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ch 2 2 petroleum exploration methods updated 1

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Provide some basic knowledge about petroleum exploration methods, including: Geophysical Exploration Methods, Geophysical Well Log Methods, Subsurface Geology, Geochemistry Methods and D

Trang 1

Chapter 2.2: Petroleum Exploration Methods

Trang 2

2.2.1 Geophysical Exploration Methods2.2.2 Geophysical Well Log Methods

2.2.3 Subsurface Geology2.2.4 Geochemistry Methods

2.2.5 Drilling

2.2.6 Introduction to Software in E&P

Trang 3

1 Provide some basic knowledge about petroleum

exploration methods, including: Geophysical Exploration

Methods, Geophysical Well Log Methods, Subsurface Geology, Geochemistry Methods and Drilling.

2 Introduce system and equipment related to each kind of method

3 Introduce workflow in data acquisition, processing and


4 Show noticed software using in petroleum exploration

(e.g: Interactive Petrophysics and Petrel)

Trang 4

1 Nguyễn Mạnh Thường, Phương pháp tìm kiếm thăm dò và tính trữ lượng

 dầu khí, Hà Nội, 2001

2 Hoàng Đình Tiến, Địa chất dầu khí và phương pháp tìm kiếm, thăm dò,   

theo dõi mỏ, Nhà xuất bản Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh,

Trang 5


• Petroleum Exploration Methos: Các phương pháp thăm dò dầu khí• Seismic Data Acquisiton: Thu nổ địa chấn

• Seismic Data Processing: Xử lý số liệu địa chấn

• Seismic Data Interpretation: Minh giải tài liệu địa chấn

• Wireline Log Interpretation: Minh giải tài liệu địa vật lý giếng khoan• Geochemistry Method: Phương pháp địa hoá

• Outcrop Data: Tài liệu thực địa• Field Trip: Chuyến thực địa• Satelline Images: Ảnh vệ tinh

• Remote Sensing Data: Dữ liệu viễn thám

• Rock – Eval Pyrolysis Method: phương pháp nhiệt phân Rock – Eval• Gas Chromatography: Phương pháp sắc khí

• Mud Gas Method: phương pháp khí bùn

Trang 6

• Isopach map: bản đồ đẳng dày• Fault map: bản đồ đứt gãy

• Prospect map: bản đồ phân vùng triển vọng

Trang 7


• In situ rock: đá tại chỗ

• Incised – channels: lòng sông bị đào khoét• Continetal Shelf: thềm lục địa

• Continental Slope: sườn lục địa

• Horizon Interpretation: Minh giải tầng phản xạ• Fault Interpretation: Minh giải đứt gãy

• Lithology Interpretation: minh giải thạch học

• Depositional Environment Interpretation: minh giải môi

trường lắng đọng trầm tích

• Seismic Attribute Analysis: phân tích thuộc tính địa chấn• Reservoir Parameters: các thông số vỉa

Trang 8


• Geologist: nhà địa chất

• Geophysicist: nhà địa vật lý• Drilling Engineer: kỹ sư khoan

• Reservoir Engineer: kĩ sư công nghệ mỏ• Production Engineer: kĩ sư khai thác• Production rate: lưu lượng khai thác• Testing: thử vỉa

• Accumulation of Hydrocarbon: tích tụ hydrocacbon

Trang 9


• Drilling Rig: giàn khoan

• Case: choòng khoan

• Jack-up Rig: giàn tự nâng

• Semi-submersible rig: giàn bán tiềm thuỷ (giàn HD 981, Trung Quốc)

• Exploratory Wells: giếng khoan thăm dò• Production Wells: giếng khoan khai thác

Trang 10

2.2.1 Geophysical Exploration Methods


Geophysical Exploration

Theory and Related Fields

Data Processing

Applications of methods

Trang 12



Data Acquisition

Trang 13


2.2.1 Geophysical Exploration Methods

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Examples for data acquisition

Magnitude Acquisition

Gravity Acquisition

Electricity Acquisition

2.2.1 Geophysical Exploration Methods

Source: Doan Ngoc San

Trang 16

Seismic data in Block 04.3, Nam Con Son basin (NIPI, 2019)

2.2.1 Geophysical Exploration Methods

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Seismic Acquisition

Seismic Data Acquisition on Land

2.2.1 Geophysical Exploration Methods

1) Seismic Method

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Seismic Acquisition

1) Seismic Method

Seismic Data Acquisition in Marine

2.2.1 Geophysical Exploration Methods

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Seismic Acquisition

2.2.1 Geophysical Exploration Methods

1) Seismic Method

Trang 20

Seismic Processing

Seismic data in Nam Con Son basin, NIPI, 2019

2.2.1 Geophysical Exploration Methods

1) Seismic Method

Trang 21

Seismic Processing

Seismic data in Nam Con Son basin, NIPI, 2019

PSDM 2019Các phản xạ rõ ràng hơn

PSDM 2012

2.2.1 Geophysical Exploration Methods

1) Seismic Method

Trang 22

Seismic Processing

Seismic data in Nam Con Son basin, NIPI, 2019

PSDM 2019PSDM 2012

2.2.1 Geophysical Exploration Methods

1) Seismic Method

Trang 23

Seismic Interpretation

Horizon Interpretationx

Nam Con Son basin, EPC, VPI, 2014

2.2.1 Geophysical Exploration Methods

1) Seismic Method

Trang 24

Seismic Interpretation

Horizon and Fault Interpretation

Nam Con Son basin, EPC, VPI, 2014

2.2.1 Geophysical Exploration Methods

1) Seismic Method

Trang 25

Seismic Interpretation

Environment Interpretation

Nam Con Son basin, EPC, VPI, 2014

2.2.1 Geophysical Exploration Methods

1) Seismic Method

Trang 26

Seismic Interpretation

Environment Interpretation

Nam Con Son basin, EPC, VPI, 2014

2.2.1 Geophysical Exploration Methods

1) Seismic Method

Trang 27

Sismic Interpretation

Environment Interpretation

Nam Con Son basin, EPC, VPI, 2014

Incised – channels are recorded clearly in the SW

2.2.1 Geophysical Exploration Methods

1) Seismic Method

Trang 28

Seismic Interpretation

Seimic Attribute Analysis

Carbonate Distribution in Block 04.3, Nam Con Son basin (Pham Bao Ngoc, 2020)

2.2.1 Geophysical Exploration Methods

1) Seismic Method

Trang 29

2) Magnetic Method

of methods used in archaeological geophysics

magnetic field

and map archaelogical artifacts and features

2.2.1 Geophysical Exploration Methods

Source: internet

Trang 30

2) Magnetic Method

A magnetic reading profile across a dyke

2.2.1 Geophysical Exploration Methods

Source: internet

Trang 31

Exploration of fossil fuels (oil and gas)

2.2.1 Geophysical Exploration Methods

Trang 32

3) Gravity Method

rocks within the frist few miles of the earth’s surface.

detecting minute vaiations in the pull of gravity with an accuracy of one part in ten milion.

Theoretical gravity graphs over various buried structural hydrocarbon traps

2.2.1 Geophysical Exploration Methods

Source: internet

Trang 33

3) Gravity Method

2.2.1 Geophysical Exploration Methods

Source: internet

Trang 34

2.2.1 Geophysical Exploration Methods

Trang 35

2.2.2 Geophysical Well Log Methods

physical, acoustic and electrical properties of the rocks penetrated by a well

work under contract for the oil companies Advantage:

be measured in a laboratory from either core samples or cuttings

provides a detailed subsurface picture of both gradual and abrupt changes in physical

Source: internet

Trang 36

Is sophisticated method used routinely in different phases of hydrocarbon exploration, field development and monitoring

logging device is being winched upward through the well

intervals of between 3 and 15 cm and the data

is processed near the well on land, or on the platform in the case of offshore

Data processing

2.2.2 Geophysical Well Log Methods

Source: Richard C Selley, 2014

Trang 37

How is logging viewed by others? 1) The Geologist:

2) The Geophysicist:

2.2.2 Geophysical Well Log Methods

Trang 38

How is logging viewed by others? 3) The Drilling Engineer:

4) The Reservoir Engineer:

2.2.2 Geophysical Well Log Methods

Trang 39

How is logging viewed by others? 5) The Production Engineer:

2.2.2 Geophysical Well Log Methods

Trang 40

2.1 Logging Acquisition System

Offshore Environment

2.2.2 Geophysical Well Log Methods

Source: Schlumberger.com

Trang 41

2.1 Logging Acquisition System

2.2.2 Geophysical Well Log Methods

Source: Schlumberger.com

Trang 42

2.1 Logging Acquisition System

Rig up Equipment

2.2.2 Geophysical Well Log Methods

Source: Richard C Selley, 2014

Trang 43

Example of raw well-log data

Results of well-log analysis

2.2.2 Geophysical Well Log Methods

Source: Vietnam Oil and Gas Group

Trang 44

2.2 The application

2.2.2 Geophysical Well Log Methods

Trang 45

2.3 Types of well-logs

Permeability and Lithology Logs

Trang 46

2.3 Types of well-logs

Gamma Ray Log

Density Log

2.2.2 Geophysical Well Log Methods

Source: Richard C Selley, 2014

Trang 47

2.3 Types of well-logs

Resistivity Logs

2.2.2 Geophysical Well Log Methods

Source: Richard C Selley, 2014

Trang 48

2.4 Well-log Interpretation

a) Determination of

Lithology from Gamma Ray

2.2.2 Geophysical Well Log Methods

Source: Richard C Selley, 2014

Trang 49

Introduction to Oil & Gas Industry

1D E P T H

aM )2T V D S S

aM )3

7N P H I ad e c )

R H O B a g m / c c )

4L i t h o l o g y0 2 8 L I T H a)0 2 8

6L L D ao h m m )0 22 0 0

0 ,5 m m

0 ,5 m m

0 , 2 m m

2.2.2 Geophysical Well Log Methods

Source: Pham Bao Ngoc, 2018

Trang 50

2.4 Well-log Interpretation

a) Determination of

Lithology from Gamma Ray

2.2.2 Geophysical Well Log Methods

Trang 51

2.4 Well-log Interpretation

b) Reservoir Parameter Interpretation

2.2.2 Geophysical Well Log Methods

Source: Richard C Selley, 2014

Trang 52

2.4 Well-log Interpretation

b) Reservoir Parameter Interpretation

2.2.2 Geophysical Well Log Methods

Source: Richard C Selley, 2014

Trang 53

2.4 Well-log Interpretation

c) Depositional Environment Interpretation

2.2.2 Geophysical Well Log Methods

Trang 54

2.4 Well-log Interpretation

c) Depositional Environment Interpretation

2.2.2 Geophysical Well Log Methods

Trang 55

2.4 Well-log Interpretation

c) Depositional Environment Interpretation

GK T-1

Kiểu răng cưa

Môi trường châu thổ MB - Cửa sông

(mourth bar) ; PD - sườn châu thổ

2.2.2 Geophysical Well Log Methods

Source: Pham Bao Ngoc, 2018

Trang 57

3.1 Geological Cross-Sections

Stept 1: Well Correlation

from well log data

paleontologist and the geophysicist

2.2.3 Subsurface Geology

Trang 58

3.1 Geological Cross-Sections

Stept 1: Well Correlation

The composite log

presents geological data based on well cuttings

2.2.3 Subsurface Geology

Source: NIPI, VSP

Trang 59

3.1 Geological Cross-Sections

Stept 1: Well Correlation

2.2.3 Subsurface Geology

Trang 60

3.1 Geological Cross-Sections

Stept 1: Well Correlation

2.2.3 Subsurface Geology

Source: internet

Trang 61

3.1 Geological Cross-Sections

Stept 1: Well Correlation

2.2.3 Subsurface Geology

Trang 62

3.1 Geological Cross-Sections

Stept 1: Well Correlation

Well Correlation in Thien Ung – Mang Cau structure, Block 04-3, Nam Con Son Basin, NIPI

2.2.3 Subsurface Geology

Trang 63

3.1 Geological Cross-Sections

Stept 2: Constructing Cross-Sections

seismic and well data is used

learning over drawing tables with well logs, tracing paper,

rullers, pencils and erasers.

Nowadays, it is all done by computer with morden software

2.2.3 Subsurface Geology

Trang 64

3.1 Geological Cross-Sections

Stept 2: Constructing Cross-Sections

Cross-section FF' from the Utikuma field

2.2.3 Subsurface Geology

Trang 65

3.1 Geological Cross-Sections

Stept 2: Constructing Cross-Sections

Cross-section in Bach Ho field (Trinh Xuan Cuong, 2009)

2.2.3 Subsurface Geology

Trang 66

3.1 Geological Cross-Sections

Stept 2: Constructing Cross-Sections

Seismic section in Song Hong basin,

VPI, 2012

2.2.3 Subsurface Geology

Trang 67

3.1 Geological Cross-Sections

Stept 2: Constructing Cross-Sections

Seismic section in Nam Con Son basin (Le Chi Mai, 2013)

2.2.3 Subsurface Geology

Trang 68

3.2 Subsurface Geological Mapping

Many different types of subsurface geological maps in oil and gas exploration

Structrure contour map:

for reserve calculations

Isopach maps: record the thickness of formation

Fault maps: show fault system in the fields or regions

The net pay map: contours the ratio of gross pay to net pay within a

2.2.3 Subsurface Geology

Trang 69

Many different types of subsurface geological maps in oil and gas exploration

Sand:shale ratio map: indicate the source of sand and areas where good

reservoirs may be found

Net sand and net pay maps: essential for detailed evaluation of oil and

gas fields

Paleogeographic maps: show depositional environments

Pre-unconformity maps: show where reservoirs are overlain by source

rocks and vice versa

Play/prospect maps: show the probable geographic extent of oil and gas

fields of a particular type

3.2 Subsurface Geological Mapping

2.2.3 Subsurface Geology

Trang 70

Fault map in Thien Ung – Mang Cau structure, Nam Con Son basin (Pham Bao Ngoc & Tran Trung Dong 2020)

3.2 Subsurface Geological Mapping

2.2.3 Subsurface Geology

Trang 71

Structural map in Thien Ung – Mang Cau structure, Nam Con Son basin (Pham Bao Ngoc & Tran Trung Dong 2020)

3.2 Subsurface Geological Mapping

2.2.3 Subsurface Geology

Trang 72

Isopach map in Thien Ung – Mang Cau structure, Nam Con Son basin (Pham Bao Ngoc & Tran Trung Dong 2020)

3.2 Subsurface Geological Mapping

2.2.3 Subsurface Geology

Trang 73

3.2 Subsurface Geological Mapping

2.2.3 Subsurface Geology

Trang 74

2.2.4 Geochemistry Methods

4.1 Mud Gas Method

Used mud gas ratios on Pixler plots (1969) to detect pay zone

section for the zone → probably nonproductive

usually indicative of salt water.

Source: Richard C Selley, 2014

Trang 75

4.1 Mud Gas Method

Used Haworth mud gas parameters (1985) to detect pay zone

2.2.4 Geochemistry Methods

Source: internet

Trang 76

2.2.4 Geochemistry Methods

4.2 Rock-Eval Pyrolysis Method (Phương pháp nhiệt phân Rock-Eval)

absence of oxygen

potenital source rocks

Trang 77

HI=100x S2/TOC (milligrams HC/gram TOC or mg HC/g TOC)

Oxygen index (represents the amount of CO2 that can be generated relative to the amount of OM in the SR)

OI=100x S3/TOC (milligrams CO2/gram TOC or mg CO2/g TOC)

Trang 78

2.2.4 Geochemistry Methods

4.2 Rock-Eval Pyrolysis Method


Trang 79

2.2.4 Geochemistry Methods

4.3 Gas Chromatography (Phương pháp sắc kí khí)

the distribution of different compound types found in the bitumen

instead of the coarse separation obtained by the liquid column chromatography described earlier,

separation to resolve more detail about the composition of the bitumen

A schematic of a typical gas

chromatograph used in the analysis of source rock extracts, crude oils, and

natural gases.

Trang 80

2.2.5 Well Drilling

“You can't find oil if you don't drill wells"

many characteristics of a prospect remain unknown until an exploratory or "wildcat” well is drilled.

Production wells: is drilled with a drilling rig located on the

production platform or with a rig close to platform and production equipment

drilled over 20,000 ft deep into the earth’s surface

over 25,000 ft, with bottom hole temperatures exceeding 400 degree Celcious and pressures approaching 20,000 PSI

Trang 82

2.2.5 Well Drilling

Types of Drill Bits

Source: Ma, T., Chen, P., & Zhao, J (2016, August 30)

Roller cone bits

Fixed cutter bits

Hybrid bits

Trang 83

2.2.5 Well Drilling

Drilling Techniques

Drilling platform aids in adjusting pipe length to

increase/decrease depth of drilling

Drilling string of pipe is suspended from the derrick which is

pulled out of the hole when drilling bits need changing and thereafter reintroduced.

pipe does not split apart when could be costly or result in loss of

the well

drilling tools getting stuck when equipment is off

Trang 84

2.2.5 Well Drilling

Types of Drilling Rig on Marine

Jack-ups: where the water depth is less thang 100m

Semi-Submersibles: in hostile waters too rough for drill ship and

depths over 100m

Drill ships: in calm waters with depth over 100m

Trang 87

2.2.5 Well Drilling

Drill shipTypes of Drilling Rig on Marine

Source: internet

Trang 88

2.2.5 Well Drilling

Land Rigs

Conventional Rigs

Mobile rigs

Types of Drilling Rig in Land

Source: internet

Trang 89

2.2.5 Well Drilling

Units of Oil and Gas Flow Rate and Measurement Units

Oil Flow Rate: bbl/day (barrels/day)

Gas Flow Rate: MMSCFD (Million Standard Cubic Feet/day)

1M = 1000 standard cubic feet

Measurement Units:

Quantities of oil are expressed in barrels:

Gas is expressed in millions of cubic feet:

Trang 91

2.2.6 Introduction to Software in E&P


Trang 92

2.2.6 Introduction to Software in E&P


Ngày đăng: 17/06/2024, 15:50
