Hoàn thành các câu sau sử dụng lời nói gián tiếp.. Hoàn thành các câu sau sử dụng lời nói gián tiếp.. Hoàn thành các câu sau ở lời nói gián tiếp.. Viết lại các câu sau đây ở lời nói gián
Exercise 1 Turn into indirect speech (Chuyển sang câu gián tiếp)
1 He said, “I go to the market”.
2 She said, “I will have a picnic”.
3 She said, “I have seen this íĩlm many times”.
4 The man said, “I bought this book in Japan”.
5 He said, “I had been a soldier before 1975”.
6 She said, “I am going to have a party”.
7 The boy said, “I don’t like bananas”.
8 She said, “I didn’t see this íìlm”.
9 He said, “I wasn’t interested in playing football”.
10 She said, “My mother is going to market”.
11 He said, “My father is a driver”.
12 She said, “My uncle was a soldier when he worked in New York”.
13 She said to m e, “I don’t see your m o th e r”.
14 He said to me, “I didn’t see your m other”.
15 She said to me, “My mother h asn’t phoned your father yet”.
16 She said to me, “Your íather told me not to see you”.
17 He said to her, “My father told you not to see me”.
18 He said to her, “Your father has told me not to see you”.
19 He said to his mother, “I will come back to see you soon”
20 She said, “My aunt m et a ghost yesterday”
E xercise 2 Turn in to in d irect sp eech (Chuyển sang câu gián tiếp)
1 He said, “My father didn’t work last week”.
2 She said, “I am going to have a party next week”.
3 They said, “We were sitting in a cafe a t six o’clock yesterday morning”.
4 They said, “We are singing an English song now”.
5 She said, “I will go on holiday in Dalat next year”.
6 He said, “We don’t like this kind of weather”.
7 The mother said, “I am very busy at the moment”.
8 She said, “I met this man two weeks ago”.
9 He said, “I didn’t study in this center last year”.
10 She said to me, “Do you love me?”.
11 She said to me, “Did you come here yesterday?”.
12 She said to me, “Have you ever seen this man beíore?”.
13 She said to me, “Will you come back tomorrow?”.
14 She said to me, “Do you feel comíbrtable when you work here?”.
15 He said to him, “Did ycu come here yesterday?”.
16 She said to her íather, “Shall we go on a trip to D alat next year?”.
17 He said to his mother, “Did you see my keys any- where?”.
18 She said to her father, “Will you buy me a bicycle when I pass the exam”.
19 She said to me, “Are you a student?”.
20 “W hat did you do yesterday?” she said to me.
E xercise 3 Turn into in d irect sp eech (Chuyển sang câu gián tiếp)
1 “W hat are you doing at the moment?” she said to me.
2 “Why did you eome late?” the boss said to her.
3 “Who have you phoned?” the police said to her.
4 “Which one do you prefer?” the m other said to her son.
5 “How do you go to school every day?” the teacher said to the student.
6 “How many people are there in your family, Lan?”
7 “How much does this book cost?” the customer said to the shop - keeper.
8 “How far is it from here to your school?” the man said to the boy.
9 “Who is your teacher?” she said to me.
10 She said, “Don’t go out”.
11 She said, “Shut the door”.
12 She said, “Don’t go out in the Street at night”.
13 The mother said to her son, “Don’t throw your clothes on the íloor”.
14 She said, “Take that book for me”.
15 She said, “Don’t put your books on this shelf’.
16 She said, “Study hard or you will fail the exam”.
17 He said to his students, “Hand your papers now”.
18 She said, “W ater these ílowers every day or they will die
19 The police said, “Don’t park your car here”.
20 She said to me “If I were you, I’d stop taking tran- quilizers”.
21 “Why don’t you take off your coat?” he said to me.
22 “Would you show me your passport, please?” he said.
23 “Would you like a cup of tea?” the man said.
24 “Do sit down” said my hostess.
25 “Please, please don’t take any risks”, said his wife.
26 “Don’t forget to turn off the lights” she said to me.
27 “Try again” said Ann’s m other encouragingly.
28 “Shall we go to the cinema tonight?” she said.
29 “Go on, apply for th e job” he said.
Exercise 4 Finish the sentences using reported speech Always change the tense, although it is som etim es not necessary (Hoàn thành các câu sau sử dụng lời nói gián tiếp Hãy thay đổi thì động từ mặc dù đôi khi điều này không cần thiết)
Example; Peter: “I cleaned the black shoes yesterday”.
Answer: Peter told me that he had cleaned the black shoes the day before.
1 John: “Mandy is at home”.
John said th a t 2 Max: “Frank oíten reads a book”.
Max told me th at
Susan said to me th a t
5 Peggy: “The girls helped in the house”.
Peggy told me th at
6 Richard: “I am going to ride a skateboard”.
Richard said to me th a t
7 Stephen and Claire: “We have clenneđ the windows”.
Stephen and Claire told me th a t
8 Charles: “I didn’t have time to do my homework’.
9 Mrs Jones: “My m other will be 50 years old”.
Mrs Jones told me th a t
10 Jean: “The boss must sign the letter”.
E xercise 5 F inish th e sen ten ces u sin g R eported sp eech A lw ays change the ten se, althou gh it is som etỉm es not necessary (Hoàn thành các câu sau sử dụng lời nói gián tiếp Hãy thay đổi thì động từ mặc dù đôi khi điểu này không cần thiết)
Example: Peter: “I cleaned the black shoes yesterday”.
Answer: Peter told me th a t he had cleaned the black shoes the day beíbre.
1 Emily: “Our teacher will go to Leipzig tomorrow”.
2 Helen: “I was writing a letter yesterday”.
3 Robert: “My father flew to Dallas last year”.
4 Lisa: “Tim went to the stadium an hour ago”.
5 Patricia: “My m other will celebrate her birthday next weekend”.
6 Michael: “I am going to read a book th is week”.
Michael said to me th a t
7 Jason and Victoria: “We vvill do our best in the exarns tomorrovv”.
Jason and Victoria told me t h a t
8 Andrew: “We diđiVt eat fish tvvo days ago”.
9 Alice: “I spent ail my pocket money on Monday”.
10 David: “lohn had aíready gone at six”.
E x ercise 6, C om plete th e se n ten c es in re p o rte d sp e e c h (no b ack sh ifí) Note th e change of p ronouns a n d verbs (Hoàn thánh các câu sau ở lời nói qiáìỉ Lưu ý sự thay đoi của các dại lừ và động từ)
L Helen: ĩ want to tell you something about my holiday m London.
2 Ilelen: I v.-ont từ Lonđon in Juiy.
3 Helen: Mv parents went with me.
4 Helen: We spent three days in London.
5 Helen: London is a mulíicultural place.
6 Helen: I saw people of all colours.
7 Helen: Me and my parents visited the Tower.
8 Helen: One evening we went to see a musical.
10 The people are so nice there.
E x ercise 7 Com plete the se n te n c es in rep o rted sp ee ch (no backshift) N ote th e ch ange o f pron ou n s and verbs (Hoàn thành các câu sau ở lời nói gián tiếp
Lư'Ị ý sự thay đổi của các đại từ và động từ)
2 Tom: The w eather here is great.
3 Tom: My host family is very nice.
4 Tom: I have my own room.
5 Tom: We have a national park here.
6 Tom: We went there yesterday.
8 Tom: I’d love to go there again.
9 Tom: The teachers at my school are very nice.
10 Tom: My English has improved.
E xercise 8 Rewrite the sentences in reported speech Change pronouns and time expressions w here necessary (Viết lại các câu sau đây ở lời nói gián tiếp Thay đổi đại từ ưà các từ chỉ thời gian khi cần thiết)
2 They said, “We are busy”.
3 He said, “I know a better restaurant”.
4 She said, “I woke up early”.
5 He said, “I will ring her”.
6 They said, “We have just arrived”.
7 He said, “I will clean the car”.
8 She said, “I did not say th at”.
9 She said, “I don’t know where my shoes are”.
10 He said: “I won’t tell anyone”.
E xercise 9 ‘Write the sen te n c es in rep orted sp eech Change pronouns and tim e e x p ressio n s w h ere n ecessary CViết lại các câu sau đay ở lời nói gián tiếp Thay đổi đại từ và các từ chỉ thời gian khi cần thiết)
1 They said, “This is our book”.
2 She said, “I vvent to the cinema yesterday”.
3 He said, “I am writing a test tomorrovv”.
4 You said, “I will do this for hím ”.
5 She said, “I am not hungry now”.
6 They said, “We hav never been here beíore”.
7 They said, “We were in London last week”.
8 He said, “I will have ĩmished this paper by tomorrovv”.
9 He said, “They won’t sleep”.
10 She said, “It is very quiet here”.
Exercise 10 Complete the sentences in reported speech Note the change of pronouns and tenses.
(Hoàn thành các câu sau đây ở lời nói gián tiếp Lưu ý sự thay đổi của các đại từ và thì động từ)
1 “Where is my umbrella?” she asked.
2 “How are you?” Martin asked us.
3 He asked, “Do I have to do it?”.
4 “Where have you been?” the mother asked her daughter.
-ằ The mother asked her daughter
5 “Which dress do you like best?” she asked her boyíriend.
6 “What are they doing?” she asked.
7 “Are you going to the cinema?” he asked me.
8 The teacher asked, “Who speaks English?”
9 “How do you know that?” she asked me.
10 “Has Caron talked to Kevin?” my íriend asked me.
E xercise 11 Com plete the sen ten ces in rep orted sp eech Note the change of pronouns and ten ses.
(Hoàn thành các càu sau đây ở lời nói gián tiếp Lưu ý sự thay đổi của các đại từ và thì động từ)
1 “W hat’s the time?” he asked.
-ằ He wanted to k n o w 2 “When will we m eet again?” she asked me.
3 “Are you crazy?” she asked him.
4 “Where did they li ve?” he asked.
5 “Will you be at the party?” he asked her.
6 “Can you meet me at the station?” she asked me.
7 “Who knows the answer?” the teacher asked.
8 “Why don’t you help me?” she asked him.
9 “Did you see th a t car?” he asked me.
10 “Have you tìdied up your room?” the m other asked the twins.
-ằ The mother asked the tw in s
Exercise 12 Complete the sentences in reported speech Note the change of pronouns and tenses.
(Hoàn thành các câu sau dây ở lời nói gián tiếp Lưu ý sự thay đổi của các đại từ và thì động từ)
1 “Stop talking, Joe” the teacher said.
2 “Be patient” she said to him.
-> She told h im 3 “Go to your room” her father said to her.
4 “Hurry up” she said to us.
5 “Give me the key” he told her.
6 “Play it again, Sam” she said.
7 “Sit down, Caron” he said.
8 “Fill in the form, Sir” the receptionist said.
-> The receptionist asked the g u e st
9 “Take OÍT your shoes” she told us.
10 “Mind your own business” she told him.
E xercise 13 Com plete the sen ten ces in rep orted sp eech Note the change o f pronouns and ten ses.
(Hoàn thành các câu sau đây ở Lời nói giản tiếp Lưu ý sự thay đổi của các đại từ và thì động từ)
1 “Don’t touch it” she said to him.
2 “Don’t do th at again” he said to me.
3 “Don’t talk to me like th a t” he said.
4 “Don’t repair the Computer yourselí” she warned him.
5 “Don’t let him in” she said.
6 “Don’t go out without me” he begged her.
7 “Don’t forget your bag” she told me.
8 “Don’t eat in the lab” the chemistry teacher said.
-> The chemistry teacher told his s tu d e n ts
9 “Don’t give yourself up” he advised her.
10 “Don’t hurt yourselves, boys” she said.
Exercise 14 Complete the sentences in reported speech Note the change of pronouns and tenses.
(Hoàn thành các câu sau đây ở lời nói gián tiếp Lưu ý sự thay đổi của các đại từ và thỉ động từ)
2 “Close the door behind you” he told me.
3 “Don’t be late” he advised us.
4 “Stop staring at me” she said.
5 “Don’t be angry with me” he said.
6 “Leave me alone” she said.
7 “Don’t drink and drive” she warned us.
8 “John, stop smoking” she said.
9 “Don’t worry about us” they said.
10 “Meet me at the cinema” he said.
E xercise 15 C om plete the se n te n c es in rep o rted sp eech N ote w h eth er th e sen ten ce is a req u est, a sta tem en t or a q u estion (Hoàn thành các câu sau đày ở lời nói gián tiếp Lưu ý câu ở dạng lời đề nghị, tuyên bố hay ở dạng câu hỏi)
1 He said, “I like th is song”.
2 “Where is your sister?” she asked me.
3 “I don’t speak Italian” she said.
4 “Say hello to Jim ” they said.
5 “The íìlm began at seven o’clock” he said.
6 “Don’t play on the grass, boys” she said.
7 “Where have you spent your money?” ẩhe asked him.
8 “I never make m istakes” he said.
9 “Does she know Robert?” he wanted to know.
10 “Don’t tiy this at home” the stuntman told the audience.
-> The stuntm an advised the audience
E xercise 16 Complete the sentences in reported sp eech Note w hether the sentence is a request, a statem ent or a question and w hether you have to change the ten ses or not (Hoàn thành các câu sau đây ở lời nói gián tiếp Lưu ý câu ở dạng lời dề nghị, tuyên bố hay ở dạng câu hỏi và xác định xem có phải đổi thì động từ hay không)
1 “I was very tired” she said.
2 “Be careful, Ben” she said, -ằ She told B e n
3 “I will get myselí a drink” she says.
4 “Whv haven’t you phoned me?” he asked me.
5 “I cannot drive them home” he said.
6 “Peter, do you prefer tea or coíĩee?” she says.
7 “Where did you spend your holidays last year?” she asked me.
8 He said, “Don’t go too far”.
9 “Have you been shopping?” he asked us.
10 “Don’t make so much noise” he says.
E xercise 17 Make rep orted q u estion s s ta r t e a ch an sw er w ith “sh e ask ed m e” (Viết câu hỏi gián tiếp
Bắt đầu mỗi câu bằng “she asked me”)
5 Is the bus stop near the shopping centre?
8 Are Jam es and Lucy from France?
9 Is my brother in the garden?
10 Is the weather good in Shanghai in the summer?
14 Does David go to the cinema often?
15 Do the children study Chinese?
16 Do they go on holiday every summer?
17 Does your sister live in Stockholm?
19 Does Jennifer want a new job?
20 Does it rain a lot in London?
E x ercise 18 M ake rep o rted q u estion s Start ea ch a n sw er w ith “sh e ask ed m e” (Viết câu hỏi gián tiếp
Bắt đầu mỗi câu bàng “she askedt me”)
1 Where is the post offìce?
4 Who is the woman in the red dress?
7 How much is the rent on your ílat?
9 How is the weather in Chicago?
10 Who is the Prime Minister of Canada?
11 Where do you usually go swimming?
12 What does Luke do at the weekend?
13 Where do your parents live?
14 Who do you go running with?
15 When does Lucy get up?
16 How much TV do you watch?
17 How many books do they own?
19 What do the children study on Fridays?
20 Why do you study English?
E xercise 19 Make reported questions Start each answ er w ith “she asked m e” (Viết câu hỏi gián tiếp
Bắt đầu mỗi câu bàng “she asked me”)
3 Why did you go out last night?
4 Who was th at beautitul woman?
6 What are you going to do at the weekend?
7 Where will you li ve after graduation?
8 What were you doing when I saw you?
10 How often do you go to the cinema?
11 Do you live in London?
12 Did he arrive on time?
13 Have you been to Paris?
18 Is this the road to the station?
19 Did you do your homework?
20 Have you studied reported speech before?
E xercise 20 Change the d irect sp eech in to rep orted sp eech U se “she said ” at th e b egin n in g of ea ch answ er (Đổi các câu trực tiếp sau sang lờì nói gián tiếp
Sử dụng “she said” ở đầu câu đ ể viết)
1 I li ve in New York.
3 Julie doesn’t like going out much.
5 They never arrive on time.
6 We often meet íriends in London at the vveekend.
7 David doesn’t have any children.
8 I don’t go to the gym very often.
9 Lucy owns three ílats in the city.
10 I never get up early on Sundays.
11 Jill meets her boyíriend at the cinema every Friday night.
13 John doesn’t live in Japan any more.
14 They work in Hong Kong.
15 I have to work until seven or eight pm every night.
16 I don’t want to go to the theatre next weekend.
17 We like vvorking in Paris.
18 She đoesn’t have enough time to do everything.
20 They often go on holiday in July.
Exercise 21 Make the direet speech into reported speech ư se “he told me’ at the beginnỉng of your answer (Đổi câu trực tiếp sang lời nói gián tiếp Sử dụng
“he told me” ở đầu mỗi câu để viết)
3 She’s Corning to the party.
4 She’s talking on the telephone.
5 Lucy is reading a book in front of the íìre.
7 We are not visiting Paris during our trip.
8 Fm listening to my new CD.
9 John is working in a bar for the summer.
10 I’m not going to go on holiday.
11 He isn’t living in Beijing.
12 I’m taking the train to Berlin.
13 She is never Corning back.
17 They are are visiting the museum.
19 We aren’t going to the library.
E xercise 22 Make rep o rted sta tem en ts R em em b er, w ith the p a st sim ple you can k eep ch an ge to th e p a st p erfect or k eep to th e p a st sim p le In th is e x ercise you sh ould change to th e p a st p e r íe ct s ta r t ea ch sen te n c e w ith “h e told m e” (Hãy viết các lời tuyên bố gián tiếp Lưu ý rằng câu trực tiếp ỏ thì quá khứ đơn thì có thể đổi sang thì quá khứ hoàn thành hoặc giữ nguyên trong câu gián tiếp Trong bài tập này bạn nên đổi sang thì quá khứ hoàn thành Hãy bắt đầu mỗi câu bằng cụm từ “he told me”)
1 I went to the cinema yesterday.
2 Jane left the party early.
3 I diđn’t go out at the weekend.
4 He didn’t like chocolate as a child.
6 She didn’t buy the dress.
7 I travelled through India and Pakistan.
8 He met his girlíriend in a cafe.
9 David didn’t arrive until 10 o’clock.
10 We went to the park to have a picnic.
11 We ate Chinese food, then we walked home.
12 She forgot to bring the CDs.
13 I didn’t like the food in the restaurant.
16 We went to Paris for the weekend.
17 The plane left at seven.
19 Lucy didn’t go to university.
E xercise 23 Make reported sp eech from the direct sp eech Use “she said” at the beginning of each.
(Đổi câu trực tiếp sang gián tiếp Sử dụng cụm từ “she said” ở đầu câu để viết)
1 I’ve never been to Brazil.
2 She has visited Paris three times.
3 He has read “War and Peace’.
4 I haven’t seen Julie for ages.
5 He hasn’t been to school this week.
6 We haven’t seen “The Lord of the Rings”.
7 They’ve eaten in a lot of diíĩerent restaurants.
9 Lucy has drunk six cups of coffee today.
10 Mr Black has w ritten three books.
11 It hasn’t rained much this year.
12 She has never swum in the sea.
14 I’ve been sick all week.
15 Robert has been to China íĩve times.
17 Julie has never studied music.
18 He has eaten too much chocolate.
19 We haven’t seen the new play.
20 I haven’t tried the new restaurant yet.
E xercise 24 Make rep orted sp eech from the d irect sp eech Use “she said ” at the b egin n in g o f each d o n ’t u se “that” (Đổi câu trực tiếp sang gián tiếp Sử dụng cụm từ “she said” ở đầu câu để viết, không sử dụng “ that”)
1 1*11 go to the cinema later.
2 We’ll meet the children at six.
5 I will stop smoking on Tuesday.
7 They won’t be able to arrive early.
9 He won’t remember to buy milk.
10 It won’t rain later I’m sure”.
11 The Conservatives will win the next election.
12 That girl will never pass the exam.
13 John will arrive before David.
14 It will be cold tonight.
16 We will get married next year.
17 I won’t be able to afford a new car.
18 She won’t want to attend the meeting.
20 I won’t vote at the next election.
E xercise 25 Change the direct speeeh into reported sp eech Use “she said ” at the beginning of each answ er (Đổi những câu trực tiếp sau sang gián tiếp Sử dụng “she said” ở đầu mỗi câu để viết)
2 We went out last night.
4 I was waiting for the bus when he arrived.
6 I didn’t go to the party.
10 You should go to bed early.
13 She’s living in ? a ris for a few months.
14 I visited my parents at the weekend.
15 She hasn’t eaten sushi beíbre.
16 I hadn’t travelled by underground beíbre I came to London.
17 They would help if they could.
18 r u do the washing-up later.
19 He could read when he was three.
20 I was sleeping when Julie called.
E x ercise 26 M ake rep o rted r eq u ests or o rd ers
Start ea ch se n te n c e w ith “sh e a sk ed m e” or “sh e told m e” (Hãy viết các câu yêu cầu hay m ệnh lệnh ở lời nói gián tiếp Bắt đầu câu bằng các cụm từ “she asked me” hoặc “she told me”)
1 Please help me carry this 2 Please come early
3 Please buy some milk 4 Could you please open the window?
5 Could you bring the book tonight?
6 Can you help me with my homework, please?
7 Would you bring me a cup of coíĩee, please?
8 Would you mind passing the salt?
9 Would you mind lending me a pencil?
1 0 1 was wondering if you could possibly tell me the time?
Exercise 27 Make reported speech Start all your answers with “she”, and use the past simple of “ask”,
“say” or “tell” (Viết câu ở lời nói gián tiếp Hãy bắt đầu câu bằng từ “she” và sử dụng thì quá khứ đơn của các động từ “ask”, “say” hoặc “tell”)
3 Please get me a cup of tea.
4 She got married last year.
6 Could you explain number four, please?
7 Where do you li ve?
8 We went to the cinema and then to a Chinese restaurant.
9 r u come and help you at twelve.
10 What are you doing tomorrow?
12 Do you work in London?
13 Could you tell me where the post oíĩĩce is?
15 I’ve never been to Wales.
16 Have you ever seen “Lord of the Rings’?
19 Would you mind waiting a moment please?
20 How often do you play sport?
E xercise 28 Make reported speech Start all your answ ers w ith “sh e”, and use the past sim ple o f “ask ”,
“say’ or “tell” (Viết câu ở lời nói gián tiếp Hãy bắt đầu câu bằng từ “she” và sử dụng thì quá khứ đơn của các động từ “ask”, “say” hoặc “tell”)
2 Did you arrive beíore seven?
4 I would have visited the hospital, if I had known you were sick.
5 Don’t touch!” She told me not to touch.
6 Do you usually cook at home?
7 They had never been to Scotland until last year.
8 Make sure you arrive early!
9 I should have studied harder for the exam.
10 Would you mind telling me how to get to the a rt gal- lery, please?
11 Please don’t forget my book.
12 Make sure you arrive at six!
14 Where do you want to eat tonight?
15 I usually drink coffee in the mornings.
16 Do you like studying English?
17 I’ll come and help you on Saturday.
18 Please buy some bread on your way home.
19 Please give this to John.
20 Could you give me the glass on the table, please?
E xercise 29 Convert the phrases below into reported speech (Đổi các cụm từ dưới đây sang lời nói gián tiếp)
2 He said to her, “I love you”.
3 “I saw Mary in the supermarket yesterday” said Carlos.
4 “We’ve lived here for three years” he said.
5 T ll bring a pasta salad” said Francesca.
6 “M ark’s going to install solar panels” said Miranda.
7 “They found gold here” said the geology teacher.
8 “Jenny can’t speak French” said Pierre.
9 “I ílrst met my wife in Seville” he told us.
10 “I want your homework handed in by tomorrow” he said.
11 “My mother made these cakes" said Juan.
12 “I’m feeling tired now” said David.
sp eech s (Hoàn thành các lời nói gián tiếp sau) 1 “Don’t touch th at flower!”
He said t h a t 3 “Will Mary arrive by fĩve?”
4 “Did you see th at film last month?”
5 “When did you fìnd the money?”
6 “If 1 knew the answer, I would tell you”.
7 “Are you going to help us?”
8 “Do you want to go to the cinema?”
10 “If you give me some money, r i l help you”.
The man said that if I
reported speech (Ngày hôm qua bạn gặp một người bạn của mình là Charlie Charlie đã nói một số điều với bạn Hôm sau ban nói lại với người bạn khác về những điều Charlie đã nói Hãy sử dụng lời nói gián tiếp)
1 I’m thinking of going to live in Canada.
2 My father is in hospital.
3 Nora and Jim are getting married next month.
4 r il tell Jim I saw you.
5 I haven’t seen Bill for a while.
6 I’ve been playing tennis a lot recently.
7 I don’t know what Fred is doing.
8 I hardly ever go out these days.
9 Tom had an accident last week but he wasn’t injured.
1 0 1 saw Jack at a party a few months ago and he seemed fine.
saỉd (Trong bài tập này có ai đó nói với bạn một số điều trái ngược vói những gì họ đã nói trước đó Bạn hãy hoàn thành câu trả lời: “I thought you said”)
Example: “That restaurant is expensive”.
I thought you said it wasn’t expensive.
1 “Ann is ooming to the party”.
4 “HI be here next week”.
5 “I can aíĩord a holiday this year”.
sp eech s (Hoàn thành các lời nói gián tiếp sau đây) 1 “W hat caused the explosion?”
2 “Has Bill passed his examination?”
3 “Where did you play last Sunday?”
4 “Will you be here next week?”
5 “W hat are you doing with your mobile?”
sp eech s (Hoàn thành các lời nói gián tiếp sau đây) 1 “Shut the door but don’t lock it”, she said to us.
2 “Will you please tell Sam I miss him?”, Susan asked me.
3 “Can you please speak more slowly? I can’t understand what you are saying”, the íbreign girl said to Jim.
4 “Why don’t you make your presentation in power point instead?”, the teacher said to us.
sp eechs (Hoàn thành các lời nói gián tiếp sau đây) 1 I am going to the cinema with my girlíriend.
2 You have bought yourself a lovely new dress!
He told h e r 3 They are waiting outside.
4 I have been smoking too much.
5 I lost my temper last week.
6 I was as sick as a dog yesterday.
7 You play the piano very well.
8 She has given me a birthday gift!
9 He is sitting right behind me.
sp eech s (Hoàn thành các lời nói gián tiếp sau đây)
2 How did you do that?
3 Who will come to the cinema w ith us?
4 Why are you so sad?
6 How could they be so impatient?
7 Which compact disk are you taking with you?
Hẹ w ondered ằ 9 How do you know that?
in d irect sp eech (Đổi các câu sau đây sang lời nói gián tiếp)
1 “What do you want?”, she asked him.
2 “Are you Corning with us?” he asked me.
3 He asked “When do you intend to make the payment?”
4 “Do you come from China?” said the prince to the girl.
5 The poor man exclaimed “Will none of you help me?”
6 “Which way should I go?” asked the little girl.
7 Alladin said to the magician “What have I done to deserve so severe a punishment?”
8 “Don’t you know the way home?” I said to her.
9 “Do you write a good hand?” the teacher said to the student.
10 “Have you anything to say on behalf of the accused?” said the judge íìnally.
11 “Have you anything to tell me, little bird?”, asked Ulysses.
12 “Who are you, sir, and what do you want?” they asked.
13 The king was impressed with the magician and asked
“W hat can I do for you?”.
14 She asked “W hat is it th a t makes you stronger and braver than other men?”.
15 “Can you solve this problem?” he asked me.
in d ir ec t sp ee ch (Đổi các câu sau đây sang lời nói gián tiếp)
1 Alex said “I am going to meet a íriend”.
2 Ken asked “W hat are you going to do tonight?”
3 I said ‘Tve been to Mexico”.
4 Steve said “I want to go to to South Aírica”.
5 Allen said ‘T d like to come visit”.
speech (Chuyển các câu trực tiếp sau sang gián tiếp) 1 “Please help me carry this”.
4 “Could you please open the window?”.
5 “Could you bring the book tonight?”.
6 “Can you help me with my homework, please?”.
7 “Would you bring me a cup of coíĩee, please?”
8 “Would you mind passing the salt?”.
9 “Would you mind lending me a pencil?”
10 “I was wondering if you could possibly tell me the time?”.
She asked m e 15 “Tidy your room!”.
in d irect form (Hoàn thành các câu sau đây ở dạng lời nói gián tiếp)
1 John: Where does Paul live?
2 Liz: Does John have eggs for breakfast?.
3 The campers: Mrs Taylor, can we spend the evening in town?
4 Wíima: Deb isn’t fun to be with.
5 Jack: I wonder why Walter always wears a cap.
6 Deb: Wilma, you really are a nice roommate.
7 Mrs Taylor: Where is my wallet?
8 Deb to Walter: My father owns a pub in Scotland.
9 Liz to Jack: Will you marry me?
10 Liz to Paul: Do you like going to the swimming pool?
11 Wilma: Why is Deb always in a bad mood?
12 Paul to Walter: Are you glad to be in England?
13 Liz: My brother’s got a Ferrari.
14 Jack to Liz: You can come and stay in my ílat.
15 Paul: How long does Liz swim for?.
E xercise 41 C om plete the se n te n c es (Hoàn thành các câu sau)
She said she admired me.
7 “The Himalayas are the highest”.
8 “I may lend you some money”.
11 “I have not done it today”.
12 “If I was younger, I would accept it”.
13 “I was with him last week”.
14 “You needn’t change your shoes in our house”.
16 “I will íĩnish this picture tomorrovv”.
18 “Greg used to be my íriend”.
E xercise 42 Complete the sentences (Hoàn thành các câu sau)
She asked me to sit down.
6 “Park your car behind the house, please”.
E xercise 43 Com plete the sen ten ces (Hoàn thành câu) Example: - “Pass me the salt, please”.
He asked me to pass him the salt.
He asked me what I had said.
3 “Please, get in touch with them today”.
4 “Don’t leave your luggage unattendeđ”.
8 “Have you set your alarm clock?”
10 “You mustn’t touch the screen!”.
12 “How long have you been standing here?”.
E xercise 44 Read the dỉalogue and report it (Đọc đoạn hội thoại và thuật lại nội dung ở dạng lời nói gián tiếp)
Mike: “What are you doing here, Liz? I haven’t seen you since June”.
Liz: ‘Tve just come back from my holiday in Ireland”.
Mike: “Did you enjoy it?”
Liz: “I love Ireland And the Irish people were so íriendly”.
Mike: “Did you go to the Wicklow Mountains?”.
Liz: “It was my íìrst trip I can show you some pictures.
Are you doing anything tomorrow?”.
Mike: “I must arrange a couple of things But I am free tonight”.
Liz: “You might come to my place What time shall we meet?”.
Mike: “I’ll be there at eight Is it all right?”.
E xercise 45 C orrect th e m istak es in th e rep o rted sp eech (Sửa những lỗi sai trong các câu gián tiếp sau) 1 “I am not going to tolerate this any more” said Sarah.
Sarah said she was not going to tolerate this any more
2 “You have always been my íriend” said Joe.
Joe said I was always his íriend.
3 “We never eat m eat” claimed Bill.
Bill claimed th a t they had never eaten meat.
4 “I will talk to Sam soon” she told me on Sunday.
She told me on Sunday she wìll talk to Sam soon.
5 “Mary used to exercise every day” he said.
He said Mary had used to exercise every day.
6 “I wish I was twenty years younger” said Linda.
Linda said she wished she had been twenty years younger.
7 “Answer the phone!” he told me.
He told me I answered the phone.
8 “Where is Alex?” she asked me.
She asked me where was Alex.
E xercise 46 Write the end of the sentences in the indirect form (Hoàn thành các câu sau đây ở dạng lời nói gián tiếp)
1 “I got the message while I was waiting at the bus stop”.
2 “We will set off tomorrow”.
They said 3 “Get out of my way!”.
She told me this week t h a t
This moming he announced that h e
6 “She’d better reíuse this job”.
7 “We used to take the same medicine”.
8 “I entered the university a year ago”.
9 “It is time we had an agreement”.
10 “We must go skiing in winter”.
E xercise 47 Rew rite these sentences in indirect speech (Viết lại các câu sau đây sang lời nói gián tiếp) 1 Elizabeth says “I like eating ice cream”.
2 I shall tell her “You are really pretty”.
3 Rally said “The sun rises in the east and sets in the west”.
4 The teacher told the class, “W ater boils a t 100 degrees Celsius.
5 Yin Ying said “My brother is playing in his room”.
6 “Which is your house?” he asked.
7 “I am in the middle of a meeting” said the chairperson.
8 M argaret said “I have íĩnished my work”.
9 Sheila “I was here the whole tim e” said Sheila.
10 ‘T11 come over tomorrow” said Mike.
11 “Keep quiet!” said the teacher.
12 “Don’t touch the glass” she said.
Exercise 48 Convert the follow ing from D irect to
Indirect (Chuyển từ lời nói trực tiếp sang gián tiếp) 1 She said “The man will be here soon”.
2 The judge will say to you “You are innocent”.
3 He said “Abundant rain fell yesterday, and is falling still”.
4 All men declare “He has never been deíeated”.
5 He has told them “I did not commit this fault”.
6 I shalỉ tell him plainly “You cannot come here again”.
7 He told them at once “The train is gone; you are too late”.
8 The news was announced “The conquering hero is
9 I told him plainly “You can go tomorrow”.
10 The man has coníessed “I am the guilty man, and de- serve the punìshm ent”.
E xercise 49 Put the follow ing into indirect speech.
Use suitable introductory verbs (Đổi các câu sau dây sang lời nói gián tiếp, Sử dụng động từ tường thuật thích hợp)
1 “The Prince and Princess lived happily ever after” the storyteller told the children.
2 “Don’t push!” the conductor said to the passengers who were boarding the bus.
3 ‘Tm sorry but I can’t join you for lunch” he told his ữiend.
4 “Do the exercises from pages sixty to sixty-two” Miss Lam told the pupils.
5 “Do you know how to operate a Computer?” asked the personnel oíĩĩcer
6 “Help!” “Help! Help! Help!” I heard someone shout.
7 “Are you mad at me?” asked the elder sister.
8 The cheerleaders shouted, “Hurray! Fight them! Show them all your might!”
9 “Keep the change” the rich man said to the vvaitress.
10 I said to myself “I will deíĩnitely beat him in the next event”.
E xercise 50 Put the follow ing into indirect speech.
Use suitable introductory verbs (Đổi các câu sau đây sang lời nói gián tiếp Sử dụng động từ tường thuật thích hợp)
1 “Don’t leave your bag out here, Tommy” Karen said.
2 “Stand at attention!” the captain commanded his men.
3 “Don’t touch it! Leave it alone!” I said.
4 “Please take me to the park, Father” the little boy said.
5 “Please tell me exactly what happened” she said.
6 “Speak up I can’t hear you” he said to the new boy.
7 “Don’t shake the table while I am writing!” Peter told his brother.
8 “Please bring your own plates and spoons” she told us.
9 “Return to the ship immediately!” the oííĩcer ordered his men.
10 “Go to th a t drawer and bring me the scissors” David told his brother.
E xercise 51 Put the follow in g into in d irect sp eech
Pay close atten tion to the ten ses (Đổi các câu sau sang lời nói gián tiếp Chú ý thì động từ)
1 He said “I will meet you outside the post offi.ce at three tomorrovv aíternoon.
2 The teacher told us “The freezing point of w ater is 0°C”.
3 “When I dropped the jug, it smashed to pieces” my little brother says.
4 The man said “I have seen you somewhere before”.
5 The mechanic said “Your car was ready last night, but you did not come to get it”.
6 Helen says “When my examination is over, I will visit you”.
7 He said “I shall retum your magazines tomorrow”.
8 “My car broke down, and I had to walk two kilom eters to get to a phone-booth” the man said.
9 “An English play is being held in the school hall now” she told us.
10 “The building burnt down many years before we moved here” my father told me.
Exercise 52 Complete the sentences (Hoàn thành các câu sau đây)
Example: Peter to Nick: Would you like to stay for lunch?
Peter invited Nick to stay for lunch.
1 Tim to Martin: You ought to see a doctor.
2 Louise: I’m sorry I caused so much trouble.
3 Andy: Why don’t we go out for the day?
4 Tracy: ril do the washing-up.
5 Pat to Jane: You’re going to post the letter, don’t forget.
6 Travel agent: Yes, we made a mistake.
The travel agent ad m itted
7 Steve to Mike: Don’t touch the electric wires.
8 Sharon: Yes, all right I won’t tell anyone.
E xercise 53 Put in: here, that day, the day before, the next day, the w eek before (Điền các từ: here, that day, the day before, the next day, the week before)
1 Angela (a week ago): Terry and I are going to a concert tomorrow.
You (today): Angela said she and Terry were going to a concert
2 Jan (two days ago): I’ve only been in England since yesterday.
You (today): Jan said he had only been in England s in c e
3 Neil (a week ago): T m meeting my íriend at the airport later today”.
You (today): Neil said he was m eeting his friend at the airport l a t e r
4 Max (in the Street): r il see ỵou at the coffee bar
You (at the coíĩee bar): Max said he would see m e
5 Paul (a month ago): The íestival was last week.
You (today): Paul told me the ĩestival had b e e n
E xercỉse 54 R eply to th e se sta tem en ts The sp eak ers are all sa y in g som eth in g d ifferen t to w h a t th ey told you before (Đáp lại các câu trần thuật Ai đó đã nói những điều khác hẳn với những gi họ nói với bạn trước đó)
Example: “I’m going out with Ingrid”.
But you said you weren’t going out with her.
2 “I’m better at tennis than golf’.
5 'Tm applying for the job”.
6 “I like Indian food more than Chinese”.
7 “I prefer pop music to classical music”.
E xercise 55 Rewrite the follow ing statem ents in the Reported Speech (Viết lại các câu sau đây ở lời nói gián tiếp)
Example: T m am hungry” said Raymond.
Raymond said that he was hungry.
2 “You are a good girl” Lennon told Mary.
3 “Can you lend me some money?” Alvin asked Mat.
4 “Do you know the answer?” John asked Sonny.
5 “Can you make a cake?” Susan asked Peggy.
6 “I have never seen a tiger” said Mark.
7 “I can do the work” said Rooney.
8 “I am not hungry” said Robert.
9 “Why have you come so late?” Rosita asked Sweetie.
10 “I cannot believe you” Peter told Roman.
E xercise 56 Change the follow ing sentences to indirect speech (Thay đổi các câu sau đây sang lời nói gián tiếp)
1 “I’m going away tomorrow” he said.
2 She said “It’s going to rain in a few minutes”.
3 Darren said “1 will play íootball next week”.
4 The manager says “You have done a good job”.
5 The Science teacher explained “W ater freezes at 32° c
6 “Last night I came back late” Tracy said.
7 Faisal remarked “You are riding my bicycle”.
8 Dolly declared “These are my dolls”.
9 Aileen said “I can buy my books here”.
10 “When I went to her house, she was having her lunch”
Exercise 57 Change the follow ing sen ten ces to indirect speech (Đổi các câu sau đây sang lời nói trực tiếp)
1 Our teacher said “Time is precious, so spend your free time in the best possible way”.
2 “Ugh! This toilet is so smelly” Ribery said.
3 Cesc said “Please buy me a bar of chocolate”.
4 ‘Tolish your boots” the army oEEĩcer said to his men.
5 “Get me a glass of w ater” he said to her.
6 “W hat a beautiful car!” he remarked.
7 “Please spare me some money” the beggar said.
8 “You must listen to me!” his mother cried.
9 “Pass me th a t salt, please” the m an said to her.
10 “Get out or ril call the police!” the lady said to him.
Exercise 58 Change the follow ing sen ten ces to indirect speech (Đôi các câu sau đây sang lời nói trực tiếp)1 “Where are the classrooms?” F rank asked.
2 Zaira asked her íriend “How did you do it?”
3 “Have you been to the funfair?”, Rio asked.
4 Linda asked “What is on CNN tonight”.
5 “Do you know where Central Market is?”
6 “Does your brother go to the library often?”, he asked.
7 “Who is that old lady?” Roth asked.
8 The little girl asked her mother “What is in the jar?”
9 “Have you been to Tioman Island?”
10 I asked “How old are you?”
E xercise 59 Change the follow ing sentences into reported speech (Chuyền các câu sau sang lời nói gián tiếp)
“I would like to sign up for the campaign” said Aida
Aida said she would like to sign up for the campaign.
1 “Flash íloods often cause massive traíĩìc jams here” said Stephen.
2 “Some babies are qui te fussy with their food” said Mrs Ooi.
3 “The response to the farewell dinner is good” sald Jimmy.
4 “The transport System in this town is atrocious” rem arked Eddy.
5 “Where has the receptionist gone?” asked the visitor.
6 “What do you want to know?” enquired the clerk.
7 “Is it right for someone to attend the party unin- vited?” asked Moody.
8 “Did you sleep well last night, Andy?” asked Debbie.
9 “We must always be ready to help one another” said Mrs Ooi.
10 “How can we claim for a refund?”, enquired M rs Lai.
E xereise 60, C hange the fo llo w in g se n te n c e s in to rep orted sp eech (Chuyển các câu sau sang lời nói gián tiếp)
“Where has Robert gone?” asked the manager.
The m anager asked where Robert had gone.
1 “Willy, why do you make so much noise?” asked Emily.
2 “When will you fix back the ampliíìer, Michael?” asked Adeline.
3 “Is Stephen still playing snooker with you all?” asked John.
4 “Don’t throw rubbish here!” said the guard to the boy.
5 “How are you going to help the needy?” asked Owen.
6 “Why does Rita complain so much?” asked Bob.
7 “Will all of you take p art in the cleanliness cam- paign?”, Mr Ali asked.
8 “Have you ever scaled the hill in your district?” asked Darren.
9 (‘Don’t you know th a t Maria has been robbed?” asked Inspector Cole.
10 “I was attacked by a gang of hooligans while walking back home” said Yani.
E xercise 61 Rewrite the follow ing sentences as in- direct sp eech (Viết Lại các câu sau đây ở dạng lời nói gián tiếp)
1 Lilian told Mike “I am going to the library now”.
2 “Class, keep quiet please” the monitor said.
3 “The badminton team from China arrived in Singapore yesterday” Teddy told his sister.
4 “The elephant has a very good memory” said the teacher.
5 Tim said “I have decided to join the basketball team”.
6 “Let’s go dancing tonight” Polly suggested.
7 “Irene, could you please carry the books to the teach- er’s room, please?” the teacher asked.
8 Allan asked her íather “When will the doctor be here?”
9 The contractor said “The weather is good I can ha ve the renovations completed by tomorrow.
10 Galvin said “I was watching the television when Rafe came”.
E xercise 62 Rewrite the follow ing sentences as indirect speech (Viết lại các câu sau đây ở dạng lời nói gián tiếp)
1 My mother told us “Your grandmother will be arriving in Singapore tomorrow”.
2 “Don’t meddle with the things in the house!” mother told Susie.
3 “Dawn hurt herself during PE lesson this morning”
4 “There are usually more girls than boys taking piano lessons” said the receptionist.
5 “Please clear the tables after you have íinished the food” m other told the girls.
6 I would have accompanied you to the show if only you had asked, Henry” said Harry.
7 Bobby asked “Can I have some pieces of papers, please?”
8 Lin En, stop playing the fool now!” the class m onitor ordered.
9 “I saw Terri playing alone yesterday” Pauline said.
10 “When are you leaving for China again?”
Mrs Tan asked her husband.
E xercise 63 R ew rite the fo llo w in g se n te n c e s as in d irect sp eech (Viết lại các câu sau đây ở dạng lời nói gián tiếp)
1 “I am happy to meet your family” he said.
2 “Are you free to help me w ith my homework?” H arry asked Sally.
3 “I have won the íĩrst prize in the lucky draw!” exclaimed an excited Mr Lim.
4 “There are nine planets in our System” the Science teacher told his class.
5 “Leave me alone” said Andy stubbornly.
6 “Come along with us It won’t be fun without you”
7 “Linda, you left your book a t my desk yesterday”
8 “Let’s buy mother a surprise present for her birthday” my sister suggested.
9 “Come to my house tonight to meet my pen-pal Steve”
10 “The Sports Day will be held at the end of the month” the Principal said.
E xercise 64 Rewrite the following sentences as ind irect speech (Viết lại các câu sau đây ở dạng lời nói gián tiếp)
1 “I have told the landlord that he must repair the kitchen sink” he says.
2 Mrs Lim said “I think you should throw away the Soup which is inedible”.
3 “I know a lot of customers who would not be too dis- appointed with this Soup” the cook claimed.
4 “This fish is burnt” he complained “I demand to see the manager”.
5 “So sorry” says the manager “I am not having a com- plaints book”.
6 “I sneakeđ in late this afternoon when you were on duty” he said to the prefe.
7 “I told him I had found Ben stealing his wallet from his bag” she said slyly.
8 “The students were about to rebel when I stepped in” the student very proudly claimed.
9 “I did not expect you to invite me to dinner” she told him.
10 “Are you sure th at you have not seen my íínished project?” she asks in desperation.
E xercise 65 Choose the b est answer (Chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất)
1 Susan said “I met your sister last week”.
A Susan said that I met your sister last week.
B Susan said that I had met your sister last week. c Susan said th at he had met my sister th a t week.
D Susan said th a t he had met my sister the week before.
2 Ivon said “You are not listening to me”.
A Ivon said th a t you are not listening to her.
B Ivon said th a t you were not listening to her c Ivon said th a t I was not listening to her.
D Ivon said I had not been listening to her.
3 Bee Lee said “I am very happy today because my fa- th er has given me a car” (A month later, you report his statement)
A Bee Lee said th a t he was very happy th a t day because his father has given him a car.
B Bee Lee said th a t he was very happy th a t day because his father had given him a car. c Bee Lee said th a t he is very happy today becaưse his father has given him a car.
D Bee Lee said th at he was very happy today because his father has given him a car.
4 The headm istress says “The young people of today are tomorrow’s leaders” (An hour later, you report h e r statem ent)
A The headm istress says th a t the young people of today are tomorrow’s leaders.
B The headm istress says th a t the young people of th at day are the next day’s leaders. c The headm istress said th at the young people of th at day are the next day’s leaders.
D The headm istress said th at the young people of yesterday are today’s leaders.
5 The children said “We will build a sand-castle our- selves.
A The children said that they would build a sand- castle themselves.
B The children said that they will build a sand-castle ourselves. c The children said th at we would build a sand-castle ourselves.
D The children said that we will build a sand-castle themselves.
6 He said “ĩ am looking at the diagram”.
A He said that I am looking at the diagram.
B He said that I was looking at the diagram. c He says that he was looking at the diagram.
D He said that he was looking at the diagram.
7 Steven said “I don’t have any money to pay for this ticket”.
A Steven said that he don’t have any money to pay for this ticket.
B Steven said that he doesn’t have any money to pay for th at ticket. c Steven said that he didn’t have any money to pay for that ticket.
D Steven said that he hadn’t had any money to pay for th at ticket.
8 Jill said “Jack must give his answer to me”.
A Jill said that Jack must give her answer to him.
B Jill said that Jack had to gi ve his answer to her. c Jill said that Jack had to give his answer to me.
D Jill said that Jack must gi ve his answer to me.
9 She said “I have been sewing from morning until now”
(The next day, you report her statement.)
A She said th at she had been sewing from morning until then.
B She said th at she has been sewing from m orning until then. c She said th at she had been sewing from m orning until now.
D She said th at she has been dewing from m orning until now.
10 Carl said “You may meet them next m onth”.
A Carl said th a t you may meet them next month.
B Carl said th a t I may m eet them next month. c Carl said that I might meet them the following month
D Carl said th at I may meet them the following month.
E xercise 66 C hoose the b est answ er (Chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất)
1 The scientist explained “W hat goes up, must come down”.
A The seientist explained th a t what went up m ust come down.
B The scientist explains th at what goes up must come down. c The scientist explained th a t what goes up m ust come down.
D The scientist explains th at what went up m ust come down.
2 “Who is th a t girl?” he asked.
A He asked me who th a t girl was.
B He asked me who th a t girl is. c He asked me who is that girl.
D He asks me who that girl was.
3 Ramlah asked him “How did you solve the problem?”
A Ramlah asked him how he has solved the problem.
B Ramlah asks him how he has solved the problem c Ramlah asked him how he had solved the problem
D Ramlah aske dhim how did you solve the problem.
4 “Get me a pencil, please” she said.
A She asked me to get her a pencil.
B She asks me to get her a pencil c I asked her to get me a pencil.
D She commanded me to get her a pencil.
5 “Don’t play in this area!” the guard said.
A The guard warned us not to play in this area.
B The guard warned us not to play in that area c The guard warns us not to play in that area.
D The guard warned us not to be playing in this area.
6 “Oh my God! What have you done to yourselí?” Aishah exclaimed.
A Aishah exclaimed with surprise and asked me what I have done to myself.
B Aishah exclaimed with surprise and asked me what I had done to myself. c Aishah exclaims with surprise and asked me what I had done to myself.
D Aishah exclaims with surprise and asks me what I have done to myself.
7 “It is excellent!” Nordin said.
A Nordin said th a t it is excellent.
B Nordin says th at it is excellent. c Nordin says th at it was excellent D Nordin said th at it was excellent.
8 The shopkeeper said “This is the latest model”.
A The shopkeeper said th at th a t is the latest model.
B The shopkeeper said th a t th a t was the latest model. c Shopkeeper says th at that was the latest model.
D The shopkeeper says th a t th is was the latest model.
9 Leng An asked “Can we buy the books here?”
A Leng An wants to know if they could buy the books there.
B Leng An wanted to know if they can buy the books there. c Leng An wanted to know if they could buy the books there.
D Leng An vvanted to know if they could buy the books here.
10 The teacher explained “The sun rises in the E ast and sets in the West”.
A The teacher explained th a t the sun rises in the East and sets in the West.
B The teacher explains th a t the sun rose in the E ast and set in the West. c The teacher explained th a t the sun rose in the E ast and set in the west.
D The teacher explains th a t the sun rises in the east and sets in the West.
E x ercise 67 C hoose th e b e st answ er (Chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất)
1 “We will be going camping the day aíter tomorrow” the troop leader said.
A The troop leader says that they would be going camping in two days’ time.
B The troop leader said that they would be going camping the day after tomorrow. c The troop leader said that we are going camping in two day’s time.
D The troop leader said that they would be going camping in two day’s time.
2 “Is she going to Singapore” Najib asked. Â Lena asked whether she is going to Singapore.
B Lena asks whether she was going to Singapore, c Lena asked whether she was going to Singapore.
D Lena asks whether she is going to Singapore.
A The manager orders me to leave this room.
B The manager ordered me to leave this room c The manager orders me to leave that room.
D The manager ordered me to leave that room.
4 “Does she like the present?” I asked him.
A I asked.him if she liked the present.
B I ask him if she liked the present c I asked him if she likes the present.
D I ask him if she likes the present.
5 I said to my nephew, “There are 24 hours in one day”.
A I said to my nephew th a t there are twenty-four hours in one day.
B I say to my nephew th a t there were twenty-four hours in one day. c My nephew said to me th a t there are twenty-four hours in one day.
D I said to my nephew th a t there were twenty-four hours in one day.
E xercise 68 R ew rite th e se n te n c e s in d irect sp ee ch
(Viết lại các câu sau đầy ở dạng lời nói trực tiểp)
Example: She said Liz didn’t speak Greek.
1 He adm itted th a t he had never m et us.
2 They told us they would sta rt the following day.
3 We called them that we were walking in the park.
4 She said she worked for Ford.
5 I replied th at I had been trying to mend it since the moming.
6 He said th a t at One o’elock he had been doing nothing.
7 They explained that they had closed down the previous year.
8 Neil said he wished he could be independent.
9 She told us we had better accept it.
10 He claimed that while he was sleeping someone screamed in the garden.
11 Moira admitted that she would rather stay.
E xercise 69 Rewrite the reported commands and questions in the direct speech (Viết lại các câu đề nghị và câu hỏi ở lời nói gián tiếp sau đây sang lời nói trực tiếp)
Example: He asked me to stand up
He asked me if I was sleepy.
1 He asked me what I wanted from him.
2 Sam wondered if they had arrived on time.
3 I advised them not to go out at night.
4 He wanted to know why I was crying.
5 He asked me whether I would marry him the following year.
6 He asked me not to interrupt him.
7 He wanted to know if he should lock the door.
8 She wondered whether she might use my laptop.
9 Nicol asked me to join her.
10 Lily told me not to eat so much.
11 He wondered if I had received his message.
12 Ezra asked us what we had been doing so long.
E xercỉse 70 R ew rite th e rep o rted sp e e c h in th e d irect sp eech (Viết lại các câu ờ lời nói gián tiếp sau đây sang lời nói trực tiếp)
1 She said th at she didn’t want to come w ith me.
2 He said th a t he was writing a letter.
3 She said th a t she had íìnished the work.
4 He said th at he wanted some razors.
5 John said th at he had been living in th a t city for ten years.
6 He said th a t he had been w aiting th ere for several hours.
7 He said th at burglars had broken into his house the previous night.
8 She told me th at she had been waiting for her sister.
9 She said th a t she had never m et such people beíbre.
10 John said th a t he had been gardening for two hours.
11 He said th a t he lived many years in the u s / He said th a t he had lived many years in the ư s
12 She said th a t she would work hard.
13 He said th a t they would be arriving there by the next train.
14 Alice said that she would have íìnished the work by then.
E xercise 71 Rewrite these sentences in Direct sp eech (Viết lại các câu sau đây sang lời nói trực tiếp) 1 My mother asked me to buy a dozen eggs from the shơp.
2 I told m yself that I would íĩnish painting the gate by that aíternoon
3 The judge asked the deíendant to speak louder.
4 The engineer wanted the vvorkers to complete the project by the following day.
5 Asni reported to the police about her purse being snatched.
6 The gardener prevented the young girl from plucking the roses.
7 The Principal told the teachers and students to grow more plants around their school to beautiíy it
8 Father asked me not to open the box while he was away.
9 The doctor told the patient to read the instructions careíully before taking the medicine.
10 The mother warned the boy not to swim in the old mining pool.
E xercise 72, Convert the follow ing from Indirect to direct (Chuyển các câu sau từ lời nói gián tiếp sang trực tiếp)
1 He assured them that he woulđ soon return.
2 He told me that I might leave that place as soon as I could.
3 I admitted that I had acted íbolishly in what I said
4 He told them th at he had been robbed of the book which he had bought.
5 He said he was very sorry for the fault he had com- mitted.
6 They aíĩlrmed th at he was the best worker they had seen.
7 He admitted th a t he had not worked as hard as John had done.
8 He heard them say th a t he did not deserve the prize.
9 He made a promise th a t he would do it as soon as he could.
10 They said th at he had deserved th eir th an k s for all he had done.
E xercise 73 Change th e follow in g se n te n c es from reported sp eech to d irect sp eech (Đổi các câu sau đây từ lời nói gián tiếp sang lời nói trực tiếp)
1 Jane said she play ed tennis every Saturday.
2 David said there was an excellent bank playing later on.
3 Christine said she had seen Amy at the bank on Monday.
4 The driver said he was going to turn right at the traíĩìc lights.
5 donathan said he had returned the dictionary to the library.
6 The doctor said he would send me/us the results as soon as they arrived.
7 Caroline asked (me) if I would come to her party on Saturday.
8 The shop assistant asked if I was looking for something special.
9 Jack said he would lend me his grammar book if I thought it would help.
E xereise 74 Turn into direct speech (Chuyển sang câu trực tiếp)
1 He said that he was going to town with his sister.
2 He told her that she had bought herselí a new hat.
3 They said th at they were very late.
4 She told me that she wanted to speak to me.
5 She said th a t they had íìnished their work.
6 She said th at he was ready to come with them.
7 She told me that they did not know me.
8 He said that he would answer the phone.
9 She told them that they could do it if they tried.
10 She said th a t he had done his homework well.
11 They said that they were living in the house then.
12 She said th a t she had been shopping all the morning.
13 He told h er th a t he had not told her anything yet.
14 He told me th a t I might see the photo if I liked.
15 He said th at she had vvritten him a long letter.
16 She said th a t she was giving a party th a t week to all her ữiends.
17 She told her íriend th at the latter had an excellent cook.
18 They said th at they had not heard the news.
19 She said th a t she liked oranges better th an bananas.
20 She said th at they were learning higher m athem atics.
21 She said she was ílying to Paris the next day.
22 He asked me if I had gone to the stadium to watch the game the day before.
23 She asked me to excuse her keeping my book so long.
24 She told him not to let the íailure of the experim ent upset him too much.
25 She asked me if she might offer me a cup of tea.
E xercise 75 Turn in to d irect sp eech (Chuyển sang câu trực tiếp)
1 The teacher ordered Richard to go away.
2 Mr Brown asked his visitor to come in.
3 His mother told Richard not to eat all the cake.
4 The officer commanded the soldier to fire.
5 The sergeant told the sentry to stay at his post until he was relieved.
6 The teacher told Timothy to do the exercise correctly or he would have to stay in.
7 The farmer asked the visitors not to leave the gate open.
8 RicharcTs father told him not to climb that tree in his new trousers.
9 The teacher told Henry to get his work done properly or he would punish him.
10 She told him to do some exercise every day if he wanted to pass his examination.
E xercise 76 Turn into direct speech (Chuyển sang câu trực tiếp)
1 He said th at he was íeeling tired.
2 She said th at she couldn’t go out after 8 pm.
3 He told his sister th at he intended to run away from home.
4 They said th a t they would wait for a later train.
5 She said th at she was going to have a baby.
6 He said that he had never been so insulted in all his life.
7 A member of the audience said he couldn’t hear what the lecturer was saying.
8 She told her mother that she had to go out and would not be back until late.
9 He said th at he wouldn’t have believed it even if it had been true.
10 They said th at they had too much work to do and were going on strike.
11 The Prime Minister declared that the country had never been more prosperous.
12 She exclaimed that there was a mouse in the room.
13 They complained that they were so exhausted that they could not walk any íarther.
14 The little boy cried out that his sister was drowning.
1 5 My friend warned me th at it would be too hot to SUĨ 1 - bathe in comíbrt.
16 The children coníessed th a t they had stolen all the apples from the tree.
17 He regretted th at he hadn’t any cigarettes to offer to his guests.
18 She replied th a t she wouldn’t answer such a silly question.
19 The Foreign Secretary stated th at he did not intend to change his country’s policy in the near future.
20 He denied th a t he had wasted his life.
E xercise 77 Choose the correct w ords in th e brackets (Chọn từ đúng trong ngoặc) 1 Jack shouted “Get your backpack and lunch!”.
Jack told his b ro th e r _ (get your, to get your, to get his) backpack and lunch!”.
2 Jack said “Don’t make me late again”.
Jack told his b ro th e r (don’t you make me, not to make me, not to make him) late again”.
3 Jack said to his brother, “Hurry up!”.
Jack told his brother (you hurry up, to hurry up, to hurry him up).
4 His brother said “Leave me alone!”.
His brother told him (to leave me alone, leave him alone, to leave him alone).
5 “OK then”, Jack said, “Walk alone!”.
Jack told his brother (to walk alone, he walk alone, go walk alone).
6 Jack’s mother said “Be kind to your brother”.
Jack’s mother said t h a t _(he should be kind to your brother, he should be kind to his brother, to kind his brother).
7 Jack to his brother “Please be ready on time every morning”.
Jack said th at he (to be ready, should be ready) on time every morning”.
8 Jack’s brother said “Warn me ten minutes beíore you leave”.
His brother to ld (warn him ten minutes beíore you leave, to warn him ten minutes before you leave, him to warn him ten minutes beíbre you leave).
9 Jack said “Set your alarm before you go to bed”.
Jack to ld (him to set your alarm beíbre you go to bed, him to set his alarm before he went to bed, him to set his alarm before he goes to bed).
10 Jack said “Use two clocks if you need to.
Jack said to h im (that he should use two clocks if he needed to, to use two clocks if you need to).
11 Jack’s brother said “Go ahead without me”.
Jack’s brother told h im (to go ahead without me, to go ahead without him).
12 “I will” Jack said, “Don’t forget your head!”
Jack told h i m (don’t forget his head, not to íbrget his head)
E xercise 78 Choose the correct words in the brackets (Chọn từ đúng trong ngoặc)1 Jill said “I love traveling with íriends!”
J ill ex cla im ed (I love traveling w ith íriends, she loves traveling with friends, she loved traveling with friends)
Elena announced (she will ren t a car, she would ren t a car)
Julie d eclared (she is a good navigator, she was a good navigator)
4 Jill said “The next gas station isn’t far from here”.
Jill S tate _ (the next gas station wasn’t far from here, the next gas station wasn’t far from there.
5 Elena said “I think we passed th a t exit”.
Elena com m ented _ (she thinks we passed th a t exit, she thought we passed th a t exit, she thought we had passed th a t exit).
6 Julie said “If we stop soon, we can eat”.
Julie reasoned _ (if we stopped soon, we can eat, if we stopped soon, we could eat, if they stopped soon, they could eat).
7 Elena said “This is the best octopus I’ve ever eaten!”.
Elena blurted o u t (this was the best octopus I’ve ever eaten, th at was the best octopus I had ever eaten, th at was the best octopus she’d ever eaten).
8 Jill said “We need to take another picture”.
Jill a d d e d _ (they needed to take another pic- ture, we needed to take another picture, they need to take another picture).
9 Julie said “This town has a museum”.
Julie pointed out (that town had had a museum, th at town had a museum, this town had a museum).
10 Elena said “I saw an ice cream shop”.
Elena w hispered (she had seen an ice cream shop, she saw an ice cream shop).
11 Julie said “We can’t stay here all day”.
Julie rep lied _ (we couldn’t stay thẹre all day, they couldn’t stay here all day, they coulđn’t stay there all day).
12 Jill reminded them “We still have to get gas”.
Jill reminded th e m (they still had had to get gas, they still had to get gas).
E xercise 79 Choose the correct words in the brackets (Chọn từ đúng trong ngoặc) 1 “What did she say?”.
He asked me _ what did she say, what she said, what she had said, what had she said).
He asked m e (where was I going, where am I going, where I am going, where I was going).
Can you tell m e _ (what time is it?, what time it is).
I’d rather not s a y _ (how old am I, how old I am).
Please let me k now (when you are leaving,when are you leaving).
6 “W hat color are you selecting?”.
Would you tell m e (what color you are selecting?, w hat are you selecting color?, w hat color are you se- lecting?)
7 “How much do you pay for rent?”.
Would you mind telling m e (how much do you pay for rent?, how much you pay for rent?).
8 “How many times have you seen th at movie?”.
He asked m e (how many tim es have I seen, how many times I have seen, how many times I had seen) th a t movie.
9 “Who is coming for dinner?”.
I would like to k n o w _ (who Corning for dinner, who is Corning for dinner, who Corning for dinner is)
10 “Who did they choose to lead th e group?”.
Can you tell m e _ (who did they choose, who they choose) to lead the group.
Do you k n o w (where is he from?, where he ìs from?).
12 “Did he learn English in England?”.
I wonder w h e th e r (did he learn, he learned) English in England.
13 “How long does it take to learn a language?”.
Who k n o w s (how long it takes, how long does it take) to learn a language.
14 “W here did you buy th a t book?”.
I would love to know where _ (he bought, he did buy, he had bought, had he bought) th a t book.
15 “Where did he buy that book?”.
He wouìdn’t tell me where (he bought, he did buy, he had bought, had he bought) that book.
E xercise 80 Choose the correct words in the brackets (Chọn tù đúng trong ngoặc)
1 “Is this the train to San Francisco?”.
He is asking m e (this train to San Francisco? if is this train to San Francisco, if this is the train to San Francisco).
2 “Do we have to buy a ticket beíore boarding?”.
They asked m e (if we buy to a ticket, if do we buy to a ticket, if we had to buy a ticket).
3 “Can you buy a ticket on board?”.
Do you kn o w (whether you could buy a ticket, whether you bought a ticket, whether you can buy a ticket) on board?
4 “Will this train stop in Palo AI to?”.
I’m not su re _ (if this train stops in Palo Alto), if stops this train in Palo Alto, if this train stopped in Palo Alto).
5 “Is this the bullet train?”.
I really don’t know (whether is thiis the bullet train, whether this was the bullet train, whether this is the bullet train).
6 “Does this train arrive in San Francisco at noon?”.
Could you tell m e _(if this train arrives, if this train arrived) in San Francisco at noon?
7 “Am I able to buy a round-trip ticket?”.
Do you know _ (vvhether 1 am able to buy a round- trip ticket?, whether I was able to buy a round-trip ticket?, w hether am I able to buy a round-trip ticket?).
She asked me (if she may sit w íth you, if she might sit with me, if she could sit with me).
9 “Is there a special fare for students?”.
Do you happen to k n o w _ (whether is there a special fare, whether there a special fare is, w hether there is a special fare) for students?
The guy next to me a s k e d (if I was Canadian, If I am Canadian, if I were Canadian.
11 “Do you prefer taking the train?”.
Do you mind telling me _ (whether you preíerred taking the train, w hether you prefer taking the train).
12 “Is there a seat reserved for handicapped people?”.
Can you tell m e _ (whether is there a Seat, w hether there is a Seat) reserved for handicapped people?
13 “Does this train usually run on time?”.
Can you tell m e _ (whether this train does usu- ally run on time? W hether this train usually runs on time?).
May I a s k _ (whether you are a regular commuter?, w hether you a regular commuter?, w hether are you a regular commuter?).
15 “Is this the fmal stop?”.
Can you tell m e (whether is this the final stop,w hether this is the ílnal stop?).
E xercise 81 Choose the best way to complete the sen ten ces below (Chọn cách tốt nhất d ể hoàn thành các câu dưới đây)
1 Please tell me a where is the bus stop b where the bus stop be c where stops the bus d where the bus stop is Clap 2 I told him a what the homework was b what was the homework c what was to be the homework d what is the homework
3 I think a will be the plane on time b the plane will be on time c the plane to be on time d it will be on time the plane 4 I didn’t know a what he mean b what did he mean c what did he meant d what he meant 5 He said a that the vveather colder than usual b the weather be colder than usual c the weather was colder than usual d the weather it is colder than usual
6 I th in k a today it is Wednesday b th a t is today Wednesday c today is Wednesday d today we Wednesday 7 He said a th at yesterday he gone downtown b he goes downtown yesterday c he go downtown yesterday d he went downtown yesterday 8 I believe a him he is right b he is right c he be right d th a t he right 9 She said a th a t she was hungry b she hungry c she be hungry d her was hungry 10 He told us a th at he enjoy the movie b he enjoyed the movie c he be enjoying the movie d th at enjoyed the movie
11 I asked h e r a what is the answer b what the answer c what was the answer d what the answer was 12 Can you tell m e a what th at is b what th at be c what it is that d what is that 13 Do you rem em ber a when is her birthday b when her birthday is c when her birthday d when be her birthday 14 I told th e m a what he me an b not to go there c they not go there d they not to go there 15 He asked m e a what is my name b what was my name c what my name was d what my name be
16 I warned h i m a to be not late b don’t be late c not to be late d he is not late 17 I asked h e r a was she sure b she was sure or not c if she sure d if she was sure 18 He s a id a he will study for the exam b he would study for the exam c he had study for the exam d he study for the exam 19 Joan a s k e d a if there was coíTee b there was coffee c was there coíĩee d where was the coffee 20 Do you k n o w ? a where did he gone b where he went c where he gone d where did he go
E xercise 82 Choose the correct option A, B or c
(Chọn đáp án đúng trong số A, B hoặc C)
1 Mary: “I will go downtown tomorrow”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she would go downtown
B tomorrow c the following/next day 2 Mary: “I am going to play tennis today”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she was going to play tennis n
Jill: “Mary said (that) she had gone shopping
B the day before c on Saturday 4 Mary: “I am enjoying life now”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she was enjoying life
A now B at that time c today
5 Mary: “I will cook dinner later this evening”.
Jili: “Mary said (that) she would cook dinner laterA that evening
B in the evening c this evening Mary: ‘Tm going to class in three hours”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she was going to class
B three hours later c, in three hours Mary: “I went to bed early last night”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she had gone to bed early
B last night c the night prior 8 Mary: “I am going to go to London in 10 days”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she was going to go to London r>
9, Mary: “I had lunch at noon”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she had had lunch A at 12 o’clock
B at noon c th at noon 10 Mary: “I will play cards the day after tomorrow”
Jill: Mary said (that) she would play cards
B on Thursday c two days later 11 Mary: “I bought it three years ago”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she had bought it A in three years
B three years ago c three years before.
E xercise 83 Read the interview , then complete the summary (Đọc đoạn phỏng vấn sau đó hoàn thành đoạn tóm tắt)
I hear you have a very unusual job.
So what do you do?
Well, I’m investigating the Loch Ness mon- ster Every day I go to Loch Ness and wait for the monster to appear.
And have you ever seen the monster?
Yes, I have It was very foggy and I tried to take a photograph, but uníbrtunately my camera didn’t work.
Do you think you’11 see it again?
I might see it again if I’m lucky.
And what do people think about your job?
Many people think it’s a strange job to have
They don’t believe in the Loch Ness mon- ster, but I know it’s out there somewhere.
The interviewer asked Mr Fogarty w hat he did He ex- plained th at he was investigating the Loch Ness Monster.
1 He said he went to the market.
2 She said she would have a picnic.
3 She said she had seen th is íllm many times.
4 The man said he had bought th a t book in Japan.
5 He said he had been a solider before 1975.
6 She said she would to have a party.
7 The boy said he didn’t like bananas.
8 She said she hadn’t seen th a t film.
9 He said he hadn’t been interested in playing football.
10 She said her mother would go to m arket.
11 He said his father was a driver.
12 She said her uncle had been a solider when he worked in New York.
13 She told me she didn’t see my m other 14 He told me he hadn’t seen my mom.
15 She told me her mother hadn’t phoned my father.
16 She told me my father hadtold h er not to see me.
17 He told her his father hadtold her not to see him.
18 He told her her father had told him not to see her.
19 He told his mother he would come back to see her soon.
20 She saíd her aunt had met a ghost the day before.
1 He said his father hadn’t worked the week beíore.
2 She said she would go to have a party the week after.
3 They said they had beebsitting in a cafe at 6 o’clock the morning beĩore.
4 They said they were singing an E song then.
5 She said she would go on holiday in Dalat the year aíter.
6 He said they didn’t like that kind of weather.
7 The mother said she was very busy at the moment.
8 She said she had met that man 2 weeks beíore.
9 He said he hadn’t studied in that center the year be- fore.
10 She asked me if I loved her.
11 She asked me if I had come there the day beíore.
12 She asked me if I had seen that man beíore.
13 She asked me if I vvould come back the day after.
14 She asked me if I felt comfortable when I worked there.
15 He asked him if he had come there the day beíore.
16 She asked her father to go on a trip to Dalat next year.
17 He asked his mother if she had seen his key any where.
18 She asked her father if he would buy her a bicycle when he passed the exam.
19 She asked me if I was a student.
20 She asked me what I had done the day before.
1 She asked me what I was doing at the moment.
2 The boss asked her why she came late.
3 The police asked her who she had phoned.
4 The mother asked h er son which one he did prefer.
5 The teacher asked the student how he w ent to school every day.
6 Nam asked Lan how many people her family was in.
7 The customer asked the shop-keeper how much cost th at book.
8 The man asked the boy how far from the re to his school was.
9 She asked me who my teacher was.
10 She asked me not to go out.
11 She asked me to shut the door.
12 She asked me not to go out in the Street a t night.
13 The mother asked her son not to throw his clothes on the íloor.
14 She asked me to take th a t book for her.
15 She asked me not to put my books on th a t self.
16 She asked him to study hard or he would fail the exam.
17 He asked his students to hand him /their papers then.
18 She asked me to w ater those flowers every day or they would die.
19 The police asked him not to park his car there.
20 She said to me if she were me, she wouldn’t stop taking tranquilizers.
21 He asked me why I didn’t take of my coat/ he suggested taking off my coat.
22 He asked me to show him my passport.
23 The man advised me to a cup of tea.
24 I asked my hostess to do sit down.
25 His wife said not to take any risks.
26 She reminded to turn ofĩ the lights.
27 Ann’s mother encouragingly asked Ann to try again.
28 She invited me to go to the cineme thatnight.
29 He said her to go on and to apply for the job.
sp eech (Sửa những lỗi sai trong các câu gián tiếp sau) 1 “I am not going to tolerate this any more” said Sarah.
Sarah said she was not going to tolerate this any more
2 “You have always been my íriend” said Joe.
Joe said I was always his íriend.
3 “We never eat m eat” claimed Bill.
Bill claimed th a t they had never eaten meat.
4 “I will talk to Sam soon” she told me on Sunday.
She told me on Sunday she wìll talk to Sam soon.
5 “Mary used to exercise every day” he said.
He said Mary had used to exercise every day.
6 “I wish I was twenty years younger” said Linda.
Linda said she wished she had been twenty years younger.
7 “Answer the phone!” he told me.
He told me I answered the phone.
8 “Where is Alex?” she asked me.
She asked me where was Alex.
indirect form (Hoàn thành các câu sau đây ở dạng lời nói gián tiếp)
1 “I got the message while I was waiting at the bus stop”.
2 “We will set off tomorrow”.
They said 3 “Get out of my way!”.
She told me this week t h a t
This moming he announced that h e
6 “She’d better reíuse this job”.
7 “We used to take the same medicine”.
8 “I entered the university a year ago”.
9 “It is time we had an agreement”.
10 “We must go skiing in winter”.
speech (Viết lại các câu sau đây sang lời nói gián tiếp) 1 Elizabeth says “I like eating ice cream”.
2 I shall tell her “You are really pretty”.
3 Rally said “The sun rises in the east and sets in the west”.
4 The teacher told the class, “W ater boils a t 100 degrees Celsius.
5 Yin Ying said “My brother is playing in his room”.
6 “Which is your house?” he asked.
7 “I am in the middle of a meeting” said the chairperson.
8 M argaret said “I have íĩnished my work”.
9 Sheila “I was here the whole tim e” said Sheila.
10 ‘T11 come over tomorrow” said Mike.
11 “Keep quiet!” said the teacher.
12 “Don’t touch the glass” she said.
Indirect (Chuyển từ lời nói trực tiếp sang gián tiếp) 1 She said “The man will be here soon”.
2 The judge will say to you “You are innocent”.
3 He said “Abundant rain fell yesterday, and is falling still”.
4 All men declare “He has never been deíeated”.
5 He has told them “I did not commit this fault”.
6 I shalỉ tell him plainly “You cannot come here again”.
7 He told them at once “The train is gone; you are too late”.
8 The news was announced “The conquering hero is
9 I told him plainly “You can go tomorrow”.
10 The man has coníessed “I am the guilty man, and de- serve the punìshm ent”.
Use suitable introductory verbs (Đổi các câu sau dây sang lời nói gián tiếp, Sử dụng động từ tường thuật thích hợp)
1 “The Prince and Princess lived happily ever after” the storyteller told the children.
2 “Don’t push!” the conductor said to the passengers who were boarding the bus.
3 ‘Tm sorry but I can’t join you for lunch” he told his ữiend.
4 “Do the exercises from pages sixty to sixty-two” Miss Lam told the pupils.
5 “Do you know how to operate a Computer?” asked the personnel oíĩĩcer
6 “Help!” “Help! Help! Help!” I heard someone shout.
7 “Are you mad at me?” asked the elder sister.
8 The cheerleaders shouted, “Hurray! Fight them! Show them all your might!”
9 “Keep the change” the rich man said to the vvaitress.
10 I said to myself “I will deíĩnitely beat him in the next event”.
Use suitable introductory verbs (Đổi các câu sau đây sang lời nói gián tiếp Sử dụng động từ tường thuật thích hợp)
1 “Don’t leave your bag out here, Tommy” Karen said.
2 “Stand at attention!” the captain commanded his men.
3 “Don’t touch it! Leave it alone!” I said.
4 “Please take me to the park, Father” the little boy said.
5 “Please tell me exactly what happened” she said.
6 “Speak up I can’t hear you” he said to the new boy.
7 “Don’t shake the table while I am writing!” Peter told his brother.
8 “Please bring your own plates and spoons” she told us.
9 “Return to the ship immediately!” the oííĩcer ordered his men.
10 “Go to th a t drawer and bring me the scissors” David told his brother.
Pay close atten tion to the ten ses (Đổi các câu sau sang lời nói gián tiếp Chú ý thì động từ)
1 He said “I will meet you outside the post offi.ce at three tomorrovv aíternoon.
2 The teacher told us “The freezing point of w ater is 0°C”.
3 “When I dropped the jug, it smashed to pieces” my little brother says.
4 The man said “I have seen you somewhere before”.
5 The mechanic said “Your car was ready last night, but you did not come to get it”.
6 Helen says “When my examination is over, I will visit you”.
7 He said “I shall retum your magazines tomorrow”.
8 “My car broke down, and I had to walk two kilom eters to get to a phone-booth” the man said.
9 “An English play is being held in the school hall now” she told us.
10 “The building burnt down many years before we moved here” my father told me.
Exercise 52 Complete the sentences (Hoàn thành các câu sau đây)
Example: Peter to Nick: Would you like to stay for lunch?
Peter invited Nick to stay for lunch.
1 Tim to Martin: You ought to see a doctor.
2 Louise: I’m sorry I caused so much trouble.
3 Andy: Why don’t we go out for the day?
4 Tracy: ril do the washing-up.
5 Pat to Jane: You’re going to post the letter, don’t forget.
6 Travel agent: Yes, we made a mistake.
The travel agent ad m itted
7 Steve to Mike: Don’t touch the electric wires.
8 Sharon: Yes, all right I won’t tell anyone.
E xercise 53 Put in: here, that day, the day before, the next day, the w eek before (Điền các từ: here, that day, the day before, the next day, the week before)
1 Angela (a week ago): Terry and I are going to a concert tomorrow.
You (today): Angela said she and Terry were going to a concert
2 Jan (two days ago): I’ve only been in England since yesterday.
You (today): Jan said he had only been in England s in c e
3 Neil (a week ago): T m meeting my íriend at the airport later today”.
You (today): Neil said he was m eeting his friend at the airport l a t e r
4 Max (in the Street): r il see ỵou at the coffee bar
You (at the coíĩee bar): Max said he would see m e
5 Paul (a month ago): The íestival was last week.
You (today): Paul told me the ĩestival had b e e n
E xercỉse 54 R eply to th e se sta tem en ts The sp eak ers are all sa y in g som eth in g d ifferen t to w h a t th ey told you before (Đáp lại các câu trần thuật Ai đó đã nói những điều khác hẳn với những gi họ nói với bạn trước đó)
Example: “I’m going out with Ingrid”.
But you said you weren’t going out with her.
2 “I’m better at tennis than golf’.
5 'Tm applying for the job”.
6 “I like Indian food more than Chinese”.
7 “I prefer pop music to classical music”.
E xercise 55 Rewrite the follow ing statem ents in the Reported Speech (Viết lại các câu sau đây ở lời nói gián tiếp)
Example: T m am hungry” said Raymond.
Raymond said that he was hungry.
2 “You are a good girl” Lennon told Mary.
3 “Can you lend me some money?” Alvin asked Mat.
4 “Do you know the answer?” John asked Sonny.
5 “Can you make a cake?” Susan asked Peggy.
6 “I have never seen a tiger” said Mark.
7 “I can do the work” said Rooney.
8 “I am not hungry” said Robert.
9 “Why have you come so late?” Rosita asked Sweetie.
10 “I cannot believe you” Peter told Roman.
E xercise 56 Change the follow ing sentences to indirect speech (Thay đổi các câu sau đây sang lời nói gián tiếp)
1 “I’m going away tomorrow” he said.
2 She said “It’s going to rain in a few minutes”.
3 Darren said “1 will play íootball next week”.
4 The manager says “You have done a good job”.
5 The Science teacher explained “W ater freezes at 32° c
6 “Last night I came back late” Tracy said.
7 Faisal remarked “You are riding my bicycle”.
8 Dolly declared “These are my dolls”.
9 Aileen said “I can buy my books here”.
10 “When I went to her house, she was having her lunch”
Exercise 57 Change the follow ing sen ten ces to indirect speech (Đổi các câu sau đây sang lời nói trực tiếp)
1 Our teacher said “Time is precious, so spend your free time in the best possible way”.
2 “Ugh! This toilet is so smelly” Ribery said.
3 Cesc said “Please buy me a bar of chocolate”.
4 ‘Tolish your boots” the army oEEĩcer said to his men.
5 “Get me a glass of w ater” he said to her.
6 “W hat a beautiful car!” he remarked.
7 “Please spare me some money” the beggar said.
8 “You must listen to me!” his mother cried.
9 “Pass me th a t salt, please” the m an said to her.
10 “Get out or ril call the police!” the lady said to him.
Exercise 58 Change the follow ing sen ten ces to indirect speech (Đôi các câu sau đây sang lời nói trực tiếp)1 “Where are the classrooms?” F rank asked.
2 Zaira asked her íriend “How did you do it?”
3 “Have you been to the funfair?”, Rio asked.
4 Linda asked “What is on CNN tonight”.
5 “Do you know where Central Market is?”
6 “Does your brother go to the library often?”, he asked.
7 “Who is that old lady?” Roth asked.
8 The little girl asked her mother “What is in the jar?”
9 “Have you been to Tioman Island?”
10 I asked “How old are you?”
E xercise 59 Change the follow ing sentences into reported speech (Chuyền các câu sau sang lời nói gián tiếp)
“I would like to sign up for the campaign” said Aida
Aida said she would like to sign up for the campaign.
1 “Flash íloods often cause massive traíĩìc jams here” said Stephen.
2 “Some babies are qui te fussy with their food” said Mrs Ooi.
3 “The response to the farewell dinner is good” sald Jimmy.
4 “The transport System in this town is atrocious” rem arked Eddy.
5 “Where has the receptionist gone?” asked the visitor.
6 “What do you want to know?” enquired the clerk.
7 “Is it right for someone to attend the party unin- vited?” asked Moody.
8 “Did you sleep well last night, Andy?” asked Debbie.
9 “We must always be ready to help one another” said Mrs Ooi.
10 “How can we claim for a refund?”, enquired M rs Lai.
E xereise 60, C hange the fo llo w in g se n te n c e s in to rep orted sp eech (Chuyển các câu sau sang lời nói gián tiếp)
“Where has Robert gone?” asked the manager.
The m anager asked where Robert had gone.
1 “Willy, why do you make so much noise?” asked Emily.
2 “When will you fix back the ampliíìer, Michael?” asked Adeline.
3 “Is Stephen still playing snooker with you all?” asked John.
4 “Don’t throw rubbish here!” said the guard to the boy.
5 “How are you going to help the needy?” asked Owen.
6 “Why does Rita complain so much?” asked Bob.
7 “Will all of you take p art in the cleanliness cam- paign?”, Mr Ali asked.
8 “Have you ever scaled the hill in your district?” asked Darren.
9 (‘Don’t you know th a t Maria has been robbed?” asked Inspector Cole.
10 “I was attacked by a gang of hooligans while walking back home” said Yani.
E xercise 61 Rewrite the follow ing sentences as in- direct sp eech (Viết Lại các câu sau đây ở dạng lời nói gián tiếp)
1 Lilian told Mike “I am going to the library now”.
2 “Class, keep quiet please” the monitor said.
3 “The badminton team from China arrived in Singapore yesterday” Teddy told his sister.
4 “The elephant has a very good memory” said the teacher.
5 Tim said “I have decided to join the basketball team”.
6 “Let’s go dancing tonight” Polly suggested.
7 “Irene, could you please carry the books to the teach- er’s room, please?” the teacher asked.
8 Allan asked her íather “When will the doctor be here?”
9 The contractor said “The weather is good I can ha ve the renovations completed by tomorrow.
10 Galvin said “I was watching the television when Rafe came”.
E xercise 62 Rewrite the follow ing sentences as indirect speech (Viết lại các câu sau đây ở dạng lời nói gián tiếp)
1 My mother told us “Your grandmother will be arriving in Singapore tomorrow”.
2 “Don’t meddle with the things in the house!” mother told Susie.
3 “Dawn hurt herself during PE lesson this morning”
4 “There are usually more girls than boys taking piano lessons” said the receptionist.
5 “Please clear the tables after you have íinished the food” m other told the girls.
6 I would have accompanied you to the show if only you had asked, Henry” said Harry.
7 Bobby asked “Can I have some pieces of papers, please?”
8 Lin En, stop playing the fool now!” the class m onitor ordered.
9 “I saw Terri playing alone yesterday” Pauline said.
10 “When are you leaving for China again?”
Mrs Tan asked her husband.
E xercise 63 R ew rite the fo llo w in g se n te n c e s as in d irect sp eech (Viết lại các câu sau đây ở dạng lời nói gián tiếp)
1 “I am happy to meet your family” he said.
2 “Are you free to help me w ith my homework?” H arry asked Sally.
3 “I have won the íĩrst prize in the lucky draw!” exclaimed an excited Mr Lim.
4 “There are nine planets in our System” the Science teacher told his class.
5 “Leave me alone” said Andy stubbornly.
6 “Come along with us It won’t be fun without you”
7 “Linda, you left your book a t my desk yesterday”
8 “Let’s buy mother a surprise present for her birthday” my sister suggested.
9 “Come to my house tonight to meet my pen-pal Steve”
10 “The Sports Day will be held at the end of the month” the Principal said.
E xercise 64 Rewrite the following sentences as ind irect speech (Viết lại các câu sau đây ở dạng lời nói gián tiếp)
1 “I have told the landlord that he must repair the kitchen sink” he says.
2 Mrs Lim said “I think you should throw away the Soup which is inedible”.
3 “I know a lot of customers who would not be too dis- appointed with this Soup” the cook claimed.
4 “This fish is burnt” he complained “I demand to see the manager”.
5 “So sorry” says the manager “I am not having a com- plaints book”.
6 “I sneakeđ in late this afternoon when you were on duty” he said to the prefe.
7 “I told him I had found Ben stealing his wallet from his bag” she said slyly.
8 “The students were about to rebel when I stepped in” the student very proudly claimed.
9 “I did not expect you to invite me to dinner” she told him.
10 “Are you sure th at you have not seen my íínished project?” she asks in desperation.
E xercise 65 Choose the b est answer (Chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất)
1 Susan said “I met your sister last week”.
A Susan said that I met your sister last week.
B Susan said that I had met your sister last week. c Susan said th at he had met my sister th a t week.
D Susan said th a t he had met my sister the week before.
2 Ivon said “You are not listening to me”.
A Ivon said th a t you are not listening to her.
B Ivon said th a t you were not listening to her c Ivon said th a t I was not listening to her.
D Ivon said I had not been listening to her.
3 Bee Lee said “I am very happy today because my fa- th er has given me a car” (A month later, you report his statement)
A Bee Lee said th a t he was very happy th a t day because his father has given him a car.
B Bee Lee said th a t he was very happy th a t day because his father had given him a car. c Bee Lee said th a t he is very happy today becaưse his father has given him a car.
D Bee Lee said th at he was very happy today because his father has given him a car.
4 The headm istress says “The young people of today are tomorrow’s leaders” (An hour later, you report h e r statem ent)
A The headm istress says th a t the young people of today are tomorrow’s leaders.
B The headm istress says th a t the young people of th at day are the next day’s leaders. c The headm istress said th at the young people of th at day are the next day’s leaders.
D The headm istress said th at the young people of yesterday are today’s leaders.
5 The children said “We will build a sand-castle our- selves.
A The children said that they would build a sand- castle themselves.
B The children said that they will build a sand-castle ourselves. c The children said th at we would build a sand-castle ourselves.
D The children said that we will build a sand-castle themselves.
6 He said “ĩ am looking at the diagram”.
A He said that I am looking at the diagram.
B He said that I was looking at the diagram. c He says that he was looking at the diagram.
D He said that he was looking at the diagram.
7 Steven said “I don’t have any money to pay for this ticket”.
A Steven said that he don’t have any money to pay for this ticket.
B Steven said that he doesn’t have any money to pay for th at ticket. c Steven said that he didn’t have any money to pay for that ticket.
D Steven said that he hadn’t had any money to pay for th at ticket.
8 Jill said “Jack must give his answer to me”.
A Jill said that Jack must give her answer to him.
B Jill said that Jack had to gi ve his answer to her. c Jill said that Jack had to give his answer to me.
D Jill said that Jack must gi ve his answer to me.
9 She said “I have been sewing from morning until now”
(The next day, you report her statement.)
A She said th at she had been sewing from morning until then.
B She said th at she has been sewing from m orning until then. c She said th at she had been sewing from m orning until now.
D She said th at she has been dewing from m orning until now.
10 Carl said “You may meet them next m onth”.
A Carl said th a t you may meet them next month.
B Carl said th a t I may m eet them next month. c Carl said that I might meet them the following month
D Carl said th at I may meet them the following month.
E xercise 66 C hoose the b est answ er (Chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất)
1 The scientist explained “W hat goes up, must come down”.
A The seientist explained th a t what went up m ust come down.
B The scientist explains th at what goes up must come down. c The scientist explained th a t what goes up m ust come down.
D The scientist explains th at what went up m ust come down.
2 “Who is th a t girl?” he asked.
A He asked me who th a t girl was.
B He asked me who th a t girl is. c He asked me who is that girl.
D He asks me who that girl was.
3 Ramlah asked him “How did you solve the problem?”
A Ramlah asked him how he has solved the problem.
B Ramlah asks him how he has solved the problem c Ramlah asked him how he had solved the problem
D Ramlah aske dhim how did you solve the problem.
4 “Get me a pencil, please” she said.
A She asked me to get her a pencil.
B She asks me to get her a pencil c I asked her to get me a pencil.
D She commanded me to get her a pencil.
5 “Don’t play in this area!” the guard said.
A The guard warned us not to play in this area.
B The guard warned us not to play in that area c The guard warns us not to play in that area.
D The guard warned us not to be playing in this area.
6 “Oh my God! What have you done to yourselí?” Aishah exclaimed.
A Aishah exclaimed with surprise and asked me what I have done to myself.
B Aishah exclaimed with surprise and asked me what I had done to myself. c Aishah exclaims with surprise and asked me what I had done to myself.
D Aishah exclaims with surprise and asks me what I have done to myself.
7 “It is excellent!” Nordin said.
A Nordin said th a t it is excellent.
B Nordin says th at it is excellent. c Nordin says th at it was excellent D Nordin said th at it was excellent.
8 The shopkeeper said “This is the latest model”.
A The shopkeeper said th at th a t is the latest model.
B The shopkeeper said th a t th a t was the latest model. c Shopkeeper says th at that was the latest model.
D The shopkeeper says th a t th is was the latest model.
9 Leng An asked “Can we buy the books here?”
A Leng An wants to know if they could buy the books there.
B Leng An wanted to know if they can buy the books there. c Leng An wanted to know if they could buy the books there.
D Leng An vvanted to know if they could buy the books here.
10 The teacher explained “The sun rises in the E ast and sets in the West”.
A The teacher explained th a t the sun rises in the East and sets in the West.
B The teacher explains th a t the sun rose in the E ast and set in the West. c The teacher explained th a t the sun rose in the E ast and set in the west.
D The teacher explains th a t the sun rises in the east and sets in the West.
E x ercise 67 C hoose th e b e st answ er (Chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất)
1 “We will be going camping the day aíter tomorrow” the troop leader said.
A The troop leader says that they would be going camping in two days’ time.
B The troop leader said that they would be going camping the day after tomorrow. c The troop leader said that we are going camping in two day’s time.
D The troop leader said that they would be going camping in two day’s time.
2 “Is she going to Singapore” Najib asked. Â Lena asked whether she is going to Singapore.
B Lena asks whether she was going to Singapore, c Lena asked whether she was going to Singapore.
D Lena asks whether she is going to Singapore.
A The manager orders me to leave this room.
B The manager ordered me to leave this room c The manager orders me to leave that room.
D The manager ordered me to leave that room.
4 “Does she like the present?” I asked him.
A I asked.him if she liked the present.
B I ask him if she liked the present c I asked him if she likes the present.
D I ask him if she likes the present.
5 I said to my nephew, “There are 24 hours in one day”.
A I said to my nephew th a t there are twenty-four hours in one day.
B I say to my nephew th a t there were twenty-four hours in one day. c My nephew said to me th a t there are twenty-four hours in one day.
D I said to my nephew th a t there were twenty-four hours in one day.
E xercise 68 R ew rite th e se n te n c e s in d irect sp ee ch
(Viết lại các câu sau đầy ở dạng lời nói trực tiểp)
Example: She said Liz didn’t speak Greek.
1 He adm itted th a t he had never m et us.
2 They told us they would sta rt the following day.
3 We called them that we were walking in the park.
4 She said she worked for Ford.
5 I replied th at I had been trying to mend it since the moming.
6 He said th a t at One o’elock he had been doing nothing.
7 They explained that they had closed down the previous year.
8 Neil said he wished he could be independent.
9 She told us we had better accept it.
10 He claimed that while he was sleeping someone screamed in the garden.
11 Moira admitted that she would rather stay.
E xercise 69 Rewrite the reported commands and questions in the direct speech (Viết lại các câu đề nghị và câu hỏi ở lời nói gián tiếp sau đây sang lời nói trực tiếp)
Example: He asked me to stand up
He asked me if I was sleepy.
1 He asked me what I wanted from him.
2 Sam wondered if they had arrived on time.
3 I advised them not to go out at night.
4 He wanted to know why I was crying.
5 He asked me whether I would marry him the following year.
6 He asked me not to interrupt him.
7 He wanted to know if he should lock the door.
8 She wondered whether she might use my laptop.
9 Nicol asked me to join her.
10 Lily told me not to eat so much.
11 He wondered if I had received his message.
12 Ezra asked us what we had been doing so long.
E xercỉse 70 R ew rite th e rep o rted sp e e c h in th e d irect sp eech (Viết lại các câu ờ lời nói gián tiếp sau đây sang lời nói trực tiếp)
1 She said th at she didn’t want to come w ith me.
2 He said th a t he was writing a letter.
3 She said th a t she had íìnished the work.
4 He said th at he wanted some razors.
5 John said th at he had been living in th a t city for ten years.
6 He said th a t he had been w aiting th ere for several hours.
7 He said th at burglars had broken into his house the previous night.
8 She told me th at she had been waiting for her sister.
9 She said th a t she had never m et such people beíbre.
10 John said th a t he had been gardening for two hours.
11 He said th a t he lived many years in the u s / He said th a t he had lived many years in the ư s
12 She said th a t she would work hard.
13 He said th a t they would be arriving there by the next train.
14 Alice said that she would have íìnished the work by then.
E xercise 71 Rewrite these sentences in Direct sp eech (Viết lại các câu sau đây sang lời nói trực tiếp) 1 My mother asked me to buy a dozen eggs from the shơp.
2 I told m yself that I would íĩnish painting the gate by that aíternoon
3 The judge asked the deíendant to speak louder.
4 The engineer wanted the vvorkers to complete the project by the following day.
5 Asni reported to the police about her purse being snatched.
6 The gardener prevented the young girl from plucking the roses.
7 The Principal told the teachers and students to grow more plants around their school to beautiíy it
8 Father asked me not to open the box while he was away.
9 The doctor told the patient to read the instructions careíully before taking the medicine.
10 The mother warned the boy not to swim in the old mining pool.
E xercise 72, Convert the follow ing from Indirect to direct (Chuyển các câu sau từ lời nói gián tiếp sang trực tiếp)
1 He assured them that he woulđ soon return.
2 He told me that I might leave that place as soon as I could.
3 I admitted that I had acted íbolishly in what I said
4 He told them th at he had been robbed of the book which he had bought.
5 He said he was very sorry for the fault he had com- mitted.
6 They aíĩlrmed th at he was the best worker they had seen.
7 He admitted th a t he had not worked as hard as John had done.
8 He heard them say th a t he did not deserve the prize.
9 He made a promise th a t he would do it as soon as he could.
10 They said th at he had deserved th eir th an k s for all he had done.
E xercise 73 Change th e follow in g se n te n c es from reported sp eech to d irect sp eech (Đổi các câu sau đây từ lời nói gián tiếp sang lời nói trực tiếp)
1 Jane said she play ed tennis every Saturday.
2 David said there was an excellent bank playing later on.
3 Christine said she had seen Amy at the bank on Monday.
4 The driver said he was going to turn right at the traíĩìc lights.
5 donathan said he had returned the dictionary to the library.
6 The doctor said he would send me/us the results as soon as they arrived.
7 Caroline asked (me) if I would come to her party on Saturday.
8 The shop assistant asked if I was looking for something special.
9 Jack said he would lend me his grammar book if I thought it would help.
E xereise 74 Turn into direct speech (Chuyển sang câu trực tiếp)
1 He said that he was going to town with his sister.
2 He told her that she had bought herselí a new hat.
3 They said th at they were very late.
4 She told me that she wanted to speak to me.
5 She said th a t they had íìnished their work.
6 She said th at he was ready to come with them.
7 She told me that they did not know me.
8 He said that he would answer the phone.
9 She told them that they could do it if they tried.
10 She said th a t he had done his homework well.
11 They said that they were living in the house then.
12 She said th a t she had been shopping all the morning.
13 He told h er th a t he had not told her anything yet.
14 He told me th a t I might see the photo if I liked.
15 He said th at she had vvritten him a long letter.
16 She said th a t she was giving a party th a t week to all her ữiends.
17 She told her íriend th at the latter had an excellent cook.
18 They said th at they had not heard the news.
19 She said th a t she liked oranges better th an bananas.
20 She said th at they were learning higher m athem atics.
21 She said she was ílying to Paris the next day.
22 He asked me if I had gone to the stadium to watch the game the day before.
23 She asked me to excuse her keeping my book so long.
24 She told him not to let the íailure of the experim ent upset him too much.
25 She asked me if she might offer me a cup of tea.
E xercise 75 Turn in to d irect sp eech (Chuyển sang câu trực tiếp)
1 The teacher ordered Richard to go away.
2 Mr Brown asked his visitor to come in.
3 His mother told Richard not to eat all the cake.
4 The officer commanded the soldier to fire.
5 The sergeant told the sentry to stay at his post until he was relieved.
6 The teacher told Timothy to do the exercise correctly or he would have to stay in.
7 The farmer asked the visitors not to leave the gate open.
8 RicharcTs father told him not to climb that tree in his new trousers.
9 The teacher told Henry to get his work done properly or he would punish him.
10 She told him to do some exercise every day if he wanted to pass his examination.
E xercise 76 Turn into direct speech (Chuyển sang câu trực tiếp)
1 He said th at he was íeeling tired.
2 She said th at she couldn’t go out after 8 pm.
3 He told his sister th at he intended to run away from home.
4 They said th a t they would wait for a later train.
5 She said th at she was going to have a baby.
6 He said that he had never been so insulted in all his life.
7 A member of the audience said he couldn’t hear what the lecturer was saying.
8 She told her mother that she had to go out and would not be back until late.
9 He said th at he wouldn’t have believed it even if it had been true.
10 They said th at they had too much work to do and were going on strike.
11 The Prime Minister declared that the country had never been more prosperous.
12 She exclaimed that there was a mouse in the room.
13 They complained that they were so exhausted that they could not walk any íarther.
14 The little boy cried out that his sister was drowning.
1 5 My friend warned me th at it would be too hot to SUĨ 1 - bathe in comíbrt.
16 The children coníessed th a t they had stolen all the apples from the tree.
17 He regretted th at he hadn’t any cigarettes to offer to his guests.
18 She replied th a t she wouldn’t answer such a silly question.
19 The Foreign Secretary stated th at he did not intend to change his country’s policy in the near future.
20 He denied th a t he had wasted his life.
E xercise 77 Choose the correct w ords in th e brackets (Chọn từ đúng trong ngoặc) 1 Jack shouted “Get your backpack and lunch!”.
Jack told his b ro th e r _ (get your, to get your, to get his) backpack and lunch!”.
2 Jack said “Don’t make me late again”.
Jack told his b ro th e r (don’t you make me, not to make me, not to make him) late again”.
3 Jack said to his brother, “Hurry up!”.
Jack told his brother (you hurry up, to hurry up, to hurry him up).
4 His brother said “Leave me alone!”.
His brother told him (to leave me alone, leave him alone, to leave him alone).
5 “OK then”, Jack said, “Walk alone!”.
Jack told his brother (to walk alone, he walk alone, go walk alone).
6 Jack’s mother said “Be kind to your brother”.
Jack’s mother said t h a t _(he should be kind to your brother, he should be kind to his brother, to kind his brother).
7 Jack to his brother “Please be ready on time every morning”.
Jack said th at he (to be ready, should be ready) on time every morning”.
8 Jack’s brother said “Warn me ten minutes beíore you leave”.
His brother to ld (warn him ten minutes beíore you leave, to warn him ten minutes before you leave, him to warn him ten minutes beíbre you leave).
9 Jack said “Set your alarm before you go to bed”.
Jack to ld (him to set your alarm beíbre you go to bed, him to set his alarm before he went to bed, him to set his alarm before he goes to bed).
10 Jack said “Use two clocks if you need to.
Jack said to h im (that he should use two clocks if he needed to, to use two clocks if you need to).
11 Jack’s brother said “Go ahead without me”.
Jack’s brother told h im (to go ahead without me, to go ahead without him).
12 “I will” Jack said, “Don’t forget your head!”
Jack told h i m (don’t forget his head, not to íbrget his head)
E xercise 78 Choose the correct words in the brackets (Chọn từ đúng trong ngoặc)1 Jill said “I love traveling with íriends!”
J ill ex cla im ed (I love traveling w ith íriends, she loves traveling with friends, she loved traveling with friends)
Elena announced (she will ren t a car, she would ren t a car)
Julie d eclared (she is a good navigator, she was a good navigator)
4 Jill said “The next gas station isn’t far from here”.
Jill S tate _ (the next gas station wasn’t far from here, the next gas station wasn’t far from there.
5 Elena said “I think we passed th a t exit”.
Elena com m ented _ (she thinks we passed th a t exit, she thought we passed th a t exit, she thought we had passed th a t exit).
6 Julie said “If we stop soon, we can eat”.
Julie reasoned _ (if we stopped soon, we can eat, if we stopped soon, we could eat, if they stopped soon, they could eat).
7 Elena said “This is the best octopus I’ve ever eaten!”.
Elena blurted o u t (this was the best octopus I’ve ever eaten, th at was the best octopus I had ever eaten, th at was the best octopus she’d ever eaten).
8 Jill said “We need to take another picture”.
Jill a d d e d _ (they needed to take another pic- ture, we needed to take another picture, they need to take another picture).
9 Julie said “This town has a museum”.
Julie pointed out (that town had had a museum, th at town had a museum, this town had a museum).
10 Elena said “I saw an ice cream shop”.
Elena w hispered (she had seen an ice cream shop, she saw an ice cream shop).
11 Julie said “We can’t stay here all day”.
Julie rep lied _ (we couldn’t stay thẹre all day, they couldn’t stay here all day, they coulđn’t stay there all day).
12 Jill reminded them “We still have to get gas”.
Jill reminded th e m (they still had had to get gas, they still had to get gas).
E xercise 79 Choose the correct words in the brackets (Chọn từ đúng trong ngoặc) 1 “What did she say?”.
He asked me _ what did she say, what she said, what she had said, what had she said).
He asked m e (where was I going, where am I going, where I am going, where I was going).
Can you tell m e _ (what time is it?, what time it is).
I’d rather not s a y _ (how old am I, how old I am).
Please let me k now (when you are leaving,when are you leaving).
6 “W hat color are you selecting?”.
Would you tell m e (what color you are selecting?, w hat are you selecting color?, w hat color are you se- lecting?)
7 “How much do you pay for rent?”.
Would you mind telling m e (how much do you pay for rent?, how much you pay for rent?).
8 “How many times have you seen th at movie?”.
He asked m e (how many tim es have I seen, how many times I have seen, how many times I had seen) th a t movie.
9 “Who is coming for dinner?”.
I would like to k n o w _ (who Corning for dinner, who is Corning for dinner, who Corning for dinner is)
10 “Who did they choose to lead th e group?”.
Can you tell m e _ (who did they choose, who they choose) to lead the group.
Do you k n o w (where is he from?, where he ìs from?).
12 “Did he learn English in England?”.
I wonder w h e th e r (did he learn, he learned) English in England.
13 “How long does it take to learn a language?”.
Who k n o w s (how long it takes, how long does it take) to learn a language.
14 “W here did you buy th a t book?”.
I would love to know where _ (he bought, he did buy, he had bought, had he bought) th a t book.
15 “Where did he buy that book?”.
He wouìdn’t tell me where (he bought, he did buy, he had bought, had he bought) that book.
E xercise 80 Choose the correct words in the brackets (Chọn tù đúng trong ngoặc)
1 “Is this the train to San Francisco?”.
He is asking m e (this train to San Francisco? if is this train to San Francisco, if this is the train to San Francisco).
2 “Do we have to buy a ticket beíore boarding?”.
They asked m e (if we buy to a ticket, if do we buy to a ticket, if we had to buy a ticket).
3 “Can you buy a ticket on board?”.
Do you kn o w (whether you could buy a ticket, whether you bought a ticket, whether you can buy a ticket) on board?
4 “Will this train stop in Palo AI to?”.
I’m not su re _ (if this train stops in Palo Alto), if stops this train in Palo Alto, if this train stopped in Palo Alto).
5 “Is this the bullet train?”.
I really don’t know (whether is thiis the bullet train, whether this was the bullet train, whether this is the bullet train).
6 “Does this train arrive in San Francisco at noon?”.
Could you tell m e _(if this train arrives, if this train arrived) in San Francisco at noon?
7 “Am I able to buy a round-trip ticket?”.
Do you know _ (vvhether 1 am able to buy a round- trip ticket?, whether I was able to buy a round-trip ticket?, w hether am I able to buy a round-trip ticket?).
She asked me (if she may sit w íth you, if she might sit with me, if she could sit with me).
9 “Is there a special fare for students?”.
Do you happen to k n o w _ (whether is there a special fare, whether there a special fare is, w hether there is a special fare) for students?
The guy next to me a s k e d (if I was Canadian, If I am Canadian, if I were Canadian.
11 “Do you prefer taking the train?”.
Do you mind telling me _ (whether you preíerred taking the train, w hether you prefer taking the train).
12 “Is there a seat reserved for handicapped people?”.
Can you tell m e _ (whether is there a Seat, w hether there is a Seat) reserved for handicapped people?
13 “Does this train usually run on time?”.
Can you tell m e _ (whether this train does usu- ally run on time? W hether this train usually runs on time?).
May I a s k _ (whether you are a regular commuter?, w hether you a regular commuter?, w hether are you a regular commuter?).
15 “Is this the fmal stop?”.
Can you tell m e (whether is this the final stop,w hether this is the ílnal stop?).
E xercise 81 Choose the best way to complete the sen ten ces below (Chọn cách tốt nhất d ể hoàn thành các câu dưới đây)
1 Please tell me a where is the bus stop b where the bus stop be c where stops the bus d where the bus stop is Clap 2 I told him a what the homework was b what was the homework c what was to be the homework d what is the homework
3 I think a will be the plane on time b the plane will be on time c the plane to be on time d it will be on time the plane 4 I didn’t know a what he mean b what did he mean c what did he meant d what he meant 5 He said a that the vveather colder than usual b the weather be colder than usual c the weather was colder than usual d the weather it is colder than usual
6 I th in k a today it is Wednesday b th a t is today Wednesday c today is Wednesday d today we Wednesday 7 He said a th at yesterday he gone downtown b he goes downtown yesterday c he go downtown yesterday d he went downtown yesterday 8 I believe a him he is right b he is right c he be right d th a t he right 9 She said a th a t she was hungry b she hungry c she be hungry d her was hungry 10 He told us a th at he enjoy the movie b he enjoyed the movie c he be enjoying the movie d th at enjoyed the movie
11 I asked h e r a what is the answer b what the answer c what was the answer d what the answer was 12 Can you tell m e a what th at is b what th at be c what it is that d what is that 13 Do you rem em ber a when is her birthday b when her birthday is c when her birthday d when be her birthday 14 I told th e m a what he me an b not to go there c they not go there d they not to go there 15 He asked m e a what is my name b what was my name c what my name was d what my name be
16 I warned h i m a to be not late b don’t be late c not to be late d he is not late 17 I asked h e r a was she sure b she was sure or not c if she sure d if she was sure 18 He s a id a he will study for the exam b he would study for the exam c he had study for the exam d he study for the exam 19 Joan a s k e d a if there was coíTee b there was coffee c was there coíĩee d where was the coffee 20 Do you k n o w ? a where did he gone b where he went c where he gone d where did he go
E xercise 82 Choose the correct option A, B or c
(Chọn đáp án đúng trong số A, B hoặc C)
1 Mary: “I will go downtown tomorrow”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she would go downtown
B tomorrow c the following/next day 2 Mary: “I am going to play tennis today”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she was going to play tennis n
Jill: “Mary said (that) she had gone shopping
B the day before c on Saturday 4 Mary: “I am enjoying life now”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she was enjoying life
A now B at that time c today
5 Mary: “I will cook dinner later this evening”.
Jili: “Mary said (that) she would cook dinner laterA that evening
B in the evening c this evening Mary: ‘Tm going to class in three hours”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she was going to class
B three hours later c, in three hours Mary: “I went to bed early last night”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she had gone to bed early
B last night c the night prior 8 Mary: “I am going to go to London in 10 days”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she was going to go to London r>
9, Mary: “I had lunch at noon”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she had had lunch A at 12 o’clock
B at noon c th at noon 10 Mary: “I will play cards the day after tomorrow”
Jill: Mary said (that) she would play cards
B on Thursday c two days later 11 Mary: “I bought it three years ago”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she had bought it A in three years
B three years ago c three years before.
E xercise 83 Read the interview , then complete the summary (Đọc đoạn phỏng vấn sau đó hoàn thành đoạn tóm tắt)
I hear you have a very unusual job.
So what do you do?
Well, I’m investigating the Loch Ness mon- ster Every day I go to Loch Ness and wait for the monster to appear.
And have you ever seen the monster?
Yes, I have It was very foggy and I tried to take a photograph, but uníbrtunately my camera didn’t work.
Do you think you’11 see it again?
I might see it again if I’m lucky.
And what do people think about your job?
Many people think it’s a strange job to have
They don’t believe in the Loch Ness mon- ster, but I know it’s out there somewhere.
The interviewer asked Mr Fogarty w hat he did He ex- plained th at he was investigating the Loch Ness Monster.
He said th at every day he for the m onster to appear He claimed th a t h e the monster He said th a t i t very foggy and h e to take a photograph, but uníbrtunately his c a m e ra He said th at he it again if he lucky.
He admitted th a t many people his job was strange He said th at they in the Loch Ness monster, but h e it was out there somewhere.
E xercise 84 Make in d irect se n te n c e s in th e p resen t.
(Hãy viết câu ở dạng lời nói gián tiếp ở thi hiện tại)
1 ‘Tve íorgotten to pack my passport” Sam to the officer.
2 “Your new novel is my favourite one” Linda to the writer.
3 “I don’t like talking about unnecessary things” the boss to Mr Grey.
4 “He explained me the mechanism of my car” Tina to her mum.
5 “I would like to íorget this terrible memory” Sylvie to the psychologist.
6 “Your unbelievable stories are the best in th is class” the teacher to Jack.
7 “My hobbies don’t need much energy” Mike to Sam.
8 “You broke my beautiỉul vase when you ran out of the room” Mum to Paul.
9 “These apples are for your grandchildren” the green- grocer to Mrs Hill
10 “Tomorrow we’ll visit our new íriends in New Castle”
E xercise 8Ố Make indirect sen ten ces in the present.
(Hãy viết câu ở dạng lời nói gián tiếp ở thì hiện tại)
1 Mom: “Children, you are so nice”.
2 Greg: “Mother, this Soup is really delicious”.
3 Mrs Drill: “Philip, your composition isn’t on my desk”.
4 Ms Stone: “Margaret, your mother is waiting for you outside the house”.
5 Grandma: “Sam and Peter, your sandwiches are ready”.
6 Mrs Farrell: “Mr Kyle, your car is standing in front of my garage”.
7 Mr Marvel: “Mrs Lodge, your son is my best student in this class”.
8 Daisy: “Lana, I need your help”.
9 Doug: “Daddy, I got a five in ÌPhysics”.
10 Tom: “Peggy, I have lost your telephone number”.
E xercise 86 Make in d ir ec t se n te n c e s in th e past
Be careíul! T here are tnodaỉ verb s in th e se n te n c e s
(Hãy viết câu gián tiếp ở thì quá khứ Lưy ý có nhiều động từ tinh thái trong câu)
1 “I should give up eating so mueh fatty food” P e te r to me.
2 “You must íĩnish your book” Mary to Peter.
3 “You can survive this nightm are” They to Sam.
4 “I m ustn’t play with the m atches” Tim to Amy.
5 “I used to play basketball” Gavin to Bill.
6 “We could help you if you needed” They to Sam.
7 “We needn’t hurry, we have plenty of time” Elise to Mark.
8 “I may catch the bus” Ralph to Mary, 9 “You ought to call the police” Mum to dad.
10 “You had better switch off the torch” Davy to Lilly.
1 He said he went to the market.
2 She said she would have a picnic.
3 She said she had seen th is íllm many times.
4 The man said he had bought th a t book in Japan.
5 He said he had been a solider before 1975.
6 She said she would to have a party.
7 The boy said he didn’t like bananas.
8 She said she hadn’t seen th a t film.
9 He said he hadn’t been interested in playing football.
10 She said her mother would go to m arket.
11 He said his father was a driver.
12 She said her uncle had been a solider when he worked in New York.
13 She told me she didn’t see my m other 14 He told me he hadn’t seen my mom.
15 She told me her mother hadn’t phoned my father.
16 She told me my father hadtold h er not to see me.
17 He told her his father hadtold her not to see him.
18 He told her her father had told him not to see her.
19 He told his mother he would come back to see her soon.
20 She saíd her aunt had met a ghost the day before.
1 He said his father hadn’t worked the week beíore.
2 She said she would go to have a party the week after.
3 They said they had beebsitting in a cafe at 6 o’clock the morning beĩore.
4 They said they were singing an E song then.
5 She said she would go on holiday in Dalat the year aíter.
6 He said they didn’t like that kind of weather.
7 The mother said she was very busy at the moment.
8 She said she had met that man 2 weeks beíore.
9 He said he hadn’t studied in that center the year be- fore.
10 She asked me if I loved her.
11 She asked me if I had come there the day beíore.
12 She asked me if I had seen that man beíore.
13 She asked me if I vvould come back the day after.
14 She asked me if I felt comfortable when I worked there.
15 He asked him if he had come there the day beíore.
16 She asked her father to go on a trip to Dalat next year.
17 He asked his mother if she had seen his key any where.
18 She asked her father if he would buy her a bicycle when he passed the exam.
19 She asked me if I was a student.
20 She asked me what I had done the day before.
1 She asked me what I was doing at the moment.
2 The boss asked her why she came late.
3 The police asked her who she had phoned.
4 The mother asked h er son which one he did prefer.
5 The teacher asked the student how he w ent to school every day.
6 Nam asked Lan how many people her family was in.
7 The customer asked the shop-keeper how much cost th at book.
8 The man asked the boy how far from the re to his school was.
9 She asked me who my teacher was.
10 She asked me not to go out.
11 She asked me to shut the door.
12 She asked me not to go out in the Street a t night.
13 The mother asked her son not to throw his clothes on the íloor.
14 She asked me to take th a t book for her.
15 She asked me not to put my books on th a t self.
16 She asked him to study hard or he would fail the exam.
17 He asked his students to hand him /their papers then.
18 She asked me to w ater those flowers every day or they would die.
19 The police asked him not to park his car there.
20 She said to me if she were me, she wouldn’t stop taking tranquilizers.
21 He asked me why I didn’t take of my coat/ he suggested taking off my coat.
22 He asked me to show him my passport.
23 The man advised me to a cup of tea.
24 I asked my hostess to do sit down.
25 His wife said not to take any risks.
26 She reminded to turn ofĩ the lights.
27 Ann’s mother encouragingly asked Ann to try again.
28 She invited me to go to the cineme thatnight.
29 He said her to go on and to apply for the job.
1 John said th at Mandy was at home.
2 Max told me th at Frank often read a book.
3 Susan said to me that she was watching TV.
4 Simon said th at David had been ill.
5 Peggy told me that the girls had helped in the house.
6 Richard said to me th at he was going to ride a skate- board.
7 Stephen and Claire told me that they had cleaned the windows.
8 Charles remarked that he hadn’t had time to do his homework.
9 Mrs Jones told me that her mother would be 50 years old.
10 Jean said that the boss had to sign the letter.
the next day, the w eek before (Điền các từ: here, that day, the day before, the next day, the week before)
1 Angela (a week ago): Terry and I are going to a concert tomorrow.
You (today): Angela said she and Terry were going to a concert
2 Jan (two days ago): I’ve only been in England since yesterday.
You (today): Jan said he had only been in England s in c e
3 Neil (a week ago): T m meeting my íriend at the airport later today”.
You (today): Neil said he was m eeting his friend at the airport l a t e r
4 Max (in the Street): r il see ỵou at the coffee bar
You (at the coíĩee bar): Max said he would see m e
5 Paul (a month ago): The íestival was last week.
You (today): Paul told me the ĩestival had b e e n
E xercỉse 54 R eply to th e se sta tem en ts The sp eak ers are all sa y in g som eth in g d ifferen t to w h a t th ey told you before (Đáp lại các câu trần thuật Ai đó đã nói những điều khác hẳn với những gi họ nói với bạn trước đó)
Example: “I’m going out with Ingrid”.
But you said you weren’t going out with her.
2 “I’m better at tennis than golf’.
5 'Tm applying for the job”.
6 “I like Indian food more than Chinese”.
7 “I prefer pop music to classical music”.
E xercise 55 Rewrite the follow ing statem ents in the Reported Speech (Viết lại các câu sau đây ở lời nói gián tiếp)
Example: T m am hungry” said Raymond.
Raymond said that he was hungry.
2 “You are a good girl” Lennon told Mary.
3 “Can you lend me some money?” Alvin asked Mat.
4 “Do you know the answer?” John asked Sonny.
5 “Can you make a cake?” Susan asked Peggy.
6 “I have never seen a tiger” said Mark.
7 “I can do the work” said Rooney.
8 “I am not hungry” said Robert.
9 “Why have you come so late?” Rosita asked Sweetie.
10 “I cannot believe you” Peter told Roman.
E xercise 56 Change the follow ing sentences to indirect speech (Thay đổi các câu sau đây sang lời nói gián tiếp)
1 “I’m going away tomorrow” he said.
2 She said “It’s going to rain in a few minutes”.
3 Darren said “1 will play íootball next week”.
4 The manager says “You have done a good job”.
5 The Science teacher explained “W ater freezes at 32° c
6 “Last night I came back late” Tracy said.
7 Faisal remarked “You are riding my bicycle”.
8 Dolly declared “These are my dolls”.
9 Aileen said “I can buy my books here”.
10 “When I went to her house, she was having her lunch”
Exercise 57 Change the follow ing sen ten ces to indirect speech (Đổi các câu sau đây sang lời nói trực tiếp)
1 Our teacher said “Time is precious, so spend your free time in the best possible way”.
2 “Ugh! This toilet is so smelly” Ribery said.
3 Cesc said “Please buy me a bar of chocolate”.
4 ‘Tolish your boots” the army oEEĩcer said to his men.
5 “Get me a glass of w ater” he said to her.
6 “W hat a beautiful car!” he remarked.
7 “Please spare me some money” the beggar said.
8 “You must listen to me!” his mother cried.
9 “Pass me th a t salt, please” the m an said to her.
10 “Get out or ril call the police!” the lady said to him.
Exercise 58 Change the follow ing sen ten ces to indirect speech (Đôi các câu sau đây sang lời nói trực tiếp)1 “Where are the classrooms?” F rank asked.
2 Zaira asked her íriend “How did you do it?”
3 “Have you been to the funfair?”, Rio asked.
4 Linda asked “What is on CNN tonight”.
5 “Do you know where Central Market is?”
6 “Does your brother go to the library often?”, he asked.
7 “Who is that old lady?” Roth asked.
8 The little girl asked her mother “What is in the jar?”
9 “Have you been to Tioman Island?”
10 I asked “How old are you?”
E xercise 59 Change the follow ing sentences into reported speech (Chuyền các câu sau sang lời nói gián tiếp)
“I would like to sign up for the campaign” said Aida
Aida said she would like to sign up for the campaign.
1 “Flash íloods often cause massive traíĩìc jams here” said Stephen.
2 “Some babies are qui te fussy with their food” said Mrs Ooi.
3 “The response to the farewell dinner is good” sald Jimmy.
4 “The transport System in this town is atrocious” rem arked Eddy.
5 “Where has the receptionist gone?” asked the visitor.
6 “What do you want to know?” enquired the clerk.
7 “Is it right for someone to attend the party unin- vited?” asked Moody.
8 “Did you sleep well last night, Andy?” asked Debbie.
9 “We must always be ready to help one another” said Mrs Ooi.
10 “How can we claim for a refund?”, enquired M rs Lai.
E xereise 60, C hange the fo llo w in g se n te n c e s in to rep orted sp eech (Chuyển các câu sau sang lời nói gián tiếp)
“Where has Robert gone?” asked the manager.
The m anager asked where Robert had gone.
1 “Willy, why do you make so much noise?” asked Emily.
2 “When will you fix back the ampliíìer, Michael?” asked Adeline.
3 “Is Stephen still playing snooker with you all?” asked John.
4 “Don’t throw rubbish here!” said the guard to the boy.
5 “How are you going to help the needy?” asked Owen.
6 “Why does Rita complain so much?” asked Bob.
7 “Will all of you take p art in the cleanliness cam- paign?”, Mr Ali asked.
8 “Have you ever scaled the hill in your district?” asked Darren.
9 (‘Don’t you know th a t Maria has been robbed?” asked Inspector Cole.
10 “I was attacked by a gang of hooligans while walking back home” said Yani.
E xercise 61 Rewrite the follow ing sentences as in- direct sp eech (Viết Lại các câu sau đây ở dạng lời nói gián tiếp)
1 Lilian told Mike “I am going to the library now”.
2 “Class, keep quiet please” the monitor said.
3 “The badminton team from China arrived in Singapore yesterday” Teddy told his sister.
4 “The elephant has a very good memory” said the teacher.
5 Tim said “I have decided to join the basketball team”.
6 “Let’s go dancing tonight” Polly suggested.
7 “Irene, could you please carry the books to the teach- er’s room, please?” the teacher asked.
8 Allan asked her íather “When will the doctor be here?”
9 The contractor said “The weather is good I can ha ve the renovations completed by tomorrow.
10 Galvin said “I was watching the television when Rafe came”.
E xercise 62 Rewrite the follow ing sentences as indirect speech (Viết lại các câu sau đây ở dạng lời nói gián tiếp)
1 My mother told us “Your grandmother will be arriving in Singapore tomorrow”.
2 “Don’t meddle with the things in the house!” mother told Susie.
3 “Dawn hurt herself during PE lesson this morning”
4 “There are usually more girls than boys taking piano lessons” said the receptionist.
5 “Please clear the tables after you have íinished the food” m other told the girls.
6 I would have accompanied you to the show if only you had asked, Henry” said Harry.
7 Bobby asked “Can I have some pieces of papers, please?”
8 Lin En, stop playing the fool now!” the class m onitor ordered.
9 “I saw Terri playing alone yesterday” Pauline said.
10 “When are you leaving for China again?”
Mrs Tan asked her husband.
E xercise 63 R ew rite the fo llo w in g se n te n c e s as in d irect sp eech (Viết lại các câu sau đây ở dạng lời nói gián tiếp)
1 “I am happy to meet your family” he said.
2 “Are you free to help me w ith my homework?” H arry asked Sally.
3 “I have won the íĩrst prize in the lucky draw!” exclaimed an excited Mr Lim.
4 “There are nine planets in our System” the Science teacher told his class.
5 “Leave me alone” said Andy stubbornly.
6 “Come along with us It won’t be fun without you”
7 “Linda, you left your book a t my desk yesterday”
8 “Let’s buy mother a surprise present for her birthday” my sister suggested.
9 “Come to my house tonight to meet my pen-pal Steve”
10 “The Sports Day will be held at the end of the month” the Principal said.
E xercise 64 Rewrite the following sentences as ind irect speech (Viết lại các câu sau đây ở dạng lời nói gián tiếp)
1 “I have told the landlord that he must repair the kitchen sink” he says.
2 Mrs Lim said “I think you should throw away the Soup which is inedible”.
3 “I know a lot of customers who would not be too dis- appointed with this Soup” the cook claimed.
4 “This fish is burnt” he complained “I demand to see the manager”.
5 “So sorry” says the manager “I am not having a com- plaints book”.
6 “I sneakeđ in late this afternoon when you were on duty” he said to the prefe.
7 “I told him I had found Ben stealing his wallet from his bag” she said slyly.
8 “The students were about to rebel when I stepped in” the student very proudly claimed.
9 “I did not expect you to invite me to dinner” she told him.
10 “Are you sure th at you have not seen my íínished project?” she asks in desperation.
E xercise 65 Choose the b est answer (Chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất)
1 Susan said “I met your sister last week”.
A Susan said that I met your sister last week.
B Susan said that I had met your sister last week. c Susan said th at he had met my sister th a t week.
D Susan said th a t he had met my sister the week before.
2 Ivon said “You are not listening to me”.
A Ivon said th a t you are not listening to her.
B Ivon said th a t you were not listening to her c Ivon said th a t I was not listening to her.
D Ivon said I had not been listening to her.
3 Bee Lee said “I am very happy today because my fa- th er has given me a car” (A month later, you report his statement)
A Bee Lee said th a t he was very happy th a t day because his father has given him a car.
B Bee Lee said th a t he was very happy th a t day because his father had given him a car. c Bee Lee said th a t he is very happy today becaưse his father has given him a car.
D Bee Lee said th at he was very happy today because his father has given him a car.
4 The headm istress says “The young people of today are tomorrow’s leaders” (An hour later, you report h e r statem ent)
A The headm istress says th a t the young people of today are tomorrow’s leaders.
B The headm istress says th a t the young people of th at day are the next day’s leaders. c The headm istress said th at the young people of th at day are the next day’s leaders.
D The headm istress said th at the young people of yesterday are today’s leaders.
5 The children said “We will build a sand-castle our- selves.
A The children said that they would build a sand- castle themselves.
B The children said that they will build a sand-castle ourselves. c The children said th at we would build a sand-castle ourselves.
D The children said that we will build a sand-castle themselves.
6 He said “ĩ am looking at the diagram”.
A He said that I am looking at the diagram.
B He said that I was looking at the diagram. c He says that he was looking at the diagram.
D He said that he was looking at the diagram.
7 Steven said “I don’t have any money to pay for this ticket”.
A Steven said that he don’t have any money to pay for this ticket.
B Steven said that he doesn’t have any money to pay for th at ticket. c Steven said that he didn’t have any money to pay for that ticket.
D Steven said that he hadn’t had any money to pay for th at ticket.
8 Jill said “Jack must give his answer to me”.
A Jill said that Jack must give her answer to him.
B Jill said that Jack had to gi ve his answer to her. c Jill said that Jack had to give his answer to me.
D Jill said that Jack must gi ve his answer to me.
9 She said “I have been sewing from morning until now”
(The next day, you report her statement.)
A She said th at she had been sewing from morning until then.
B She said th at she has been sewing from m orning until then. c She said th at she had been sewing from m orning until now.
D She said th at she has been dewing from m orning until now.
10 Carl said “You may meet them next m onth”.
A Carl said th a t you may meet them next month.
B Carl said th a t I may m eet them next month. c Carl said that I might meet them the following month
D Carl said th at I may meet them the following month.
E xercise 66 C hoose the b est answ er (Chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất)
1 The scientist explained “W hat goes up, must come down”.
A The seientist explained th a t what went up m ust come down.
B The scientist explains th at what goes up must come down. c The scientist explained th a t what goes up m ust come down.
D The scientist explains th at what went up m ust come down.
2 “Who is th a t girl?” he asked.
A He asked me who th a t girl was.
B He asked me who th a t girl is. c He asked me who is that girl.
D He asks me who that girl was.
3 Ramlah asked him “How did you solve the problem?”
A Ramlah asked him how he has solved the problem.
B Ramlah asks him how he has solved the problem c Ramlah asked him how he had solved the problem
D Ramlah aske dhim how did you solve the problem.
4 “Get me a pencil, please” she said.
A She asked me to get her a pencil.
B She asks me to get her a pencil c I asked her to get me a pencil.
D She commanded me to get her a pencil.
5 “Don’t play in this area!” the guard said.
A The guard warned us not to play in this area.
B The guard warned us not to play in that area c The guard warns us not to play in that area.
D The guard warned us not to be playing in this area.
6 “Oh my God! What have you done to yourselí?” Aishah exclaimed.
A Aishah exclaimed with surprise and asked me what I have done to myself.
B Aishah exclaimed with surprise and asked me what I had done to myself. c Aishah exclaims with surprise and asked me what I had done to myself.
D Aishah exclaims with surprise and asks me what I have done to myself.
7 “It is excellent!” Nordin said.
A Nordin said th a t it is excellent.
B Nordin says th at it is excellent. c Nordin says th at it was excellent D Nordin said th at it was excellent.
8 The shopkeeper said “This is the latest model”.
A The shopkeeper said th at th a t is the latest model.
B The shopkeeper said th a t th a t was the latest model. c Shopkeeper says th at that was the latest model.
D The shopkeeper says th a t th is was the latest model.
9 Leng An asked “Can we buy the books here?”
A Leng An wants to know if they could buy the books there.
B Leng An wanted to know if they can buy the books there. c Leng An wanted to know if they could buy the books there.
D Leng An vvanted to know if they could buy the books here.
10 The teacher explained “The sun rises in the E ast and sets in the West”.
A The teacher explained th a t the sun rises in the East and sets in the West.
B The teacher explains th a t the sun rose in the E ast and set in the West. c The teacher explained th a t the sun rose in the E ast and set in the west.
D The teacher explains th a t the sun rises in the east and sets in the West.
E x ercise 67 C hoose th e b e st answ er (Chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất)
1 “We will be going camping the day aíter tomorrow” the troop leader said.
A The troop leader says that they would be going camping in two days’ time.
B The troop leader said that they would be going camping the day after tomorrow. c The troop leader said that we are going camping in two day’s time.
D The troop leader said that they would be going camping in two day’s time.
2 “Is she going to Singapore” Najib asked. Â Lena asked whether she is going to Singapore.
B Lena asks whether she was going to Singapore, c Lena asked whether she was going to Singapore.
D Lena asks whether she is going to Singapore.
A The manager orders me to leave this room.
B The manager ordered me to leave this room c The manager orders me to leave that room.
D The manager ordered me to leave that room.
4 “Does she like the present?” I asked him.
A I asked.him if she liked the present.
B I ask him if she liked the present c I asked him if she likes the present.
D I ask him if she likes the present.
5 I said to my nephew, “There are 24 hours in one day”.
A I said to my nephew th a t there are twenty-four hours in one day.
B I say to my nephew th a t there were twenty-four hours in one day. c My nephew said to me th a t there are twenty-four hours in one day.
D I said to my nephew th a t there were twenty-four hours in one day.
E xercise 68 R ew rite th e se n te n c e s in d irect sp ee ch
(Viết lại các câu sau đầy ở dạng lời nói trực tiểp)
Example: She said Liz didn’t speak Greek.
1 He adm itted th a t he had never m et us.
2 They told us they would sta rt the following day.
3 We called them that we were walking in the park.
4 She said she worked for Ford.
5 I replied th at I had been trying to mend it since the moming.
6 He said th a t at One o’elock he had been doing nothing.
7 They explained that they had closed down the previous year.
8 Neil said he wished he could be independent.
9 She told us we had better accept it.
10 He claimed that while he was sleeping someone screamed in the garden.
11 Moira admitted that she would rather stay.
E xercise 69 Rewrite the reported commands and questions in the direct speech (Viết lại các câu đề nghị và câu hỏi ở lời nói gián tiếp sau đây sang lời nói trực tiếp)
Example: He asked me to stand up
He asked me if I was sleepy.
1 He asked me what I wanted from him.
2 Sam wondered if they had arrived on time.
3 I advised them not to go out at night.
4 He wanted to know why I was crying.
5 He asked me whether I would marry him the following year.
6 He asked me not to interrupt him.
7 He wanted to know if he should lock the door.
8 She wondered whether she might use my laptop.
9 Nicol asked me to join her.
10 Lily told me not to eat so much.
11 He wondered if I had received his message.
12 Ezra asked us what we had been doing so long.
E xercỉse 70 R ew rite th e rep o rted sp e e c h in th e d irect sp eech (Viết lại các câu ờ lời nói gián tiếp sau đây sang lời nói trực tiếp)
1 She said th at she didn’t want to come w ith me.
2 He said th a t he was writing a letter.
3 She said th a t she had íìnished the work.
4 He said th at he wanted some razors.
5 John said th at he had been living in th a t city for ten years.
6 He said th a t he had been w aiting th ere for several hours.
7 He said th at burglars had broken into his house the previous night.
8 She told me th at she had been waiting for her sister.
9 She said th a t she had never m et such people beíbre.
10 John said th a t he had been gardening for two hours.
11 He said th a t he lived many years in the u s / He said th a t he had lived many years in the ư s
12 She said th a t she would work hard.
13 He said th a t they would be arriving there by the next train.
14 Alice said that she would have íìnished the work by then.
E xercise 71 Rewrite these sentences in Direct sp eech (Viết lại các câu sau đây sang lời nói trực tiếp) 1 My mother asked me to buy a dozen eggs from the shơp.
2 I told m yself that I would íĩnish painting the gate by that aíternoon
3 The judge asked the deíendant to speak louder.
4 The engineer wanted the vvorkers to complete the project by the following day.
5 Asni reported to the police about her purse being snatched.
6 The gardener prevented the young girl from plucking the roses.
7 The Principal told the teachers and students to grow more plants around their school to beautiíy it
8 Father asked me not to open the box while he was away.
9 The doctor told the patient to read the instructions careíully before taking the medicine.
10 The mother warned the boy not to swim in the old mining pool.
E xercise 72, Convert the follow ing from Indirect to direct (Chuyển các câu sau từ lời nói gián tiếp sang trực tiếp)
1 He assured them that he woulđ soon return.
2 He told me that I might leave that place as soon as I could.
3 I admitted that I had acted íbolishly in what I said
4 He told them th at he had been robbed of the book which he had bought.
5 He said he was very sorry for the fault he had com- mitted.
6 They aíĩlrmed th at he was the best worker they had seen.
7 He admitted th a t he had not worked as hard as John had done.
8 He heard them say th a t he did not deserve the prize.
9 He made a promise th a t he would do it as soon as he could.
10 They said th at he had deserved th eir th an k s for all he had done.
E xercise 73 Change th e follow in g se n te n c es from reported sp eech to d irect sp eech (Đổi các câu sau đây từ lời nói gián tiếp sang lời nói trực tiếp)
1 Jane said she play ed tennis every Saturday.
2 David said there was an excellent bank playing later on.
3 Christine said she had seen Amy at the bank on Monday.
4 The driver said he was going to turn right at the traíĩìc lights.
5 donathan said he had returned the dictionary to the library.
6 The doctor said he would send me/us the results as soon as they arrived.
7 Caroline asked (me) if I would come to her party on Saturday.
8 The shop assistant asked if I was looking for something special.
9 Jack said he would lend me his grammar book if I thought it would help.
E xereise 74 Turn into direct speech (Chuyển sang câu trực tiếp)
1 He said that he was going to town with his sister.
2 He told her that she had bought herselí a new hat.
3 They said th at they were very late.
4 She told me that she wanted to speak to me.
5 She said th a t they had íìnished their work.
6 She said th at he was ready to come with them.
7 She told me that they did not know me.
8 He said that he would answer the phone.
9 She told them that they could do it if they tried.
10 She said th a t he had done his homework well.
11 They said that they were living in the house then.
12 She said th a t she had been shopping all the morning.
13 He told h er th a t he had not told her anything yet.
14 He told me th a t I might see the photo if I liked.
15 He said th at she had vvritten him a long letter.
16 She said th a t she was giving a party th a t week to all her ữiends.
17 She told her íriend th at the latter had an excellent cook.
18 They said th at they had not heard the news.
19 She said th a t she liked oranges better th an bananas.
20 She said th at they were learning higher m athem atics.
21 She said she was ílying to Paris the next day.
22 He asked me if I had gone to the stadium to watch the game the day before.
23 She asked me to excuse her keeping my book so long.
24 She told him not to let the íailure of the experim ent upset him too much.
25 She asked me if she might offer me a cup of tea.
E xercise 75 Turn in to d irect sp eech (Chuyển sang câu trực tiếp)
1 The teacher ordered Richard to go away.
2 Mr Brown asked his visitor to come in.
3 His mother told Richard not to eat all the cake.
4 The officer commanded the soldier to fire.
5 The sergeant told the sentry to stay at his post until he was relieved.
6 The teacher told Timothy to do the exercise correctly or he would have to stay in.
7 The farmer asked the visitors not to leave the gate open.
8 RicharcTs father told him not to climb that tree in his new trousers.
9 The teacher told Henry to get his work done properly or he would punish him.
10 She told him to do some exercise every day if he wanted to pass his examination.
E xercise 76 Turn into direct speech (Chuyển sang câu trực tiếp)
1 He said th at he was íeeling tired.
2 She said th at she couldn’t go out after 8 pm.
3 He told his sister th at he intended to run away from home.
4 They said th a t they would wait for a later train.
5 She said th at she was going to have a baby.
6 He said that he had never been so insulted in all his life.
7 A member of the audience said he couldn’t hear what the lecturer was saying.
8 She told her mother that she had to go out and would not be back until late.
9 He said th at he wouldn’t have believed it even if it had been true.
10 They said th at they had too much work to do and were going on strike.
11 The Prime Minister declared that the country had never been more prosperous.
12 She exclaimed that there was a mouse in the room.
13 They complained that they were so exhausted that they could not walk any íarther.
14 The little boy cried out that his sister was drowning.
1 5 My friend warned me th at it would be too hot to SUĨ 1 - bathe in comíbrt.
16 The children coníessed th a t they had stolen all the apples from the tree.
17 He regretted th at he hadn’t any cigarettes to offer to his guests.
18 She replied th a t she wouldn’t answer such a silly question.
19 The Foreign Secretary stated th at he did not intend to change his country’s policy in the near future.
20 He denied th a t he had wasted his life.
E xercise 77 Choose the correct w ords in th e brackets (Chọn từ đúng trong ngoặc) 1 Jack shouted “Get your backpack and lunch!”.
Jack told his b ro th e r _ (get your, to get your, to get his) backpack and lunch!”.
2 Jack said “Don’t make me late again”.
Jack told his b ro th e r (don’t you make me, not to make me, not to make him) late again”.
3 Jack said to his brother, “Hurry up!”.
Jack told his brother (you hurry up, to hurry up, to hurry him up).
4 His brother said “Leave me alone!”.
His brother told him (to leave me alone, leave him alone, to leave him alone).
5 “OK then”, Jack said, “Walk alone!”.
Jack told his brother (to walk alone, he walk alone, go walk alone).
6 Jack’s mother said “Be kind to your brother”.
Jack’s mother said t h a t _(he should be kind to your brother, he should be kind to his brother, to kind his brother).
7 Jack to his brother “Please be ready on time every morning”.
Jack said th at he (to be ready, should be ready) on time every morning”.
8 Jack’s brother said “Warn me ten minutes beíore you leave”.
His brother to ld (warn him ten minutes beíore you leave, to warn him ten minutes before you leave, him to warn him ten minutes beíbre you leave).
9 Jack said “Set your alarm before you go to bed”.
Jack to ld (him to set your alarm beíbre you go to bed, him to set his alarm before he went to bed, him to set his alarm before he goes to bed).
10 Jack said “Use two clocks if you need to.
Jack said to h im (that he should use two clocks if he needed to, to use two clocks if you need to).
11 Jack’s brother said “Go ahead without me”.
Jack’s brother told h im (to go ahead without me, to go ahead without him).
12 “I will” Jack said, “Don’t forget your head!”
Jack told h i m (don’t forget his head, not to íbrget his head)
E xercise 78 Choose the correct words in the brackets (Chọn từ đúng trong ngoặc)1 Jill said “I love traveling with íriends!”
J ill ex cla im ed (I love traveling w ith íriends, she loves traveling with friends, she loved traveling with friends)
Elena announced (she will ren t a car, she would ren t a car)
Julie d eclared (she is a good navigator, she was a good navigator)
4 Jill said “The next gas station isn’t far from here”.
Jill S tate _ (the next gas station wasn’t far from here, the next gas station wasn’t far from there.
5 Elena said “I think we passed th a t exit”.
Elena com m ented _ (she thinks we passed th a t exit, she thought we passed th a t exit, she thought we had passed th a t exit).
6 Julie said “If we stop soon, we can eat”.
Julie reasoned _ (if we stopped soon, we can eat, if we stopped soon, we could eat, if they stopped soon, they could eat).
7 Elena said “This is the best octopus I’ve ever eaten!”.
Elena blurted o u t (this was the best octopus I’ve ever eaten, th at was the best octopus I had ever eaten, th at was the best octopus she’d ever eaten).
8 Jill said “We need to take another picture”.
Jill a d d e d _ (they needed to take another pic- ture, we needed to take another picture, they need to take another picture).
9 Julie said “This town has a museum”.
Julie pointed out (that town had had a museum, th at town had a museum, this town had a museum).
10 Elena said “I saw an ice cream shop”.
Elena w hispered (she had seen an ice cream shop, she saw an ice cream shop).
11 Julie said “We can’t stay here all day”.
Julie rep lied _ (we couldn’t stay thẹre all day, they couldn’t stay here all day, they coulđn’t stay there all day).
12 Jill reminded them “We still have to get gas”.
Jill reminded th e m (they still had had to get gas, they still had to get gas).
E xercise 79 Choose the correct words in the brackets (Chọn từ đúng trong ngoặc) 1 “What did she say?”.
He asked me _ what did she say, what she said, what she had said, what had she said).
He asked m e (where was I going, where am I going, where I am going, where I was going).
Can you tell m e _ (what time is it?, what time it is).
I’d rather not s a y _ (how old am I, how old I am).
Please let me k now (when you are leaving,when are you leaving).
6 “W hat color are you selecting?”.
Would you tell m e (what color you are selecting?, w hat are you selecting color?, w hat color are you se- lecting?)
7 “How much do you pay for rent?”.
Would you mind telling m e (how much do you pay for rent?, how much you pay for rent?).
8 “How many times have you seen th at movie?”.
He asked m e (how many tim es have I seen, how many times I have seen, how many times I had seen) th a t movie.
9 “Who is coming for dinner?”.
I would like to k n o w _ (who Corning for dinner, who is Corning for dinner, who Corning for dinner is)
10 “Who did they choose to lead th e group?”.
Can you tell m e _ (who did they choose, who they choose) to lead the group.
Do you k n o w (where is he from?, where he ìs from?).
12 “Did he learn English in England?”.
I wonder w h e th e r (did he learn, he learned) English in England.
13 “How long does it take to learn a language?”.
Who k n o w s (how long it takes, how long does it take) to learn a language.
14 “W here did you buy th a t book?”.
I would love to know where _ (he bought, he did buy, he had bought, had he bought) th a t book.
15 “Where did he buy that book?”.
He wouìdn’t tell me where (he bought, he did buy, he had bought, had he bought) that book.
E xercise 80 Choose the correct words in the brackets (Chọn tù đúng trong ngoặc)
1 “Is this the train to San Francisco?”.
He is asking m e (this train to San Francisco? if is this train to San Francisco, if this is the train to San Francisco).
2 “Do we have to buy a ticket beíore boarding?”.
They asked m e (if we buy to a ticket, if do we buy to a ticket, if we had to buy a ticket).
3 “Can you buy a ticket on board?”.
Do you kn o w (whether you could buy a ticket, whether you bought a ticket, whether you can buy a ticket) on board?
4 “Will this train stop in Palo AI to?”.
I’m not su re _ (if this train stops in Palo Alto), if stops this train in Palo Alto, if this train stopped in Palo Alto).
5 “Is this the bullet train?”.
I really don’t know (whether is thiis the bullet train, whether this was the bullet train, whether this is the bullet train).
6 “Does this train arrive in San Francisco at noon?”.
Could you tell m e _(if this train arrives, if this train arrived) in San Francisco at noon?
7 “Am I able to buy a round-trip ticket?”.
Do you know _ (vvhether 1 am able to buy a round- trip ticket?, whether I was able to buy a round-trip ticket?, w hether am I able to buy a round-trip ticket?).
She asked me (if she may sit w íth you, if she might sit with me, if she could sit with me).
9 “Is there a special fare for students?”.
Do you happen to k n o w _ (whether is there a special fare, whether there a special fare is, w hether there is a special fare) for students?
The guy next to me a s k e d (if I was Canadian, If I am Canadian, if I were Canadian.
11 “Do you prefer taking the train?”.
Do you mind telling me _ (whether you preíerred taking the train, w hether you prefer taking the train).
12 “Is there a seat reserved for handicapped people?”.
Can you tell m e _ (whether is there a Seat, w hether there is a Seat) reserved for handicapped people?
13 “Does this train usually run on time?”.
Can you tell m e _ (whether this train does usu- ally run on time? W hether this train usually runs on time?).
May I a s k _ (whether you are a regular commuter?, w hether you a regular commuter?, w hether are you a regular commuter?).
15 “Is this the fmal stop?”.
Can you tell m e (whether is this the final stop,w hether this is the ílnal stop?).
E xercise 81 Choose the best way to complete the sen ten ces below (Chọn cách tốt nhất d ể hoàn thành các câu dưới đây)
1 Please tell me a where is the bus stop b where the bus stop be c where stops the bus d where the bus stop is Clap 2 I told him a what the homework was b what was the homework c what was to be the homework d what is the homework
3 I think a will be the plane on time b the plane will be on time c the plane to be on time d it will be on time the plane 4 I didn’t know a what he mean b what did he mean c what did he meant d what he meant 5 He said a that the vveather colder than usual b the weather be colder than usual c the weather was colder than usual d the weather it is colder than usual
6 I th in k a today it is Wednesday b th a t is today Wednesday c today is Wednesday d today we Wednesday 7 He said a th at yesterday he gone downtown b he goes downtown yesterday c he go downtown yesterday d he went downtown yesterday 8 I believe a him he is right b he is right c he be right d th a t he right 9 She said a th a t she was hungry b she hungry c she be hungry d her was hungry 10 He told us a th at he enjoy the movie b he enjoyed the movie c he be enjoying the movie d th at enjoyed the movie
11 I asked h e r a what is the answer b what the answer c what was the answer d what the answer was 12 Can you tell m e a what th at is b what th at be c what it is that d what is that 13 Do you rem em ber a when is her birthday b when her birthday is c when her birthday d when be her birthday 14 I told th e m a what he me an b not to go there c they not go there d they not to go there 15 He asked m e a what is my name b what was my name c what my name was d what my name be
16 I warned h i m a to be not late b don’t be late c not to be late d he is not late 17 I asked h e r a was she sure b she was sure or not c if she sure d if she was sure 18 He s a id a he will study for the exam b he would study for the exam c he had study for the exam d he study for the exam 19 Joan a s k e d a if there was coíTee b there was coffee c was there coíĩee d where was the coffee 20 Do you k n o w ? a where did he gone b where he went c where he gone d where did he go
E xercise 82 Choose the correct option A, B or c
(Chọn đáp án đúng trong số A, B hoặc C)
1 Mary: “I will go downtown tomorrow”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she would go downtown
B tomorrow c the following/next day 2 Mary: “I am going to play tennis today”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she was going to play tennis n
Jill: “Mary said (that) she had gone shopping
B the day before c on Saturday 4 Mary: “I am enjoying life now”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she was enjoying life
A now B at that time c today
5 Mary: “I will cook dinner later this evening”.
Jili: “Mary said (that) she would cook dinner laterA that evening
B in the evening c this evening Mary: ‘Tm going to class in three hours”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she was going to class
B three hours later c, in three hours Mary: “I went to bed early last night”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she had gone to bed early
B last night c the night prior 8 Mary: “I am going to go to London in 10 days”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she was going to go to London r>
9, Mary: “I had lunch at noon”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she had had lunch A at 12 o’clock
B at noon c th at noon 10 Mary: “I will play cards the day after tomorrow”
Jill: Mary said (that) she would play cards
B on Thursday c two days later 11 Mary: “I bought it three years ago”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she had bought it A in three years
B three years ago c three years before.
E xercise 83 Read the interview , then complete the summary (Đọc đoạn phỏng vấn sau đó hoàn thành đoạn tóm tắt)
I hear you have a very unusual job.
So what do you do?
Well, I’m investigating the Loch Ness mon- ster Every day I go to Loch Ness and wait for the monster to appear.
And have you ever seen the monster?
Yes, I have It was very foggy and I tried to take a photograph, but uníbrtunately my camera didn’t work.
Do you think you’11 see it again?
I might see it again if I’m lucky.
And what do people think about your job?
Many people think it’s a strange job to have
They don’t believe in the Loch Ness mon- ster, but I know it’s out there somewhere.
The interviewer asked Mr Fogarty w hat he did He ex- plained th at he was investigating the Loch Ness Monster.
He said th at every day he for the m onster to appear He claimed th a t h e the monster He said th a t i t very foggy and h e to take a photograph, but uníbrtunately his c a m e ra He said th at he it again if he lucky.
He admitted th a t many people his job was strange He said th at they in the Loch Ness monster, but h e it was out there somewhere.
E xercise 84 Make in d irect se n te n c e s in th e p resen t.
(Hãy viết câu ở dạng lời nói gián tiếp ở thi hiện tại)
1 ‘Tve íorgotten to pack my passport” Sam to the officer.
2 “Your new novel is my favourite one” Linda to the writer.
3 “I don’t like talking about unnecessary things” the boss to Mr Grey.
4 “He explained me the mechanism of my car” Tina to her mum.
5 “I would like to íorget this terrible memory” Sylvie to the psychologist.
6 “Your unbelievable stories are the best in th is class” the teacher to Jack.
7 “My hobbies don’t need much energy” Mike to Sam.
8 “You broke my beautiỉul vase when you ran out of the room” Mum to Paul.
9 “These apples are for your grandchildren” the green- grocer to Mrs Hill
10 “Tomorrow we’ll visit our new íriends in New Castle”
E xercise 8Ố Make indirect sen ten ces in the present.
(Hãy viết câu ở dạng lời nói gián tiếp ở thì hiện tại)
1 Mom: “Children, you are so nice”.
2 Greg: “Mother, this Soup is really delicious”.
3 Mrs Drill: “Philip, your composition isn’t on my desk”.
4 Ms Stone: “Margaret, your mother is waiting for you outside the house”.
5 Grandma: “Sam and Peter, your sandwiches are ready”.
6 Mrs Farrell: “Mr Kyle, your car is standing in front of my garage”.
7 Mr Marvel: “Mrs Lodge, your son is my best student in this class”.
8 Daisy: “Lana, I need your help”.
9 Doug: “Daddy, I got a five in ÌPhysics”.
10 Tom: “Peggy, I have lost your telephone number”.
E xercise 86 Make in d ir ec t se n te n c e s in th e past
Be careíul! T here are tnodaỉ verb s in th e se n te n c e s
(Hãy viết câu gián tiếp ở thì quá khứ Lưy ý có nhiều động từ tinh thái trong câu)
1 “I should give up eating so mueh fatty food” P e te r to me.
2 “You must íĩnish your book” Mary to Peter.
3 “You can survive this nightm are” They to Sam.
4 “I m ustn’t play with the m atches” Tim to Amy.
5 “I used to play basketball” Gavin to Bill.
6 “We could help you if you needed” They to Sam.
7 “We needn’t hurry, we have plenty of time” Elise to Mark.
8 “I may catch the bus” Ralph to Mary, 9 “You ought to call the police” Mum to dad.
10 “You had better switch off the torch” Davy to Lilly.
1 He said he went to the market.
2 She said she would have a picnic.
3 She said she had seen th is íllm many times.
4 The man said he had bought th a t book in Japan.
5 He said he had been a solider before 1975.
6 She said she would to have a party.
7 The boy said he didn’t like bananas.
8 She said she hadn’t seen th a t film.
9 He said he hadn’t been interested in playing football.
10 She said her mother would go to m arket.
11 He said his father was a driver.
12 She said her uncle had been a solider when he worked in New York.
13 She told me she didn’t see my m other 14 He told me he hadn’t seen my mom.
15 She told me her mother hadn’t phoned my father.
16 She told me my father hadtold h er not to see me.
17 He told her his father hadtold her not to see him.
18 He told her her father had told him not to see her.
19 He told his mother he would come back to see her soon.
20 She saíd her aunt had met a ghost the day before.
1 He said his father hadn’t worked the week beíore.
2 She said she would go to have a party the week after.
3 They said they had beebsitting in a cafe at 6 o’clock the morning beĩore.
4 They said they were singing an E song then.
5 She said she would go on holiday in Dalat the year aíter.
6 He said they didn’t like that kind of weather.
7 The mother said she was very busy at the moment.
8 She said she had met that man 2 weeks beíore.
9 He said he hadn’t studied in that center the year be- fore.
10 She asked me if I loved her.
11 She asked me if I had come there the day beíore.
12 She asked me if I had seen that man beíore.
13 She asked me if I vvould come back the day after.
14 She asked me if I felt comfortable when I worked there.
15 He asked him if he had come there the day beíore.
16 She asked her father to go on a trip to Dalat next year.
17 He asked his mother if she had seen his key any where.
18 She asked her father if he would buy her a bicycle when he passed the exam.
19 She asked me if I was a student.
20 She asked me what I had done the day before.
1 She asked me what I was doing at the moment.
2 The boss asked her why she came late.
3 The police asked her who she had phoned.
4 The mother asked h er son which one he did prefer.
5 The teacher asked the student how he w ent to school every day.
6 Nam asked Lan how many people her family was in.
7 The customer asked the shop-keeper how much cost th at book.
8 The man asked the boy how far from the re to his school was.
9 She asked me who my teacher was.
10 She asked me not to go out.
11 She asked me to shut the door.
12 She asked me not to go out in the Street a t night.
13 The mother asked her son not to throw his clothes on the íloor.
14 She asked me to take th a t book for her.
15 She asked me not to put my books on th a t self.
16 She asked him to study hard or he would fail the exam.
17 He asked his students to hand him /their papers then.
18 She asked me to w ater those flowers every day or they would die.
19 The police asked him not to park his car there.
20 She said to me if she were me, she wouldn’t stop taking tranquilizers.
21 He asked me why I didn’t take of my coat/ he suggested taking off my coat.
22 He asked me to show him my passport.
23 The man advised me to a cup of tea.
24 I asked my hostess to do sit down.
25 His wife said not to take any risks.
26 She reminded to turn ofĩ the lights.
27 Ann’s mother encouragingly asked Ann to try again.
28 She invited me to go to the cineme thatnight.
29 He said her to go on and to apply for the job.
1 John said th at Mandy was at home.
2 Max told me th at Frank often read a book.
3 Susan said to me that she was watching TV.
4 Simon said th at David had been ill.
5 Peggy told me that the girls had helped in the house.
6 Richard said to me th at he was going to ride a skate- board.
7 Stephen and Claire told me that they had cleaned the windows.
8 Charles remarked that he hadn’t had time to do his homework.
9 Mrs Jones told me that her mother would be 50 years old.
10 Jean said that the boss had to sign the letter.
1 Emily said th a t their teacher would go to Leipzig the next day.
2 Helen told me that she had been writing a letter the day before.
3 Robert told me th at his father had flown to Dallas the year before.
4 Lisa said th at Tim had gone to the stadium an hour before,
5 Patricia said th a t her mother would celebrate her birthday the following weekend.
6 Michael said to me th at he was going to read a book th at week.
7 Jason and Victoria told me th a t they would do their best in the exams the next day.
8 Andrew rem arked th at they hadn’t eaten íĩsh two days before.
9 Alice complained th a t she had spent all her pocket money on Monday.
10 David said th at John had already gone at six.
the Reported Speech (Viết lại các câu sau đây ở lời nói gián tiếp)
Example: T m am hungry” said Raymond.
Raymond said that he was hungry.
2 “You are a good girl” Lennon told Mary.
3 “Can you lend me some money?” Alvin asked Mat.
4 “Do you know the answer?” John asked Sonny.
5 “Can you make a cake?” Susan asked Peggy.
6 “I have never seen a tiger” said Mark.
7 “I can do the work” said Rooney.
8 “I am not hungry” said Robert.
9 “Why have you come so late?” Rosita asked Sweetie.
10 “I cannot believe you” Peter told Roman.
indirect speech (Thay đổi các câu sau đây sang lời nói gián tiếp)
1 “I’m going away tomorrow” he said.
2 She said “It’s going to rain in a few minutes”.
3 Darren said “1 will play íootball next week”.
4 The manager says “You have done a good job”.
5 The Science teacher explained “W ater freezes at 32° c
6 “Last night I came back late” Tracy said.
7 Faisal remarked “You are riding my bicycle”.
8 Dolly declared “These are my dolls”.
9 Aileen said “I can buy my books here”.
10 “When I went to her house, she was having her lunch”
indirect speech (Đổi các câu sau đây sang lời nói trực tiếp)
1 Our teacher said “Time is precious, so spend your free time in the best possible way”.
2 “Ugh! This toilet is so smelly” Ribery said.
3 Cesc said “Please buy me a bar of chocolate”.
4 ‘Tolish your boots” the army oEEĩcer said to his men.
5 “Get me a glass of w ater” he said to her.
6 “W hat a beautiful car!” he remarked.
7 “Please spare me some money” the beggar said.
8 “You must listen to me!” his mother cried.
9 “Pass me th a t salt, please” the m an said to her.
10 “Get out or ril call the police!” the lady said to him.
indirect speech (Đôi các câu sau đây sang lời nói trực tiếp)1 “Where are the classrooms?” F rank asked.
2 Zaira asked her íriend “How did you do it?”
3 “Have you been to the funfair?”, Rio asked.
4 Linda asked “What is on CNN tonight”.
5 “Do you know where Central Market is?”
6 “Does your brother go to the library often?”, he asked.
7 “Who is that old lady?” Roth asked.
8 The little girl asked her mother “What is in the jar?”
9 “Have you been to Tioman Island?”
10 I asked “How old are you?”
reported speech (Chuyền các câu sau sang lời nói gián tiếp)
“I would like to sign up for the campaign” said Aida
Aida said she would like to sign up for the campaign.
1 “Flash íloods often cause massive traíĩìc jams here” said Stephen.
2 “Some babies are qui te fussy with their food” said Mrs Ooi.
3 “The response to the farewell dinner is good” sald Jimmy.
4 “The transport System in this town is atrocious” rem arked Eddy.
5 “Where has the receptionist gone?” asked the visitor.
6 “What do you want to know?” enquired the clerk.
7 “Is it right for someone to attend the party unin- vited?” asked Moody.
8 “Did you sleep well last night, Andy?” asked Debbie.
9 “We must always be ready to help one another” said Mrs Ooi.
10 “How can we claim for a refund?”, enquired M rs Lai.
E xereise 60, C hange the fo llo w in g se n te n c e s in to rep orted sp eech (Chuyển các câu sau sang lời nói gián tiếp)
“Where has Robert gone?” asked the manager.
The m anager asked where Robert had gone.
1 “Willy, why do you make so much noise?” asked Emily.
2 “When will you fix back the ampliíìer, Michael?” asked Adeline.
3 “Is Stephen still playing snooker with you all?” asked John.
4 “Don’t throw rubbish here!” said the guard to the boy.
5 “How are you going to help the needy?” asked Owen.
6 “Why does Rita complain so much?” asked Bob.
7 “Will all of you take p art in the cleanliness cam- paign?”, Mr Ali asked.
8 “Have you ever scaled the hill in your district?” asked Darren.
9 (‘Don’t you know th a t Maria has been robbed?” asked Inspector Cole.
10 “I was attacked by a gang of hooligans while walking back home” said Yani.
E xercise 61 Rewrite the follow ing sentences as in- direct sp eech (Viết Lại các câu sau đây ở dạng lời nói gián tiếp)
1 Lilian told Mike “I am going to the library now”.
2 “Class, keep quiet please” the monitor said.
3 “The badminton team from China arrived in Singapore yesterday” Teddy told his sister.
4 “The elephant has a very good memory” said the teacher.
5 Tim said “I have decided to join the basketball team”.
6 “Let’s go dancing tonight” Polly suggested.
7 “Irene, could you please carry the books to the teach- er’s room, please?” the teacher asked.
8 Allan asked her íather “When will the doctor be here?”
9 The contractor said “The weather is good I can ha ve the renovations completed by tomorrow.
10 Galvin said “I was watching the television when Rafe came”.
E xercise 62 Rewrite the follow ing sentences as indirect speech (Viết lại các câu sau đây ở dạng lời nói gián tiếp)
1 My mother told us “Your grandmother will be arriving in Singapore tomorrow”.
2 “Don’t meddle with the things in the house!” mother told Susie.
3 “Dawn hurt herself during PE lesson this morning”
4 “There are usually more girls than boys taking piano lessons” said the receptionist.
5 “Please clear the tables after you have íinished the food” m other told the girls.
6 I would have accompanied you to the show if only you had asked, Henry” said Harry.
7 Bobby asked “Can I have some pieces of papers, please?”
8 Lin En, stop playing the fool now!” the class m onitor ordered.
9 “I saw Terri playing alone yesterday” Pauline said.
10 “When are you leaving for China again?”
Mrs Tan asked her husband.
E xercise 63 R ew rite the fo llo w in g se n te n c e s as in d irect sp eech (Viết lại các câu sau đây ở dạng lời nói gián tiếp)
1 “I am happy to meet your family” he said.
2 “Are you free to help me w ith my homework?” H arry asked Sally.
3 “I have won the íĩrst prize in the lucky draw!” exclaimed an excited Mr Lim.
4 “There are nine planets in our System” the Science teacher told his class.
5 “Leave me alone” said Andy stubbornly.
6 “Come along with us It won’t be fun without you”
7 “Linda, you left your book a t my desk yesterday”
8 “Let’s buy mother a surprise present for her birthday” my sister suggested.
9 “Come to my house tonight to meet my pen-pal Steve”
10 “The Sports Day will be held at the end of the month” the Principal said.
E xercise 64 Rewrite the following sentences as ind irect speech (Viết lại các câu sau đây ở dạng lời nói gián tiếp)
1 “I have told the landlord that he must repair the kitchen sink” he says.
2 Mrs Lim said “I think you should throw away the Soup which is inedible”.
3 “I know a lot of customers who would not be too dis- appointed with this Soup” the cook claimed.
4 “This fish is burnt” he complained “I demand to see the manager”.
5 “So sorry” says the manager “I am not having a com- plaints book”.
6 “I sneakeđ in late this afternoon when you were on duty” he said to the prefe.
7 “I told him I had found Ben stealing his wallet from his bag” she said slyly.
8 “The students were about to rebel when I stepped in” the student very proudly claimed.
9 “I did not expect you to invite me to dinner” she told him.
10 “Are you sure th at you have not seen my íínished project?” she asks in desperation.
E xercise 65 Choose the b est answer (Chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất)
1 Susan said “I met your sister last week”.
A Susan said that I met your sister last week.
B Susan said that I had met your sister last week. c Susan said th at he had met my sister th a t week.
D Susan said th a t he had met my sister the week before.
2 Ivon said “You are not listening to me”.
A Ivon said th a t you are not listening to her.
B Ivon said th a t you were not listening to her c Ivon said th a t I was not listening to her.
D Ivon said I had not been listening to her.
3 Bee Lee said “I am very happy today because my fa- th er has given me a car” (A month later, you report his statement)
A Bee Lee said th a t he was very happy th a t day because his father has given him a car.
B Bee Lee said th a t he was very happy th a t day because his father had given him a car. c Bee Lee said th a t he is very happy today becaưse his father has given him a car.
D Bee Lee said th at he was very happy today because his father has given him a car.
4 The headm istress says “The young people of today are tomorrow’s leaders” (An hour later, you report h e r statem ent)
A The headm istress says th a t the young people of today are tomorrow’s leaders.
B The headm istress says th a t the young people of th at day are the next day’s leaders. c The headm istress said th at the young people of th at day are the next day’s leaders.
D The headm istress said th at the young people of yesterday are today’s leaders.
5 The children said “We will build a sand-castle our- selves.
A The children said that they would build a sand- castle themselves.
B The children said that they will build a sand-castle ourselves. c The children said th at we would build a sand-castle ourselves.
D The children said that we will build a sand-castle themselves.
6 He said “ĩ am looking at the diagram”.
A He said that I am looking at the diagram.
B He said that I was looking at the diagram. c He says that he was looking at the diagram.
D He said that he was looking at the diagram.
7 Steven said “I don’t have any money to pay for this ticket”.
A Steven said that he don’t have any money to pay for this ticket.
B Steven said that he doesn’t have any money to pay for th at ticket. c Steven said that he didn’t have any money to pay for that ticket.
D Steven said that he hadn’t had any money to pay for th at ticket.
8 Jill said “Jack must give his answer to me”.
A Jill said that Jack must give her answer to him.
B Jill said that Jack had to gi ve his answer to her. c Jill said that Jack had to give his answer to me.
D Jill said that Jack must gi ve his answer to me.
9 She said “I have been sewing from morning until now”
(The next day, you report her statement.)
A She said th at she had been sewing from morning until then.
B She said th at she has been sewing from m orning until then. c She said th at she had been sewing from m orning until now.
D She said th at she has been dewing from m orning until now.
10 Carl said “You may meet them next m onth”.
A Carl said th a t you may meet them next month.
B Carl said th a t I may m eet them next month. c Carl said that I might meet them the following month
D Carl said th at I may meet them the following month.
E xercise 66 C hoose the b est answ er (Chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất)
1 The scientist explained “W hat goes up, must come down”.
A The seientist explained th a t what went up m ust come down.
B The scientist explains th at what goes up must come down. c The scientist explained th a t what goes up m ust come down.
D The scientist explains th at what went up m ust come down.
2 “Who is th a t girl?” he asked.
A He asked me who th a t girl was.
B He asked me who th a t girl is. c He asked me who is that girl.
D He asks me who that girl was.
3 Ramlah asked him “How did you solve the problem?”
A Ramlah asked him how he has solved the problem.
B Ramlah asks him how he has solved the problem c Ramlah asked him how he had solved the problem
D Ramlah aske dhim how did you solve the problem.
4 “Get me a pencil, please” she said.
A She asked me to get her a pencil.
B She asks me to get her a pencil c I asked her to get me a pencil.
D She commanded me to get her a pencil.
5 “Don’t play in this area!” the guard said.
A The guard warned us not to play in this area.
B The guard warned us not to play in that area c The guard warns us not to play in that area.
D The guard warned us not to be playing in this area.
6 “Oh my God! What have you done to yourselí?” Aishah exclaimed.
A Aishah exclaimed with surprise and asked me what I have done to myself.
B Aishah exclaimed with surprise and asked me what I had done to myself. c Aishah exclaims with surprise and asked me what I had done to myself.
D Aishah exclaims with surprise and asks me what I have done to myself.
7 “It is excellent!” Nordin said.
A Nordin said th a t it is excellent.
B Nordin says th at it is excellent. c Nordin says th at it was excellent D Nordin said th at it was excellent.
8 The shopkeeper said “This is the latest model”.
A The shopkeeper said th at th a t is the latest model.
B The shopkeeper said th a t th a t was the latest model. c Shopkeeper says th at that was the latest model.
D The shopkeeper says th a t th is was the latest model.
9 Leng An asked “Can we buy the books here?”
A Leng An wants to know if they could buy the books there.
B Leng An wanted to know if they can buy the books there. c Leng An wanted to know if they could buy the books there.
D Leng An vvanted to know if they could buy the books here.
10 The teacher explained “The sun rises in the E ast and sets in the West”.
A The teacher explained th a t the sun rises in the East and sets in the West.
B The teacher explains th a t the sun rose in the E ast and set in the West. c The teacher explained th a t the sun rose in the E ast and set in the west.
D The teacher explains th a t the sun rises in the east and sets in the West.
E x ercise 67 C hoose th e b e st answ er (Chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất)
1 “We will be going camping the day aíter tomorrow” the troop leader said.
A The troop leader says that they would be going camping in two days’ time.
B The troop leader said that they would be going camping the day after tomorrow. c The troop leader said that we are going camping in two day’s time.
D The troop leader said that they would be going camping in two day’s time.
2 “Is she going to Singapore” Najib asked. Â Lena asked whether she is going to Singapore.
B Lena asks whether she was going to Singapore, c Lena asked whether she was going to Singapore.
D Lena asks whether she is going to Singapore.
A The manager orders me to leave this room.
B The manager ordered me to leave this room c The manager orders me to leave that room.
D The manager ordered me to leave that room.
4 “Does she like the present?” I asked him.
A I asked.him if she liked the present.
B I ask him if she liked the present c I asked him if she likes the present.
D I ask him if she likes the present.
5 I said to my nephew, “There are 24 hours in one day”.
A I said to my nephew th a t there are twenty-four hours in one day.
B I say to my nephew th a t there were twenty-four hours in one day. c My nephew said to me th a t there are twenty-four hours in one day.
D I said to my nephew th a t there were twenty-four hours in one day.
E xercise 68 R ew rite th e se n te n c e s in d irect sp ee ch
(Viết lại các câu sau đầy ở dạng lời nói trực tiểp)
Example: She said Liz didn’t speak Greek.
1 He adm itted th a t he had never m et us.
2 They told us they would sta rt the following day.
3 We called them that we were walking in the park.
4 She said she worked for Ford.
5 I replied th at I had been trying to mend it since the moming.
6 He said th a t at One o’elock he had been doing nothing.
7 They explained that they had closed down the previous year.
8 Neil said he wished he could be independent.
9 She told us we had better accept it.
10 He claimed that while he was sleeping someone screamed in the garden.
11 Moira admitted that she would rather stay.
E xercise 69 Rewrite the reported commands and questions in the direct speech (Viết lại các câu đề nghị và câu hỏi ở lời nói gián tiếp sau đây sang lời nói trực tiếp)
Example: He asked me to stand up
He asked me if I was sleepy.
1 He asked me what I wanted from him.
2 Sam wondered if they had arrived on time.
3 I advised them not to go out at night.
4 He wanted to know why I was crying.
5 He asked me whether I would marry him the following year.
6 He asked me not to interrupt him.
7 He wanted to know if he should lock the door.
8 She wondered whether she might use my laptop.
9 Nicol asked me to join her.
10 Lily told me not to eat so much.
11 He wondered if I had received his message.
12 Ezra asked us what we had been doing so long.
E xercỉse 70 R ew rite th e rep o rted sp e e c h in th e d irect sp eech (Viết lại các câu ờ lời nói gián tiếp sau đây sang lời nói trực tiếp)
1 She said th at she didn’t want to come w ith me.
2 He said th a t he was writing a letter.
3 She said th a t she had íìnished the work.
4 He said th at he wanted some razors.
5 John said th at he had been living in th a t city for ten years.
6 He said th a t he had been w aiting th ere for several hours.
7 He said th at burglars had broken into his house the previous night.
8 She told me th at she had been waiting for her sister.
9 She said th a t she had never m et such people beíbre.
10 John said th a t he had been gardening for two hours.
11 He said th a t he lived many years in the u s / He said th a t he had lived many years in the ư s
12 She said th a t she would work hard.
13 He said th a t they would be arriving there by the next train.
14 Alice said that she would have íìnished the work by then.
E xercise 71 Rewrite these sentences in Direct sp eech (Viết lại các câu sau đây sang lời nói trực tiếp) 1 My mother asked me to buy a dozen eggs from the shơp.
2 I told m yself that I would íĩnish painting the gate by that aíternoon
3 The judge asked the deíendant to speak louder.
4 The engineer wanted the vvorkers to complete the project by the following day.
5 Asni reported to the police about her purse being snatched.
6 The gardener prevented the young girl from plucking the roses.
7 The Principal told the teachers and students to grow more plants around their school to beautiíy it
8 Father asked me not to open the box while he was away.
9 The doctor told the patient to read the instructions careíully before taking the medicine.
10 The mother warned the boy not to swim in the old mining pool.
E xercise 72, Convert the follow ing from Indirect to direct (Chuyển các câu sau từ lời nói gián tiếp sang trực tiếp)
1 He assured them that he woulđ soon return.
2 He told me that I might leave that place as soon as I could.
3 I admitted that I had acted íbolishly in what I said
4 He told them th at he had been robbed of the book which he had bought.
5 He said he was very sorry for the fault he had com- mitted.
6 They aíĩlrmed th at he was the best worker they had seen.
7 He admitted th a t he had not worked as hard as John had done.
8 He heard them say th a t he did not deserve the prize.
9 He made a promise th a t he would do it as soon as he could.
10 They said th at he had deserved th eir th an k s for all he had done.
E xercise 73 Change th e follow in g se n te n c es from reported sp eech to d irect sp eech (Đổi các câu sau đây từ lời nói gián tiếp sang lời nói trực tiếp)
1 Jane said she play ed tennis every Saturday.
2 David said there was an excellent bank playing later on.
3 Christine said she had seen Amy at the bank on Monday.
4 The driver said he was going to turn right at the traíĩìc lights.
5 donathan said he had returned the dictionary to the library.
6 The doctor said he would send me/us the results as soon as they arrived.
7 Caroline asked (me) if I would come to her party on Saturday.
8 The shop assistant asked if I was looking for something special.
9 Jack said he would lend me his grammar book if I thought it would help.
E xereise 74 Turn into direct speech (Chuyển sang câu trực tiếp)
1 He said that he was going to town with his sister.
2 He told her that she had bought herselí a new hat.
3 They said th at they were very late.
4 She told me that she wanted to speak to me.
5 She said th a t they had íìnished their work.
6 She said th at he was ready to come with them.
7 She told me that they did not know me.
8 He said that he would answer the phone.
9 She told them that they could do it if they tried.
10 She said th a t he had done his homework well.
11 They said that they were living in the house then.
12 She said th a t she had been shopping all the morning.
13 He told h er th a t he had not told her anything yet.
14 He told me th a t I might see the photo if I liked.
15 He said th at she had vvritten him a long letter.
16 She said th a t she was giving a party th a t week to all her ữiends.
17 She told her íriend th at the latter had an excellent cook.
18 They said th at they had not heard the news.
19 She said th a t she liked oranges better th an bananas.
20 She said th at they were learning higher m athem atics.
21 She said she was ílying to Paris the next day.
22 He asked me if I had gone to the stadium to watch the game the day before.
23 She asked me to excuse her keeping my book so long.
24 She told him not to let the íailure of the experim ent upset him too much.
25 She asked me if she might offer me a cup of tea.
E xercise 75 Turn in to d irect sp eech (Chuyển sang câu trực tiếp)
1 The teacher ordered Richard to go away.
2 Mr Brown asked his visitor to come in.
3 His mother told Richard not to eat all the cake.
4 The officer commanded the soldier to fire.
5 The sergeant told the sentry to stay at his post until he was relieved.
6 The teacher told Timothy to do the exercise correctly or he would have to stay in.
7 The farmer asked the visitors not to leave the gate open.
8 RicharcTs father told him not to climb that tree in his new trousers.
9 The teacher told Henry to get his work done properly or he would punish him.
10 She told him to do some exercise every day if he wanted to pass his examination.
E xercise 76 Turn into direct speech (Chuyển sang câu trực tiếp)
1 He said th at he was íeeling tired.
2 She said th at she couldn’t go out after 8 pm.
3 He told his sister th at he intended to run away from home.
4 They said th a t they would wait for a later train.
5 She said th at she was going to have a baby.
6 He said that he had never been so insulted in all his life.
7 A member of the audience said he couldn’t hear what the lecturer was saying.
8 She told her mother that she had to go out and would not be back until late.
9 He said th at he wouldn’t have believed it even if it had been true.
10 They said th at they had too much work to do and were going on strike.
11 The Prime Minister declared that the country had never been more prosperous.
12 She exclaimed that there was a mouse in the room.
13 They complained that they were so exhausted that they could not walk any íarther.
14 The little boy cried out that his sister was drowning.
1 5 My friend warned me th at it would be too hot to SUĨ 1 - bathe in comíbrt.
16 The children coníessed th a t they had stolen all the apples from the tree.
17 He regretted th at he hadn’t any cigarettes to offer to his guests.
18 She replied th a t she wouldn’t answer such a silly question.
19 The Foreign Secretary stated th at he did not intend to change his country’s policy in the near future.
20 He denied th a t he had wasted his life.
E xercise 77 Choose the correct w ords in th e brackets (Chọn từ đúng trong ngoặc) 1 Jack shouted “Get your backpack and lunch!”.
Jack told his b ro th e r _ (get your, to get your, to get his) backpack and lunch!”.
2 Jack said “Don’t make me late again”.
Jack told his b ro th e r (don’t you make me, not to make me, not to make him) late again”.
3 Jack said to his brother, “Hurry up!”.
Jack told his brother (you hurry up, to hurry up, to hurry him up).
4 His brother said “Leave me alone!”.
His brother told him (to leave me alone, leave him alone, to leave him alone).
5 “OK then”, Jack said, “Walk alone!”.
Jack told his brother (to walk alone, he walk alone, go walk alone).
6 Jack’s mother said “Be kind to your brother”.
Jack’s mother said t h a t _(he should be kind to your brother, he should be kind to his brother, to kind his brother).
7 Jack to his brother “Please be ready on time every morning”.
Jack said th at he (to be ready, should be ready) on time every morning”.
8 Jack’s brother said “Warn me ten minutes beíore you leave”.
His brother to ld (warn him ten minutes beíore you leave, to warn him ten minutes before you leave, him to warn him ten minutes beíbre you leave).
9 Jack said “Set your alarm before you go to bed”.
Jack to ld (him to set your alarm beíbre you go to bed, him to set his alarm before he went to bed, him to set his alarm before he goes to bed).
10 Jack said “Use two clocks if you need to.
Jack said to h im (that he should use two clocks if he needed to, to use two clocks if you need to).
11 Jack’s brother said “Go ahead without me”.
Jack’s brother told h im (to go ahead without me, to go ahead without him).
12 “I will” Jack said, “Don’t forget your head!”
Jack told h i m (don’t forget his head, not to íbrget his head)
E xercise 78 Choose the correct words in the brackets (Chọn từ đúng trong ngoặc)1 Jill said “I love traveling with íriends!”
J ill ex cla im ed (I love traveling w ith íriends, she loves traveling with friends, she loved traveling with friends)
Elena announced (she will ren t a car, she would ren t a car)
Julie d eclared (she is a good navigator, she was a good navigator)
4 Jill said “The next gas station isn’t far from here”.
Jill S tate _ (the next gas station wasn’t far from here, the next gas station wasn’t far from there.
5 Elena said “I think we passed th a t exit”.
Elena com m ented _ (she thinks we passed th a t exit, she thought we passed th a t exit, she thought we had passed th a t exit).
6 Julie said “If we stop soon, we can eat”.
Julie reasoned _ (if we stopped soon, we can eat, if we stopped soon, we could eat, if they stopped soon, they could eat).
7 Elena said “This is the best octopus I’ve ever eaten!”.
Elena blurted o u t (this was the best octopus I’ve ever eaten, th at was the best octopus I had ever eaten, th at was the best octopus she’d ever eaten).
8 Jill said “We need to take another picture”.
Jill a d d e d _ (they needed to take another pic- ture, we needed to take another picture, they need to take another picture).
9 Julie said “This town has a museum”.
Julie pointed out (that town had had a museum, th at town had a museum, this town had a museum).
10 Elena said “I saw an ice cream shop”.
Elena w hispered (she had seen an ice cream shop, she saw an ice cream shop).
11 Julie said “We can’t stay here all day”.
Julie rep lied _ (we couldn’t stay thẹre all day, they couldn’t stay here all day, they coulđn’t stay there all day).
12 Jill reminded them “We still have to get gas”.
Jill reminded th e m (they still had had to get gas, they still had to get gas).
E xercise 79 Choose the correct words in the brackets (Chọn từ đúng trong ngoặc) 1 “What did she say?”.
He asked me _ what did she say, what she said, what she had said, what had she said).
He asked m e (where was I going, where am I going, where I am going, where I was going).
Can you tell m e _ (what time is it?, what time it is).
I’d rather not s a y _ (how old am I, how old I am).
Please let me k now (when you are leaving,when are you leaving).
6 “W hat color are you selecting?”.
Would you tell m e (what color you are selecting?, w hat are you selecting color?, w hat color are you se- lecting?)
7 “How much do you pay for rent?”.
Would you mind telling m e (how much do you pay for rent?, how much you pay for rent?).
8 “How many times have you seen th at movie?”.
He asked m e (how many tim es have I seen, how many times I have seen, how many times I had seen) th a t movie.
9 “Who is coming for dinner?”.
I would like to k n o w _ (who Corning for dinner, who is Corning for dinner, who Corning for dinner is)
10 “Who did they choose to lead th e group?”.
Can you tell m e _ (who did they choose, who they choose) to lead the group.
Do you k n o w (where is he from?, where he ìs from?).
12 “Did he learn English in England?”.
I wonder w h e th e r (did he learn, he learned) English in England.
13 “How long does it take to learn a language?”.
Who k n o w s (how long it takes, how long does it take) to learn a language.
14 “W here did you buy th a t book?”.
I would love to know where _ (he bought, he did buy, he had bought, had he bought) th a t book.
15 “Where did he buy that book?”.
He wouìdn’t tell me where (he bought, he did buy, he had bought, had he bought) that book.
E xercise 80 Choose the correct words in the brackets (Chọn tù đúng trong ngoặc)
1 “Is this the train to San Francisco?”.
He is asking m e (this train to San Francisco? if is this train to San Francisco, if this is the train to San Francisco).
2 “Do we have to buy a ticket beíore boarding?”.
They asked m e (if we buy to a ticket, if do we buy to a ticket, if we had to buy a ticket).
3 “Can you buy a ticket on board?”.
Do you kn o w (whether you could buy a ticket, whether you bought a ticket, whether you can buy a ticket) on board?
4 “Will this train stop in Palo AI to?”.
I’m not su re _ (if this train stops in Palo Alto), if stops this train in Palo Alto, if this train stopped in Palo Alto).
5 “Is this the bullet train?”.
I really don’t know (whether is thiis the bullet train, whether this was the bullet train, whether this is the bullet train).
6 “Does this train arrive in San Francisco at noon?”.
Could you tell m e _(if this train arrives, if this train arrived) in San Francisco at noon?
7 “Am I able to buy a round-trip ticket?”.
Do you know _ (vvhether 1 am able to buy a round- trip ticket?, whether I was able to buy a round-trip ticket?, w hether am I able to buy a round-trip ticket?).
She asked me (if she may sit w íth you, if she might sit with me, if she could sit with me).
9 “Is there a special fare for students?”.
Do you happen to k n o w _ (whether is there a special fare, whether there a special fare is, w hether there is a special fare) for students?
The guy next to me a s k e d (if I was Canadian, If I am Canadian, if I were Canadian.
11 “Do you prefer taking the train?”.
Do you mind telling me _ (whether you preíerred taking the train, w hether you prefer taking the train).
12 “Is there a seat reserved for handicapped people?”.
Can you tell m e _ (whether is there a Seat, w hether there is a Seat) reserved for handicapped people?
13 “Does this train usually run on time?”.
Can you tell m e _ (whether this train does usu- ally run on time? W hether this train usually runs on time?).
May I a s k _ (whether you are a regular commuter?, w hether you a regular commuter?, w hether are you a regular commuter?).
15 “Is this the fmal stop?”.
Can you tell m e (whether is this the final stop,w hether this is the ílnal stop?).
E xercise 81 Choose the best way to complete the sen ten ces below (Chọn cách tốt nhất d ể hoàn thành các câu dưới đây)
1 Please tell me a where is the bus stop b where the bus stop be c where stops the bus d where the bus stop is Clap 2 I told him a what the homework was b what was the homework c what was to be the homework d what is the homework
3 I think a will be the plane on time b the plane will be on time c the plane to be on time d it will be on time the plane 4 I didn’t know a what he mean b what did he mean c what did he meant d what he meant 5 He said a that the vveather colder than usual b the weather be colder than usual c the weather was colder than usual d the weather it is colder than usual
6 I th in k a today it is Wednesday b th a t is today Wednesday c today is Wednesday d today we Wednesday 7 He said a th at yesterday he gone downtown b he goes downtown yesterday c he go downtown yesterday d he went downtown yesterday 8 I believe a him he is right b he is right c he be right d th a t he right 9 She said a th a t she was hungry b she hungry c she be hungry d her was hungry 10 He told us a th at he enjoy the movie b he enjoyed the movie c he be enjoying the movie d th at enjoyed the movie
11 I asked h e r a what is the answer b what the answer c what was the answer d what the answer was 12 Can you tell m e a what th at is b what th at be c what it is that d what is that 13 Do you rem em ber a when is her birthday b when her birthday is c when her birthday d when be her birthday 14 I told th e m a what he me an b not to go there c they not go there d they not to go there 15 He asked m e a what is my name b what was my name c what my name was d what my name be
16 I warned h i m a to be not late b don’t be late c not to be late d he is not late 17 I asked h e r a was she sure b she was sure or not c if she sure d if she was sure 18 He s a id a he will study for the exam b he would study for the exam c he had study for the exam d he study for the exam 19 Joan a s k e d a if there was coíTee b there was coffee c was there coíĩee d where was the coffee 20 Do you k n o w ? a where did he gone b where he went c where he gone d where did he go
E xercise 82 Choose the correct option A, B or c
(Chọn đáp án đúng trong số A, B hoặc C)
1 Mary: “I will go downtown tomorrow”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she would go downtown
B tomorrow c the following/next day 2 Mary: “I am going to play tennis today”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she was going to play tennis n
Jill: “Mary said (that) she had gone shopping
B the day before c on Saturday 4 Mary: “I am enjoying life now”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she was enjoying life
A now B at that time c today
5 Mary: “I will cook dinner later this evening”.
Jili: “Mary said (that) she would cook dinner laterA that evening
B in the evening c this evening Mary: ‘Tm going to class in three hours”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she was going to class
B three hours later c, in three hours Mary: “I went to bed early last night”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she had gone to bed early
B last night c the night prior 8 Mary: “I am going to go to London in 10 days”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she was going to go to London r>
9, Mary: “I had lunch at noon”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she had had lunch A at 12 o’clock
B at noon c th at noon 10 Mary: “I will play cards the day after tomorrow”
Jill: Mary said (that) she would play cards
B on Thursday c two days later 11 Mary: “I bought it three years ago”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she had bought it A in three years
B three years ago c three years before.
E xercise 83 Read the interview , then complete the summary (Đọc đoạn phỏng vấn sau đó hoàn thành đoạn tóm tắt)
I hear you have a very unusual job.
So what do you do?
Well, I’m investigating the Loch Ness mon- ster Every day I go to Loch Ness and wait for the monster to appear.
And have you ever seen the monster?
Yes, I have It was very foggy and I tried to take a photograph, but uníbrtunately my camera didn’t work.
Do you think you’11 see it again?
I might see it again if I’m lucky.
And what do people think about your job?
Many people think it’s a strange job to have
They don’t believe in the Loch Ness mon- ster, but I know it’s out there somewhere.
The interviewer asked Mr Fogarty w hat he did He ex- plained th at he was investigating the Loch Ness Monster.
He said th at every day he for the m onster to appear He claimed th a t h e the monster He said th a t i t very foggy and h e to take a photograph, but uníbrtunately his c a m e ra He said th at he it again if he lucky.
He admitted th a t many people his job was strange He said th at they in the Loch Ness monster, but h e it was out there somewhere.
E xercise 84 Make in d irect se n te n c e s in th e p resen t.
(Hãy viết câu ở dạng lời nói gián tiếp ở thi hiện tại)
1 ‘Tve íorgotten to pack my passport” Sam to the officer.
2 “Your new novel is my favourite one” Linda to the writer.
3 “I don’t like talking about unnecessary things” the boss to Mr Grey.
4 “He explained me the mechanism of my car” Tina to her mum.
5 “I would like to íorget this terrible memory” Sylvie to the psychologist.
6 “Your unbelievable stories are the best in th is class” the teacher to Jack.
7 “My hobbies don’t need much energy” Mike to Sam.
8 “You broke my beautiỉul vase when you ran out of the room” Mum to Paul.
9 “These apples are for your grandchildren” the green- grocer to Mrs Hill
10 “Tomorrow we’ll visit our new íriends in New Castle”
E xercise 8Ố Make indirect sen ten ces in the present.
(Hãy viết câu ở dạng lời nói gián tiếp ở thì hiện tại)
1 Mom: “Children, you are so nice”.
2 Greg: “Mother, this Soup is really delicious”.
3 Mrs Drill: “Philip, your composition isn’t on my desk”.
4 Ms Stone: “Margaret, your mother is waiting for you outside the house”.
5 Grandma: “Sam and Peter, your sandwiches are ready”.
6 Mrs Farrell: “Mr Kyle, your car is standing in front of my garage”.
7 Mr Marvel: “Mrs Lodge, your son is my best student in this class”.
8 Daisy: “Lana, I need your help”.
9 Doug: “Daddy, I got a five in ÌPhysics”.
10 Tom: “Peggy, I have lost your telephone number”.
E xercise 86 Make in d ir ec t se n te n c e s in th e past
Be careíul! T here are tnodaỉ verb s in th e se n te n c e s
(Hãy viết câu gián tiếp ở thì quá khứ Lưy ý có nhiều động từ tinh thái trong câu)
1 “I should give up eating so mueh fatty food” P e te r to me.
2 “You must íĩnish your book” Mary to Peter.
3 “You can survive this nightm are” They to Sam.
4 “I m ustn’t play with the m atches” Tim to Amy.
5 “I used to play basketball” Gavin to Bill.
6 “We could help you if you needed” They to Sam.
7 “We needn’t hurry, we have plenty of time” Elise to Mark.
8 “I may catch the bus” Ralph to Mary, 9 “You ought to call the police” Mum to dad.
10 “You had better switch off the torch” Davy to Lilly.
1 He said he went to the market.
2 She said she would have a picnic.
3 She said she had seen th is íllm many times.
4 The man said he had bought th a t book in Japan.
5 He said he had been a solider before 1975.
6 She said she would to have a party.
7 The boy said he didn’t like bananas.
8 She said she hadn’t seen th a t film.
9 He said he hadn’t been interested in playing football.
10 She said her mother would go to m arket.
11 He said his father was a driver.
12 She said her uncle had been a solider when he worked in New York.
13 She told me she didn’t see my m other 14 He told me he hadn’t seen my mom.
15 She told me her mother hadn’t phoned my father.
16 She told me my father hadtold h er not to see me.
17 He told her his father hadtold her not to see him.
18 He told her her father had told him not to see her.
19 He told his mother he would come back to see her soon.
20 She saíd her aunt had met a ghost the day before.
1 He said his father hadn’t worked the week beíore.
2 She said she would go to have a party the week after.
3 They said they had beebsitting in a cafe at 6 o’clock the morning beĩore.
4 They said they were singing an E song then.
5 She said she would go on holiday in Dalat the year aíter.
6 He said they didn’t like that kind of weather.
7 The mother said she was very busy at the moment.
8 She said she had met that man 2 weeks beíore.
9 He said he hadn’t studied in that center the year be- fore.
10 She asked me if I loved her.
11 She asked me if I had come there the day beíore.
12 She asked me if I had seen that man beíore.
13 She asked me if I vvould come back the day after.
14 She asked me if I felt comfortable when I worked there.
15 He asked him if he had come there the day beíore.
16 She asked her father to go on a trip to Dalat next year.
17 He asked his mother if she had seen his key any where.
18 She asked her father if he would buy her a bicycle when he passed the exam.
19 She asked me if I was a student.
20 She asked me what I had done the day before.
1 She asked me what I was doing at the moment.
2 The boss asked her why she came late.
3 The police asked her who she had phoned.
4 The mother asked h er son which one he did prefer.
5 The teacher asked the student how he w ent to school every day.
6 Nam asked Lan how many people her family was in.
7 The customer asked the shop-keeper how much cost th at book.
8 The man asked the boy how far from the re to his school was.
9 She asked me who my teacher was.
10 She asked me not to go out.
11 She asked me to shut the door.
12 She asked me not to go out in the Street a t night.
13 The mother asked her son not to throw his clothes on the íloor.
14 She asked me to take th a t book for her.
15 She asked me not to put my books on th a t self.
16 She asked him to study hard or he would fail the exam.
17 He asked his students to hand him /their papers then.
18 She asked me to w ater those flowers every day or they would die.
19 The police asked him not to park his car there.
20 She said to me if she were me, she wouldn’t stop taking tranquilizers.
21 He asked me why I didn’t take of my coat/ he suggested taking off my coat.
22 He asked me to show him my passport.
23 The man advised me to a cup of tea.
24 I asked my hostess to do sit down.
25 His wife said not to take any risks.
26 She reminded to turn ofĩ the lights.
27 Ann’s mother encouragingly asked Ann to try again.
28 She invited me to go to the cineme thatnight.
29 He said her to go on and to apply for the job.
1 John said th at Mandy was at home.
2 Max told me th at Frank often read a book.
3 Susan said to me that she was watching TV.
4 Simon said th at David had been ill.
5 Peggy told me that the girls had helped in the house.
6 Richard said to me th at he was going to ride a skate- board.
7 Stephen and Claire told me that they had cleaned the windows.
8 Charles remarked that he hadn’t had time to do his homework.
9 Mrs Jones told me that her mother would be 50 years old.
10 Jean said that the boss had to sign the letter.
1 Emily said th a t their teacher would go to Leipzig the next day.
2 Helen told me that she had been writing a letter the day before.
3 Robert told me th at his father had flown to Dallas the year before.
4 Lisa said th at Tim had gone to the stadium an hour before,
5 Patricia said th a t her mother would celebrate her birthday the following weekend.
6 Michael said to me th at he was going to read a book th at week.
7 Jason and Victoria told me th a t they would do their best in the exams the next day.
8 Andrew rem arked th at they hadn’t eaten íĩsh two days before.
9 Alice complained th a t she had spent all her pocket money on Monday.
10 David said th at John had already gone at six.
1 She says th at she wants to tell us something about her holiday in London.
2 She says th at she went to London in July.
3 She says th at her parents went with her.
4 She says th at they spent three days in London.
5 She says th at London is a multicultural place.
6 She says th at she saw people of all colours.
7 She says th a t she and her parents visited the Tower.
8 She says th at one evening they went to see a musical.
9 She says th at she loves London.
10 She says th a t the people are so nice there.
direct sp eech (Viết Lại các câu sau đây ở dạng lời nói gián tiếp)
1 Lilian told Mike “I am going to the library now”.
2 “Class, keep quiet please” the monitor said.
3 “The badminton team from China arrived in Singapore yesterday” Teddy told his sister.
4 “The elephant has a very good memory” said the teacher.
5 Tim said “I have decided to join the basketball team”.
6 “Let’s go dancing tonight” Polly suggested.
7 “Irene, could you please carry the books to the teach- er’s room, please?” the teacher asked.
8 Allan asked her íather “When will the doctor be here?”
9 The contractor said “The weather is good I can ha ve the renovations completed by tomorrow.
10 Galvin said “I was watching the television when Rafe came”.
indirect speech (Viết lại các câu sau đây ở dạng lời nói gián tiếp)
1 My mother told us “Your grandmother will be arriving in Singapore tomorrow”.
2 “Don’t meddle with the things in the house!” mother told Susie.
3 “Dawn hurt herself during PE lesson this morning”
4 “There are usually more girls than boys taking piano lessons” said the receptionist.
5 “Please clear the tables after you have íinished the food” m other told the girls.
6 I would have accompanied you to the show if only you had asked, Henry” said Harry.
7 Bobby asked “Can I have some pieces of papers, please?”
8 Lin En, stop playing the fool now!” the class m onitor ordered.
9 “I saw Terri playing alone yesterday” Pauline said.
10 “When are you leaving for China again?”
Mrs Tan asked her husband.
in d irect sp eech (Viết lại các câu sau đây ở dạng lời nói gián tiếp)
1 “I am happy to meet your family” he said.
2 “Are you free to help me w ith my homework?” H arry asked Sally.
3 “I have won the íĩrst prize in the lucky draw!” exclaimed an excited Mr Lim.
4 “There are nine planets in our System” the Science teacher told his class.
5 “Leave me alone” said Andy stubbornly.
6 “Come along with us It won’t be fun without you”
7 “Linda, you left your book a t my desk yesterday”
8 “Let’s buy mother a surprise present for her birthday” my sister suggested.
9 “Come to my house tonight to meet my pen-pal Steve”
10 “The Sports Day will be held at the end of the month” the Principal said.
ind irect speech (Viết lại các câu sau đây ở dạng lời nói gián tiếp)
1 “I have told the landlord that he must repair the kitchen sink” he says.
2 Mrs Lim said “I think you should throw away the Soup which is inedible”.
3 “I know a lot of customers who would not be too dis- appointed with this Soup” the cook claimed.
4 “This fish is burnt” he complained “I demand to see the manager”.
5 “So sorry” says the manager “I am not having a com- plaints book”.
6 “I sneakeđ in late this afternoon when you were on duty” he said to the prefe.
7 “I told him I had found Ben stealing his wallet from his bag” she said slyly.
8 “The students were about to rebel when I stepped in” the student very proudly claimed.
9 “I did not expect you to invite me to dinner” she told him.
10 “Are you sure th at you have not seen my íínished project?” she asks in desperation.
E xercise 65 Choose the b est answer (Chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất)
1 Susan said “I met your sister last week”.
A Susan said that I met your sister last week.
B Susan said that I had met your sister last week. c Susan said th at he had met my sister th a t week.
D Susan said th a t he had met my sister the week before.
2 Ivon said “You are not listening to me”.
A Ivon said th a t you are not listening to her.
B Ivon said th a t you were not listening to her c Ivon said th a t I was not listening to her.
D Ivon said I had not been listening to her.
3 Bee Lee said “I am very happy today because my fa- th er has given me a car” (A month later, you report his statement)
A Bee Lee said th a t he was very happy th a t day because his father has given him a car.
B Bee Lee said th a t he was very happy th a t day because his father had given him a car. c Bee Lee said th a t he is very happy today becaưse his father has given him a car.
D Bee Lee said th at he was very happy today because his father has given him a car.
4 The headm istress says “The young people of today are tomorrow’s leaders” (An hour later, you report h e r statem ent)
A The headm istress says th a t the young people of today are tomorrow’s leaders.
B The headm istress says th a t the young people of th at day are the next day’s leaders. c The headm istress said th at the young people of th at day are the next day’s leaders.
D The headm istress said th at the young people of yesterday are today’s leaders.
5 The children said “We will build a sand-castle our- selves.
A The children said that they would build a sand- castle themselves.
B The children said that they will build a sand-castle ourselves. c The children said th at we would build a sand-castle ourselves.
D The children said that we will build a sand-castle themselves.
6 He said “ĩ am looking at the diagram”.
A He said that I am looking at the diagram.
B He said that I was looking at the diagram. c He says that he was looking at the diagram.
D He said that he was looking at the diagram.
7 Steven said “I don’t have any money to pay for this ticket”.
A Steven said that he don’t have any money to pay for this ticket.
B Steven said that he doesn’t have any money to pay for th at ticket. c Steven said that he didn’t have any money to pay for that ticket.
D Steven said that he hadn’t had any money to pay for th at ticket.
8 Jill said “Jack must give his answer to me”.
A Jill said that Jack must give her answer to him.
B Jill said that Jack had to gi ve his answer to her. c Jill said that Jack had to give his answer to me.
D Jill said that Jack must gi ve his answer to me.
9 She said “I have been sewing from morning until now”
(The next day, you report her statement.)
A She said th at she had been sewing from morning until then.
B She said th at she has been sewing from m orning until then. c She said th at she had been sewing from m orning until now.
D She said th at she has been dewing from m orning until now.
10 Carl said “You may meet them next m onth”.
A Carl said th a t you may meet them next month.
B Carl said th a t I may m eet them next month. c Carl said that I might meet them the following month
D Carl said th at I may meet them the following month.
E xercise 66 C hoose the b est answ er (Chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất)
1 The scientist explained “W hat goes up, must come down”.
A The seientist explained th a t what went up m ust come down.
B The scientist explains th at what goes up must come down. c The scientist explained th a t what goes up m ust come down.
D The scientist explains th at what went up m ust come down.
2 “Who is th a t girl?” he asked.
A He asked me who th a t girl was.
B He asked me who th a t girl is. c He asked me who is that girl.
D He asks me who that girl was.
3 Ramlah asked him “How did you solve the problem?”
A Ramlah asked him how he has solved the problem.
B Ramlah asks him how he has solved the problem c Ramlah asked him how he had solved the problem
D Ramlah aske dhim how did you solve the problem.
4 “Get me a pencil, please” she said.
A She asked me to get her a pencil.
B She asks me to get her a pencil c I asked her to get me a pencil.
D She commanded me to get her a pencil.
5 “Don’t play in this area!” the guard said.
A The guard warned us not to play in this area.
B The guard warned us not to play in that area c The guard warns us not to play in that area.
D The guard warned us not to be playing in this area.
6 “Oh my God! What have you done to yourselí?” Aishah exclaimed.
A Aishah exclaimed with surprise and asked me what I have done to myself.
B Aishah exclaimed with surprise and asked me what I had done to myself. c Aishah exclaims with surprise and asked me what I had done to myself.
D Aishah exclaims with surprise and asks me what I have done to myself.
7 “It is excellent!” Nordin said.
A Nordin said th a t it is excellent.
B Nordin says th at it is excellent. c Nordin says th at it was excellent D Nordin said th at it was excellent.
8 The shopkeeper said “This is the latest model”.
A The shopkeeper said th at th a t is the latest model.
B The shopkeeper said th a t th a t was the latest model. c Shopkeeper says th at that was the latest model.
D The shopkeeper says th a t th is was the latest model.
9 Leng An asked “Can we buy the books here?”
A Leng An wants to know if they could buy the books there.
B Leng An wanted to know if they can buy the books there. c Leng An wanted to know if they could buy the books there.
D Leng An vvanted to know if they could buy the books here.
10 The teacher explained “The sun rises in the E ast and sets in the West”.
A The teacher explained th a t the sun rises in the East and sets in the West.
B The teacher explains th a t the sun rose in the E ast and set in the West. c The teacher explained th a t the sun rose in the E ast and set in the west.
D The teacher explains th a t the sun rises in the east and sets in the West.
E x ercise 67 C hoose th e b e st answ er (Chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất)
1 “We will be going camping the day aíter tomorrow” the troop leader said.
A The troop leader says that they would be going camping in two days’ time.
B The troop leader said that they would be going camping the day after tomorrow. c The troop leader said that we are going camping in two day’s time.
D The troop leader said that they would be going camping in two day’s time.
2 “Is she going to Singapore” Najib asked. Â Lena asked whether she is going to Singapore.
B Lena asks whether she was going to Singapore, c Lena asked whether she was going to Singapore.
D Lena asks whether she is going to Singapore.
A The manager orders me to leave this room.
B The manager ordered me to leave this room c The manager orders me to leave that room.
D The manager ordered me to leave that room.
4 “Does she like the present?” I asked him.
A I asked.him if she liked the present.
B I ask him if she liked the present c I asked him if she likes the present.
D I ask him if she likes the present.
5 I said to my nephew, “There are 24 hours in one day”.
A I said to my nephew th a t there are twenty-four hours in one day.
B I say to my nephew th a t there were twenty-four hours in one day. c My nephew said to me th a t there are twenty-four hours in one day.
D I said to my nephew th a t there were twenty-four hours in one day.
E xercise 68 R ew rite th e se n te n c e s in d irect sp ee ch
(Viết lại các câu sau đầy ở dạng lời nói trực tiểp)
Example: She said Liz didn’t speak Greek.
1 He adm itted th a t he had never m et us.
2 They told us they would sta rt the following day.
3 We called them that we were walking in the park.
4 She said she worked for Ford.
5 I replied th at I had been trying to mend it since the moming.
6 He said th a t at One o’elock he had been doing nothing.
7 They explained that they had closed down the previous year.
8 Neil said he wished he could be independent.
9 She told us we had better accept it.
10 He claimed that while he was sleeping someone screamed in the garden.
11 Moira admitted that she would rather stay.
E xercise 69 Rewrite the reported commands and questions in the direct speech (Viết lại các câu đề nghị và câu hỏi ở lời nói gián tiếp sau đây sang lời nói trực tiếp)
Example: He asked me to stand up
He asked me if I was sleepy.
1 He asked me what I wanted from him.
2 Sam wondered if they had arrived on time.
3 I advised them not to go out at night.
4 He wanted to know why I was crying.
5 He asked me whether I would marry him the following year.
6 He asked me not to interrupt him.
7 He wanted to know if he should lock the door.
8 She wondered whether she might use my laptop.
9 Nicol asked me to join her.
10 Lily told me not to eat so much.
11 He wondered if I had received his message.
12 Ezra asked us what we had been doing so long.
E xercỉse 70 R ew rite th e rep o rted sp e e c h in th e d irect sp eech (Viết lại các câu ờ lời nói gián tiếp sau đây sang lời nói trực tiếp)
1 She said th at she didn’t want to come w ith me.
2 He said th a t he was writing a letter.
3 She said th a t she had íìnished the work.
4 He said th at he wanted some razors.
5 John said th at he had been living in th a t city for ten years.
6 He said th a t he had been w aiting th ere for several hours.
7 He said th at burglars had broken into his house the previous night.
8 She told me th at she had been waiting for her sister.
9 She said th a t she had never m et such people beíbre.
10 John said th a t he had been gardening for two hours.
11 He said th a t he lived many years in the u s / He said th a t he had lived many years in the ư s
12 She said th a t she would work hard.
13 He said th a t they would be arriving there by the next train.
14 Alice said that she would have íìnished the work by then.
E xercise 71 Rewrite these sentences in Direct sp eech (Viết lại các câu sau đây sang lời nói trực tiếp) 1 My mother asked me to buy a dozen eggs from the shơp.
2 I told m yself that I would íĩnish painting the gate by that aíternoon
3 The judge asked the deíendant to speak louder.
4 The engineer wanted the vvorkers to complete the project by the following day.
5 Asni reported to the police about her purse being snatched.
6 The gardener prevented the young girl from plucking the roses.
7 The Principal told the teachers and students to grow more plants around their school to beautiíy it
8 Father asked me not to open the box while he was away.
9 The doctor told the patient to read the instructions careíully before taking the medicine.
10 The mother warned the boy not to swim in the old mining pool.
E xercise 72, Convert the follow ing from Indirect to direct (Chuyển các câu sau từ lời nói gián tiếp sang trực tiếp)
1 He assured them that he woulđ soon return.
2 He told me that I might leave that place as soon as I could.
3 I admitted that I had acted íbolishly in what I said
4 He told them th at he had been robbed of the book which he had bought.
5 He said he was very sorry for the fault he had com- mitted.
6 They aíĩlrmed th at he was the best worker they had seen.
7 He admitted th a t he had not worked as hard as John had done.
8 He heard them say th a t he did not deserve the prize.
9 He made a promise th a t he would do it as soon as he could.
10 They said th at he had deserved th eir th an k s for all he had done.
E xercise 73 Change th e follow in g se n te n c es from reported sp eech to d irect sp eech (Đổi các câu sau đây từ lời nói gián tiếp sang lời nói trực tiếp)
1 Jane said she play ed tennis every Saturday.
2 David said there was an excellent bank playing later on.
3 Christine said she had seen Amy at the bank on Monday.
4 The driver said he was going to turn right at the traíĩìc lights.
5 donathan said he had returned the dictionary to the library.
6 The doctor said he would send me/us the results as soon as they arrived.
7 Caroline asked (me) if I would come to her party on Saturday.
8 The shop assistant asked if I was looking for something special.
9 Jack said he would lend me his grammar book if I thought it would help.
E xereise 74 Turn into direct speech (Chuyển sang câu trực tiếp)
1 He said that he was going to town with his sister.
2 He told her that she had bought herselí a new hat.
3 They said th at they were very late.
4 She told me that she wanted to speak to me.
5 She said th a t they had íìnished their work.
6 She said th at he was ready to come with them.
7 She told me that they did not know me.
8 He said that he would answer the phone.
9 She told them that they could do it if they tried.
10 She said th a t he had done his homework well.
11 They said that they were living in the house then.
12 She said th a t she had been shopping all the morning.
13 He told h er th a t he had not told her anything yet.
14 He told me th a t I might see the photo if I liked.
15 He said th at she had vvritten him a long letter.
16 She said th a t she was giving a party th a t week to all her ữiends.
17 She told her íriend th at the latter had an excellent cook.
18 They said th at they had not heard the news.
19 She said th a t she liked oranges better th an bananas.
20 She said th at they were learning higher m athem atics.
21 She said she was ílying to Paris the next day.
22 He asked me if I had gone to the stadium to watch the game the day before.
23 She asked me to excuse her keeping my book so long.
24 She told him not to let the íailure of the experim ent upset him too much.
25 She asked me if she might offer me a cup of tea.
E xercise 75 Turn in to d irect sp eech (Chuyển sang câu trực tiếp)
1 The teacher ordered Richard to go away.
2 Mr Brown asked his visitor to come in.
3 His mother told Richard not to eat all the cake.
4 The officer commanded the soldier to fire.
5 The sergeant told the sentry to stay at his post until he was relieved.
6 The teacher told Timothy to do the exercise correctly or he would have to stay in.
7 The farmer asked the visitors not to leave the gate open.
8 RicharcTs father told him not to climb that tree in his new trousers.
9 The teacher told Henry to get his work done properly or he would punish him.
10 She told him to do some exercise every day if he wanted to pass his examination.
E xercise 76 Turn into direct speech (Chuyển sang câu trực tiếp)
1 He said th at he was íeeling tired.
2 She said th at she couldn’t go out after 8 pm.
3 He told his sister th at he intended to run away from home.
4 They said th a t they would wait for a later train.
5 She said th at she was going to have a baby.
6 He said that he had never been so insulted in all his life.
7 A member of the audience said he couldn’t hear what the lecturer was saying.
8 She told her mother that she had to go out and would not be back until late.
9 He said th at he wouldn’t have believed it even if it had been true.
10 They said th at they had too much work to do and were going on strike.
11 The Prime Minister declared that the country had never been more prosperous.
12 She exclaimed that there was a mouse in the room.
13 They complained that they were so exhausted that they could not walk any íarther.
14 The little boy cried out that his sister was drowning.
1 5 My friend warned me th at it would be too hot to SUĨ 1 - bathe in comíbrt.
16 The children coníessed th a t they had stolen all the apples from the tree.
17 He regretted th at he hadn’t any cigarettes to offer to his guests.
18 She replied th a t she wouldn’t answer such a silly question.
19 The Foreign Secretary stated th at he did not intend to change his country’s policy in the near future.
20 He denied th a t he had wasted his life.
E xercise 77 Choose the correct w ords in th e brackets (Chọn từ đúng trong ngoặc) 1 Jack shouted “Get your backpack and lunch!”.
Jack told his b ro th e r _ (get your, to get your, to get his) backpack and lunch!”.
2 Jack said “Don’t make me late again”.
Jack told his b ro th e r (don’t you make me, not to make me, not to make him) late again”.
3 Jack said to his brother, “Hurry up!”.
Jack told his brother (you hurry up, to hurry up, to hurry him up).
4 His brother said “Leave me alone!”.
His brother told him (to leave me alone, leave him alone, to leave him alone).
5 “OK then”, Jack said, “Walk alone!”.
Jack told his brother (to walk alone, he walk alone, go walk alone).
6 Jack’s mother said “Be kind to your brother”.
Jack’s mother said t h a t _(he should be kind to your brother, he should be kind to his brother, to kind his brother).
7 Jack to his brother “Please be ready on time every morning”.
Jack said th at he (to be ready, should be ready) on time every morning”.
8 Jack’s brother said “Warn me ten minutes beíore you leave”.
His brother to ld (warn him ten minutes beíore you leave, to warn him ten minutes before you leave, him to warn him ten minutes beíbre you leave).
9 Jack said “Set your alarm before you go to bed”.
Jack to ld (him to set your alarm beíbre you go to bed, him to set his alarm before he went to bed, him to set his alarm before he goes to bed).
10 Jack said “Use two clocks if you need to.
Jack said to h im (that he should use two clocks if he needed to, to use two clocks if you need to).
11 Jack’s brother said “Go ahead without me”.
Jack’s brother told h im (to go ahead without me, to go ahead without him).
12 “I will” Jack said, “Don’t forget your head!”
Jack told h i m (don’t forget his head, not to íbrget his head)
E xercise 78 Choose the correct words in the brackets (Chọn từ đúng trong ngoặc)1 Jill said “I love traveling with íriends!”
J ill ex cla im ed (I love traveling w ith íriends, she loves traveling with friends, she loved traveling with friends)
Elena announced (she will ren t a car, she would ren t a car)
Julie d eclared (she is a good navigator, she was a good navigator)
4 Jill said “The next gas station isn’t far from here”.
Jill S tate _ (the next gas station wasn’t far from here, the next gas station wasn’t far from there.
5 Elena said “I think we passed th a t exit”.
Elena com m ented _ (she thinks we passed th a t exit, she thought we passed th a t exit, she thought we had passed th a t exit).
6 Julie said “If we stop soon, we can eat”.
Julie reasoned _ (if we stopped soon, we can eat, if we stopped soon, we could eat, if they stopped soon, they could eat).
7 Elena said “This is the best octopus I’ve ever eaten!”.
Elena blurted o u t (this was the best octopus I’ve ever eaten, th at was the best octopus I had ever eaten, th at was the best octopus she’d ever eaten).
8 Jill said “We need to take another picture”.
Jill a d d e d _ (they needed to take another pic- ture, we needed to take another picture, they need to take another picture).
9 Julie said “This town has a museum”.
Julie pointed out (that town had had a museum, th at town had a museum, this town had a museum).
10 Elena said “I saw an ice cream shop”.
Elena w hispered (she had seen an ice cream shop, she saw an ice cream shop).
11 Julie said “We can’t stay here all day”.
Julie rep lied _ (we couldn’t stay thẹre all day, they couldn’t stay here all day, they coulđn’t stay there all day).
12 Jill reminded them “We still have to get gas”.
Jill reminded th e m (they still had had to get gas, they still had to get gas).
E xercise 79 Choose the correct words in the brackets (Chọn từ đúng trong ngoặc) 1 “What did she say?”.
He asked me _ what did she say, what she said, what she had said, what had she said).
He asked m e (where was I going, where am I going, where I am going, where I was going).
Can you tell m e _ (what time is it?, what time it is).
I’d rather not s a y _ (how old am I, how old I am).
Please let me k now (when you are leaving,when are you leaving).
6 “W hat color are you selecting?”.
Would you tell m e (what color you are selecting?, w hat are you selecting color?, w hat color are you se- lecting?)
7 “How much do you pay for rent?”.
Would you mind telling m e (how much do you pay for rent?, how much you pay for rent?).
8 “How many times have you seen th at movie?”.
He asked m e (how many tim es have I seen, how many times I have seen, how many times I had seen) th a t movie.
9 “Who is coming for dinner?”.
I would like to k n o w _ (who Corning for dinner, who is Corning for dinner, who Corning for dinner is)
10 “Who did they choose to lead th e group?”.
Can you tell m e _ (who did they choose, who they choose) to lead the group.
Do you k n o w (where is he from?, where he ìs from?).
12 “Did he learn English in England?”.
I wonder w h e th e r (did he learn, he learned) English in England.
13 “How long does it take to learn a language?”.
Who k n o w s (how long it takes, how long does it take) to learn a language.
14 “W here did you buy th a t book?”.
I would love to know where _ (he bought, he did buy, he had bought, had he bought) th a t book.
15 “Where did he buy that book?”.
He wouìdn’t tell me where (he bought, he did buy, he had bought, had he bought) that book.
E xercise 80 Choose the correct words in the brackets (Chọn tù đúng trong ngoặc)
1 “Is this the train to San Francisco?”.
He is asking m e (this train to San Francisco? if is this train to San Francisco, if this is the train to San Francisco).
2 “Do we have to buy a ticket beíore boarding?”.
They asked m e (if we buy to a ticket, if do we buy to a ticket, if we had to buy a ticket).
3 “Can you buy a ticket on board?”.
Do you kn o w (whether you could buy a ticket, whether you bought a ticket, whether you can buy a ticket) on board?
4 “Will this train stop in Palo AI to?”.
I’m not su re _ (if this train stops in Palo Alto), if stops this train in Palo Alto, if this train stopped in Palo Alto).
5 “Is this the bullet train?”.
I really don’t know (whether is thiis the bullet train, whether this was the bullet train, whether this is the bullet train).
6 “Does this train arrive in San Francisco at noon?”.
Could you tell m e _(if this train arrives, if this train arrived) in San Francisco at noon?
7 “Am I able to buy a round-trip ticket?”.
Do you know _ (vvhether 1 am able to buy a round- trip ticket?, whether I was able to buy a round-trip ticket?, w hether am I able to buy a round-trip ticket?).
She asked me (if she may sit w íth you, if she might sit with me, if she could sit with me).
9 “Is there a special fare for students?”.
Do you happen to k n o w _ (whether is there a special fare, whether there a special fare is, w hether there is a special fare) for students?
The guy next to me a s k e d (if I was Canadian, If I am Canadian, if I were Canadian.
11 “Do you prefer taking the train?”.
Do you mind telling me _ (whether you preíerred taking the train, w hether you prefer taking the train).
12 “Is there a seat reserved for handicapped people?”.
Can you tell m e _ (whether is there a Seat, w hether there is a Seat) reserved for handicapped people?
13 “Does this train usually run on time?”.
Can you tell m e _ (whether this train does usu- ally run on time? W hether this train usually runs on time?).
May I a s k _ (whether you are a regular commuter?, w hether you a regular commuter?, w hether are you a regular commuter?).
15 “Is this the fmal stop?”.
Can you tell m e (whether is this the final stop,w hether this is the ílnal stop?).
E xercise 81 Choose the best way to complete the sen ten ces below (Chọn cách tốt nhất d ể hoàn thành các câu dưới đây)
1 Please tell me a where is the bus stop b where the bus stop be c where stops the bus d where the bus stop is Clap 2 I told him a what the homework was b what was the homework c what was to be the homework d what is the homework
3 I think a will be the plane on time b the plane will be on time c the plane to be on time d it will be on time the plane 4 I didn’t know a what he mean b what did he mean c what did he meant d what he meant 5 He said a that the vveather colder than usual b the weather be colder than usual c the weather was colder than usual d the weather it is colder than usual
6 I th in k a today it is Wednesday b th a t is today Wednesday c today is Wednesday d today we Wednesday 7 He said a th at yesterday he gone downtown b he goes downtown yesterday c he go downtown yesterday d he went downtown yesterday 8 I believe a him he is right b he is right c he be right d th a t he right 9 She said a th a t she was hungry b she hungry c she be hungry d her was hungry 10 He told us a th at he enjoy the movie b he enjoyed the movie c he be enjoying the movie d th at enjoyed the movie
11 I asked h e r a what is the answer b what the answer c what was the answer d what the answer was 12 Can you tell m e a what th at is b what th at be c what it is that d what is that 13 Do you rem em ber a when is her birthday b when her birthday is c when her birthday d when be her birthday 14 I told th e m a what he me an b not to go there c they not go there d they not to go there 15 He asked m e a what is my name b what was my name c what my name was d what my name be
16 I warned h i m a to be not late b don’t be late c not to be late d he is not late 17 I asked h e r a was she sure b she was sure or not c if she sure d if she was sure 18 He s a id a he will study for the exam b he would study for the exam c he had study for the exam d he study for the exam 19 Joan a s k e d a if there was coíTee b there was coffee c was there coíĩee d where was the coffee 20 Do you k n o w ? a where did he gone b where he went c where he gone d where did he go
E xercise 82 Choose the correct option A, B or c
(Chọn đáp án đúng trong số A, B hoặc C)
1 Mary: “I will go downtown tomorrow”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she would go downtown
B tomorrow c the following/next day 2 Mary: “I am going to play tennis today”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she was going to play tennis n
Jill: “Mary said (that) she had gone shopping
B the day before c on Saturday 4 Mary: “I am enjoying life now”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she was enjoying life
A now B at that time c today
5 Mary: “I will cook dinner later this evening”.
Jili: “Mary said (that) she would cook dinner laterA that evening
B in the evening c this evening Mary: ‘Tm going to class in three hours”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she was going to class
B three hours later c, in three hours Mary: “I went to bed early last night”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she had gone to bed early
B last night c the night prior 8 Mary: “I am going to go to London in 10 days”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she was going to go to London r>
9, Mary: “I had lunch at noon”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she had had lunch A at 12 o’clock
B at noon c th at noon 10 Mary: “I will play cards the day after tomorrow”
Jill: Mary said (that) she would play cards
B on Thursday c two days later 11 Mary: “I bought it three years ago”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she had bought it A in three years
B three years ago c three years before.
E xercise 83 Read the interview , then complete the summary (Đọc đoạn phỏng vấn sau đó hoàn thành đoạn tóm tắt)
I hear you have a very unusual job.
So what do you do?
Well, I’m investigating the Loch Ness mon- ster Every day I go to Loch Ness and wait for the monster to appear.
And have you ever seen the monster?
Yes, I have It was very foggy and I tried to take a photograph, but uníbrtunately my camera didn’t work.
Do you think you’11 see it again?
I might see it again if I’m lucky.
And what do people think about your job?
Many people think it’s a strange job to have
They don’t believe in the Loch Ness mon- ster, but I know it’s out there somewhere.
The interviewer asked Mr Fogarty w hat he did He ex- plained th at he was investigating the Loch Ness Monster.
He said th at every day he for the m onster to appear He claimed th a t h e the monster He said th a t i t very foggy and h e to take a photograph, but uníbrtunately his c a m e ra He said th at he it again if he lucky.
He admitted th a t many people his job was strange He said th at they in the Loch Ness monster, but h e it was out there somewhere.
E xercise 84 Make in d irect se n te n c e s in th e p resen t.
(Hãy viết câu ở dạng lời nói gián tiếp ở thi hiện tại)
1 ‘Tve íorgotten to pack my passport” Sam to the officer.
2 “Your new novel is my favourite one” Linda to the writer.
3 “I don’t like talking about unnecessary things” the boss to Mr Grey.
4 “He explained me the mechanism of my car” Tina to her mum.
5 “I would like to íorget this terrible memory” Sylvie to the psychologist.
6 “Your unbelievable stories are the best in th is class” the teacher to Jack.
7 “My hobbies don’t need much energy” Mike to Sam.
8 “You broke my beautiỉul vase when you ran out of the room” Mum to Paul.
9 “These apples are for your grandchildren” the green- grocer to Mrs Hill
10 “Tomorrow we’ll visit our new íriends in New Castle”
E xercise 8Ố Make indirect sen ten ces in the present.
(Hãy viết câu ở dạng lời nói gián tiếp ở thì hiện tại)
1 Mom: “Children, you are so nice”.
2 Greg: “Mother, this Soup is really delicious”.
3 Mrs Drill: “Philip, your composition isn’t on my desk”.
4 Ms Stone: “Margaret, your mother is waiting for you outside the house”.
5 Grandma: “Sam and Peter, your sandwiches are ready”.
6 Mrs Farrell: “Mr Kyle, your car is standing in front of my garage”.
7 Mr Marvel: “Mrs Lodge, your son is my best student in this class”.
8 Daisy: “Lana, I need your help”.
9 Doug: “Daddy, I got a five in ÌPhysics”.
10 Tom: “Peggy, I have lost your telephone number”.
E xercise 86 Make in d ir ec t se n te n c e s in th e past
Be careíul! T here are tnodaỉ verb s in th e se n te n c e s
(Hãy viết câu gián tiếp ở thì quá khứ Lưy ý có nhiều động từ tinh thái trong câu)
1 “I should give up eating so mueh fatty food” P e te r to me.
2 “You must íĩnish your book” Mary to Peter.
3 “You can survive this nightm are” They to Sam.
4 “I m ustn’t play with the m atches” Tim to Amy.
5 “I used to play basketball” Gavin to Bill.
6 “We could help you if you needed” They to Sam.
7 “We needn’t hurry, we have plenty of time” Elise to Mark.
8 “I may catch the bus” Ralph to Mary, 9 “You ought to call the police” Mum to dad.
10 “You had better switch off the torch” Davy to Lilly.
1 He said he went to the market.
2 She said she would have a picnic.
3 She said she had seen th is íllm many times.
4 The man said he had bought th a t book in Japan.
5 He said he had been a solider before 1975.
6 She said she would to have a party.
7 The boy said he didn’t like bananas.
8 She said she hadn’t seen th a t film.
9 He said he hadn’t been interested in playing football.
10 She said her mother would go to m arket.
11 He said his father was a driver.
12 She said her uncle had been a solider when he worked in New York.
13 She told me she didn’t see my m other 14 He told me he hadn’t seen my mom.
15 She told me her mother hadn’t phoned my father.
16 She told me my father hadtold h er not to see me.
17 He told her his father hadtold her not to see him.
18 He told her her father had told him not to see her.
19 He told his mother he would come back to see her soon.
20 She saíd her aunt had met a ghost the day before.
1 He said his father hadn’t worked the week beíore.
2 She said she would go to have a party the week after.
3 They said they had beebsitting in a cafe at 6 o’clock the morning beĩore.
4 They said they were singing an E song then.
5 She said she would go on holiday in Dalat the year aíter.
6 He said they didn’t like that kind of weather.
7 The mother said she was very busy at the moment.
8 She said she had met that man 2 weeks beíore.
9 He said he hadn’t studied in that center the year be- fore.
10 She asked me if I loved her.
11 She asked me if I had come there the day beíore.
12 She asked me if I had seen that man beíore.
13 She asked me if I vvould come back the day after.
14 She asked me if I felt comfortable when I worked there.
15 He asked him if he had come there the day beíore.
16 She asked her father to go on a trip to Dalat next year.
17 He asked his mother if she had seen his key any where.
18 She asked her father if he would buy her a bicycle when he passed the exam.
19 She asked me if I was a student.
20 She asked me what I had done the day before.
1 She asked me what I was doing at the moment.
2 The boss asked her why she came late.
3 The police asked her who she had phoned.
4 The mother asked h er son which one he did prefer.
5 The teacher asked the student how he w ent to school every day.
6 Nam asked Lan how many people her family was in.
7 The customer asked the shop-keeper how much cost th at book.
8 The man asked the boy how far from the re to his school was.
9 She asked me who my teacher was.
10 She asked me not to go out.
11 She asked me to shut the door.
12 She asked me not to go out in the Street a t night.
13 The mother asked her son not to throw his clothes on the íloor.
14 She asked me to take th a t book for her.
15 She asked me not to put my books on th a t self.
16 She asked him to study hard or he would fail the exam.
17 He asked his students to hand him /their papers then.
18 She asked me to w ater those flowers every day or they would die.
19 The police asked him not to park his car there.
20 She said to me if she were me, she wouldn’t stop taking tranquilizers.
21 He asked me why I didn’t take of my coat/ he suggested taking off my coat.
22 He asked me to show him my passport.
23 The man advised me to a cup of tea.
24 I asked my hostess to do sit down.
25 His wife said not to take any risks.
26 She reminded to turn ofĩ the lights.
27 Ann’s mother encouragingly asked Ann to try again.
28 She invited me to go to the cineme thatnight.
29 He said her to go on and to apply for the job.
1 John said th at Mandy was at home.
2 Max told me th at Frank often read a book.
3 Susan said to me that she was watching TV.
4 Simon said th at David had been ill.
5 Peggy told me that the girls had helped in the house.
6 Richard said to me th at he was going to ride a skate- board.
7 Stephen and Claire told me that they had cleaned the windows.
8 Charles remarked that he hadn’t had time to do his homework.
9 Mrs Jones told me that her mother would be 50 years old.
10 Jean said that the boss had to sign the letter.
1 Emily said th a t their teacher would go to Leipzig the next day.
2 Helen told me that she had been writing a letter the day before.
3 Robert told me th at his father had flown to Dallas the year before.
4 Lisa said th at Tim had gone to the stadium an hour before,
5 Patricia said th a t her mother would celebrate her birthday the following weekend.
6 Michael said to me th at he was going to read a book th at week.
7 Jason and Victoria told me th a t they would do their best in the exams the next day.
8 Andrew rem arked th at they hadn’t eaten íĩsh two days before.
9 Alice complained th a t she had spent all her pocket money on Monday.
10 David said th at John had already gone at six.
1 She says th at she wants to tell us something about her holiday in London.
2 She says th at she went to London in July.
3 She says th at her parents went with her.
4 She says th at they spent three days in London.
5 She says th at London is a multicultural place.
6 She says th at she saw people of all colours.
7 She says th a t she and her parents visited the Tower.
8 She says th at one evening they went to see a musical.
9 She says th at she loves London.
10 She says th a t the people are so nice there.
1 He says th a t he’s íĩne.
2 He says th a t the weather there is great.
3 He says th at his host family is very nice.
4 He says th at he has his own room.
5 He says th a t they have a national park there.
6 He says th a t they went there yesterday.
7 He says th a t it was great.
8 He says th at he’d love to go there again.
9 He says th at the teachers at his school are very nice.
10 He says th at his English has improved.
1 She said th a t she was reading.
2 They said th at they were busy.
3 He said th at he knew a better restaurant.
4 She said th a t she had woken up early.
5 He said th at he would ring her.
6 They said th at they had just arrived.
7 He said th at he would clean the car.
8 She said th at she had not said that.
9 She said th a t she did not know where her shoes were.
10 He said th a t he would not tell anyone.
1 They said th at was their book.
2 She said that she had gone to the cinema the day beíòre.
3 He said th at he was writing a test the next da}.
4 You said th at you would do that for him.
5 She said th a t she was not hungry then.
6 They said th at they had never been there beíbre.
7 They said that they had been in London the week beíbre.
8 He said th a t he would have íínished th a t paper by the next day.
9 He said th a t they wouldn’t sleep.
10 She said th a t it was very quiet there.
(Viết lại các câu sau đầy ở dạng lời nói trực tiểp)
Example: She said Liz didn’t speak Greek.
1 He adm itted th a t he had never m et us.
2 They told us they would sta rt the following day.
3 We called them that we were walking in the park.
4 She said she worked for Ford.
5 I replied th at I had been trying to mend it since the moming.
6 He said th a t at One o’elock he had been doing nothing.
7 They explained that they had closed down the previous year.
8 Neil said he wished he could be independent.
9 She told us we had better accept it.
10 He claimed that while he was sleeping someone screamed in the garden.
11 Moira admitted that she would rather stay.
questions in the direct speech (Viết lại các câu đề nghị và câu hỏi ở lời nói gián tiếp sau đây sang lời nói trực tiếp)
Example: He asked me to stand up
He asked me if I was sleepy.
1 He asked me what I wanted from him.
2 Sam wondered if they had arrived on time.
3 I advised them not to go out at night.
4 He wanted to know why I was crying.
5 He asked me whether I would marry him the following year.
6 He asked me not to interrupt him.
7 He wanted to know if he should lock the door.
8 She wondered whether she might use my laptop.
9 Nicol asked me to join her.
10 Lily told me not to eat so much.
11 He wondered if I had received his message.
12 Ezra asked us what we had been doing so long.
E xercỉse 70 R ew rite th e rep o rted sp e e c h in th e d irect sp eech (Viết lại các câu ờ lời nói gián tiếp sau đây sang lời nói trực tiếp)
1 She said th at she didn’t want to come w ith me.
2 He said th a t he was writing a letter.
3 She said th a t she had íìnished the work.
4 He said th at he wanted some razors.
5 John said th at he had been living in th a t city for ten years.
6 He said th a t he had been w aiting th ere for several hours.
7 He said th at burglars had broken into his house the previous night.
8 She told me th at she had been waiting for her sister.
9 She said th a t she had never m et such people beíbre.
10 John said th a t he had been gardening for two hours.
11 He said th a t he lived many years in the u s / He said th a t he had lived many years in the ư s
12 She said th a t she would work hard.
13 He said th a t they would be arriving there by the next train.
14 Alice said that she would have íìnished the work by then.
E xercise 71 Rewrite these sentences in Direct sp eech (Viết lại các câu sau đây sang lời nói trực tiếp) 1 My mother asked me to buy a dozen eggs from the shơp.
2 I told m yself that I would íĩnish painting the gate by that aíternoon
3 The judge asked the deíendant to speak louder.
4 The engineer wanted the vvorkers to complete the project by the following day.
5 Asni reported to the police about her purse being snatched.
6 The gardener prevented the young girl from plucking the roses.
7 The Principal told the teachers and students to grow more plants around their school to beautiíy it
8 Father asked me not to open the box while he was away.
9 The doctor told the patient to read the instructions careíully before taking the medicine.
10 The mother warned the boy not to swim in the old mining pool.
E xercise 72, Convert the follow ing from Indirect to direct (Chuyển các câu sau từ lời nói gián tiếp sang trực tiếp)
1 He assured them that he woulđ soon return.
2 He told me that I might leave that place as soon as I could.
3 I admitted that I had acted íbolishly in what I said
4 He told them th at he had been robbed of the book which he had bought.
5 He said he was very sorry for the fault he had com- mitted.
6 They aíĩlrmed th at he was the best worker they had seen.
7 He admitted th a t he had not worked as hard as John had done.
8 He heard them say th a t he did not deserve the prize.
9 He made a promise th a t he would do it as soon as he could.
10 They said th at he had deserved th eir th an k s for all he had done.
E xercise 73 Change th e follow in g se n te n c es from reported sp eech to d irect sp eech (Đổi các câu sau đây từ lời nói gián tiếp sang lời nói trực tiếp)
1 Jane said she play ed tennis every Saturday.
2 David said there was an excellent bank playing later on.
3 Christine said she had seen Amy at the bank on Monday.
4 The driver said he was going to turn right at the traíĩìc lights.
5 donathan said he had returned the dictionary to the library.
6 The doctor said he would send me/us the results as soon as they arrived.
7 Caroline asked (me) if I would come to her party on Saturday.
8 The shop assistant asked if I was looking for something special.
9 Jack said he would lend me his grammar book if I thought it would help.
E xereise 74 Turn into direct speech (Chuyển sang câu trực tiếp)
1 He said that he was going to town with his sister.
2 He told her that she had bought herselí a new hat.
3 They said th at they were very late.
4 She told me that she wanted to speak to me.
5 She said th a t they had íìnished their work.
6 She said th at he was ready to come with them.
7 She told me that they did not know me.
8 He said that he would answer the phone.
9 She told them that they could do it if they tried.
10 She said th a t he had done his homework well.
11 They said that they were living in the house then.
12 She said th a t she had been shopping all the morning.
13 He told h er th a t he had not told her anything yet.
14 He told me th a t I might see the photo if I liked.
15 He said th at she had vvritten him a long letter.
16 She said th a t she was giving a party th a t week to all her ữiends.
17 She told her íriend th at the latter had an excellent cook.
18 They said th at they had not heard the news.
19 She said th a t she liked oranges better th an bananas.
20 She said th at they were learning higher m athem atics.
21 She said she was ílying to Paris the next day.
22 He asked me if I had gone to the stadium to watch the game the day before.
23 She asked me to excuse her keeping my book so long.
24 She told him not to let the íailure of the experim ent upset him too much.
25 She asked me if she might offer me a cup of tea.
E xercise 75 Turn in to d irect sp eech (Chuyển sang câu trực tiếp)
1 The teacher ordered Richard to go away.
2 Mr Brown asked his visitor to come in.
3 His mother told Richard not to eat all the cake.
4 The officer commanded the soldier to fire.
5 The sergeant told the sentry to stay at his post until he was relieved.
6 The teacher told Timothy to do the exercise correctly or he would have to stay in.
7 The farmer asked the visitors not to leave the gate open.
8 RicharcTs father told him not to climb that tree in his new trousers.
9 The teacher told Henry to get his work done properly or he would punish him.
10 She told him to do some exercise every day if he wanted to pass his examination.
E xercise 76 Turn into direct speech (Chuyển sang câu trực tiếp)
1 He said th at he was íeeling tired.
2 She said th at she couldn’t go out after 8 pm.
3 He told his sister th at he intended to run away from home.
4 They said th a t they would wait for a later train.
5 She said th at she was going to have a baby.
6 He said that he had never been so insulted in all his life.
7 A member of the audience said he couldn’t hear what the lecturer was saying.
8 She told her mother that she had to go out and would not be back until late.
9 He said th at he wouldn’t have believed it even if it had been true.
10 They said th at they had too much work to do and were going on strike.
11 The Prime Minister declared that the country had never been more prosperous.
12 She exclaimed that there was a mouse in the room.
13 They complained that they were so exhausted that they could not walk any íarther.
14 The little boy cried out that his sister was drowning.
1 5 My friend warned me th at it would be too hot to SUĨ 1 - bathe in comíbrt.
16 The children coníessed th a t they had stolen all the apples from the tree.
17 He regretted th at he hadn’t any cigarettes to offer to his guests.
18 She replied th a t she wouldn’t answer such a silly question.
19 The Foreign Secretary stated th at he did not intend to change his country’s policy in the near future.
20 He denied th a t he had wasted his life.
E xercise 77 Choose the correct w ords in th e brackets (Chọn từ đúng trong ngoặc) 1 Jack shouted “Get your backpack and lunch!”.
Jack told his b ro th e r _ (get your, to get your, to get his) backpack and lunch!”.
2 Jack said “Don’t make me late again”.
Jack told his b ro th e r (don’t you make me, not to make me, not to make him) late again”.
3 Jack said to his brother, “Hurry up!”.
Jack told his brother (you hurry up, to hurry up, to hurry him up).
4 His brother said “Leave me alone!”.
His brother told him (to leave me alone, leave him alone, to leave him alone).
5 “OK then”, Jack said, “Walk alone!”.
Jack told his brother (to walk alone, he walk alone, go walk alone).
6 Jack’s mother said “Be kind to your brother”.
Jack’s mother said t h a t _(he should be kind to your brother, he should be kind to his brother, to kind his brother).
7 Jack to his brother “Please be ready on time every morning”.
Jack said th at he (to be ready, should be ready) on time every morning”.
8 Jack’s brother said “Warn me ten minutes beíore you leave”.
His brother to ld (warn him ten minutes beíore you leave, to warn him ten minutes before you leave, him to warn him ten minutes beíbre you leave).
9 Jack said “Set your alarm before you go to bed”.
Jack to ld (him to set your alarm beíbre you go to bed, him to set his alarm before he went to bed, him to set his alarm before he goes to bed).
10 Jack said “Use two clocks if you need to.
Jack said to h im (that he should use two clocks if he needed to, to use two clocks if you need to).
11 Jack’s brother said “Go ahead without me”.
Jack’s brother told h im (to go ahead without me, to go ahead without him).
12 “I will” Jack said, “Don’t forget your head!”
Jack told h i m (don’t forget his head, not to íbrget his head)
E xercise 78 Choose the correct words in the brackets (Chọn từ đúng trong ngoặc)1 Jill said “I love traveling with íriends!”
J ill ex cla im ed (I love traveling w ith íriends, she loves traveling with friends, she loved traveling with friends)
Elena announced (she will ren t a car, she would ren t a car)
Julie d eclared (she is a good navigator, she was a good navigator)
4 Jill said “The next gas station isn’t far from here”.
Jill S tate _ (the next gas station wasn’t far from here, the next gas station wasn’t far from there.
5 Elena said “I think we passed th a t exit”.
Elena com m ented _ (she thinks we passed th a t exit, she thought we passed th a t exit, she thought we had passed th a t exit).
6 Julie said “If we stop soon, we can eat”.
Julie reasoned _ (if we stopped soon, we can eat, if we stopped soon, we could eat, if they stopped soon, they could eat).
7 Elena said “This is the best octopus I’ve ever eaten!”.
Elena blurted o u t (this was the best octopus I’ve ever eaten, th at was the best octopus I had ever eaten, th at was the best octopus she’d ever eaten).
8 Jill said “We need to take another picture”.
Jill a d d e d _ (they needed to take another pic- ture, we needed to take another picture, they need to take another picture).
9 Julie said “This town has a museum”.
Julie pointed out (that town had had a museum, th at town had a museum, this town had a museum).
10 Elena said “I saw an ice cream shop”.
Elena w hispered (she had seen an ice cream shop, she saw an ice cream shop).
11 Julie said “We can’t stay here all day”.
Julie rep lied _ (we couldn’t stay thẹre all day, they couldn’t stay here all day, they coulđn’t stay there all day).
12 Jill reminded them “We still have to get gas”.
Jill reminded th e m (they still had had to get gas, they still had to get gas).
E xercise 79 Choose the correct words in the brackets (Chọn từ đúng trong ngoặc) 1 “What did she say?”.
He asked me _ what did she say, what she said, what she had said, what had she said).
He asked m e (where was I going, where am I going, where I am going, where I was going).
Can you tell m e _ (what time is it?, what time it is).
I’d rather not s a y _ (how old am I, how old I am).
Please let me k now (when you are leaving,when are you leaving).
6 “W hat color are you selecting?”.
Would you tell m e (what color you are selecting?, w hat are you selecting color?, w hat color are you se- lecting?)
7 “How much do you pay for rent?”.
Would you mind telling m e (how much do you pay for rent?, how much you pay for rent?).
8 “How many times have you seen th at movie?”.
He asked m e (how many tim es have I seen, how many times I have seen, how many times I had seen) th a t movie.
9 “Who is coming for dinner?”.
I would like to k n o w _ (who Corning for dinner, who is Corning for dinner, who Corning for dinner is)
10 “Who did they choose to lead th e group?”.
Can you tell m e _ (who did they choose, who they choose) to lead the group.
Do you k n o w (where is he from?, where he ìs from?).
12 “Did he learn English in England?”.
I wonder w h e th e r (did he learn, he learned) English in England.
13 “How long does it take to learn a language?”.
Who k n o w s (how long it takes, how long does it take) to learn a language.
14 “W here did you buy th a t book?”.
I would love to know where _ (he bought, he did buy, he had bought, had he bought) th a t book.
15 “Where did he buy that book?”.
He wouìdn’t tell me where (he bought, he did buy, he had bought, had he bought) that book.
E xercise 80 Choose the correct words in the brackets (Chọn tù đúng trong ngoặc)
1 “Is this the train to San Francisco?”.
He is asking m e (this train to San Francisco? if is this train to San Francisco, if this is the train to San Francisco).
2 “Do we have to buy a ticket beíore boarding?”.
They asked m e (if we buy to a ticket, if do we buy to a ticket, if we had to buy a ticket).
3 “Can you buy a ticket on board?”.
Do you kn o w (whether you could buy a ticket, whether you bought a ticket, whether you can buy a ticket) on board?
4 “Will this train stop in Palo AI to?”.
I’m not su re _ (if this train stops in Palo Alto), if stops this train in Palo Alto, if this train stopped in Palo Alto).
5 “Is this the bullet train?”.
I really don’t know (whether is thiis the bullet train, whether this was the bullet train, whether this is the bullet train).
6 “Does this train arrive in San Francisco at noon?”.
Could you tell m e _(if this train arrives, if this train arrived) in San Francisco at noon?
7 “Am I able to buy a round-trip ticket?”.
Do you know _ (vvhether 1 am able to buy a round- trip ticket?, whether I was able to buy a round-trip ticket?, w hether am I able to buy a round-trip ticket?).
She asked me (if she may sit w íth you, if she might sit with me, if she could sit with me).
9 “Is there a special fare for students?”.
Do you happen to k n o w _ (whether is there a special fare, whether there a special fare is, w hether there is a special fare) for students?
The guy next to me a s k e d (if I was Canadian, If I am Canadian, if I were Canadian.
11 “Do you prefer taking the train?”.
Do you mind telling me _ (whether you preíerred taking the train, w hether you prefer taking the train).
12 “Is there a seat reserved for handicapped people?”.
Can you tell m e _ (whether is there a Seat, w hether there is a Seat) reserved for handicapped people?
13 “Does this train usually run on time?”.
Can you tell m e _ (whether this train does usu- ally run on time? W hether this train usually runs on time?).
May I a s k _ (whether you are a regular commuter?, w hether you a regular commuter?, w hether are you a regular commuter?).
15 “Is this the fmal stop?”.
Can you tell m e (whether is this the final stop,w hether this is the ílnal stop?).
E xercise 81 Choose the best way to complete the sen ten ces below (Chọn cách tốt nhất d ể hoàn thành các câu dưới đây)
1 Please tell me a where is the bus stop b where the bus stop be c where stops the bus d where the bus stop is Clap 2 I told him a what the homework was b what was the homework c what was to be the homework d what is the homework
3 I think a will be the plane on time b the plane will be on time c the plane to be on time d it will be on time the plane 4 I didn’t know a what he mean b what did he mean c what did he meant d what he meant 5 He said a that the vveather colder than usual b the weather be colder than usual c the weather was colder than usual d the weather it is colder than usual
6 I th in k a today it is Wednesday b th a t is today Wednesday c today is Wednesday d today we Wednesday 7 He said a th at yesterday he gone downtown b he goes downtown yesterday c he go downtown yesterday d he went downtown yesterday 8 I believe a him he is right b he is right c he be right d th a t he right 9 She said a th a t she was hungry b she hungry c she be hungry d her was hungry 10 He told us a th at he enjoy the movie b he enjoyed the movie c he be enjoying the movie d th at enjoyed the movie
11 I asked h e r a what is the answer b what the answer c what was the answer d what the answer was 12 Can you tell m e a what th at is b what th at be c what it is that d what is that 13 Do you rem em ber a when is her birthday b when her birthday is c when her birthday d when be her birthday 14 I told th e m a what he me an b not to go there c they not go there d they not to go there 15 He asked m e a what is my name b what was my name c what my name was d what my name be
16 I warned h i m a to be not late b don’t be late c not to be late d he is not late 17 I asked h e r a was she sure b she was sure or not c if she sure d if she was sure 18 He s a id a he will study for the exam b he would study for the exam c he had study for the exam d he study for the exam 19 Joan a s k e d a if there was coíTee b there was coffee c was there coíĩee d where was the coffee 20 Do you k n o w ? a where did he gone b where he went c where he gone d where did he go
E xercise 82 Choose the correct option A, B or c
(Chọn đáp án đúng trong số A, B hoặc C)
1 Mary: “I will go downtown tomorrow”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she would go downtown
B tomorrow c the following/next day 2 Mary: “I am going to play tennis today”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she was going to play tennis n
Jill: “Mary said (that) she had gone shopping
B the day before c on Saturday 4 Mary: “I am enjoying life now”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she was enjoying life
A now B at that time c today
5 Mary: “I will cook dinner later this evening”.
Jili: “Mary said (that) she would cook dinner laterA that evening
B in the evening c this evening Mary: ‘Tm going to class in three hours”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she was going to class
B three hours later c, in three hours Mary: “I went to bed early last night”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she had gone to bed early
B last night c the night prior 8 Mary: “I am going to go to London in 10 days”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she was going to go to London r>
9, Mary: “I had lunch at noon”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she had had lunch A at 12 o’clock
B at noon c th at noon 10 Mary: “I will play cards the day after tomorrow”
Jill: Mary said (that) she would play cards
B on Thursday c two days later 11 Mary: “I bought it three years ago”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she had bought it A in three years
B three years ago c three years before.
E xercise 83 Read the interview , then complete the summary (Đọc đoạn phỏng vấn sau đó hoàn thành đoạn tóm tắt)
I hear you have a very unusual job.
So what do you do?
Well, I’m investigating the Loch Ness mon- ster Every day I go to Loch Ness and wait for the monster to appear.
And have you ever seen the monster?
Yes, I have It was very foggy and I tried to take a photograph, but uníbrtunately my camera didn’t work.
Do you think you’11 see it again?
I might see it again if I’m lucky.
And what do people think about your job?
Many people think it’s a strange job to have
They don’t believe in the Loch Ness mon- ster, but I know it’s out there somewhere.
The interviewer asked Mr Fogarty w hat he did He ex- plained th at he was investigating the Loch Ness Monster.
He said th at every day he for the m onster to appear He claimed th a t h e the monster He said th a t i t very foggy and h e to take a photograph, but uníbrtunately his c a m e ra He said th at he it again if he lucky.
He admitted th a t many people his job was strange He said th at they in the Loch Ness monster, but h e it was out there somewhere.
E xercise 84 Make in d irect se n te n c e s in th e p resen t.
(Hãy viết câu ở dạng lời nói gián tiếp ở thi hiện tại)
1 ‘Tve íorgotten to pack my passport” Sam to the officer.
2 “Your new novel is my favourite one” Linda to the writer.
3 “I don’t like talking about unnecessary things” the boss to Mr Grey.
4 “He explained me the mechanism of my car” Tina to her mum.
5 “I would like to íorget this terrible memory” Sylvie to the psychologist.
6 “Your unbelievable stories are the best in th is class” the teacher to Jack.
7 “My hobbies don’t need much energy” Mike to Sam.
8 “You broke my beautiỉul vase when you ran out of the room” Mum to Paul.
9 “These apples are for your grandchildren” the green- grocer to Mrs Hill
10 “Tomorrow we’ll visit our new íriends in New Castle”
E xercise 8Ố Make indirect sen ten ces in the present.
(Hãy viết câu ở dạng lời nói gián tiếp ở thì hiện tại)
1 Mom: “Children, you are so nice”.
2 Greg: “Mother, this Soup is really delicious”.
3 Mrs Drill: “Philip, your composition isn’t on my desk”.
4 Ms Stone: “Margaret, your mother is waiting for you outside the house”.
5 Grandma: “Sam and Peter, your sandwiches are ready”.
6 Mrs Farrell: “Mr Kyle, your car is standing in front of my garage”.
7 Mr Marvel: “Mrs Lodge, your son is my best student in this class”.
8 Daisy: “Lana, I need your help”.
9 Doug: “Daddy, I got a five in ÌPhysics”.
10 Tom: “Peggy, I have lost your telephone number”.
E xercise 86 Make in d ir ec t se n te n c e s in th e past
Be careíul! T here are tnodaỉ verb s in th e se n te n c e s
(Hãy viết câu gián tiếp ở thì quá khứ Lưy ý có nhiều động từ tinh thái trong câu)
1 “I should give up eating so mueh fatty food” P e te r to me.
2 “You must íĩnish your book” Mary to Peter.
3 “You can survive this nightm are” They to Sam.
4 “I m ustn’t play with the m atches” Tim to Amy.
5 “I used to play basketball” Gavin to Bill.
6 “We could help you if you needed” They to Sam.
7 “We needn’t hurry, we have plenty of time” Elise to Mark.
8 “I may catch the bus” Ralph to Mary, 9 “You ought to call the police” Mum to dad.
10 “You had better switch off the torch” Davy to Lilly.
1 He said he went to the market.
2 She said she would have a picnic.
3 She said she had seen th is íllm many times.
4 The man said he had bought th a t book in Japan.
5 He said he had been a solider before 1975.
6 She said she would to have a party.
7 The boy said he didn’t like bananas.
8 She said she hadn’t seen th a t film.
9 He said he hadn’t been interested in playing football.
10 She said her mother would go to m arket.
11 He said his father was a driver.
12 She said her uncle had been a solider when he worked in New York.
13 She told me she didn’t see my m other 14 He told me he hadn’t seen my mom.
15 She told me her mother hadn’t phoned my father.
16 She told me my father hadtold h er not to see me.
17 He told her his father hadtold her not to see him.
18 He told her her father had told him not to see her.
19 He told his mother he would come back to see her soon.
20 She saíd her aunt had met a ghost the day before.
1 He said his father hadn’t worked the week beíore.
2 She said she would go to have a party the week after.
3 They said they had beebsitting in a cafe at 6 o’clock the morning beĩore.
4 They said they were singing an E song then.
5 She said she would go on holiday in Dalat the year aíter.
6 He said they didn’t like that kind of weather.
7 The mother said she was very busy at the moment.
8 She said she had met that man 2 weeks beíore.
9 He said he hadn’t studied in that center the year be- fore.
10 She asked me if I loved her.
11 She asked me if I had come there the day beíore.
12 She asked me if I had seen that man beíore.
13 She asked me if I vvould come back the day after.
14 She asked me if I felt comfortable when I worked there.
15 He asked him if he had come there the day beíore.
16 She asked her father to go on a trip to Dalat next year.
17 He asked his mother if she had seen his key any where.
18 She asked her father if he would buy her a bicycle when he passed the exam.
19 She asked me if I was a student.
20 She asked me what I had done the day before.
1 She asked me what I was doing at the moment.
2 The boss asked her why she came late.
3 The police asked her who she had phoned.
4 The mother asked h er son which one he did prefer.
5 The teacher asked the student how he w ent to school every day.
6 Nam asked Lan how many people her family was in.
7 The customer asked the shop-keeper how much cost th at book.
8 The man asked the boy how far from the re to his school was.
9 She asked me who my teacher was.
10 She asked me not to go out.
11 She asked me to shut the door.
12 She asked me not to go out in the Street a t night.
13 The mother asked her son not to throw his clothes on the íloor.
14 She asked me to take th a t book for her.
15 She asked me not to put my books on th a t self.
16 She asked him to study hard or he would fail the exam.
17 He asked his students to hand him /their papers then.
18 She asked me to w ater those flowers every day or they would die.
19 The police asked him not to park his car there.
20 She said to me if she were me, she wouldn’t stop taking tranquilizers.
21 He asked me why I didn’t take of my coat/ he suggested taking off my coat.
22 He asked me to show him my passport.
23 The man advised me to a cup of tea.
24 I asked my hostess to do sit down.
25 His wife said not to take any risks.
26 She reminded to turn ofĩ the lights.
27 Ann’s mother encouragingly asked Ann to try again.
28 She invited me to go to the cineme thatnight.
29 He said her to go on and to apply for the job.
1 John said th at Mandy was at home.
2 Max told me th at Frank often read a book.
3 Susan said to me that she was watching TV.
4 Simon said th at David had been ill.
5 Peggy told me that the girls had helped in the house.
6 Richard said to me th at he was going to ride a skate- board.
7 Stephen and Claire told me that they had cleaned the windows.
8 Charles remarked that he hadn’t had time to do his homework.
9 Mrs Jones told me that her mother would be 50 years old.
10 Jean said that the boss had to sign the letter.
1 Emily said th a t their teacher would go to Leipzig the next day.
2 Helen told me that she had been writing a letter the day before.
3 Robert told me th at his father had flown to Dallas the year before.
4 Lisa said th at Tim had gone to the stadium an hour before,
5 Patricia said th a t her mother would celebrate her birthday the following weekend.
6 Michael said to me th at he was going to read a book th at week.
7 Jason and Victoria told me th a t they would do their best in the exams the next day.
8 Andrew rem arked th at they hadn’t eaten íĩsh two days before.
9 Alice complained th a t she had spent all her pocket money on Monday.
10 David said th at John had already gone at six.
1 She says th at she wants to tell us something about her holiday in London.
2 She says th at she went to London in July.
3 She says th at her parents went with her.
4 She says th at they spent three days in London.
5 She says th at London is a multicultural place.
6 She says th at she saw people of all colours.
7 She says th a t she and her parents visited the Tower.
8 She says th at one evening they went to see a musical.
9 She says th at she loves London.
10 She says th a t the people are so nice there.
1 He says th a t he’s íĩne.
2 He says th a t the weather there is great.
3 He says th at his host family is very nice.
4 He says th at he has his own room.
5 He says th a t they have a national park there.
6 He says th a t they went there yesterday.
7 He says th a t it was great.
8 He says th at he’d love to go there again.
9 He says th at the teachers at his school are very nice.
10 He says th at his English has improved.
1 She said th a t she was reading.
2 They said th at they were busy.
3 He said th at he knew a better restaurant.
4 She said th a t she had woken up early.
5 He said th at he would ring her.
6 They said th at they had just arrived.
7 He said th at he would clean the car.
8 She said th at she had not said that.
9 She said th a t she did not know where her shoes were.
10 He said th a t he would not tell anyone.
1 They said th at was their book.
2 She said that she had gone to the cinema the day beíòre.
3 He said th at he was writing a test the next da}.
4 You said th at you would do that for him.
5 She said th a t she was not hungry then.
6 They said th at they had never been there beíbre.
7 They said that they had been in London the week beíbre.
8 He said th a t he would have íínished th a t paper by the next day.
9 He said th a t they wouldn’t sleep.
10 She said th a t it was very quiet there.
1 She asked where her umbrella was.
2 M artin asked us how we were.
3 He asked if he had to do it.
4 The mother asked her daughter where she had been.
5 She asked her boyíriend which dress he liked best.
6 She wanted to know what they were doing.
7 He wanted to know if I was going to the cinema.
8 The teacher wanted to know who spoke.
9 She asked me how I knew that.
10 My íriend asked me if Caron had talked to Kevin.
sp eech (Viết lại các câu sau đây sang lời nói trực tiếp) 1 My mother asked me to buy a dozen eggs from the shơp.
2 I told m yself that I would íĩnish painting the gate by that aíternoon
3 The judge asked the deíendant to speak louder.
4 The engineer wanted the vvorkers to complete the project by the following day.
5 Asni reported to the police about her purse being snatched.
6 The gardener prevented the young girl from plucking the roses.
7 The Principal told the teachers and students to grow more plants around their school to beautiíy it
8 Father asked me not to open the box while he was away.
9 The doctor told the patient to read the instructions careíully before taking the medicine.
10 The mother warned the boy not to swim in the old mining pool.
to direct (Chuyển các câu sau từ lời nói gián tiếp sang trực tiếp)
1 He assured them that he woulđ soon return.
2 He told me that I might leave that place as soon as I could.
3 I admitted that I had acted íbolishly in what I said
4 He told them th at he had been robbed of the book which he had bought.
5 He said he was very sorry for the fault he had com- mitted.
6 They aíĩlrmed th at he was the best worker they had seen.
7 He admitted th a t he had not worked as hard as John had done.
8 He heard them say th a t he did not deserve the prize.
9 He made a promise th a t he would do it as soon as he could.
10 They said th at he had deserved th eir th an k s for all he had done.
reported sp eech to d irect sp eech (Đổi các câu sau đây từ lời nói gián tiếp sang lời nói trực tiếp)
1 Jane said she play ed tennis every Saturday.
2 David said there was an excellent bank playing later on.
3 Christine said she had seen Amy at the bank on Monday.
4 The driver said he was going to turn right at the traíĩìc lights.
5 donathan said he had returned the dictionary to the library.
6 The doctor said he would send me/us the results as soon as they arrived.
7 Caroline asked (me) if I would come to her party on Saturday.
8 The shop assistant asked if I was looking for something special.
9 Jack said he would lend me his grammar book if I thought it would help.
E xereise 74 Turn into direct speech (Chuyển sang câu trực tiếp)
1 He said that he was going to town with his sister.
2 He told her that she had bought herselí a new hat.
3 They said th at they were very late.
4 She told me that she wanted to speak to me.
5 She said th a t they had íìnished their work.
6 She said th at he was ready to come with them.
7 She told me that they did not know me.
8 He said that he would answer the phone.
9 She told them that they could do it if they tried.
10 She said th a t he had done his homework well.
11 They said that they were living in the house then.
12 She said th a t she had been shopping all the morning.
13 He told h er th a t he had not told her anything yet.
14 He told me th a t I might see the photo if I liked.
15 He said th at she had vvritten him a long letter.
16 She said th a t she was giving a party th a t week to all her ữiends.
17 She told her íriend th at the latter had an excellent cook.
18 They said th at they had not heard the news.
19 She said th a t she liked oranges better th an bananas.
20 She said th at they were learning higher m athem atics.
21 She said she was ílying to Paris the next day.
22 He asked me if I had gone to the stadium to watch the game the day before.
23 She asked me to excuse her keeping my book so long.
24 She told him not to let the íailure of the experim ent upset him too much.
25 She asked me if she might offer me a cup of tea.
E xercise 75 Turn in to d irect sp eech (Chuyển sang câu trực tiếp)
1 The teacher ordered Richard to go away.
2 Mr Brown asked his visitor to come in.
3 His mother told Richard not to eat all the cake.
4 The officer commanded the soldier to fire.
5 The sergeant told the sentry to stay at his post until he was relieved.
6 The teacher told Timothy to do the exercise correctly or he would have to stay in.
7 The farmer asked the visitors not to leave the gate open.
8 RicharcTs father told him not to climb that tree in his new trousers.
9 The teacher told Henry to get his work done properly or he would punish him.
10 She told him to do some exercise every day if he wanted to pass his examination.
E xercise 76 Turn into direct speech (Chuyển sang câu trực tiếp)
1 He said th at he was íeeling tired.
2 She said th at she couldn’t go out after 8 pm.
3 He told his sister th at he intended to run away from home.
4 They said th a t they would wait for a later train.
5 She said th at she was going to have a baby.
6 He said that he had never been so insulted in all his life.
7 A member of the audience said he couldn’t hear what the lecturer was saying.
8 She told her mother that she had to go out and would not be back until late.
9 He said th at he wouldn’t have believed it even if it had been true.
10 They said th at they had too much work to do and were going on strike.
11 The Prime Minister declared that the country had never been more prosperous.
12 She exclaimed that there was a mouse in the room.
13 They complained that they were so exhausted that they could not walk any íarther.
14 The little boy cried out that his sister was drowning.
1 5 My friend warned me th at it would be too hot to SUĨ 1 - bathe in comíbrt.
16 The children coníessed th a t they had stolen all the apples from the tree.
17 He regretted th at he hadn’t any cigarettes to offer to his guests.
18 She replied th a t she wouldn’t answer such a silly question.
19 The Foreign Secretary stated th at he did not intend to change his country’s policy in the near future.
20 He denied th a t he had wasted his life.
E xercise 77 Choose the correct w ords in th e brackets (Chọn từ đúng trong ngoặc) 1 Jack shouted “Get your backpack and lunch!”.
Jack told his b ro th e r _ (get your, to get your, to get his) backpack and lunch!”.
2 Jack said “Don’t make me late again”.
Jack told his b ro th e r (don’t you make me, not to make me, not to make him) late again”.
3 Jack said to his brother, “Hurry up!”.
Jack told his brother (you hurry up, to hurry up, to hurry him up).
4 His brother said “Leave me alone!”.
His brother told him (to leave me alone, leave him alone, to leave him alone).
5 “OK then”, Jack said, “Walk alone!”.
Jack told his brother (to walk alone, he walk alone, go walk alone).
6 Jack’s mother said “Be kind to your brother”.
Jack’s mother said t h a t _(he should be kind to your brother, he should be kind to his brother, to kind his brother).
7 Jack to his brother “Please be ready on time every morning”.
Jack said th at he (to be ready, should be ready) on time every morning”.
8 Jack’s brother said “Warn me ten minutes beíore you leave”.
His brother to ld (warn him ten minutes beíore you leave, to warn him ten minutes before you leave, him to warn him ten minutes beíbre you leave).
9 Jack said “Set your alarm before you go to bed”.
Jack to ld (him to set your alarm beíbre you go to bed, him to set his alarm before he went to bed, him to set his alarm before he goes to bed).
10 Jack said “Use two clocks if you need to.
Jack said to h im (that he should use two clocks if he needed to, to use two clocks if you need to).
11 Jack’s brother said “Go ahead without me”.
Jack’s brother told h im (to go ahead without me, to go ahead without him).
12 “I will” Jack said, “Don’t forget your head!”
Jack told h i m (don’t forget his head, not to íbrget his head)
E xercise 78 Choose the correct words in the brackets (Chọn từ đúng trong ngoặc)1 Jill said “I love traveling with íriends!”
J ill ex cla im ed (I love traveling w ith íriends, she loves traveling with friends, she loved traveling with friends)
Elena announced (she will ren t a car, she would ren t a car)
Julie d eclared (she is a good navigator, she was a good navigator)
4 Jill said “The next gas station isn’t far from here”.
Jill S tate _ (the next gas station wasn’t far from here, the next gas station wasn’t far from there.
5 Elena said “I think we passed th a t exit”.
Elena com m ented _ (she thinks we passed th a t exit, she thought we passed th a t exit, she thought we had passed th a t exit).
6 Julie said “If we stop soon, we can eat”.
Julie reasoned _ (if we stopped soon, we can eat, if we stopped soon, we could eat, if they stopped soon, they could eat).
7 Elena said “This is the best octopus I’ve ever eaten!”.
Elena blurted o u t (this was the best octopus I’ve ever eaten, th at was the best octopus I had ever eaten, th at was the best octopus she’d ever eaten).
8 Jill said “We need to take another picture”.
Jill a d d e d _ (they needed to take another pic- ture, we needed to take another picture, they need to take another picture).
9 Julie said “This town has a museum”.
Julie pointed out (that town had had a museum, th at town had a museum, this town had a museum).
10 Elena said “I saw an ice cream shop”.
Elena w hispered (she had seen an ice cream shop, she saw an ice cream shop).
11 Julie said “We can’t stay here all day”.
Julie rep lied _ (we couldn’t stay thẹre all day, they couldn’t stay here all day, they coulđn’t stay there all day).
12 Jill reminded them “We still have to get gas”.
Jill reminded th e m (they still had had to get gas, they still had to get gas).
E xercise 79 Choose the correct words in the brackets (Chọn từ đúng trong ngoặc) 1 “What did she say?”.
He asked me _ what did she say, what she said, what she had said, what had she said).
He asked m e (where was I going, where am I going, where I am going, where I was going).
Can you tell m e _ (what time is it?, what time it is).
I’d rather not s a y _ (how old am I, how old I am).
Please let me k now (when you are leaving,when are you leaving).
6 “W hat color are you selecting?”.
Would you tell m e (what color you are selecting?, w hat are you selecting color?, w hat color are you se- lecting?)
7 “How much do you pay for rent?”.
Would you mind telling m e (how much do you pay for rent?, how much you pay for rent?).
8 “How many times have you seen th at movie?”.
He asked m e (how many tim es have I seen, how many times I have seen, how many times I had seen) th a t movie.
9 “Who is coming for dinner?”.
I would like to k n o w _ (who Corning for dinner, who is Corning for dinner, who Corning for dinner is)
10 “Who did they choose to lead th e group?”.
Can you tell m e _ (who did they choose, who they choose) to lead the group.
Do you k n o w (where is he from?, where he ìs from?).
12 “Did he learn English in England?”.
I wonder w h e th e r (did he learn, he learned) English in England.
13 “How long does it take to learn a language?”.
Who k n o w s (how long it takes, how long does it take) to learn a language.
14 “W here did you buy th a t book?”.
I would love to know where _ (he bought, he did buy, he had bought, had he bought) th a t book.
15 “Where did he buy that book?”.
He wouìdn’t tell me where (he bought, he did buy, he had bought, had he bought) that book.
E xercise 80 Choose the correct words in the brackets (Chọn tù đúng trong ngoặc)
1 “Is this the train to San Francisco?”.
He is asking m e (this train to San Francisco? if is this train to San Francisco, if this is the train to San Francisco).
2 “Do we have to buy a ticket beíore boarding?”.
They asked m e (if we buy to a ticket, if do we buy to a ticket, if we had to buy a ticket).
3 “Can you buy a ticket on board?”.
Do you kn o w (whether you could buy a ticket, whether you bought a ticket, whether you can buy a ticket) on board?
4 “Will this train stop in Palo AI to?”.
I’m not su re _ (if this train stops in Palo Alto), if stops this train in Palo Alto, if this train stopped in Palo Alto).
5 “Is this the bullet train?”.
I really don’t know (whether is thiis the bullet train, whether this was the bullet train, whether this is the bullet train).
6 “Does this train arrive in San Francisco at noon?”.
Could you tell m e _(if this train arrives, if this train arrived) in San Francisco at noon?
7 “Am I able to buy a round-trip ticket?”.
Do you know _ (vvhether 1 am able to buy a round- trip ticket?, whether I was able to buy a round-trip ticket?, w hether am I able to buy a round-trip ticket?).
She asked me (if she may sit w íth you, if she might sit with me, if she could sit with me).
9 “Is there a special fare for students?”.
Do you happen to k n o w _ (whether is there a special fare, whether there a special fare is, w hether there is a special fare) for students?
The guy next to me a s k e d (if I was Canadian, If I am Canadian, if I were Canadian.
11 “Do you prefer taking the train?”.
Do you mind telling me _ (whether you preíerred taking the train, w hether you prefer taking the train).
12 “Is there a seat reserved for handicapped people?”.
Can you tell m e _ (whether is there a Seat, w hether there is a Seat) reserved for handicapped people?
13 “Does this train usually run on time?”.
Can you tell m e _ (whether this train does usu- ally run on time? W hether this train usually runs on time?).
May I a s k _ (whether you are a regular commuter?, w hether you a regular commuter?, w hether are you a regular commuter?).
15 “Is this the fmal stop?”.
Can you tell m e (whether is this the final stop,w hether this is the ílnal stop?).
E xercise 81 Choose the best way to complete the sen ten ces below (Chọn cách tốt nhất d ể hoàn thành các câu dưới đây)
1 Please tell me a where is the bus stop b where the bus stop be c where stops the bus d where the bus stop is Clap 2 I told him a what the homework was b what was the homework c what was to be the homework d what is the homework
3 I think a will be the plane on time b the plane will be on time c the plane to be on time d it will be on time the plane 4 I didn’t know a what he mean b what did he mean c what did he meant d what he meant 5 He said a that the vveather colder than usual b the weather be colder than usual c the weather was colder than usual d the weather it is colder than usual
6 I th in k a today it is Wednesday b th a t is today Wednesday c today is Wednesday d today we Wednesday 7 He said a th at yesterday he gone downtown b he goes downtown yesterday c he go downtown yesterday d he went downtown yesterday 8 I believe a him he is right b he is right c he be right d th a t he right 9 She said a th a t she was hungry b she hungry c she be hungry d her was hungry 10 He told us a th at he enjoy the movie b he enjoyed the movie c he be enjoying the movie d th at enjoyed the movie
11 I asked h e r a what is the answer b what the answer c what was the answer d what the answer was 12 Can you tell m e a what th at is b what th at be c what it is that d what is that 13 Do you rem em ber a when is her birthday b when her birthday is c when her birthday d when be her birthday 14 I told th e m a what he me an b not to go there c they not go there d they not to go there 15 He asked m e a what is my name b what was my name c what my name was d what my name be
16 I warned h i m a to be not late b don’t be late c not to be late d he is not late 17 I asked h e r a was she sure b she was sure or not c if she sure d if she was sure 18 He s a id a he will study for the exam b he would study for the exam c he had study for the exam d he study for the exam 19 Joan a s k e d a if there was coíTee b there was coffee c was there coíĩee d where was the coffee 20 Do you k n o w ? a where did he gone b where he went c where he gone d where did he go
E xercise 82 Choose the correct option A, B or c
(Chọn đáp án đúng trong số A, B hoặc C)
1 Mary: “I will go downtown tomorrow”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she would go downtown
B tomorrow c the following/next day 2 Mary: “I am going to play tennis today”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she was going to play tennis n
Jill: “Mary said (that) she had gone shopping
B the day before c on Saturday 4 Mary: “I am enjoying life now”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she was enjoying life
A now B at that time c today
5 Mary: “I will cook dinner later this evening”.
Jili: “Mary said (that) she would cook dinner laterA that evening
B in the evening c this evening Mary: ‘Tm going to class in three hours”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she was going to class
B three hours later c, in three hours Mary: “I went to bed early last night”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she had gone to bed early
B last night c the night prior 8 Mary: “I am going to go to London in 10 days”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she was going to go to London r>
9, Mary: “I had lunch at noon”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she had had lunch A at 12 o’clock
B at noon c th at noon 10 Mary: “I will play cards the day after tomorrow”
Jill: Mary said (that) she would play cards
B on Thursday c two days later 11 Mary: “I bought it three years ago”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she had bought it A in three years
B three years ago c three years before.
E xercise 83 Read the interview , then complete the summary (Đọc đoạn phỏng vấn sau đó hoàn thành đoạn tóm tắt)
I hear you have a very unusual job.
So what do you do?
Well, I’m investigating the Loch Ness mon- ster Every day I go to Loch Ness and wait for the monster to appear.
And have you ever seen the monster?
Yes, I have It was very foggy and I tried to take a photograph, but uníbrtunately my camera didn’t work.
Do you think you’11 see it again?
I might see it again if I’m lucky.
And what do people think about your job?
Many people think it’s a strange job to have
They don’t believe in the Loch Ness mon- ster, but I know it’s out there somewhere.
The interviewer asked Mr Fogarty w hat he did He ex- plained th at he was investigating the Loch Ness Monster.
He said th at every day he for the m onster to appear He claimed th a t h e the monster He said th a t i t very foggy and h e to take a photograph, but uníbrtunately his c a m e ra He said th at he it again if he lucky.
He admitted th a t many people his job was strange He said th at they in the Loch Ness monster, but h e it was out there somewhere.
E xercise 84 Make in d irect se n te n c e s in th e p resen t.
(Hãy viết câu ở dạng lời nói gián tiếp ở thi hiện tại)
1 ‘Tve íorgotten to pack my passport” Sam to the officer.
2 “Your new novel is my favourite one” Linda to the writer.
3 “I don’t like talking about unnecessary things” the boss to Mr Grey.
4 “He explained me the mechanism of my car” Tina to her mum.
5 “I would like to íorget this terrible memory” Sylvie to the psychologist.
6 “Your unbelievable stories are the best in th is class” the teacher to Jack.
7 “My hobbies don’t need much energy” Mike to Sam.
8 “You broke my beautiỉul vase when you ran out of the room” Mum to Paul.
9 “These apples are for your grandchildren” the green- grocer to Mrs Hill
10 “Tomorrow we’ll visit our new íriends in New Castle”
E xercise 8Ố Make indirect sen ten ces in the present.
(Hãy viết câu ở dạng lời nói gián tiếp ở thì hiện tại)
1 Mom: “Children, you are so nice”.
2 Greg: “Mother, this Soup is really delicious”.
3 Mrs Drill: “Philip, your composition isn’t on my desk”.
4 Ms Stone: “Margaret, your mother is waiting for you outside the house”.
5 Grandma: “Sam and Peter, your sandwiches are ready”.
6 Mrs Farrell: “Mr Kyle, your car is standing in front of my garage”.
7 Mr Marvel: “Mrs Lodge, your son is my best student in this class”.
8 Daisy: “Lana, I need your help”.
9 Doug: “Daddy, I got a five in ÌPhysics”.
10 Tom: “Peggy, I have lost your telephone number”.
E xercise 86 Make in d ir ec t se n te n c e s in th e past
Be careíul! T here are tnodaỉ verb s in th e se n te n c e s
(Hãy viết câu gián tiếp ở thì quá khứ Lưy ý có nhiều động từ tinh thái trong câu)
1 “I should give up eating so mueh fatty food” P e te r to me.
2 “You must íĩnish your book” Mary to Peter.
3 “You can survive this nightm are” They to Sam.
4 “I m ustn’t play with the m atches” Tim to Amy.
5 “I used to play basketball” Gavin to Bill.
6 “We could help you if you needed” They to Sam.
7 “We needn’t hurry, we have plenty of time” Elise to Mark.
8 “I may catch the bus” Ralph to Mary, 9 “You ought to call the police” Mum to dad.
10 “You had better switch off the torch” Davy to Lilly.
1 He said he went to the market.
2 She said she would have a picnic.
3 She said she had seen th is íllm many times.
4 The man said he had bought th a t book in Japan.
5 He said he had been a solider before 1975.
6 She said she would to have a party.
7 The boy said he didn’t like bananas.
8 She said she hadn’t seen th a t film.
9 He said he hadn’t been interested in playing football.
10 She said her mother would go to m arket.
11 He said his father was a driver.
12 She said her uncle had been a solider when he worked in New York.
13 She told me she didn’t see my m other 14 He told me he hadn’t seen my mom.
15 She told me her mother hadn’t phoned my father.
16 She told me my father hadtold h er not to see me.
17 He told her his father hadtold her not to see him.
18 He told her her father had told him not to see her.
19 He told his mother he would come back to see her soon.
20 She saíd her aunt had met a ghost the day before.
1 He said his father hadn’t worked the week beíore.
2 She said she would go to have a party the week after.
3 They said they had beebsitting in a cafe at 6 o’clock the morning beĩore.
4 They said they were singing an E song then.
5 She said she would go on holiday in Dalat the year aíter.
6 He said they didn’t like that kind of weather.
7 The mother said she was very busy at the moment.
8 She said she had met that man 2 weeks beíore.
9 He said he hadn’t studied in that center the year be- fore.
10 She asked me if I loved her.
11 She asked me if I had come there the day beíore.
12 She asked me if I had seen that man beíore.
13 She asked me if I vvould come back the day after.
14 She asked me if I felt comfortable when I worked there.
15 He asked him if he had come there the day beíore.
16 She asked her father to go on a trip to Dalat next year.
17 He asked his mother if she had seen his key any where.
18 She asked her father if he would buy her a bicycle when he passed the exam.
19 She asked me if I was a student.
20 She asked me what I had done the day before.
1 She asked me what I was doing at the moment.
2 The boss asked her why she came late.
3 The police asked her who she had phoned.
4 The mother asked h er son which one he did prefer.
5 The teacher asked the student how he w ent to school every day.
6 Nam asked Lan how many people her family was in.
7 The customer asked the shop-keeper how much cost th at book.
8 The man asked the boy how far from the re to his school was.
9 She asked me who my teacher was.
10 She asked me not to go out.
11 She asked me to shut the door.
12 She asked me not to go out in the Street a t night.
13 The mother asked her son not to throw his clothes on the íloor.
14 She asked me to take th a t book for her.
15 She asked me not to put my books on th a t self.
16 She asked him to study hard or he would fail the exam.
17 He asked his students to hand him /their papers then.
18 She asked me to w ater those flowers every day or they would die.
19 The police asked him not to park his car there.
20 She said to me if she were me, she wouldn’t stop taking tranquilizers.
21 He asked me why I didn’t take of my coat/ he suggested taking off my coat.
22 He asked me to show him my passport.
23 The man advised me to a cup of tea.
24 I asked my hostess to do sit down.
25 His wife said not to take any risks.
26 She reminded to turn ofĩ the lights.
27 Ann’s mother encouragingly asked Ann to try again.
28 She invited me to go to the cineme thatnight.
29 He said her to go on and to apply for the job.
1 John said th at Mandy was at home.
2 Max told me th at Frank often read a book.
3 Susan said to me that she was watching TV.
4 Simon said th at David had been ill.
5 Peggy told me that the girls had helped in the house.
6 Richard said to me th at he was going to ride a skate- board.
7 Stephen and Claire told me that they had cleaned the windows.
8 Charles remarked that he hadn’t had time to do his homework.
9 Mrs Jones told me that her mother would be 50 years old.
10 Jean said that the boss had to sign the letter.
1 Emily said th a t their teacher would go to Leipzig the next day.
2 Helen told me that she had been writing a letter the day before.
3 Robert told me th at his father had flown to Dallas the year before.
4 Lisa said th at Tim had gone to the stadium an hour before,
5 Patricia said th a t her mother would celebrate her birthday the following weekend.
6 Michael said to me th at he was going to read a book th at week.
7 Jason and Victoria told me th a t they would do their best in the exams the next day.
8 Andrew rem arked th at they hadn’t eaten íĩsh two days before.
9 Alice complained th a t she had spent all her pocket money on Monday.
10 David said th at John had already gone at six.
1 She says th at she wants to tell us something about her holiday in London.
2 She says th at she went to London in July.
3 She says th at her parents went with her.
4 She says th at they spent three days in London.
5 She says th at London is a multicultural place.
6 She says th at she saw people of all colours.
7 She says th a t she and her parents visited the Tower.
8 She says th at one evening they went to see a musical.
9 She says th at she loves London.
10 She says th a t the people are so nice there.
1 He says th a t he’s íĩne.
2 He says th a t the weather there is great.
3 He says th at his host family is very nice.
4 He says th at he has his own room.
5 He says th a t they have a national park there.
6 He says th a t they went there yesterday.
7 He says th a t it was great.
8 He says th at he’d love to go there again.
9 He says th at the teachers at his school are very nice.
10 He says th at his English has improved.
1 She said th a t she was reading.
2 They said th at they were busy.
3 He said th at he knew a better restaurant.
4 She said th a t she had woken up early.
5 He said th at he would ring her.
6 They said th at they had just arrived.
7 He said th at he would clean the car.
8 She said th at she had not said that.
9 She said th a t she did not know where her shoes were.
10 He said th a t he would not tell anyone.
1 They said th at was their book.
2 She said that she had gone to the cinema the day beíòre.
3 He said th at he was writing a test the next da}.
4 You said th at you would do that for him.
5 She said th a t she was not hungry then.
6 They said th at they had never been there beíbre.
7 They said that they had been in London the week beíbre.
8 He said th a t he would have íínished th a t paper by the next day.
9 He said th a t they wouldn’t sleep.
10 She said th a t it was very quiet there.
1 She asked where her umbrella was.
2 M artin asked us how we were.
3 He asked if he had to do it.
4 The mother asked her daughter where she had been.
5 She asked her boyíriend which dress he liked best.
6 She wanted to know what they were doing.
7 He wanted to know if I was going to the cinema.
8 The teacher wanted to know who spoke.
9 She asked me how I knew that.
10 My íriend asked me if Caron had talked to Kevin.
1 He wanted to know what the time was.
2 She asked me when we would meet again.
3 She asked him if he was crazy.
4 He wanted to know where they had lived.
5 He asked her if she would be a t the party.
6 She asked me if I could meet her at the station.
7 The teacher wanted to know who knew the answer.
8 She wanted to know why he didn’t help her.
9 He asked me if I had seen that car.
10 The mother asked the twins if they had tidied up their room.
1 The teacher told Joe to stop talking.
2 She told him to be patient.
3 Her father told her to go to her room.
4 She told us to hurry up.
5 He asked her to gi ve him the key.
6 She asked Sam to play it again.
7 He asked Caron to sit down.
8 The receptionist asked the guest to íill in the form.
9 She told us to take off our shoes.
10 She told him to mind his own business.
1 She told him not to touch it.
2 He told me not to do that again.
3 He told her not to talk to him like that.
4 She warned him not to repair the Computer himselí.
5 She told me not to let him in.
6 He begged her not to go out vvithout him.
7 She told me not to forget my bag.
8 The chemistry teacher told his students not to eat in the lab.
9 He advised her not to give herself up.
10 She told the boys not to hurt themselves.
brackets (Chọn từ đúng trong ngoặc) 1 Jack shouted “Get your backpack and lunch!”.
Jack told his b ro th e r _ (get your, to get your, to get his) backpack and lunch!”.
2 Jack said “Don’t make me late again”.
Jack told his b ro th e r (don’t you make me, not to make me, not to make him) late again”.
3 Jack said to his brother, “Hurry up!”.
Jack told his brother (you hurry up, to hurry up, to hurry him up).
4 His brother said “Leave me alone!”.
His brother told him (to leave me alone, leave him alone, to leave him alone).
5 “OK then”, Jack said, “Walk alone!”.
Jack told his brother (to walk alone, he walk alone, go walk alone).
6 Jack’s mother said “Be kind to your brother”.
Jack’s mother said t h a t _(he should be kind to your brother, he should be kind to his brother, to kind his brother).
7 Jack to his brother “Please be ready on time every morning”.
Jack said th at he (to be ready, should be ready) on time every morning”.
8 Jack’s brother said “Warn me ten minutes beíore you leave”.
His brother to ld (warn him ten minutes beíore you leave, to warn him ten minutes before you leave, him to warn him ten minutes beíbre you leave).
9 Jack said “Set your alarm before you go to bed”.
Jack to ld (him to set your alarm beíbre you go to bed, him to set his alarm before he went to bed, him to set his alarm before he goes to bed).
10 Jack said “Use two clocks if you need to.
Jack said to h im (that he should use two clocks if he needed to, to use two clocks if you need to).
11 Jack’s brother said “Go ahead without me”.
Jack’s brother told h im (to go ahead without me, to go ahead without him).
12 “I will” Jack said, “Don’t forget your head!”
Jack told h i m (don’t forget his head, not to íbrget his head)
brackets (Chọn từ đúng trong ngoặc)1 Jill said “I love traveling with íriends!”
J ill ex cla im ed (I love traveling w ith íriends, she loves traveling with friends, she loved traveling with friends)
Elena announced (she will ren t a car, she would ren t a car)
Julie d eclared (she is a good navigator, she was a good navigator)
4 Jill said “The next gas station isn’t far from here”.
Jill S tate _ (the next gas station wasn’t far from here, the next gas station wasn’t far from there.
5 Elena said “I think we passed th a t exit”.
Elena com m ented _ (she thinks we passed th a t exit, she thought we passed th a t exit, she thought we had passed th a t exit).
6 Julie said “If we stop soon, we can eat”.
Julie reasoned _ (if we stopped soon, we can eat, if we stopped soon, we could eat, if they stopped soon, they could eat).
7 Elena said “This is the best octopus I’ve ever eaten!”.
Elena blurted o u t (this was the best octopus I’ve ever eaten, th at was the best octopus I had ever eaten, th at was the best octopus she’d ever eaten).
8 Jill said “We need to take another picture”.
Jill a d d e d _ (they needed to take another pic- ture, we needed to take another picture, they need to take another picture).
9 Julie said “This town has a museum”.
Julie pointed out (that town had had a museum, th at town had a museum, this town had a museum).
10 Elena said “I saw an ice cream shop”.
Elena w hispered (she had seen an ice cream shop, she saw an ice cream shop).
11 Julie said “We can’t stay here all day”.
Julie rep lied _ (we couldn’t stay thẹre all day, they couldn’t stay here all day, they coulđn’t stay there all day).
12 Jill reminded them “We still have to get gas”.
Jill reminded th e m (they still had had to get gas, they still had to get gas).
brackets (Chọn từ đúng trong ngoặc) 1 “What did she say?”.
He asked me _ what did she say, what she said, what she had said, what had she said).
He asked m e (where was I going, where am I going, where I am going, where I was going).
Can you tell m e _ (what time is it?, what time it is).
I’d rather not s a y _ (how old am I, how old I am).
Please let me k now (when you are leaving,when are you leaving).
6 “W hat color are you selecting?”.
Would you tell m e (what color you are selecting?, w hat are you selecting color?, w hat color are you se- lecting?)
7 “How much do you pay for rent?”.
Would you mind telling m e (how much do you pay for rent?, how much you pay for rent?).
8 “How many times have you seen th at movie?”.
He asked m e (how many tim es have I seen, how many times I have seen, how many times I had seen) th a t movie.
9 “Who is coming for dinner?”.
I would like to k n o w _ (who Corning for dinner, who is Corning for dinner, who Corning for dinner is)
10 “Who did they choose to lead th e group?”.
Can you tell m e _ (who did they choose, who they choose) to lead the group.
Do you k n o w (where is he from?, where he ìs from?).
12 “Did he learn English in England?”.
I wonder w h e th e r (did he learn, he learned) English in England.
13 “How long does it take to learn a language?”.
Who k n o w s (how long it takes, how long does it take) to learn a language.
14 “W here did you buy th a t book?”.
I would love to know where _ (he bought, he did buy, he had bought, had he bought) th a t book.
15 “Where did he buy that book?”.
He wouìdn’t tell me where (he bought, he did buy, he had bought, had he bought) that book.
brackets (Chọn tù đúng trong ngoặc)
1 “Is this the train to San Francisco?”.
He is asking m e (this train to San Francisco? if is this train to San Francisco, if this is the train to San Francisco).
2 “Do we have to buy a ticket beíore boarding?”.
They asked m e (if we buy to a ticket, if do we buy to a ticket, if we had to buy a ticket).
3 “Can you buy a ticket on board?”.
Do you kn o w (whether you could buy a ticket, whether you bought a ticket, whether you can buy a ticket) on board?
4 “Will this train stop in Palo AI to?”.
I’m not su re _ (if this train stops in Palo Alto), if stops this train in Palo Alto, if this train stopped in Palo Alto).
5 “Is this the bullet train?”.
I really don’t know (whether is thiis the bullet train, whether this was the bullet train, whether this is the bullet train).
6 “Does this train arrive in San Francisco at noon?”.
Could you tell m e _(if this train arrives, if this train arrived) in San Francisco at noon?
7 “Am I able to buy a round-trip ticket?”.
Do you know _ (vvhether 1 am able to buy a round- trip ticket?, whether I was able to buy a round-trip ticket?, w hether am I able to buy a round-trip ticket?).
She asked me (if she may sit w íth you, if she might sit with me, if she could sit with me).
9 “Is there a special fare for students?”.
Do you happen to k n o w _ (whether is there a special fare, whether there a special fare is, w hether there is a special fare) for students?
The guy next to me a s k e d (if I was Canadian, If I am Canadian, if I were Canadian.
11 “Do you prefer taking the train?”.
Do you mind telling me _ (whether you preíerred taking the train, w hether you prefer taking the train).
12 “Is there a seat reserved for handicapped people?”.
Can you tell m e _ (whether is there a Seat, w hether there is a Seat) reserved for handicapped people?
13 “Does this train usually run on time?”.
Can you tell m e _ (whether this train does usu- ally run on time? W hether this train usually runs on time?).
May I a s k _ (whether you are a regular commuter?, w hether you a regular commuter?, w hether are you a regular commuter?).
15 “Is this the fmal stop?”.
Can you tell m e (whether is this the final stop,w hether this is the ílnal stop?).
sen ten ces below (Chọn cách tốt nhất d ể hoàn thành các câu dưới đây)
1 Please tell me a where is the bus stop b where the bus stop be c where stops the bus d where the bus stop is Clap 2 I told him a what the homework was b what was the homework c what was to be the homework d what is the homework
3 I think a will be the plane on time b the plane will be on time c the plane to be on time d it will be on time the plane 4 I didn’t know a what he mean b what did he mean c what did he meant d what he meant 5 He said a that the vveather colder than usual b the weather be colder than usual c the weather was colder than usual d the weather it is colder than usual
6 I th in k a today it is Wednesday b th a t is today Wednesday c today is Wednesday d today we Wednesday 7 He said a th at yesterday he gone downtown b he goes downtown yesterday c he go downtown yesterday d he went downtown yesterday 8 I believe a him he is right b he is right c he be right d th a t he right 9 She said a th a t she was hungry b she hungry c she be hungry d her was hungry 10 He told us a th at he enjoy the movie b he enjoyed the movie c he be enjoying the movie d th at enjoyed the movie
11 I asked h e r a what is the answer b what the answer c what was the answer d what the answer was 12 Can you tell m e a what th at is b what th at be c what it is that d what is that 13 Do you rem em ber a when is her birthday b when her birthday is c when her birthday d when be her birthday 14 I told th e m a what he me an b not to go there c they not go there d they not to go there 15 He asked m e a what is my name b what was my name c what my name was d what my name be
16 I warned h i m a to be not late b don’t be late c not to be late d he is not late 17 I asked h e r a was she sure b she was sure or not c if she sure d if she was sure 18 He s a id a he will study for the exam b he would study for the exam c he had study for the exam d he study for the exam 19 Joan a s k e d a if there was coíTee b there was coffee c was there coíĩee d where was the coffee 20 Do you k n o w ? a where did he gone b where he went c where he gone d where did he go
(Chọn đáp án đúng trong số A, B hoặc C)
1 Mary: “I will go downtown tomorrow”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she would go downtown
B tomorrow c the following/next day 2 Mary: “I am going to play tennis today”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she was going to play tennis n
Jill: “Mary said (that) she had gone shopping
B the day before c on Saturday 4 Mary: “I am enjoying life now”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she was enjoying life
A now B at that time c today
5 Mary: “I will cook dinner later this evening”.
Jili: “Mary said (that) she would cook dinner laterA that evening
B in the evening c this evening Mary: ‘Tm going to class in three hours”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she was going to class
B three hours later c, in three hours Mary: “I went to bed early last night”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she had gone to bed early
B last night c the night prior 8 Mary: “I am going to go to London in 10 days”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she was going to go to London r>
9, Mary: “I had lunch at noon”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she had had lunch A at 12 o’clock
B at noon c th at noon 10 Mary: “I will play cards the day after tomorrow”
Jill: Mary said (that) she would play cards
B on Thursday c two days later 11 Mary: “I bought it three years ago”.
Jill: “Mary said (that) she had bought it A in three years
B three years ago c three years before.
the summary (Đọc đoạn phỏng vấn sau đó hoàn thành đoạn tóm tắt)
I hear you have a very unusual job.
So what do you do?
Well, I’m investigating the Loch Ness mon- ster Every day I go to Loch Ness and wait for the monster to appear.
And have you ever seen the monster?
Yes, I have It was very foggy and I tried to take a photograph, but uníbrtunately my camera didn’t work.
Do you think you’11 see it again?
I might see it again if I’m lucky.
And what do people think about your job?
Many people think it’s a strange job to have
They don’t believe in the Loch Ness mon- ster, but I know it’s out there somewhere.
The interviewer asked Mr Fogarty w hat he did He ex- plained th at he was investigating the Loch Ness Monster.
He said th at every day he for the m onster to appear He claimed th a t h e the monster He said th a t i t very foggy and h e to take a photograph, but uníbrtunately his c a m e ra He said th at he it again if he lucky.
He admitted th a t many people his job was strange He said th at they in the Loch Ness monster, but h e it was out there somewhere.
(Hãy viết câu ở dạng lời nói gián tiếp ở thi hiện tại)
1 ‘Tve íorgotten to pack my passport” Sam to the officer.
2 “Your new novel is my favourite one” Linda to the writer.
3 “I don’t like talking about unnecessary things” the boss to Mr Grey.
4 “He explained me the mechanism of my car” Tina to her mum.
5 “I would like to íorget this terrible memory” Sylvie to the psychologist.
6 “Your unbelievable stories are the best in th is class” the teacher to Jack.
7 “My hobbies don’t need much energy” Mike to Sam.
8 “You broke my beautiỉul vase when you ran out of the room” Mum to Paul.
9 “These apples are for your grandchildren” the green- grocer to Mrs Hill
10 “Tomorrow we’ll visit our new íriends in New Castle”
E xercise 8Ố Make indirect sen ten ces in the present.
(Hãy viết câu ở dạng lời nói gián tiếp ở thì hiện tại)
1 Mom: “Children, you are so nice”.
2 Greg: “Mother, this Soup is really delicious”.
3 Mrs Drill: “Philip, your composition isn’t on my desk”.
4 Ms Stone: “Margaret, your mother is waiting for you outside the house”.
5 Grandma: “Sam and Peter, your sandwiches are ready”.
6 Mrs Farrell: “Mr Kyle, your car is standing in front of my garage”.
7 Mr Marvel: “Mrs Lodge, your son is my best student in this class”.
8 Daisy: “Lana, I need your help”.
9 Doug: “Daddy, I got a five in ÌPhysics”.
10 Tom: “Peggy, I have lost your telephone number”.
E xercise 86 Make in d ir ec t se n te n c e s in th e past
Be careíul! T here are tnodaỉ verb s in th e se n te n c e s
(Hãy viết câu gián tiếp ở thì quá khứ Lưy ý có nhiều động từ tinh thái trong câu)
1 “I should give up eating so mueh fatty food” P e te r to me.
2 “You must íĩnish your book” Mary to Peter.
3 “You can survive this nightm are” They to Sam.
4 “I m ustn’t play with the m atches” Tim to Amy.
5 “I used to play basketball” Gavin to Bill.
6 “We could help you if you needed” They to Sam.
7 “We needn’t hurry, we have plenty of time” Elise to Mark.
8 “I may catch the bus” Ralph to Mary, 9 “You ought to call the police” Mum to dad.
10 “You had better switch off the torch” Davy to Lilly.
1 He said he went to the market.
2 She said she would have a picnic.
3 She said she had seen th is íllm many times.
4 The man said he had bought th a t book in Japan.
5 He said he had been a solider before 1975.
6 She said she would to have a party.
7 The boy said he didn’t like bananas.
8 She said she hadn’t seen th a t film.
9 He said he hadn’t been interested in playing football.
10 She said her mother would go to m arket.
11 He said his father was a driver.
12 She said her uncle had been a solider when he worked in New York.
13 She told me she didn’t see my m other 14 He told me he hadn’t seen my mom.
15 She told me her mother hadn’t phoned my father.
16 She told me my father hadtold h er not to see me.
17 He told her his father hadtold her not to see him.
18 He told her her father had told him not to see her.
19 He told his mother he would come back to see her soon.
20 She saíd her aunt had met a ghost the day before.
1 He said his father hadn’t worked the week beíore.
2 She said she would go to have a party the week after.
3 They said they had beebsitting in a cafe at 6 o’clock the morning beĩore.
4 They said they were singing an E song then.
5 She said she would go on holiday in Dalat the year aíter.
6 He said they didn’t like that kind of weather.
7 The mother said she was very busy at the moment.
8 She said she had met that man 2 weeks beíore.
9 He said he hadn’t studied in that center the year be- fore.
10 She asked me if I loved her.
11 She asked me if I had come there the day beíore.
12 She asked me if I had seen that man beíore.
13 She asked me if I vvould come back the day after.
14 She asked me if I felt comfortable when I worked there.
15 He asked him if he had come there the day beíore.
16 She asked her father to go on a trip to Dalat next year.
17 He asked his mother if she had seen his key any where.
18 She asked her father if he would buy her a bicycle when he passed the exam.
19 She asked me if I was a student.
20 She asked me what I had done the day before.
1 She asked me what I was doing at the moment.
2 The boss asked her why she came late.
3 The police asked her who she had phoned.
4 The mother asked h er son which one he did prefer.
5 The teacher asked the student how he w ent to school every day.
6 Nam asked Lan how many people her family was in.
7 The customer asked the shop-keeper how much cost th at book.
8 The man asked the boy how far from the re to his school was.
9 She asked me who my teacher was.
10 She asked me not to go out.
11 She asked me to shut the door.
12 She asked me not to go out in the Street a t night.
13 The mother asked her son not to throw his clothes on the íloor.
14 She asked me to take th a t book for her.
15 She asked me not to put my books on th a t self.
16 She asked him to study hard or he would fail the exam.
17 He asked his students to hand him /their papers then.
18 She asked me to w ater those flowers every day or they would die.
19 The police asked him not to park his car there.
20 She said to me if she were me, she wouldn’t stop taking tranquilizers.
21 He asked me why I didn’t take of my coat/ he suggested taking off my coat.
22 He asked me to show him my passport.
23 The man advised me to a cup of tea.
24 I asked my hostess to do sit down.
25 His wife said not to take any risks.
26 She reminded to turn ofĩ the lights.
27 Ann’s mother encouragingly asked Ann to try again.
28 She invited me to go to the cineme thatnight.
29 He said her to go on and to apply for the job.
1 John said th at Mandy was at home.
2 Max told me th at Frank often read a book.
3 Susan said to me that she was watching TV.
4 Simon said th at David had been ill.
5 Peggy told me that the girls had helped in the house.
6 Richard said to me th at he was going to ride a skate- board.
7 Stephen and Claire told me that they had cleaned the windows.
8 Charles remarked that he hadn’t had time to do his homework.
9 Mrs Jones told me that her mother would be 50 years old.
10 Jean said that the boss had to sign the letter.
1 Emily said th a t their teacher would go to Leipzig the next day.
2 Helen told me that she had been writing a letter the day before.
3 Robert told me th at his father had flown to Dallas the year before.
4 Lisa said th at Tim had gone to the stadium an hour before,
5 Patricia said th a t her mother would celebrate her birthday the following weekend.
6 Michael said to me th at he was going to read a book th at week.
7 Jason and Victoria told me th a t they would do their best in the exams the next day.
8 Andrew rem arked th at they hadn’t eaten íĩsh two days before.
9 Alice complained th a t she had spent all her pocket money on Monday.
10 David said th at John had already gone at six.
1 She says th at she wants to tell us something about her holiday in London.
2 She says th at she went to London in July.
3 She says th at her parents went with her.
4 She says th at they spent three days in London.
5 She says th at London is a multicultural place.
6 She says th at she saw people of all colours.
7 She says th a t she and her parents visited the Tower.
8 She says th at one evening they went to see a musical.
9 She says th at she loves London.
10 She says th a t the people are so nice there.
1 He says th a t he’s íĩne.
2 He says th a t the weather there is great.
3 He says th at his host family is very nice.
4 He says th at he has his own room.
5 He says th a t they have a national park there.
6 He says th a t they went there yesterday.
7 He says th a t it was great.
8 He says th at he’d love to go there again.
9 He says th at the teachers at his school are very nice.
10 He says th at his English has improved.
1 She said th a t she was reading.
2 They said th at they were busy.
3 He said th at he knew a better restaurant.
4 She said th a t she had woken up early.
5 He said th at he would ring her.
6 They said th at they had just arrived.
7 He said th at he would clean the car.
8 She said th at she had not said that.
9 She said th a t she did not know where her shoes were.
10 He said th a t he would not tell anyone.
1 They said th at was their book.
2 She said that she had gone to the cinema the day beíòre.
3 He said th at he was writing a test the next da}.
4 You said th at you would do that for him.
5 She said th a t she was not hungry then.
6 They said th at they had never been there beíbre.
7 They said that they had been in London the week beíbre.
8 He said th a t he would have íínished th a t paper by the next day.
9 He said th a t they wouldn’t sleep.
10 She said th a t it was very quiet there.
1 She asked where her umbrella was.
2 M artin asked us how we were.
3 He asked if he had to do it.
4 The mother asked her daughter where she had been.
5 She asked her boyíriend which dress he liked best.
6 She wanted to know what they were doing.
7 He wanted to know if I was going to the cinema.
8 The teacher wanted to know who spoke.
9 She asked me how I knew that.
10 My íriend asked me if Caron had talked to Kevin.
1 He wanted to know what the time was.
2 She asked me when we would meet again.
3 She asked him if he was crazy.
4 He wanted to know where they had lived.
5 He asked her if she would be a t the party.
6 She asked me if I could meet her at the station.
7 The teacher wanted to know who knew the answer.
8 She wanted to know why he didn’t help her.
9 He asked me if I had seen that car.
10 The mother asked the twins if they had tidied up their room.
1 The teacher told Joe to stop talking.
2 She told him to be patient.
3 Her father told her to go to her room.
4 She told us to hurry up.
5 He asked her to gi ve him the key.
6 She asked Sam to play it again.
7 He asked Caron to sit down.
8 The receptionist asked the guest to íill in the form.
9 She told us to take off our shoes.
10 She told him to mind his own business.
1 She told him not to touch it.
2 He told me not to do that again.
3 He told her not to talk to him like that.
4 She warned him not to repair the Computer himselí.
5 She told me not to let him in.
6 He begged her not to go out vvithout him.
7 She told me not to forget my bag.
8 The chemistry teacher told his students not to eat in the lab.
9 He advised her not to give herself up.
10 She told the boys not to hurt themselves.
1 She told me to go upstairs.
2 He told me to close the door behind me.
3 He advised us not to be late.
4 She told him to stop staring at her.
5 He asked her not to be angry with him.
6 She told me to leave her alone.
7 She warned us not to drink and drive.
8 She told John to stop smoking.
9 They told her not to worry about them.
10 He asked me to m eet him at the cinema.
Be careíul! T here are tnodaỉ verb s in th e se n te n c e s
(Hãy viết câu gián tiếp ở thì quá khứ Lưy ý có nhiều động từ tinh thái trong câu)
1 “I should give up eating so mueh fatty food” P e te r to me.
2 “You must íĩnish your book” Mary to Peter.
3 “You can survive this nightm are” They to Sam.
4 “I m ustn’t play with the m atches” Tim to Amy.
5 “I used to play basketball” Gavin to Bill.
6 “We could help you if you needed” They to Sam.
7 “We needn’t hurry, we have plenty of time” Elise to Mark.
8 “I may catch the bus” Ralph to Mary, 9 “You ought to call the police” Mum to dad.
10 “You had better switch off the torch” Davy to Lilly.
1 He said he went to the market.
2 She said she would have a picnic.
3 She said she had seen th is íllm many times.
4 The man said he had bought th a t book in Japan.
5 He said he had been a solider before 1975.
6 She said she would to have a party.
7 The boy said he didn’t like bananas.
8 She said she hadn’t seen th a t film.
9 He said he hadn’t been interested in playing football.
10 She said her mother would go to m arket.
11 He said his father was a driver.
12 She said her uncle had been a solider when he worked in New York.
13 She told me she didn’t see my m other 14 He told me he hadn’t seen my mom.
15 She told me her mother hadn’t phoned my father.
16 She told me my father hadtold h er not to see me.
17 He told her his father hadtold her not to see him.
18 He told her her father had told him not to see her.
19 He told his mother he would come back to see her soon.
20 She saíd her aunt had met a ghost the day before.
1 He said his father hadn’t worked the week beíore.
2 She said she would go to have a party the week after.
3 They said they had beebsitting in a cafe at 6 o’clock the morning beĩore.
4 They said they were singing an E song then.
5 She said she would go on holiday in Dalat the year aíter.
6 He said they didn’t like that kind of weather.
7 The mother said she was very busy at the moment.
8 She said she had met that man 2 weeks beíore.
9 He said he hadn’t studied in that center the year be- fore.
10 She asked me if I loved her.
11 She asked me if I had come there the day beíore.
12 She asked me if I had seen that man beíore.
13 She asked me if I vvould come back the day after.
14 She asked me if I felt comfortable when I worked there.
15 He asked him if he had come there the day beíore.
16 She asked her father to go on a trip to Dalat next year.
17 He asked his mother if she had seen his key any where.
18 She asked her father if he would buy her a bicycle when he passed the exam.
19 She asked me if I was a student.
20 She asked me what I had done the day before.
1 She asked me what I was doing at the moment.
2 The boss asked her why she came late.
3 The police asked her who she had phoned.
4 The mother asked h er son which one he did prefer.
5 The teacher asked the student how he w ent to school every day.
6 Nam asked Lan how many people her family was in.
7 The customer asked the shop-keeper how much cost th at book.
8 The man asked the boy how far from the re to his school was.
9 She asked me who my teacher was.
10 She asked me not to go out.
11 She asked me to shut the door.
12 She asked me not to go out in the Street a t night.
13 The mother asked her son not to throw his clothes on the íloor.
14 She asked me to take th a t book for her.
15 She asked me not to put my books on th a t self.
16 She asked him to study hard or he would fail the exam.
17 He asked his students to hand him /their papers then.
18 She asked me to w ater those flowers every day or they would die.
19 The police asked him not to park his car there.
20 She said to me if she were me, she wouldn’t stop taking tranquilizers.
21 He asked me why I didn’t take of my coat/ he suggested taking off my coat.
22 He asked me to show him my passport.
23 The man advised me to a cup of tea.
24 I asked my hostess to do sit down.
25 His wife said not to take any risks.
26 She reminded to turn ofĩ the lights.
27 Ann’s mother encouragingly asked Ann to try again.
28 She invited me to go to the cineme thatnight.
29 He said her to go on and to apply for the job.
1 John said th at Mandy was at home.
2 Max told me th at Frank often read a book.
3 Susan said to me that she was watching TV.
4 Simon said th at David had been ill.
5 Peggy told me that the girls had helped in the house.
6 Richard said to me th at he was going to ride a skate- board.
7 Stephen and Claire told me that they had cleaned the windows.
8 Charles remarked that he hadn’t had time to do his homework.
9 Mrs Jones told me that her mother would be 50 years old.
10 Jean said that the boss had to sign the letter.
1 Emily said th a t their teacher would go to Leipzig the next day.
2 Helen told me that she had been writing a letter the day before.
3 Robert told me th at his father had flown to Dallas the year before.
4 Lisa said th at Tim had gone to the stadium an hour before,
5 Patricia said th a t her mother would celebrate her birthday the following weekend.
6 Michael said to me th at he was going to read a book th at week.
7 Jason and Victoria told me th a t they would do their best in the exams the next day.
8 Andrew rem arked th at they hadn’t eaten íĩsh two days before.
9 Alice complained th a t she had spent all her pocket money on Monday.
10 David said th at John had already gone at six.
1 She says th at she wants to tell us something about her holiday in London.
2 She says th at she went to London in July.
3 She says th at her parents went with her.
4 She says th at they spent three days in London.
5 She says th at London is a multicultural place.
6 She says th at she saw people of all colours.
7 She says th a t she and her parents visited the Tower.
8 She says th at one evening they went to see a musical.
9 She says th at she loves London.
10 She says th a t the people are so nice there.
1 He says th a t he’s íĩne.
2 He says th a t the weather there is great.
3 He says th at his host family is very nice.
4 He says th at he has his own room.
5 He says th a t they have a national park there.
6 He says th a t they went there yesterday.
7 He says th a t it was great.
8 He says th at he’d love to go there again.
9 He says th at the teachers at his school are very nice.
10 He says th at his English has improved.
1 She said th a t she was reading.
2 They said th at they were busy.
3 He said th at he knew a better restaurant.
4 She said th a t she had woken up early.
5 He said th at he would ring her.
6 They said th at they had just arrived.
7 He said th at he would clean the car.
8 She said th at she had not said that.
9 She said th a t she did not know where her shoes were.
10 He said th a t he would not tell anyone.
1 They said th at was their book.
2 She said that she had gone to the cinema the day beíòre.
3 He said th at he was writing a test the next da}.
4 You said th at you would do that for him.
5 She said th a t she was not hungry then.
6 They said th at they had never been there beíbre.
7 They said that they had been in London the week beíbre.
8 He said th a t he would have íínished th a t paper by the next day.
9 He said th a t they wouldn’t sleep.
10 She said th a t it was very quiet there.
1 She asked where her umbrella was.
2 M artin asked us how we were.
3 He asked if he had to do it.
4 The mother asked her daughter where she had been.
5 She asked her boyíriend which dress he liked best.
6 She wanted to know what they were doing.
7 He wanted to know if I was going to the cinema.
8 The teacher wanted to know who spoke.
9 She asked me how I knew that.
10 My íriend asked me if Caron had talked to Kevin.
1 He wanted to know what the time was.
2 She asked me when we would meet again.
3 She asked him if he was crazy.
4 He wanted to know where they had lived.
5 He asked her if she would be a t the party.
6 She asked me if I could meet her at the station.
7 The teacher wanted to know who knew the answer.
8 She wanted to know why he didn’t help her.
9 He asked me if I had seen that car.
10 The mother asked the twins if they had tidied up their room.
1 The teacher told Joe to stop talking.
2 She told him to be patient.
3 Her father told her to go to her room.
4 She told us to hurry up.
5 He asked her to gi ve him the key.
6 She asked Sam to play it again.
7 He asked Caron to sit down.
8 The receptionist asked the guest to íill in the form.
9 She told us to take off our shoes.
10 She told him to mind his own business.
1 She told him not to touch it.
2 He told me not to do that again.
3 He told her not to talk to him like that.
4 She warned him not to repair the Computer himselí.
5 She told me not to let him in.
6 He begged her not to go out vvithout him.
7 She told me not to forget my bag.
8 The chemistry teacher told his students not to eat in the lab.
9 He advised her not to give herself up.
10 She told the boys not to hurt themselves.
1 She told me to go upstairs.
2 He told me to close the door behind me.
3 He advised us not to be late.
4 She told him to stop staring at her.
5 He asked her not to be angry with him.
6 She told me to leave her alone.
7 She warned us not to drink and drive.
8 She told John to stop smoking.
9 They told her not to worry about them.
10 He asked me to m eet him at the cinema.
1 He said th a t he liked th a t song.
2 She asked me where my sister was.
3 She said th a t she didn’t speak Italian.
4 They asked me to say hello to dim.
5 He said th a t the film had begun at se ven o’clock.
6 She told the boys not to play on the grass.
7 She asked him where he had spent his money.
8 He said th at he never made mistakes.
9 He wanted to know if she knew Robert.
10 The stuntm an advised the audience not to try th a t at home.
1 She said th at she had been very tired.
2 She toỉd Ben to be careíul.
3 She says th at she will get herself a drink.
4 He wondered why I hadn’t phoned him.
5 He said th at he could not drive them home.
6 She asks Peter if he prefers tea or coíĩee.
7 She asked me where I had spent my holidays the year beíore.
8 He advised her not to go too far.
9 He wanted to know if we had been shopping.
10 He asks us not to make so much noise.
1 She asked me if John was at home.
2 She asked me if she was late.
3 She asked me if it was cold outside.
4 She asked me if they were in Paris.
5 She asked me if the bus stop was near the shopping centre.
6 She asked me if the milk was fresh.
7 She asked me if I was a doctor.
8 She asked me if James and Lucy were from France.
9 She asked me if her brother was in the garden.
10 She asked me if the weather was good in Shanghai in the sammer.
11 She asked me if Julie drank tea.
12 She asked me if I liked chocoỉate.
13 She asked me if they owned a flat.
14 She asked me if David went to the cinema often.
15 She asked me if the children studied Chinese.
16 She asked me if they went on holiday every summer.
17 She asked me if my sister lived in Stockholm.
18 She asked me if she talked too much.
19 She asked me if Jennifer wanted a new job.
20 She asked me if it rained a lot in London.
1 She asked me where the post oíĩlee was.
2 She asked me why Julie was sad.
3 She asked me w hat was for dinner.
4 She asked me who the woman in the red dress was.
5 She asked me how my grandm other was.
6 She asked me when the party was.
7 She asked me how much the rent on my flat was.
8 She asked me where the glasses were.
9 She asked me how the w eather in Chicago was.
10 She asked me who the Prime M inister of Canada was.
11 She asked me where I usually went swimming.
12 She asked me what Luke did at the weekend.
13 She asked me where my parents lived.
14 She asked me who I went running with.
15 She asked me when Lucy got up.
16 She asked me how much TV I watched.
17 She asked me how many books they owned.
18 She asked me where John worked.
19 She asked me what the children studied on Fridays?
20 She asked me why I studied English.
1 She asked me where he was.
2 She asked me what I was doing.
3 She asked me why I had gone out last night.
4 She asked me who that beautiíul woman had been.
5 She asked me how my mother was.
6 She asked me what I was going to do at the weekend.
7 She asked me where I would live aíter graduation.
8 She asked me what I had been doing when she saw me.
9 She asked me how the journey had been.
10 She asked me how often I went ot the cinema.
11 She asked me if I lived in London.
12 She asked me if he had arrived on time.
13 She asked me if I had been to Paris.
14 She asked me if I could help her.
15 She asked me if I was working tonight.
16 She asked me if I would come later.
17 She asked me if I liked coffee.
18 She asked me if this was the road to the station.
19 She asked me if I had done my homework.
20 She asked me if I had studied reported speech beíbre.
1 She said she lived in New York.
2 She said he worked in a bank.
3 She said Julie didn’t like going out much.
5 She said they never arrived on time.
6 She said they often met ữ iends in London at the weekend.
7 She said David didn’t have any children.
8 She said she didn’t go to the gym very often.
9 She said Lucy owned three ílats in the City.
10 She said she never got up early on Sundays.
11 She said Jill met her boyíriend at the cinema every Friday night.
12 She said they didn’t travel much.
13 She said John didn’t live in Japan any more.
14 She said they worked in Hong Kong.
15 She said she had to work until seven or eight pm every night.
16 She said she didn’t want to go to the theatre next weekend.
17 She said they liked working in Paris.
18 She said she didn’t have enough time to do everything.
19 She said Tony hated mushrooms.
20 She said they often went on holiday in July.
1 He told me she was sleeping.
2 He told me they were vvorking.
3 He toỉd me he was Corning to the party
4 He told me she was talking on the telephone.
5 He told me Lucy was reading a book in front of the íire.
6 He told me he wasn’t going out.
7 He told me they weren’t visiting Paris during their trip.
8 He told me he was listening to his new CD.
9 He toỉd me John was working in a bar for the summer.
10 He told me he wasn’t going to go on holiday.
11 He told me he wasn’t living in Beijing.
12 He told me he was taking the train to Berlin.
13 He told me she was never Corning back.
14 He told me Jill was studying a lot.
15 He told me he wasn’t meeting Julie.
16 He told me they weren’t renting a ílat.
17 He told me they were were visiting the museum.
18 He told me she was eating dinner.
19 He told me they weren’t going to the library.
20 He told me he was Corning
1 He told me he had been to the cinema yesterday.
2 He told me Jane had left the party early.
3 He told me he hadn’t gone out at the weekend.
4 He told me he hadn’t liked chocolate as a child.
5 He told me they had visited Japan.
6 He told me she hadn’t bought the dress.
7 He told me he had travelled through India and Pakistan.
8 He told me he had met his girlíriend in a cafe.
9 He told me David hadn’t arrived until 10 o’clock.
10 He told me they had gone to the park to have a picnic.
11 He told me they had eaten Chinese food, then they walked home.
12 He told me she had íorgotten to bring the CDs.
13 He told me he hadn’t liked th e food in th e restaurant.
14 He told me he hadn’t taken a shower.
15 He told me he had worked until six.
16 He told me they had gone to Paris for the weekend.
17 He told me the plane had left a t se ven.
18 He told me he had eome to London in 2004.
19 He told me Lucy hadn’t gone to university.
20 He told me John had never studied German.
1 She said she had never been to Brazil.
2 She said she had visited Paris three times.
3 She said he had read “W ar and Peace”.
4 She said she hadn’t seen Julie for ages.
5 She said he hadn’t been to school this week.
6 She saiđ they hadn’t seen “The Lord of the Rings”.
7 She said they had eaten in a lot of diíĩerent restaurants.
8 She said she had never tried skateboarding.
9 She said Lucy had drunk six cups of coffee today, 10 She said Mr Black had vvritten three books.
11 She said it hadn’t rained much this year.
12 She said she had never swum in the sea.
13 She said he had studied Latin.
14 She said she had been sick all week.
15 She said Robert had been to China íĩve times.
16 She said she hadn’t met Richard beíore.
17 She said Julie had never studied music.
18 She said he had eaten too much chocolate.
19 She said they hadn’t seen the new play.
20 She said she hadn’t tried the new restaurant yet.
1 She said she woulđ go to the cinema ỉater.
2 She said they would meet the children at six.
3 She said she would be late.
4 She said Lucy would deíĩniteỉy come.
5 She told us she would stop smoking on Tuesday.
6 She said John wouldn’t do it.
7 She said they wouldn’t be able to arrive early.
8 She said she wouldn’t come with me.
9 She said he wouldn’t remember to buy milk.
10 She said it wouldn’t rain later she was sure.
11 She said the Conservatives would win the next election.
12 She told us th at girl would never pass the exam.
13 She said John would arrive beíore David.
14 She said it would be cold tonight.
15 She said Jenny would cook dinner.
16 She said they would get m arried next year.
17 She said she wouldn’t be able to afford a new car.
18 She said she wouldn’t want to attend the meeting.
19 She said Richard wouldn’t drink coíĩee.
20 She said she wouldn’t vote at the next election
1 She said th at he worked in a bank.
2 She said th at they had gone out last night.
3 She said th a t she was Corning
4 She said th at she had been waiting for the bus when he arrived.
5 She said th a t she had never been there before.
6 She said th a t she hadn’t gone to the party.
7 She said th a t Lucy would come later.
8 She said th a t he hadn’t eaten breakíast.
9 She said th at she could help me tomorrow.
10 She said th a t I should go to bed early.
11 She said th at she didn’t like chocolate.
12 She said th at she wouldn’t see me tomorrow.
13 She said that she was living in Paris for a few months.
14 She said th a t she had visited her parents a t the week- end.
15 She said th a t she hadn’t eaten sushi before.
16 She said she hadn’t travelled by underground beíore she came to Lon don.
17 She said th at they would help if they could.
18 She said that she would do the washing-up later.
19 She said that he could read when he was three.
20 She said th at she had been sleeping when Julie called.
1 She asked me to help her carry this.
2 She asked me to come early.
3 She asked me to buy some milk.
4 She asked me to open the window.
5 She asked me to bring the book tonight.
6 She asked me to help her with her homework.
7 She asked me to bring her a cup of coffee.
8 She asked me to pass the salt.
9 She asked me to lend her a pencil.
10 She asked me to tell her the time.
11 She told me to do my homework.
12 She told me not to smoke.
13 She told me not to be late.
14 She told me to go to bed.
15 She told me to tidy my room.
16 She told me to wait here.
17 She told me not to do that.
18 She told me to eat my dinner.
19 She told me not to make a mess.
20 She told me to do the washing-up.
1 She told me not to do it.
2 She said th a t she was leaving tomorrow.
3 She asked me to get her a cup of tea.
4 She said th a t she had got married last year.
5 She told me to be quick.
6 She asked me to explain number four.
7 She asked me where I lìved.
8 She said th a t they had gone to the cinema and th en to a Chinese.
9 She said th a t she would come and help me at twelve.
10 She asked me w hat I was doing tomorrow.
11 She told me not to go.
12 She asked me if I worked in London.
13 She asked me to tell her where the post oíĩlce was.
14 She told me to come here.
15 She said th a t she had never been to Wales.
16 She asked me if I had ever seen “The Lord of th e Rings’”.
17 She said th at she didn’t like mushrooms.
18 She told me not to be silly.
19 She asked me to wait a moment.
20 She asked me how often I played sport.
1 She told me to come quickly.
2 She asked me if I had arrived beíore seven.
3 She asked me how my hộliday had been.
4 She said that she would have visited the hospital, if she had known I was sick.
5 She told me not to touch.
6 She asked me if I usually cooked at home.
7 She said th at they had never been to Scotland until last year.
8 She told me to arrive early.
9 She said th at she should have studied harder for the exam.
10 She asked me how to get to the art gallery.
11 She asked me not to forget her book.
12 She told me to arrive at six.
13 She told me to remember to study hard.
14 She asked me where I wanted to eat tonight.
15 She said that she usually đrank coíĩee in the mornings.
16 She asked me if I liked studying English.
17 She said that she would come and help me on Saturday.
18 She asked me to buy some bread on my way home.
19 She asked me to gi ve this to John.
20 She asked me to give her the glass on the table.
1 She said (that) it was raining.
2 He told her (that) he loved her.
3 Carlos said (that) he saw/had seen Mary in the super- m arket the previous day.
4 He said (that) they had lived there for three years.
5 Francesca said (that) she would bring a pasta salad.
6 M iranda said (that) Mark was going to install solar panels.
7 The geology teacher said (that) they had found gold there.
8 Pierre said (that) Jenny couldn’t speak French.
9 He told them (that) he ílrst met/ had íirs t met his wife in Seville.
10 He said (that) he wanted their homework handed in by the next day.
11 Juan said (that) his mother made/had made those cakes.
12 David said (that) he was feeling tired then.
1 The old lady told me not to touch th a t flower.
2 He said th at he would visit Mary the following day.
3 Fred asked me if Mary would arrive by fìve.
4 Jane asked me if I had seen th at film the month beíore.
5 She asked us when we had found the money.
6 Mary said th at if she had known the answer, she vvould have told me.
7 Jim asked me if I was going to help them.
8 Jill asked me if I wanted to go to the cinema.
9 She asked me to open the window.
10 The man said that if I gave him some money, he would help me.
1 Charlie said (that) he was thinking of going to live in Canada.
2 He said his father was in hospital.
3 He said Nora and Jim were getting married next month (the following month).
4 He said he would tell Jim he had seen me / he saw me.
5 He said he hadn’t seen Bill for a while.
6 He said he had been playing tennis a lot recently.
7 He said he didn’t know what Fred was doing.
8 He said he hardly ever went out these days.
9 He said Tom had had an accident last week but he wasn’t injured.
10 He said he had seen Jack at a party a few months ago
1 I thought you said she wasn’t (coming to the party).
2 I thought you said Bill hadn’t passed his examination.
3 I thought you said Ann didn’t like Bill.
4 I thought you said you wouldn’t be here next week.
5 I thought you said you couldn’t afford a holiday this year.
1 The journalist asked what had caused the explosion.
2 Tom asked if Bill had passed his examination.
3 She asked us where we had played last Sunday.
4 Jim asked Ann if she would be there next (the follow- ing) week.
5 The teacher asked me w hat I was doing w ith my mobile.
1 She told us to shut the door but not to lock ít.
2 Susan asked me to tell Sam she missed him.
3 The íoreign girl asked Jim to speak more slowly, because she couldn’t understand w hat he was saying
4 The teacher advised us to make our presentation in power point (instead).
1 He said he was going to the cinema with his girlíriend.
2 He told her had bought herselí a lovely new dress.
3 He announced th a t they were waiting outside they were waiting outside.
4 She said her had been smoking too much.
5 He said he had lost his tem per the week beíore He had lost his tem per the preceding week.
6 She told me she had been as sick as a dog the day beíbre.
7 He told her she played the piano very well.
8 He announced she had given him a birthday gift.
9 I told her th a t he was sitting right behind me.
10 He announced th at he would answer the phone.
1 He asked me where I was going.
2 They wanted to know how I had done that.
3 They asked who would come to the cinema with them, 4 She asked me why I was so sad.
5 They wondered what the matter was.
6 I wondered how they could be so impatient How they could have been so impatient.
7 I asked him which compact disk he was taking with him.
8 He wondered what he was to do.
9 I asked him how he knew that.
10 He asked me if I was enjoying myself whether I was enjoying myself.
1 She asked him what he wanted.
2 He asked me if I was coming/going with them.
3 He enquired when I/he/she intended to make the pay- ment.
4 The prince asked the girl if she came from China.
5 The poor man exclaimed whether none of them would help him.
6 The little girl asked which way she should go.
7 Aỉladin asked the magician what he had done to de- serve so severe a punishment.
8 I asked her whether she did not know the way home.
9 The teacher asked the student if he/she wrote a good hand.
10 The judge íìnally asked w hether he/she had anything to say on behair of the accused.
11 Ulysses asked the little bird whether it had anything to tell him.
12 They asked who he was and what he wanted.
13 The king was impressed with the magician and asked what he could do for him.
14 She asked him w hat was it th a t made him stronger and braver than other men.
15 He asked me if I could solve th a t problem.
1 Alex said he was going to meet a íriend.
2 Ken asked what I was going to do tonight.
3 I said th at I had been to Mexico.
4 Steve said th at he wanted to go to South Aírica.
5 Allen said th at he’d like to come visit.
1 She asked me to help her carry this.
2 She asked me to come early.
3 She asked me to buy some milk.
4 She asked me to open the window.
5 She asked me to bring the book tonight (that night).
6 She asked me to help her with her homework.
7 She asked me to bring her a cup of coffee.
8 She asked me to pass the salt.
9 She asked me to lend her a pencil.
10 She asked me to tell her the time.
11 She told me to do my homework.
12 She told me to go to bed.
13 She told me not to be late.
14 She told me not to smoke.
15 She told me to tidy my room.
16 She told me to wait here (there).
17 She told me not to do that.
18 She told me to eat my dinner.
19 She told me not to make a mess.
20 She told me to do the washing-up.
1 John wonđered where Paul lived.
2 Liz wondered if Jonh had eggs for breakfast.
3 The campers asked Mrs Taylor if they could spend the evening in town.
4 Wilma said that Deb wasn’t fun to be with.
5 Jack wonđered why Walter always wore a cap.
6 Deb told wilma th at she really was a nice roommate.
7 Mrs Taydor wondered where her wallet was.
8 Deb told walter that her father owned a pub in Scotỉand.
9 Lìz asked Jack if he would marry her.
10 Liz asked Paul if he liked going to the swimming pool.
11 Wilma wondered why Deb was always in a bad mood.
12 Paul asked walter if he was glad to be in England.
13 Liz said th a t her brother had got a Ferrari.
14 Jack told Liz th at she could come and stay in his flat.
15 Paul vvondered how long Liz swam for.
1 I said it was too late.
2 He claimed th at he had replied.
3 Sam told me he had met me the previous day/he had met me the day before.
4 Mary explained th a t she could not come.
5 He was aíraid he could fall down.
6 He said he would pay the next day/he would pay the following day.
7 He knew th a t the Himalayas are the highest.
8 Bill promised he m ight lẹnd me some money.
9 He replied th a t he had been watching a íílm.
10 The doctor said Claire must rest / Claire had to rest.
11 I explained th a t I had not done it th a t day.
12 He thought th a t if he was younger, he would accept it.
13 Jill admitted th a t she had been with him the previous week / the week before.
14 She reminded me th a t I need not change my shoes in their house / I did not have to change my shoes in their house.
15 She said she was calling her mum.
16 Diana supposed th a t she would íĩnish th a t picture the following day / she would íìnish th a t picture the next day.
17 She said she would buy it.
18 He told us Greg used to be his íriend.
1 He told me to put it there.
3 Joe asked me if I wanted it / whether I wanted it.
4 He reminded mè not to íbrget.
5 He wanted to know where I lived.
6 He asked me to park my car behind the house.
7 He told me not to hesitate.
1 He asked me where I was.
2 He asked me what I would choose.
3 He asked me to get in touch with them that day.
4 He asked me not to leave my luggage unattended.
5 He asked me if I was ílying soon / whether I was ílying soon.
6 He asked me if he might ask me a question / whether he might ask me a question
7 He asked me to jump in.
8 He asked me ifI had set my alarm clock / whether I had set my alarm clock.
9 He asked me if Prague is the Capital / whether Prague is the Capital.
10 He asked me not to touch the screen.
11 He asked me if I would rather dance / whether I would rather dance.
12 He asked me how long I had been standing there.
13 He asked me to stop laughing.
1 Mike asked Liz w hat she was doing th ere and he said he had not seen her since June.
2 Liz explained th a t she had just come back from her holiday in Ireland.
3 Mike wondered if she had enjoyed it w hether she had enjoyed it.
4 Liz told him th a t and th a t she loved Ireland The Irish people had been so íriendly.
5 Mike wanted to know if she had gone to the Wick- low Mountains w hether she had gone to the Wicklow Mountains.
6 Liz said th at and th a t she it had been her ílrst trip could show him some pictures And th en she asked ' him if he was doing something the next day He was doing something the following day.
7 Mike explained th a t he must arrange a couple of things He had to arrange a couple of things But he added th a t he was free at night.
8 Liz suggested th a t and asked him he m ight come to her place W hat tim e they would meet.
9 Mike said he would be there at eight And then he asked if it was all right/ whether it was all right.
1 Sarah said she was not going to tolerate th a t any more.
2 Joe said I had always been his íriend.
3 Bill claimed th a t they never ate meat.
4 She told m e on Sunday she would ta lk to Sam soon.
5 He said Mary used to exercise every day.
6 Linda said she wished she was twenty years younger.
7 He told me to answer the phone.
8 She asked me where Alex was.
1 He told me that he got the message while he was waiting at the bus stop.
2 They said they woulđ set off the next day.
3 He ordered us to get out of his way.
4 She toỉd me this week that she had invited him last week.
5 This moming he announced that he would resign today.
6 He insisted th at she had better reíuse that job.
7 She thought that they used to take the same medicine.
8 He told me last year he had entered the university a year beíbre.
9 She suggested that it was time we had an agreement.
10 He said th at they must go skiing in winter
1 Elizabeth says that she likes eating ice cream.
2 I shall tell her that she is really pretty.
3 Rally said th at the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
4 The teacher told the class that water boils at 100 de- grees Celsius.
5 Yin Ying said her brother is playing in his room.
6 He asked which house mine was.
7 The chairperson said th at he was in the middle of a meeting.
8 M argaret said th a t she had íĩnished her work.
9 Sheila said th at she was there the whole time.
10 Mike said th a t he would go over the next day.
11 The teacher ordered us to be quiet.
12 She warned me not to touch the glass.
1 She said th a t the m an would be there soon.
2 The judge will say to you th a t you are innocent.
3 He said th a t abundant rain had fallen th e day before and th a t it was falling still.
4 All men declare th a t he has never been deíeated.
5 He has told them that he did not commit that fault.
6 I shall te 11 him plainly th at he cannot come here again.
7 He told them at once th a t the train was gone and th a t they were too late.
8 The news was announced that the conquering hero was Corning.
9 I told him plainly that he could go on the next day.
10 The man has conĩessed th a t he is the guilty man and deserves the punishm ent
1 The storyteller told the children th a t the Prince and Princess lived happily ever aíter.
2 The conductor warned the passengers who were boarding the bus not to push One another.
3 He told his íriend that he couldn’t join him for lunch.
4 Miss Lam toỉd her pupils to do the exercises from pages sixty to sixty-two.
5 The personnel officer asked whether or not the per- son knew how to operate a Computer.
6 I heard someone shouting for help three times.
7 The elder sister asked vvhether or not he/she was angry at her.
8 The cheerleaders shouted encouraging words in the team.
9 The rich man told the waitress to keep the change.
10 I convinced myself th at I would win in the next event.
1 Karen told Tommy not to leave his bag out there.
2 The captain commanded his men to stand at attention.
3 I told him not to touch it but to leave it alone.
4 The little boy asked his íather to take him to the park.
5 She asked me to tell her exactly what had happened.
6 He told the new boy to speak up as he couldn’t hear him.
7 Peter told his brother not to shake the table while he was writing.
8 She suggested us to bring our own plates and spoons.
9 The officer ordered his men to return to the ship im- mediately.
10 David told his brother to go to that drawer and bring him the scissors.
1 He said th at he would meet me outside the post office at three the following afternoon.
2 The teacher told us th a t the freezing poínt of w ater is 0° c.
3 My little brother says th at when he dropped the jug, it smashed to pieces.
4 The m an said th a t he had seen me somewhere beíore.
5 The mechanic said th a t my car had been ready the night before, but I had not gone to get it.
6 Helen says th a t when her examination is over, she will visit me,
7 He said th at he would return my magazines the next day.
8 The man said th at his car had broken đown and th a t he had had to walk two kilometers to get to a phone-booth.
9 She told us th at an English play was being held in the school hall then.
10 My father told me th at the building had burnt down many years before we moved there.
1 Tim advised M artin to see a doctor.
2 Louise apologized for causing so much trouble.
3 Andy suggested going out for the day.
4 Tracy oíĩered to do the washing-up.
5 P at reminded Jan e to post the letter.
6 The travel agent admitted making a m istake.
7 Steve warned Mike not to touch the electric wires.
8 Sharon agreed not to tell anyone.
1 You (tođay): Angeỉa said she and Terry were going to a concert the next day.
2 You (today): Jan said he had only been in England since the day beíore.
3 You (today): Neil said he was meeting his íriend at the airport later that day.
4 You (at the coíĩee bar): Max said he would see me here.
5 You (today):Paul told me the festival had been the week beíòre.
1- I thought you said you had íìnished it / your project.
2 But you told me you were better at golf.
3 I remember you saying you didn’t enjoy parties / them.
4 But you said yesterday you didn’t have / you hadn’t got a video recorder.
5 I thought you told me you weren’t applying for it / for the job.
6 But you said you liked Chinese food more.
7 You told me you preferred classical music.
1- Christy said that she liked coconuts.
2 Lennon told Mary that she was a good girl.
3 Alvin asked Mat if he could ỉend him some money.
4 John asked Sonny if he knew the answer.
5 Susan asked Peggy if she couỉd rnake a cake.
6 Mark saíd th a t he had never seen a tiger.
7 Rooney said th at he could do the work.
8 Robert said th a t he was not hungry.
9 Rosita asked Sweetie why she had come so late.
10 Peter told Roman th a t he could not believe him.
1 He said th a t he was going away the next day (or the following day).
2 She said that it was going to rain in a few minutes.
3 Darren said th at he would play íootball the following week.
4 The manager says th a t I have done a good job.
5 The Science teacher explained th at water freezes at 32° c Fahrenheit.
6 Tracy said th at she had come back late last night 7 Faisal remarked th a t I was riding his bicycle.
8 Dolly declared th a t those were her dolls.
9 Aileen said th at she could buy her books there.
10 Patrick said th at when he had gone to h er house, she had been having h er lunch.
1 Our teacher advised us to spend our free time in the best possible way.
2 Ribery exclaimed th a t th at toilet was very smelly.
3 Cesc asked me to buy him a bar of chocolate.
4 The army offìcer commanded his men to polish their boots.
5 He ordered her to get him a glass of water.
6 He remarked that it was a beautiful car.
7 The beggar begged her to spare him some money.
8 His mother warned him to listen to her.
9 The man asked her to pass him the salt.
10 The lady told him to get out or she would call the police.
1 Frank asked me where the classrooms were.
2 Zaira asked her íriend how she had done it.
3 Rio asked me if I had been to the funfair.
4 Linda asked me what was on CNN that night.
5 I wondered if you knew where Central Market was.
6 He asked me whether my brother went to the library often.
7 Roth asked me who that old lady was.
8 The little girl asked her mother what was in the jar.
9 I vvondered if you had been to Tioman Island.
10 I wanteđ to know how old she was.
1 Stephen said that flash floods often caused massive traíĩlc jams there.
2 Mrs Ooi said some babies were qui te fussy with their food.
3 Jimmy said the response to the farewell dinner was good.
4 Eddy remarked that the transport System in that town was atrocious.
5 The visitor asked where the receptionist had gone, 6 The clerk enquired what I wanted to know.
7 Moody asked w hether it was right for someone to at- tend the party uninvited.
8 Debbie asked Andy whether he slept well the previous night.
9 Ms Ooi said th a t we must always be ready to help one another.
10 Mrs Lai enquired how they could claim for a reíund.
1 Emily asked Willy why he made so much noise.
2 Adeline asked Michael when he would íĩx back the ampliíìer.
3 John asked whether Stephen was still playing snooker with us.
4 The guard ordered the boy not to throw rubbish there.
5 Owen asked me how I was going to help the needy.
6 Bob asked why Rita complained so much.
7 Mr Ali asked w hether all of us would take part in the cleanliness campaign.
8 Darren asked vvhether we had scaled the hill in our district.
9 Inspector Cole asked w hether we knew th a t M aria had been robbed.
10 Yani said he had been attacked by a gang of hooligans while walking back home.
1 Lilian told Mike th at 'she was going to the library then.
2 The monitor toỉd the class to keep quiet.
3 Teddy told his sister that the badminton team from Chi- na had arrived in Singapore the day beíore.
4 The teacher said that the elephant had a very good memory.
5 Tim said th at he had decided to join the basketball team.
6 Polly suggested that we go dancing that night.
7 The teacher asked Irene if she could carry the books to the teacher’s room.
8 Allan asked her father when the doctor would be there.
9 The contractor said that the weather was good and he could have the renovations completed by the next day.
10 Galvin said th at he was watching the television when Rafe came.
1 My mother told us that our grandmother would be ar- riving in Singapore the next day.
2 Mother told Susie not to meddle with the things in the house.
3 Mary said th a t Dawn had hurt herselí during PE les- son that morning.
4 The receptionist said that there were usually more girls than boys taking piano Iessons.
5 Mother told the girls to clear the tables aíter they had íìnished the food.
6 Harry said th a t he would have accompanied Henry to the show if only he had asked.
7 Bobby asked if he could have some pieees of papers.
8 The class m onitor ordered Lin En to stop playing the fool then.
9 Pauline said th a t she had seen Terri playing alone the day before.
10 Mrs Tan asked h er husband when he was leaving for China again.
1 He said th at he was happy to have met my family.
2 Harry asked Sally if she was free to help him with his homework.
3 An excited Mr Lim exclaimed th a t he had won the íĩrst prize in the lucky draw.
4 The Science teacher told his class that there are nine planets in our S y s t e m
5 Stubborn Andy asked to be left alone.
6 Susan told Lucy to come along with them as it wouldn’t be fun without her.
7 Sam said th a t Linda had left her book at his desk the day beíbre,
8 My sister suggested th a t we buy m other a surprise present for her birthday.
9 Lynette told Nicole to go to her house th a t night to meet her pen-pal, Steve.
10 The Principal said th a t the Sports Day would be held a t the end of the month.
1 He says th at he has told the landlord that he must repair the kitchen sink.
2 Mrs Lim said that she thought I should throw away the Soup which was inedible.
3 The cook claimed that he knew a lot of customers who vvould not have been too disappointed with that Soup.
4 He complained that that íìsh was burnt and demand- ed to see the manager.
5 The manager says that he is sorry and that he is not having a complaints book.
6 He said tot he prefect that he had sneaked in late that aíternoon when the prefect was on duty.
7 She said slyly that she had told him she had found Ben stealing his wallet from his bag.
8 The student very proudly claimeđ that the students were about to rebel when he stepped in.
9 She told him that she had not expected him to invite her to dinner.
10 She asks in desperation whether I am sure that I have not seen her íĩnisheđ project.
2 “We will sta rt tomorrow”.
3 “We are walking in the park”.
5 “I have been trying to mend it since the morning”.
6 “At one o’clock I was doing nothing”.
7 “We closed down last year”.
9 “You had better accept it”.
10 “While I was sleeping someone screamed in the garden”.
1 “W hat do you w ant from me?”.
2 “Did they arrive on time?”.
3 “Do not go out at night?”.
5 “Will you m arry me next year?”.
7 “Shall I lock the door / Should I lock the door?”.
9 “Join me / Will you join me?”.
10 “Do not eat so much?”.
11 “Have you received my message?”.
12 “What have you been doing so long?”.
1 She said “I don’t want to come with you”.
2 He said “I am writing a letter”.
3 She said “I have íinished the work”.
4 He said “I want some razors”.
5 John said “I have been living in this City for ten years”.
6 He said “I have been waiting here for several hours”.
7 He said “Burglars broke into my house last night”.
8 She said to me, “I was waiting for my sister”.
9 She said “I had never met such people beíbre”.
10 John said “I had been gardening for two hours”.
11 He said “I lived many years in the US”.
12 She said “I will work hard”.
13 He said “They will be arriving here by the next train”.
14 Alice said “I will have íĩnished the work by now”.
1 “Can you buy me a dozen eggs from the shop?” asked my mother.
2 “I am going to finish painting the gate by noon” I told myself.
3 “Can you speak louder, please?” said the judge to the defenđant.
4 “I want the project to be completed by tomorow!” said the engineer to his workers.
5 “My purse was snatched, Officer” said Asni to the po- liceman.
6 “Don’t pluck the rơses!” screamed the gardener to the young girl.
7 “All the teachers and students should grow more plants around our school to beautify it” said the Principal.
8 “Don’t open the box while I’m away” said my father.
9 “You should read the instructions careíully before you take the medicine” advised the doctor.
10 “Don’t you dare swim in the old mining pool!” said the boy’s mother.
1 He assured them “I will soon return”.
2 He told me “You may leave this place as soon as you can”.
3 I a d m itte d “I have acted íbolishly in w h a t I s a id ”.
4 He told them “I have been robbed of the book which I bought”.
5 He said “I am very sorry for the fault I have committed.
6 They aííĩrm ed “He is the best w orker we have se en ”.
7 He admitted “I have not worked so h ard as John has done”.
8 He heard them say “He does not deserve the p rize”.
9 He made a promise “I will do it as soon as I can”.
10 They said “He has deserved our thanks for all he has done”.
1 Jane: “I play tennis every Saturday”.
2 David: “There is an excellent band playing later on”.
3 Christine: “I saw Amy at the bank on Monday”.
4 The driver: ‘Tm going to turn right at the traíĩic lights”.
5 ơonathan: ‘Tve returned the dictionary to the library”.
6 The doctor: ‘T’!l send you the results as soon as they arrive”.
7 Caroline: “Will you come to my party on Saturday?”.
8 Shop assistant: “Are you looking for something special?”.
9 Jack: ‘T11 lend you my grammar book if you think it will help”.
1 He said: “I am going to town with my sister”.
2 He said to her: “You have bought yourselí a new hat”.
3 They said: “We are very late”.
4 She said to me: “I want to speak to you”.
5 She said: “We have ĩmished our work”.
6 She said: “He is ready to come with us”.
7 She said to me: “They do not know you”.
8 He said: “I shall ansvver the phone”.
9 She said to them: “You can do ít if you try”.
10 She said: “He has done his homework weir.
11 They said: “We are living in the house now”.
12 She said: “I have been shopping all the moming”.
13 He said to her: “I have not told you anything yet”.
14 He said to me: “You may see the photos if you like”.
15 He said: “She has w ritten me a long letter”.
16 She said: “I am giving a party this week to all my friends”.
17 She said to her íriend: “You have an excellent cook”.
18 They said: “We have not heard the news”.
19 She said: “I like oranges better than bananas”.
20 She said: “They are learning higher mathematics”
21 She says: “I am ílying to Paris tomorrow”.
22 He asked me: “Did you go to the stadium to watch the game yesterday?”
23 Excuse me for keeping your book so long” she says.
24 She said: “Don’t let the failure of the experim ent up- set you too much!”.
25 She says: “May I offer you a cup of tea?”.
1 The teacher said “Go away, Richard”
2 Mr Brown said to his visitor, “Come in, please”.
3 His mother said “Don’t eat all the cake, Richard”
4 The oíĩìcer said to the soldier, “Fire!”
5 The sergeant said to the sentry “stay at your post until you are relieved”.
6 The teacher said “Timolthy, do the exercise correctly or you will have to stay in”.
7 The farmers said to the visitors: “Don’t leave the gate open”.
8 Richard’s íather said to him “Don’t climb th is tree in your new trousers”.
9 The teacher said “Henry, get your work done properly or I will punish you”.
10 She said to him “Do some exercise everyday if you want to pass your examination”.
1 He said “I am feeling tired”.
2 She said “I will not go out after 8 p.m”
3 He said to his sister “I intend to run away from home”.
4 They said “We will wait for a later train”.
5 She said “I am going to have a baby”.
6 He said “I have never been so insulted in my life”.
7 A member of the audience said “I can’t hear what the lecturer is saying”.
8 She said to her mother “I ha ve to go out and will not be back until late”.
9 He said “I wouldn’t have believed it even if it had been true”.
10 They said “We have too much work to do and am going on strike”.
11 The Prime Minister declared “The country has never been more prosperous”.
12 She exclaimed “There is a mouse in the room”.
13 They complained “We are so exhausted that we can- not walk any íurther”.
14 The little boy cried our “My sister is drơvvning”.
15 My íriend warned me “It wilỉ be too hot to sunbathe in comíòrt”.
16 The children coníessed “We have stolen all the apples from the tree”.
17 He regretted “I haven’t any cigarettes to offer to my guests”.
18 She replied “I won’t answer such a silly question”.
19 The Foreign Secretary stated “I do not intend to charge my country’s policy in the near future!”.
20 He said “I haven’t wasted my life”.
1 to get his 2 not to make him 3 to hurry up 4 to leave him alone 5 to walk alone 6 he should be kind to his brother 7 should be ready
8 him to warn him ten minutes beíore you leave 9 him to set his alarm beíore he goes to bed
10 th at he should use two clocks if he needed to 11 to go ahead without him
12 not to forget his head
1 she loved traveling with íriends 2 she would ren t a car
3 she was a good navigator4 the next gas station wasn’t far from there5 she thought we had passed th a t exit6 if they stopped soon, they could eat7 th a t was the best octopus she’d ever eaten8 they need to take another picture
9 this town had a museum 10 she saw an ice cream shop 11 they couldn’t stay there all day 12 they still had to get gas.
1 what had she said 2 where I was going 3 what time it is 4 how old am I 5 when you are leaving 6 what color are you selecting?
7 how much you pay for rent?
8 how many times I had seen 9 who coming for dinner is 10 who they choose
12 did he learn 13 how long it takes 14 had he bought 15 had he bought
1 if this is the train to San Francisco.
2 if we had to buy a ticket.
3 whether you can buy a ticket.
4 if this train stopped in Palo Alto.
5 whether this is the bullet train
6 if this train arrived 7 whether am I able to buy a round-trip ticket?
8 if she could sit with me 9 whether there is a special fare 10 if I were Canadian
11 whether you prefer taking the train 12 whether there is a Seat
13 whether this train usually runs on time?
14 whether are you a regular commuter?
15 whether this is the íìnal stop?
The interviewer asked Mr Fogarty w hat he did He explaineđ th a t he was investigating the Loch Ness Mon- ster He said th a t every day he w en t to Loch Ness and w a ited for the m onster to appear He claimed th a t he had s e e n the monster He said th a t it h a d b e e n very foggy and he had tried to take a photograph, but unfor- tunately his camera had not worked He said that he m ight see it again if he were lucky He admitted that many people thought his job was strange He said that they did not believe in the Loch Ness monster, but he knew it was out there somewhere.
1 Sam says to the oíĩìcer he has íorgotten to pack his passport.
2 Linda says to the writer his new novel is her íavourite one.
3 The boss says to Mr Grey he doesn’t like talking about unnecessary things.
4 Tina says to her mum he explained her the mechanism of her car.
5 Sylvie says to the psychologist she would like to íbrget th at terrible memory.
6 The teacher says to Jack his unbelievable stories are the best in th at class.
7 Mike says to Sam his hobbies don’t need much energy.
8 Mum says to Paul he broke his beautiful vase when he ran out of the room.
9 The greengrocer says to Mrs Hill those apples are for her grandchildren.
10 Dad says to the children they’ll visit their new íriends in New Castle the next day.
1 Mom says to the children they are so nice.
2 Greg says to mother that soup is really deỉicious.
3 Mrs Drill says to Philip his composition isn’t on her desk.
4 Ms Stone says to M argaret her mother is w aiting for her outside the house.
5 Grandma says to Sam and Peter th eir sandwiches are ready.
6 Mrs F arrell says to Mr Kyle his car is standing in íront of her garage.
7 Mr Marvel says to Mrs Lodge her son is his best stu- dent in th is class.
8 Daisy says to Lana she needs her help.
9 Doug says to Daddy he got a íĩve in Physics.
10 Tom says to Peggy he has lost her telephone number.
1 P eter said to me he should give up eating som much fatty food.
2 Mary saìd to P eter he had to íĩnish his book.
3 They said to Sam he could survive th at nightmare.
4 Tim said to Amy he wasn’t to play w ith the matches.
5 Gavin said to Bill he used to play basketball.
6 They said to Sam they could help him if he needed.
7 Elise said to Mark they didn’t have to hurry, they had plenty of time.
8 Ralph said to Mary he might catch the bus.
9 Mum said to dad he ought to call the police.
10 Davy said to Lily she had better switch off the torch.
Exercise 10 Exercise 11 Exercise 12 Exercise 13 Exercise 14 Exercise 15 Exercise 16 Exercise 17 Exercise 18 Exercise 19 Exercise 20 Exercise 21
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