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skkn cấp tỉnh some methods of using the mind map to improve the quality of teaching english in grade 11 at to hien thanh high school thanh hoa city

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w Roman, cỡ 15, CapsLock)




Người thực hiện : TỐNG NGỌC LAM Chức vụ: Giáo viên

SKKN thuộc môn: Tiếng Anh


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2.2 Status of the problem 3

2.2.1 Actual situation of the school 3

2.2.2 Current situation of students in learning English 4

2.3 Sollution to the problem 4

2.3.1 Nature of teaching method by mind map: 4

2.3.2 Teachers use mind maps to support the teaching process: 5 Use mind maps to teach new lessons: 5 Use mind maps to systematize knowledge after each lesson, eachchapter: 6 Students use mind maps to support their learning process: 7 Mind map helps students learn actively: 8

2.4 Effect of the initiative: 9


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PART I INTRODUCTION1.1 Why choosing this topic

In today's globalization trend, the importance of English is undeniable, asit is the most used language in the world Along with the development in almostall areas such as technology , medicine, technology and education It is saidthat adding a foreign language means that you have lived a new life or that anew foreign language will make you live younger than the loss of your age.Because when learning and understanding English, you will know more aboutthe culture of the country as well as the people here And learning English alsobrings the following benefits.

Learning English is to develop yourself and relationships English givesyou many opportunities to get to know and interact with friends all over theworld Promoting career advancement English is the first key for you to stepinto international companies You can have the opportunity to work with foreigncompanies with a salary commensurate with the capabilities of friend Help yoube active in the social environment, communicate confidently and always wantto explore the cultures of the countries in the world Learning English is also animportant condition for you to have access to updated knowledge sources fromaround the world.

For Vietnam, a country in front of the development era, expanding theway to globalization, the study of English among students, future generations ofthe country, the more English learning becomes It is more important than ever.Understanding that, Vietnam's education generation has put English as acompulsory subject at the school from the primary level throughout the country.English is also a compulsory subject at all levels.

So there are many students who love and try to learn English well But inreality, I found that the students of To Hien Thanh High School where I wasteaching had very low input quality in English with very little vocabulary, andthe grammar was not so good study process In the course of directly teachingEnglish for students of grade 11 of To Hien Thanh high school, while teachingand studying students, I found that the ability of students to learn is still verylimited weakly using traditional memory methods, this is a learning formula forthe left brain, it does not take advantage of the right brain function and thereforedoes not optimize the brain power of the students This makes me think andthink Therefore, in the process of teaching, self-learning and striving, I foundthe method of using mind maps in English lessons created excitement, passionfor students, helping them to love learning English better In this way, both the

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left and right brains or the brain's capacity are thoroughly mobilized to providethe most effective results So that they can learn how to learn English to achievehigh efficiency.

For the above reasons, I would like to give a small experience to improve

the quality of English lessons: "Some methods of using the mind map toimprove the quality of teaching English in grade 11 at To Hien Thanh HighSchool, Thanh Hoa City ”

1.2 Research purpose:

Study this topic to help English teachers improve the quality of teachinghours At the same time, help students love to learn English, get the vocabulary,the full grammar knowledge required by their program objectives From there,help them solve their specific requirements How is each lesson?

Methods of survey and actual survey, information collection: survey the abilityto grasp knowledge of students in grades 11 at To Hien Thanh High School.

Statistical methods, data processing.

PART II: THE CONTENT 2.1 Theoretical basis.

For many years, teaching and learning methods have made radicalchanges "learners centered" Teachers are not the only ones who holdknowledge and impart knowledge but only instructors, supporters, mentors andtesters …… The learner is no longer a passive person who acquires knowledgebut is the center of the teaching process, actively innovating in the learningprocess to achieve the teaching objectives of teachers Foreign languageteaching in general, English in particular, innovation

Teaching methods are very clear and important On the other hand,English is also a subject that clearly shows the relationship with many othersubjects in high schools Learning English well will positively impact other

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subjects and vice versa This raises the need to increase practice, reduce theory,engage with practice, attach knowledge to very rich and vivid practices of life.

In recent years, the Ministry of Education and Training continuouslyinnovates teaching methods to improve the quality of teaching and learningLiterature in high schools One of the new and most modern teaching methodsincluded is the teaching method by mind map - a new teaching method beingapplied by many countries around the world Through understanding andapplying teaching methods by mind map, I realized that this teaching method isvery effective in teaching and learning of students The first step was to reducethe mentality of hesitating to learn English, to inspire students to love thesubject, and to give them new perspectives and new thinking about Englishsubjects So how is the teaching method by mind map? How should a mind mapbe used to improve the quality of English lessons in grades 11? Those are theissues I want to share with colleagues in this experience initiative.

Mind map is a form of recording using colors, images to expand anddeepen ideas Mind Diagram is a tool for organizing thinking, it can bedescribed as a graphic technique with a combination of words, images, lines,colors suitable for structure and operation and the function of the brain, helpingpeople exploit the endless potential of the brain.

Mind map helps students get more effective learning methods: Traininglearning methods for students is not only a measure to improve teachingeffectiveness but also a teaching goal In fact, some students study very hard butstill learn poorly, they often learn all lessons, the second part has forgotten theprevious part and do not know how to link knowledge together, do not knowhow to use ant Pre-learned mode in the following sections The majority ofstudents who read books or listen to lectures in class do not know how to takenotes themselves to store information, save knowledge that is focused on theirmemory Proficient use of mindset diagrams in teaching will help students gaina learning method, increase independence, take initiative, create and developthinking.

Mind map - help students learn in a positive way Some research resultsshow that the human brain will deeply understand, remember long and boldwhat it thinks itself, write and draw according to the knowledge learned Sousing the diagram Thinking helps students learn actively, maximizing thepotential of the brain.

2.2 Status of the problem.

2.2.1 Actual situation of the school.

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- The facilities, materials and funds of the school are still limited, there isno listening room for foreign language students, students with economicdifficulties, which makes it difficult to support teachers to organize for thestudents I go to practice in economic and tourist areas.

- Children are mostly students in rural areas, do not collide in a languageenvironment, classrooms usually have 40 or more students for an hour of foreignlanguage learning, teachers are difficult to organize give students theopportunity to practice speaking.

- Although teachers have applied a lot of tricks to support teaching hours,using electronic lesson plans at some teaching hours, but in general still have alot of traditional characteristics, have not brought many channels of images tolife for students to practice effectively.

2.2.2 Current situation of students in learning English.

Through observing students' English learning, most students do not haveeffective ways to study, students also learn a way to cope, learn only new words,not create situations to practice with you, without the usual sentence structuresof native speakers, not applying lessons in situations of life just stops on books,during school hours Their learning is limited, and most of them are no interestin learning English.

Lesson method is not scientific, not modern: Learning new words,students often have the habit of learning vocabulary by learning single words,writing and rewriting them many times without having a habit or practice wordsin good context in how to associate with other words This way of learning takesa lot of time, but the effectiveness of memorizing words is very limited, notpromoting thinking, creativity and long-term memory.

In general,most of students don’t choose the active learning method whichaffects the thinking of learning english.

2.3 Sollution to the problem

2.3.1 Nature of teaching method by mind map:

Mind map is a teaching technique of organizing and developing thinkingthat helps learners transfer information into the brain and then be informed outof the brain easily, and also a means of creative and effective writing fruit,expand, deepen and connect ideas, embrace ideas on a wide range.

Teaching by mind map is a solution that contributes to fundamentalreform of general education today The use of mind map in teaching has certainadvantages:

Teaching by mind map helps students easily grasp knowledge, deepenlessons:

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Students easily visualize the lesson: mind map has a lot of images for usto visualize the knowledge to remember This is one of the most importantprinciples of superior memory For the brain, mind map is like a big picture fullof colors, richer colors than a dry, boring lesson This helps students easilyremember the knowledge they have associated with each of the different colorson the mind map.

Creating imagination and imagination in students: On each mind map, theconnection between ideas is very clear Therefore, when learning by studentsthinking diagram, it is easy to imagine the basic knowledge to connect themtogether.

Highlight the focus of knowledge: Instead of simple monotonous words,mind maps allow teachers and students to highlight central ideas by usingcolors, sizes, and images Diversity Moreover, the mind map uses many colorsto make teachers and students use their rich creative imagination to grasp theknowledge to remember in the lesson But this is not just an ordinary colorfulpicture, mind map helps create a theoretical, closely linked picture of what islearned together.

Teaching by mind map helps develop both hemispheres at the same timein students:

Mind maps really help children take advantage of the functions of the leftand right brains while learning This is a learning tool that utilizes the power ofthe whole brain If used properly, it will completely liberate the potential of eachstudent, helping "bloom" new ways of thinking in them.

Methods of applying thinking diagrams in the process of teaching English10.12 th grade in high schools.

2.3.2 Teachers use mind maps to support the teaching process: Use mind maps to teach new lessons:

The teacher gives a keyword to describe the knowledge of the new lessonand asks students to draw a mind map by asking them questions and suggestionsso they can find the characters related to that keyword and complete mind map.Through the mind map, students will understand the lesson knowledge easily.

Example : English 12 (period 1)

When teaching the lesson "Direct instructions and how to guideindirectly", after having students learn the example in section I teach the teachera branch of the mind map on the board to ask students to fill in the concept tograsp , students will fill in "Direct instructions" When the students completethe teacher draw a small branch on the branch of the previous branch andaccompany the question, "How do you think is a direct guide?", Giving students

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a small idea of how to lead continued Part II of the lesson also proceededsimilarly, then went to a complete mind map for the whole lesson So they aremore interested in class and easier to remember.

Trang 9 Students use mind maps to support their learning process:

When Students study independently (alone), use mind maps to supportlearning and developing logical thinking in them:

Students can use their own mind map to support self-study at home: Learnnew lessons first, reinforce and revise knowledge by drawing thinking diagramson paper, paperboard thereby developing ability logical thinking ability,reinforcing deep knowledge, forging skills to record lessons in children.

Students directly work with computers, use Mindmap software, developthe ability to apply information technology, use computers in learning.

English 11 (revision)

Trang 10 Mind map helps students learn actively:

Some research results show that the human brain will deeply understand,remember long and bold what it thinks itself, write and draw in its own languageso the use of mind map Help students learn actively, maximize the potential ofthe brain.

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The students' self-drawing mind map has the advantage of maximizing thecreativity of students, developing the skills of painting and the interests ofstudents, they are free to choose colors (green, red, yellow , purple, ), lines(bold, light, straight, curved ), the children "compose" themselves on eachmind map, clearly showing how to understand and present each student'sknowledge, Moreover, the mind map is designed by the children so they loveand appreciate their "work" So they are more interested in learning.

2.4 Effect of the initiative:

The use of mind map helps teachers innovate teaching methods, helpingstudents actively learn that is one of the practical ways to implement effectiveteaching content - the most important content in five contents of the emulationmovement "Building a friendly and active student school" launched by theMinistry of Education and Training.

Proficient and effective use of mindset diagrams in teaching will bringmany good and encouraging results in students' learning methods and teachingmethods of teachers:

Students learn good learning: increase initiative, create and develop theirlogical and imaginary thinking.

Teachers save time, increase flexibility in lectures, and most importantlyhelp students gain knowledge through a "diagram" that shows the logical,logical links of knowledge.

After a period of application of mind map in renovating teaching methodsin general and innovating teaching methods in English in particular, I initiallysaw positive results:

I was aware of the positive role of the mind map application in supportingthe innovation of teaching methods Use mind map to teach new lessons,reinforce lesson knowledge, synthesize knowledge of chapters and sections.

Students understand the lesson faster, more effectively Most of good andgood students know how to use mind maps to record lessons, synthesizeknowledge of lessons and subjects Some average students know how to usemind maps to reinforce the knowledge of lessons at a simple level For English,students are very excited in the application of mind map to record quickly andeffectively, especially in learning new words and grammar From the desire tolearn English and interested in the subject, they have more polite and civilizedways of communication and behavior They understand more about the goodvalues of studying English well Some giddy students are more focused onlearning.

Ngày đăng: 13/06/2024, 20:21


