.

7 Tomas knocked over his cup of coffee The coffee quickly across the table and dripped on the ũoor.

Context Clues Choose the answer that is closest iĩi meaning to each word in bold priĩit Use

1 There is some iníormation about Puerto Rico in your reading book If you need ađditional iníormation to help you WTÌte yoiư report, you can go to ửie libraiy and find many books about Puerto Rico. a old c isỉand b more d less

2 Carl wants to work for a large national company ứiat sells farm equipment

He vvants to help the coxnpany sell more equipment and help people buy what they really need, Carl should be very good at this job because he studied marketing in college. a supermarkets c buying and selling b solving d buying

3 Going to the United States to study English was a good decisioiì I am veiy happy I decided to go I really improveđ my English. a ideas c ừips b đÌN^isioii đ chuictí

4 Please put đie dishes in ứie cupboard in the kitchen Then close the cupboard doors. a something to eat from c a place to keep things b, a kind of table d a dining room

5 Canada is usually cold in the winter, but during tìie suminer montìis ứie vveather is pleasant> It is oỉlen sunny, and lầe temperature is warm to hot, a nice c cold b, rainy d teưible d e c i S i o n lO) s u q u ỵ ê t đ i n h

1 Do you ever go to the supermarket? VVhat do you buy there?

2 Do vou buy only the things you need?

3 Have you ever bought something because it was in a nice box or bầg?

Hovv do you decicie what vou are going to buy in a supermarket? Do you look in vour r e ừ i gerator and kitchen cupboards and make a list of the things you need? Do you think aboiit vvhat you want to cook and then buy the food you need for each meal? Even if vou do these things, marketing specialists at the supermarket make some of vour buving decisions for you. r e í r i g e r a t o r ( n ) s p e c i a l i s í ( n) tủ l a n h c h u y é n g i a

Specialists in mark *Irg have studied how to make people buy more foo(ỉ in a supermaiket They work for supermaikets and đo all kinds of ứiings that you do not even notice For example, the simple, ordinary food that everybody must buy, like bread, milk, ílour, and oil, is spread all over the store Bread lĩiight be in aisle 2 and milk in aisle 10 You have to walk by alỉ tìie more interesting and more expensive items to find what you need.

The more expensive food is in packages wiứi bright colors and pictiưes This food is placed at eye level so you see it right away and Wcìnt to buy it The tìiings you have to buy are usually located on a higher or lower shelf However, candy and other ứiings that children like are on lower shelves so that chilđren can see them easily and ask their parents to buy them This method of marketing really works, One study showed that when a supermarket moved four products from a low shelf to a shelf at eye level, it sold 78 percent more of those products.

Another study showed tìiat for every minute a person spends in a supermarket aíter tíie first half hoưr, she or he will spend $1.00 If someone stays for 40 minutes, the supermarket makes an additional

$10.00 A store usually has a comíortabỉe temperatuie in ứxe sunưner and winter, and it plays soft music It is a pleasant pỉace for people to stay—and spend more money.

Supermarkets also sell some things at lower, or special, prices every week The prices on some of these “specials” are not really cheaper than their regular prices, For example, an item ứiat is usually $.50 might be a special at 2/Sl.OO (that’s two for one doỉlar)

Or if something is not sellmg very fast at $.69, it is put on special at 2/$1.40 People ửiink the product is cheaper than usual and buy it,

Some stores have red or pink lights over tìie meat so the meat looks ređder and ửesher They put light green paper around lettuce and put apples iĩi red plastic bags.

So be carefal in the supermaiket You may go home wiửi a bag of food you were not planniiig to buy Marketing specialists, not you, decided you shouỉd buy it. e (n) íye ievel duct (n)

•trong tâm mắt :s ả n ph ầm regular (adj) íresh (adị) thỏng thường, để u đãn tươi mới non nớt

Focus on the Reading Choose ứie best word for each sentence

1 Beíore you go to ứie supennarket, do you look in your reửigerator and kitchen _and make a list of ửie things you need?

2 Even if you do these things, the marketíng specialists at the supermarket make some of your buying _for you.

3 Specialists ỉn have studied how to make people buy more food.

4 The simple food thđ everyone must buy, like bread, milk,

, and oil, is spreađ all over ứie store, 5 and other ứiings that children like are on lower shelves so children can see them easily and ask ửieừ parents to buy them.

6 A store usually has a comíortable in suinmer and vvinter, and it plays soft music.

7 For every minute a person stays in a supermaxket after ứie íỉrst half houi, she or he spends $1.00 If someone stays for 40 minutes, the supermarket makes an _$10.00.

8 Stores put light green paper around _and put apples in red _bags,

9- Be careíul in the supermarket You may go home with a bag of food you weren’t planning to buy Marketing _, not you, decided you should buy it.

B Focuíỉ on New Contexts Choose the best worđ for each sentence. additional decision marketing specíạlịst Ị ; candy ílour cupboard lettuce marketing speciạlịst' Ị ; pleasant, ’ ị :; 'teínperạtủreV shelf ^ S "

1 _ is very sweet, It can be made witli sugar, com syrup, maple sugar, or oứier sweeteners.

2 FIour is probably on the bottom _because people will always buy it.

3 Even ứiough ứie weaứier is beautííul, we can’t go swimming yet The of the water is still very cold.

4 Salads are often made w iứi and tomatoes, 5 _ is a very big business in tỉie United States.

Specialists can persuade people to buy alinost anything.

6 This paper explains how to get a new passport If you need íníoraiatíon, call the passport office.

7 Beíore Ray made a , he listed the pros and cons—the good points and bad points Aíler he thought careíally about his list, he decided what to do.

Undersíanding the Reoding

A Comprehension Questions Ầnswex the questions about ứie ĩeadiĩig.

1 Why is basic food lite bread and milk spread all over ứie supermarket?

2 What kind of food is usually at eye level?

' 3 Rice and beans are usually in uninteresting plastic bags Why?

' 4 Why does a supermarket pỉay soft music?

' 5 Why do some stores put apples in red plastic bags?

' 6 Why do some supermarkets place chocolate syrup near tìie ice cream? i 9 0 Unir 21 MorỊ^ering

B Details Circle ứie letter of the best answer.

1 Marketing specialists study a the ownership of supennarkets, b how to build cupboards. c methods of buying and selling prođucts. d the price of food.

2 Food that is more expensive is a on high shelves c usually on special. b in bright colored packages d near the front, 3 A “special” i s _than ứiat item usually is. a sometimes more expensive c, never more expensive b always cheaper d ixiore delicious

* 4 In the supermarket, children's books are probably a usually on specíal c on high shelves. b cn low shelves d spread all over the store. c Main Idea Check (V) the main idea of the reading.

_ 1 The location of a product helps sell it.

_ 2 Marketing specialists use all kinds of meứiods to sell products _ 3 Some specials do not really have special prices.

_ 4 Soft music and comíortable temperatuies help sell products.


Imagine you are a marketing specialist, Look at this list of products, Tel vvhere you would put each one and what other products you vvould sel niear- by Add three items to ứie list Remember, you want people to spend a? miuch money in the supermarket as possible!

1, ice cream 3, bừthday cards 5 hand lotíon2 comic books 4 car polish 6 bread

A VVord Forms Study the list of verbs, Iiouns, and adjectives Notice how ứiey are related to each other Then choose ứie correct word for each sentence ưse a word from line 1 in sentence 1, and so on Make the nouns plural if necessary.

1 Tom is very ampeidio^ _ He enters every competition he can, and he always wants to be the winner.

2 You cannot keep milk in the cupboard You m ust _it, or it wỉll turn bad.

3 The president of the intemational student organization made an important _at the meeting last night She announced that ứiere will be a big party next Saturday.

4 Some plants are suitable for humans to eat Other plants are

If you eat ủiem, you might die.

5 UN stands for ửie Nations.

6 Kiki made an important She decided to stay in ứie

United States and go to college, After college, she will retum to her counừy to work.

7 If you don’t have enough room to keep your bicycle in your apartĩient, you can _it in tìie basement.

8 Scientísts say tears contain _that your body aeeds to get rid of They say ií*s good to cry sometimes.

9 1 hope the teacher doesn’t ask me a questíon in class tođay, because [ didn’t Snish ray homework last night If she calls on me, I vvrill be very

_ becausé I won't know the answer.

10, This lemonade is not sweet enough, If w e _alitttle more sugar, it will taste better.

B* Noun Substỉtutes Read ứiese groups of sentences and study ứie pronouns in bold print Zir'ch the noun or noun phrase ứiat each pronoim replaces.

1 (^p^MỉSts in m a rk e ^ ^ h a v e studied how to make people buy morể íoodmTasupermaĩĩẽt They workforsupermarketsand do allkinà 0 )f things that you do not even notice.

2 The more expensive food is in packages witìi bright colors and pictireás

This food is placed at eye level so you see it and want to buy it.

3 A store usually has a comíortable temperature in the summer and vimter, and it plays soft music.

Duỉỉding VocQbulory Skỉỉls

A Vocabulary Review Match ứie words in column A wiứi theừ meaiũngs in column B

_3 attempt c heat to 100 degrees Celsius

Ngày đăng: 31/08/2024, 21:39
