Tài hệu tham khảo này giúp các ban luyên khà năng đoc hiểu qua nhiều dạng bài tập đọc hiểu idiác nhau.. Tài hệu đồng ửiời cũng là nguồn tham khảo phong phú cho các giáo viên tiếng Anh tr
Trang 1' ' 4 « í* ^ ^ i ^ ^ n b ả n
- DANH c h on g ư ờ ih ọ c THẼM TIẾNG ANH CACCÁP
® a
Trang 2The Windy QUỲNH NHƯ (Chủ biên)
“Cđe dạng bài tập đọc hiểu tỉếngAnh** đươc biên soan
nhằm phuc vu đối tương ỉà học sinh phổ thông, hoc viên đang học Tiếng Anỉi để ỉuyên thi vào các trường cao đẳng, đại hoc Tài hệu tham khảo này giúp các ban luyên khà năng đoc hiểu qua nhiều dạng bài tập đọc hiểu idiác nhau Tài hệu đồng ửiời cũng là nguồn tham khảo phong phú cho các giáo viên tiếng Anh trong quá trình giảng đaỵ và kiểm tra môn tiêng Anh
Cuốn sách này C.ươc phân chia làm 6 phần, mỗi phần ỉà môt dang bài tâp đoc hiễu được biên soan theo mức độ khó tăng dần và có phần đáp án kèm theo để ban đọc có thệ đối chiếu ứiam khào
Phần A: Readjng Comprehension (word meanmg from context)
Phần B Reading Comprehension (sentence)Phần c Reading Comprehension (gap"fíỉhng)Phần D Reading Comprehension (mulíiple choice)Phần E: Reađing Comprehension (answer the questỉon)Phần F Reading Comprehension (muỉtipỉe exercises)Tôi hi vọng cuốn sách này sẽ giúp các bạn làm quen vm các dang bài tập đoc hiểu cũng như Dách làm bài, trau dồi tiểng Anh củng cố nâng cao kiến thức trước mỗi kỳ thi
Khi biên soan cuốn sách này tôi không tránh khỏi những thiếu sót mong quý đôc giả và các ban đồng nghiêp góp ý để cuốn sách trớ ửiàiưi công cụ hữu ích cho ban đoc
Chúc các ban thành công
Trang 4Word Meaning From Context
Use the cotttext to heỉp you determine the meaning o f eack highlighteđ word,
Exercise 1:1 Both siđes m the election contest are throvving accusations
at each other The Gore supporters claim that Govemor Bush is trying to thwart ứie will of the people The Bush supporters say that Mr Gore IS ữymg to create votes or assign choices to people who did not realỉy cast votes for president
What does “thwart” mean? a help
b íĩgure outc block d tỉckỉe
2 There IS a legal baíííe ragmg and the juđges are concemed
that time IS running out, Lawyers are bemg asked to expedỉte ứie matter by ể^tting theư papervvork m early.What does “expedite” mean*^
a quickenb agree on c sue
Trang 53 The Pìorida legislature believes that it has the power to choose the winner of the eiection if the coiưts haven’t finished theừ work by December 12 Both houses are conừolleđ by Republicãos and they wouIđ surely resolve the matter in Bush’s favor
What does “resolve” mean'?a cance)
b considerc debate đ settle4 The election couỉd actualỉy end up beỉng đecided in the
ư s Congress AI Gore’s vice presidential running mate, Joe Lieberman, and perhaps Mr Gore himselí, would be able to vote on the matter Some would argue that tìiey shouỉd recuse themselves, but they would probably exercise their right to vote
What does “recuse” mean?a step asiđe and not be involveđb ađmit that you are wrong
c leave thô countryd insist on being heardExercise 2:
I Portunateỉy, the dÌ2zy spell was ỉransíent He was able to continue playing wtứun seconds and hađ no trouble winning the match
When you đescribe an event as ‘iransient,” you are saying ứiat
Trang 6■d ỉt sounds ỉike ã ừaiỉi
b it IS qmte hanníulc it helps you wmd it doesn’t last ỉong2 Brea and EIjzabeth are having a đispute over which radỉio
station to pỉay at work ỉt vvouỉđ be so much simpler if they both liked the same kind of music
A “dispuíe” IS a _a musical instrument
b choice of musicc discovery
d disagreement3 When they heard the good news about the court’s dedsion,
ửie angry crowd cheered and ứien began to đisperse ‘“It looks like everyone !S going home,” one reporíer stated
Which would be the opposUe of “disperse”'^
a come togeứierb smile
c fly like a birdd sing
4 It’s a wonder to me how anyone can still be undecìdied about this election These two Cândidaies aire certaimỉy distinct Each woiilđ lead our nation in oppossite directions
What does “đistmct” mean*^ a needingabath
Trang 7b đishonestc clearly differentd about the same ageExercise 3;
1 Mr Huge was very pfoud of his auto superstore “We havesuch an extensive selection of cars,” he saiđ, “so everyone shouỉd fínd a vehicle that he or she will love!”The word “extensive” means _ •
a costing a lot of moneyb ỉarge amount
c havmg no colord not enough2 Prienđship IS a priceless thing If Chris puts a pnce, or
conđitions, on her ôiendship, it’s no longer pnceless In fact, it’s not reai ữiendshỉp at allĩ
If something is “priceless”, _a it has a missing tag
b it has no valuec lí has great valued it IS mađe out of nce3 The new story was baseđ on a letter íhat was a fabricatỉon
Now ứie reporter who wrote the story is in big trouble Wiỉl anyone believe him again?
A “fabrication” is
Trang 8a made of cloứib ílill of long vvords c fimny
d fake4, The reporter insisted ứiat the letter he used was authentic
He said ứiat he had shown it to many experts before he used it in his story
When something IS “authentic”, it’s _a genuitie, or real
b carefully writtenc ílỉll of tasty wormsd very olđ
5 In 1975, Govemor James promised to do sometìũng about the hjgh taxes in our State She didn’t present a tax cut bill to lawmakers until 1985 It took her a decade to keep her promise, but better late than never
^ How long IS a “decade”?a 75 years
b 85 yearsc a centuryd 10 yearsExercise 4:
I Your cousỉn claimed to be late because the doors of his house were frozen shut Even tìiough I have my doubts, his explanation IS plausible It got really cold last night ril just have to take his word for It
Trang 9If a statement is “plausible”, _a you must always believe it
b you should nevẾr beỉieve itc it's hard to unđerstand because it makes no sense
2 If you don't curtail youi* spending, you'll be broke m no time at all'
Which word is a synonym of "curtail"? a reduce
b followc behind đ buy3 No word must ever leak out abouí íhis militaiy acỉion! ít
has to be a claordestỉne operation m order to succeedWhich word IS a synonym of "cỉandestine'**?
a familyb useíiilc dangerousd secret4 Put thỉs medicme on your arm and rub it mto your skin
imtil It's mvisibie It W1Ỉ1 ỉnhibit the infecíion's attempt to spreađ
What đoes “mhibit” mean?a live in a certain place b block or slow downc Itch or bura
d help to do somethmg important
Trang 10Exercỉse 5:1 Murphy Mole is tíie protagonist in the new novel by Trent
Troll Murphy must stop Oscar Rat and Shriropy Shark ữom enslaving the inhâbitants of Lazy Woođs Park He risks his life in a series of events ứiat lead to a íĩnal baítle between good and evil
What JS a “protagonist”?a ứie main character of a síoryb an animal that lives undergrounđc someone whose íírst and last names start vviứi tìie same
letterd soraeone with bađ body odor2 I just can’t beat Paula when we play chess! Every time I
make a raove that should lead me to victory, she makes a better move íhat thwarts my plan
If you ‘Hhwart” a robbery, you _a commit a critne
b stop a crixne from happemngc imagine â theít
đ give vvarts to a thief3 Don’t feel stupid Yes, you thougbt íhis vvorthless repỉỉca
was a valuable work of art But it even fooled a iot of experts It certamly ỉooked ỉike the real thing!
A “replica” i s _ a a dishonesí act
b sometíúng uglyc anything that has no vaĩued a copy
Trang 114, Your poster is very good The drawing really ỉets people know what oiir club IS all about I do think tìiat you Cỡuld enhance it by âdding some more color That will tenđ to grab everyone’s attention.
When you “enhance” something, you _a drawit
b throw It outc ruin it
d make it betíerExercise 6:
Ryan ĩs a great inventor However, I don’t thỉnk tìiaí his latest invention, edible socks, is likely to be too successíìil Not many people want to eat socks There are some things m life that shouỉđ remam ineđible
1 Which word m the passage means “íit to be eaten”?2 Which vvord in the passage means “noí fíí to be eaten”?
Marsha IS really an introvert When I took her to Jason’s party, she sat m a comer without speaking to anyone All she did was eat most of the snacks The only reason she hangs out with me is because I never íry to force her to be sociable She would never íorgive me if I inừođuced her to anyone
3 An “mữovert” is usually _a friendly
b himgryc unclean d shy
Trang 12Sunshíne said, “Amber, why are you making such a big deal about Robert’s hair? Yes, he did dye it purple It IS
rather unusual for a guy to have puqỉle hair On the other hand, it’s not exactly going to change the course of worlđ history It’s really quỉte a trivỉa] matter.”
4 What does “tnvial” mean?a strange
b uiuraportant c đisgustingd dangerousExercỉse 7:
1 If you count all the votes in an area that heavily supports canđidate A, and only some of the votes in an area that heavily supports candidate B, you’ll skew the results in favor of candidate A
What does “skew” mean*?a roast
b.ignore c slantd ask2 The home team mađe sure that the oíìĩcials were on their
side They won a close game and ứie championship with many questỉonable decísions from ứie officỉaIs Hovvever, no one from any other town would accept the winners as legitimate champỉons
What does “legitimate” mean'?
Trang 13a- realb talentedc.sneakyd goodlooking3 Some people beheve that lavvyers axe always vvorking to
see that justice is đone, On the oứier hand, some believe that lawyers only want to manipulate the legal sysleiĩi to get whaí they want Couíd both síđes be right?
What does “mampuiate” mean?a control in a dỉshonest way b givehelp
c teach about ot explam đ disagree with
4 Both sides battled for years They were very far apart and could íìnđ no way to make a lasting peace When the íĩghting ĩmally came to an enđ, everyone was exhausted and embỉttered
What does “embitíered” mean?a very angry, resentíiil
b sour tasíingc humorousd annoyedExercise 8:
I It was a sad and hauníing straỉa thai met our ears as we entered the old theater There was a beauty in the voice that we’d never forget This vvould be a special concert
Trang 14What does “sữain” mean in íhe context of the selectioĩi*?a effort
b injuiyc melođy d íílter2 1 want you to weỉgh his words careíully He seesns sincere
and presents his arguments weil There is, however, something that doesn’t quite ring true about the candidateWhat đoes “weigh” mean in the context of ứie selection*^a to measure the mass
b to put pressure on a scalec to think abouí
đ to be important3 Michael is an arđent supporter of his presidential
candidaỉe That became obviõũs to rae when I foimd out how much time he’s donated to the campaỉgta Perhaps Michael knows what he’s doing
What does “ardent” mean in the context of the selection'^a old
b intelligent c f()olishd very strong4 Mary, of course you’re overvveíght You eat too muchjunk
food Even worse, you exercise inírcquentlyWhat does "inửequeníly” mean?
Trang 15a with a frown on one’s faceb at a gym
c while wearing iieavy cỉothesd not often
Exercise 9:ỉ Your uncle wouldn’t even parí with a dime to help the kids
pay for theư tnp That’s just one more example of his peaurious ways In contrast, many people who have much less money has úonated a great đeal to the cause
What does “penurious” mean'^a veryold
b very vvealthyc veryhumorousd verysíingy2 There IS a very mteresting article about solar storms in the
Pebruary 14, 2000 ỉssue of Time magazine ĩt tells about how these disturbances not only affect spacecraíl, buí can also đisrupt terrestríal life For exampỉe, they have even caused automatic garage doors to open m one town
What does “terresưial” mean*?a of or on the planet Earthb protective of automotive eqmpmentc solar
d m or near a pond
Trang 163 “Michelle, Tm very upset about what you said,” Roste stated íírmiy “You đidjni’t come nght out and accuse me of eating all your canđy On the other hand, your remarks about my love of chocolate were mađe for a reasoa You are insiauatÌQg that rm íhe candy íhieP”
What does “iíismuate” mean?a to keep soraething hot or coldb to suggest wiứiout clearly sayingc to do something evil
d to protect ftom disease4 I ứiink ií would help our basketball team, if we aÌỉoweđ
gưls ío play Fve seen how Patty has a knăck for making the tough shots when they’re needed most She vvants to play on our team and we’đ win more games with her helpWhat does “knack” mean?
a to throvv or tossb ãhãĩdpunchc a kinđ of sports bagd anabihty
Exerdse 10:1 Connie IS never happy when everyone IS geíting aioog She
alvvays instỉgates fights and then acts like líttỉe Miss IroocentWhen you “instigate” something, you _
a check It outb protectitc get It startedd Ignore it
Trang 172 I like that store AU the employees strive to make the customers feel right at home
Which word is a synonym of “stnve”*^a complain
b tryc faild clean3 This IS a clanđestine operation It !S extremely important
that no one discovers what you’re doing!A “clanđestine” operation IS supposeđ to b e _a dangerous
b harmíuỉc exciting đ secret4 If you don’t recover quickly from your condition, It could
become chronic Then you might have to take medicine for the rest of your life
If someứiing is “chronic”, It _
a IS very painíiil
b won’t go awayc makes you smell badd isn’treaỉ
5 David hoped that nobody woulđ know that he was ín the building Diđn’t he realize that parking hìs new car m the đnveway mađe his presence rather conspỉcuous?
Trang 18If something is “conspicuous”, ít ísa important
b expensivec unfortunate đ noticeable
Exercise 11: Use the context o f the selectỉons to identify aníonyms.
Megan was determined to finish her homework beíore bedtưne She still had to starl her math assignment; it wou]dí tâke at least an hour lo compleíe She sighed and thoughí, “rv e been workmg realiy hard since nght after đỉnner!”
1 Which word m tìie paragraph IS an antonym of “complete”*^2 Which word in the paiagraph IS an antonym of “beíore”*?
There are some very điữerent opinions about ứie outcome of Ihe presidentĩal election James msists that Al Gore really won the eỉection and that the u s Supreme Court took It away from him He diđn’t have the same kmd of objections when the Plorida Suprenie Court ruỉed for his candiđate Is James right, or is hejust a sore loser'^
ín my opinion, the íĩnal decision was coưect The Supreme Court of ứie United States mled against a very bad and unequaỉ process Votes weren’t being counted, they were bemg assigned to people who hadn’t cast legal votes George w Bush was the trae wirmer of the presỉidential election
3 Whjch word in the selection IS an antonym of “same”*^4 Which word m the seỉection IS an antonym of “against”?
5 Which word in the selectioti IS an antonym o f “ỉoser”?
Trang 19£xercỉse 12' Somewhere in each seiection you wiii fin đ a pair o f tvorđs in pareníhesis These words wiỉỉ be antonyms, ợr oppữsiies Underíine íhe worđ íhat makes sem e in the context Vse a đictĩonary ify o u ’re notsure ữ f the meanittgs o f boíh antonyms.
1 Mr Surĩer was a very good teacher Everyone agreed íhat kiđs leamed a lot when they spent a year in his fífth grade class Some kids diđ wish that he would be a little (lenient, strict) about the rules If anyone so much as vvhispered dunng study time or happened to forget a homework assigmnent, he or she was in big troubỉe,
2 Jetinifer was very (guỉỉibỉe, skeptical) We found it all too easy to convince her ứiat a mummy was roaming around in her cellar As we ađded more and more crazy đetails to our story, she grew more frightened Pinally, we deciđeđ it was besl 10 confess that It was just a hoax
3 Sometuĩies Chad can be very (insensitive, seBsỉtive) to others’ feeỉings Do you remember the time that Julie told us she was takmg a beauty course? Chad said ứiat ỉt must be a miracle course He was ứying to be funny, but her feelmgs were really hurt He didn’t mean what he said The problem is that he didn’t íhink about how Juỉie woulđ take the comment
4 All the ừees and aíl ứie f!owers,Sunlít cỉouds íhat (chilỉ, warm) the sky,All the gentle April showers,
TTiey have vvorth we can’t deny.All the manmade golden treasures,They have value They have style.I’ve founđ more than all their measureIn the beauty of your smile
Trang 20Exercise 13: Vse the context o f títe selecíỉotts to choose the correct meanỉngs or synonyms.
1 Your plan looks goođ I hope It will reaỉỉy work ĩt’s time to implement it and see if it’s as bnlhant as you cỉaim
a instrumentb takeapartc changeđ carry out2 If your plan fails, we’U have to fmd someone who can
deviseabetterone.a design
b dislikec appliance
d to use peanut butter as toothpaste3 Of course, Pm not saying ứiat yoxir plan IS no good I tend to
be ODtimistic so I won’t be surpnsed when you succeeda expecting ứie best to happen
b needing glasses to seec foll of gas
d unselfish4 When your plan brmgs us great wealth, you will be rewarded
for your sagacitva goodlooksb misíakesc intelỉigenced huge appetite for herbs
Trang 215 No matter what happens, I assure you ứiat I will not forget how hard you have worked on íhis project
a dareb promisec act like a donkeyd íorget
ÌExercise 14: There is a wordprinteđ in ỉíaỉỉcs before eachselection, Use the context o f each sekctỉon to identiỊy andatnderiine the synonym o Ị íhat worđ,
1 Strange I was really appalled at how Don decorated hỉs new apartment Almost everyíhing is soíid black When anyone sits on a chair or couch, a scream comes out of a concealeđ loudspeaker Don thinks it’s hilanous ĩ think he has a bizarre sense of humor'
2 Reỉỉgions You’lỉ almost never vvin an argument about rehgion There are some pomts where most mđiviđuals wilỉ agree and many pomts of đisagreement Of course you can’t agree with every faith, but you can respect people of alí creeds
3 Stick This tape you gave me doesn’t work at all' I can’t get a smgle poster to adhere to the wall Tm going to have to use my staple gun
4 Smeỉỉ Patty loves to use an abundant amount of gariic m her cookỉng Almost any time you approach her kitchen, the aroma of ứiat famous plant IS unmistakable
5, Wrỉte Ronaỉd wanted to establish an advantage over the other boys who were alỉ trymg to wm Mary’s heart Deciding to inscnbe his and Mary’s names on the tree in her froĩìt yard tumed ouí to be a blunđer He certaúily did not win ứie affection of her paxents
Trang 22BGap-fillÌRg (Sentence)
e a U N ĨTI
1 When we aiTiveđ in Pans It w as witìi rain
2 The name of the book was on th e of my tongưe,
but I just could not ứunk of it
inviíation to tìie party
b đefault đ faiỉ if you wouIđ accept the
b honorable đ pleasỉng5 If you dnve from the airport, go on the motorway and
foỉIowthe tothecity.a thanking
c pleased
Trang 23a, points c plans
b signs d waysI have aỉways that my umversiíy was the best inthe covintry
a trusteđc considcred7 Please don’t
you to post.a forgetc realize8 Her mother asked her to
everung meal.a place
c serve
b respecteđ d rcgarđeđ to put stamps on the letters I gave
b remindd remember
the íable for ứieb putout
d ỉay9, His sister was fuLỈ of for the way in which he
had so quickly leamed to drive a car
a get offc alight
b worlđ d ground passengers
b pick upd geton
Trang 2412 Wili y o u me your pen for my examination thisaữemoon*?
a boưow c alíow
b lend đ pertnìt13 He has very good manners and IS very , when he
suchabig offeeía couple
c number17 It is very diíĩicult to
a keep c take18 She said that she couldn’t
salary.a spenđc afíbrd
b, sized paira secret from my fami!y
b leam đ hear
a tiew dress on her snaillb save
d spare
Trang 2519 If you want a cheap air ticket you musí .well inadvance.
Trang 26Customs tõday.a taxes
c íỉnes5 The child was
the mam Street.a knockeđoutc run out
b ađmits
on a carpet ĩ brought in through the
b ratesd đutỵby a lony on ứìe saíeíỵ Crossing in
b runacrossd knockeđdown6 It was the longest film I have ever seen* it
threea lasted
c íìmshed
b síayed d completeđ
Trang 277 We were so late we .had time to catch the train.
Trang 28i4 Our holiday was by bad \veather.
a spoiltc overcome15 It takes a great deai o f
b đamageđ d wasted for the class to make a tnpa arrangement
c expense
\6 Hurry! ỉt’s Ííme to
a stanđụp c, drẹssup 17 Pỉeasẹ don’t enter
ạ exceptfor c wilhoxit i8 No one was able to think
â dunng c smce
b organỉzation d busmess and go to schoỡỉ
b getup đ síaríup knocking
b withd while , the noise was going on
b whiled onaccountof19 Yo.ụ shouldn’t eat so many sweets, they’re - for you
c unsuitabỉe d disagreeable20-1 WQnđeređ vvhether you woulđ like to to the theater
tomoưowa visit c goout
b goaway d walkout
Trang 2921 .1 wouId líke ío say how pleaseđ I am to be here.
a capable c able
b mađe đ voted of đomg the job?
b competentd suited25 H to all his Mends that he was getting mameđ
a toldc announced
b related d spoke
Trang 317 Tom and Ben have falỉen again and đo not speakto each other.
Trang 3214 The outlme of the fígure was barely in the darknessỉ.a susceplible b invisìble
19 As m y Mr.Dupjreez, you woulđ be travelhmgaround the country and helping me generallỵ with maưiy of my duties
Trang 3321 She was obviousỉy embaưassed; her face was withred.
a diffuseđ c ũised
b conồised d sufftised22 I let my chíldren make their own decision now they’re
oỉder, I wouldn’t tomteĩfere
b resumeđ consume the decỉsion imtil MrJohnsona presume
c assume23 We will have to ,
gets back from holidaya confer
c refer
b đeferd infer24 And now here is our reporter Tim Blake from ứie radio
car, to tell us vvhat the thinks of today’sgQvemment announcement
Trang 34G3 U N IT4
1 He spoke clearly and ,, and we could unđerstand every worđ he said
a distmguish b, đistinguishablec đisttnctly d distinctively2 Accuracy i s to the skill of t>pewnting
c Íundameníal đ elemeníary3 The completioix of the tunnel has been owmg to
4 It has always been th e of ứiis company to
promote existing staffto senior positions
6 Mr lohnson has been asked to .the next
tneetmg of the Club committee
Trang 357 She didn’í stay at home as she had somesew)ng she wanted to đo
Trang 3614 The campers íheir tení at the base of mouniaun
Trang 3721 Their teacher told them t o up ứieir quarrel and beínends again.
pleased him more.a seen
c happened25 The nation’s economy was
b stopd put
across a paintmg whichb vievved
d come up and would certainiy show a great improvement in the next five years
a rismg c looking
b getting d showing
Trang 38oílìce block.
Trang 397 Many • craíts such as weaving are now being revived.
Trang 4014 If you buy a bicycíe for $20 and seỉl lí for $30, you makea of $10