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Since its inception in 2010, TH Real Milk has strived to provide consumers with clean,fresh milk products in the true sense.Since then, the TH Group has grown to become a significant pro

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Researching company: TH True Milk - Fresh Milk

2.Vũ Hà Khánh Linh20070026

4.Nguyễn Thu Uyên19071555


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The official name of TH True Milk is TH dairy food joint stock business, the TH Dairy FoodJoint Stock Company was founded on February 24, 2009, which is managed by the TH Group Bac A Commercial Joint Stock Bank provided financial guidance that helped the company getstarted Since its inception in 2010, TH Real Milk has strived to provide consumers with clean,fresh milk products in the true sense.

Since then, the TH Group has grown to become a significant producer in Vietnam, supplyingclean food goods drawn from nature, such as fresh milk, meat, vegetables, and fruits Seafood ofworld quality, clean.

Since 2009, the project "Concentrated dairy farming and milk processing on a high-techindustrial scale" has been in operation.

From the stage of grass planting through the construction of barns, the processing of cow feed,and the management of dairy products, TH True Milk has invested in a high-end managementsystem and a closed and synchronized production process in accordance with internationalstandards Veterinary treatment, processing and packing, and product distribution to customersare all covered The barn system employs the most cutting-edge breeding technologies available.To provide the greatest source of dairy cows for the best milk quality, animals are imported fromnations known for breeding dairy cows, such as New Zealand, Uruguay, and Canada.

TH True Milk’s products:

True Mart shops provide a variety of tastes, as well as moderate rates and products intended forfamilies with small children and those who want natural products Pasteurized fresh milkproducts are included Pure pasteurized fresh milk derived from 100% fresh cow's milk is THtrue milk.

- Dairy products: Pasteurized fresh milk, pasteurized fresh milk Topkid formula fresh milk,natural yogurt, nut milk, pasteurized drinking yogurt

- Beverages: TH True Milk Juice, TH True Milk RICE roasted rice water

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- Butter and cheese products: Natural unsalted butter, Mozzarella sticks- Purified water

- Cream products: Ice cream cones, ice cream flavors, ice cream boxes- Japonica FVF rice products


TH wants every consumer to obtain the freshest, most delicious, and healthy goods possible as atop producer of fresh milk in Vietnam Home Delivery is the result of a persistent concern andeffort to reduce and remove intermediary steps in the shipping and distribution processes,bringing to customers items that retain their essence natural, fresh, and pure, delivered fast andwith the utmost ease


The TH Group strives to be Vietnam's top processor in the clean food sector of natural origin.We are dedicated to become a world-class food brand adored by every customer, loved byeveryone, and proud of the nation, thanks to significant and long-term investment paired with theworld's most sophisticated research.


In terms of the mission, TH Group always tries it's hardest to nourish the body and soul of

Vietnam by delivering food items produced from nature that are clean, safe, fresh, and nutritious.When it came to joining the Vietnamese dairy industry, TH True Milk took advantage of thecountry's enormous natural resources to ensure the most basic things from nature and providepeople with clean glasses of milk.

Furthermore, by using the brand name "Clean milk," TH True Milk has been able to get into thepsyche of young moms, especially in today's world where the environment is becoming

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increasingly contaminated, resulting in unhealthy food As a result, food safety is prioritized, andTH Milk has successfully tapped into this consumer mindset.

II Identifying the SWOT of TH True Milk

 Having a large financial reserve

Long-term borrowing from North AsiaCommercial Joint Stock Bank

 The industrial and agricultural systems are themost extensive and modern in Southeast Asia. Organizational cultures are welcoming

(following by principles and vision)

- A clean supply of milk protects publichealth.

- The raw source is 100 percent natural.- Friendly with indigenous industry

 Given as a recruitment criterion → The crewand management have experience, passion,and professionalism.

 Creating a humanistic and dependable brandfor customers.

 TH True Milk is a brand for the communitysince it participates in programs that benefitthe public.

- Establishing a manufacturing technologyfarm and factory to create jobs.

- Donated milk to impoverishedcommunities.

- Form a team with the goal of emphasizingchildren's nutrition in Vietnam.

- Milk donations for the "Red Sunday"blood drive.

 Having a negative position inthe domestic market.

Since its inception in the milkmarket, TH True Milk has had ahigher price than competitors;as a result, buyers get theimpression that "TH True Milkdoes not have a competitor inprice."

 Middle-income and low-incomepeople make up the majority ofVietnam's overall population àdwindling consumer base.

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 Consumers' income and standard of life inVietnam are both rising (Consumers are moreconcerned with health and nutritionalproducts.)

 Vietnam benefits from favorable soil andclimate conditions for hay production and thedevelopment of draught cattle activities. As they enter the market later, they will have

the opportunity to inquire and learn.

 Vietnam's accession to the WTO increasedprospects for collaboration and broadened themarket for businesses.

 There will be a lot of rivalry from other brands (For example, Vinamilk)

 Vietnam's accession to the WTO opened chances for international corporations to enter the Vietnamese market → improving company

III SMART 1 S - specific

TH True Milk continues to demonstrate its supremacy in the Vietnamese dairy market Morethan 70 items based on fresh milk have been introduced to the market by the firm.

- In 2017, net profit was 319 billion VND, while in 2018, it was 450 billion VND From2014 to 2018, the company's net profit climbed by a factor of 15 in just four years.

- TH truemilk made about VND 192,000 billion in income in 2019 and 2020 The companythat owns the clean fresh milk brand TH genuine MILK was just granted the top categoryfor the kind of massive production in the 2021 Asia-Pacific International Quality Award.- Meet the firm's development needs while also maximizing the resources available to the

- With knowledge and expertise, build human resource management, strategy, maintenance,and operations management with the purpose of sustainable development, plan andexecute activities, and implement management areas.

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2 M-Measure

From 2017 through 2020, TH Truemilk's objective is to achieve high sales each year Withthe goal in mind, TH would generate a turnover of 23,000 billion VND (about 1 billion USD)by 2020, accounting for more than half of the fresh milk market.

Develop a professional structure and management for your business To become one of thetop organizations that workers consider an ideal place to work by creating a workingenvironment in which employees can bring out their best, contribute, and accomplishcommon goals The brand of clean, fresh milk The top category for this type of enormousmanufacturing was just awarded to TH real MILK in the 2021 Asia-Pacific InternationalQuality Award.

3 A – Achieveable

- With a turnover of more than 1 billion dollars, it has become the dairy brand with themost sophisticated cow farm in Southeast Asia It is a "clean milk" brand that has "nocompetition" in the Vietnamese market.

- With a total initial investment of 350 million USD, TH True Milk's most advanced dairyfarm in Southeast Asia was developed in the west of Phu Quy, Nghia Dan, Nghe An Witha modest number of cows brought from Israel at first, roughly 45,000 cows are currentlycared for in a hygienic manner.

- The World Records Union declared TH to have achieved a world record for "the world'sbiggest cluster of concentrated farms utilizing advanced technology with a closedproduction process on the largest scale in the world" by the end of 2020 (World RecordsUnion) - WorldKings) is a certification program.

- The market share of TH genuine MILK in liquid milk has expanded, now accounting forroughly 45%; Vietnamese customers are well aware of the brand.

- The TH real mart is a vital part of the company's distribution chain, as it is the last stop inthe closed process "from green pasture to clean glass of milk." TH real market has morethan 250 locations around the country and employs roughly 800 people directly.

4 R – Realistic

- The TH Group invests in the construction of a clean fresh milk processing facility in orderto maintain the closed process in cow raising and milk production This plant is the largestin Southeast Asia and features the world's most advanced equipment and machinery.- The TH Group's focused, high-tech dairy farm stretches across a huge area of 37,000

hectares of fertile Basalt red soil, with water supplies, in the territory of Nghia Dan Nghe An Nature, as seen from the large Sao River Lake, is regarded as a model livestockfarm, employing all of the most contemporary and advanced methods available in the areaof dairy farming and farming today.

The TH project "Milk growing and fresh milk processing concentrated on an industrialscale" has been underway on a 37,000-hectare plot of land since October 2009, with atotal investment of 1.2 billion dollars At this time, the project has a total of 45,000 cows.In the Nghia Dan area of Nghe An, one of three clusters of concentrated dairy farms of theTH Group is seen There are around 15,000-17,000 dairy cows in each of these clusters.- TH genuine MILK farm now has 45,000 cows, more than 22,000 of which are lactating,

with an average milk output of 30-40 liters/head/day With 22,000 dairy cows every day,TH true MILK farm gathers between 400 and 450 tons of fresh milk.

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- The market share of TH genuine MILK in liquid milk has expanded, now accounting forroughly 45%; Vietnamese customers are well aware of the brand.

- The goals that TH genuine Milk has set are reasonable, based on what the company hasaccomplished, as evidenced by statistics.

5 T – Time bound

Since 2009, the True Milk project has been revived In December 2010, TH True Milkproducts were made available to the general public By 2013, the firm had generated aroundVND 6,000 billion in sales The total income in 2013 was 3,000 billion VND.

In 2017, net profit was 319 billion VND, while in 2018, it was 450 billion VND From 2014to 2018, the company's net profit climbed by a factor of 15 in just four years.

In 2018, TH Company achieved a sales milestone of over VND 7,000 billion, exceeding theleadership's forecast The excellent expansion in the business of fresh milk products isresponsible for this success.

After ten years, the quantity of home milk has greatly grown TH true milk made about VND192,000 billion in income in 2019 and 2020

According to the numbers, TH True Milk's revenue has gradually risen over the last 11 years,and the goals put out by TH True Milk are all reasonable and correct.


1.1 Market segment criteria

Under 15years old

Children's and teens' ages As a developing age, it is crucial todevelop, and many critical nutrients from milk are required tobuild height and brain.

From 15 –under 25years old

The young are of a certain age This is the final stage of growth; itis still important to replenish nutrients from milk, but the amountrequired is reduced.

Over 25years old

Adults are less likely to drink fresh milk as they become older,instead opting for other nutritious goods and beverages.

At this age, TH True Milk aids in the replenishment of collagen,the appearance of beautiful skin, the slowing of the aging process,the supplementation of phytosterols, and the supplementation ofcalcium to aid in the formation of strong bones.

Income Less thanVND 5million

Because of their low income, they can only afford to meet theirbasic demands

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From 5 - 10million

Already have a greater income, can afford higher nutritionaldemands, but will not be consistent and will have pricingconsiderations and worries.

Greaterthan 10millionVND

Relatively excellent income, able to pay for the need for repairs ona regular basis, out and about, less price consideration but moreconcern for quality, nutritional hypothermia.

Geography, region

People here have excellent living standards, place a great value onrequired health and nutrition, and are prepared to spend money onlife's necessities.

People's living conditions and living standards remain poor, withless attention for basic health and nutrition and insufficient fundsto meet high demands.

1.2 Evaluate and select the target market

a Attractiveness of the market following Market segment criteria

(Note: Scale from 1 to 5, 1 = least attractive: 5 = most attractive)

Under 15years old

From 5 - 10 millionVND

Greater than 10million VND

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b Assessing the strengths of TH True Milk in the market:

(Note: Scale from 1 to 5.1 = less attractive; 5 = most attractive)

Under 15years old

Greater than 10million VND

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The strength of TH True Milk

→ The market sector on which TH True Milk concentrates, particularly the high middle incomemarket segment, is referred to as the target market segment The target age for TH True Milk isunder 15 years old since this is a developing age, and milk products are vital during this era forphysical and intellectual development.

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2 Positioning

Based on a survey of consumer attitudes toward milk products Three brands are beingcompared: Nutifood, Vinamilk, and TH True Milk The comparison is based on 3 criteria: price,quality, and brand The 1 to 5:1 review scale is the lowest, 5 is the highest The results of theassessment are presented in the following table:

Vinamilk TH True Milk

Slogan: "Really nature"

The slogan of all TH True Milk products in general is "Really natural," with the message "Theessence of nature is retained intact in every drop of fresh milk." The grass is silified, cows aredrank with pure water, cold baths, listening to music, and enjoying the fresh and sanitaryatmosphere of green fields in Nghe An, as indicated by the closed agricultural and productionprocess using industrial methods TH's flawless raw milk transportation mechanism, in additionto farms and milk processing plants, has built a closed, modern, and large-scale milk productionmodel with high-quality, even products As a result, Ms Thai Huong, Chairman of th's StrategicCouncil, declared during the announcement ceremony of the first batch of fresh milk sent toChina: "Th's milk exported to China is still TH milk sold in Vietnam because of the samemanufacturing method, just in packaging with more Chinese." That demonstrates TH trueMILK's confidence in the homity quality and international standards TH true MILK productshave won many Gold and Silver awards at global food fairs in the Russian Federation, USA,Korea and many other countries in the ASEAN region.

At the same time, in an era when everyone is worried about food safety and cleanliness, the"clean" element is extremely significant to customers Thus, merely the phrase "clean" let THTrue Milk earn a huge advantage in market positioning.

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- Nutritious: Feed recipes for each group of cows and the mixing process carried out by theadvanced software system.

- Water source: In addition to food, cows also drink clean water treated with state-of-the-artAmiad water filtration technology to ensure a safe source of clean and pure water for theherd.

- Barn: The farm applies advanced standards and regulations of livestock farms in the world.- Management cows: TH applies Afimilk (Israel) Afifarm herd management technology - A

world-leading modern dairy farm management system Cows are tagged and attached withAfitag electronic chips on their legs to monitor health status, nutrition and milk yield Allinformation of each individual cow is analyzed and used by farm managers to make decisionsto manage the entire breeding cycle on the farm.

- Healthcare: Cows are free to move in covered barns, attach cool fans, cows are listened tomusic and cool baths every day to stimulate the natural milking of cows The Center forVeterinary Medicine and the Laboratory of International Standards allows for rapid diagnosis,prevention research and treatment of diseases for cows.

- To milk: The fully automated milking system is strictly controlled according to the process toensure leading hygiene and safety conditions.

- Transport: Fresh cow's milk is transferred by cold pipe system to the total tank at the farm andthen transferred to the cold tub to the factory, the coldness is always maintained 2 °C - 4 °C.- Factory: TH Fresh Milk Factory has modern technology and leading scale in Asia, equipped

with modern equipment imported from G7 countries and Europe The entire operating systemis carried out in accordance with ISO 9001 The factory's products are manufactured andmanaged completely in accordance with ISO 22000 to meet strict food safety and hygienestandards.

b "Truly natural"

Entering the dairy industry with highly strong domestic and foreign brands like as Vinamilk,Moc Chau, Hanoi Milk, Ba Vi, Dutch Lady, and others that already have a solid market share andloyal customers, TH True Milk chooses to announce the difference: Totally natural.

This is an intriguing technique to work with items that appear to be tough to distinguish Becauseany milk that is not extracted from a cow must always be clean, as this is a highly vulnerablefood to infection.

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"The essence of nature is preserved intact in every drop of fresh milk," says the statement Thegrass is silage, as demonstrated by the farming process and closed production with industrialmethods, and cows may drink fresh water, take a cold bath, listen to music, and enjoy the cleanand sanitary atmosphere of the farm grasslands in Nghe An.

To persuade customers that they are "Clean milk" and "Really natural." TH declared ahead oftime and appears to demonstrate that, unlike some other firms, it is still farmed by homes, grassand water are unsanitary.

This marketing strategy is unclear as to whether it is the source of an increase in purchasers, but ithas caused other rivals to "jump" to debate and complain because of the underlying "Can otherdairy firms not?”

4 Targeting:

True milk market primarily targets individuals with a desire for "Clean" milk, naturalmilk, excellent quality, and a fair price, as well as the following client groups: 3-35 years old tomeet the following needs: beneficial for health, attractiveness, weight reduction, height increase,and so on - When compared to other individuals, humans require a lot of nourishment and eat alot of milk for physical growth at this period (5-14 years old) As a result, targeting children willgenerate enormous revenues for TH True Milk since Vietnamese parents with children aged fiveto fourteen have a high desire for nutritional items for their children's physical development.


A product is a term used to refer to the goods or services the company provides to customers.Products can be tangible or intangible services in which there are many aspects that link togetherto attract intent and motivate consumers' thinking so that they make purchasing decisions Theproduct is also the "heart", which is the core element of all marketing strategies The productneeds to include a core service to meet the main needs of customers and is accompanied byadditional services to help customers use the core more effectively such as consulting,welcoming, handling exceptions,

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A successful product is one that meets the needs and desires of customers, providing value tothem that differentiates the company and the competitor Applied to TH True Milk company, themilk product line meets consumer satisfaction, provides consumer value in line with the wishesand needs of customers.

- Butter, cheese: Natural butter, Mozzarella stick cheese

- Beverages: TH True Milk Juice, TH True Milk Juice, TH True Milk Rice Roast rice water- Pure water

- Ice cream products: Cone ice cream, stick ice cream, canned ice cream- Japonica FVF Rice Products

TH's dairy products are developed in the context of industrial society, increased corporate incomealong with understanding the value of milk incubation in an increasingly polluted environment,the requirement for clean milk is extremely necessary Therefore, T H's product line meets theconvenience, arouses a good and nutritious feeling of refreshment.

The foundation of TH True Milk's success is its long-term commitment to ensuring the rights ofits customers The company always provides food products derived from nature - clean, safe,fresh and nutritious.

To grow stronger, TH's marketing strategy focuses primarily on young children and women Withproducts from nature, TH True Milk offers a combination of nutrition and beauty that not onlypushes the value of the product but attracts many female consumers with the aim of providinghealthy nutrition and beauty preservation elements.

Ngày đăng: 22/07/2024, 17:18